-I will not be able to make the build I want to do
-No incentive to play new ships/new build because I can't do what I want to try
-Not playing beyond the usual daily slider push and doff
For example, totally random example, the new Kobali ship. If I can't build it the way I want it, I will not use it, period. Since I will not be able to try the new ship, despite the fact that I want to, because of some arbitrary limitation, I'll find that frustrating, and I won't do any space content.
Seriously? You would not play a specific ship because you cannot use Ability XYZ III and have to use Ability ABC III in it's place?
I'm sorry, but that's just being infantile and foolish...
I can understand people wanting to use certain builds etc, but to out and out refuse to play because they can't is just childish and plays back into the hysterical ravings I've mentioned...
Never try to think in place of others. We are all different. Perhaps you are using the same ship and skill loadout for years, but I'm not.
No, my loadouts change on a regular basis and I use a different loadout for each ship I try, it increases replayability by changing the experience, albeit in a small manner, but every little bit helps...
Though there are indeed a few abilities I prefer to have over others, I'm not going to restrict myself from using a ship simply because I can't use a very specific ability, but, if that's how you want to play your game, I won't tell you otherwise...
I will reiterate I think it's somewhat childish, but that's your prerogative...
Also, I just want to point out how illogical it is to release a half broken system, instead of waiting until it's done. No matter how much you twist the truth, it's half broken, and until it's complete, it will be a problem more than anything else.
I was able to wait years with the old clunky system, I can wait a few more months.
Again, broken implies it does not work... Until such time the entire Boff training system fails to work, it's incomplete, which I stated was indeed rather dumb, there's no denying that, but to say it's 'broken' is incorrect and trying to turn the entire thing into something more than it truely is...
A broken system would stop people playing that aspect of STO entirely because it is unusable... It is broken... It does not work... Missing a few abilities is not broken, it will not stop you using the Boff training system, hence, it is NOT broken... Since abilities will not be available, it is incomplete... Big difference...
But I have to ask, just how much of an impact will it have on your game when you can't train Beam Overload III? Seriously... Stop and think about that question for a moment, and sincerely ask yourself, just how much of an impact will this change have?
Well, I for one am somebody on whose gameplay it'll have an impact. I'm currently fiddling around with my Matha (after a long time of just not bothering with it), just playing around, y'know? Trying different builds and skills etc. And I had set my mind to train in BO 3 and SCV 3 e.g., which won't be possible for a while (for however long this may be). I was just getting back to playing the game a bit more intensely and this is yet another downer right there. Just makes me kinda not want to set any goals for myself anymore, because it's starting to feel that everytime I do this, stuff gets nerfed, deleted, buggy or whatever fun stuff they come up with...really annyoing as hell.
Sure, it's a rather dumb move to push out Boff retraining revamps without all abilities being presently obtainable right away...
And that's the real problem right there. Dumb moves being the new standard move. Releasing bugged, incomplete, half-arsed systems with a whoohoo-attitude it's just not funny anymore. It's getting more ridiculous every day.
Seriously, devs. Tell whoever is pushing you into releasing broken and incomplete stuff to think about that kind of attitude. Because it makes the game look shabby in many ways. I hardly enjoy playing actual content anymore, let alone wouldn't recommend it to any of my friends. I'm still hooked lol, because basically I like the game. But it's getting harder and harder to get myself to login. Which is sad. And most likely not what you'd wanna hear about your game (and your overlords certainly wouldn't like that either). AND. Most certainly not something I feel like paying for with my hard-earned cash. And I've paid a fair share back in the days when I still felt like this was an awesome experience. I don't mind spending money on a game, but it has to feel like a good product, which it just isn't in the current state. F2P still, so I'll stick around, but that's about the only reason. No way in hell I'd play and pay, if it was P2P.
It's your 5th anniversary and I'd really like to congratulate you on that. But it's a kinda akward feeling to congratulate someone with suicidal tendencies...
Just my 2cts...
PS: Kudos for the honesty, devs. But rather be honest to your bosses and tell them to relax and think about stuff like product integrity...
"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
I'm sorry, but that's just being infantile and foolish...
I can understand people wanting to use certain builds etc, but to out and out refuse to play because they can't is just childish and plays back into the hysterical ravings I've mentioned...
And telling others they are childish and "hysterical" (while I wasn't at all) because they play differently than yourself is so mature
Just for example, I did a BO build some months ago, using the 3 pieces tetryon nukara set. The entire point of the build was to try BO alongside the set, and the ship (wells).
A broken system would stop people playing that aspect of STO entirely because it is unusable... It is broken... It does not work... Missing a few abilities is not broken, it will not stop you using the Boff training system, hence, it is NOT broken... Since abilities will not be available, it is incomplete... Big difference...
Training "rare" skill :
Before : works. Clunky, but works.
After : doesn't work at all. No way I can train rare BOFF skill.
Conclusion : broken. If I remove the engine from your car, I can say it's just an incomplete car. You can say it's a broken car. We would be both right, just like now. But yeah, we can fight over a word.
If that's really important for you, it's incomplete.
Well, I for one am somebody on whose gameplay it'll have an impact. I'm currently fiddling around with my Matha (after a long time of just not bothering with it), just playing around, y'know? Trying different builds and skills etc. And I had set my mind to train in BO 3 and SCV 3 e.g., which won't be possible for a while (for however long this may be). I was just getting back to playing the game a bit more intensely and this is yet another downer right there. Just makes me kinda not want to set any goals for myself anymore, because it's starting to feel that everytime I do this, stuff gets nerfed, deleted, buggy or whatever fun stuff they come up with...really annyoing as hell..
This I can definitely appreciate... Frustrating, yes... Game breaking, no however... Which was the crux of the point I was making...
There's always BO II, along with HYT III in your Lt Cmdr slot instead, for example... Might not be ideal, but (without knowing the full build you had in mind) it could work as an interim and you'd likely see little overall difference I'd wager...
And telling others they are childish and "hysterical" (while I wasn't at all) because they play differently than yourself is so mature
Just for example, I did a BO build some months ago, using the 3 pieces tetryon nukara set. The entire point of the build was to try BO alongside the set, and the ship (wells).
Yeah, ok... Refusing to play because you can't use a specific ability in a game the size of STO, is infantile, but your prerogative...
It makes me think of something my young nieces would pull, right before they drop to the floor kicking and screaming up a storm over something trivial...
Training "rare" skill :
Before : works. Clunky, but works.
After : doesn't work at all. No way I can train rare BOFF skill.
Conclusion : broken. If I remove the engine from your car, I can say it's just an incomplete car. You can say it's a broken car. We would be both right, just like now. But yeah, we can fight over a word.
If that's really important for you, it's incomplete.
You're really clutching at straws with that one, and I'll explain how this is an erroneous example you're using..
If Cryptic were to release the Boff Retraining system without the UI to train your boffs, resulting in players being completely unable to train them at all, this would be akin to trying to drive a car without an engine... It would indeed be broken...
Trying to drive a car without a few of the modern conveniences (no aircon or CD player etc) means you are driving an incomplete car, and a closer analogy to the current state of the Boff Retraining system...
It works, it just doesn't have everything you want right now... It's not broken and unplayable, because it works... It's incomplete, there is a difference...
Trying to drive a car without a few of the modern conveniences (no aircon or CD player etc) means you are driving an incomplete car, and a closer analogy to the current state of the Boff Retraining system...
It works, it just doesn't have everything you want right now... It's not broken and unplayable, because it works... It's incomplete, there is a difference...
I really don't wanna get into an argument with you, but just for the lulz:
The analogy I'm seeing here would be re-releasing a car with a CD player that only plays tracks 1-9 until they figure out how to make it play tracks 10-x. And if that wasn't stupid enough, they'd also remove the previous working CD players beforehand.
No one in their right mind would release something like that (in the physical product world, that is)...
"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
I really don't wanna get into an argument with you, but just for the lulz:
The analogy I'm seeing here would be re-releasing a car with a CD player that only plays tracks 1-9 until they figure out how to make it play tracks 10-x. And if that wasn't stupid enough, they'd also remove the previous working CD players beforehand.
No one in their right mind would release something like that (in the physical product world, that is)...
I'm not arguing there at all... In fact, I fully agree and have said as much a few times...
It is a very daft way to update in-game systems... All I can think of as to why this has happened is that the people behind this revamp failed to consider certain Boff abilities were only trainable by Boffs and not from skills...
Why Cryptic insist on releasing changes to a fixed schedule, whether it's ready or not, is beyond me and I wholeheartedly agree, they'd be better off waiting to release such changes, especially large scale changes such as this, until it is indeed 100% ready...
I'm not denying any of this... I'm just challenging the assertion that because it's not perfect right now, it's some how broken and unusable...
I've seen the UI on Tribble, it works as far as I can tell in my meddlings... It's far from broken and a considerable improvement IMO over the current Boff training process...
I'm not denying any of this... I'm just challenging the assertion that because it's not perfect right now, it's some how broken and unusable...
Well, not being able to train those abilities is how it's "some how broken and unusable"...not sure how you can challenge that assertion, when you've laid out the same underlying issue. Sure, you're downplaying it...but whether you think it's just a drizzle and somebody else thinks it's pouring...it's still raining.
Just because it is usable for other things, does not change that it is broken. If you had an old radio with a cassette player, where the cassette player was broken but the radio still worked...the radio still working doesn't change that the cassette player is broken.
Given Cryptic's history with fixing broken things...
What do you expect to happen after the release...the folks that don't follow the forums...and find they can't train something?
Don't worry folks, I'm sure PWE/Cryptic will fix this broken-at-launch BoFF training system with the same lightning speed they displayed when implementing secondary science deflectors!
Don't worry folks, I'm sure PWE/Cryptic will fix this broken-at-launch BoFF training system with the same lightning speed they displayed when implementing secondary science deflectors!
I'm saying it might work ok in a year or so.
My 2 EC is on them selling the manuals either for Zen, Dil, or Lobi...
It's beyond amusing to read over the typically hysterical ravings when ever something gets changed...
Sure, it's a rather dumb move to push out Boff retraining revamps without all abilities being presently obtainable right away...
But I have to ask, just how much of an impact will it have on your game when you can't train Beam Overload III? Seriously... Stop and think about that question for a moment, and sincerely ask yourself, just how much of an impact will this change have?
The way some people are behaving you would think this change is going to destroy the game...
This whole nonsense is just another storm in a teacup on the STO forums, that's going to have next to no impact in-game for the majority of players... Those players who don't look at the forums and realise something's amiss will just adapt to the change and move on like they have with every other recent revamp...
Only here is such a change some game-breaking controversy...
Dude, you're trying to defend the release of something that is incomplete, unfinished, not ready yet. That's way dumber than all the forum rantings combined.
But by now we all know what you're here for given your replies that followed the post i quoted here. So back under the bridge now!
What a load of horse TRIBBLE. I am so sick of seeing game developers and publishers do this kind of mess. Why push something out if it is not complete? I honestly never really complain on game forums ever, but this trend is just really starting to get out of hand across all genera and platforms. It almost seems like they want to put themselves out of business.
FA Janin Delwynn - Fed Tac Officer
FA Dion - Romulan Engineer Officer
FA Zophie Delwynn - Fed Science Officer
The only thing 'broken' to my knowledge is the Bridge Officer Only III trainable abilities will not be trainable when the patch goes live...
It's beyond amusing how many times I see the terms 'hysterical' and 'ravings' together in a post of yours. You'd think there's a pattern. :P
It's not 'broken', it's incomplete... Broken suggests something does not work... When the patch goes live and things then fall in a heap, that's when it's broken...
Riiight. Talk to me again when they sell you a car without an engine, and then wise-TRIBBLE you by saying technically your car is only 'incomplete.' It's broken because it has a missing part. Period. A vital part, btw. Good luck getting that EPtW3 trained.
So posting every ability that will not be trainable, is kinda clutching at straws to make the argument that it's 'broken' seem more legitimate than the claim truly is...
No, the other way around: making the argument that the new boff training system isn't broken because technically Captain training is only missing, now THAT is grasping for straws if I ever saw it!
Add to this Cryptic's record of releasing stuff prematurely, then never ever getting around to finishing up on it any more, and I say: be afraid; be very afraid! To wit, how's that crafting with specific mods coming along?! You know, the kind they actually promised we would have (and which was supposed to be part of the revamped crafting system upon release). Another one of those merely 'incomplete' systems.
And yet I would still be saving time spent going to by starbase to train my boff from beam fire at will to cannon rapid fire each time I wanted to switch from a cruiser to an escort, and then back again.
Originally Posted by imruined View Post
But I have to ask, just how much of an impact will it have on your game when you can't train Beam Overload III? Seriously... Stop and think about that question for a moment, and sincerely ask yourself, just how much of an impact will this change have?
If you bought a car for better mileage and the dealer said this car has great mileage after we add the "safe gas fuel pump thingy which will be added later... and possibly with an additional cost." Would you consider that as working as intended or broken? Yes, this a FTP game, but the real cost is the integrity of the game for sake of monetization. Old abilities are being taken away out of convenience and the "Chief Devs" still expect players to be enthusiastic about throwing more money into a tilted game... tilted in favor of the monetizers instead of the players. Yes, this new system is broken since it does disadvantage the player and limits the players' ability to build as they wish. :rolleyes:
Games may be Free to Play, but no game really plays for free... it takes players to make a game work.
I dont understand that part
Originally Posted by warpdustdev
Rare Boff Abilities - When the system is released it will retrain any Rare Boff Abilities that a Boff had to begin with (so if a player accidentally untrained a rare ability, they will get it back on that Boff).
I once used up a boff to train one of my staff Transfer Shield Strength III. Now what will happen the Transfer Shield Strength III on my staff member? I dont recall or care what he had "to begin with" nor do I remember if it was perhaps rare as well.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
This I can definitely appreciate... Frustrating, yes... Game breaking, no however... Which was the crux of the point I was making...
There's always BO II, along with HYT III in your Lt Cmdr slot instead, for example... Might not be ideal, but (without knowing the full build you had in mind) it could work as an interim and you'd likely see little overall difference I'd wager...
Loot at your ship, Imruined. They are not in the same seats. You have to shift everything downward to accommodate these not being here. It hinders your ship if your ship is not ready to go before this patch. You will be running 1 power less than you could before. The game might not burst into flames but it certainly is not going to help people who have not yet reached a level to use these skills who are already at a tremendous disadvantage.
You are arguing apples and oranges and I do believe you know it. It's broken. Like the guy said above, it's a car with the engine taken out or a wheel or two removed. It's not an incomplete car, it's a broken car. And "affect" and "impact" are the same things also. You are playing semantics and the words you are using mean the same things.
It's beyond amusing to read over the typically hysterical ravings when ever something gets changed...
Sure, it's a rather dumb move to push out Boff retraining revamps without all abilities being presently obtainable right away...
But I have to ask, just how much of an impact will it have on your game when you can't train Beam Overload III? Seriously... Stop and think about that question for a moment, and sincerely ask yourself, just how much of an impact will this change have?
No impact whatsoever if you are a noob and/or very casual.
No impact whatsoever for now if you are a newbie and you still have a long road to walk before getting a pro.
Almost no impact if you are a PvE hero.
Huge impact if you PvP.
No impact anyway to none if you have already trained these rare abilities on that char sometime in the past if I have understood well the notes.
Gosh, can't you negaters at least complain about relevant things?
How are boff powers not relevant? They are the central part of every space and ground build, are they not? The arguments about them make a lot more sense than whatever cheerleading rubbish you are trying to peddle.
Gosh, can't you negaters at least complain about relevant things?
how long is it acceptable to you to not be able to train those skills. A week? Two months? Next year? How long are you willing to wait?
You also need to understand that the system that is "finished" is also buggy at this time. Is it ok that to you that release a new system that is not only not finished but not working?
cryptic needs to HALT this boff release, much as I might want it very much, until it is WHOLLY FUNCTIONAL.
No more half-assed ****, cryptic. You ADMIT it isn't working, and are forcing it out as fast as you can. WTF? STOP
Fix it first then release it. I know this goes against your business model, but learn! Mistakes are repeating nonstop because you won't ever LEARN from them!
I would just like to reiterate the two major problems with this:
1. Players are losing access to abilities that they currently have access to. For example - I keep a lot of BOFFs knowing these rare abilities on hand so I can re-train my current (space trait) BOFFs when necessary. The new system will not feature this capability (I.e., players are losing access to a feature that currently exists), which is not what has been advertised in blogs and promotional materials to date, but was instead snuck into a thread that I guarantee most of the playerbase has not seen. And we have no ETA on when this capability will be restored.
This is different from, say, Secondary Deflectors, because that was a brand-new system that players could never access before. An analog to this would be if, say, the upgrade system cut off at Mk X at launch, and all sources of Mk XI and above gear was removed from the game pending future (undefined) implementation. How absurd would that be?
2. We are not talking about marginal, uncommonly abilities here. Sure, no one should miss BP3, but AtSI3 is arguably the best or second best Cmdr Engineering Space BOFF power in the game, depending on how one feels about DEM3. TBR3, TR3, TS3, and BO3 are also widely-used powers that make (and break) many builds.
And that's without mentioning the Ground powers.
Systems and development should not be rolling out the BOFF revamp in this current, incomplete configuration. It's TRIBBLE-poor design and TRIBBLE-poor customer service, and I'm being critical because I don't want Cryptic to suffer from this terribly flawed decision to roll-out these systems as currently planned.
Systems and development should not be rolling out the BOFF revamp in this current, incomplete configuration. It's TRIBBLE-poor design and TRIBBLE-poor customer service, and I'm being critical because I don't want Cryptic to suffer from this terribly flawed decision to roll-out these systems as currently planned.
Unfortunately, the players have accepted these unfinished systems. I mean we all keep playing the game and apparently spending money so why bother change their ways?
Unfortunately, the players have accepted these unfinished systems. I mean we all keep playing the game and apparently spending money so why bother change their ways?
I stopped spending money long ago + I don't actually play anymore. I log in sometimes to chat with all the friends I made in STO.
The game itself isn't playable atm and is more or less dead.
I stopped spending money long ago + I don't actually play anymore. I log in sometimes to chat with all the friends I made in STO.
The game itself isn't playable atm and is more or less dead.
I haven't spent any money on this game in a long while either, but apparently someone is...
Seriously? You would not play a specific ship because you cannot use Ability XYZ III and have to use Ability ABC III in it's place?
I'm sorry, but that's just being infantile and foolish...
I can understand people wanting to use certain builds etc, but to out and out refuse to play because they can't is just childish and plays back into the hysterical ravings I've mentioned...
No, my loadouts change on a regular basis and I use a different loadout for each ship I try, it increases replayability by changing the experience, albeit in a small manner, but every little bit helps...
Though there are indeed a few abilities I prefer to have over others, I'm not going to restrict myself from using a ship simply because I can't use a very specific ability, but, if that's how you want to play your game, I won't tell you otherwise...
I will reiterate I think it's somewhat childish, but that's your prerogative...
Again, broken implies it does not work... Until such time the entire Boff training system fails to work, it's incomplete, which I stated was indeed rather dumb, there's no denying that, but to say it's 'broken' is incorrect and trying to turn the entire thing into something more than it truely is...
A broken system would stop people playing that aspect of STO entirely because it is unusable... It is broken... It does not work... Missing a few abilities is not broken, it will not stop you using the Boff training system, hence, it is NOT broken... Since abilities will not be available, it is incomplete... Big difference...
Well, I for one am somebody on whose gameplay it'll have an impact. I'm currently fiddling around with my Matha (after a long time of just not bothering with it), just playing around, y'know? Trying different builds and skills etc. And I had set my mind to train in BO 3 and SCV 3 e.g., which won't be possible for a while (for however long this may be). I was just getting back to playing the game a bit more intensely and this is yet another downer right there. Just makes me kinda not want to set any goals for myself anymore, because it's starting to feel that everytime I do this, stuff gets nerfed, deleted, buggy or whatever fun stuff they come up with...really annyoing as hell.
And that's the real problem right there. Dumb moves being the new standard move. Releasing bugged, incomplete, half-arsed systems with a whoohoo-attitude it's just not funny anymore. It's getting more ridiculous every day.
Seriously, devs. Tell whoever is pushing you into releasing broken and incomplete stuff to think about that kind of attitude. Because it makes the game look shabby in many ways. I hardly enjoy playing actual content anymore, let alone wouldn't recommend it to any of my friends. I'm still hooked lol, because basically I like the game. But it's getting harder and harder to get myself to login. Which is sad. And most likely not what you'd wanna hear about your game (and your overlords certainly wouldn't like that either). AND. Most certainly not something I feel like paying for with my hard-earned cash. And I've paid a fair share back in the days when I still felt like this was an awesome experience. I don't mind spending money on a game, but it has to feel like a good product, which it just isn't in the current state. F2P still, so I'll stick around, but that's about the only reason. No way in hell I'd play and pay, if it was P2P.
It's your 5th anniversary and I'd really like to congratulate you on that. But it's a kinda akward feeling to congratulate someone with suicidal tendencies...
Just my 2cts...
PS: Kudos for the honesty, devs. But rather be honest to your bosses and tell them to relax and think about stuff like product integrity...
Just for example, I did a BO build some months ago, using the 3 pieces tetryon nukara set. The entire point of the build was to try BO alongside the set, and the ship (wells). Training "rare" skill :
Before : works. Clunky, but works.
After : doesn't work at all. No way I can train rare BOFF skill.
Conclusion : broken. If I remove the engine from your car, I can say it's just an incomplete car. You can say it's a broken car. We would be both right, just like now. But yeah, we can fight over a word.
If that's really important for you, it's incomplete.
This I can definitely appreciate... Frustrating, yes... Game breaking, no however... Which was the crux of the point I was making...
There's always BO II, along with HYT III in your Lt Cmdr slot instead, for example... Might not be ideal, but (without knowing the full build you had in mind) it could work as an interim and you'd likely see little overall difference I'd wager...
Yeah, ok... Refusing to play because you can't use a specific ability in a game the size of STO, is infantile, but your prerogative...
It makes me think of something my young nieces would pull, right before they drop to the floor kicking and screaming up a storm over something trivial...
You're really clutching at straws with that one, and I'll explain how this is an erroneous example you're using..
If Cryptic were to release the Boff Retraining system without the UI to train your boffs, resulting in players being completely unable to train them at all, this would be akin to trying to drive a car without an engine... It would indeed be broken...
Trying to drive a car without a few of the modern conveniences (no aircon or CD player etc) means you are driving an incomplete car, and a closer analogy to the current state of the Boff Retraining system...
It works, it just doesn't have everything you want right now... It's not broken and unplayable, because it works... It's incomplete, there is a difference...
I really don't wanna get into an argument with you, but just for the lulz:
The analogy I'm seeing here would be re-releasing a car with a CD player that only plays tracks 1-9 until they figure out how to make it play tracks 10-x. And if that wasn't stupid enough, they'd also remove the previous working CD players beforehand.
No one in their right mind would release something like that (in the physical product world, that is)...
I'm not arguing there at all... In fact, I fully agree and have said as much a few times...
It is a very daft way to update in-game systems... All I can think of as to why this has happened is that the people behind this revamp failed to consider certain Boff abilities were only trainable by Boffs and not from skills...
Why Cryptic insist on releasing changes to a fixed schedule, whether it's ready or not, is beyond me and I wholeheartedly agree, they'd be better off waiting to release such changes, especially large scale changes such as this, until it is indeed 100% ready...
I'm not denying any of this... I'm just challenging the assertion that because it's not perfect right now, it's some how broken and unusable...
I've seen the UI on Tribble, it works as far as I can tell in my meddlings... It's far from broken and a considerable improvement IMO over the current Boff training process...
Well, not being able to train those abilities is how it's "some how broken and unusable"...not sure how you can challenge that assertion, when you've laid out the same underlying issue. Sure, you're downplaying it...but whether you think it's just a drizzle and somebody else thinks it's pouring...it's still raining.
Just because it is usable for other things, does not change that it is broken. If you had an old radio with a cassette player, where the cassette player was broken but the radio still worked...the radio still working doesn't change that the cassette player is broken.
Given Cryptic's history with fixing broken things...
What do you expect to happen after the release...the folks that don't follow the forums...and find they can't train something?
I'm saying it might work ok in a year or so.
My 2 EC is on them selling the manuals either for Zen, Dil, or Lobi...
Wellcome to the world of Cryptic, where each day is a day in the Mirror Universe!
Dude, you're trying to defend the release of something that is incomplete, unfinished, not ready yet. That's way dumber than all the forum rantings combined.
But by now we all know what you're here for given your replies that followed the post i quoted here. So back under the bridge now!
FA Dion - Romulan Engineer Officer
FA Zophie Delwynn - Fed Science Officer
It's beyond amusing how many times I see the terms 'hysterical' and 'ravings' together in a post of yours. You'd think there's a pattern. :P
Riiight. Talk to me again when they sell you a car without an engine, and then wise-TRIBBLE you by saying technically your car is only 'incomplete.' It's broken because it has a missing part. Period. A vital part, btw. Good luck getting that EPtW3 trained.
No, the other way around: making the argument that the new boff training system isn't broken because technically Captain training is only missing, now THAT is grasping for straws if I ever saw it!
Add to this Cryptic's record of releasing stuff prematurely, then never ever getting around to finishing up on it any more, and I say: be afraid; be very afraid! To wit, how's that crafting with specific mods coming along?! You know, the kind they actually promised we would have (and which was supposed to be part of the revamped crafting system upon release). Another one of those merely 'incomplete' systems.
I rest my case.
Or in lockboxes. Everything goes into lockboxes.
Aaaand the apologists rush in right on cue.
But I have to ask, just how much of an impact will it have on your game when you can't train Beam Overload III? Seriously... Stop and think about that question for a moment, and sincerely ask yourself, just how much of an impact will this change have?
If you bought a car for better mileage and the dealer said this car has great mileage after we add the "safe gas fuel pump thingy which will be added later... and possibly with an additional cost." Would you consider that as working as intended or broken? Yes, this a FTP game, but the real cost is the integrity of the game for sake of monetization. Old abilities are being taken away out of convenience and the "Chief Devs" still expect players to be enthusiastic about throwing more money into a tilted game... tilted in favor of the monetizers instead of the players. Yes, this new system is broken since it does disadvantage the player and limits the players' ability to build as they wish. :rolleyes:
Games may be Free to Play, but no game really plays for free... it takes players to make a game work.
The game is just unplayable if that happens.
Originally Posted by warpdustdev
Rare Boff Abilities - When the system is released it will retrain any Rare Boff Abilities that a Boff had to begin with (so if a player accidentally untrained a rare ability, they will get it back on that Boff).
I once used up a boff to train one of my staff Transfer Shield Strength III. Now what will happen the Transfer Shield Strength III on my staff member? I dont recall or care what he had "to begin with" nor do I remember if it was perhaps rare as well.
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Loot at your ship, Imruined. They are not in the same seats. You have to shift everything downward to accommodate these not being here. It hinders your ship if your ship is not ready to go before this patch. You will be running 1 power less than you could before. The game might not burst into flames but it certainly is not going to help people who have not yet reached a level to use these skills who are already at a tremendous disadvantage.
You are arguing apples and oranges and I do believe you know it. It's broken. Like the guy said above, it's a car with the engine taken out or a wheel or two removed. It's not an incomplete car, it's a broken car. And "affect" and "impact" are the same things also. You are playing semantics and the words you are using mean the same things.
No impact whatsoever if you are a noob and/or very casual.
No impact whatsoever for now if you are a newbie and you still have a long road to walk before getting a pro.
Almost no impact if you are a PvE hero.
Huge impact if you PvP.
No impact anyway to none if you have already trained these rare abilities on that char sometime in the past if I have understood well the notes.
How are boff powers not relevant? They are the central part of every space and ground build, are they not? The arguments about them make a lot more sense than whatever cheerleading rubbish you are trying to peddle.
how long is it acceptable to you to not be able to train those skills. A week? Two months? Next year? How long are you willing to wait?
You also need to understand that the system that is "finished" is also buggy at this time. Is it ok that to you that release a new system that is not only not finished but not working?
And there are now time and dilith sinks.
Why don't BOFFs simply have all abilities already? Just select the desired skill via drop down menu - done. Could be so easy...
No more half-assed ****, cryptic. You ADMIT it isn't working, and are forcing it out as fast as you can. WTF? STOP
Fix it first then release it. I know this goes against your business model, but learn! Mistakes are repeating nonstop because you won't ever LEARN from them!
1. Players are losing access to abilities that they currently have access to. For example - I keep a lot of BOFFs knowing these rare abilities on hand so I can re-train my current (space trait) BOFFs when necessary. The new system will not feature this capability (I.e., players are losing access to a feature that currently exists), which is not what has been advertised in blogs and promotional materials to date, but was instead snuck into a thread that I guarantee most of the playerbase has not seen. And we have no ETA on when this capability will be restored.
This is different from, say, Secondary Deflectors, because that was a brand-new system that players could never access before. An analog to this would be if, say, the upgrade system cut off at Mk X at launch, and all sources of Mk XI and above gear was removed from the game pending future (undefined) implementation. How absurd would that be?
2. We are not talking about marginal, uncommonly abilities here. Sure, no one should miss BP3, but AtSI3 is arguably the best or second best Cmdr Engineering Space BOFF power in the game, depending on how one feels about DEM3. TBR3, TR3, TS3, and BO3 are also widely-used powers that make (and break) many builds.
And that's without mentioning the Ground powers.
Systems and development should not be rolling out the BOFF revamp in this current, incomplete configuration. It's TRIBBLE-poor design and TRIBBLE-poor customer service, and I'm being critical because I don't want Cryptic to suffer from this terribly flawed decision to roll-out these systems as currently planned.
Unfortunately, the players have accepted these unfinished systems. I mean we all keep playing the game and apparently spending money so why bother change their ways?
I stopped spending money long ago + I don't actually play anymore. I log in sometimes to chat with all the friends I made in STO.
The game itself isn't playable atm and is more or less dead.
I haven't spent any money on this game in a long while either, but apparently someone is...