...So is that a 'Yes, the bridges and interiors have to be used together"?
Anyway, broke down and tried again to get into the game on my personal laptop, still 18897741...
You know what? Come Halloween o' Fourteen, forget "Hearts and Minds", forget 'Bonnie-kin'... All anyone'll have to do is just mention that blasted number and we'll be terrified by the reminder of these long, dark days...
oooooo i SO wish i knew where you live. i would send 5 kids dressed as zombies to chant that number around your house.
or imagine how frekey it would be to start seeing 18897741 grafiti, or just to hear random people whisper it in your ear!
Here we are, 14 days later. This is now officially two weeks since Star Trek Online has crashed for us. Congrats, Cryptic. Just another major FAIL. I guess someone at Cryptic is too busy singing "WINNING".
possibilitiesare a thing of hope,sometimes it drives us toward something better
I'm starting to think I'll never get to play this game ever again. Man, I wanted to have some say in that at the very least.
Idk but so much time has passed since this came up ... It took them what 5 days just to notice it happend and it is almost 2 weeks since the problem came up ?
To those people who just woke up from their sunday-monday sleep:
You dont think the techs have hundreds and again hundreds of reports (of the same problem perhaps) to go through in order to reach a conclusion on what to do? And Im going to make two assumptions:
1. They operate in the USA under normal working hours.
2. They get paid to do their work.
With these - very related - assumptions in mind, is it really realistic to think that they have found the exact errors when they most likely started working 1-3 hours ago?
I imagine they need time to go over all the logs, find the errors, come up with new scripts, compile the new scripts, and release to the masses and hope it works. If it doesnt, repeat procedure.
Bottom line: Relax. The real world (no matter how boring it may be occationally) is still spinning isn't it?
And if you want to waste your time, I can recommend checking the real science behind a possible real future warp drive. I even found a video narrated by Morgan Freeman! It might be speculative, but it's interesting.
I will also recommend learning how to play an instrument, watch some TRIBBLE, study (I know there are procrastinating students hanging here!), make breakfast. Perhaps even all of those things at the same time, there is no end to the possibilities!
To those people who just woke up from their sunday-monday sleep:
You dont think the techs have hundreds and again hundreds of reports (of the same problem perhaps) to go through in order to reach a conclusion on what to do? And Im going to make two assumptions:
1. They operate in the USA under normal working hours.
2. They get paid to do their work.
With these - very related - assumptions in mind, is it really realistic to think that they have found the exact errors when they most likely started working 1-3 hours ago?
I imagine they need time to go over all the logs, find the errors, come up with new scripts, compile the new scripts, and release to the masses and hope it works. If it doesnt, repeat procedure.
Bottom line: Relax. The real world (no matter how boring it may be occationally) is still spinning isn't it?
And if you want to waste your time, I can recommend checking the real science behind a possible real future warp drive. I even found a video narrated by Morgan Freeman! It might be speculative, but it's interesting.
I will also recommend learning how to play an instrument, watch some TRIBBLE, study (I know there are procrastinating students hanging here!), make breakfast. Perhaps even all of those things at the same time, there is no end to the possibilities!
Cryptic knew about the crashes about a month ago and didn't respond or take any actions. Even long time high ranked board menbers warned the Devs about the problems.
This is not the first time something happens, but the first big long lasting crash that affects a broad mass of customers at the same time.
No one said or expected a solution within a few hours, but after 2 weeks of mass crashing and pre-reported mass crashings on the test server, the least thing we could expect is a little involving in the whole thing. And not every 5 days a copy&pasted "we are working on it" message, and not even by one of the Devs personally. There are a lot of intelligent gifted guys out there surely willing to help. But this "no communication" policy they have since LoR isn't very trusting.
And if you want to waste your time, I can recommend checking the real science behind a possible real future warp drive. I even found a video narrated by Morgan Freeman! It might be speculative, but it's interesting.
I will also recommend learning how to play an instrument, watch some TRIBBLE, study (I know there are procrastinating students hanging here!), make breakfast. Perhaps even all of those things at the same time, there is no end to the possibilities!
Link to said video? (I am a procrastinating student, but i study History which is considered by most to be of no use or significance to humanity for the future so meh.... May as well enjoy myself and watch random stuff online!
That SwiftShader thingie helped me to get the Tribble, but not too long afterwards, my graphics card crashed. Another try gave me the same result. The card crashed because it ran out of memory while loading a 1024x1024 2D map... Whatever that may mean.
Congrats to those who found a playable way in.
To those who have to play some other game... It could be worse.
I sincerely hope Cryptic will find a fix for this issue soon, but I'm far of putting any pressure on them. That would only cause them to mess up the fix, which I am sure noone of us would want.
"I came from a time long gone, saw many other times...
But I'm still a mere human."
Vice Admiral Chris Curtiss, Temporal Ambassador
That's it! I've decided to do something with the money my dad sent me for my birthday a few weeks ago. I was thinking of buying an STO disc with a code for some in-game item, or maybe some zen but I think my new idea is better.
Black t-shirt. Printed Star Fleet Delta over left breast. 18897741 in bold print across the middle of the shirt. Nothing else. Wear it out in malls and town centres and just see if ANYONE out there playing STO notices it and smiles.
"...we are far more united and have far more in common with each other than the things that divide us.”
Jo Cox 22.6.1974 - 16.6.2016
Always remember; It's pillage first, THEN plunder!
(as an aside; the special interiors from the DS9 and TOS bundles, are they bound to work only with the Original Series and Belfast bridges or can you use them with other bridges?)
It works on the Sao Paulo, defiant and Fleet Defiant. I haven't tried it on other ships.
Link to said video? (I am a procrastinating student, but i study History which is considered by most to be of no use or significance to humanity for the future so meh.... May as well enjoy myself and watch random stuff online!
Cryptic knew about the crashes about a month ago and didn't respond or take any actions. Even long time high ranked board menbers warned the Devs about the problems.
This is not the first time something happens, but the first big long lasting crash that affects a broad mass of customers at the same time.
No one said or expected a solution within a few hours, but after 2 weeks of mass crashing and pre-reported mass crashings on the test server, the least thing we could expect is a little involving in the whole thing. And not every 5 days a copy&pasted "we are working on it" message, and not even by one of the Devs personally. There are a lot of intelligent gifted guys out there surely willing to help. But this "no communication" policy they have since LoR isn't very trusting.
I am almost perfectly aware of the situation.
And I totally support what you are saying. What I in general criticize is when to say things (not directed to you, your post had a point that is valid at any time and place, others did not. Like I said - What I criticize in general).
Now, to give this post some kind of acctual value (propably someone has written this long before me): Request to the Dev's and/or Tech's (If someone acctually would happen to read this):
Please inform us simple players what is taking so long, and tell us if we can be of any assistance. Like sending PC specs, logs etc that are not already sent in the crashreports.
I am almost perfectly aware of the situation.
And I totally support what you are saying. What I in general criticize is when to say things (not directed to you, your post had a point that is valid at any time and place, others did not. Like I said - What I criticize in general).
Now, to give this post some kind of acctual value (propably someone has written this long before me): Request to the Dev's and/or Tech's (If someone acctually would happen to read this):
Please inform us simple players what is taking so long, and tell us if we can be of any assistance. Like sending PC specs, logs etc that are not already sent in the crashreports.
Maybe it is a psychological thing but I just hate having a problem that I haven't caused, and then beeing kept in suspense.
I don't need long explanations or something but at least they could say why this happened and what caused it.
And like you said, players would surely offer more help than just the common Bug Report.
I wouldnt care if it takes 2 weeks or a month or so, but it would show some respect to talk openly to the players about the current situation.
And then we players would sure show more understanding and respect towards the Devs again.
I don't demand every day reports, they have a lot to do but this silence and not having an open communication to us makes me angry and decimates my trust and respect towards this company.
Let's not forget that Cryptic knew about this major glitch since they started testing Season 8 on the Tribble server. The very fact that this was a known problem and that we are now two weeks after the release of Season 8 and still no fix in sight shows everyone here that Cryptic does not know what the problem is.
Not only do they not know, not only can't they figure it out, but we get very little information, no new updates, along with the false promise that they are working on the problem.
Does anyone actually believe that Cryptic is working on this? No, they are not. They are busy working on the Winter Event, which will undoubtedly be released the first week in December.
Personally, I gave up on expecting Cryptic to fix this problem. It might sound harsh or even sarcastic but I don't think that Cryptic knows what the problem is and that they are having a difficult time trying to find the problem.
possibilitiesare a thing of hope,sometimes it drives us toward something better
Wanted to stop by to let you know that work towards a resolution for those still crashing continues. As updates become available, they will be in the form of potential fixes, and listed in Tribble patch notes. Please keep your eye on this subforum for patch notes.
I'll do my best to update this thread at the same time Tribble notes go live, but as previously mentioned, if I am in a meeting and can't do so at the exact same time, I will update the thread as soon as possible after they go live.
When I launched Neverwinter the loading screen did the exact same thing as it does for the 18897741 error in STO. The bar loaded up to the 3/4ths mark there is a pause and a split second of black screen then a white square box appears in the top left corner and closes and it looked like it was going to crash and give me the same error as it gives when I try to load STO except it loaded and played just fine:D. Odd....
I'm getting the same as the poster above. When loading Neverwinter, it LOOKS like it will crash similar to STO (screen flicker with small grey box in upper left) but instead loads and plays fine
Wanted to stop by to let you know that work towards a resolution for those still crashing continues. As updates become available, they will be in the form of potential fixes, and listed in Tribble patch notes. Please keep your eye on this subforum for patch notes.
I'll do my best to update this thread at the same time Tribble notes go live, but as previously mentioned, if I am in a meeting and can't do so at the exact same time, I will update the thread as soon as possible after they go live.
Thank you for your continued patience,
Brandon =/\=
For players suffering from being unable to launch the game since Season 8, what kind of compensation could those players expect? I'm thinking of the "Free Daily Lobi" which many of us have been unable to acquire due to recent shoddy programming on Cryptic's part.
Bran, any way you can get the programming team to give us a little more information on what they've found out besides 'work towards a resolution for those still crashing continues'? I don't even begin to claim that I might understand the technical aspects of programming (my coding knowledge is limited to work on a C&C Tiberium Sun mod done years ago), but it might help to quell the uprising of the 'magical money-giving elves' (aka 'The Players') that aren't getting in-game...
"If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross; but it's not for the timid." -- Q, TNG: "Q-Who?"
^Words that every player should keep in mind, especially whenever there's a problem with the game...
Wanted to stop by to let you know that work towards a resolution for those still crashing continues. As updates become available, they will be in the form of potential fixes, and listed in Tribble patch notes. Please keep your eye on this subforum for patch notes.
I'll do my best to update this thread at the same time Tribble notes go live, but as previously mentioned, if I am in a meeting and can't do so at the exact same time, I will update the thread as soon as possible after they go live.
Thank you for your continued patience,
Brandon =/\=
Thank you for apologising for all this. Than you for apologizing for the five days of silence and ignoring us during the livestream. Thank you for the offer of compensation over the lost lobi, dil, progress and wasted time.
And thank you for the enlightening and constructive info.
Oh wait. None of those things were present in that post.
Never mind.
Did anyone else see those patronising notices over the past few days telling us to read instruction posts on how to file bug reports? I swear I nearly detonated.
Heres a few helpful tips for you cryptic. Read the tribble posts on major issues, especially if they persist for a month before launch. We tested, we posted in order to help you the lest you can do is read it.
Next time players get screwed out of almost 200 lobi (as well as daily dil, ec and rep earnings) by your breathtaking screwup refund them or give them similar compensation. Extend ongoing sales since you removed the store from the website (for reasons known only to yourselves).
And next time at least do us the courtesy of keeping us in the loop rather than popping your heads round once every five days to spew non-info without the slightest whiff of an actual apology or info on how long it'll be before we can finally use our purchases again.
Got a cat? Have 10 minutes to help someone make the best degree dissertation of all time?
Then please fill out my dissertation survey on feline attachment, it'd be a massive help (-:
For players suffering from being unable to launch the game since Season 8, what kind of compensation could those players expect? I'm thinking of the "Free Daily Lobi" which many of us have been unable to acquire due to recent shoddy programming on Cryptic's part.
*download the latest version of the Armada II FleetOps Mod*
Now im ready to wait another week, without getting frustrated
Admirals Log Stardate....aaaahm....whats today's Stardate?
oooooo i SO wish i knew where you live. i would send 5 kids dressed as zombies to chant that number around your house.
or imagine how frekey it would be to start seeing 18897741 grafiti, or just to hear random people whisper it in your ear!
im thinking of Dr Who's "BAD WOLF"
AWW what good is insanity if you cant share it!?
Dayumn ...
Idk but so much time has passed since this came up ... It took them what 5 days just to notice it happend and it is almost 2 weeks since the problem came up ?
Thats sad ...
For ****s sake.
You dont think the techs have hundreds and again hundreds of reports (of the same problem perhaps) to go through in order to reach a conclusion on what to do? And Im going to make two assumptions:
1. They operate in the USA under normal working hours.
2. They get paid to do their work.
With these - very related - assumptions in mind, is it really realistic to think that they have found the exact errors when they most likely started working 1-3 hours ago?
I imagine they need time to go over all the logs, find the errors, come up with new scripts, compile the new scripts, and release to the masses and hope it works. If it doesnt, repeat procedure.
Bottom line: Relax. The real world (no matter how boring it may be occationally) is still spinning isn't it?
And if you want to waste your time, I can recommend checking the real science behind a possible real future warp drive. I even found a video narrated by Morgan Freeman! It might be speculative, but it's interesting.
I will also recommend learning how to play an instrument, watch some TRIBBLE, study (I know there are procrastinating students hanging here!), make breakfast. Perhaps even all of those things at the same time, there is no end to the possibilities!
Cryptic knew about the crashes about a month ago and didn't respond or take any actions. Even long time high ranked board menbers warned the Devs about the problems.
This is not the first time something happens, but the first big long lasting crash that affects a broad mass of customers at the same time.
No one said or expected a solution within a few hours, but after 2 weeks of mass crashing and pre-reported mass crashings on the test server, the least thing we could expect is a little involving in the whole thing. And not every 5 days a copy&pasted "we are working on it" message, and not even by one of the Devs personally. There are a lot of intelligent gifted guys out there surely willing to help. But this "no communication" policy they have since LoR isn't very trusting.
Link to said video? (I am a procrastinating student, but i study History which is considered by most to be of no use or significance to humanity for the future so meh.... May as well enjoy myself and watch random stuff online!
That SwiftShader thingie helped me to get the Tribble, but not too long afterwards, my graphics card crashed. Another try gave me the same result. The card crashed because it ran out of memory while loading a 1024x1024 2D map...
Congrats to those who found a playable way in.
To those who have to play some other game... It could be worse.
I sincerely hope Cryptic will find a fix for this issue soon, but I'm far of putting any pressure on them. That would only cause them to mess up the fix, which I am sure noone of us would want.
But I'm still a mere human."
Vice Admiral Chris Curtiss, Temporal Ambassador
Black t-shirt. Printed Star Fleet Delta over left breast. 18897741 in bold print across the middle of the shirt. Nothing else. Wear it out in malls and town centres and just see if ANYONE out there playing STO notices it and smiles.
Jo Cox 22.6.1974 - 16.6.2016
It works on the Sao Paulo, defiant and Fleet Defiant. I haven't tried it on other ships.
Fleet leader Nova Elite
Fleet Leader House of Nova elite
Mix of programs regarding warp where I first saw the Freeman clip.
Entire Documentary with Freeman among others (I have not seen the entire documentary myself).
Procrastinate away!
I am almost perfectly aware of the situation.
And I totally support what you are saying.
Now, to give this post some kind of acctual value (propably someone has written this long before me):
Request to the Dev's and/or Tech's (If someone acctually would happen to read this):
Please inform us simple players what is taking so long, and tell us if we can be of any assistance. Like sending PC specs, logs etc that are not already sent in the crashreports.
Anything new to report?
Maybe it is a psychological thing but I just hate having a problem that I haven't caused, and then beeing kept in suspense.
I don't need long explanations or something but at least they could say why this happened and what caused it.
And like you said, players would surely offer more help than just the common Bug Report.
I wouldnt care if it takes 2 weeks or a month or so, but it would show some respect to talk openly to the players about the current situation.
And then we players would sure show more understanding and respect towards the Devs again.
I don't demand every day reports, they have a lot to do but this silence and not having an open communication to us makes me angry and decimates my trust and respect towards this company.
Not only do they not know, not only can't they figure it out, but we get very little information, no new updates, along with the false promise that they are working on the problem.
Does anyone actually believe that Cryptic is working on this? No, they are not. They are busy working on the Winter Event, which will undoubtedly be released the first week in December.
Personally, I gave up on expecting Cryptic to fix this problem. It might sound harsh or even sarcastic but I don't think that Cryptic knows what the problem is and that they are having a difficult time trying to find the problem.
Wanted to stop by to let you know that work towards a resolution for those still crashing continues. As updates become available, they will be in the form of potential fixes, and listed in Tribble patch notes. Please keep your eye on this subforum for patch notes.
I'll do my best to update this thread at the same time Tribble notes go live, but as previously mentioned, if I am in a meeting and can't do so at the exact same time, I will update the thread as soon as possible after they go live.
Thank you for your continued patience,
Brandon =/\=
For players suffering from being unable to launch the game since Season 8, what kind of compensation could those players expect? I'm thinking of the "Free Daily Lobi" which many of us have been unable to acquire due to recent shoddy programming on Cryptic's part.
^Words that every player should keep in mind, especially whenever there's a problem with the game...
Thank you for apologising for all this. Than you for apologizing for the five days of silence and ignoring us during the livestream. Thank you for the offer of compensation over the lost lobi, dil, progress and wasted time.
And thank you for the enlightening and constructive info.
Oh wait. None of those things were present in that post.
Never mind.
Did anyone else see those patronising notices over the past few days telling us to read instruction posts on how to file bug reports? I swear I nearly detonated.
Heres a few helpful tips for you cryptic. Read the tribble posts on major issues, especially if they persist for a month before launch. We tested, we posted in order to help you the lest you can do is read it.
Next time players get screwed out of almost 200 lobi (as well as daily dil, ec and rep earnings) by your breathtaking screwup refund them or give them similar compensation. Extend ongoing sales since you removed the store from the website (for reasons known only to yourselves).
And next time at least do us the courtesy of keeping us in the loop rather than popping your heads round once every five days to spew non-info without the slightest whiff of an actual apology or info on how long it'll be before we can finally use our purchases again.
Then please fill out my dissertation survey on feline attachment, it'd be a massive help (-:
It does look like a cut & paste job :rolleyes: