I too am losing out on Dily, Lobi and filling out the rest of my Boffs with Jem'hadar armor sets (as well as getting the second part of the obelisk carrier set and some rare AP beam arrays for my level 50's).
My point is that a complete rollback maybe in order for Season 8. Something serious has changed in the game preventing people from logging into the game. I am going to try a clean reininstall tonight and see if that changes anything (I, too, tried to log into the new season 8 while the server was down. Perhaps it corrupted a file or something).
what are people running for OS? I'm XP 32-bit
there is a very wide range of OS being crashed... from WIN XP (my OS to) to Win VISTA and Win7...
EDIT: sorry for the double... wasnt intended... just bad timing...
Day three. Still crashes to desktop just before the character loading screen. I have "Material files reloaded" at the bottom of the LoR loading screen. Crash report ticket # 25316319.
I can deal with the lost lobi and expired master key sale that I assume nobody cares we're missing out on. I can deal with playing the new content at a later time whenever (if) this gets fixed. However, the Solanae tribble availability expires in a week and tomorrow will be day four of this problem. If this isn't resolved before the tribble becomes unavailable, I would hope that it's availability would be extended to allow us that are effectively locked out of the game to claim it?
It's just a tribble, but it's the principle of the matter. We are locked out due to a programming error/oversight on your end that we told you about a month ago. If we are not allowed an opportunity to claim it, that will snub your playerbase that cannot get into the game. We still have a week and I hope it's resolved by then, but just putting it out there.
"General Server Stability" means they are bolting the servers to the floor, right? Wouldn't you be upset if Branflakes were to go stumbling into the server room, knock a rack over, and bring the game down for a DAY? SO, they aren't scrwing it up, they are bolting it down.
and you sir actually arent helping anyone with this thinking...
if youre quitting... farewell to you then...
but theres no need for cheap sarcasm...leave this one to me man!!!:cool:
What is there to help?
Some people just don't get it. We went through the same thing in Oct. It's not our fault, it's theirs. Reinstalling over and over again doesn't do anyting, it's just a waste of time. They even told you it's their fault and they're working on a solution. Nothing you can do can fix their code.
More depressing still, we are mostly just the same people as were hit by the 10/3/13 patch bug etc. I was able to fix my pc that time myself with a newer "borrowed" graphics card... but here again we are...
That part actually made me think...
I'm running triple monitors, I HAVE a second (older) nvidia already in the machine!
(Completely forgetting once again, that it's not our machines with the problem,
but sto'c...).
But a little 2 minute check of that also yielded the same error.
(gt-630 & 9500gt).
Steve@SCCreations - Fleet General - Persistent OfficerTitle & Accolade Deceiver's Lair Fleet
What is there to help?
Some people just don't get it. We went through the same thing in Oct. It's not our fault, it's theirs. Reinstalling over and over again doesn't do anyting, it's just a waste of time. They even told you it's their fault and they're working on a solution. Nothing you can do can fix their code.
still, making a ragestorm on the thread dont change anything.:cool:
so... chill out, grab a good book, make a count of 10, breath slowly, close your eyes and pray to friday be the day:cool:
Hey gang, I checked Branflake's Twitter Page and as of 2 hours ago, there is still no solution but ETA is ASAP and he will post in the thread as soon as he has news for us.
I have been watching the tweets about game and to see if they have any info on a patch... i see post of ppl doing fun things in game and they laugh and joke and here we sit down in a hole waiting for them to let us in...
More depressing still, we are mostly just the same people as were hit by the 10/3/13 patch bug etc. I was able to fix my pc that time myself with a newer "borrowed" graphics card... but here again we are... not our fault, but yet we get to lose out...and no word from anyone... how is it that this is a bug report thread if they don't even check in with tips, hopes, goodwill, just anything really!
Would it really hurt so much to hold up on the tweets to at least come say "Hi, we are still working on it... nothing new to report just thought to keep you updated cause we feel bad your not here to enjoy the game with us."
They build a thread for maintenance issues and here we sit trying to stay up beat and trying to be patient, and yet not a word of report today. I mean come on 3 days this month 7 days last month... almost lost half a months sub all told for those who pay to play. I know big company big game. big problems... i'm not asking for a quick fix unless its possible but still we are faithful players with feelings also. I'm really glad ppl are in game but come on don't we deserve a little respect down here in the hole we keep trying to fix or help fix things. isn't that at least worth something?
Please fix our problems... most of us have done this all b4 we don't like being left out and the lack of info or at least consideration... in the words of an earlier poster... we feel like leper's singled out from the rest of the sto players.
I appreciate the work people are doing but just please get it fixed asap...and in the meantime don't forget we are here!
Was thinking of u wondering if I would see u here I remember u borrowing a graphics card from was it ur brother in law or friend and u said that worked for u.
I too am losing out on Dily, Lobi and filling out the rest of my Boffs with Jem'hadar armor sets (as well as getting the second part of the obelisk carrier set and some rare AP beam arrays for my level 50's).
My point is that a complete rollback maybe in order for Season 8. Something serious has changed in the game preventing people from logging into the game. I am going to try a clean reininstall tonight and see if that changes anything (I, too, tried to log into the new season 8 while the server was down. Perhaps it corrupted a file or something).
what are people running for OS? I'm XP 32-bit
A rollback is not an option for cryptic. I had first suggested that on the crash of 10-03-13. And they said no rolling back. That what Brandon said.
*Stands up and raises my hand: I am a crash victom and still am. But
Thing ya have to remember is these guys workin on the problem are human too. Not perfect, although we wish. I appreciate all the work that's gone into this game, the consistant upgrades, the consistant maintenance to keep the server working best that it can and the effort they put forth in trying to keep it exciting and eventfull for everyone. I harbor no anger towards the the bug/glitch/error what ever ya wanna call it.
I like one thing that I've seen before, before you you expect someone to be perfect look in the mirror first and don't expect any more then you see. Course I'm sure some could think they are however its just not possible.
Re-quoting myself as, unfortunately, it also applies to our maintenance for tomorrow morning:
NOTE: While we will be doing maintenance tonight, a resolution is not available yet, thus the issue can't be resolved in tonight's patch. I apologize, but I at least wanted to continue keeping you in the loop.
I appreciate your continued patience, and please know that we want to get you back in-game ASAP. It's our top priority, and the team that is able to work on a resolution is working as hard as possible to do so.
This is the latest update for now, and I will post to the thread once more updates are available.
Re-quoting myself as, unfortunately, it also applies to our maintenance for tomorrow morning:
This is the latest update for now, and I will post to the thread once more updates are available.
Brandon =/\=
I feel really bad for you Bran as well as the team working on this. It must be frustrating to be in those shoes right now.
AT the very least, can you give us word on at least if they know WHERE the problem is or what all the ticket #s mean? Also, is there a chance that those of us affected are going to be compensated for this in any way (no matter how small)?
Thanks Bran, and Thanks a second time for putting up with us.
It's all my pleasure, but it's not about "putting up with". I have been playing STO since Closed Beta, well before working here, and deeply love STO as a player and as a Community Manager. I can empathize with each of you that is affected as I would be devastated if I were unable to get in-game, especially right when we've put out a brand-new season.
Personal story time. There was a time when I was unable to get in the game several years ago for a couple weeks (my own issue, not game related), and it was frustrating because I loved being able to jump into the game to play with friends and fleetmates. I used it as my escape from the real world, and as a huge Star Trek fan, I played as much as I could (I still do, usually a couple hours a night). Those couple weeks were some of the longest weeks ever. I am hopeful that you won't be out as long as I was, but I am being honest when I say that the team that can work on this issue is working their hardest.
I've said it before, but I appreciate the patience the majority of you are showing. We'll continue working on this, and I hope to see you all back in-game as soon as possible.
It's all my pleasure, but it's not about "putting up with". I have been playing STO since Closed Beta, well before working here, and deeply love STO as a player and as a Community Manager. I can empathize with each of you that is affected as I would be devastated if I were unable to get in-game, especially right when we've put out a brand-new season.
Personal story time. There was a time when I was unable to get in the game several years ago for a couple weeks (my own issue, not game related), and it was frustrating because I loved being able to jump into the game to play with friends and fleetmates. I used it as my escape from the real world, and as a huge Star Trek fan, I played as much as I could (I still do, usually a couple hours a night). Those couple weeks were some of the longest weeks ever. I am hopeful that you won't be out as long as I was, but I am being honest when I say that the team that can work on this issue is working their hardest.
I've said it before, but I appreciate the patience the majority of you are showing. We'll continue working on this, and I hope to see you all back in-game as soon as possible.
Brandon =/\=
Hey, we know you and them are working hard. Would it be possible maybe to just toss out the DirectX or whatever they are using to work with Graphics Processors for a previous version hookup?
Season 8 sucks. It consists of watching a load screen, then my desktop. This game reminds me of something else... oh yeah rebooting my computer. So I have a 'game' that takes ~10gb to mimic rebooting my PC. Wait! What!?!?!
So now the key sale has gone by. I sure hope Cryptic lost a bunch of money due to people not being able to actually play the game to buy them. Soon (7 days) the Season 8 tribble will disappear from the C-Store as well. (Why, when the other season rewards remain? Oh right, so they can 'sell' it in the C-Store to those who missed out on it. IDIC tribble anyone? That means nearly everyone in this thread is a potential sale.) I won't even bring up missing 15 lobi a day as well as not being able to get the FE rewards. Oops I just brought that up too.
I feel a little bad for the LTS experiencing this. But it's far worse for Gold subscribers. They're losing time off their subscriptions every day this isn't fixed. Makes me ask the question, if someone bought a gold sub the day before S8, and this thing isn't fixed for the 30 days of the sub, will they be reimbursed? I highly doubt it given the track record I've seen here. Even at a fast food restaurant if they mess up your order you can go to the manager and let him/her know and he/she will fix it. And usually add a little something to 'make it right' so he/she has a better chance of retaining you as a customer. But these guys know they have you by the short hairs. They have the license to the Star Trek brand, and if you want to play Star Trek this is the only show in town.
Want to know why they seem to be dragging their feet? Because only a relatively small number of players are experiencing a problem. You aren't a monetary loss to them. You do not matter. LTS? no problem, they already have your Dong (₫). Gold? again, they already have your Dong (₫). Silver? You aren't even considered. It's all about the Dong (₫). And everyone knows Cryptic likes their Dong (₫)!
This wouldn't be bad except we just went through this with the last big update
Cryptic Screen crashes around 75% mark - and last time it took them a week to fix
Then they put out specials that no one can get to because the system crashes
This Time I went as far as to fully dump my system and reload everything from OS down
to include a fresh copy of STO - Just to make sure there was no problems on my system
It seems that they work things like where I work - Lets push it out and see how many people are affected and maybe fix it when we get around to it
yes i did it was an older nividia had raedon b4 but now the nividia gives me the same ticket error... thankfully my forgetfulness makes me write things down with the dates... so disappointed we are back here again my friend... *sigh*
on another note i was going to buy the LTS, when i went to check on it the price was the same as it had been for months ... i said TRIBBLE that sort of sale and didn't get it... i am so very happy i didn't do it.... even though they had failed to update the price on the page and i wasn't aware of it. I like to think it was devine intervention... the luck of the irish... karma having my back... nymphs playing pranks ... whatever it was it was a good thing I didn't buy in for a lifetime of this kind of thing lol! Now i am very well decided i will not get it... not worth it for one when the game won't let me in for a week out of each month... in fact i'm pretty sure I am done with it altogether after this.... i just can't take the disappointments any longer... pft lost a few months few dollars lots of good times with friends paid that back... but this is totally unbelievable 2 months in a row.. 3 strikes i'm out!
Proud Member of the Order of persistence, Chief of Investigations"Persistent Officer"since 11/12/13...:P 600 strong and growing...all phages, vidians, other outcasts welcome, note: all new members BYOC (bring your own chair) please and thank you! Five time winner in 1st and 2nd annual last 500 tied for top 2000 @halfpint71ky
well since loading with arc absolutly nothing happens when i enter m,y name and password and hit login seriously guys what are you doing to this game?? i cant even get to the loading screen anymore. i havent been able to play this game since the loading screen fiasco. whats going on?????
ok, it looks like there is no getting around it. so far iv tried steam and ark. did drivers, installed and tried on linux, then vista laptop.
others have re-installed windows. tryed other graphics cards. rolled back drivers, some have even tried making their own patches. its been tried on vista, xp, 7, ubuntu and linux mint.
one guy even tryed hacking. im afraid to say quite simply
(im having one last try, im going to try and old pc i have in storage then im giving up)
there is a very wide range of OS being crashed... from WIN XP (my OS to) to Win VISTA and Win7...
EDIT: sorry for the double... wasnt intended... just bad timing...
spocked thumb face...
You should see my Bio for Ren. lol
Fleet leader Nova Elite
Fleet Leader House of Nova elite
in but hope and that tomorrow (15-11-13) is an update
I can deal with the lost lobi and expired master key sale that I assume nobody cares we're missing out on. I can deal with playing the new content at a later time whenever (if) this gets fixed. However, the Solanae tribble availability expires in a week and tomorrow will be day four of this problem. If this isn't resolved before the tribble becomes unavailable, I would hope that it's availability would be extended to allow us that are effectively locked out of the game to claim it?
It's just a tribble, but it's the principle of the matter. We are locked out due to a programming error/oversight on your end that we told you about a month ago. If we are not allowed an opportunity to claim it, that will snub your playerbase that cannot get into the game. We still have a week and I hope it's resolved by then, but just putting it out there.
What is there to help?
Some people just don't get it. We went through the same thing in Oct. It's not our fault, it's theirs. Reinstalling over and over again doesn't do anyting, it's just a waste of time. They even told you it's their fault and they're working on a solution. Nothing you can do can fix their code.
EDIT: Hey Branflakes, what's the word so far from the team?
That part actually made me think...
I'm running triple monitors, I HAVE a second (older) nvidia already in the machine!
(Completely forgetting once again, that it's not our machines with the problem,
but sto'c...).
But a little 2 minute check of that also yielded the same error.
(gt-630 & 9500gt).
Deceiver's Lair Fleet
still, making a ragestorm on the thread dont change anything.:cool:
so... chill out, grab a good book, make a count of 10, breath slowly, close your eyes and pray to friday be the day:cool:
spocked thumb face...
Commanding Officer
Federation One
Was thinking of u wondering if I would see u here I remember u borrowing a graphics card from was it ur brother in law or friend and u said that worked for u.
A rollback is not an option for cryptic. I had first suggested that on the crash of 10-03-13. And they said no rolling back. That what Brandon said.
Thing ya have to remember is these guys workin on the problem are human too. Not perfect, although we wish. I appreciate all the work that's gone into this game, the consistant upgrades, the consistant maintenance to keep the server working best that it can and the effort they put forth in trying to keep it exciting and eventfull for everyone. I harbor no anger towards the the bug/glitch/error what ever ya wanna call it.
I like one thing that I've seen before, before you you expect someone to be perfect look in the mirror first and don't expect any more then you see. Course I'm sure some could think they are however its just not possible.
Appreciate the STO team people.
Commanding Officer
Federation One
*sigh* Maybe they will get lucky between now and tomorrow and stumble upon something.
This is the latest update for now, and I will post to the thread once more updates are available.
Brandon =/\=
For all you doom sayers look at brandon's post it shows that they have not forgotten the rest of us
Fleet leader Nova Elite
Fleet Leader House of Nova elite
I feel really bad for you Bran as well as the team working on this.
AT the very least, can you give us word on at least if they know WHERE the problem is or what all the ticket #s mean? Also, is there a chance that those of us affected are going to be compensated for this in any way (no matter how small)?
It's all my pleasure, but it's not about "putting up with". I have been playing STO since Closed Beta, well before working here, and deeply love STO as a player and as a Community Manager. I can empathize with each of you that is affected as I would be devastated if I were unable to get in-game, especially right when we've put out a brand-new season.
Personal story time. There was a time when I was unable to get in the game several years ago for a couple weeks (my own issue, not game related), and it was frustrating because I loved being able to jump into the game to play with friends and fleetmates. I used it as my escape from the real world, and as a huge Star Trek fan, I played as much as I could (I still do, usually a couple hours a night). Those couple weeks were some of the longest weeks ever. I am hopeful that you won't be out as long as I was, but I am being honest when I say that the team that can work on this issue is working their hardest.
I've said it before, but I appreciate the patience the majority of you are showing. We'll continue working on this, and I hope to see you all back in-game as soon as possible.
Brandon =/\=
Hey, we know you and them are working hard. Would it be possible maybe to just toss out the DirectX or whatever they are using to work with Graphics Processors for a previous version hookup?
This wouldn't be bad except we just went through this with the last big update
Cryptic Screen crashes around 75% mark - and last time it took them a week to fix
Then they put out specials that no one can get to because the system crashes
This Time I went as far as to fully dump my system and reload everything from OS down
to include a fresh copy of STO - Just to make sure there was no problems on my system
It seems that they work things like where I work - Lets push it out and see how many people are affected and maybe fix it when we get around to it
on another note i was going to buy the LTS, when i went to check on it the price was the same as it had been for months ... i said TRIBBLE that sort of sale and didn't get it... i am so very happy i didn't do it.... even though they had failed to update the price on the page and i wasn't aware of it. I like to think it was devine intervention... the luck of the irish... karma having my back... nymphs playing pranks ... whatever it was it was a good thing I didn't buy in for a lifetime of this kind of thing lol! Now i am very well decided i will not get it... not worth it for one when the game won't let me in for a week out of each month... in fact i'm pretty sure I am done with it altogether after this.... i just can't take the disappointments any longer... pft lost a few months few dollars lots of good times with friends paid that back... but this is totally unbelievable 2 months in a row.. 3 strikes i'm out!
others have re-installed windows. tryed other graphics cards. rolled back drivers, some have even tried making their own patches. its been tried on vista, xp, 7, ubuntu and linux mint.
one guy even tryed hacking. im afraid to say quite simply
(im having one last try, im going to try and old pc i have in storage then im giving up)