If you could make or modify your ideal ship, what would it be?
I would make a Dreadnaught Destroyer, similar to the Jem'Hadar carrier but bigger with 4 hanger bays that hold 6 pets each in addition to the 2 you get and and fighter ship, a stronger hull and superior base stats that give it more damage.
I'd remove the ship traits and mastery, returning everything to just the same base as normal T5. Then sit back with some popcorn and enjoy the it, while watching the screaming and gnashing of teeth from the players.
Oh, but it is vague and incomplete. I suggest changing it. Something like, "If you could...complete a thread title you would avoid moderation." Or you know, something more appropriate to your OP. Thanks.
Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator and Resident She-Wolf
Community Moderators are Unpaid Volunteers and NOT Employees of Gearbox/Cryptic
Views and Opinions May Not Reflect the Views and Opinions of Gearbox/Cryptic
Have my 26th century Temporal Heavy Dreadnoughts actually have more weapon hard-points than an escort.
The above has been my only gripe about STO since its inception. The lack of hard point restrictions based on ship type/class. T6 should mean more bridge / module slots, not Starbase level of fire power. Talk about popcorn, we'd really see it if they made a change like that. Here's hoping that an eventual STO2 does it right.
Bonus Power:
+10 Auxiliary power
+10 Weapons Power
Bridge Officers:
Ensign Tactical
Lieutenant Universal - Intelligence or Pilot
Lieutenant Engineering
Lieutenant Commander Science - Miracle worker or Temporal Operative
Commander Science
Weapons:Fore 4 Aft 3
Type-specific slot: Secondary Deflector
Device slots:3
Console tac 3
Console eng 3
Console sci 5
A.S.A.T Control
Subsystem Targeting
Sensor Analysis
I - Precise Weapon Systems: +5 Accuracy Rating.
II - Enhanced Particle Generators: +15% Damage to Exotic Damage abilities.
III - Enhanced Restorative Circuitry: Improves Hull healing abilities by 10%. Improves Shield healing abilities by 10%.
IV - Reactive Shield Technology: 5% Shield Regeneration every 6 seconds. Reduces Damage to Shields by 5%.
V - Over Analyze: Increased Effectiveness of Sensor Analysis, increasing the number of stacks gained.
When targeting allies, the ability becomes a healing buff that grants a 5% buff to all heals, shield & hull, per stack; the maximum amount that one player can grant is +50% (5% x 10 stacks). (Note: you cannot target yourself)
Against enemies, the ability becomes a two-fold debuff. With every stack, your target receives +5% bonus damage & power drain (meaning they get a damage resistance debuff and energy drain resistance debuff); the maximum value is +50% (5% x 10 stacks). When the enemy target reaches 10 stack maximum, they also receive an additional 50% healing reduction to all of their incoming heals.
(Note: Normal amount of stacks is 6, or +30%)
[Console - Universal - A.S.A.T. Control]
+10 Drain
+10 Control
The Advanced Spectral Analysis Targeting Control was developed to increase the effectiveness of targeting the power systems of another ship. When used the system will autotarget the targets subsystems, attacking them at random, and providing a small amount of power to you Auxilary system(+5 Bonus Power for 10 seconds)
(This use of the console works with Beam: Fire at Will or Beam Overload)
When used in conjunction with a Subsystem Targeting skill, the system provide an improved chance of knocking that subsystem offline. If a system is knocked offline while the A.S.A.T. is active, it will provide a small amount of power stolen from the target to the approriate subsystem(+15 Bonus power to targeted subsystem for 10 seconds)
(This use of it will put BFAW and BO on global cd, like using SST normally would)
I would take the D’Deridex and give it a 5 front and 3 rear layout for weapons and change how the quad cannons look. Currently, the quad cannons fire in one horizontal plane off the top portion of the ship. It would look much better firing two from the top and two from the bottom. I’ve been able to get a decent turn rate out of it, but a better base turn rate would be appreciated. I’ve had to use a lot of slots for Traits and consoles to get that turn rate up. It has forced me to use consoles that I normally wouldn’t use. Maybe that’s not a bad thing after all.
The Intrepid/Pathfinder seems slow and the turn rate sucks as well. The ship should be more agile and quicker due to its size. A Dominion war variant with more of a tactical emphasis would be fun. Same goes for a Dominion war variant of the Nebula class.
I would like to see more evasive manuevers options for all ships. Instead of more speed, give the ship an acrobatic maneuver like the pilot specialization that boosts your defense way up. There’s plenty of opportunity to do some cool things with that
Forum police, lol.
It's not vague nor incomplete. I'm simply asking what kind of ship you would design if you could.
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^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
The above has been my only gripe about STO since its inception. The lack of hard point restrictions based on ship type/class. T6 should mean more bridge / module slots, not Starbase level of fire power. Talk about popcorn, we'd really see it if they made a change like that. Here's hoping that an eventual STO2 does it right.
Currently, the quad cannons fire in one horizontal plane off the top portion of the ship. It would look much better firing two from the top and two from the bottom. I’ve been able to get a decent turn rate out of it, but a better base turn rate would be appreciated. I’ve had to use a lot of slots for Traits and consoles to get that turn rate up. It has forced me to use consoles that I normally wouldn’t use. Maybe that’s not a bad thing after all.
The Intrepid/Pathfinder seems slow and the turn rate sucks as well. The ship should be more agile and quicker due to its size. A Dominion war variant with more of a tactical emphasis would be fun. Same goes for a Dominion war variant of the Nebula class.
I would like to see more evasive manuevers options for all ships. Instead of more speed, give the ship an acrobatic maneuver like the pilot specialization that boosts your defense way up. There’s plenty of opportunity to do some cool things with that