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dStahl Talks Voyager



  • garymarx87garymarx87 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Why not utilize transwarp? A small fleet of Engineers could have traveled there at slipstream and built a hub near the Talaxian colony where Nelix lives. He could be the main contact for missions in the Delta Quadrant. The fleet could have members from each faction. All factions could agree to a treaty stating that no territory shall be claimed in the Delta Quadrant. Factions could only ally themselves with native species. The Talaxian Colony could be its own neutral zone.
  • pweistheworstpweistheworst Member Posts: 986 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I'd MUCH rather see the Vaadwaur race from Voyager's "Dragon's Teeth" episode instead of the Devore Imperium.

    The Vaadwaur had outdated ships because they were stuck in stasis for 900 years, but they are warriors from what was formerly a great empire with a grudge against the Federation (thanks to Voyager).

    Plus the Vaadwaur's subspace tunnels could be turned into a cool enemy element in the game ... instead of a cloaking ship you have a ship that opens a subspace tunnel, enters it, vanishes, then the tunnel opens up behind you and the Vaadwaur ship pops out and starts firing.

    Yes, similar to the teleport/jump effect we saw from the Elachi, but it could be cool.

    Anyway ... I have serious doubts the devs are going to take any suggestions from this poll or the related posts in this thread.
    In the immortal words of Captain Sisko: "It may not be what you believe, but that doesn't make it wrong."

    Don't believe the lies in this forum. I am NOT an ARC user. I play STO on Steam or not at all.
  • timelord79timelord79 Member Posts: 1,852 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    This runs the risk of being to similar to cluster exploration but how about using the Barzan wormhole to explore the Delta Quadrant.

    The catch is the delta terminus jumps aroudn erraticly...

    A player doesn't know where he ends up when he flies through and gets a random area to explore and complete a number of missions in but is on a timer to do that,.
    If he can't complete all objectives before the timer is up, a cutscene plays that aborts all missions in progress and returns the player to the alpha quadrant so he doesn't miss the wormhole jumping away and leave him stranded.
  • vadavianthulevadavianthule Member Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I voted kazon because they hate the feds with so much passion it would be great to see hundreds of fed character's descending on there space. The rest seem irrelevant, a load of space bin men, a bunch of telepathic haters (I didnt say racists), the vidians er didnt we cure them, proberly been assimilated by the borg now any way and the krenim, what a great idea if the weapon-ship hadn't been destroyed by*Captain Janeway*and Voyager, restoring the Krenim to a moderate power in dispute with other races around them. Im that bored with current sectors just put me in my oddy and hurle me in to a random area of the quadrant like voyager. That sounds fun. Oh and won't the voth be on the fed side? Thought they are an advanced religious group who for the fed sake I hope are not going to be an aggressive encounter. With the ability to beam whole ships with there shields raised and dissable ship wide systems, I mean, they could scan me from 90 light years away that takes the TRIBBLE when i have to be within 10km to shoot ffs!. the fed and kdf have not come that far yet despite being able to pop a cube on my own!.
    Fleet Admiral Davian Thule.
    Kobayashi Crew.
  • typlixomtyplixom Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    How about focus on fixing all the major bugs instead?
  • xiaoping88xiaoping88 Member Posts: 1,493 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    derrico1 wrote: »
    the malon would be cool constintly stopping us to search our ships great way to add interior function to our ships ...

    The guys stopping people are the Devore.
    Reality is an illusion.
    The universe is a hologram.
    Buy gold!
  • kpg1usakpg1usa Member Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    STO Team,

    OK, here are my thoughts:

    How to get to the Delta Quadrant:

    1. Take Adm. Janeway's subspace corridor from the series finale to the corner of the Delta quadrant map that is closest to the Alpha quadrant.
    2. Take the Barzan Wormhole to a random spot in the Delta Quadrant


    This would be a great opportunity to start a new game server. Players who transfer a character to the Delta Quadrant have to stay there some amount of time, say, at least 1 or 24 hours, before they can return to the Alpha Quadrant. You could do data sync once every twenty four hours between the two server clusters.

    Territorial Control:
    This is a good map to experiment w/ territorial control. Personnally, I'm not sure of this concept yet, but I hear it's popular around the Net.
    1. Fed v. KDF
    2. Fleet v. Fleet
    3. Alpha Quadrant forces v. Delta Quadrant forces

    As the Feds are far from home, there should not be a lot of Fed technology available from vendors in the Delta Quadrant. Maybe only Vesta, Intrepid, and Rhode Island starships, and Delta Flyer and basic shuttlecraft only. Maybe the Delta Quadrant exchange only works w/ other Captain's Delta Quadrant characters, so you can't buy stuff from the Alpha Quadrant via the Exchange. Also, some Delta Quad vendors could refuse to sell to the Feds OCCASIONALLY, i.e a Kazon vendor saying "Not today Federation, I remember what Janeway did to my people. Come back when I've cooled off (at the pub)."

    The Delta Quadrant sector map could have some navigational hazards that you can only avoid by ACTIVELY steering AWAY from.
    1. Malon Toxic Waste - affects shields and crew health
    2. Phage infected ships - affects crew health
    3. Devore checkpoints - bores STO user to death! (comedic interlude)
    4. Krenim Temporal Adjustments - Random effects

    Weapons Sets/Ship Sets
    1. Hirogen Sets (I have a Trill captain just dying to fight the Hirogen, her name's Jadzia, she died & she got better.)
    2. Krenim Imperial Temporal Warships & Weapons Sets (Oh Zod, YES! We're gonna put our boot up your axx!)

    1. Krenim Imperium
    2. Voth
    3. Vaadwaur = Delta Quadrant version of the Cardassians (Who oppresses better?)
    4. Kazon = Delta Quadrant version of the Orions (though slightly incompetent)
    5. Hirogen (Turn it UP! Bring it ON! You wanna hunt? Let's HUNT!)
    5a. Hirogen Mission where KDF saves Feds or vice versa, KDF gets upset at who they had to rescue (get rescued by), and a PvP session breaks out!

    Mini games
    1. The Think Tank sends you messages/resources, but you have to solve a puzzle to decode the message/acquire the resource.
    1a. A Jason Alexander voiceover would be cool, but possibly expensive.


    I am not a fan of the Phage, but someone mentioned a Vidiian/Phage Halloween event, and I would like to second that idea!

    Adm. Gallagher
    1st Armada of the UFP

  • kpg1usakpg1usa Member Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited August 2013
  • tucker84tucker84 Member Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Please, no playable Borg!
    I think now it is a little easy to defeat the Borg. There should be a PvE like the Crystalline Catastrophe, but "swap" the entity with a cube. What do you think? Or you think it is realistic that we (FED, KDF) became so powerful that we can shoot borg ships like it was nothing?
  • vadavianthulevadavianthule Member Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Phage Halloween event, I'd like to third that idea.
    Fleet Admiral Davian Thule.
    Kobayashi Crew.
  • kharonsoremankharonsoreman Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    "If STO captains are going into the Delta Quadrant, there are a few practicalities that need to be resolved. Either the Federation, Romulans, or Klingons are going to have to develop a faster mode of long-distance travel, or they are going to have to start building support facilities in that direction, expanding their existing territory."

    from the front of the article

    You know that is what Slipstream was supposed to be, it was supposed to make trips to the delta quadrant take a matter of weeks, not be used to hop between Earth and Risa faster.. you have lost all perspective on your travel methods if you keep making it more ridiculous with a new drive system it's going to start becoming a joke.

    The drive systems we have now are just fine for a delta quadrant expansion, things just need to be used more responsibly, heck for that matter Slipstream should even be used in local space! it should only be used for long distance travel, just like to the delta quadrant..
    A wolf remains a wolf, even if it has not eaten your sheep.
  • elcapitannx01elcapitannx01 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I wouldn't do Borg as playable race. They have so much to offer that you should do a BORG MMO instead. Maybe a STO offspring, very near on star trek lore, telling us who the BORG developed, the connection to humanity ect, etc... don`t waste this amazing BORG stuff to make it one of many playable races. You would do immense damage to StarTrek.
    I would also like to see this BORG MMO not free2play. Let STO be your advertising game, recruiting serious players for true star trek games.
  • dadovgdadovg Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I think it will be great to have more ST Voyager in game. Slipstream and transwarp tehnology make DQ VERY close! No need for new travel technology.
    Maybe really what we need is the furios Ocampa. Janeway did not say nicely goodbye to them, (Evil Kes, Second Array). Or even female caretaker. What about her? She would make excellent new enemy of the Federation. And maybe even that Think thank thing. Jason Alexander and Kate Mulgrew voice over?! Great thing! :eek:
  • bigmitch89bigmitch89 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    More Voyager content is a great idea but a big challenge as well.
    Some suggestions:

    Traveling in STO is already way too fast in STO. Please don't make it possible to travel to the Delta Quadrant with ship engines.
    In DS9 we found out that the federation works on creating artificial wormholes This may be possible now.

    Cpt. Janeway always tries to improve the Voyager with new technologies. STO should work on that. maybe adding a new item group "technologicial components". The player could craft new things out of these. Kind of a custom console. Maybe there should be new slots on the ships to equip that stuff.

    I really hope that new content does not only mean new enemies we have to blow up. The Delta Quadrant is basically uncharted. New exploration functions would be great.
    Imagine every player has his very own map of the Delta Quadrant with no solar systems at the beginning. You really have to fly into the dark and find new worlds, beam down to the planet, find out who lives there, make small missions and so on. All the results and the progress may be accessed in the ships astrometrics lab which should be added. I really hope the game allows sth like that.

    what do you think?
  • jorantomalakjorantomalak Member Posts: 7,133 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    sunfrancks wrote: »
    So long as none of it ends up in a lockbox, I do not mind what you bring into sto from Voyager.

    It would be so nice to get back to Star Treking again....

    Unfortunatley we all know to well any new race introduced into the game will have a lockbox attached to it in some manner.

    Romulans? Tal shiar and elachi lockbox : Example

    anyways im not going to vote i wasnt to big on voyager and would prefer the devs finish the alpha quadrant forst before moving to the delta quad.

    The devs seem to suffer from A.D.D. they say they gonna do one thing and ...ooooh shiny voyager stuff must have in game.

    We still wait for cardassians we still wait for xindi etc etc etc Dstahl finish the alpha quadrant first THEN move to the delta....commons sense where hath thou gone for cryptic needs you so.
  • racerexiaracerexia Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I would like to see the Voth show up, and both the Vostigye Union and the Vomnin Confederacy sound like possible powers that could be friendly to the Alpha and Beta Quadrant powers.
    The Vomnin Confederacy have the habit of scavenging technology, perhaps they uncover an Iconian relic that allows for contact and passage for FED, KDF and Rom players. The Voth have powerful ships and a technology that could also provide the possible means for contact and passage. The Vostigye could perhaps ally themselves with some other species that possesses similar capabilities. Any power in the Delta Quadrant may send for a distress call and petition any of the powers for aid. Perhaps they do so after two or more powers unite in the face of the Borg or the Undine threats.

    In any case as it has been stated by other posts, the Vidiians do not make for a very good antagonist seeing as they were in their way to finding a cure for the Phage. I believe the book TNG: Q & A expands on that subject.

    I'd like topoint out that a good read for more of the less visible Delta powers is the story Places of Exile in the book Infinity Prism from the ST miniseries Myriad Universes. Lots of ideas expanded and more about the Undine explained. Really scary how they might threaten to use Omega Particle explosive to rupture subspace and thus end the threat from our multiverse to their universe.
  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    My initial answer would have been -- he Vaadwaur -- but ... they are now in the poll .

    The fact that combing Voyager , those are the only noteworthy species that the Dev's found makes me a bit sad actually .

    So make my vote :The Vidiians .

    Powerful , interesting , not all of them are "pure evil" , superior tech , a penchant to board your ship (that could work as SB 24 did before they broke it and decided to gut it instead of fixing it because Cryptic can't fix their own ***t) .
  • gravitondudegravitondude Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    The vidiians can't be a hostile race. The only reason they attacked people was because the phage caused them to need new organs. In the episode with the think tank, when listing off their recent accomplishments, they stated that they cured the Vidiian phage. This means that it wouldn't make sense for them to fight the federation, kdf, or romulan republic.
  • sophiallriandrisophiallriandri Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I'd like to reiterate what bigmitch89 said, and possibly others before (didn't read the entire thread).

    If the Delta Quadrant is on the horizon, that could provide a focus for completely revamping the exploration component of STO. Voyager's astrometrics data would be a place to start - however how many decades was it since they returned? Any territorial data could be obsolete. Combined with the tiny fraction of data that Voyager was able to obtain, there would still be swathes of the Delta Quadrant unmapped by the UFP, KE or RR.

    For the first time in a long while, the UFP would actually be able to go back to their roots as explorers, and considering the larger threats - Species 8472, the Borg and the Iconians - they are now facing, they may well want to seek allies who have a *lot* more experience in coping with at least perhaps 2 of those 3 factions. This could also give the diplomacy section of the game a large boost as well.
  • sentinel64sentinel64 Member Posts: 901 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    The lead in FE can be how your ship is part of an expedition to explore a newly discovered Caretaker station near Beta Quadrant only to find out it is linked to a station in Delta Quadrant. The Beta Quadrant station should be in a neutral area or maybe in the TF Omega zone of operation. The DQ station can also allow players to jump to other areas in DQ without a heavy need for TW. An FE can also introduce few new NPC species and the antagonists in DQ.

    An ongoing FA or STF can be fighting different species try ing take the caretaker station from the combined TF of FED, KDF and RR

    Finally, Lockbox and Doff can be based on allies in DQ joining in operating and protecting station, and they can use station to travel to Beta Quadrant.
  • qatrokqatrok Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    would love to see the kazon all the differnt clans
  • vyconis81vyconis81 Member Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I voted for the Kremin.

    But honestly, I think too much time and effort is focused on untouched concepts instead of completing current in-game content. Please, flesh out and complete the Alpha and Beta Quadrants before going into other quadrants as well as the PvP revamp.

    The Borg and Undine should NOT be playable. At least their ships anyways.

    The Iconian Arc is an arc I want to see continued. Let us start to fight these "demons of air" as they are the reason for most of the conflict in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. I'd even end the Fed/KDF war just to continue that arc. We were attacked by the Undine BECAUSE of the Iconians tricking them. They got the Tal Shiar to work for them. It makes sense to have them in every quadrant starting conflicts between the races to make them easier to conquer and the players, jointly, are the forces that fights back. We can unite to fight the Borg, why not the Iconians and anything else that threatens the Alpha/Beta powers?

    I do want to see more Voyage and DS9 content. Though I want them to be as canon as possible. A first mission into the Delta Quadrant should involve some sort of transwarp gate construction or conversion of a captured Borg transwarp gate. Or at least something to that effect. Also slipstream is the mode of travel most ships would take to get there now. As improvements to the technology happen, you get faster slipstream drives. Heck, we could start refitting ships with slipstream engines separate from impulse or warp engines.

    Overall though, STO has really felt less and less like Star Trek. It's too easy to get from one place to another too fast. I'm not saying make it impossible to move around, just more like Star Trek.
  • antaran5antaran5 Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Of the 3 possible new playable factions mentioned i think it would be too much to do the Borg or Undine as they are so technically (or biologically) advanced in comparison to the current factions, which in my opinion leaves the Hirogen as the most viable faction to add next, Similar to Klingons with a code they follow and they gain their ranks through Hunts and such would add some nice content to play around with thats open for many additions.
    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.

    Edmund Burke
  • sentinel64sentinel64 Member Posts: 901 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Since Annorax was reset to the early concept of developing the temporal ship then a good FE is how the time cops recruit player in stopping the ship.

    A follow on FA is about how some event has temporal ship popping in and out is existence and the goal is to stop the "not as effective" time ship from erasing an innocent species. The "not as effective" is that the temporal ship cannot make itself impervious to conventional weapons all the time and player has special temporal disruption device to interfere in ship's time weapon function (short duration and allows player to attack temporal ship.
  • drowrulesupremedrowrulesupreme Member Posts: 692 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I would have voted Vaudwaar in a heartbeat. Their technology, lost for centuries, allowed them to go further and faster than any other race (using Underspace to "appear out of nowhere") and that made them a threat. Voyager put a thumb in their eye and I would imagine they would be mighty annoyed with the Federation for that. Maybe, in their eyes, the whole Alpha Quadrant was to blame and needed teaching a lesson?
    As it is, I voted for the Malon. We have only encountered their GARBAGE SCOWS and Voyager was hard pressed to deal with them. What about their WARSHIPS? :eek:
    I liked the fact that they were evil only in so far as they wanted to keep their world pristine so to hell with everyone else! Let's face it, I just want an opportunity to have my captain say
    "Gentlemen, it's time to take out the trash!"
    "...we are far more united and have far more in common with each other than the things that divide us.”
    Jo Cox 22.6.1974 - 16.6.2016

  • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    odyssey47 wrote: »
    Yes it was, this information comes from the Voyager episode "Think Tank".

    Here's where it is stated on Memory Alpha: http://oi43.tinypic.com/4l4zfd.jpg

    thats not proof. the think tank may have lied to gain 7 of 9s cooperation to make themselves look good and decent and there was nothing there after to prove the point that the vidiians were infact cured unless there was a voyager episide i missed after this episode that focused on the vidiians once more.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
  • mistressbenihimemistressbenihime Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    bigmitch89 wrote: »
    More Voyager content is a great idea but a big challenge as well.
    Some suggestions:

    Traveling in STO is already way too fast in STO. Please don't make it possible to travel to the Delta Quadrant with ship engines.
    In DS9 we found out that the federation works on creating artificial wormholes This may be possible now.

    Cpt. Janeway always tries to improve the Voyager with new technologies. STO should work on that. maybe adding a new item group "technologicial components". The player could craft new things out of these. Kind of a custom console. Maybe there should be new slots on the ships to equip that stuff.

    I really hope that new content does not only mean new enemies we have to blow up. The Delta Quadrant is basically uncharted. New exploration functions would be great.
    Imagine every player has his very own map of the Delta Quadrant with no solar systems at the beginning. You really have to fly into the dark and find new worlds, beam down to the planet, find out who lives there, make small missions and so on. All the results and the progress may be accessed in the ships astrometrics lab which should be added. I really hope the game allows sth like that.

    what do you think?

    you describe what i hope exploration would be like not what i hope the delta quadrant is like. you (and several other people here) are trying to change the game to much if the delta quadrant is going to be added it will be regular sector space! (not that sector space cant be improved a lot)

    ps we already have this "technological components" items group he are called consoles.
    First of all it's not even a crafting system! It's just a dumb game system that's nothing more than a glorified slots machine.
    second the "special items" you hope will be the saving the saving grace are messed up to.
  • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    all this wormhole tech, sounds very farscape and freespace like. there has to be something different from standard ripping ideas to adding it as new. hollywood is already remaking thing that do not need the remake. we need to see something completely new and original as for travel.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
  • swatopswatop Member Posts: 566 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Don't you have anything better to do? Like... fixing the bugs that you introduced with Season 7.
    For months players are waiting that those finally get fixed... bugged mail system, massive performance problems with the interface, loading problems of textures, loading problems fleet projects,... the never ending false sector alerts, etc.
    If the "fixing season 1-7" would have been option on that poll it for sure were the top answer.
  • icsairgunsicsairguns Member Posts: 1,504 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    we go into a joint borg mission fed and kdf like we always do in stfs. during this mission the 8472 open a rift to fluid space to help attack the borg aswell ( common Enemy )

    when they open the rift to exit, the player decides to follow them or is sucked in. ( how we get there the 1st time)

    Now that we are in the Quad and know that fluid space is a shortcut we can open our own rifts when we please and travel between the two faster. ( future travel to area )

    after gaining ability to open the rift we can stay and explore or go back.

    new faction should be all of those listed and more ( with 400 to choose from a few playable should not be hard).

    They should be a complete and separate faction. no alliance and they can team with any faction they want and not be forced to choose.

    for exploration only 1 places should be marked on the map depending on your alliance.

    the m-class planet that the Klingons have ( episode Prophecy )

    these two fed kdf planets are basically at opposite end of the quad and leaves allot of space in the middle for stomping grounds to be hashed out and species to meet.

    the Planet that the earthlings inhabit ( episode the 37s )

    local race playable char home world.

    all the rest would just be dots on the map. we fine out the names and what they do once we are there.

    planets we explore should become color coded as we find them red ends up enemy, blue friend. but it should be upto the player to turn the color not the game as a preset.

    enter the system and be hailed if space faring beam down encounter life if not capable of space travel. from there a few simple conversation we are off. fight it out or smoke a peace pipe so to speak.
    Trophies for killing FEDS ahh those were the days. Ch'ar%20POST%20LoR.JPG

This discussion has been closed.