I personally would like to see more of the Krenim. At the end of the Voy episodes you saw the Krenim scientist bulding again on his time ship. So maybe history could have repeated itself once again after Voyager left the area. It would also give you 3 ships straight on. The small corvette or frigate, the battle cruiser and the time ship itself which could be used as boss enemy. I think there's great potential for some fancy temporal story arks.
Even empires like of the Davore would be nice to see they could have expanded even further and conquered other species. As for the Kazon not particular fond of them. I was glad when the story lines with them were finally over but I can just speak for myself.
But to be honest better finish the stories in Alpha first. And what about the Cardassians we barely saw them in the story lines not talking about the true way. They are also still in a rebuilding process but felt somewhat left out of the loop.
I could also imagine a return of the Vaadwaur they would even have a reason to harass the Federation out of vengeance. Regarding their numbers they could have cloned one another or breed like Germans did in ww2 with certain programs they had back then. ^^ And the technology stolen from other factions or even the main factions roms, feds, klings in a shorter story ark.
Common wishes for future versions:
More unique ship designs perhaps self invented by you folks for foundry use unrelated to any major factions.
Black holes (place able map object) sucking you in almost like gravity wells and when your engines are offline and you reach the event horizon you die.
Regarding playable sides for future sto versions. 1Dominion, 2Krenim, 3Cardassians.
First things first; exactly how large a chunk of content are we talking about here? A featured episodes worth or something more?
If you're struggling to think of a solution to the travel problem, and how it would make sense for all factions (Federation, Klingon and Romulan) then might I suggest using a similar means of travel to how Voyager itself got there; Suspiria and her array, since the Caretaker was capable of pulling many different species from across the galaxy to him.
She could whisk you off to the Delta Quadrant, and once you've done what she wants, or resolved the reason for her pulling you over to the other side of the galaxy, then she could send you back the same way.
As to why she would want or need your help is another matter; perhaps the Vidiians have targeted her species, the Nacene, great technological advancements in genetic manipulation to help fight off a new onset of the Phage. One that has somehow infected herself and her Occampan companions, so she is now seeking a cure. And as we know Klingon DNA was very good in fighting the deadly epidemic the first time round.
Now she'd probably know that the Klingons come from our general area of space, and much like the Caretaker's array, she wouldn't be able to target Klingon specific ships exactly, so she'd cast her net wide, so to speak, and scoop up as many ships as possible from our region of space.
I went with the The Krenim, but I was sad there was no Vaadwaur!
I thought I was the only one who remembered the Vaadwaur M-A is down right now but IIRC Voyager revived them to get out of some kind of dilemma. Unfortunately they became aggressive and hostile once they got their numbers built up and Janeway And Crew left them unresolved as a plot hole. I can see them becoming pirates or something, threatening the Delta Quad with a power trip.
The other species that I like was the Ba'Neth. They had gorgeous ships (that looked like they can give the Risian corvette a run for the money) that cloaked! *cough*lockbox*suggestion?*hint* Are the Devore some kind of military dictatorship? They were trying to exterminate all Vulcans and psionic races right?
I'm not too fond of the idea of including Krenim. If Cryptic messes it up, they will be another Crystalline Entity STF...
People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect. But actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey ... stuff. --the Doctor, "Blink"
The team is currently mid-way through development of our next big update, Season 8. We have started revealing some of the features and surprises that we have in store for this Season. Setting the entire update within a Dyson Sphere is going to add a new dimension to ship combat. ~ Daniel Stahl
rofl... Before Cryptic mentioned that one statement, I thought season eight was going to be a good size. I am now having doubts.
I kinda liked the Kazon as an enemy the most out of them all most likely because they came close to what TOS Klingons were.
There is one thought I did have on this just as something for going into expanding the KDF's lines of story or strength. If being that the Klingons embarked so long ago to the Delta Quadrant it could be debated but they could have been a much larger force then they let on since they most likely didn't trust the the people on voyager that they were allies. There could be a new empire that was built based on the their pilgrimage and pretty much in a nutshell Cryptic could design some kind of Klingon ship line thats based off Klingon (Seen in voyager delta quadrant tech). Either way you look at it if the federation, klingons, and romulans for the sake of arguement were in a 3 way alliance or just agreeing to combat this new voth plot either way it would make sense to me that the first base of operations would be where the new qo'nos if you will had settled in/conquered in if they followed the way of the warrior
Although it would be funny if the Kazon and those Klingons had come up with a hybrid Klingon bop/kazon raider Plus the voyager lore it would provide a better story/ability for cryptic to put things in that we can actually have a place for raiders to actually raid other than pi canis bravo sorties which gets kinda old after awhile just need some variety imo.
Was this poll to declare voyager the best thing ever hidden or something? Im on about 3 times a week and never saw this poll...ever....the votes speak for themselves imo.....
not sure how many people thought voyager would be a great exploration area...since it was shown for 7 years...meanwhile we saw oh...about 1/10 of the gamma quadrant...
(so for that earlier comment about having lots of creative room to use in the delta...ya I call bs on it because its been seen, done, and cbs stamped.)
and before anyone says oh boohoo you didn't get to vote for your favorite....well as I already said I don't think this was a accurate poll judging by the vote numbers and the fact I never even saw it...I should know im on here every few days flinging a new insult at cryptic for all their amazing decisions in anything.
So heres my new insult for the week, it was a rigged poll.
playable borg...DUMB
delta quadrant (travel back and forth) DUMB
focusing on the characters from the show...minus Tom Paris...this show had no dynamic evolving characters...id rather watch a full series of Hayden Christenson being captain of a starship if I felt like suicide.
disclaimer this is my opinion as usual and I don't care about winning the internet
Technically yes, that's if Voyager could maintain maximum warp over 75 years, which she wasn't since most episodes show her cruising at around warp 6 unless there's an immediate emergency.
Was this poll to declare voyager the best thing ever hidden or something? Im on about 3 times a week and never saw this poll...ever....the votes speak for themselves imo.....
not sure how many people thought voyager would be a great exploration area...since it was shown for 7 years...meanwhile we saw oh...about 1/10 of the gamma quadrant...
(so for that earlier comment about having lots of creative room to use in the delta...ya I call bs on it because its been seen, done, and cbs stamped.)
and before anyone says oh boohoo you didn't get to vote for your favorite....well as I already said I don't think this was a accurate poll judging by the vote numbers and the fact I never even saw it...I should know im on here every few days flinging a new insult at cryptic for all their amazing decisions in anything.
So heres my new insult for the week, it was a rigged poll.
playable borg...DUMB
delta quadrant (travel back and forth) DUMB
focusing on the characters from the show...minus Tom Paris...this show had no dynamic evolving characters...id rather watch a full series of Hayden Christenson being captain of a starship if I felt like suicide.
disclaimer this is my opinion as usual and I don't care about winning the internet
Good Cause you don't win. If they rigged the poll everyone would know. I saw the Poll, I voted for Enterprise. They gave SUGGESTIONS on how they might fit the Delta Quadrant. Geeze have a cow why don't ya? Hell have a whole farm.
I have read "before the end of the year" and "next month" for season eight so which do you think it will be if they are only mid way through it ?
I would base any expectations on a November release tbh with their track record when they actually do come out with what they say they are its usually a month or two behind. Its kind of like drive by content too it'll go live right before the holidays in November and then all the bugs go around until they come back to work in January.
Technically yes, that's if Voyager could maintain maximum warp over 75 years, which she wasn't since most episodes show her cruising at around warp 6 unless there's an immediate emergency.
don't forget the episode where they had use of a transwarp coil which lasted for a few light years (not sure of the amount)
Good Cause you don't win. If they rigged the poll everyone would know. I saw the Poll, I voted for Enterprise. They gave SUGGESTIONS on how they might fit the Delta Quadrant. Geeze have a cow why don't ya? Hell have a whole farm.
I cant have a farm because of a missing stipend k thanks!
best I can afford is a cow...think that's your galaxy class pictures in your sig :P wich I might add ive been a pro supporter for...I raged bloody hell about how a ship 5 times the size (scimitar) could possibly have a better turn rate than a galaxy class...but hey its all good
and glad you saw the poll...I didn't and as I tried to point out..i think a lot of people didn't because the numbers are super low...im simply asking for the poll to be redone with it on the main page of the website so its not buried wherever it was.
Reasons...maybe because the GAMMA QUADRANT makes so much more sense in the grand scheme of things...
give ds9 purpose...give the wormhole purpose..its something that's been talked about since launch fyi....
cardassians were a high number on the playable race poll
barely anything was seen out of the G Q minus the dominion...and were looking for stuff that cryptic can have full creativity with without asking cbs/paramount for permission every week
I cant have a farm because of a missing stipend k thanks!
best I can afford is a cow...think that's your galaxy class pictures in your sig :P wich I might add ive been a pro supporter for...I raged bloody hell about how a ship 5 times the size (scimitar) could possibly have a better turn rate than a galaxy class...but hey its all good
and glad you saw the poll...I didn't and as I tried to point out..i think a lot of people didn't because the numbers are super low...im simply asking for the poll to be redone with it on the main page of the website so its not buried wherever it was.
Reasons...maybe because the GAMMA QUADRANT makes so much more sense in the grand scheme of things...
give ds9 purpose...give the wormhole purpose..its something that's been talked about since launch fyi....
cardassians were a high number on the playable race poll
barely anything was seen out of the G Q minus the dominion...and were looking for stuff that cryptic can have full creativity with without asking cbs/paramount for permission every week
logic is out of the window apparently
I myself want things in this order, Delta Quadrant, Gamma Quadrant, then Enterprise and more TOS era episodic stuff.
I wish the Entharan were on the list. http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Entharan that isokenetic cannon was beast. and they were pretty well on par with voyager if not ahead in many places. They were willing to trade and negotiate and as allies or enemies it might be interesting.
I wonder why the travel question is such a big deal in STO.
We have transwarp coils, every ship has slipstream available, we have modified Borg-drives that allow us to go past Warp 18...
How long they said the Dauntless has to travel at slipstream? Like 3 month?
Or either just place a Transwarpgate somewere or use the existing one wich goes to Gamma Orionis... just that it leads to some other gate in the Delta Quadrant...
I was trying to post a comment on the actual article, so here is the text of that message.
** Honestly, since you mentioned it, Malon garbage scow with special doffs or doff missions.
:: Maybe something about Lon Suder. Sorry, but Brad Dourif is just an amazing actor and any reason to get him to voice a character is a plus in my book. Or, perhaps repairing the damage done by the crew of the U.S.S. Equinox. **
Do we realy need more enemies? The Elachi are a new enemy, the next months the Voth and then?
What is with the Borg, the Tholians, Species 8472, the Iconians, the federation-klingon war? Why not continue the stories you have allready began?
Is there only war in that game? What a dark feature. :redface:
The borg the basics of it is with the story line is that you would have to stop every single borg from assimilating any new drones, and then kill them all to actually wipe them out so its a like an open paradox that never ends as that enemy.
Species 8472 from my view of both factions is the basis of the Federation-Klingon war basically both sides know there are foul shape shifters but they probally are just going to keep it open and not do any more story on it to not take away the only reason they have for PvP in this game which would scorn the PvP crowd to much as their answer to PvP is make the most of it but since we don't make any money off it don't expect much or anything to happen with it is my take on that.
Although the player base seems to be more into DS9 content first and then Voyager as a runner up because those two series had the most battles in them which is what mmorpgs like this ramp that up as their basis for the game even if say one faction was based on exploration its going to be combat over non-combat content. That being said if you take the aspect of PvP away they could actually give it that DS9 feel where both Federation and KDF needed each other to survive. Thus that is most likely the only way we will ever see story line on that ever again unless they do some kinda iconic play on it to resolve the issue with a Klingon Civil war where you choose a House that supports the federation or you pick one that is low down dirty duras style. If anything thats how I see that issue unfolding for pvp/story is you have the federation and then most likely a reputation system where you either choose to join fed friendly or fed enemy reputation so that you can get that DS9 feel if you chose to be a Klingon that is pro fed.
Roughly in this game if you've noticed the tholians and Iconians are only being used as enemies for a specific purpose. Most likely CBS and any other affiliates would be do not really care about the prime universe but they don't want any thorns in their sides on the possible issues of STO having some kind of story that might interfere with any possible ratings of a future show which will most likely never happen again with prime universe. So they pretty much got the green light that iconians and tholians would never be involved with any hypothetical future prime universe series. Just like with the elachi they were only talked about but never actually seen and like as mentioned they will never see a prime universe role.
However all of that being said even with 40 years gone by in this Cryptic-verse. The iconians and Voth are both super advanced during the era of voyager that I would love to see how they combat that being Iconians are so powerful to be able to still exist as well the Voth pretty much the view point given to the avid Star Trek Voyager watcher that they have been around so long they wouldn't get punked down by some Starfleet Officer or a Warrior charging at them with a bat'leth and most likely could destroy a negh'var like it was a piece of paper in a bonfire.
On a final note though the whole Undine/8472 issue in this game seems a bit unfounded and would make someone who followed the voyager series to wonder how the final episode with them to basic full out war of espionage came to be when the result of their last encounter look toward a last piece or atleast thats how it looked to me. I guess its just what Cryptic does with what room it has to write story which seems like it has to be made up for the most part leaving at times not feel like star trek the way lockboxes do.
While I watched all the VOYAGER episodes when they were broadcast, I was never really enthralled with the show.
I always wished that the production team had stuck with their original concept and had not given into corporate pressure to make almost everybody on board a "Happy Camper".
They also lost my enthusiasm when every week, the ship seemed like it had just left the Alpha Quadrant.
Therefore, I don't really have an opinion about which race should be considered.
I will admit that ENTERPRISE got my vote in the last poll, so I'm going to have to bow out of this one due to principle.
Which ever one Cryptic decides on, will just be another aspect of the game I'll play..., because it's Star Trek.
STO Member since February 2009. I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born! Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
Not sure if this was mentioned, but since they can skype with Neleex when ever they want, cant the federation send him and the other talaxians on that asteroid they are living on some blue prints for a transwarp gate and have them build one for the federation? that will solve the travel to delta quadrant issue.
Also, i don't recall seeing an explanation for this in game, but how are the Hirogen in the alpha quadrant?
playable species? how about post phage vidiians, in think tank they said they cured the vidiians and sothey cxan go back to be artists and explorers the way they were way back when.
Ive only seen 2-3 ships which means the dev team could go to town on extravagent and artistic ships, what with them being artists thier society would reflect that. Player trait could be something to do with health regeneration what with thier history and 'teleportation transplants'.
In terms of getting to and fro Delta i remember the seven of nine, borg coup d'etat. alpha quadrant species could hitch a ride through the borg network the way voyager did in exchange for help. fighting borg, finding planets to settle, peace treaties; eat your heart out.
i know the borg may be a touch 'overdone' but they are just awesome and you could even put in some 'come captain my sphere/cube' missions so the players could do that and the dev team could have fun making that. and i just love the idea of trading partial ship/person assimilation in exchange for helping the borg resistance(imagine changing boarding party ability to beam in drones ability if you finished a certain quest[and the graphics of thier ship being borgified!!]).
a new scheme ive thought about, a little involved. in a nutshell blackmarket trading of starships. not necessarily cross faction, but say trade a rear admiral escort ship for a borg tactical sphere(plus some currency or whatever). something that doesnt require lobi crystals or zen but still is a significant investment to ensure that tom, **** and harry cant whip out a ship from a token and get an instant upgrade.
First of all ... the should have made the poll AFTER the Voth ....
- One or several FE including Krenim, Vidians -> YES please
- New playable Delta Quadrant Faction, that could make sense, i.E. "Talaxians / Vidian / Ocampa - Ally of the Federation" -> MEH (might be wrong here, but I'm pretty sure Cardassian or even Ferengi would win over these species)
- New playable Delta Quadrant Faction, thats just silly, i.E. "Borg Queen - Ally of the Federation" -> STHAAAAAAAAAHL ....
Suggestion :
So how about "reintroducing" FE's, which would take place in the Delta Quadrant ... while the other stuff could stay "at home" ... don't really think we need Talaxian, Krenim - Reputation Systems ... or even playable Factions (playable Species would be nice though)
PS : I just think it's kind of a bad a idea, just to focus on the Delta Quadrant from now on ... if that's the direction the game should take now ... but guess we'll have to wait and see ...
Patch Notes : Resolved an Issue, where people would accidently experience Fun.
I voted for the Kazon, since there is still so much potential with them. Especially with the way they were just left hanging. They could even make it that the Kazon sects were united or destroyed by each other. This is what we know about them.
Kazon-Ogla: The strongest of the sects. Possible that that by this time, Jal Karden could be the First Maje.
Kazon-Nistrim: By far the most seen of the Kazon. Even though they were weaker than most, they did manage to take Voyager for a while. I can see a story arc set up where in the time they were last seen, Maje Cullah's son could have taken over the Nistrim succeeding his father and being the only hybrid Kazon to do so, wanting to get revenge on his mother's death.
Kazon-Relora: Although they were only seen once, they were said to be pretty strong. They seemed to have a hatred for the Nistrim and Ogla sects.
Kazon-Pommar: They were technically the hosts of the peace conference arranged by Janeway. I could see them possibly being the most friendly of the Kazon, provided they were not eliminated.
Kazon-Mostral, Hobii, and Oglamar: Not much was revealed about these three other than that they were some of the weaker sects of the Kazon, hence them coming to the peace conference.
Kazon-Halik: Nothing is known about them other than the fact that Maje Cullah wanted to annihilate one of their settlements with Voyager.
For those who wonder why Voyager got votes, let me suggest some reasons:
1) Every other show has had significantly more inclusion in STO so far. Even Enterprise, with the Temporal Cold war mentioned in the remastered Doomsday Machine arc, the Suliban in LoR, Xindi Doffs, and the fact that it is a prequel to all other Alpha/Beta Quadrant shows, has been included more. So far, Voyager has been included primarily with a few ships & powers.
2) There's so much potential with the Delta Quadrant. Across the Delta Quadrant, a Federation ship (with one 1/2 Klingon) showed up, did stuff, then left. Voyager is remembered there. Some love it. Some hate it (I'm talking about aliens, not viewers, here.) Whichever Klingons or Starfleet officers come back, they will reap the whirlwind. Such potential.
3) The most persistent problems with Voyager were characterization and ease of solution. Well, the Voyager crew won't be the primary crew of Delta Quadrent missions (though I wouldn't mind some of them returning), and the solutions Voyager used can be left in the background unless used to cause problems for current players.
4) Finally, it's the show some people grew up with. I grew up with TNG. As a show, it gets extra points from me because of that. Some people give extra points to Voyager because they grew up with it.
I also want to suggest that adding the Kremin Time Ship from Voyager need not be a problem. Perhaps another, earlier Kremin Time ship's Captain was recruited by a faction from the Temporal Cold War, and the ship was protected from the temporal erasure. Sure the Cold War is allegedly over. But what does that mean for a war across time? Even if it is over, it could always restart. Anyway, the ship decides to come back in the 25th century to enact its plan. Hm, maybe that's why the future Starfleet allowed so many partially functional time ships to be put into service in the early 25th century.
Having not seen most of the episodes of voyager I can not comment. About the whole delta quadrant race thing. But that said I'd like to see the listeners, and also some plot with with alien made stable wormhole to get us to the delta quadrant.
If borg becomes i race i'd like to see liberated borg who fly there own style ships and maybe a few smaller size borg vessels. But please no cubes, they totally exceed the size range i find acceptable and feels like it would break the game.
Even empires like of the Davore would be nice to see they could have expanded even further and conquered other species. As for the Kazon not particular fond of them. I was glad when the story lines with them were finally over but I can just speak for myself.
But to be honest better finish the stories in Alpha first. And what about the Cardassians we barely saw them in the story lines not talking about the true way. They are also still in a rebuilding process but felt somewhat left out of the loop.
I could also imagine a return of the Vaadwaur they would even have a reason to harass the Federation out of vengeance. Regarding their numbers they could have cloned one another or breed like Germans did in ww2 with certain programs they had back then. ^^ And the technology stolen from other factions or even the main factions roms, feds, klings in a shorter story ark.
Common wishes for future versions:
More unique ship designs perhaps self invented by you folks for foundry use unrelated to any major factions.
Black holes (place able map object) sucking you in almost like gravity wells and when your engines are offline and you reach the event horizon you die.
Regarding playable sides for future sto versions. 1Dominion, 2Krenim, 3Cardassians.
Typical humans sweeping the trash under the carpet and forgetting about it. IT WILL COME BACK TO HAUNT YOU !
...because he will find an easy way to do it.
-Bill Gates
If you're struggling to think of a solution to the travel problem, and how it would make sense for all factions (Federation, Klingon and Romulan) then might I suggest using a similar means of travel to how Voyager itself got there; Suspiria and her array, since the Caretaker was capable of pulling many different species from across the galaxy to him.
She could whisk you off to the Delta Quadrant, and once you've done what she wants, or resolved the reason for her pulling you over to the other side of the galaxy, then she could send you back the same way.
As to why she would want or need your help is another matter; perhaps the Vidiians have targeted her species, the Nacene, great technological advancements in genetic manipulation to help fight off a new onset of the Phage. One that has somehow infected herself and her Occampan companions, so she is now seeking a cure. And as we know Klingon DNA was very good in fighting the deadly epidemic the first time round.
Now she'd probably know that the Klingons come from our general area of space, and much like the Caretaker's array, she wouldn't be able to target Klingon specific ships exactly, so she'd cast her net wide, so to speak, and scoop up as many ships as possible from our region of space.
Commanding Officer: Captain Pyotr Ramonovich Amosov
Dedication Plaque: "Nil Intentatum Reliquit"
I thought I was the only one who remembered the Vaadwaur
The other species that I like was the Ba'Neth. They had gorgeous ships (that looked like they can give the Risian corvette a run for the money) that cloaked! *cough*lockbox*suggestion?*hint* Are the Devore some kind of military dictatorship? They were trying to exterminate all Vulcans and psionic races right?
I'm not too fond of the idea of including Krenim. If Cryptic messes it up, they will be another Crystalline Entity STF...
Link: dStahl Talks Voyager rofl... Before Cryptic mentioned that one statement, I thought season eight was going to be a good size. I am now having doubts.
There is one thought I did have on this just as something for going into expanding the KDF's lines of story or strength. If being that the Klingons embarked so long ago to the Delta Quadrant it could be debated but they could have been a much larger force then they let on since they most likely didn't trust the the people on voyager that they were allies. There could be a new empire that was built based on the their pilgrimage and pretty much in a nutshell Cryptic could design some kind of Klingon ship line thats based off Klingon (Seen in voyager delta quadrant tech). Either way you look at it if the federation, klingons, and romulans for the sake of arguement were in a 3 way alliance or just agreeing to combat this new voth plot either way it would make sense to me that the first base of operations would be where the new qo'nos if you will had settled in/conquered in if they followed the way of the warrior
Although it would be funny if the Kazon and those Klingons had come up with a hybrid Klingon bop/kazon raider
What is with the Borg, the Tholians, Species 8472, the Iconians, the federation-klingon war? Why not continue the stories you have allready began?
Is there only war in that game? What a dark feature. :redface:
not sure how many people thought voyager would be a great exploration area...since it was shown for 7 years...meanwhile we saw oh...about 1/10 of the gamma quadrant...
(so for that earlier comment about having lots of creative room to use in the delta...ya I call bs on it because its been seen, done, and cbs stamped.)
and before anyone says oh boohoo you didn't get to vote for your favorite....well as I already said I don't think this was a accurate poll judging by the vote numbers and the fact I never even saw it...I should know im on here every few days flinging a new insult at cryptic for all their amazing decisions in anything.
So heres my new insult for the week, it was a rigged poll.
playable borg...DUMB
delta quadrant (travel back and forth) DUMB
focusing on the characters from the show...minus Tom Paris...this show had no dynamic evolving characters...id rather watch a full series of Hayden Christenson being captain of a starship if I felt like suicide.
disclaimer this is my opinion as usual and I don't care about winning the internet
Technically yes, that's if Voyager could maintain maximum warp over 75 years, which she wasn't since most episodes show her cruising at around warp 6 unless there's an immediate emergency.
Commanding Officer: Captain Pyotr Ramonovich Amosov
Dedication Plaque: "Nil Intentatum Reliquit"
Good Cause you don't win. If they rigged the poll everyone would know. I saw the Poll, I voted for Enterprise. They gave SUGGESTIONS on how they might fit the Delta Quadrant. Geeze have a cow why don't ya? Hell have a whole farm.
I would base any expectations on a November release tbh with their track record when they actually do come out with what they say they are its usually a month or two behind. Its kind of like drive by content too it'll go live right before the holidays in November and then all the bugs go around until they come back to work in January.
don't forget the episode where they had use of a transwarp coil which lasted for a few light years (not sure of the amount)
I cant have a farm because of a missing stipend k thanks!
best I can afford is a cow...think that's your galaxy class pictures in your sig :P wich I might add ive been a pro supporter for...I raged bloody hell about how a ship 5 times the size (scimitar) could possibly have a better turn rate than a galaxy class...but hey its all good
and glad you saw the poll...I didn't and as I tried to point out..i think a lot of people didn't because the numbers are super low...im simply asking for the poll to be redone with it on the main page of the website so its not buried wherever it was.
Reasons...maybe because the GAMMA QUADRANT makes so much more sense in the grand scheme of things...
give ds9 purpose...give the wormhole purpose..its something that's been talked about since launch fyi....
cardassians were a high number on the playable race poll
barely anything was seen out of the G Q minus the dominion...and were looking for stuff that cryptic can have full creativity with without asking cbs/paramount for permission every week
logic is out of the window apparently
I myself want things in this order, Delta Quadrant, Gamma Quadrant, then Enterprise and more TOS era episodic stuff.
Agreed 100%.
We have transwarp coils, every ship has slipstream available, we have modified Borg-drives that allow us to go past Warp 18...
How long they said the Dauntless has to travel at slipstream? Like 3 month?
Or either just place a Transwarpgate somewere or use the existing one wich goes to Gamma Orionis... just that it leads to some other gate in the Delta Quadrant...
Star Trek Online Intro HD [3rd Fleet Anniversary]
Join Date: Jul 2009
** Honestly, since you mentioned it, Malon garbage scow with special doffs or doff missions.
:: Maybe something about Lon Suder. Sorry, but Brad Dourif is just an amazing actor and any reason to get him to voice a character is a plus in my book. Or, perhaps repairing the damage done by the crew of the U.S.S. Equinox. **
The borg the basics of it is with the story line is that you would have to stop every single borg from assimilating any new drones, and then kill them all to actually wipe them out so its a like an open paradox that never ends as that enemy.
Species 8472 from my view of both factions is the basis of the Federation-Klingon war basically both sides know there are foul shape shifters but they probally are just going to keep it open and not do any more story on it to not take away the only reason they have for PvP in this game which would scorn the PvP crowd to much as their answer to PvP is make the most of it but since we don't make any money off it don't expect much or anything to happen with it is my take on that.
Although the player base seems to be more into DS9 content first and then Voyager as a runner up because those two series had the most battles in them which is what mmorpgs like this ramp that up as their basis for the game even if say one faction was based on exploration its going to be combat over non-combat content. That being said if you take the aspect of PvP away they could actually give it that DS9 feel where both Federation and KDF needed each other to survive. Thus that is most likely the only way we will ever see story line on that ever again unless they do some kinda iconic play on it to resolve the issue with a Klingon Civil war where you choose a House that supports the federation or you pick one that is low down dirty duras style. If anything thats how I see that issue unfolding for pvp/story is you have the federation and then most likely a reputation system where you either choose to join fed friendly or fed enemy reputation so that you can get that DS9 feel if you chose to be a Klingon that is pro fed.
Roughly in this game if you've noticed the tholians and Iconians are only being used as enemies for a specific purpose. Most likely CBS and any other affiliates would be do not really care about the prime universe but they don't want any thorns in their sides on the possible issues of STO having some kind of story that might interfere with any possible ratings of a future show which will most likely never happen again with prime universe. So they pretty much got the green light that iconians and tholians would never be involved with any hypothetical future prime universe series. Just like with the elachi they were only talked about but never actually seen and like as mentioned they will never see a prime universe role.
However all of that being said even with 40 years gone by in this Cryptic-verse. The iconians and Voth are both super advanced during the era of voyager that I would love to see how they combat that being Iconians are so powerful to be able to still exist as well the Voth pretty much the view point given to the avid Star Trek Voyager watcher that they have been around so long they wouldn't get punked down by some Starfleet Officer or a Warrior charging at them with a bat'leth and most likely could destroy a negh'var like it was a piece of paper in a bonfire.
On a final note though the whole Undine/8472 issue in this game seems a bit unfounded and would make someone who followed the voyager series to wonder how the final episode with them to basic full out war of espionage came to be when the result of their last encounter look toward a last piece or atleast thats how it looked to me. I guess its just what Cryptic does with what room it has to write story which seems like it has to be made up for the most part leaving at times not feel like star trek the way lockboxes do.
I always wished that the production team had stuck with their original concept and had not given into corporate pressure to make almost everybody on board a "Happy Camper".
They also lost my enthusiasm when every week, the ship seemed like it had just left the Alpha Quadrant.
Therefore, I don't really have an opinion about which race should be considered.
I will admit that ENTERPRISE got my vote in the last poll, so I'm going to have to bow out of this one due to principle.
Which ever one Cryptic decides on, will just be another aspect of the game I'll play..., because it's Star Trek.
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
Also, i don't recall seeing an explanation for this in game, but how are the Hirogen in the alpha quadrant?
Ive only seen 2-3 ships which means the dev team could go to town on extravagent and artistic ships, what with them being artists thier society would reflect that. Player trait could be something to do with health regeneration what with thier history and 'teleportation transplants'.
In terms of getting to and fro Delta i remember the seven of nine, borg coup d'etat. alpha quadrant species could hitch a ride through the borg network the way voyager did in exchange for help. fighting borg, finding planets to settle, peace treaties; eat your heart out.
i know the borg may be a touch 'overdone' but they are just awesome and you could even put in some 'come captain my sphere/cube' missions so the players could do that and the dev team could have fun making that. and i just love the idea of trading partial ship/person assimilation in exchange for helping the borg resistance(imagine changing boarding party ability to beam in drones ability if you finished a certain quest[and the graphics of thier ship being borgified!!]).
a new scheme ive thought about, a little involved. in a nutshell blackmarket trading of starships. not necessarily cross faction, but say trade a rear admiral escort ship for a borg tactical sphere(plus some currency or whatever). something that doesnt require lobi crystals or zen but still is a significant investment to ensure that tom, **** and harry cant whip out a ship from a token and get an instant upgrade.
thats just my thoughts.
- One or several FE including Krenim, Vidians -> YES please
- New playable Delta Quadrant Faction, that could make sense, i.E. "Talaxians / Vidian / Ocampa - Ally of the Federation" -> MEH (might be wrong here, but I'm pretty sure Cardassian or even Ferengi would win over these species)
- New playable Delta Quadrant Faction, thats just silly, i.E. "Borg Queen - Ally of the Federation" -> STHAAAAAAAAAHL ....
Suggestion :
So how about "reintroducing" FE's, which would take place in the Delta Quadrant ... while the other stuff could stay "at home" ... don't really think we need Talaxian, Krenim - Reputation Systems ... or even playable Factions (playable Species would be nice though)
PS : I just think it's kind of a bad a idea, just to focus on the Delta Quadrant from now on ... if that's the direction the game should take now ... but guess we'll have to wait and see ...
Kazon-Ogla: The strongest of the sects. Possible that that by this time, Jal Karden could be the First Maje.
Kazon-Nistrim: By far the most seen of the Kazon. Even though they were weaker than most, they did manage to take Voyager for a while. I can see a story arc set up where in the time they were last seen, Maje Cullah's son could have taken over the Nistrim succeeding his father and being the only hybrid Kazon to do so, wanting to get revenge on his mother's death.
Kazon-Relora: Although they were only seen once, they were said to be pretty strong. They seemed to have a hatred for the Nistrim and Ogla sects.
Kazon-Pommar: They were technically the hosts of the peace conference arranged by Janeway. I could see them possibly being the most friendly of the Kazon, provided they were not eliminated.
Kazon-Mostral, Hobii, and Oglamar: Not much was revealed about these three other than that they were some of the weaker sects of the Kazon, hence them coming to the peace conference.
Kazon-Halik: Nothing is known about them other than the fact that Maje Cullah wanted to annihilate one of their settlements with Voyager.
1) Every other show has had significantly more inclusion in STO so far. Even Enterprise, with the Temporal Cold war mentioned in the remastered Doomsday Machine arc, the Suliban in LoR, Xindi Doffs, and the fact that it is a prequel to all other Alpha/Beta Quadrant shows, has been included more. So far, Voyager has been included primarily with a few ships & powers.
2) There's so much potential with the Delta Quadrant. Across the Delta Quadrant, a Federation ship (with one 1/2 Klingon) showed up, did stuff, then left. Voyager is remembered there. Some love it. Some hate it (I'm talking about aliens, not viewers, here.) Whichever Klingons or Starfleet officers come back, they will reap the whirlwind. Such potential.
3) The most persistent problems with Voyager were characterization and ease of solution. Well, the Voyager crew won't be the primary crew of Delta Quadrent missions (though I wouldn't mind some of them returning), and the solutions Voyager used can be left in the background unless used to cause problems for current players.
4) Finally, it's the show some people grew up with. I grew up with TNG. As a show, it gets extra points from me because of that. Some people give extra points to Voyager because they grew up with it.
I also want to suggest that adding the Kremin Time Ship from Voyager need not be a problem. Perhaps another, earlier Kremin Time ship's Captain was recruited by a faction from the Temporal Cold War, and the ship was protected from the temporal erasure. Sure the Cold War is allegedly over. But what does that mean for a war across time? Even if it is over, it could always restart. Anyway, the ship decides to come back in the 25th century to enact its plan. Hm, maybe that's why the future Starfleet allowed so many partially functional time ships to be put into service in the early 25th century.
If borg becomes i race i'd like to see liberated borg who fly there own style ships and maybe a few smaller size borg vessels. But please no cubes, they totally exceed the size range i find acceptable and feels like it would break the game.