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dStahl Talks Voyager



  • futurepastnowfuturepastnow Member Posts: 3,660 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    To be honest I'm not enthralled by any Voyager enemy, but the Krenim could be at least credibly threatening.
  • moroskimoroski Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Here is an idea! Depending on the faction you choose (KDF or FED) determains how you get to the Delta Quad. For example, KDF is expanding their territory and the FEDs stop them and make allies along the way.

    Here is another idea.... The Hirogen Network is repaired and Starfleet sends holographic Reps to Nelix, the Delta Quad Ambassador. OR how about a series of missions from Nelix (Using Hyper-Subspace Communication) that allows you to build the tech to survive a Geodesic Fold?

    How about the Fed and KDF found a way to stabilize the Bozen Wormhole in the Delta Quad?

    7 of 9 and the Borg Transwarp Gates? FED and KDF find a transwarp bubble? (Endgame)

    Events are happening in the Delta Quad and KES need the Federations/KDF help?

    Something with the Q?

    Maybe find a way to incorporate the Captains Table into something useful?

    If you can find a way to get ships to the Delta Quad soo much story opens. Plus what is the explanation for the Hirogen ? How did they get to the Alpha Quad?
  • bigrat12334bigrat12334 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Though I loved voyager the most, I don't see any of those races as a playable faction. I do understand that this poll is for NPCs though.

    I would much rather see a Cardassian or Dominion faction.
  • tilartatilarta Member Posts: 1,800 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    The only thing I want to really hear about is Hirogen and 8472 become playable species.
    With their own ships.

    All other concerns are secondary to that.

    I've been wanting to play a Hirogen Captain for a long time now.

    And wouldn't say no to playing an 8472 Captain either.

    By the way, don't make Factional choices manditory based on Species if you choose to make that choice.

    I don't want to start playing any character to discover they've been railroaded into being part of the Klingon faction manditorily.

    That is a dealbreaker.

    Bees like honey, they don't like vinegar.
    Everytime someone makes a character that is an copy of an existing superhuman, Creativity is sad :'(
  • kimonykimony Member Posts: 571 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Perhaps one of the missions in the DQ could be:

    Unknown to Voyager, Seska had hidden away Federation technology that over the passing years has been discovered and reverse engineered allowing the Kazon become technologically superior to the other races and worlds in the region.

    The Kazon have since become an ever expanding empire of conquerors and the Federation must try to undo some of the damage.

    Klingon Version on the mission:

    Perhaps the Klingon faction upon surreptitiously learning of the Federations plan, decide to aid the cause of "fellow warriors" and enlist them as allies, claiming Kazon technology and resources and expanding the Empire and possibly winning the war with the Federation.

    Romulan Version:

    Perhaps the Romulans work for their allied faction secretly claiming Kazon technology and allies and resources enough to possilbly win the Romulan civil war and, for good or evil, regain their status as a galactic superpower.

    Just a thought.



    In the end the Klingons find the Kazon to be traitorous dogs without honor and join with the Federation (this one time) to restore the balance of power in the region.

    If not an episode, maybe a new STF?

    Edit to add: Maybe Seska left behind schematics, blueprints, formulas, she was a crafty engineer and had all those devices and theories in her brain to jot down... Juussst in case things didn't work out.

    #SaucersForever #TrianglesCutDeep #TeamBeta #ShipOneisNumberOne
  • themadrigogsthemadrigogs Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I'll add my name to the people that would like to see the Vaadwaur on the list. They use underspace tunnels that quickly connect to essentially everything that Voyager encountered. How is it not obvious? They would be better as a playable faction than a villain, though.
  • britewolfbritewolf Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I know this is an MMO game, but I don't think the developers should be afraid of a storyline (series of missions) in which each individual Captain plays as if he/she were the only Federation/Klingon/Romulan vessel in the Delta Quadrant.

    Honestly, have you played this game? The whole game is based around the idea that each mission is yours and yours alone, and that you are the most important person in the galaxy.

    That said, I like your thoughts.

    Personally I would like to see what has happened to the Vidiians and the Ocampans since we last left them.

    As for mechanisms to get there?

    Neelix was going to maintain contact with the Federation, and undoubtedly keep up his games with Seven. It would make sense for a Talaxian transwarp gateway to maintain and improve that contact. The Undine and Tholian spacial rifts allow incredible distances to be covered quickly and a modification of Krenim space-time technology could work similarly. This is all without mentioning telekinetic powers (such as Kes's) and subspace wave-front technology such as that used by the Caretaker and the postulated (if failed) soliton wave mechanism from TNG: New Ground (s05, e10). Oh, I forgot the Iconian gateways...

    Getting there isn't the issue, what we're doing there is, and unless that is satisfactorily justified, the protagonists and antagonists are irrelevant.

    Keep up the good work Cryptic, but whatever you do DON'T RUSH IT! I'd rather wait another three years than suffer through content that's rushed out to meet an unrealistic or unsuitable timetable.
    General T'Reirr Asei
    Captain of the venerable I.K.S. Y'Kun.
    Warrior of the Empire; Savior of Cookies; Lord of String; Devious Little S*!7
    #PlomeekSoupForTheIndifferent #AmNotFluffy #Klingons4Equality #PriorityOneRocks #ShortButPouncey

  • ilanisilanis Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    defragger wrote: »
    And Ilanis,i was furiously hoping for a "like" button on your post,lol.You have def done some homework! \ m /

    thanks ;) Yes it took me at least three hours to write (french player)

    Still, the poll is poorly asked. As I stated in my previous post, we should rather choose appropriately the location in the DQ and the proximity with canon empires, as this could then afford multiple possibilities of enemies. For future contents purposes, we should build up a new poll based on areas (multiple canon empires) rather than a specific limited enemy.

    Areas are delimited by short cuts that Voyager took during its voyage. The book "Star Charts" is very helpful for that purpose.
  • mastertexanmastertexan Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Please leave Seska dead!!!
  • milanvoriusmilanvorius Member Posts: 641 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    It is great to think of this direction for the story, but I would really like to see ships get addressed. I want to fly federation ships on my federation captain, but the best ships are not federation. Please do something to get more pure federation ships in lock boxes and up to par with out sourced ships.
    PvE Jem'Hadar motto: Participation Ribbons are life.
  • dracounguisdracounguis Member Posts: 5,358 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Here are the results of that poll as of today:
    • Enterprise ? 409
    • The Original Series ? 198
    • The Next Generation ? 371
    • Deep Space Nine ? 474
    • Voyager ? 1,216

    So, another way to view it.... 54% of the voters don't want Voyager. ;)
    I think Voyager was going to win this poll no matter what. The lead it has is just too large to be real, imo. I call shenanigans!
    Sometimes I think I play STO just to have something to complain about on the forums.
  • haurianthauriant Member Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited August 2013

    I?d like to see a lot of these species, but I voted Kazon because I figured they needed the vote. I don't want them to be the center of a Delta Quadrant expansion, but I want them to be there. I never felt the Kazon were well realized, but they had such potential. And the STO team has been getting really good at realizing untapped potential, like with making the schoomies the Elachi or Data?s off-hand mention of "Dewa." I think, STO team, that you can could make people care about the Kazon.

    My Kazon suggestion: Have them partially united, but with fragile leadership. Signs that they could be on the path to a better society, but the odds are still against them. Also, have them capturing or illicitly acquiring advances tech like replicators a part of their subplot. But, again, have their story be secondary to. . . whatever.


    Let Starfeet, Romulan, & KDF characters get there through some sort of gateway. Could be Iconian, Federation research, more Caretaker species tech, something captured from the Borg. Maybe the Barzan wormhole (http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Barzan_wormhole) comes back, and 25th century technology finds a way to stabilize it. I want my pre-existing characters to be able to go there (and come back) like I go to the Gamma Orionis Sector Block for the Borg missions. A single transit point between quadrants like the Bajor wormhole, however the story explains it, something that makes travel near instantaneous, but only can take one to a single point. Something that, in the storyline, could be captured, stranding us there. But, like with DS9, during the 2800, not locking us out from travel if we aren?t playing through the story.

    As for WHY out Captains would go to the Delta Quadrent: 1) Explore 2) If you end up close to where Voyager ended up, then you are on the other side of Borg space. Trying to organize allies against the implacable Borg threat, on a different front, is useful. Starfleet & the KDF could be technically allied while each pursuing their own, conflicting agendas in the shadows. And some Delta Quadrant powers could react positively, while others react negatively.

    Also, give us Foundry mobs, portals, costumes, assets, etc., so we can add more stories to the mix.

    And while you're at it, make sure to explain (if only by implication) how Linnea, the Ocampan, came to be in Starfleet as Admiral Quinn's secretary. And how we already have a Doff mission to "Receive Talaxian Dignitaries." Clearly there already is some Delta Quadrent contact, already.
  • raventomoeraventomoe Member Posts: 723 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    f2pdrakron wrote: »

    No, no and no.

    As it seems everyone was asleep during the finale I shall point this, the weapon erased the target from the timestream so when it destroyed itself it also erased itself from the timesteam that was pretty amusing in the sense that only thing he needed to get his wife back was something he never considered.

    The weapon was erased from the timeline and as the episode told us, anything erased cannot be brought back ... no "someone else did it" because otheriwse the weapon WOULD NOT HAD WORKED in the first place.

    Leave then alone, dont regurgitate the same old we already seem and done, that is over ... no need to repeat it because it does BOTH the episodes a disservice but also makes a STATIC universe instead of living one, if you want to bring them do so WITHOUT pulling that out because its the same we seen that is not going to even capture the old magic as instead we have a different Unimatrix ship to fight AT the expense of a entire species that should be damn well left alone.

    I think you missed the part where they showed the Scientist behind the Temporal Core was working on it again at the end of Year of Hell Part II. Also, we have Chroniton Torps already in the game. Who is to say the Krenim didn't make a Tranphasic Hybrid of them?

    Besides, when discuss Temporal Mechanics...one must keep in mind that things have to happen eventually sooner or later and an idea can be found again. The Universe is a Game of Odds.
    unikon wrote: »
    I can't see the Krenim being a threat. They would probably ally with the Federation. Vidiians and Krenim on the otherhand are dangerous enough to warrant blowing them to hell and back again.

    I like this idea very much indeed, maybe a seperate arc for the Fed/Fed-Roms and KDF/KDF-Roms where you befriend the Krenim (Fed) or Kazon (KDF), Romulans themselves would get to makes friends and gain as BOffs the Hirogen as a species.
    "The Multiverse, the ultimate frontier..."
    Thus begins...Lyrical Trek
  • ocean1ocean1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Please leave Seska dead!!!

    What are you joking, she is one controlling the Iconian's... :)
  • picardcrusherpicardcrusher Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I voted for the devore imperium, as the fascist anti-telepaths would make a great villan and the vedians are probably cured (the think tank MAY have lied after all)... but none of it matters if we can't have truly interactive stories with variable plot lines and outcomes that depend on the choices we make. STO can be so anti-heroic, since no matter what you do, you always get the same result.

    Hmmn come to think of it, that's actually an argument for the using the Krenim and letting us play with our personal timelines....

    Nerfing is Fraud...
  • kimonykimony Member Posts: 571 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Please leave Seska dead!!!

    Seska is long dead... Her vengeance against the Federation... may only be beginning!



    #SaucersForever #TrianglesCutDeep #TeamBeta #ShipOneisNumberOne
  • foundrelicfoundrelic Member Posts: 1,380 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Since the article doesn't seem to want to accept comments.

    The way the Delta Quadrant can be accessed.

    Since there's an Ocampan working at ESD they could have just transwarped a group of "work ships" with the materials needed to the delta quadrant and build a new gate there for two way travel. Game wise, lock it out to one jump to and from every 24 hours per character.
  • bradford86bradford86 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    The Krenim supposedly no longer were a threat once Janeway destroyed the time ship, why make a big deal out of them later on?? now the Vidiians were a different story, they were ruthless, scary, powerful, ect.
  • spatchula777spatchula777 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    They did such a great job with the Romulans and Elachi. Im very excited about the new Dyson sphere project. However im very troubled about Voyager being announced as the winner in what series we want to see more of. In fact I am outraged. I did not even know about the voting on it. I found out way to late and now i can not vote in it at all. 80 percent of people would agree and prefer to pick any other series but Voyager to go with. I am a life time subscriber.Please Do not ruin Star Trek online with crappy aliens from the Voyager series. Please absolutely no Kazon! I do not want a wormhole or a trans warp gate to take me to the Delta quadrant either .So many people are upset about this . We love playing the game so much we hardly ever get on the Forum posts! Please Please Please ! Do not make star trek Voyager your new project. That TV series alone hurt the star trek Franchise and made it to where many people would not even give Enterprise series a chance in hell. Now because of it there are no more Star Trek Tv series for us to watch and enjoy . Do not do the same to STO
  • britewolfbritewolf Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I always start posts with a negative, so I've decided to break with tradition. I liked almost every race in Voyager. The Kazon are nothing more than a nuisance to a STO VA (It took a fleet to capture one Intrepid class vessel and they're "too primitive" for the Borg) but it would be nice for them to get an appearance. If the Ocampa get their acts sorted they could be quite a nice little adversary/ally (if treated like the Romulan Republic) and the Krenim made awesome bad guys and not-so-bad guys for ANY mission, especially the much lauded and discussed ending to Year of Hell part 2 (which I would definately like to see extrapolated).

    My favourite of the bunch has to be the Vidiians though; whether or not their 'cure' from the Think-Tank was permanent (see all the previous posts refering to it) they were an interesting race, with an equivalent level of technology to the Federation, just more specialised in other areas. I would truly adore a mission series where we got to see how they were faring now, and what being cured (if only temporarily) has done for their society and galactic outlook. Have they become philosophical and introverted or pushed outwards with a restless energy no longer held in check by the Phage? I would love to find out.

    Of course, I am British and 'putting the world to rights' is a time honoured Anglo-Saxon trait; so who am I to judge:
    Please please please let this season come with a Voyager interior, and maybe a more combat savy intrepid! After all Voyager handled that baddest of bad in the delta quadrant and survived to tell the tale!

    1 - not sure this is really the right thread.
    2 - Spec yourself and your ship right and an intrepid can tank like a boss whilst dealing more than enough damage to keep cubes and spheres occupied. If I can do it in an STF using the level 30-40 intrepid, then anyone can with the retrofit (loving the Free Nebula).

    If Legacy of Romulus has shown me one thing, you guys at Cryptic have your heads screwed on and are capable of pulling half a dozen rabbits out of a tattered old hat. I was one of the guys that said we wouldn't be getting an expansion, let alone a new faction and I am so very pleased to admit I was wrong. I love all my Romulans. As I said in my previous post on this thread, do not rush things; for if you do take your time and do it right then you can make a sojourn in the Delta Quadrant a spine chillingly, heart-pounding, adrenaline-pumping and beautiful experience we (the players) will come back to time and time again.

    I think/hope Gene would be proud of what you've all accomplished, and I'm not ashamed to say that some of the new content brought a tear to my eye too.

    Live long and prosper.
    General T'Reirr Asei
    Captain of the venerable I.K.S. Y'Kun.
    Warrior of the Empire; Savior of Cookies; Lord of String; Devious Little S*!7
    #PlomeekSoupForTheIndifferent #AmNotFluffy #Klingons4Equality #PriorityOneRocks #ShortButPouncey

  • bradford86bradford86 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    foundrelic wrote: »
    Since the article doesn't seem to want to accept comments.

    The way the Delta Quadrant can be accessed.

    Since there's an Ocampan working at ESD they could have just transwarped a group of "work ships" with the materials needed to the delta quadrant and build a new gate there for two way travel. Game wise, lock it out to one jump to and from every 24 hours per character.

    GREAT IDEA! basically what i had in mind for how to get out and back, personally i think they need to build a new space station in proximity to Neelix's asteroid and make that the base of operations, near the end of Voyager wasn't he made Star Fleet's official Liason to the Delta Quadrant??
  • ccmurphyccmurphy Member Posts: 160 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    bradford86 wrote: »
    GREAT IDEA! basically what i had in mind for how to get out and back, personally i think they need to build a new space station in proximity to Neelix's asteroid and make that the base of operations, near the end of Voyager wasn't he made Star Fleet's official Liason to the Delta Quadrant??

    what i've always thought was making new Talax (Asteroid home) a base of operations itself. have the Talaxians join the federation as the first delta quadrant race, and maybe find a real plainet for the Talaxians. with tech that is now in starfleet it would be easy for them to build a traswarp gate way, or even just use the slipstream drive to get there, of course there would be limitations though. like a 6 to 12 hour cooldown for the drive, you are going farther then ever before with it.
  • endorfinatorendorfinator Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Here is an idea. Since they are already supposedly remastering the STF have us capture the transwarp gate instead of destroying it, go through it to find the Delta quadrant. As for a species, why not make up a new one, one that the Alternate Reality Admiral Janeway encountered that we learned about through her database. Maybe it is mentioned that they have advanced technology. We go to try to negotiate with them for that technology, but it goes badly.
  • szerontzurszerontzur Member Posts: 2,724 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I opted for the Hierarchy for a couple reasons:

    1.) They're located in the Beta-Delta quadrant border. This would allow the team to create a gateway into the Delta Quadrant along the fringe without jumping right into the middle of it. Given that it's closer to Klingon space, it might be a fun arms race to spin for Federation mounting an incursion deep into 'red' territory.

    2.) They used phaser (and polaron) weapons. Phaser damage is surprisingly rare in this game right now. It would be nice to see the damage type get more love.

    3.) Their super-efficient attack patterns might be an opportunity to bring some new flavor to space combat. (Having their ships cloak, approach from the side, decloak and pause for a moment after firing a 'warning shot', and then begin cloaking strafe runs . The cloak should probably have a short duration so combat doesn't become too tedious while they're lining up runs.) If it works well, the AI routine could probably be adopted to Klingon raiders/BoPs(rather than only having them cloak as a defensive maneuver).
  • ccmurphyccmurphy Member Posts: 160 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Please please please let this season come with a Voyager interior, and maybe a more combat savy intrepid! After all Voyager handled that baddest of bad in the delta quadrant and survived to tell the tale!

    i secound the interiors, would love to have the proper bridge, and engineering, add the astrometrics lab, sickbay and the mess hall, be great to have all of them.

    though about the ship, im not so sure. my intrepid is the third best ship i have, right after my Vista and Prometheus. though at times it even seems better then them, i can get through stf's on elite with all three, and can do some pvp, though i don't usually do pvp, don't really like it. now if they made the controls for ground combat more like a third or firs person shooter (take more skill then just point, click, automatic hit. ) then i might get into it more, at least on the ground anyway
  • jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,428 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    britewolf wrote: »
    Honestly, have you played this game? The whole game is based around the idea that each mission is yours and yours alone, and that you are the most important person in the galaxy.
    However, since you're still in Fed/Klink/Rom space, it makes sense to see these other ships flying all over the place. Sure, you're the one captain out of all of space who found out that Ambassador Sokketh was an Undine, or who rescued Alexander Rozhenko from Rura Penthe, or who shot Hakeev in the face on Brea III - but there were other ships in the sector, they just weren't lucky enough to be commanded by you.

    But if you're slung all the way to the Delta Quadrant, and you see another Starfleet/KDF/Republic ship there, well, that falls straight into "immersion-breaking" territory. You'd need to establish some way for ship to get back and forth a lot in order for it to make sense. (Personally, I like the idea of a squadron of engineering ships quantum-slipstreaming their way to the Talax region, then building the other end of a transwarp gate.)
  • sanokskyratsanokskyrat Member Posts: 479 Media Corps
    edited August 2013
    I went with the The Krenim, but i was sad there was no Vaadwaur! :(
  • gammatroopgammatroop Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I personally would like to see more of the Krenim. At the end of the Voy episodes you saw the Krenim scientist bulding again on his time ship. So maybe history could have repeated itself once again after Voyager left the area. It would also give you 3 ships straight on. The small corvette or frigate, the battle cruiser and the time ship itself which could be used as boss enemy. I think there's great potential for some fancy temporal story arks.

    Even empires like of the Davore would be nice to see they could have expanded even further and conquered other species. As for the Kazon not particular fond of them. I was glad when the story lines with them were finally over but I can just speak for myself.

    But to be honest better finish the stories in Alpha first. And what about the Cardassians we barely saw them in the story lines not talking about the true way. They are also still in a rebuilding process but felt somewhat left out of the loop.

    I could also imagine a return of the Vaadwaur they would even have a reason to harass the Federation out of vengeance. Regarding their numbers they could have cloned one another or breed like Germans did in ww2 with certain programs they had back then. ^^ And the technology stolen from other factions or even the main factions roms, feds, klings in a shorter story ark.

    Common wishes for future versions:
    More unique ship designs perhaps self invented by you folks for foundry use unrelated to any major factions.
    Black holes (place able map object) sucking you in almost like gravity wells and when your engines are offline and you reach the event horizon you die.
    Regarding playable sides for future sto versions. 1Dominion, 2Krenim, 3Cardassians.
  • l30p4rdl30p4rd Member Posts: 334 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    you should have voted the Malon. Look at the trash in game :D

    Typical humans sweeping the trash under the carpet and forgetting about it. IT WILL COME BACK TO HAUNT YOU !
  • jocelyn2jocelyn2 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I'd like to unlock the Ablative Generator Console at Tier V Federation Reputation please.
    I will always choose a lazy person to do a difficult job...

    ...because he will find an easy way to do it.

    -Bill Gates
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