As of about 2am EST on 14 July 2013, the following players beat the No Win Scenario:
Fleet - Sector 31 ANTKB
Fleet - Special Service Squadron
Fleet - Viper Group Omega
Video of us with our Kirk's Protege titles and we are all Romulon characters
Me playing UT2k4 (red guy) -
Feel free to post your strategy and team setup!
Victor: No Girlfriend Scenario
Fleet Admiral GRIZZ
U.S.S. Chicago NCC 1833-C
Sector 31 ANTKB
ANTKB Gaming Community
I'd love to see a video of you using this strategy and naturally you completing it. Romulans aren't overpowered, not by a long shot. 100% Fed or KDF teams have beaten NWS and with less toys/powers long before the Romulans came out.
Me and some fleetmates are trying to do the same thing every day. I hope we can success soon
In every place,
The deeds of men remain the same..."
I would love to see a video of you using this method....
We beat NWS using the approach detailed out in the STOwiki guide. I haven't found a more reliable/easier strategy yet. BTW - at least a couple of the folks in that run have beaten it with non-roms before.
Kirk's Protege.
Aceton Assimilators make KDF NWS much easier than on feds. Well, until the next lockbox comes out and the feds get your hands on it. Once that happens, expect floods of no-win wins.
I power levelled a new rom to L50, taken it to wave 8 but it's not really geared for W10 yet so I just use it to farm. It's only a few days old, will need T2 rep first.
Kirk's Protege.
working on it i only started trying this past 5 days and on about my 7th time we beat it so the odds are good i will again
Fleet Admiral GRIZZ
U.S.S. Chicago NCC 1833-C
Sector 31 ANTKB
ANTKB Gaming Community
and it was probably with an exploit (you know, the doff exploit, that let you get GCD on all of your abilities)
10k DPS Vesta threads: 1; 2
Can't you guys just say 'well done'?
Best I've ever got to is wave 7, but yea that was with a team of 5 players, all in Tier 5 ships all with all their boffs at their stations, 5 active space doffs each and everyone sitting at the keyboard, firing their weapons and using their captain and boff abilities whenever they were not on cooldown, so I guess it doesn't count, coz that kind of thing is like, cheating or something...
Well done
No. Your fun makes everyone else's fun wrong by default.
And here comes the usual accusation of cheating.
I presume he meant the first win(s) as he quoted me. Regardless of past cheating there's proof of teams beating NWS as far back as 2012 without any cheats. As for this group, gratz I've run with Clinsat enough times to know he's experienced at the stowiki way. Accusations of cheating come with the territory but you'll know you the truth and chances are the accusers haven't beaten it and are just sore.
When acetons do hit fed side, yes I can expect the floodgates to open but I had the same feeling about the scimitar with it's pulse and I've not seen a change although granted it will be cheaper and a bigger impact for the fed community to grab an aceton off the exchange and make a group unless they nerf it rendering it useless. That said a pug isn't going to just beat it and it's still a challenge for most premades. Tactics, co-ordination and teamwork are vital not just plain dps.
Players can choose to make their own challenges by not using acetons, fight harder races, speed runs, no rep/doffs or maybe all of the above. Maybe if NWS just becomes WS Cryptic will make a NWS elite
Again gratz to the group it's good to know the stowiki guide is being used and helping others beat it, that's what it's there for.
yeah, I did mean the first one, and as far as I know, it was in the exploit timeframe, and we did not see any proof against it. I cannot possibly say its a no win scenario, it just needs a tid bit of more team work than other pve in this game
no win elite
10k DPS Vesta threads: 1; 2
I know what you mean which is why when all known exploits were fixed my group did it again (first recorded clean run after the exploit timeframe was 29th Jan and notes on what was fixed and when I've listed in the description to corroborate things).
I'd LOVE to try the Borg in NWS either NWS or NWS elite but I don't expect Cryptic to make a mission or change for a considerably tiny group of people when the current mission as it stands is largely unbeaten
Well done on beating the NWS, its one of the most fun STF's in the game. Haven't managed it myself but damn it must be a good feeling to beat it.
Kirk was accused of cheating too when he won the Kobayashi Maru.
The difference is Kirk really did cheat! These people did not.
thanks silverwings and everyone that is not a jealous hater!
thanks clinsat for your help and experience at beating it before!
No Win Scenario Hall of Fame
Fleet Admiral GRIZZ
U.S.S. Chicago NCC 1833-C
Sector 31 ANTKB
ANTKB Gaming Community
at least one of them beat no win before romulans.:rolleyes:
and why am I not there?
there are many others who beat it and are not in that list.
post some proof here and get on the list
Fleet Admiral GRIZZ
U.S.S. Chicago NCC 1833-C
Sector 31 ANTKB
ANTKB Gaming Community
With the people from "Kirks_protege"
Bone1970 don't believe in a no-win senario, Kirk's protege. Fed Tac.
Bone Trader don't belief in a no-win senario, Kirk's protege. Fed Tac.
Bone2 don't believe in a no-win senario, Kirk's protege. KDF Eng.
Warning: Not a native English-speaker, sorry if my English sucks.
Oh, Hey Bone
Jad here. Up for some NWS later?
Kirk's Protege.