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Scimitar bugged?



  • ageroth1ageroth1 Member Posts: 129 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Anyone know if the Scimitar is bugged or are they suppose to be made of paper mache?

    I've been playing mine and watching other people and they seem to melt under any form of fire at an unnatural rate anyone hear anything on this?:confused:

    I've been seeing that too, in fact, my Scimitar has Elite Fleet Adaptive Shields with the "ResA" which is supposed to provide 15% resistance to phasers, and it's like it's a 15% increase in damage against the shields.
  • captainobvious09captainobvious09 Member Posts: 182 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I've fixed mine :) didn't die at all today 6 hrs later. I took off all consoles and discharged all 3 ships restarted game after verification than got the 3 back, put on consoles, no armor either and all fixed. Ps I don't have a shuttle either

    Tried this, still getting kinetic phantom damage from any kinetic source, and with further testing taking insane amounts of damage from plasma fire, which leads me to believe none of the hull resistance is working on the Scimitar at all.

    Shields are still not regenerating properly.

    On another note, I noticed the 22nd Century Top and Sash that Cryptic said they fixed last patch ... WAS NOT FIXED.

    Does anybody know if they actually fixed anything?
  • hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    corvalle wrote: »
    Again, its not the ship people..its your gear, skill build, etc.

    Plasmonic leech with a few points in flow cap solves the power level issues on rommie ship, period.

    I would hate to see alot of these players' skill builds, makes me cringe thinking about how bad they probably are.

    Scimitar is perfect the way it is, it is not bugged. I pop JHAS's like popcorn in 1 vs 1. Comes down to L2P better.

    Oh dear god... the L2P just reared it's ugly head. Did it ever occur to you that a lot of players actually know how to build ships other than yourself?

    I mean seriously... The second paragraph is the only constructive thing you've said.

    If you're so great, why not post up your build and skillset to show others what works, instead of just sitting there and saying L2P?
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
  • captainobvious09captainobvious09 Member Posts: 182 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Oh dear god... the L2P just reared it's ugly head. Did it ever occur to you that a lot of players actually know how to build ships other than yourself?

    I mean seriously... The second paragraph is the only constructive thing you've said.

    If you're so great, why not post up your build and skillset to show others what works, instead of just sitting there and saying L2P?

    These type of comments are usually posted by trolls who don't even have the ship.

    "L2P!!! I am a clever 12 year old LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!"
  • variise1984variise1984 Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Anyone is welcome to tear mine apart. I'm more than willing and able to take criticism.


    Needless to say it's a work in progress. Much better sets/core coming in 2 weeks. I'm thinking of dropping the rear torp and replacing it with another turret but sometimes I do find it helps.

    With Very Rare Romulan Drone ships EncDPS ranges from 5,400 to 6,700 in elite borg STFs.
  • harlequinpixieharlequinpixie Member Posts: 172 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I've been messing about with my Scimitar, and from what I have gathered is that the consoles themselves might be bugged. But, a note on plasma fires, I have noticed from Gorn normal enemies I am taking immense plasma fire damage.

    It was 1600 damage per tick, now I am pretty sure it's not meant to be that high. I have considered that the - resistance from disruptors could factor it in, but 1600 is still pretty high. I tested it out in PvP with a willing foe, and we came to the conclusion it's not exactly the warp plasma, as it was ticking at normal damage. So, I have considered that the Gorn warp plasma is over powered as heck, or simply that the resistances on the Scimitar stop working at certain points.

    I've dismissed my shuttle, and ship, re-equipped as stated previously. And can't see issues with it, except on extreme cases, which is totally random to. It's not that helpful what I've posted granted, but if you come across a Gorn warp plasma cloud on fleet alert, you might be-able to see what I mean.

    I personally think it is still bugged, but cannot place my finger on it, the consoles might do it or the ship is a little wonky. But saying that, I don't use the consoles, so it leads me to believe it's the ship.
  • wufangchuwufangchu Member Posts: 778 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    corvalle wrote: »

    Scimitar is perfect the way it is, it is not bugged. I pop JHAS's like popcorn in 1 vs 1. Comes down to L2P better.

    Some young gentleman two days ago Messages me and requested i not play estfs any more and learn to play because my scimitar wasnt doing 15K Damage per second. I have to admit, i'm still rather blown away by the sheer arrogance of this young persons request. As it was, i was testing out a configuration ( see earlier in this thread ) and having a rather bad day all at the same time.
    my normal loadout ( which i wasnt using ) is:
    advanced fleet Polaron DHC's Mk XII X4 and a Mk Xii quantum torp on the front.
    Full Mk X Maco set
    Polaron Turrets Mk XII and the borg cutting beam on the back.
    Two RCS consoles
    the Scimitar two console set
    assimilated console
    tachyokinetic console
    the valdore console
    3 polaron phase modulator's

    I average between 2.5 to 5K DPS. Nothing fantastic, but jesus.
    And this guy wants to criticize me because i'm not doing 15K DPS.

    Personally I think L2P is an excuse by the weak minded and ill willed too promote their own sorry sad and pathetic agenda, whatever that is. We Scimi drivers are all we've got everyone else is either a hater, or ignorant of the ship, or both. This thread and others here prove what can be done when a group of players communicates and shares information. I know it doesnt mean anything, but i'm pretty proud of the majority of folks in this thread ( and envious of some of their talents :) ).
  • johankreigjohankreig Member Posts: 449 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Ok I tried the trick of stripping and scrapping, re loaded the game and bought back the falchion, and its made a massive difference on both my survivability and damage, can do between 5k-9k dps with it depending on how I am playing and what its against, did a test run in a private pvp to show a freind how best to use it, we were up against another feinds recluse, and it was only just holding its own against us in a full combat simulation. I think the use of Hit and Fade attacks is a must with this ship, dont park and shoot it dosnt work.


    This is my current build (the gaps are where my scimi consoles go for some reason it dosnt list them)
    Jorhana Kreig: KDF, Tal'is: Romulan Fed, Shona'a: Romulan KDF, Johan Paul Kreig: Fed
  • incursis01incursis01 Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Does anyone have the issue where focus will sometimes shift away from the intended target?

    Whenever I play Khitomer Vortex and I attack the cube, sometimes my focus will shift to the Nanite Generator or my own hyper-plasma torpedoes without me doing anything.

    This is really irritating because I think I am attacking a cube but I am actually attacking a generator, wasting a lot of time.
  • variise1984variise1984 Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    incursis01 wrote: »
    Does anyone have the issue where focus will sometimes shift away from the intended target?

    Whenever I play Khitomer Vortex and I attack the cube, sometimes my focus will shift to the Nanite Generator or my own hyper-plasma torpedoes without me doing anything.

    This is really irritating because I think I am attacking a cube but I am actually attacking a generator, wasting a lot of time.

    Yes this happens. It's infrequent and very random in the context it occurs in but I have seen this many times this past week. I'm not sure if it's a problem with just the Scimitar or a much wider issue.
  • wufangchuwufangchu Member Posts: 778 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    incursis01 wrote: »
    Does anyone have the issue where focus will sometimes shift away from the intended target?

    Whenever I play Khitomer Vortex and I attack the cube, sometimes my focus will shift to the Nanite Generator or my own hyper-plasma torpedoes without me doing anything.

    This is really irritating because I think I am attacking a cube but I am actually attacking a generator, wasting a lot of time.

    This happens to me as well; quite frequently in Khitomer vortex elite with both the first cube and then the probes, and in ISE with the first cube after the tac cube..
  • zdfx19zdfx19 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    When this thing is bug fixed I'll consider paying $50 for it. Until then it can sit in the store. Am I right to expect it to work out of the pack without having to dismiss shuttles and deal with camera jerks or is expecting a polished product out of the box too much?
  • axellightningaxellightning Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    My shields now regenerate, but my hull crumbles fast! I can tank better in my fleet defiant :confused:
  • wufangchuwufangchu Member Posts: 778 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    zdfx19 wrote: »
    When this thing is bug fixed I'll consider paying $50 for it. Until then it can sit in the store. Am I right to expect it to work out of the pack without having to dismiss shuttles and deal with camera jerks or is expecting a polished product out of the box too much?

    What?? And miss all the fun??

    Seriously though, Modern societies complacency and peer pressure in an attempt to force the consumer to accept whatever is thrown at them with stoic quietness in lieu of malicious and slanderous labeling by those self same peers as whiners, babies and trolls coupled with the networks own unique version of ostracization, has led many to bend under the pressure and accept broken products, defending their decision to accept broken goods for large sums rather emphatically and sometimes, violently.

    If buying a car, a house, a teaspoon, blender or any physical product, it is not beyond reason to expect that the product work correctly, and that attitude is brought over into the world of software. Unfortunately you are not buying any software, ever, merely a license to use the software you are interested in, and buried within every user agreement to every piece of software is the statement that you must accept the software as is and no guarantees are made regarding its functionality nor its effect on your machine. Nor do the software companies assume any responsibility for such. Therefore, its buyer beware as the legal contract we must agree too excuses the software companies from providing a working product.

    I do however agree with you. I come from a long line of people who took pride in their work and the craftsmanship of the things they developed. Somehow, it seems craftsmanship and developing a good product, no longer matters..
  • axellightningaxellightning Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Working very well for me now, over 1 million damage in a fleet PvP and also max healing!


    Vkruk is my Tactical Reman.

    Might be a nooby question, but how do you get that tray on the far right? The one you have vertically :D
  • axellightningaxellightning Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Running this beauty on a new Reman toon and man it tanks like hell and kicks out death in bucket loads. Such a different picture from last week on my existing ROmulan Def side (Reman is KDF).

    What I suggest is the following:

    Discharge all scimitar ships after first removing any good consoles you want to keep.

    Discharge your shuttle completely, have no shuttle present.

    Restart the game.

    Claim them again and then set them up with the console 3 pack.

    Try it again, I think you will see a difference.

    In addition I would get the Valdore Console, yes you have to buy another ship but it's a brilliant ship in it's own right and gives you something else to play with, the console works wonders if you are kicking out a load of damage.

    Please report back if any of that helps you or indeed makes no difference, but please persevere as it is an amazingly fun ship to fly.

    I think Ill do this :)
  • tom61stotom61sto Member Posts: 3,669 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    incursis01 wrote: »
    Does anyone have the issue where focus will sometimes shift away from the intended target?

    Whenever I play Khitomer Vortex and I attack the cube, sometimes my focus will shift to the Nanite Generator or my own hyper-plasma torpedoes without me doing anything.

    This is really irritating because I think I am attacking a cube but I am actually attacking a generator, wasting a lot of time.

    That happens on all my chars quite often. The shifting to torps can be fixed in Options - Controls, and turning 'Never auto-target pets' to On at least.
  • heizlueftaheizluefta Member Posts: 167 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Again Subject Scimitar Hull Melting:

    Played few NoWins the last Days:

    1. Same Hull-Melting Problem (no, not Warheads). If Shields drop only one second/or are low, massive damage incoming although the NPC ships are 5 km away and the warheads are out of a range to do such damage. And I already dismissed shuttle and did the other reclaim-workarounds.
    Thats just disapponting. My other ships do better here !

    2. A Problem i already pointed at in another Thread (also Ticket): Sometimes my speed-Adjustment fails. I want to stop, but the speed control somekind of freezes and no speed adjustment is possible for the next 5-6 seconds. This is a problem not only in that ship, also in all my other ships, and not only a problem in pve, also in pvp ! And it?s deadly. In NoWin it happened, that a flew right through the warheads "punishing" my Q-Button (my G19 is working fine, that be said), no adjustment possible. In PVP there were Situations.....Alpha......want to stop.....fly through my target.....he?s behind me now....boom !

    Ticket, Thread in Forums, no response !

    Thx for just taking my resources/money and leaving me with all these bugs in great wide space !
  • hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    heizluefta wrote: »
    Again Subject Scimitar Hull Melting:


    Do you have any armor consoles slotted?
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
  • heizlueftaheizluefta Member Posts: 167 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I have tried with, but same subject as far as i could say, and you need many consoles as Rommie sometimes. I fly with aux2ID plus Purple A2ID Doff and many points in Resists.....so i am at resists of averaged 35 % to all Damage types. Plus ResA or ResB Shields and so on...!
    Normally playing PVP since years. But the last months (years lol) forced us to do more and more pve. Playing in very good NoWin Teams. But Scimitar just lacks...
  • variise1984variise1984 Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    heizluefta wrote: »
    I have tried with, but same subject as far as i could say, and you need many consoles as Rommie sometimes. I fly with aux2ID plus Purple A2ID Doff and many points in Resists.....so i am at resists of averaged 35 % to all Damage types. Plus ResA or ResB Shields and so on...!
    Normally playing PVP since years. But the last months (years lol) forced us to do more and more pve. Playing in very good NoWin Teams. But Scimitar just lacks...

    heizluefta I would love to see your full build on stoacademy if you think you can spare the time to make it. It's kind of neat because you get to play with the skills too and get them "just right" instead of having to mess with it in game before deciding on what to do.
  • sunfranckssunfrancks Member Posts: 3,925 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I think I am done with the Scimitar for now. I love its looks and it's playstyle (Similar to the my Fed FHEC) but I cannot get it to not be like tissue paper, even after trying all the tricks to get the ship to work properly...

    Got the Fleet T'Varo and it is like night and day. Shame really, maybe it is me and trying to fly it as an escort/HEC.
    In either case I will stick with the normal escort/warbirds for the time being. I can always come back to it when they fix the problems. :(
    Fed: Eng Lib Borg (Five) Tac Andorian (Shen) Sci Alien/Klingon (Maelrock) KDF:Tac Romulan KDF (Sasha) Tac Klingon (K'dopis)
    Founder, member and former leader to Pride Of The Federation Fleet.
    What I feel after I hear about every decision made since Andre "Mobile Games Generalisimo" Emerson arrived...

  • heizlueftaheizluefta Member Posts: 167 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    heizluefta I would love to see your full build on stoacademy if you think you can spare the time to make it. It's kind of neat because you get to play with the skills too and get them "just right" instead of having to mess with it in game before deciding on what to do.

    Sry mate....i am very experienced in speccing ships....i am here since beta....i play PVP/PVE only in high "Levels" (don?t take that as arrogance....i am not that one).

    It?s not about "not knowing how to fly/spec/and so on " !

    But im gonna post it anyways....just need an hour bec of testing in the meantime...
  • heizlueftaheizluefta Member Posts: 167 Arc User
    edited July 2013

    + Read the notes in the Build section at the right.
  • rmy1081rmy1081 Member Posts: 2,840 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    heizluefta wrote: »

    + Read the notes in the Build section at the right.

    No armor? Every time I try to go without armor my hull melts fast. Is that what the AtD Doff is for, or are you just healing through your damage?
  • heizlueftaheizluefta Member Posts: 167 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    its about resists. With the A2D Doff you get enough resists to go without armor...in combination with the right skill point allocation...and its a Doff not a Boff ;-) (maybe typo?^^)

    And in Addition: I can go with my tac without any Resist consoles and get better Survivability in a JHEC than in the Scimitar....that?s just....no words...not to speak about the Fleet Mogai Retrofit that did the Job before Scimitar with slightly different Build....has been much more resilient.

    The problem is......that partially happening extreme Damage to Hull (+ rest of the bugs, but ok, ill try to keep that thread clean of other bugs)
  • variise1984variise1984 Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    heizluefta wrote: »

    + Read the notes in the Build section at the right.

    Thank you so much for posting this. I will keep what I seen in mind.
  • heizlueftaheizluefta Member Posts: 167 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    NP ! I hope they somehow fix it.....but hope is nothing to usually have in that game :(
  • heizlueftaheizluefta Member Posts: 167 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    are u kidding ? 300.000 ! Watch closer plz ! Man...
    Only didnt spend ground because it doesnt matter here ! -.-
    No wonder noone is realizing bugs here...sry ! (take it easy ;-) )
  • hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    My scimi build on my Reman tactical: http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=scimitacreman_0

    It works decently, but is still a little squishy. I am still fine-tuning the bugger, but overall, she flies pretty well, fights VERY well, and dies gloriously (when she dies, which if you fly her right, she usually won't).
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
This discussion has been closed.