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Scimitar bugged?

vonhellstingvonhellsting Member Posts: 543 Arc User
edited February 2014 in Romulan Discussion
Anyone know if the Scimitar is bugged or are they suppose to be made of paper mache?

I've been playing mine and watching other people and they seem to melt under any form of fire at an unnatural rate anyone hear anything on this?:confused:
The Lobi Crystals are Faaaakkkkee!
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  • cliftona91cliftona91 Member Posts: 254
    edited July 2013
    It could be a bug, or it could be that people have no clue how to use the bloody ships
  • valetheonvaletheon Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Anyone know if the Scimitar is bugged or are they suppose to be made of paper mache?

    I've been playing mine and watching other people and they seem to melt under any form of fire at an unnatural rate anyone hear anything on this?:confused:

    A fleetmate and I tested this theory out earlier, and after sitting there an hour trying everything to see if it's just working as intended or bugged. What we had decided on is that it appears the Scimitars shields don't appear to be regenerating on their own without the help of Boff skills. We also used the tooltip as a reference but apparently bad idea as that's bugged for lots of ships and doesn't show correctly :cool:.

    So might try testing our theory, as we could be wrong and see what you come up with. :) Hopefully it's bugged and not just a gigantic paperweight.

    Here is the thread we started:
    "Sometimes we're freakin idiots, and that's fun" -Fleetmate

    One of many reminders that i'm not a REAL Romulan. >_<
  • mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    valetheon wrote: »
    A fleetmate and I tested this theory out earlier, and after sitting there an hour trying everything to see if it's just working as intended or bugged. What we had decided on is that it appears the Scimitars shields don't appear to be regenerating on their own without the help of Boff skills. We also used the tooltip as a reference but apparently bad idea as that's bugged for lots of ships and doesn't show correctly :cool:.

    So might try testing our theory, as we could be wrong and see what you come up with. :) Hopefully it's bugged and not just a gigantic paperweight.

    Here is the thread we started:

    I noticed that if you are using the 'shields while cloaked' console, you tend to not regen shields, but if you aren't cloaked, it seems fine.
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
  • jtoney3448jtoney3448 Member Posts: 642 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Here is a list of bugs ive found with it just today.

    No shield regen.
    Some boff powers like tac team not working, use tac team and your shield facing doesnt fill.
    Valdore console wont refill shields at times.
    Bugged resists, taking 40k dmg through shields on normal from warpcore breachs.

    Console set ability rapid thrusters says we keep cloaking turnrate even when we decloak for as long as our ambush lasts, mine drops from 39 degrees per sec to 28 then bounces from 23-28 randomly.

    Random loss of crew in combat, 3000 crew at start of fight, hit by 1 torpedo, lose 50% of my crew. Thats 1500! Drops you from 90% regen to 30%. By end of combat with 1 wave youve lost all your crew and then have 5% regen.

    Power performance/eff skills from skill tree dont seem to be applying correctly either resulting in lower power then on normal romulan ships. and no not talking about -40 from sing cores.

    Not all of these bugs occur all the time, but most do for me.
    If this ship was really tested, cryptics uber failed on bug fixes.
  • borgressistanceborgressistance Member Posts: 268 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    jtoney3448 wrote: »
    Here is a list of bugs ive found with it just today.

    No shield regen.
    Some boff powers like tac team not working, use tac team and your shield facing doesnt fill.
    Valdore console wont refill shields at times.
    Bugged resists, taking 40k dmg through shields on normal from warpcore breachs.

    Console set ability rapid thrusters says we keep cloaking turnrate even when we decloak for as long as our ambush lasts, mine drops from 39 degrees per sec to 28 then bounces from 23-28 randomly.

    Random loss of crew in combat, 3000 crew at start of fight, hit by 1 torpedo, lose 50% of my crew. Thats 1500! Drops you from 90% regen to 30%. By end of combat with 1 wave youve lost all your crew and then have 5% regen.

    Power performance/eff skills from skill tree dont seem to be applying correctly either resulting in lower power then on normal romulan ships. and no not talking about -40 from sing cores.

    Not all of these bugs occur all the time, but most do for me.
    If this ship was really tested, cryptics uber failed on bug fixes.

    same i experience, may i ask if you have informed cryptic about it? they dont seem to look here often.

    those problems are major, i really hope they fix it for upcoming patch,cause right now, a miranda tanks better :(
  • alopenalopen Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I hadn't noticed this yet, and will be sure to double check. While cloaked the shields do not recharge (this is normal for all cloaks though). Uncloaked regen seems to be working fine for me. Admitedly its hard for me to tell, since I have Borg shields for time being and have 3 shield heals so . . . . they never have an opportunity to heal naturally ;)
  • rathsartaro1rathsartaro1 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    First time i get hit by anything usually drops me
    to 50% hull, shields don't move.

    Tac team also doesn't move shields to the side being hit.

    Zoom out on ship has a lot more top down feel than other ships
    so you never know what exact direction you are heading.

    Other than that this thing is a clearly op beast.

    Love it

    Oh yeah, and the crew thing. It takes the full timer after a stf, then a
    couple of mins in real space for it to regen to 3000. Only for you to lose
    them all in a couple of hits
  • lordthrudlordthrud Member Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Aye I believe it is bugged also.

    I concur with pretty much everything so far.

    Resistance problems and hull damage/lack of hull repair most likely due to unusually excessive crew casualtys?

    Threat generation maybe to high at a base level?

    Shield issues maybe due to dubious application of boff powers and or merging issues with consoles and rep powers?

    Testing it would have been if it was it should have been tested more.

    I am certainly no expert and have never been that into testing stuff but with the amount of flying hours in STO under my belt and many hundred ESTF's in all types of ships.

    I have a feel for things and they dont feel right at the mo.

    That said I love the ship and i am pleasently surprised with certain asspects so lets see what the next patch brings.
  • spotter5spotter5 Member Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I've also noticed that the crew is killed really quickly. Not noticed the shield bug but I am using aegis shields until i can get to tier 5 STF rep and they suck
  • roejspinodjiroejspinodji Member Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I got the same impression. Following points from my observation:

    - Tac team sometimes doesnt work
    - Hull resistances are shown in stats but obviously dont work
    - turn rate doesnt feel balanced (too little uncloaked, too high cloaked)
    - shield regeneration somehow bugged when using cloaked shields console
    - Drift is much too high, cannot fly this ship properly around a gate at high speed
    - Defense value goes dramatically down when u turn. On other ships this effect is not noticable.

    Besides that, the ship has some potential. When problems solved, I may start liking it.
  • incursis01incursis01 Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    and I was just thinking I made a mistake when buying it.

    The scimitar really isn't durable. I switched from a Ha'feh assault warbird and that thing is a hell of a lot more durable, which is sad because the scimitar is more like a cruiser.

    Just finished a round of Infected: The Conduit and I just kept on dying like crazy. As soon as I respawn something just destroys my hull. Either a nanite sphere or that tac cube.
  • megacharge07megacharge07 Member Posts: 476 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I got the same impression. Following points from my observation:

    - Tac team sometimes doesnt work
    - Hull resistances are shown in stats but obviously dont work
    - turn rate doesnt feel balanced (too little uncloaked, too high cloaked)
    - shield regeneration somehow bugged when using cloaked shields console
    - Drift is much too high, cannot fly this ship properly around a gate at high speed
    - Defense value goes dramatically down when u turn. On other ships this effect is not noticable.

    Besides that, the ship has some potential. When problems solved, I may start liking it.

    While the turn-rate is low it's expected with this kind of ship and acceptable, the inertia however is not. The inertia makes this ship TRIBBLE to fly. They need adjust the inertia so it doesn't drift like this, it's ruining the ship experience immensely.
  • roejspinodjiroejspinodji Member Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    You are right, I can live with the turnrate, but I cant live with this inertia. The drift is insane....
  • jtoney3448jtoney3448 Member Posts: 642 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Inertia is way to high, agreed. I can fly it but inertia is what really f*cks with turnrate, its what pushes us into a wider and wider circle.

    They said sign up and test the scimitar, we all did. Not 1 bit of info on feed back was posted, no one said they got the invite to test it. Far as i know only the devs tested it, and did a TRIBBLE poor job of it.

    Reminds me of the andorian escort which turned into a mess, which they promised to test future ships so it didnt happen again. And like all cryptic promises it was just a bold faced lie.

    Ship will be good when fixed but it should never have needed to be fixed in the first place.
  • doffingcomradedoffingcomrade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Poppycock! Drifting is AWESOME. It lets you stay on target even while you remain in motion without faceplanting. I wish I could get MORE drift on my ships, like a control to disengage the engines completely and just drift unpowered.
  • megacharge07megacharge07 Member Posts: 476 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    jtoney3448 wrote: »
    Inertia is way to high, agreed. I can fly it but inertia is what really f*cks with turnrate, its what pushes us into a wider and wider circle.

    They said sign up and test the scimitar, we all did. Not 1 bit of info on feed back was posted, no one said they got the invite to test it. Far as i know only the devs tested it, and did a TRIBBLE poor job of it.

    Reminds me of the andorian escort which turned into a mess, which they promised to test future ships so it didnt happen again. And like all cryptic promises it was just a bold faced lie.

    Ship will be good when fixed but it should never have needed to be fixed in the first place.

    We need to file bug reports about this inertia, I just sent one myself, the inertia problem is completely ruining this ship.
  • yargomeshyargomesh Member Posts: 179 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Poppycock! Drifting is AWESOME. It lets you stay on target even while you remain in motion without faceplanting. I wish I could get MORE drift on my ships, like a control to disengage the engines completely and just drift unpowered.

    My first use of Thalaron Pulse against Donatra, I ended up drift/powersliding and desperately turning my giant green energy cone of doom to make sure she stayed in it.

    I lol'd when it hit her just as she cloaked; as it helped knock her out of that cloak in conjunction with a teammates Grav Well.

    Quite Fun.

    I'm not convinced Scimitar inertia is borked, but rather that Full Impulse is messing with Romulan Warbird inertia or that Full Impulse + Romulan cloak is generating weird extra-heavy results.
    I know that sometimes I end up drifting an extra 3-5km than I intend, mostly when setting up for my decloak alpha. Regardless it's certainly not Scimitar-exclusive. My D'Deridex had the same problem.

    Of course the problem could just be a visual one due to the size involved.
  • stirling191stirling191 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Poppycock! Drifting is AWESOME. It lets you stay on target even while you remain in motion without faceplanting. I wish I could get MORE drift on my ships, like a control to disengage the engines completely and just drift unpowered.

    Shelton slides ftw.
  • moradummoradum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Cryptic legendary lack of quality assurance strikes again.

    Can Cryptic/PWE do release anything without it being a massive cluster F?
  • malkarrismalkarris Member Posts: 797 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    If the shields are bugged that would hopefully explaine why I went from full shields and hull to boom in about 5 seconds in PvE, Tau Dewa patrol when I tried out the thaloran pulse. I wasn't sure, but I think I only had one or two NPCs shooting at me. On the plus side, I did manage to get the tholian carrier I was aiming for to about 50 percent hull.
    Joined September 2011
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  • buddha1369buddha1369 Member Posts: 386 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Glad I stopped by before I bought it, I definitely wont be now until its fixed.

    Also the drifting thing is common on large ships coming out of impulse and heavier escort/hybrids like the Fleet Tor'kat when they turn.
  • daggermoondaggermoon Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    lol the interia is normal pretty much the same as the bortras, but when 1 probe can take your shield facing down and take 40% of your hull in one hit with tt supposedly running thats a head scratcher.
  • erraberrab Member Posts: 1,434 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    daggermoon wrote: »
    lol the interia is normal pretty much the same as the bortras, but when 1 probe can take your shield facing down and take 40% of your hull in one hit with tt supposedly running thats a head scratcher.


    It feels like I'm using wet paper bags has shields on my Scimitar.

    Another Bug that I'd like to point out is that some times the Romulan Drone ship when it copies Borg probes will get to into its new roll and will start firing on me.

    The Drone Ship firing on me only happened twice and both times were on ISE.
  • aramyllaramyll Member Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Anyone feel the Thalaron weapon is TRIBBLE??? I mean you spend 12 seconds without using any abilities getting pounded waiting for the damn thing to charge only to have it do 10k dmg ? sometimes less, cause there shields are up ? Im sorry but Donatras thalaron weapon doesn't take 12 seconds to charge I think and it does a hell of a lot of damage. This weapon should be a 1 **** kill weapon, no matter what, its what it was designed to do decimate everything. The tholians have a similar weapon on their tarantulas and the NPC scimitars in NWS also do massive damage with their thalaron weapons so what is going on with ours??

    I have also noticed that I am unable to use any science/eng skills while cloaked, not 100% sure if that is normal, but on my tvaro I can pop all my skills prior to decloaking don't know if that's because of the enhanced cloak vs the battle cloak.
  • earlnyghthawkearlnyghthawk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Oh yeah, and the crew thing. It takes the full timer after a stf, then a
    couple of mins in real space for it to regen to 3000. Only for you to lose
    them all in a couple of hits

    That's not a bug, I have the same problem, with a 2000 crewman Mirror Vo'Quv. I saw on one thread a while ago, that taking weapons fire seems to have %-based crew damage potential, rather than a # based. While I could agree, that in a larger crew-complement ship, weapons fire would produce a few more casualties, than a smaller crewed ship, I though it was ridiculaous, that in the same circumstance, my Fed in a patrol escort will lose only 100 people, my Feds in Fleet Excelsiors lose like 200-300 people, and my KDF in a Mirror Vo'Quv loses over 1000 personnel.
    In summary, the whole crew damage/deaths to weapons fire needs to be fixed for ALL ships, not just the new Scimitars, you're just seeing it more in your face, than probably before, with the Scimitar having such a large crew complement.
    butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
    Temperance Brennan, "A building"
  • newromulan1newromulan1 Member Posts: 2,229
    edited July 2013
    YOU people realize one BIG thing right??

    Standing still - AKA firing the weapon = Negative -15% defense

    this drops all resists - this makes you blow up if hit by most things

    This is standard for ALL ships - when stopped dead in space( negative - defense)
  • gaalomgaalom Member Posts: 530 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I posted before in a thread of mine that this ship appeared to be op on paper, but after testing it in game. It is far from op. Yes I was moving, yse my shields were at full power, yet my hull was melting away at a extremely fast rate. No I did not have a burner on my hull, nor was I being hit by torps. Just regular weapons fire, and my ships was loosing hull percentage extremely fast. I do not see any dev burning themselves by putting out a gimped ship like this, it would only ensure no one ever again buys from the zen store. My guess is its a bug, given the state of the interior, I am guessing they rushed this ship out too fast, and its bugged.
  • trygvar13trygvar13 Member Posts: 697 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Wow I haven't experienced any of the things you are mentioning... yet.
    Dahar Master Qor'aS
  • otowiotowi Member Posts: 600 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    moradum wrote: »
    Cryptic legendary lack of quality assurance strikes again.

    Can Cryptic/PWE do release anything without it being a massive cluster F?

    Good question.

    This certainly explains why my NX-01 tanks better than the Scimitar...

    Thought something was a tad off. I kept going boom from a bog standard photon torp...

    And the inertia really needs a looking at. It's not fun powersliding, just makes it harder to hit your targets.

    I can still fly it, but right now it's very hard to fly it properly...

    Please fix the Scimitar Cryptic, please...
  • stirling191stirling191 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    YOU people realize one BIG thing right??

    Standing still - AKA firing the weapon = Negative -15% defense

    this drops all resists - this makes you blow up if hit by most things

    This is standard for ALL ships - when stopped dead in space( negative - defense)

    Defense =/= damage resistance.

    Two entirely different mechanics.
This discussion has been closed.