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Stipends (5/9/13 Update and Information Regarding Extra Stipends Received)



  • hayabusafuryhayabusafury Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    craig76 wrote: »
    i subbmitted about 4 tickets about not receiving stipend for nearly a year. They tried telling me it was approved and that it was corrected and that i did get my monthly stipend. So they are basically calling me a liar. Well thankyou very friggin much perfectworld, im not a friggin liar, you go thru my account crunch the numbers, work out what YOU have actually given me, and what I have actually brought, to which you will see it does not add up. And then you close the ticket, well thanks for shafting me for the past year:mad:

    I am in a similar situation. PWE is not responding to my tickets. I have been unable to find a resolution to my issues. PWE does not seem to be interested in fixing the multitude of issues plaguing customers. We are dealing with real money and value exchanging or not exchanging hands. I have been advised that this is turning into a legal matter of the class action variety.

    PWE knows the right thing to do and makes more than enough money to fix this issue for it's customers. They CHOOSE not to correct it.
    Help rebuild the Romulan Star Empire to glory. Click the banner to join today.

  • scrooge69scrooge69 Member Posts: 1,108 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I baught the Leagcy pack... so I spent a lot of money AGAIN
    and in reward I'm not getting the zen from my lifetime sub? which costed a lot of money too??

  • aeternavitaaeternavita Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I just got my final reply from PWE regarding this issue, apparently it's working as intended and I got my zen (could have fooled me) and the ticket is now closed. It looked like a form letter so I rather imagine some other people received the same curt response.

    Curt is not the word I'm looking for...
  • cursixcursix Member Posts: 0
    edited July 2013
    So, possibly it's a contributor, maybe if there are other editions registered as well (?) but it does not seem to affect ALL CE holders.

    Well if it helps to identify the problem, this is what I have listed in my "Activated Features" section:
    Star Trek Online Public Test Shard
    Star Trek Online - Preorder
    Star Trek Online - Digital Collectors Edition
    Star Trek Online - Collector's Edition
    Star Trek Online Lifetime Subscription
  • scheinerchen77scheinerchen77 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I just got my final reply from PWE regarding this issue, apparently it's working as intended and I got my zen (could have fooled me) and the ticket is now closed. It looked like a form letter so I rather imagine some other people received the same curt response.

    Curt is not the word I'm looking for...

    I think i got the same form letter like you. No real response to my question, only auto generated standart text.

    Okay, PWE don't want me any more as an customer of there games? No problem, your wish is my order.
  • tc10btc10b Member Posts: 1,549 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I just got my final reply from PWE regarding this issue, apparently it's working as intended and I got my zen (could have fooled me) and the ticket is now closed. It looked like a form letter so I rather imagine some other people received the same curt response.

    Curt is not the word I'm looking for...

    I would replace the r myself....

    I also got my final reply today which even though they admitted that they made a mistake and were awarding me the Zen, they weren't going to.
    Ticket forcibly closed and told not to make another one because they basically don't care.

    I find this kind of response seriously out of order and I will be making representations about this. I have a legitimate complaint and so to not answer it and tell me to FO is out of line considering how calm and polite I consider it was despite being spoon fed lie after lie.

    I want to be able to make a complaint about this service because this has been brushed under the carpet. I wonder if community champion Branflakes will be able to facilitate this as CS certainly weren't able to respond in a helpful manner even though I very politely asked to have the matter elevated in whatever complaints procedure they have as a company.

    I shall be informing other players of this in game and outside it. This is an outrage, it really is.
  • dracondarknightdracondarknight Member Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Still waiting for that stipend....
    Ah well lets see if I will get this months, maybe I'm wrong and I did get it in may... (which I don't think btw since I remember having wondered about my balance back then, and a fleet member explained to me that I will get the next one in june...)
    So if I don't get it in July something is definitely wrong...
  • xsi1exsi1e Member Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    PWE CS needs an overhaul!

    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~BranFlakes
  • aeternavitaaeternavita Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    xsi1e wrote: »
    PWE CS needs an overhaul!


    You received the same form letter that I did. I too am a lifetime subscriber and a 1268 day vet at that. I've never paid much attention to the whole zen thing until recently and now I'm wondering if this has happened before. More importantly to PWE's bottom line, I'm not confident enough to actually buy any zen at this point.
  • section31agent#8506 section31agent Member Posts: 665 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I know somewhere is a gm sitting on his fat butt stuffing his face with food laughing at the "Whiny Lifers". They either have ignored us or simply do not care and think they are untouchable. In the TOS it says that we cannot hold them responsible for thier product. That may be the case in a civil court.... but it is a whole different matter in a Criminal court. In a court of law it would be quite easy to prove that they being PWE/Cryptic have indeed comitted Fraud by Theft of Services.

    Now should it come to a criminal court thier legal team will scramble to say zen has no monetary value... but they forget the $300.00 we shelled out to get the lifetime service. That specifically stated a monthly stipend a "Quid Pro Quo" [This For That]. They also forget that they can and will be held liable for the actions of the employees which are felonious in nature. The Attorney General of the United States would love to find an excuse to shut down a Chinese owned company defrauding US Citizens under the guise of Anti-Terrorism laws. Then the President could say you have a worse rating than him and that is hard to do.

    Under Star Fleet General Order 6 a Star Trek Captain would rather lose his ship and crew than to loose some evil on the universe. I think the time for Auto-Self Destruct has started countdown commencing....

    Oh and Vucans never bluff.... Your Move PWE/Cryptic.
  • aeternavitaaeternavita Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I don't know that general incompetence qualifies as criminal intent. I'm much more inclined to believe that they don't know what they're doing than that they're doing it wrong on purpose.

    There needs to be some transparency in the stipend system where customers can see what they're supposed to get and when without resorting to contacting customer service every time something doesn't look right.
  • tc10btc10b Member Posts: 1,549 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    valoreah wrote: »
    PWE : "You received a double stipend"
    Customer : "No, I didn't"
    PWE : "Yes, you did. Trust us"

    Went more like this for me.

    PWE : "You received a double stipend"
    Customer : "No, I didn't"
    PWE : "Yes, you did. Here's the proof!"
    Customer: "Wait a minute, you proved my point. See. Give me my stipend."
    PWE: "Oh er um.... Go away there was no problem, ever. I'm not listening allalalalaalala"

    Copied and pasted the entire transcript to the BBB for them to look at.
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~BranFlakes

    At least these posts are getting read even if nothing is done about it....
  • milanvoriusmilanvorius Member Posts: 641 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    valoreah wrote: »
    Agreed. However, I'm convinced PWE has no intention of adding anything that provides any transparency or accountability. It's simply easier for them to keep the advantage in their favor in case of any issues.

    PWE : "You received a double stipend"
    Customer : "No, I didn't"
    PWE : "Yes, you did. Trust us"

    Case closed.

    Were we to have a proper purchase and account history, we would have at least some documentation to help our position. Right now, we have nothing and that's the way PWE wants to keep it.

    Thought about putting a petition on the White House page and linking it here hee hee jk.

    There needs to be a consolidated ledger for review.
    PvE Jem'Hadar motto: Participation Ribbons are life.
  • tc10btc10b Member Posts: 1,549 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Right, here is the error. The accounting.
    *If you're a monthly gold subscriber, it comes in on or around 30-days past the day when your bank last hard posted the subscription charge (moved from pending to posted). This can happen at anytime during the day. Lifetime subscribers (who have been subscribed for at least 30-days), will get it on or around the day of the month when your bank hard posted the original lifetime subscription charge (moved from pending to posted).


    Brandon =/\=

    So basically, your Stipend is paid to you in arrears. You subscribe for a month and then get it. Like going to work and getting paid the following month. This makes sense.

    However, Billing seem to have a different story. They seem to be presenting the idea that you get paid your stipend when you subscribe. So they are counting the month in which you subscribe as the month you get your stipend. (This would also explain the issue with some double payments.)

    My last payment went out of my account in March to cover the next three months of subscription. Now if what Branflakes says is correct my payment in March covers April, May and June, which would explain the missing month of stipend.

    So Billing have two problems, some people have received it twice and they aren't properly accounting for the arrears payments they should be making with regard to the stipend.

    This is not including the additional month of time I should have got for adding the collectors addition to my account, which would mean that I should receive a final payment in July when my subscription ends.

    It's all academic now since the BBB are looking into it for me. But I suspect that this is the cause. If I am wrong about this, please someone correct me. (Particularly Branflakes, because I know you are watching this thread. :))

    EDIT: 5 minutes after mailing this to CS, I got 500 Zen in my account. FULL OF WIN!
  • aeternavitaaeternavita Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    tc10b wrote: »
    EDIT: 5 minutes after mailing this to CS, I got 500 Zen in my account. FULL OF WIN!

    OK, so we have to complain to the BBB to get this resolved and tell CS that we're doing it? Sheesh.
  • amishrevolutionamishrevolution Member Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    You can complain to the BBB all you want, it won't make any difference to Cryptic or PWE. Cryptic has outright lied to us since STO's release and has been anything but apologetic about it. If it were an honest error, it was still on their part and any normal and ethical company would have written it off. As it stands Cryptic and PWE are penny-pinching, miserly, and mean and will do anything short of actual homicide (I think) to increase their profit margins.

    I have no problems with the concept of "all the traffic will bear" but without the second part of that addage "... but don't make the mark anemic" it only sheds uncomfortable light on the utter lack of business (or indeed personal) ethics of both the company and its employees.

    And yet they wonder why people get up in arms about minor annoyances that crop up in their events. The reason is that the events don't seem so altruistic when all they actually serve to do is to throw the company's ethics and disdain for their customers into sharp relief.
  • smidgysmidgy Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I really do think some kind of journal or record is needed so that players can verify for themselves that they are getting the Zen they should be getting. I have an LTS, and I got an email telling me about the new Scimitar ships, and I said to myself 'last time I logged in, I seem to remember that I had 4000 and something Zen. That was several weeks ago, so I may be able to get the bundle pack from my stipend.' I just logged in, and I had 4200 Zen. I have no way of determining whether it is, in fact, the case I have not had a stipend or two I should have had (and, if so, it actually raises the possibility of missing past stipends without realising it), or whether it's due to me misremembering when I last logged in, so I'm not actually due any more stipends, or misremembering how much Zen I had when I last logged in, or something else entirely. Frankly, I have no real desire to go through the palaver of finding out, so, instead of this being me getting enticed back to the game by the Scimitar ships, and maybe generating some revenue by being enticed into Z-Store purchases, this is me actually getting driven away from the game again straight away by the headache of trying to work out whether I'm actually missing Zen or not.
  • gfreeman98gfreeman98 Member Posts: 1,200 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    OK I tried to give them the benefit of the doubt, but I am now 31 days past my last stipend payment, but my balance is unchanged.

    Ticket logged. I signed up for LTS last month, and got the first stipend the following day. I know exactly how much Zen I started with. They cannot say they "overpaid" me in prior months, since before last month I was FTP.

    I should not have to watch them like a hawk to get what I paid for. I play this game for fun, not to deal with BS support issues. Not a happy camper. :mad:
  • amishrevolutionamishrevolution Member Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    gfreeman98 wrote: »
    OK I tried to give them the benefit of the doubt, but I am now 31 days past my last stipend payment, but my balance is unchanged.

    Ticket logged. I signed up for LTS last month, and got the first stipend the following day. I know exactly how much Zen I started with. They cannot say they "overpaid" me in prior months, since before last month I was FTP.

    I should not have to watch them like a hawk to get what I paid for. I play this game for fun, not to deal with BS support issues. Not a happy camper. :mad:

    I think that using Ockham's Razor that the simplest answer is the correct answer, they found a way to shave some money from an accounting error and simply decided to not give out our stipends for a few months in the hope that we would just buy the zen. It probably started out as an "honest" error and instead of taking responsibility, they took advantage. PWE doesn't understand the concepts of honesty and accountability when it isn't in their favor and since they hold all the cards and all of the power, they get to decide right and wrong with their own skewed ideas of business ethics.

    By the way, you have to watch all game companies like a hawk, they will take full advantage every single time, PWE is not unique, they are just the least competent at stealing money without getting caught in the act.
  • section31agent#8506 section31agent Member Posts: 665 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I think that using Ockham's Razor that the simplest answer is the correct answer, they found a way to shave some money from an accounting error and simply decided to not give out our stipends for a few months in the hope that we would just buy the zen. It probably started out as an "honest" error and instead of taking responsibility, they took advantage. PWE doesn't understand the concepts of honesty and accountability when it isn't in their favor and since they hold all the cards and all of the power, they get to decide right and wrong with their own skewed ideas of business ethics.

    By the way, you have to watch all game companies like a hawk, they will take full advantage every single time, PWE is not unique, they are just the least competent at stealing money without getting caught in the act.

    Which means they knowingly are engaged in criminal behavior which can and should be prosecuted in a court of law. I cannot believe thier legal team is allowing this behavior to continue considering thier precarious position. I am wondering if they are Pakleds calling the shots over there or if they simply believe because they are in a foriegn country they are untouchable. Well they are in the wrong... we have waited long enough action is required.
  • section31agent#8506 section31agent Member Posts: 665 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    No subscription fee: Play without a monthly fee forever!

    The Liberated Borg character species: Play as an escaped member of the Hivemind.

    The Captain's Table - A special area restricted to lifetime subscribers and longtime STO veterans.

    Exclusive costume option - An insignia available only to lifetime subscribers. Just visit a tailor in-game to add it to your current captain.

    "Career Officer" title - Show off that you're committed to Starfleet, the KDF, or the Romulan Republic for the duration.

    Forum goodies - Change the color of your username and show off a special title.

    (NEW!) Instant access to all Veteran Rewards!

    No mention of monthly stipends

    This is what is written under the STO lifetime offer now. It is my position they are trying to run off the lifers that have the zen stipend or just out and out not give it to them even thopugh the contract was for the stipend.
  • amishrevolutionamishrevolution Member Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    arnthebard wrote: »
    Which means they knowingly are engaged in criminal behavior which can and should be prosecuted in a court of law. I cannot believe thier legal team is allowing this behavior to continue considering thier precarious position. I am wondering if they are Pakleds calling the shots over there or if they simply believe because they are in a foriegn country they are untouchable. Well they are in the wrong... we have waited long enough action is required.

    Like I said before, it's not just them. There is no oversight in the industry whatsoever in the US and filing charges would just appear to be petty to any of the attorney general's offices but if they actually received enough complaints, the states would have to act upon them. The TOS cannot possibly be bulletproof and nobody has even tested EULAs in a court of law though everyone seems to think they can't stand up to scrutiny. Game companies are currently working in a legal vacuum which gives them license to pretty much do whatever they want to.

    They aren't Pakleds, they're Ferengi, they just aren't really all that competent at TRIBBLE over their customers, but it doesn't mean they aren't going to try.
  • smidgysmidgy Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    arnthebard wrote: »
    No subscription fee: Play without a monthly fee forever!

    The Liberated Borg character species: Play as an escaped member of the Hivemind.

    The Captain's Table - A special area restricted to lifetime subscribers and longtime STO veterans.

    Exclusive costume option - An insignia available only to lifetime subscribers. Just visit a tailor in-game to add it to your current captain.

    "Career Officer" title - Show off that you're committed to Starfleet, the KDF, or the Romulan Republic for the duration.

    Forum goodies - Change the color of your username and show off a special title.

    (NEW!) Instant access to all Veteran Rewards!

    No mention of monthly stipends

    This is what is written under the STO lifetime offer now. It is my position they are trying to run off the lifers that have the zen stipend or just out and out not give it to them even thopugh the contract was for the stipend.

    Actually, if you consult the F2P Feature Matrix:


    The stipend is still listed on there, so I'm going by Hanlon's Razor, and attributing this to incompetence, not malice.
  • amishrevolutionamishrevolution Member Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    smidgy wrote: »
    Actually, if you consult the F2P Feature Matrix:


    The stipend is still listed on there, so I'm going by Hanlon's Razor, and attributing this to incompetence, not malice.

    I agree that it probably started out as incompetence but I do question if it has turned into malice. I have tried repeatedly to get proof that my stipends being paid out is accurate but all I get is the old "working as intended" TRIBBLE. Incompetence doesn't excuse the fact that the stipends are still being held back and we lifetimers have even less of a record than those that pay monthly. Prior experience with both PWE and Cryptic has shown us all that they have no problems lying directly to us as it's convenient for them to do so. They have been anything but honest with their customers at least since STO's release and since the old forums are now dead and buried, I don't think we even have a way to look those up anymore.

    I am tired of being treated with this level of disdain by the people I paid for my game and for my LTS and I feel that we are all deserving of far more respect as the people that pay the bills in their little California hideaway.
  • gfreeman98gfreeman98 Member Posts: 1,200 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    gfreeman98 wrote: »
    ... I am now 31 days past my last stipend payment, but my balance is unchanged.
    Lo and behold, I now have 500 more Zen than I did before. Was it because I complained? No way to tell I suppose, my ticket has not been updated.
  • hayabusafuryhayabusafury Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013

    Still no stipend. No response to my tickets.

    I am going to submit tickets one more time. If I get no response, I will be filing complaints with any bureau that will listen. I have a lawyer, because I am unable to use my purchased goods such as Lobi. I am not looking to profit from this. I just was to get it on the books that PWE/Crtptic is failing to follow through with their commitments.

    This whole issue is beyond shady. PWE is stealing from people.
    Help rebuild the Romulan Star Empire to glory. Click the banner to join today.

  • section31agent#8506 section31agent Member Posts: 665 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    The Obsidian Order of Silence.... continues

    PWE/Cryptic ... I SEE THREE LIGHTS!!!!!!!!!!

    We will not go quietly into oblivion. I submitted yet another ticket today and will continue to do so everyday I do not recieve my stipends in arears. I encourage every lifer to do the same. We have been lied to and disrespected and outright ignored but if we [lifers] can together create enough headache for you then perhaps you will at least acknowledge us and give us what is rightfully ours to begin with.

    About 18-20 months ago you accidentally gave me overpayment on Zen but the very next month you showed me at -500 Zen. It was self correcting. What happened to that system?
    Suddenly you can go multiple months with no reason for your actions no explanation no proof of overpayment. There is no shame or low you will not sink to. Your company is as transparent and trustworthy as a government....

    I vote no confidence... just give me back my money I paid for the Life Time Commitment and I will part ways with you.
  • xsi1exsi1e Member Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Bah! ridiculousness. Not to the above post, to the silly ToS rule that says you can not use correspondence between yourself and CS in the forum post. Obviously they do not want the community to have the ability to show each other when they are getting the shaft, because then maybe more people would start holding them accountable for their companies actions or lack of.

    They will simply go about Business as usual. I am sure that they have tools in place so that submitting multiple tickets on the same issue are auto filed to recycle bin.

    BTW they did finally get back to me and I did in fact get a more specific response.
    Apparently I did get a 3 stipend (thought I think I would have noticed 1500 zen added) and they finally (after what seemed like pulling teeth) got a straight answer showed me the dates they claim the stipend was credited. However again, I think I would have noticed 1500 extra zen on my account. I would have bought a ship with the stipend instead of converting all my dilituim to buy the ones I current have.
    Anyway this month will be the tell for sure month if they got their system working properly. I would like to be more specific but I don't want to risk another ToS violation for telling the truth.
  • amishrevolutionamishrevolution Member Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Hmm, vague, slow, and cryptic responses to tickets (if they bother to respond at all). No response to their own thread, gee I wonder what they're hiding. Cryptic, this continued kneejerk reaction of sticking your virtual fingers in your ears and shouting lalalalala isn't working this time, people are getting annoyed enough to contact the BBB, lawyers, and in my case the Michigan State Attorney General's Office and the California State Attorney General's office.

    Time to sort this out, it's not going away until you respond to it responsibly.
  • section31agent#8506 section31agent Member Posts: 665 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Hmm, vague, slow, and cryptic responses to tickets (if they bother to respond at all). No response to their own thread, gee I wonder what they're hiding. Cryptic, this continued kneejerk reaction of sticking your virtual fingers in your ears and shouting lalalalala isn't working this time, people are getting annoyed enough to contact the BBB, lawyers, and in my case the Michigan State Attorney General's Office and the California State Attorney General's office.

    Time to sort this out, it's not going away until you respond to it responsibly.

    AMEN TO THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Preach on brother.... What do we want JUSTICE when do we want it NOW!!!!!!!!!!!
This discussion has been closed.