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Stipends (5/9/13 Update and Information Regarding Extra Stipends Received)



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    rayethrayeth Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I pay off and on since I sometimes can't afford it when the monthly rollover comes around. However I too have noticed I haven't gotten my stipend for June. What gives?
    I found a plot hole! NURSE!
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    zekeferrignozekeferrigno Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Submitted a ticket as well. If I calculated right I am missing about three months as well. Asked them to review it to be sure, no response as of yet.
    Anyway, like I was sayin', shrimp is the fruit of the sea. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, saute it. Dey's uh, shrimp-kabobs, shrimp creole, shrimp gumbo. Pan fried, deep fried, stir-fried. There's pineapple shrimp, lemon shrimp, coconut shrimp, pepper shrimp, shrimp soup, shrimp stew, shrimp salad, shrimp and potatoes, shrimp burger, shrimp sandwich. That- that's about it. - Bubba
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    wildmousexwildmousex Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    apparently people got double/tripple stipends back in april, so they skipped a few month's for people who got multiples. - I did have about 1,500 zen when I came back for LoR and haven't seen one since I've come back, so atm I accept that I could be one of them...

    but I also didn't log in from about a month after fleets, until about a month before LoR and that makes me think that 1,500 seem's a bit low - since I wasn't playing, and still have bought everything I had any desire too - I'm not going to be picky about the past - but I got my zen down to 0 a couple of weeks ago, and I'm going to be watching July like a hawk. - I refused to get ripped off during the month I was born - lol.
    Me playing UT2k4 (red guy) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wz0DnP7wXnU
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    warmonkey1980warmonkey1980 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Same here. I have not received my stippen from June. I will be also keeping a close eye on july
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    alfamegaalfamega Member Posts: 268 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    same here. no stipend this month.
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    milanvoriusmilanvorius Member Posts: 641 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    In your ticket specifically ask to have it forwarded to be looked at by someone with access to your account. The GM dont have this access and dont necessarily volunteer that. They just can't help you. I replied to my ticket to have someone look at my account, was really nice about it, and i got 500 zen from the mission monthly stipend.

    No reply from the GM post the account credit, but they probably have enough to do.

    What I would advise you all to do is request your ticket get forwarded to someone WITH access to your account therefore a resolution can be obtained. Without stating that specifically they probably won't forward your request on is the best I thing I can offer. I am not sure that is exactly what happened, but it seems to work with a bonafide zen non-payment.

    BE NICE in the ticket though! Be the person you would help out if you were that guy, and realize the GM is just the face of the company not the decision maker.
    PvE Jem'Hadar motto: Participation Ribbons are life.
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    url1kurl1k Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Now July 5th and no June stipend. What really pisses me off is that last week my billing ticket was finally looked at and they said I gotten all my stipends (I disagree but ok) yet their response even showed I was overdue for the June stipend! I've personally decided to not spend any more money until there is a proper zen account statement like other F2P MMOs do for transparency.
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    redheadguyredheadguy Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Yeah, I had called their customer service number (don't think it's allowed to post it), and they said they looked it up and told me the dates that I was paid. I have no proof of it, although I do remember that at least one of those times I thought I had already received it (basically, I won't argue with a double-payment one month, because I thought they may have--triple payment, I'll just have to assume they did). Plus they told me when my next should be paid, so I can at least verify from now on.

    But yes, I also know that some people might not have received anything, even though they weren't double-triple paid one month--which is why I mentioned that the person (everyone really) should contact them to find out.

    There is just something deeply wrong with a company trying to make it more difficult for their customers to contact them... On another note, can you at least tell me how I can find that phone number. The "contact us" link just leads to a page to email perfect world and I don't want to talk to them.

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    matkempmatkemp Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited July 2013

    Is anybody else having problems recieving there monthly ZEN?

    I am a monthly subscriber, but I have as yet not recieved my ZEN from last month.

    Kind of fed up sending in game tickets as they all seem to be ignored!

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    url1kurl1k Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited July 2013
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    maxwilsonmaxwilson Member Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Ohhhh yes. Think I maybe received it twice. One of those times was when I complained to them.
    Veteran lifer since the beta.
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    jarikithjarikith Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    url1k wrote: »
    Now July 5th and no June stipend. What really pisses me off is that last week my billing ticket was finally looked at and they said I gotten all my stipends (I disagree but ok) yet their response even showed I was overdue for the June stipend! I've personally decided to not spend any more money until there is a proper zen account statement like other F2P MMOs do for transparency.

    Here here. SWTOR has no problem sending me an email when I get my stipend of Cartel Coins and including a ledger on their website that shows when I received coins (Stipend or Purchased not just Purchased) and when I spend coins. Why STO can't manage the same thing for our Zen stipends and instead places the burden entirely on the player to keep track of Zen stipends themselves remains a mind boggling mystery. Unless the reason is the nefarious one of 'If we don't tell them, then they don't know they're lacking Zen they should have and might buy more!'
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    reven000reven000 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    as far as i can tell i did not get any for the last four months and i don't know when this months is am i missing it or is something wrong. plz help i am so confused
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    pwebranflakespwebranflakes Member Posts: 7,741
    edited July 2013
    Quoting myself. Please see yellow text.
    I've posted the updates to this and other threads that I have -- if you have not received your stipend, it is most likely because you received a duplicate (or triple) in April or May. Please re-read the OP for information. (This includes information in the bullet points on why yours might be delayed.)

    Unfortunately, no one on the forums is able to look into your account; only the billing team can do that.

    If there are any outstanding questions or concerns, please reach out to our billing team at http://support.perfectworld.com ('Contact Us' tab, 'Billing' for the category drop down). If you are not able to reach the support site, please email directly to customerservice@perfectworld.com and put "billing" in the subject line and as many details in the message as possible. Filing a ticket is always the preferred method to contact us as you can ensure your ticket is in the right queue via the category dropdown.

    Please note that tickets are answered in the order received, and as fast as possible.

    Also, please note this thread: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=770891

    If you have not been charged for your subscription (check to make sure your bank has hard posted the charge and it's not in "pending"), that could be a reason for your stipend not being given.


    Brandon =/\=
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    milanvoriusmilanvorius Member Posts: 641 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Quoting myself. Please see yellow text.

    Also, please note this thread: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=770891

    If you have not been charged for your subscription (check to make sure your bank has hard posted the charge and it's not in "pending"), that could be a reason for your stipend not being given.


    Brandon =/\=

    Brandon, I would like to echo others calling for a ledger of zen recived via stipend. It would simplify this and probably quell some unnecessary frustrations. Could it be added to our account info from website similar to that gift zen and purchased zen?
    PvE Jem'Hadar motto: Participation Ribbons are life.
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    leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    What I would settle for is for stipend ZEN to either be picked up:

    Via an Exchange-style tab.
    Via a Foundry tip slot.

    Heck, rather than have it bundle up around days when people started playing (end/beginning of the month in many cases), howabout THIS:

    30 day cooldown power that mints refined dilithium worth whatever the going rate is for 500 ZEN with. Heck, that would probably be better for the economy.

    Just tune the ability so that it can be no less than 50,000 dilithium (regardless of the rate, meaning that if dilithium dips below 100 per ZEN, you just got bonus ZEN).

    Buy ZEN with it and you get your 500 ZEN.

    Should also make Cryptic's books (and support) much easier since this phases all ZEN into being purchased. And support is easier since it's user-triggered.
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    dekkartdekkart Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Despite what Cryptic says, the stipend issue has not been resolved for me. I didn't receive my free 500 zen points for may and june (my day is 24th-25th), posted a ticked but no answer so far, only an automated response.

    Look, I'm trying to be polite, but I'm a lifetime user who also bought a Legacy Pack and spent even more with zen. As a costumer, I have the right to complain and to demand an answer. I paid for those zen with the lifetime signature!!!! Profit is all nice but with honest business, don't you think?
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    realpeacekeeperrealpeacekeeper Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Quoting myself. Please see yellow text.

    Also, please note this thread: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=770891

    If you have not been charged for your subscription (check to make sure your bank has hard posted the charge and it's not in "pending"), that could be a reason for your stipend not being given.


    Brandon =/\=

    Problem is that writing a ticket does not help because it gets no response since a week.
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    hayabusafuryhayabusafury Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    dekkart wrote: »
    Despite what Cryptic says, the stipend issue has not been resolved for me. I didn't receive my free 500 zen points for may and june (my day is 24th-25th), posted a ticked but no answer so far, only an automated response.

    Look, I'm trying to be polite, but I'm a lifetime user who also bought a Legacy Pack and spent even more with zen. As a costumer, I have the right to complain and to demand an answer. I paid for those zen with the lifetime signature!!!! Profit is all nice but with honest business, don't you think?

    Still no Stipend for me, and I am also unable to use Lobi in game. Tickets get no response. Not even a generic one.

    I also am a lifetime subscriber since launch, bought the LoR pack and random ZEN at times. This is has hit a level of incompetence by Cryptic/PWE that is starting to border on embarrassing for companies of their size. It is even more shameful that they made this thread that all was "fixed". It clearly is not.
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    zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    *redacted out of line lol*
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    hank900hank900 Member Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I have not received my ZEN for the month of June, now that June is over with I am pretty disappointed it did not show up. I hope that you all at PWE can fix my problem here, I'd like my 500 ZEN for June please. Anyone else have this problem
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    geekguy79geekguy79 Member Posts: 209 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Didn't get mine either
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    trekkietravistrekkietravis Member Posts: 214 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Same here. I haven't gotten any Zen since March. And contrary to Cryptics claims, I never received multiple stipends "early."

    No response to any support tickets (that that they ever respond to support tickets...)
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    tc10btc10b Member Posts: 1,549 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Yeah, I had called their customer service number (don't think it's allowed to post it), and they said they looked it up and told me the dates that I was paid. I have no proof of it, although I do remember that at least one of those times I thought I had already received it (basically, I won't argue with a double-payment one month, because I thought they may have--triple payment, I'll just have to assume they did). Plus they told me when my next should be paid, so I can at least verify from now on.

    But yes, I also know that some people might not have received anything, even though they weren't double-triple paid one month--which is why I mentioned that the person (everyone really) should contact them to find out.

    I would call their customer service. But I'm not paying international rates to be given the same message.

    Zen is a virtual currency, they didn't lose any real money and none of the players attempted to defraud them of the stipend payments.
    I don't understand why they FUBARed the system in order to recoup some fake money, that they overpaid through their own fault.

    The pragmatic thing to have done would have been to have called it a good will gesture, raffle prize whatever and moved on.

    Of course now that the official line has changed from "we overpaid you significantly" to "you haven't paid" I'm not entirely convinced the true story is being given out.
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    erraberrab Member Posts: 1,428 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    dekkart wrote: »
    Despite what Cryptic says, the stipend issue has not been resolved for me. I didn't receive my free 500 zen points for may and june (my day is 24th-25th), posted a ticked but no answer so far, only an automated response.

    Look, I'm trying to be polite, but I'm a lifetime user who also bought a Legacy Pack and spent even more with zen. As a costumer, I have the right to complain and to demand an answer. I paid for those zen with the lifetime signature!!!! Profit is all nice but with honest business, don't you think?

    I have not seen my Stipend in what will be 4 months come the 22nd of this month.
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    erraberrab Member Posts: 1,428 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    errab wrote: »
    I have not seen my Stipend in what will be 4 months come the 22nd of this month.

    Quoted myself by mistake.... feel free to delete this one.
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    erraberrab Member Posts: 1,428 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    tc10b wrote: »
    I would call their customer service. But I'm not paying international rates to be given the same message.

    Zen is a virtual currency, they didn't lose any real money and none of the players attempted to defraud them of the stipend payments.
    I don't understand why they FUBARed the system in order to recoup some fake money, that they overpaid through their own fault.

    The pragmatic thing to have done would have been to have called it a good will gesture, raffle prize whatever and moved on.

    Of course now that the official line has changed from "we overpaid you significantly" to "you haven't paid" I'm not entirely convinced the true story is being given out.

    I agree with this statement.

    I can not verify if I received a double or Triple Stipend payment 4 months back and even if I did was it my fault?

    All I know is that in 16 days it will be exactly 4 months that I've gone without getting a Stipend.

    It warrants Repeating.... WE NEED A BETTER WAY TO TRACK OUR STIPENDS!

    Just like we can with online banking we should be able to check our zen history with STO for at least the past 180 days so we can see what we received and when we used it in that time frame.
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    zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    errab wrote: »
    I agree with this statement.

    I can not verify if I received a double or Triple Stipend payment 4 months back and even if I did was it my fault?

    All I know is that in 16 days it will be exactly 4 months that I've gone without getting a Stipend.

    It warrants Repeating.... WE NEED A BETTER WAY TO TRACK OUR STIPENDS!

    Just like we can with online banking we should be able to check our zen history with STO for at least the past 180 days so we can see what we received and when we used it in that time frame.

    In my experience with customer service both military and civilian when it is the fault of the company or organization I've never worked for any of said entities where the fault is not of the customer that the customer is basically penalized for their own mistakes. Its where accountability with mishaps are dealt with and shows the integrity as well where with Cryptic its very questionable.
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    wanderer89wanderer89 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    When I filed a ticket, it took nearly a week before I got an "answer". The response I got was

    "Some people got paid three or four months worth of Zen back in April and as such, those people will not recieve anything again this month (June)"

    Thats all fine and dandy except I didnt get anything extra back then. As I pointed out to PWE had I have been given extra, I'd of spent it on stuff for my Romulan character as opposed to then buying the two thousand of so points I bought later on in May upon release of LoR.

    Its now been a month since I pointed that out and I havent recieved a single response, nor do I expect to. Its my word against theirs and we as a player base have no means of evidence to support our case.

    I am a huge fan of Cryptic as a dev team and this game in particular (as are we all, thus the LTS in the first place) but this issue is getting a tad out of hand :/
    Vice Admiral Dir Sonatra, I.R.W. Kholairlha, Scimitar Class Warbird
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