Antiproton was banned too, but everyone uses it so :P
Light Speed! - No, light speed is too slow. We need LUDICROUS SPEED!
Ajma420 - Lv 50 Tac - Pride of the Federation Catherine The Great - Lv 50 Tac - Pride of the Empire Vladimir - Lv 50 Tac - Pride of the Rihannsu Empire
*****SPOILER ALERT***** The whole point of the Khitomer conference mission for the Republic was to convince the Feds and the Klings that the Republic is a legitimate uprising and that the Republic had a higher moral ground than the RSE and Tal Shiar. Throw scimitars with thalaron weapons into the mix and the Republic's right to resist the Empress Sela loses all it's legitimacy; they've gone from honorable resistance fighters to dangerous terrorists, essentially legitimizing Sela's initial characterizations of them. There's no digging yourself out of this one guys, sorry.
*****SPOILER ALERT***** The whole point of the Khitomer conference mission for the Republic was to convince the Feds and the Klings that the Republic is a legitimate uprising and that the Republic had a higher moral ground than the RSE and Tal Shiar. Throw scimitars with thalaron weapons into the mix and the Republic's right to resist the Empress Sela loses all it's legitimacy; they've gone from honorable resistance fighters to dangerous terrorists, essentially legitimizing Sela's initial characterizations of them. There's no digging yourself out of this one guys, sorry.
Then give up the Borg Warbirds that are used by the enemy that was created by the death of many Romulans and other races in the name of "science"......and we are not the ones kidnapping people to turn them into food, and solders...we have a right to defend ourselves by any means.
With the introduction of the Scimitars from the Zen store, we can now violate the laws! According to the Star Trek story line, Thalaron* Radiation and the use of it was banned!
Aren't there laws, bans and regulations on about a dozen weapons we're already using? I mean people are releasing Theta radiation in Earth orbit just for fun...
Then give up the Borg Warbirds that are used by the enemy that was created by the death of many Romulans and other races in the same of "science"......and we are not the ones kidnapping people to turn them into food, and solders...we have a right to defend ourselves by any means.
Yes, you do. But that doesn't mean the Feds or Klings won't attach conditions to the support they render. The Borg Warbirds don't have a Thalaron weapon and the borg tech they're using is mostly for the regenerative properties it provides to hulls. You're comparing apples to oranges.
The Romulan Republic also has Thalaron weapons on their ban list. I don't get it. I thought it was going to end up being some sort of plasma weapon.
Thanks for the expansion that had "as much content as the last"
9 Episodes = 30+ episodes...?
It's pronounced "S.T.O." "Stow" sounds idiotic! lol
Don't worry on a 12 second charge time no one in their right mind would fire the thalaron weapon lol. Unless your dealing with a TAC Cube or something with over 1million hull points that takes more than 15 seconds to destroy. I remember when I bought my kumara and the charge time on the cannon overload was 5 seconds and that felt like a freakin eternity, I cant even imagine what 12 seconds will be like. My question is will weapons, movement, shields, aux be offline while you charge the thalaron generators ??? or can you continue firing and be able to move or protect yourself while its charging. I know that the original scimitar didn't really move when it was using it Nemesis, but cmon that was decades ago they should have overcome that flaw if it existed a long time ago.
Yes, you do. But that doesn't mean the Feds or Klings won't attach conditions to the support they render. The Borg Warbirds don't have a Thalaron weapon and the borg tech they're using is mostly for the regenerative properties it provides to hulls. You're comparing apples to oranges.
But, they didn't attach anything or say we can't use them, and I don't think the klingons care, the Federation are the ones who banned the use of it in the Federation.
And if you think Borg technology is a okay then go ask Nero how a simple mining vessel wiped out a fleet of Klingon, and eventually the past, so yeah it may not have thlaron weapons, but Star Fleet keeps making a big deal out of using Borg technology and the Romulans, but use it themselves when convenience.... so give up the Biorg ships, and we will talk.
But, they didn't attach anything or say we can't use them, and I don't think the klingons care, the Federation are the ones who banned the use of it.
And if you think Borg technology is a okay then go ask Nero how a simple mining vessel wiped out a fleet of Klingon, and eventually the past.
You're confusing two plots here. The Vault was captured by the Reman resistance led by Obisek in STO, whereas the Republic is headed by D'Tan-two different groups commanded by two different people. Anything that comes out the vault would be a result of the Remans experimenting there now or prior to that, the Tal Shiar. Therefore, the Borg Warbirds make sense if you assume they're Reman Resistance Warbirds or the Tal Shiar type. And as far as I know, the Republic hasn't captured the Vault for itself yet.
Edit: Actually, there's your answer neo. Piloting the scimitars would make sense plot wise, if you could eventually leave the Republic and join the Reman resistance. If Cryptic added this option, things would make a whole lot more sense.
You're confusing two plots here. The Vault was captured by the Reman resistance led by Obisek in STO, whereas the Republic is headed by D'Tan-two different groups commanded by two different people. Anything that comes out the vault would be a result of the Remans experimenting there now or prior to that, the Tal Shiar. Therefore, the Borg Warbirds make sense if you assume they're Reman Resistance Warbirds or the Tal Shiar type. And as far as I know, the Republic hasn't captured the Vault for itself yet.
Somebody clearly missed the intro cinematic when beaming down to New Romulus for the first time...
You're confusing two plots here. The Vault was captured by the Reman resistance led by Obisek in STO, whereas the Republic is headed by D'Tan-two different groups commanded by two different people. Anything that comes out the vault would be a result of the Remans experimenting there now or prior to that, the Tal Shiar. Therefore, the Borg Warbirds make sense if you assume they're Reman Resistance Warbirds or the Tal Shiar type. And as far as I know, the Republic hasn't captured the Vault for itself yet.
Edit: Actually, there's your answer neo. Piloting the scimitars would make sense plot wise, if you could eventually leave the Republic and join the Reman resistance. If Cryptic added this option, things would make a whole lot more sense.
However, the Remans under Obisek and the Republic are close allies.
Actually - Obiseck joins up with the Romulan Republic. During the Romulan Reputation grind the player sees him meeting wtih D'tan and giving this big speech about how D'Tan is the leader that the Romulan Rpublic needs - and that he supports him. So you can safely assume that the Vault is a Romulan Republic outpost now.
Actually - Obiseck joins up with the Romulan Republic. During the Romulan Reputation grind the player sees him meeting wtih D'tan and giving this big speech about how D'Tan is the leader that the Romulan Rpublic needs - and that he supports him. So you can safely assume that the Vault is a Romulan Republic outpost now.
Yes, it would make sense that they're allies, but I don't think the Vault is Romulan Republic yet. What about the Vault missions we do where Obisek very distrustfully says we are a pawn of Sela? Obisek meeting with D'tan suggests we would be allies at some point but it doesn't mean the Remans agreed to give up the Vault or share control of it.
His comment about you being a pawn of Sela is during the Cloaked Intentions series (or the Romulan equivalent). He learns very quickly after you gun down Sela's warbird and blow Hakeev's head off that you aren't one of her pawns.
The Sela pawn comments and such that happen during Vault Ensnared are audio glitches, he originally would spawn off how much of the vault was ensnared by web and such, and somewhere along the lines his audio tracks from the original vault mission got swapped in.
Wow... this thread was made yesterday and has already reached 24 post... guess that means there are a lot of people with different opinions and like opinions on the matter.
Guess my 2 cents will be...
Love the movie.
Love the Game.
Interesting Dilemma.
Have Fun.
His comment about you being a pawn of Sela is during the Cloaked Intentions series (or the Romulan equivalent). He learns very quickly after you gun down Sela's warbird and blow Hakeev's head off that you aren't one of her pawns.
The Sela pawn comments and such that happen during Vault Ensnared are audio glitches, he originally would spawn off how much of the vault was ensnared by web and such, and somewhere along the lines his audio tracks from the original vault mission got swapped in.
So we convince Obisek we aren't working for Sela and what then? He agrees to share control of the vault with the Republic? It's plausible, but it hasn't happened yet in any mission, right?
We know he's working with D'Tan. On a familiar enough level that he can just walk up to the Romulan Republic's leader without guards/soldiers going ballistic. Considering Remans have their own part of Mol'Rihan and the fact that Obiseck doesn't have the resources to stand up to any actual government... If Obiseck and the Vault haven't joined the Republic, then they're at the very least extremely close allies. Closer then the Fed/KDF are to be honest.
The point stands though - it would have been very easy to change the Thalaron weapon into an enhanced plasma weapon that looks very similar and packs a similar punch, and avoided this whole argument.
Or it could be a hook for a future Featured Episode that questions the morals of using such weapons. I think it provides some opportunities for storytelling, whether they be "official" missions or Foundry missions.
I don't care how long you've been playing. I only care about how you play.
And remember to follow the rules.
I am personally not going to buy these ships because of the thalaron weaponry. There's ignoring the setting-lore for the sake of fun, and then there's taking it out back and beating it to death with a lead pipe.
I am personally not going to buy these ships because of the thalaron weaponry. There's ignoring the setting-lore for the sake of fun, and then there's taking it out back and beating it to death with a lead pipe.
I guess you're not using any lockbox or Lobi ships either.
To which I say that Cryptic is not only breaking established canon -- that Thalaron weapons were universally banned (by Romulans , Klingons , Federation) , they are also breaking their own canon -- in their best FE you chase a criminal suspected of planning to use Thalaron weapons (Obisek) .
Oh and let's not forget that little brainwashing business with Hakeev / Sela when you play as a Reman .
That goes out the window as well .
Yup , the "good guys" now use Thalaron weapons as well .
We didn't 'till yesterday ?
:eek:Oh well ... , money, money, money , must be funny , in the rich man's world . :rolleyes:
This has nothing to do with Star Trek .
Wow another 'canon' argument. Tell me, since Star Trek: Nemesis was the last Prime Universe canon film we have -- please show me where it was stated in the film that the Feds and other Star Nations/Empires agreed to ban Thalaron weapons?
In the film, the Scimitar had a Thalaron generator. In STO the Scimitar Class warbirdshas a scaled down version for use against ships. <--- Seems in line with ST canon to me.
Given what we saw in Nemesis, I don't see ST canon supporting your claim that everyone agreed to ban Thalaron weapons. (And ST Novels are not canon.)
Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012 PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
So much anger about a weapon system? And this coming from cold-blooded murderers willing to kill the entire complement of a science station or infect an entire collective race of beings with a deadly virus?
Perhaps it is time for the Romulan Republic to part company with and end this "peaceful" co-existence with the other major powers in the quadrant?
They have no qualms about zapping individuals into non-existence with their hand-held weapons but have issues with a weapon that does the same but on a larger scale?
The Romulan Republic must be able to defend itself against its enemies which are legion. We must employ all tools and methods available to ensure the survival of the Romulan people!
We will not go quietly into the night!
You can either be a friend to the Romulan people and stand behind our use of weapons to defend ourselves or you can be our enemies and have them used in our defense when you make war on us over them!
I am personally not going to buy these ships because of the thalaron weaponry. There's ignoring the setting-lore for the sake of fun, and then there's taking it out back and beating it to death with a lead pipe.
Goodnight, and I'm Lorie with Channel 24 News coming to you with some breaking news. Last night, the STO lore was found in Dan Stahl's backyard badly beaten do death. The local police are treating it as a homicide and no suspects have been named yet. Police are now questioning neighbors to see if they know more about what was going on at Dan Stahl's residence. More updates to come at the top of the hour!
So you're arguing that a Federation or KDF Captain flying a Galor, Jem'hadar attack ship, Dreadnought, Tholian Carrier, or adapted Romulan warbirds is justifiable?
Ajma420 - Lv 50 Tac - Pride of the Federation
Catherine The Great - Lv 50 Tac - Pride of the Empire
Vladimir - Lv 50 Tac - Pride of the Rihannsu Empire
And what imaginary source does that come from?
You do realize the Trek 'verse functions almost solely because of antiprotons right?
LOL True that! But I still want a playable "Q"!
Then give up the Borg Warbirds that are used by the enemy that was created by the death of many Romulans and other races in the name of "science"......and we are not the ones kidnapping people to turn them into food, and solders...we have a right to defend ourselves by any means.
Aren't there laws, bans and regulations on about a dozen weapons we're already using? I mean people are releasing Theta radiation in Earth orbit just for fun...
Yes, you do. But that doesn't mean the Feds or Klings won't attach conditions to the support they render. The Borg Warbirds don't have a Thalaron weapon and the borg tech they're using is mostly for the regenerative properties it provides to hulls. You're comparing apples to oranges.
9 Episodes = 30+ episodes...?
It's pronounced "S.T.O." "Stow" sounds idiotic! lol
But, they didn't attach anything or say we can't use them, and I don't think the klingons care, the Federation are the ones who banned the use of it in the Federation.
And if you think Borg technology is a okay then go ask Nero how a simple mining vessel wiped out a fleet of Klingon, and eventually the past, so yeah it may not have thlaron weapons, but Star Fleet keeps making a big deal out of using Borg technology and the Romulans, but use it themselves when convenience.... so give up the Biorg ships, and we will talk.
Pffft Thalaron... planet killer... have some balls! I want a system killer!!
/channel_join PublicEliteSTF
PublicEliteSTF Channel Info:
You're confusing two plots here. The Vault was captured by the Reman resistance led by Obisek in STO, whereas the Republic is headed by D'Tan-two different groups commanded by two different people. Anything that comes out the vault would be a result of the Remans experimenting there now or prior to that, the Tal Shiar. Therefore, the Borg Warbirds make sense if you assume they're Reman Resistance Warbirds or the Tal Shiar type. And as far as I know, the Republic hasn't captured the Vault for itself yet.
Edit: Actually, there's your answer neo. Piloting the scimitars would make sense plot wise, if you could eventually leave the Republic and join the Reman resistance. If Cryptic added this option, things would make a whole lot more sense.
Somebody clearly missed the intro cinematic when beaming down to New Romulus for the first time...
However, the Remans under Obisek and the Republic are close allies.
Yes, it would make sense that they're allies, but I don't think the Vault is Romulan Republic yet. What about the Vault missions we do where Obisek very distrustfully says we are a pawn of Sela? Obisek meeting with D'tan suggests we would be allies at some point but it doesn't mean the Remans agreed to give up the Vault or share control of it.
The Sela pawn comments and such that happen during Vault Ensnared are audio glitches, he originally would spawn off how much of the vault was ensnared by web and such, and somewhere along the lines his audio tracks from the original vault mission got swapped in.
Guess my 2 cents will be...
Love the movie.
Love the Game.
Interesting Dilemma.
Have Fun.
So we convince Obisek we aren't working for Sela and what then? He agrees to share control of the vault with the Republic? It's plausible, but it hasn't happened yet in any mission, right?
The point stands though - it would have been very easy to change the Thalaron weapon into an enhanced plasma weapon that looks very similar and packs a similar punch, and avoided this whole argument.
I don't care how long you've been playing. I only care about how you play.
And remember to follow the rules.
I guess you're not using any lockbox or Lobi ships either.
Wow another 'canon' argument. Tell me, since Star Trek: Nemesis was the last Prime Universe canon film we have -- please show me where it was stated in the film that the Feds and other Star Nations/Empires agreed to ban Thalaron weapons?
In the film, the Scimitar had a Thalaron generator. In STO the Scimitar Class warbirdshas a scaled down version for use against ships. <--- Seems in line with ST canon to me.
Given what we saw in Nemesis, I don't see ST canon supporting your claim that everyone agreed to ban Thalaron weapons. (And ST Novels are not canon.)
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
Perhaps it is time for the Romulan Republic to part company with and end this "peaceful" co-existence with the other major powers in the quadrant?
They have no qualms about zapping individuals into non-existence with their hand-held weapons but have issues with a weapon that does the same but on a larger scale?
The Romulan Republic must be able to defend itself against its enemies which are legion. We must employ all tools and methods available to ensure the survival of the Romulan people!
We will not go quietly into the night!
You can either be a friend to the Romulan people and stand behind our use of weapons to defend ourselves or you can be our enemies and have them used in our defense when you make war on us over them!
Apples and oranges my good sir.
Goodnight, and I'm Lorie with Channel 24 News coming to you with some breaking news. Last night, the STO lore was found in Dan Stahl's backyard badly beaten do death. The local police are treating it as a homicide and no suspects have been named yet. Police are now questioning neighbors to see if they know more about what was going on at Dan Stahl's residence. More updates to come at the top of the hour!
So you're arguing that a Federation or KDF Captain flying a Galor, Jem'hadar attack ship, Dreadnought, Tholian Carrier, or adapted Romulan warbirds is justifiable?