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Thalaron weapons: The end of the fed-romulan alliance?



  • gonjaagonjaa Member Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    If you want a good story, read a book.

    Games have to think about other things first, story will always be secondary. You can cry about it but it wont change it. You are in a vast minority of people who bring a story far to close to their real lives.
  • jer5488jer5488 Member Posts: 506 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    I think you are underestimating Commander Player's influence here. He/she blows up a lot of pirates, plunderers, Tal Shiar, and Elachi. I mean, really, count the ships.

    Ahh - but Commander Player's influence only counts if you're playing as a Romulan character. As a Federation captain or KDF general - the events play out quite similarly - except with the Romulan Republic being much more 'kitten like'. Sharp claws, fuzzy tail, but ultimately helpless. Even if we go with Commander Player's influence being 'all that', every single Romulan ship you see in sector space, orbit of other worlds, etc is "Commander Player", so you can pick the most awesome of the bunch, but it's still just one Commander and one ship. According to the story, every damned one of you was one of the 'only survivors of your colony', and the 'only one who discovered the New Homeworld".

    Don't get me wrong, the Romulan Republic is cool. I like the way it's starting to be shaped and it's presence in the game. I liked the Romulan story line - but all in all - the Romulan Republic is a VERY minor power in the galaxy at the moment.

    As to why Thalaron weapons are banned/bad - it's because even a microscopic amount can potentially wipe out all life on a planet. Once it starts vaporizing organic material - it spreads without really any way to contain it. So unlike a phaser blast, torpedo spread, or even potentially a tricobalt device - there's no way to 'pick your target'. What you fire it at is going to die - and so is EVERYTHING else, and when it's done the planet will be a barren rock that can't support any life what-so-ever.
  • nathraelnathrael Member Posts: 264 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Here's some lulz. The D&D spell "blackfire"

    A ray of necromantic black energy springs from your hand, and on a successful ranged touch attack, a living target is engulfed in chill black flames that feed on the fuel of their victim's life force.
    A creature engulfed in blackfire must make a successful Fortitude save each round that the spell is in effect or take 1d4 points of Constitution damage and become nauseated.
    A creature that makes its save takes no damage for that round and is sickened instead.
    In addition to its effects on the target, blackfire can spread rapidly, and any living creature adjacent to a creature engulfed in blackfire must succeed on a Reflex save or become engulfed itself.
    Any creature whose Constitution is reduced to 0 or lower by the spell is reduced to a pile of black ash,

    Now, leaving out the visual display of black flames and the game system based TRIBBLE. The effect of this sounds a lot like Thalaron energy. Reduced to black ash, it can spread to others...

    In any case, it's a perfectly legit option to use the Scimitar without the third console in. The ship can be operated Thalaron-free.

    Happy Pulsing
    In ST/STO, it just got a color change :D
  • edtheheroedthehero Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    nathrael wrote: »
    In any case, it's a perfectly legit option to use the Scimitar without the third console in. The ship can be operated Thalaron-free.

    Something no one is going to do; at least until the novelty wears off. ;)
    Captain Selek - Vulcan (TAC Lvl 50) - U.S.S. Chimera (Fleet Heavy Escort Carrier NCC-92810) / Captain Krell - Liberated Borg Klingon (TAC Lvl 50) - I.K.S. Nogh'Sar (Fleet Qin Heavy Raptor) / Commander Kel'ara Teerel - Romulan (ENG Lvl 50) - R.R.W. Silverhawk (Fleet T'Varo Light Warbird Retrofit) / Fed Fleet: Section 31 / KDF Fleet: Klingon Intelligence / Romulan Fleet (Fed): Romulan Intelligence / STO Handle: @ed583
  • cmdrwhitneycmdrwhitney Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I too must be on the side of anti-Thalaron, and frankly I'm disappointed it wasn't a plasma wave retrofit. That would've made SENSE, and still kept the nice effect. Well, still time for that, still time. ;)

    Seriously, this contravenes D'Tan's way (a Vulcan reunificationist, might I add), and totally flies in the face of the story as it happened in game. It makes the Republic seem not much better than their Tal Shiar oppressors or Obisek's dangerous methods in the storyline, and threatens their legitimacy. That, and I'm generally opposed to chemical, bio, and radiation. Or anything that was created in a fictional universe and explicitly stated to be highly controversial/cruel and unusual.

    Come on, PW, straighten this out! -_-

    EDIT: Also, dang you people can be cynical... :(
  • mailman650mailman650 Member Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Research on thalaron weapons are forbidden in the federation. The romulan republic is not a part of the federation, but why would the federation tolerate an alliance with a race who has this kind of weapons?

    Wouldn't be the first time Starfleet (maybe the Federation to an extent) has looked the other way. Don't forget how Admiral Dougherty, in alliance with the So'na, tried to move the Ba'ku against their will. Had the Enterprise E not uncovered the plot, no one would have ever known. Of course the Federation Council put all the blame on Dougherty, but it's easy to for them to wipe their hands clean of the mess knowing that Enterprise would take care of things.

    What I'm saying is, the people of the Federation could be kept in the dark about such things if the brass at Starfleet Command insist on it.
  • vnexusvnexus Member Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I can't imagine people would raise too many eyebrows if it was only used against the Borg or maybe the Undine (and it would DESTROY the Undine).

    It would kill the whole Undine universe in theory. Even the innocent. Ultra genocide. And the tech was frowned upon by most Romulans. It was really a secret order making the death tech, which I assume played a heavy roll in Romulus getting destroyed. D'Tan would really have no part in that kind of tech.
    The Federation and KDF are well aware about the Republic's use of Thalaron weapons. Heck, you get an episode where you get the option of arresting Obisek's minions if you are so inclined-specifically because he made the choice to acquire Thalaron weapons. The Federation and KDF would not be ignorant. I think it would be very reasonable to assume that they would tell D'Tan and Obisek to knock that stuff off if they wanted aid.

    This is tru. Which makes the Dev choice to make them a Thalaron weapon all the more less intelligent. At least decision wise.
    knuhteb5 wrote: »
    Goodnight, and I'm Lorie with Channel 24 News coming to you with some breaking news. *Last night, the STO lore was found in Dan Stahl's backyard badly beaten do death. *The local police are treating it as a homicide and no suspects have been named yet. *Police are now questioning neighbors to see if they know more about what was going on at Dan Stahl's residence. More updates to come at the top of the hour!

    Heh XD

  • superherofansuperherofan Member Posts: 342 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Like others, I still can't believe bikinis are a bigger abomination to the devs than these weapons. Ugh.
  • foundrelicfoundrelic Member Posts: 1,380 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    sunfrancks wrote: »
    Id say that the Federation and KDF would be more interested in the pacifists having Scimitar class warships.

    Why do peaceful Romulans need a fleet of these, other than to get back to the old RSE ;)

    For the same reason the "peaceful explorers" put Phasers and torpedoes on their ships? ;)
  • foundrelicfoundrelic Member Posts: 1,380 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    misterde3 wrote: »
    The scale, a single ship in orbit cn wipe out a whole planet
    But also that it works only on organic matter.
    That means you can use it indiscriniately on a planet and then just take it afterwards.

    According to Canon a Galaxy class vessel carries enough armament to level a planet as well.

    The only difference is the Thalaron pulse will wipe out every living thing over the course of fifteen agonizing seconds.

    A Galaxy class opening up could take days to actually finish the job, terrorizing the population below.
  • farmallmfarmallm Member Posts: 4,630 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I spent some of the day thinking on this. Still don't see how the Feds or KDF will allow these weapons to be used. Since they both are against it.

    The only ones I see using it. Is the Tal Shiar and Remans. Mainly due to desperation. As both sides are just as likely to be wiped out existence.

    Well it is a game, just just leave it at that.

    USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
    Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
  • imadoctornotaimadoctornota Member Posts: 469 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Wow another 'canon' argument. Tell me, since Star Trek: Nemesis was the last Prime Universe canon film we have -- please show me where it was stated in the film that the Feds and other Star Nations/Empires agreed to ban Thalaron weapons?

    In the film, the Scimitar had a Thalaron generator. In STO the Scimitar Class warbirdshas a scaled down version for use against ships. <--- Seems in line with ST canon to me.

    Given what we saw in Nemesis, I don't see ST canon supporting your claim that everyone agreed to ban Thalaron weapons. (And ST Novels are not canon.)

    Thalaron weapons might not have necessarily been banned by all major powers in Star Trek Canon, but they were banned by the Federation, the KDF, and the Romulan Republic in STO canon.
    Thanks for the expansion that had "as much content as the last"
    9 Episodes = 30+ episodes...?
    It's pronounced "S.T.O." "Stow" sounds idiotic! lol
  • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Thalaron weapons might not have necessarily been banned by all major powers in Star Trek Canon, but they were banned by the Federation, the KDF, and the Romulan Republic in STO canon.

    Where does it say the Republic banned them?
  • hrisvalarhrisvalar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    foundrelic wrote: »
    For the same reason the "peaceful explorers" put Phasers and torpedoes on their ships? ;)

    I waited as long as I could, but when I heard the burglar coming up the stairs, that's when I set off the nuke, your honor.

    Try again.
  • lordfuzunlordfuzun Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    f2pdrakron wrote: »
    I dont think so.

    The only information if know is that Thalaron research was banned in the Federation.

    Generaly if you can reseach on something. That also implies a ban on anything that is derived from that research.
    The thing that was banned by the 3 powers were subspace weapons ... Tricobalt are subspace weapons.

    The USS Voyager has 2 Tricolbalt devices onboard for a routine mission. Janeway use the Tricolbalt devices to destroy the Caretakers Array. This was done to prevent it from falling int the hands of the Kazon.

    So even through ricolcalt device may cause subspace ruptures, they aren't considered subspace weapons. Therefore, they aren't banned weapons.
  • daan2006daan2006 Member Posts: 5,346 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    ok why any one make this idk lets talk about the feds and Starfleet they don't explore they don't seek out new life and new civilizations they don't find diplomatic solutions they kill kill and kill so why the hek would the feds care about Thalaron weapons????
    swimwear off risa not fixed
    system Lord Baal is dead
    macronius wrote: »
    This! Their ability to outdo their own failures is quite impressive. If only this power could be harnessed for good.
  • imadoctornotaimadoctornota Member Posts: 469 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    neoakiraii wrote: »
    Where does it say the Republic banned them?

    The Vault. When you meet Obisek as a Romulan character he says that he realizes Thalaron weapons are banned by the Republic.
    f2pdrakron wrote: »
    I dont think so.

    The only information if know is that Thalaron research was banned in the Federation.

    The thing that was banned by the 3 powers were subspace weapons ... Tricobalt are subspace weapons.

    Actually, although tricobalt weapons can cause subspace damage, they aren't actually "subspace weapons."
    Thanks for the expansion that had "as much content as the last"
    9 Episodes = 30+ episodes...?
    It's pronounced "S.T.O." "Stow" sounds idiotic! lol
  • theredviola2003theredviola2003 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I'd be okay with Thetaron weapons so long as cloaking devices are added for the Federation. Afterall, the only reason Fed never developed cloaking tech was due to the Rom/Fed treaty.
  • daan2006daan2006 Member Posts: 5,346 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I'd be okay with Thetaron weapons so long as cloaking devices are added for the Federation. Afterall, the only reason Fed never developed cloaking tech was due to the Rom/Fed treaty.

    if its like the ones the feds already have then by all means give the feds their new console but no battle cloaks ever!!!!
    swimwear off risa not fixed
    system Lord Baal is dead
    macronius wrote: »
    This! Their ability to outdo their own failures is quite impressive. If only this power could be harnessed for good.
  • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    The Vault. When you meet Obisek as a Romulan character he says that he realizes Thalaron weapons are banned by the Republic.


    No he doesn't he just makes a big speech about if I'm a refugee or a pawn of the KDF or Starfleet, he does not say anything about the Republic banning anything.

    they don't even mentionit being banned by the KDF mission giver, hell I don't even think the KDF banned them all he says is I was in the right for destroying it becasue it's a cowards weapon and he rather look his enemy in the eye...the only power the truly has a major problem is the Federation.

    The only time the Federation will F the Prime directive is for the omega particle, besides that the Federation is not going to get involved especially if we ally with the KDF instead of them....I don't think they would want us to run to them and build a hybrid Klingon Romulan battle cruiser to match the Scimitar for them, and the Klingons would have Thalaron technology, and some might not want to use it but others might like the idea to take control of the empire with it.

    Besides it's not like the KDF never used something that destroyed all life on a planet for something like a DNA fragment...Oh wait.....http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Nu%27Daq
  • imadoctornotaimadoctornota Member Posts: 469 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    neoakiraii wrote: »
    No he doesn't he just makes a big speech about if I'm a refugee or a pawn of the KDF or Starfleet, he does not say anything about the Republic banning anything.

    they don't even mentionit being banned by the KDF mission giver, hell I don't even think the KDF banned them all he says is I was in the right for destroying it becasue it's a cowards weapon and he rather look his enemy in the eye...the only power the truly has a major problem is the Federation.

    The only time the Federation will F the Prime directive is for the omega particle, besides that the Federation is not going to get involved especially if we ally with the KDF instead of them....I don't think they would want us to run to them and build a hybrid Klingon Romulan battle cruiser to match the Scimitar for them, and the Klingons would have Thalaron technology, and some might not want to use it but others might like the idea to take control of the empire with it.

    Besides it's not like the KDF never used something that destroyed all life on a planet for something like a DNA fragment...Oh wait.....http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Nu%27Daq

    Apparently it wasn't Obisek that said that, or at least not in the vault. Perhaps it was somebody completely different somewhere in the Romulan story progression. In any case, there is still what the player says:

    What are you doing here?
    I am not an agent of Empress Sela
    I am a free Romulan (etc)
    Your presence here is a cause for concern
    You must know that the galactic powers will not allow you to use thalaron weapons

    What are you doing here?
    I'm here to investigate unusual sensor readings from this station
    The use of thalaron weapons is deliberately provocative to other galactic powers

    So the Federation and the KDF are apparently on the "anti-thalaron" boat. I pay very close attention to the lore of the game and read every bit of text (including static text) and I am nearly positive someone says that D'tan and the Republic have outlawed thalaron weapons, but it's too late to go digging into it anymore, I've got to get some sleep!
    Thanks for the expansion that had "as much content as the last"
    9 Episodes = 30+ episodes...?
    It's pronounced "S.T.O." "Stow" sounds idiotic! lol
  • orangeitisorangeitis Member Posts: 5,222 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    To be fair, the Scimitar-class don't have a thalaron core any more(it has a standard singularity core now). Maybe that canonically means it can't insta-genocide a planet.

    Well it would make sense.
  • vnexusvnexus Member Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    f2pdrakron wrote: »
    Lets not go over there, point was it was research, if a species that had researched it and even created some uses for it wanted to join the Federation that would not burn in bonefire, Thalaron research was banned because it was too dangerous.

    This is tru. Also note you chase & even given the chance to arrest Obisek due him jus having Thalaron tech
    daan2006 wrote: »
    ok why any one make this idk lets talk about the feds and Starfleet they don't explore they don't seek out new life and new civilizations they don't find diplomatic solutions they kill kill and kill so why the hek would the feds care about Thalaron weapons????

    Due to the nature of its use. It's a highly toxic bio "viral" weapon. It eats ur flesh slowly & any other bio matter. Something like a flesh eating disease, mixed with acids, & radiated toxic chemical/gas.*

    Same reason while the US is at War & many other nation, non rely on nucular weapons, the fallout is chaotic. Thalaron is jus 3x worse. If not 100x

  • age03age03 Member Posts: 1,664 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Good let them be on thier own.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Age StarTrek-Gamers Administrator
    USS WARRIOR NCC 1720 Commanding Officer
    Star Trek Gamers
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    heero139 wrote: »
    Thalaron is banned by the federation. Its use is depicted as profoundly evil. In the current lore, the federation, romulan republic, and KDF all would (and do, as depicted on nimbus and other story missions) not allow anyone to use this weapon.

    Yet players are getting it as a new toy.

    The scimitar thalaron burst in ST: Nemesis was designed to destroy all life on earth. This is the weapon we are being given as a bonus to use in space combat. Regularly.

    Why not give us VX gas and Sarin while we're at it? Maybe some planetary nuke stations so we can go commit genocide. This is what thalaron is for. This is the equivalent of making a WWII video game and creating a player faction which rounds up jews and puts them in gas chambers. ST: Ethnic cleansing, anyone?

    I don't care about the game mechanic. It's a big cone attack that blows up ships. Just name it something else.

    Thalaron radiation represents depravity at its most extreme. Giving this to players indicates apathy to the same degree. We're just getting some pretty green lights to shoot at things, even though its purpose is mass killing on a planetary scale.

    Does Cryptic even care about the lore anymore?

    You are absolutely right! The Federation, as we all know, is completely against Planetary Armageddon and will not commit it under any circumstances!

    Accept General Order 24, Star Trek: Insurrection, the Hobus Supernova (to an extent. The Vulcans refused to save the Romulans from the supernova, and Vulcan is a Federation member. I also didn't see Starfleet to fussed over helping), Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: "For the Uniform"...

    Need I continue?

    Oh, and the Klingons certainly don't have a problem with planetary destruction. They bombed the Cardassians back to the stone age, after all. Or, rather, the Klingons and Romulans finished the job after the Dominion started it.

    Which reminds me, why didn't the Federation have a problem with the Klingons and Romulans essentially tearing the Cardassian Union a new one after the DW?
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    You are absolutely right! The Federation, as we all know, is completely against Planetary Armageddon and will not commit it under any circumstances!

    Accept General Order 24, Star Trek: Insurrection, the Hobus Supernova (to an extent. The Vulcans refused to save the Romulans from the supernova, and Vulcan is a Federation member. I also didn't see Starfleet to fussed over helping), Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: "For the Uniform"...

    Need I continue?

    No, you need to stop right there. It was not the Vulcans that refused to aid the Romulans, it was the Vulcan Science Academy. You can't blame the whole species for that, unless you consider yourself and everyone else in your country liable for every single action your government takes.
    Furthermore, Starfleet was unaware and the Federation Council condemned the Vulcan Sicence Academy actions when they found out. More than 15 Federation member species cut their diplomatic ties and withdrew their ambassadors from Vulcan due to this.
    So, yeah, the Federation has a huge issue with things like these.
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Which reminds me, why didn't the Federation have a problem with the Klingons and Romulans essentially tearing the Cardassian Union a new one after the DW?

    What? You do realize that the Federation saved the Cardassians after DW, right? If they didn't insist to make the Cardassian Union a Federation protectorate they would have been turned into a Klingon battleground for target practice or a Romulan slave colony.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    misterde3 wrote: »
    No, it couldn't do the same thing.
    The bombing of Dresden resulted in roughly 25,000 dead, given the population of over 630,000 that's about 4%.
    The most thorough bombing in history was done in North Korea, which resulted in about 25% death toll.
    Nuking Hiroshima had an initial death toll of about 30% (not counting radiation).

    A ship trying to achieve a 100% casualty rate on a planetary scale will be busy for months.
    And the difference is that it will be using its weapons, that can be employed for various things including defend itself for this purpose.
    What other purpose do Thalaron weapons have aside from genocide?

    Shooting at Borg ships intent on destroying you? That's a defensive purpose.

    Suppose your ship is disabled, with no conventional weapons capacity? That would make the Thalaron Generator your only defence.

    Besides, c'mon... no player is going to use these on a planet! They don't have the option to! Even the Thalaron Weapons we've already seen used by ships in-game have been low-yield compared to what Shinzon's was capable of. Our ships can withstand one of the Scimitar's radiation blasts, and it's ineffective beyond 10 km, with only a 90-degree firing arc. That makes it a lot less useful as a WMD.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    shpoks wrote: »
    No, you need to stop right there. It was not the Vulcans that refused to aid the Romulans, it was the Vulcan Science Academy. You can't blame the whole species for that, unless you consider yourself and everyone else in your country liable for every single action your government takes.
    Furthermore, Starfleet was unaware and the Federation Council condemned the Vulcan Sicence Academy actions when they found out. More than 15 Federation member species cut their diplomatic ties and withdrew their ambassadors from Vulcan due to this.
    So, yeah, the Federation has a huge issue with things like these.

    What? You do realize that the Federation saved the Cardassians after DW, right? If they didn't insist to make the Cardassian Union a Federation protectorate they would have been turned into a Klingon battleground for target practice or a Romulan slave colony.

    After several years had passed. I'm talking immediately after the Battle of Cardassia Prime. I remember reading somewhere in the Path to 2409 that there were several... unfavourable actions taken by the Klingons and Romulans in the aftermath of the Battle and Treaty of Bajor.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    shpoks wrote: »
    No, you need to stop right there. It was not the Vulcans that refused to aid the Romulans, it was the Vulcan Science Academy. You can't blame the whole species for that, unless you consider yourself and everyone else in your country liable for every single action your government takes.
    Furthermore, Starfleet was unaware and the Federation Council condemned the Vulcan Sicence Academy actions when they found out. More than 15 Federation member species cut their diplomatic ties and withdrew their ambassadors from Vulcan due to this.
    So, yeah, the Federation has a huge issue with things like these.

    Okay, you really think that Jean Luc Picard didn't tell the Federation Council that Romulus was going to explode? You really think that Data didn't tell Starfleet why the Enterprise was charging into Romulan Territory?

    Also, the US Government were the ones who ordered the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. People say that "America" or "the Americans" bombed Japan - they're referring to the Government, which the Science Academy would doubtless answer to. If the Science Academy refused to help Romulus and Remus, I'm relatively sure that the Vulcan High Command was cool with it.

    Back to my original point; does Starfleet, or does it not, find Planetary Armageddon acceptable under certain circumstances, such as General Order 24, ST: Insurrection, and DS9: For the Uniform?
  • manlyyamsmanlyyams Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Okay, you really think that Jean Luc Picard didn't tell the Federation Council that Romulus was going to explode? You really think that Data didn't tell Starfleet why the Enterprise was charging into Romulan Territory?

    Also, the US Government were the ones who ordered the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. People say that "America" or "the Americans" bombed Japan - they're referring to the Government, which the Science Academy would doubtless answer to. If the Science Academy refused to help Romulus and Remus, I'm relatively sure that the Vulcan High Command was cool with it.

    Back to my original point; does Starfleet, or does it not, find Planetary Armageddon acceptable under certain circumstances, such as General Order 24, ST: Insurrection, and DS9: For the Uniform?

    General Order was used in the TOS, a series that, despite the fact that it founded a series that we all know and love, was laden with plot holes and continuity errors. Canonically, yes, there was a General Order 24 that called for "The extinction of all life on a planet", but given the context of such an order, as well as the writing of the time, I highl doubt it was meant in the way that you're using it in this argument. Of course, it was attempted to misuse this order in-series as well, but both times that GO24 was actually used, it was never carried out.

    For the Uniform, that one strikes me as a case of either there should have been repercussions for that or the writers wanted to face Sisko with a "anti-hero" moment. Also, comparitively, he -was- acting on his own, with no sanctions or approval from the Federation. Though no one actually died, this episode presents a bit of a writing conundrum.

    Insurrection, I don't know if you can use that as an example either, because although the entire mess was shady as hell, the original plan set forth by the "Federation" was to relocate, not exterminate, the Ba'Ku. Now, I say "Federation" because there are many allusions and hints that this was -not- a deal that was voted on, or put forth to the Council at large, and Admiral Dougherty's desperation to keep the Enterprise from exposing their operation definitely lends credence to this. Particularly when Ru'Afo asks him if he really think the rest of the federation members will agree with what he's doing if it becomes public knowledge that Picard is "fighting the good fight".

    Now, as to your first point, again, if the Vulcan High Command was "cool with it", that doesn't mean the Federation as a whole was "cool with it". If America didn't want to go to war with someone but, say, Ohio was "cool with it", do you say "Oh no, America wants to go to war with such and such"? No, you say "Wow, Ohio, what the fudge is wrong with you" and deal accordingly.
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