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***The Official Login Queue Thread!*** (Threads about queues will be moved here)



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    distantworldsdistantworlds Member Posts: 114 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Since the reboot where they gave people the extra character slot, I haven't been able to play due to queue. I'm not willing to wait in a queue, so I've just been checking back every now and then. Every time I've looked at it, other than being reset afte a server reboot, it's been higher.

    Is the queue even working?
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    milen93milen93 Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited May 2013
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    captsabercaptsaber Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Holy login queue Batman!

    Not unexpected and not a complaint, but wow, the first time I've had a huge queue. 14102 of 14120 when I started the game.

    Now down to 13468 of 14305...hoping I don't have to do this each time I switch characters. :D
    captsaber wrote: »
    yes you will, and if you log for even 1 sec....
    You get what you pay for. Gold members have no queue at all. They log in instantly. If you want to play that badly, pop 14 bucks for a month of Gold and play. The queues will be gone in a week. This happens EVERY new season. As the "rush" of excitement over new content wears off, there will be no more queue. Next season this thread type will repeat itself, and just like this thread, it will be forgotten in less than a week as we settle in and enjoy the game.

    It is just like the last thread like this . . . last season . . . and no one here even remembers it because this thread acts like this is the first time STO has had a queue.

    Ok so who you bee brown nosing! So they have you marked to go right in and out!
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    arctrooper1773arctrooper1773 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    give that man a coconut.
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    delerouxdeleroux Member Posts: 478 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    14572 out of 14792... are you for serious? Is this real life? What kind of borked queue is this?
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    kotoenkakotoenka Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    the real problem here is that support team didnt got the job done properly.they introduced that patch...
    1)it took alot of time to be patched.
    2)login error for unknown reason that took hrs to be fixed(i personly waited 2 hrs before go to bed
    3)now login queue.....i dont believe servers are full and right now there is 14000+ ppls to wait(1 hr and half ago there was below 7000)....unless none gets logged in at all this shouldnt be possible cuz in another 1 hr and half we gonna have login queue of like 20000+ with that speed and none will keep playing this game
    4)i changed characters like 3 times for 4 hrs i waited between 15 to 30 mins each time...this is not normal even if game becomes pay2play as someone sayed above none will pay for that

    So if this is ur mistake due to the fact patch was introduced unfinished(as i believe) is better u TAKE 12HR OR 24H MAINTENCE AND FIXED THAT.MOST OF US PREFERE TO WAIT AND NOT PLAY A DAY INSTEAD OF SWITCH CHARACTERS FOR 1 HR!!!

    note:before this patch everythink was fine...after that it started with all this problems.its not due to the reason that many ppls comed back to the game after they were gone or that there is many new ppls who start to play for 1st time-its due to that that support didnt done the job properly so they can either fixed it or buy better servers to log in 100,000 ppls tomorrow with that speed

    is there 15000+ players at all right now trying to log in or im dreaming :D
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    ianredfernianredfern Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    OK I can understand that there are alot of people wanting to play the new content however I have not been able to play for days now due to various problems (not all game problems).

    Now I am finally able to log in and for the past hour I have been 14360 of 14368!

    Would it not have been better to add an extra server when launching new content, just to use until demand stabilizes again?

    Just a thought!
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    dom1941dom1941 Member Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I can speak from experience that gold members logging in instantly is not true, I have gold atm and I have a very high queue. :(

    Exactly why do people think being a gold or lifer makes THEM so special? I paid for this game and do I expect special treatment? I don't because a lot of people like you and me want to try new things like a lot of others.
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    graptorgraptor Member Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Since the reboot where they gave people the extra character slot, I haven't been able to play due to queue. I'm not willing to wait in a queue, so I've just been checking back every now and then. Every time I've looked at it, other than being reset afte a server reboot, it's been higher.

    Is the queue even working?

    Yes, sort of. It was down at about 1000 when I first logged in this morning and it's exploded since. Again. Like last night when they said it was broken and needed fixed and were working to get everyone through etc...

    Which they're not doing now. 'We're aware there's a queue'. Bit of difference between 1000 or less and the 15000 we got now!
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    ajma420ajma420 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    WOOT top 7000! should be in in about... 3 days
    Light Speed! - No, light speed is too slow. We need LUDICROUS SPEED!

    Ajma420 - Lv 50 Tac - Pride of the Federation
    Catherine The Great - Lv 50 Tac - Pride of the Empire
    Vladimir - Lv 50 Tac - Pride of the Rihannsu Empire
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    dom1941dom1941 Member Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    More room for me.....

    and for me and thousands of others.
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    taffarouxtaffaroux Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    captsaber wrote: »
    Once this gets all over the net..... that you have to wait to log in, and all the TRIBBLE... No matter how many ads, and promotion they have done will not help..... They simple will not get new users.... NO ONE is willing to except this! and if you do your a fool! your Not getting what you paid for!

    Hey PWE! this is a instant instant world! We Want it now or we go else ware to spend our money! You cant keep up you lose! ITS THE WAY IT IS!

    I for one will not spend another dime on this TRIBBLE, I feel like I have waste all the money I have spent up to now. And even if they get it fixed.. If ever.... I will still not spend any money for anything again. I feel coned. I am even think about calling the cc card company and telling them I did not get what I paid for and disputer there 124.00 transaction. I DID NOT GET WHAT I WAS TOLD I WOULD GET OR PROMISTED!

    Simple as that....

    Congratulations, you have managed to create an entirely new language, proven you're incapable of understanding basic computing, and also misunderstanding what 'free to play' means. Anyone who immediately spends on the game as a new player without testing it out first is indeed a fool.

    Here is a nice list of spelling and grammar corrections for your future postings.

    They simple will not get new users = They simply will not get new users

    NO ONE is willing to except this! = No-one is willing to accept this!

    and if you do your a fool! = And if you do you're a fool!

    your Not getting what you paid for! = You're not getting what you've paid for!

    this is a instant instant world! = This is an instant insistent world! (not sure where you were going with this, I fixed it for you regardless)

    We Want it now or we go else ware to spend our money! = We want it now or we go elsewhere to spend our money!

    I feel like I have waste all the money I have spent up to now. = I feel like I have wasted all of the money I have spent up until now.

    I feel coned = this is fine, you are indeed a cone head.

    I am even think about calling the cc card company and telling them I did not get what I paid for and disputer there 124.00 transaction. I DID NOT GET WHAT I WAS TOLD I WOULD GET OR PROMISTED! = (UWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!) I'm even thinking about calling the credit card company and telling them that I didn't get what I paid for, and disputing the 124.00 transaction. I did not get what I was told I would get or was promised!

    Further, thank you for helping me to pass the time it took for my queue to reduce from 13000 in line to under 6000.

    Love long, and prosper.
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    emiluskalileemiluskalile Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    dom1941 wrote: »
    and for me and thousands of others.

    Looks like I won't get to play it before I have to go to work.
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    kilosoldierkilosoldier Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Word is already starting to spread around the interwebs about the bad launch of this xpac.

    Its a shame. Could have been a great way to breathe new blood into the game. All this will do is help propagate the feelings from early in STO's life and the bad press and reviews it got to any potential returning or new players.
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    bond85bond85 Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    i agree the queue thing is a joke. not once have I had to que before and now im 14000 in a que! pfft!
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    delerouxdeleroux Member Posts: 478 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    dom1941 wrote: »
    Exactly why do people think being a gold or lifer makes THEM so special?

    Probably because golds and lifers generally convey a sense of entitlement on the forums based on the gold/lifer status.
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    ussprometheus79ussprometheus79 Member Posts: 727 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    dom1941 wrote: »
    Exactly why do people think being a gold or lifer makes THEM so special? I paid for this game and do I expect special treatment? I don't because a lot of people like you and me want to try new things like a lot of others.

    It's probably the sense of contribution leads to entitlement. I've been in since the betas but don't harp on about being long time vet etc..like some people put in their sigs.
    If you've come to the forums to complain about the AFK system, it's known to be bugged at the moment.
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    skotte1skotte1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I waitied 20 mins then auto logged out and now im back in queue 14775 of 14886

    with all there money can't they buy some more bandwidth to host bigger servers ?
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    captsabercaptsaber Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I think Everyone should asked for there money back! And if they say No, Call the CC card company yea put it on and file a complaint, And Dispute the Transaction Cuz yea did not get What you paid for!
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    aleks59aleks59 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    deleroux wrote: »
    14572 out of 14792... are you for serious? Is this real life? What kind of borked queue is this?
    Just another reason to hate Romulans!
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    dom1941dom1941 Member Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Theres always tomorrow to look forward to, you'll get to play sometime, we all will.
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    captsabercaptsaber Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Its like selling yea a bugger with no meat in it!
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    emnickemnick Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You get what you pay for. Gold members have no queue at all. They log in instantly.

    This is not quite true. As a lifetime member I do have to wait in the queue. But I do not have to wait as long. When I log in, I am placed in the queue in front of any silver members, but still behind any gold members who got in line before me. So I do have priority when logging in, but at present that just means a shorter wait than non gold members.
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    mikediggermikedigger Member Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Yes we are all screwed but we have a term in german, Schadenfreude". This time cryptic gets there's as well. They spend time and money hoping to get old player who got bored back and attract new players. What do you thing how many players ( or old one returning) stick with a game where after 3 to 12 hours of patching and 2 to 3 hours in a waiting que you get after 5 minutes kicked out due to server connection lost or because now you have to do something else. My guess is less then 10 % so cryptic will not make a profit but a loss. Schadenfreude!!
    To do something like that and not prepare for the onslaught is TRIBBLE and a losing business model.
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    a1l1p1h1aa1l1p1h1a Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I have been trying to play this for a day now. Never had a problem before. the queue situation is ridiculous. It will display that I am 2035 and can queue in at 2039. I wait and wait. Then it will display something totally different like 12,435 and queue in at 13,456. what's the deal??????????!!!!!!!!!:mad:
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    fazemladaiyafazemladaiya Member Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    captsaber wrote: »
    I think Everyone should asked for there money back! And if they say No, Call the CC card company yea put it on and file a complaint, And Dispute the Transaction Cuz yea did not get What you paid for!

    Well since I am free to play and do not spend money, I'd love to see them give me my money back ROFL. And as for the comment on my getting in instantly, I am silver, and am in queue like everyone else. However everyone I am on Teamspeak with that is a gold member has no queue and they get in instantly, so the remark that I am special, while I wish it were true, is an assumption, and we all know about assumptions LOL.
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    drdominodrdomino Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    taffaroux wrote: »
    Congratulations, you have managed to create an entirely new language, proven you're incapable of understanding basic computing, and also misunderstanding what 'free to play' means. Anyone who immediately spends on the game as a new player without testing it out first is indeed a fool.

    Here is a nice list of spelling and grammar corrections for your future postings.

    They simple will not get new users = They simply will not get new users

    NO ONE is willing to except this! = No-one is willing to accept this!

    and if you do your a fool! = And if you do you're a fool!

    your Not getting what you paid for! = You're not getting what you've paid for!

    this is a instant instant world! = This is an instant insistent world! (not sure where you were going with this, I fixed it for you regardless)

    We Want it now or we go else ware to spend our money! = We want it now or we go elsewhere to spend our money!

    I feel like I have waste all the money I have spent up to now. = I feel like I have wasted all of the money I have spent up until now.

    I feel coned = this is fine, you are indeed a cone head.

    I am even think about calling the cc card company and telling them I did not get what I paid for and disputer there 124.00 transaction. I DID NOT GET WHAT I WAS TOLD I WOULD GET OR PROMISTED! = (UWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!) I'm even thinking about calling the credit card company and telling them that I didn't get what I paid for, and disputing the 124.00 transaction. I did not get what I was told I would get or was promised!

    Further, thank you for helping me to pass the time it took for my queue to reduce from 13000 in line to under 6000.

    Love long, and prosper.

    And wouldn't be capitalized because it technically isn't the start of a new sentence. It should look something like "No one is willing to accept this, and if you do you're a fool!". Just sayin. Oh and these queues suck.
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    nathanhunternathanhunter Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    No its further back than that. When Ug the caveman ran out of rocks to give Ogg, supply and demand was created. Ug went and got more rocks, hell of a businessman
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    chronoss2012chronoss2012 Member Posts: 255 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    got up tried there was a queue of 2800 it just keeps going up and up now around 15000
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