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Dilthium HAS Officially crashed



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    walshicuswalshicus Member Posts: 1,314 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I still can't believe it. I'm making a LOT more Dilithium now from Reputation and Mark/BNP>Dil conversion.

    Dilithium stopped being a problem - now I'm Fleet and Romulan Mark starved...
    http://mmo-economics.com - analysing the economic interactions in MMOs.
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    edna#7310 edna Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    You mean the rate is bad for you.Well dont sell zen for dilithium and it will go back....really simple.
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    dertylondertylon Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I agree, making dil. is not a problem anymore... But the 8k /limit is...

    With many items being at more that 8k, if you don't have any dil. reserve, it takes a couple days to buy something...

    Buying dil. with zen gives you refined dil., bypassing the 8k/day limit, I think that why people still buy a lot of dil. like that...

    increasing the 8k limit may be a solution...
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    gemackgemack Member Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Folks like myself just stop buying dilithium or worse quit the game due to the broken economy.
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    graysockgraysock Member Posts: 172 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    dertylon wrote: »
    I agree, making dil. is not a problem anymore... But the 8k /limit is...

    With many items being at more that 8k, if you don't have any dil. reserve, it takes a couple days to buy something...

    Buying dil. with zen gives you refined dil., bypassing the 8k/day limit, I think that why people still buy a lot of dil. like that...

    increasing the 8k limit may be a solution...

    yep my biggest problem is the 8k limit... I have amassed already 80k ore in just one week and it keeps growing...

    I now switch to my alts and my main now grinds EC/fleet/rom makrs.

    with EC I can buy contra and outsource some of the refine limits to my alts that usually are not used much anyway, so yeah sometimes I can make ~12k a day refined, but everything above this needs to much time with the alts.
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    reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    This is a great thing. I wanna see 50.
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    born2bwild1born2bwild1 Member Posts: 1,329 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    My question is there are soooo many offers to sell Zen - how is selling soooo much Zen??

    Where is all this Zen coming from? And why do people sell it sooo cheap??

    Those are important questions?

    Are there people buying Zen with real dollars and changing for Dilthium at 100 per Zen?
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    atomictikiatomictiki Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    walshicus wrote: »
    I still can't believe it. I'm making a LOT more Dilithium now from Reputation and Mark/BNP>Dil conversion.

    Dilithium stopped being a problem - now I'm Fleet and Romulan Mark starved...

    Because the dilithium market was supported greatly by people with alts. Since alting became an unviable method of play, this is the result.

    Sure you can get to cap on a single character, but it was accounts with multiple characters who kept the market at a fair rate.

    And coupled with the massive wasteland of dilithium sinks in Season7 and it's a perfect storm for dilithium to hit 25:1.

    (and just to be clear it was not "exploiting" -- character slots are a c-store purchase)
    Leave nerfing to the professionals.
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    reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    My question is there are soooo many offers to sell Zen - how is selling soooo much Zen??

    Where is all this Zen coming from? And why do people sell it sooo cheap??

    Those are important questions?

    Are there people buying Zen with real dollars and changing for Dilthium at 100 per Zen?

    Probably the same people as were doing it before, just with the rep system there is less dilithium in the market and more being spent on stuff. Reduced supply, increased demand. Yay capitalism!
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    atomictikiatomictiki Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    My question is there are soooo many offers to sell Zen - how is selling soooo much Zen??

    Where is all this Zen coming from? And why do people sell it sooo cheap??

    Those are important questions?

    Are there people buying Zen with real dollars and changing for Dilthium at 100 per Zen?

    Whales. People with disposable income with little to no self-control or patience.
    Leave nerfing to the professionals.
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    sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Soon the market will die entirely
    Live long and Prosper
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    cmdrscarletcmdrscarlet Member Posts: 5,137 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Until then it's a buyers market for Dilithium.

    Yay me :)
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    thisisoverlordthisisoverlord Member Posts: 949 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    atomictiki wrote: »
    Whales. People with disposable income with little to no self-control or patience.

    Or people who have lives and can't grind all day to get things done.

    Either way they are paying for the game and getting shafted at the same time, that is the classic psychology of most major MMO's of this asian design. It's a host a parasite culture, though sometimes the relationship between "Whales" and "Freeloaders" is symbiotic.

    With regards to dilithium it has nothing to do with if you perceive there to be more in the game or not. There may numerical be more available but if it's spread thinner over more content then it will for some be harder to get. I'm so bored with the game and it's various grinds that I make less than 1000 Dilithium per day because I simply log to push my OMEGA rep on.

    I'm playing the Winter Event, which rewards no dilithium so that will be the a factor helping to push dil to double digits.

    The point is people can whine about the whiners and say "oh but there is more dilithium than ever" but they are wrong when it comes to disposable dilithium income THERE IS LESS OF IT. fact.

    And for the ignorant out there that is all that counts, not how much is available to farm but how much is available as free income to be injected into the Exchange.
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    born2bwild1born2bwild1 Member Posts: 1,329 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Seems crazy - only getting 100 dilth for 1 zen

    That means a tier 1 Assimilated console(as example) costs 15,000 dilth or 150 zen!

    Is this the same cost of Armor/ship components?

    45,000 for shield/eng/defector? 0r 450 Zen to outfit the ship with just that?

    So 2 consoles = 300 zen + 3 piece @ 450 zen + 8 weapons @ 1200 zen = 1850 Zen to outfit 1 ship or $20 US

    So 1 ship at $25+20 = $45 per ship

    lets not even touch starbase construction - to complete Tier 4 its 5,000,000 Dilthium or 50,000 zen = $500 US

    I can see why fleets for less than 10 will not be getting Tier 4 or higher
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    thisisoverlordthisisoverlord Member Posts: 949 Arc User
    edited December 2012

    lets not even tounch starbase construction - to complete Tier 4 its 5,000,000 Dilthium or 50,000 zen = $500 US

    I can see why fleets for less than 10 will not be getting Tier 4 or higher

    Yep that is a major turn off, and lessens the enjoyment of the game for many. They need to cap fleet sizes imo. 500 isn't workable, human social circles are only efficient up to around 200.

    You get a lot of morons saying "you need to patient" but objectives that take 12 months or more to complete is a joke considering the life span of most MMO's is less than a decade.
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    born2bwild1born2bwild1 Member Posts: 1,329 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Yep that is a major turn off, and lessens the enjoyment of the game for many. They need to cap fleet sizes imo. 500 isn't workable, human social circles are only efficient up to around 200.

    You get a lot of morons saying "you need to patient" but objectives that take 12 months or more to complete is a joke considering the life span of most MMO's is less than a decade.

    Yeah 500 is kind of crazy - that's battalion strenght - usually run by a colonel. This guy would almost never know most of the privates or corporals.
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    thisisoverlordthisisoverlord Member Posts: 949 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Yeah 500 is kind of crazy - that's battalion strenght - usually run by a colonel. This guy would almost never know most of the privates or corporals.

    There is also such a disparity between the largest sized fleets and the smallest (I don't consider any fleet with less than 5 members a *real fleet* so I'm ignoring them) that having 1 system for them all is both illogical and damaging to the game.

    How you fix that is a different matter.
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    topsettopset Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    My question is there are soooo many offers to sell Zen - how is selling soooo much Zen??

    Where is all this Zen coming from? And why do people sell it sooo cheap??

    Those are important questions?

    Are there people buying Zen with real dollars and changing for Dilthium at 100 per Zen?


    There were people who dumped hundreds of dollars into lockboxes.

    I saw a guy on the launch day of Q's winter posting his new Breen Ship in zone chat. I asked him how much Lobi it cost him and he replied "about 900" - when I called him insane he said "It's fine, I've got another 1200 in reserve".

    That's someone who spent 900 lobi on something which he could get for free in 3 weeks time. I don't know how much USD 900 lobi is, but it's an awful lot.
    Kirk's Protege.
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    maddog0000doommaddog0000doom Member Posts: 1,017 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    topset wrote: »

    There were people who dumped hundreds of dollars into lockboxes.

    I saw a guy on the launch day of Q's winter posting his new Breen Ship in zone chat. I asked him how much Lobi it cost him and he replied "about 900" - when I called him insane he said "It's fine, I've got another 1200 in reserve".

    That's someone who spent 900 lobi on something which he could get for free in 3 weeks time. I don't know how much USD 900 lobi is, but it's an awful lot.

    or he only plays one charater and makes millions on xchange and buys keys with ec
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    logicalspocklogicalspock Member Posts: 836 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Maybe they should try a real c-store sale, like 50% off most items, like they used to do.
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    born2bwild1born2bwild1 Member Posts: 1,329 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    topset wrote: »

    There were people who dumped hundreds of dollars into lockboxes.

    I saw a guy on the launch day of Q's winter posting his new Breen Ship in zone chat. I asked him how much Lobi it cost him and he replied "about 900" - when I called him insane he said "It's fine, I've got another 1200 in reserve".

    That's someone who spent 900 lobi on something which he could get for free in 3 weeks time. I don't know how much USD 900 lobi is, but it's an awful lot.

    The guy has to be lying about the real cost

    Avg pics per 5 lobi is <3

    so you need 1000/3 or 333 pic boxes = 333x5 lobi = over 1670 lobi

    the only way he spent 900 lobi is to get min 5.555 pics (2-6) is range

    900 lobi gets you 180 boxes 1000/180 = 5.6 pics per pack?? No way in hell = liar

    lobi per temporal lock box is 5.5 out of a (4-50 range) and this guy clams he got 5.6 avg out of a 2-6 range??

    Yeah and I have Snow house in the Sahara desert to sell real cheap!
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    thisisoverlordthisisoverlord Member Posts: 949 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    The guy has to be lying about the real cost

    Avg pics per 5 lobi is <3

    so you need 1000/3 or 333 pic boxes = 333x5 lobi = over 1670 lobi

    the only way he spent 900 lobi is to get min 5.555 pics (2-6) is range

    900 lobi gets you 180 boxes 1000/180 = 5.6 pics per pack?? No way in hell = liar

    lobi per temporal lock box is 5.5 out of a (4-50 range) and this guy clams he got 5.6 avg out of a 2-6 range??

    Yeah and I have Snow house in the Sahara desert to sell real cheap!

    Do Doff Packs still drop a guaranteed 10?
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    olivia211olivia211 Member Posts: 675 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I am not gonna read every post in this thread. I will just address the Dilithium title.

    Dil has not "crashed." In fact, it has spiked in value. If you can now get the same zen by trading less dil, that means the dil now has more value or the zen has less. I think zen value held steady. It was the dil that gained in value. Several of us saw this coming. I even boldly stated a week before patch that I thought the rate for dil per zen would be as low as 75 / 1. Even I thought twice about that prediction, but now it looks as if it might just be true pretty soon. Instead of complaining about it like some people are, I am enjoying being able to get zen at such low rates.
    No, I am not who you think I am. I am someone different. I am instead a banana.
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    thisisoverlordthisisoverlord Member Posts: 949 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    olivia211 wrote: »
    I am not gonna read every post in this thread. I will just address the Dilithium title.

    Dil has not "crashed." In fact, it has spiked in value. If you can now get the same zen by trading less dil, that means the dil now has more value or the zen has less. I think zen value held steady. It was the dil that gained in value. Several of us saw this coming. I even boldly stated a week before patch that I thought the rate for dil per zen would be as low as 75 / 1. Even I thought twice about that prediction, but now it looks as if it might just be true pretty soon. Instead of complaining about it like some people are, I am enjoying being able to get zen at such low rates.

    I think the OP got Dilith and Zen confused and everyone posting here apart from yourself ignored it as being a mistake... I don't think anyone is that insane :D

    Yeah as soon as they announced the changes for Season 7 a lot of people saw this coming.
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    yogurt21yogurt21 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    ^ it's still about the same when you factor the change from cryptic points to zen, which was a 5/4 ratio. So when I went on hiatus from the game dil was at about 135 per cpoint, considering the 5/4 ratio, 100dil per zen is the same as 125 dil per cpoint was.

    so over the transition the dilithium exchange has only dropped by a few pts. In fact this seems to indicate that while I was away the dilithium cost per point spiked and now is just settling back to around the same level it was.
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    thisisoverlordthisisoverlord Member Posts: 949 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    yogurt21 wrote: »
    ^ it's still about the same when you factor the change from cryptic points to zen, which was a 5/4 ratio. So when I went on hiatus from the game dil was at about 135 per cpoint, considering the 5/4 ratio, 100dil per zen is the same as 125 dil per cpoint was.

    so over the transition the dilithium exchange has only dropped by a few pts. In fact this seems to indicate that while I was away the dilithium cost per point spiked and now is just settling back to around the same level it was.

    This post makes no sense and assumes the only change to the economy since you left was the conversion from C to Z, the spike in Zen value was due to farming clickies and STF's... that was nerfed or reduced and dilithium was then slightly increased but spread across wider range of in-game activities making it slightly more time intensive for the average user and those with many alts.

    This isn't some kind of natural re-balancing of the economy it was a structured and engineered change by the development team. Though their forecasts were so totally out of whack that they had to back peddle, If they had not done I think Zen would have really crashed even worse than it has, I reckon by now we'd be looking at 50 Dilith per 1 Zen.
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    olivia211olivia211 Member Posts: 675 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    yogurt21 wrote: »
    ^ it's still about the same when you factor the change from cryptic points to zen, which was a 5/4 ratio. So when I went on hiatus from the game dil was at about 135 per cpoint, considering the 5/4 ratio, 100dil per zen is the same as 125 dil per cpoint was.

    so over the transition the dilithium exchange has only dropped by a few pts. In fact this seems to indicate that while I was away the dilithium cost per point spiked and now is just settling back to around the same level it was.

    I think the reason people are freaking is because at one point it was about 165 / 1. Now we are looking at 100 or 99 / 1. that's a very significant value change. In a lot of ways, we kind of did this to ourselves. Sure, it's nice to get cheap zen now, but I think there were also a lot of people buying a few thousand zen and swapping it for Dil at the 155 to 165 rate and using that dil to fund fleet projects. It use to be you'd get about 165k dil for 1000 zen and now you only get about 100k for 1000. That's a huge difference. In a way, I don't think Cryptic minds this because now people who were buying zen to fund fleet projects are having to spend more to get the same amounts of dil.

    I say we did this to ourselves because we asked for these changes. People were complaining it was really hard to cap 8k dil a day so they added more ways to get it. Well, this is what happens.
    No, I am not who you think I am. I am someone different. I am instead a banana.
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    thisisoverlordthisisoverlord Member Posts: 949 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    olivia211 wrote: »

    I say we did this to ourselves because we asked for these changes. People were complaining it was really hard to cap 8k dil a day so they added more ways to get it. Well, this is what happens.

    The problem is they've made it harder to cap Dil, for me at least my personal experience has been having so many things to do that don't require Dilithium on 3 alts which is a tiny number takes up so much of my time that I barely make 2k per day. I think a lot of people have chosen to try and do other things or just log in to push rep projects.

    I certainly have grinding fatigue and log more in routine than in genuine excitement at playing the game.
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    born2bwild1born2bwild1 Member Posts: 1,329 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    olivia211 wrote: »
    I think the reason people are freaking is because at one point it was about 165 / 1. Now we are looking at 100 or 99 / 1. that's a very significant value change. In a lot of ways, we kind of did this to ourselves. Sure, it's nice to get cheap zen now, but I think there were also a lot of people buying a few thousand zen and swapping it for Dil at the 155 to 165 rate and using that dil to fund fleet projects. It use to be you'd get about 165k dil for 1000 zen and now you only get about 100k for 1000. That's a huge difference. In a way, I don't think Cryptic minds this because now people who were buying zen to fund fleet projects are having to spend more to get the same amounts of dil.

    I say we did this to ourselves because we asked for these changes. People were complaining it was really hard to cap 8k dil a day so they added more ways to get it. Well, this is what happens.

    2 Things:

    1. the number value of dilthium has crashed from 160 at launch of season 7 to 100 now - the value of that related to Zen has increased. It is just a good eye catching title rather than saying Zen has crashed. People are much more attentive to the word "dilthium"

    2. Pre season 6 before the dithium starbase sinks the price was as high as 345/1

    345 dilthium per 1 zen!!! So anyone here before starbases can see that Zen has collapsed by 70%!!

    Why would you spend money to buy at 100 dilthium?
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    olivia211olivia211 Member Posts: 675 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Why would you spend money to buy at 100 dilthium?

    I know of a few people who do it to fund their fleet projects. To buy and exchange at this rate though, considering the past numbers, is not a good idea. I haven't been in the game all that long and the highest I ever saw was about 165. If you say it was higher, I believe you. I think there may be a swing eventually as more and more people see the numbers drop. They may go back to traditional means of acquiring dil instead of trading zen for it.
    No, I am not who you think I am. I am someone different. I am instead a banana.
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