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  • lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    There are plenty of MMOs past bthe 6 year mark:

    Ultima Online (15 years)

    EverQuest (13 years)

    Dark Age of Camelot (11 years)

    EVE Online (9 years)

    City Of Heroes (closing on 11/30/12 - but had an 8 year run - efforts to save it continuing)

    World of ******** (8 years)

    So, yeah, MMOs can go on WAY past 6 years. It's not that uncommon. As for STO - as long as the JJ Abrams Star Trek film series is chugging along, I don't see CBS pulling the plug on STO as it affords them both a revenue stream and built in advertising that they can cross bill with Paramount (they had a cross promotion with the first film when it released.) The cast signed a 3 film deal, and unless the second film really tanks, I think we'll see a third, meaning this game probably has a minimum of 5 years remaining from today, if not more.

    OK, I'll concede the point that there are still MMO's around that are older than 6 years, but in your opinion is STO comparable to those in quality and gameplay ?

    ...Sorry for my outburst yesterday, I just found it rather petty that most posts criticized PWE's decision to reward the new LTS purchasers with the same items the old LTS'ers are getting. Seems the old LTS'ers forgot about the years of gameplay they enjoyed while claiming they purchased their LTS so they would get toys nobody else had. Too bad for them there's no forum to show off their exclusive toys to those that don't have them.
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
  • rickeyredshirtrickeyredshirt Member Posts: 1,059 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    Playing Devil's Advocate:

    Concepts like 'veteran' become void when 'lifetime' itself nullifies the notion of progressed time, as it were. Seen from that perspective, the idea of 'hanging in there for X amount of time' becomes meaningless within that paradigm, as you are already subscribed for life upfront. Reasoned further along those lines, you could thus argue that you are effectively equally eligible to redeem your 'veteran' status at purchase as you are a 1,000 days later.

    I totally understand what you are alluding to here as well. However there is the fact that a lot of us have been here putting in that time and were stuck behind a time gate until we could get our 'veteran' rewards. Then one day along comes Cryptic waving their magic wand saying everyone can have what others had to wait for under one condition - you give us $$$ now plz.
  • rbatalla1977rbatalla1977 Member Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I was trying to read all the posts, but I ran out of the cheese for all this whining. Anyhow, I'm a subscriber from Feb 2010, and been playing almost daily since. On May 2010, I decided to buy the LTS, not because any reward that I could get, but because it meant I did not had to pay the subscription anymore regardless of any future price change. And people forget what LTS is for. You are just paying your subscription in advanced, noting more. The perk with this offer is that after a while, in 35 months in my case, I get my money back (299.00 at that moment) and I start earning $5.00 every month from that moment on that I can use to buy stuff in game. A week ago I hit my 900 day mark, so I got my 1000 day reward like 90 days earlier. I'm upset if my friends get the same thing, but he bought the LTS a few days ago? Absolutely no, because this is just an incentive for getting the LTS now. Regular subscribers will have to wait. So really the only thing I have to say to Cryptic is "thanks for giving me the ship early". Again, if you do not like it, there is a lot MMOs out there, quit the game. After all, it's just a game...
    Join Date: Apr 18, 2010
  • kobayashlmarukobayashlmaru Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Remember that PWE never saw any profit from your LTS before they took over. To them are you just a F2P account with a stipend. This new perk is for people who joined after PWE took over and are disappointed at the prospect of waiting three years to get the cool new ship, BOff, and others.

    The timing is great for new LTS with the launch of the new ship and the completion of the vet rewards table. Another hidden perk is the value over time for LTS which, if calculated correctly, actually didn't mature until after 3 years. Now the value over time makes this an amazingly good investment, even if you are going to play for a year. It effectively nullifies the advantages gold subs had over LTS since F2P started.
    Kobayashi Maru
    Join Date: Sept 2008

    "Holographic tissue paper for the holographic runny nose. Don't give them to patients." - The Doctor
  • varrvarrvarrvarr Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Meh, those of you who know me as Varrangian know I've been here a long time, but this is no skin off my back. The only problem I have is that this seems like the Vet rewards are going to go away.

    By the way how do I change my title?
  • darkenzedddarkenzedd Member Posts: 881
    edited October 2012
    I do really feel the 1000 veterans pain, they waited 1000 days to get this ship and it must feel like the rug has been pulled out from under them.
    However, as a 650 day lts vet myself, I am happy about not having to wait those extra 300 odd days.

    Lts is actually worth buying now. Not only you get the borg playable character, 500 zen per month and no monthly sub, but you also now get all the veteran extras up front.
    From a business standpoint right now, it makes sense.
  • quickdraw74quickdraw74 Member Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    The main problem here is everyone thinks time equals loyalty/veteran. When it doesn't. Saying you EARNED your rewards isn't really the truth either. You PAID for those rewards.

    F2P players get nothing. Even if they play for the next 10 years they will get nothing. So if you don't pay does that mean you are not loyal or a veteran player?

    LTS players are 100% guaranteed to get ALL the rewards. That is set in stone. Why make them wait? Time does not make someone a veteran. Someone could have bought a LTS at the beginning and not like the game and quit for awhile. If they decide to come back 1000 days later - they would get those rewards just like they have been here. So what is the difference? They didn't play the game for 999 days came back and still got the rewards. They are now a veteran because they had to wait to get the rewards????....That doesn't make sense to me.

    Another thing is I don't get is monthly suscribers (I am one) complaining. It is nobodys fault but your own if you have been subscribed for the past 2 or 3 years and never thought about getting a LTS. Simple math really. If you knew you were going to play longer then 19months then you should have bought a LTS. I subscribed monthly because I didn't have $299 to fork over on the game. With it only being 199 that might be a differnet story.

    Lastly, nothing was taken away from ANYONE. We all have the SAME veteran rewards. You want them all right now? Then pay for the LTS. Saying that time (1000 days) makes someone a veteran or loyal is very misleading. You may be subscribed for 999 days, but that doesn't mean you played, logged in, or gained any skill (a Veteran).
    Even before this update I have seen several 700 Day players not even a vice admiral yet. Guess it could be a 2nd toon on their account, but that just goes back to:

    subscription = money = veteran rewards.

    They don't have to play on that new toon to get 700 days on it. A 700 - 1000 day "veteran" means nothing to me about loyalty or even being a veteran. Just means you paid cash for 700 days.
  • theultimatextheultimatex Member Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Just logged into the game. Had 1,000 day veteran accolade run across my screen and I am only at 982 days.

    Suddenly that brief moment of "hurray" does not mean very much.

    And no I am not being sarcastic or mean. *Sigh, changes they are a happenin'* :(
  • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    What did us Vets earn, what did we do.....I could have easily not spent a single dime on this game at all after I got my LTS, I got free ships I got EC back in the day to buy new ships, did not really do much...Then after F2P they made it even easier for me not to spend money now they gave me a way to get stuff just by grinding, and since I was a LTS I did not even have to rush at grinds< i could just take my sweet time, and let me $5 a month and grind money accumulate.

    So if vets want to say Oh we supported the game and everything, then lets reward everyone who spent money in this game, for every 100 bucks you spent you get something shiny for those are truly the players that supported the game the ones who spent money, not LTS from beta who could have sat around and do nothing.

    when the monkey came out, all i saw was...ewww crappy monkey, now it's no no don't give my crappy money to him.

    It's not like Cryptic took my Monkey and gave it to the KDF for a rug. ;)
  • tymerstotymersto Member Posts: 433 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    While I can see and understand all of the hatred going on here, I can't help but think this is a good thing overall.

    Now let me give some context here:
    Played in the Beta
    Purchased the Digital Deluxe version and have purchased a number of the retail specific boxes as well
    Subbed off-and-on pre-and-post F2P
    Accrued sub time to earn the 400-Day Vet Rewards
    Spent at least $50-$75 on top of Subs in the C/Z-Store

    Honestly, if I had the $200/$300 right now, I'd pop for a LTS for this game. I don't even play it enough normally to justify that kind of expenditure.
    It's that fact I'd get the 500/600/700/800 day Rewards that, I feel would make the expenditure worth while. And the things is, I'd still would be spending extra in the Store for services on top of that. And STO isn't my main game! My main game is ending at the end of November (CoH)! And I doubt the STO will take it's place.

    I just feel there is enough 'value' in what the LTS offers now that it will be worth it to a number of players (even at the usual $300).

    Thank you for the time...
    STO CBT Player - 400 day+ Vet, Currently Silver
    Cryptic, would you actulaly like me to spend actual Money? It's Simple:
    • Full, Story-driven, select from start 1-50 Klingon Side
    • Scrap current Lock Box & Lobi system for something more reasonable
    • Expand Dil and Rep/Fleet Marks to regular story content
  • theultimatextheultimatex Member Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    garakfan84 wrote: »
    I first heard about this in game but I thought to myself that it couldn't be true, turns out it is. I'm disappointed even though I have a LTS I feel bad for all the subscribers that have been here since the beggining of the game and had to wait for their rewards.
    Now I just logged in to the game and now I'm a 700 day Veteran. It doesn't make any sense. I was just a few days away from being 300. Sure I couldn't wait to get the rewards but I was willing to wait just like everybody else. This doesn't seem fair. The LTS pay more and it's a nice thing but couldn't they have come up with something else? What about the players that keep paying every month: What will they get now? There is no reason to pay monthly anymore. Even if with this they probably thought that since people are a few days from receveing their 1000 day award they will keep paying it's still ungreatful. It may lead people to buy this and keep people in the game for awhile but, you still need those monthly subs. Give them something too, please. Make people want to be a gold member or have more restricted content for F2P that gold members can have access too like missions. I don't know... just a rant. :(

    *Edit* Give regular subscribers something UNIQUE. Going around with a "700 day vet" on my character seems fake and colecting the rewards won't be something I was looking forward to if I had waited.

    I feel your pain buddy. Once again, I say use my suggestions for placng aqny future Veteran rewards via the Captain's Chair. It's a Veteran/Committed members only area.
  • theultimatextheultimatex Member Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    It means the same today as it did yesterday, it means you paid for a LTS - see Quickdraw's post above.

    I know you and others may feel that's all it means, but trust me I did not only see it as I paid $300 up front kind of thing.

    Edit: Oh btw, I happen to agree with posts like Quickdraw's after reading all the various comments out there. See my posts in the Champion Online's forum: http://co-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?p=2548531&posted=1#post2548531.
  • theultimatextheultimatex Member Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    They don't have to play on that new toon to get 700 days on it. A 700 - 1000 day "veteran" means nothing to me about loyalty or even being a veteran. Just means you paid cash for 700 days.

    I did want to address this part of his quote though.

    Let's take it out of an MMO context and address that as a single player game with a potential online aspect. You play through an FPS or RPG and unlock multiple items in the extras menu after your 3 or more days of playing or at least going past the levels on Easy that you can now use with a second play through or another character that allows you to take a different path. That is time spent or time coasted, as some would say, in getting those perks that you can now show off in the online mode. But now EA(Electronic Arts) to those who do not know, comes along a few years ago and offers to let new players do the same thing for $2 to $7 unlock key fee. Suddenly that accomplishment no matter how easy or how easier you coasted to it, means nothing when you attempt to show it off online.

    Is it better understood now why some may still be upset?

    Btw, this is in response to why I was disappointed that the Vet accolade and its accompanying in-game reward no longer means as much to the player who would see ad get these before today.
  • yreodredyreodred Member Posts: 3,527 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    khayuung wrote: »
    But for things like ships, things that can affect in-game balance, those better not be locked away.
    I think no one was really upset when Veterans got the android BOFF. I mean that was a nice gift, but nothing that would be important as a WHOLE SHIP!
    1000 Days or 200 $ are just too much for a ship in a game IMO.

    I think it's a more like a insult to all those who don't have the money, than a gift for the few who actually get these ships.

    With the introduction of this new reward they made a nice gift for a small group of loyal customers but they also created something that makes a much bigger group of customers unhappy.
    If that's how they plan to treat the majority of their customers from now on, i think/hope the best times for them are over.

    Really i think they should release a C-Store version of it, at least they could limit the damage being already done.

    Thank you for reading or ignoring, depending on who you are. ;)
    "...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--" - (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie

    A tale of two Picards
    (also applies to Star Trek in general)
  • darkjeffdarkjeff Member Posts: 2,590 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Suddenly that accomplishment no matter how easy or how easier you coasted to it, means nothing when you attempt to show it off online.

    Is it better understood now why some may still be upset?
    Are you intentionally belittling the people complaining?

    I mean, you just basically characterized it as losing out on epeen waving.
  • tosveteranstosveterans Member Posts: 446 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I said this before but I still can?t believe people are upset about this. I think it is great!

    I bought a one year subscription and then I bought a lifetime subscription so I spent a lot! When I first read this new lifetime perk, right away what I thought is that it was a great idea. I mean the only difference between paying for a Lifetime two years ago and now is that those of us that bought it two year ago have gotten an extra two years to play for free. AND we have remainder of the new people that have gotten a lifetime subscription.

    This just proves to me that people will complain about anything when greed and entitlement become more important than promoting this great game and inclusion.

    If the game gets a 1000 more subscribers then this game has a longer lifespan potential. Also remember that the owners of this game don?t get anything from the money we spent over a year ago. I just look at my buddies that wanted a lifetime and couldn?t afford it until it went on sale. Now they have a bonus!
  • leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    The main problem here is everyone thinks time equals loyalty/veteran. When it doesn't. Saying you EARNED your rewards isn't really the truth either. You PAID for those rewards.

    F2P players get nothing. Even if they play for the next 10 years they will get nothing. So if you don't pay does that mean you are not loyal or a veteran player?

    LTS players are 100% guaranteed to get ALL the rewards. That is set in stone. Why make them wait? Time does not make someone a veteran. Someone could have bought a LTS at the beginning and not like the game and quit for awhile. If they decide to come back 1000 days later - they would get those rewards just like they have been here. So what is the difference? They didn't play the game for 999 days came back and still got the rewards. They are now a veteran because they had to wait to get the rewards????....That doesn't make sense to me.

    Another thing is I don't get is monthly suscribers (I am one) complaining. It is nobodys fault but your own if you have been subscribed for the past 2 or 3 years and never thought about getting a LTS. Simple math really. If you knew you were going to play longer then 19months then you should have bought a LTS. I subscribed monthly because I didn't have $299 to fork over on the game. With it only being 199 that might be a differnet story.

    Lastly, nothing was taken away from ANYONE. We all have the SAME veteran rewards. You want them all right now? Then pay for the LTS. Saying that time (1000 days) makes someone a veteran or loyal is very misleading. You may be subscribed for 999 days, but that doesn't mean you played, logged in, or gained any skill (a Veteran).
    Even before this update I have seen several 700 Day players not even a vice admiral yet. Guess it could be a 2nd toon on their account, but that just goes back to:

    subscription = money = veteran rewards.

    They don't have to play on that new toon to get 700 days on it. A 700 - 1000 day "veteran" means nothing to me about loyalty or even being a veteran. Just means you paid cash for 700 days.

    Timed events like nanopulse or Worf baldric were "earned" in a loose sense.

    Vet rewards were always earned with money like cash back or frequent flyer miles on a credit card. The difference is just delivery speed.

    It's like complaining that Amazon Prime members now get free expedited shipping on all orders and that you didn't get expedited shipping on your package. Nevermind that the new people didn't get their package any sooner than you.

    The one addition I'd make is to make subs by time paid so that people close to 1k days can go ahead and buy the remaining time needed and get their stuff now.
  • solarmutationsolarmutation Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Ok I think that is a good idea to draw in more subscribers. The thing that I don't like about this is that I have been a Month-to-Month for almost 800 days now. Now if I want the perks I will have to buy this Life Time Subscription to get them.:mad: How is that fare to me when I have paid more for my month-to-month then the cost of two LTS combined. :( I think that those of us that fall into this catagory should be offered a reduced cost LTS since we already paid for one when we hit the price of one in 15 months, and that was the original price at that. I would just like the opportunity that all the LTS have had without having to pay out another 13 months value of subs to get it. I chose to do the month-to-month because in the long run it helps keep the game going and produces new content. To me this is just not right, if I have been paying this long I, and others like me, should get a free LTS or big cost reduction to get one. I'm not talking and extra 10% I am talking and extra 70%. Lets not forget about the other people that also help keep the game going.
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Once again the point about Cryptic sticking to their word is BS, they are a company in this business to make money, that is their and ALL OTHER BUSINESSES only goal, to make money now and in the future. Nowhere in the Eula does it say you will be guaranteed to get X, Y & Z. It's a game trying to survive in an extremely competitive marketplace, this "it's not fair" and "we've waited so long" etc just makes you and others sound like spoilt little kids with no appreciation for how businesses or the real world works. Hence the grow up remark.

    I find this bullocks "It's a business, so however hard they TRIBBLE you, it's all good!" rationale of yours quite amusing. Some people clearly troll the threads for a chance at non-sensical grandstanding.

    And naturally, and justly so, 1,000 days vets feel shafted. For the same reason anyone would feel screwed when they bought, say, a limited edition painting, only to find out, later on, that the artist has lifted the limit, and has sold thousands of said work, after all. In some countries that's illegal even. Of course PWE will have something in their EULA that states they can TRIBBLE you over, at any time, for whatever reason. And I'm sure it's all on solid legal ground. It remains, however, for lack of a better term, a scummy thing to do.

    - Kira, 90-day vet.
  • xenor002xenor002 Member Posts: 424
    edited October 2012
    So are those who don't own a LTS and waited 1000 days going to get anything to show they waited....because now "vetern" means zip! :mad:

    TALK ABOUT PAY TO WIN...now you can pay for vetern status....WTF IS WRONG WITH WITH YOU SICK PEOPLE!? :mad:

    I'm glad I'm taking a small break form Trek conventions,...but have fun meeting other 1000 day suckers!

    Too bad I'll miss the rage.. ;) :rolleyes:

    Dec '07 Account
    I EARNED 1000 days...I didn't BUY it! New LTS=Death to Vet.System: 10/10/12 Never Forget
    Something should be done for those who cared enough to have a 1000+ day sub.
  • jackal1701apwjackal1701apw Member Posts: 669 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    My view (and this is a very strong one) is that the ship is v nice, but selling LTS with the ability to march straight to 1000 day rewards upon purchase of LTS effectively kills the veteran reward program. You are saying that short term money grabbing is more important than community engagment and player longevity and in my view that is the fastest way to kill an MMO STONE DEAD. It is a very dangerous message to send to the community.

    My suggestion is to do what you did with the Oddy. Offer a "free" version to new (and <1000 day) LTS accounts. It would have similar if not identical stats to those posted, perhaps a little less hull/shield mod and maybe in an extreme case lose the ensign BOFF slot. Also reverse the idea that all other rewards are earned immediately (as really how much would a crappy broken andriod a free ship slot and a white monkey really be driving new LTS sales anyway?). Then for "true" 1,000 day players they offer a version thats on par with Fleet ships (10 consoles additional hull/shields etc). That way the rewards program lives on and still rewards longevity.

  • commanderkassycommanderkassy Member Posts: 1,005 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    ************************** Yes!!
    ♪ I'm going around not in circles but in spirographs.
    It's pretty much this hard to keep just one timeline intact. ♪
  • commanderkassycommanderkassy Member Posts: 1,005 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Wow, people are actually complaining about this?

    We are LTS!

    L T S.






    We're GOING to have it, why not give it to us now? I fail to see the problem. I'm glad cryptic will ignore you guys.
    ♪ I'm going around not in circles but in spirographs.
    It's pretty much this hard to keep just one timeline intact. ♪
  • easytiger79easytiger79 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    gypsyblade wrote: »
    There is nothing that separates long time Veterans from new people who drop $200-$300. Would of been better if they added Veteran Ship Tokens.

    Losing our forum start dates.. now losing our exclusive 1000 day forum Titles

    Although I think Cryptic are greedy as all hell and not be trusted... I l laughed heartily at this. POOR BABY lost his forum start date!!! And his 1000 day forum title - however will he stand out from the forum crowd now :'(

    But look you have a big, bright new title now - how cute!
  • xenor002xenor002 Member Posts: 424
    edited October 2012
    Wow, people are actually complaining about this?

    We are LTS!

    L T S.






    We're GOING to have it, why not give it to us now? I fail to see the problem. I'm glad cryptic will ignore you guys.

    People like you are why STO is nothing more than a below average MMO.

    Could I afford LTS? You bet. Did I want to waste that money? No.

    LTS = never having to PAY again to get the game, that is the reason for LTS. Not a "Haha those who have been here sinse start, I just joined and I have 1000 day status already!" OR well, posts like yours. :) :rolleyes:

    This was just a lazy and low gimmick to just get fast cash because STO is not doing as well for obvious reasons.

    Dec '07 Account
    I EARNED 1000 days...I didn't BUY it! New LTS=Death to Vet.System: 10/10/12 Never Forget
    Something should be done for those who cared enough to have a 1000+ day sub.
  • xenor002xenor002 Member Posts: 424
    edited October 2012
    Although I think Cryptic are greedy as all hell and not be trusted... I l laughed heartily at this. POOR BABY lost his forum start date!!! And his 1000 day forum title - however will he stand out from the forum crowd now :'(

    But look you have a big, bright new title now - how cute!

    So which account were you before you got banned form that one? :rolleyes:

    Dec '07 Account
    I EARNED 1000 days...I didn't BUY it! New LTS=Death to Vet.System: 10/10/12 Never Forget
    Something should be done for those who cared enough to have a 1000+ day sub.
  • wraithshadow13wraithshadow13 Member Posts: 1,728 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I posted this on the champions forums, but it almost seems like they're now gold farming their own game with this. "Don't feel like waiting? Give us money!" "want to be a veteran without investing the time? We can help you!" "you know that shiny new ship your friends are about to earn? $200 and it's yours!"

    In the short term yeah they're making a small pile of money for PWE to roll around in, but in the long term they're losing a lot more because they're losing the monthly income, people aren't buying respec tokens, character slots, ship slots, costume pieces, entire ships, experience boosts, they're losing the respect of long term players, they're promoting pay to win, they've completely rendered any veteran title or status a complete joke, and to top that off not only are they not making as much money for each of these people they're losing it since they'll be paying them $5 for absolutely nothing.

    In the long run continuing the Vet rewards passed 100 would have been much better business because they're giving something to the fans, for a little over $45 they're giving out very little but making sure they're getting returning customers as well as having people continue to pay monthly.

    Which is why saying that giving the gold members life times is just a bad idea because
    A) it's a moot point since they've already earned all the rewards at 1000 days
    B) Doing that means that they'll be having to pay each of these members $5 for no reason
    C) it just defeats the purpose all together

    Putting a price tag on a time based incentive program is telling cryptic that it's okay to disregard the fans for money, that it's okay to lie about things if you get paid, and that pay to win is a good thing, all of which most of the people indeed are not okay with. Nobody wants pay to win, yet somehow doing this is okay by a lot of those same people and it just seems to show a lot of the bad side of business.
  • podsixpodsix Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    This is nice.

    I love the idea though for people who are just now buying LTS's.. I hope this is a permanent feature for all future LTS sales. Really makes the LTS a nice package.. costumes, slots, ships, all sorts of goodies the moment you sign up. Great idea.

    Pity I'm not really getting any serious benefit from it, since I've been lifetime since beta. Maybe this means that future veteran's rewards will be released earlier than the game's 1000th, 1100th, and 1701st days?

    Seriously cryptic.. 1701 day veteran's reward: Tier 5 Constitution. :D :P Surely you can get CBS onboard with that kind of milestone.
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