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Lifetime Sub Sale + New Benefit



  • tali9999tali9999 Member Posts: 173 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    cormoran wrote: »
    This new benefit tells me one thing;

    Cryptic World don't expect STO to last another 1000 days.

    One thing. If it lasts another 400 days, then buying a lifetime sub is no more expensive than keeping a Gold sub. And you get bonus stuff!

    So, will it last 400 more days you think? I gambled yes and i bought Lifetime sub. Let's see what happens.
  • srspellssrspells Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    ok ill add my points even if you guys disagree.(sorry about grammer, sick and tired)
    1. while yes the original intent was to reward players for time spent on this game, some dont even play anymore, some do less then people I know who have played less then F2Pers, tbh ive been on here for 6 months and I know more about game then most.(Cause I took the time and cared) I bought lifetime? if I put more effort into the game then a good 50% of LTS then dont I deserve more since I support game financially and play daily?

    2. the ones who should be upset really are the Gold members who subscribe monthly as its more of a kick to them, I had a fleetie who was at 900 days and today bought lifetime(He still stated it was worth it.

    3.dont we all spend more on lockboxes this is a game to enjoy not to compete over, I know for the fact I have met helpful people on this game and even showed a few beta users a thing or too. point is were here for love of the game and to become best captains we can be.

    4.why is it that we are arguing this as lets see respecs are 500zenx6 per char then add bank and inventory slots, most of us have paid for the life time and got the reward of it paying us back.

    5.also the grind gets more tiresome then the free goodies, why shouldnt people get stuff even if we worked for it, its still 200+ out of thier pocket plus they have it for life.

    6. with other stuff far worse that needs fixed,(Armeks 1 shot kills XD) we can appreciate that we know for a fact thier is still at least 3 seasons as they stated stuff about season 8 and 9. so I cant wait too see whats instore.

    7.I want to thank Cryptic and The Sto communittee for the best MMO ive played and still enjoy the grind.
    || Open Door Policy ||
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  • xsharpexxsharpex Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    It's not that I'm not happy for all the new LTS people and what their financial contribution might bring. It's just the feeling of hurt and betrayal that I'm not able to get over. It's not about keeping goodies away from people. Far from it. We're just looking for some sort of acknowledgement and thanks for our hard work, dedication and loyalty.

    It's a huge slap in the face. It's the feeling that lockbox ship owners would get if STO put all the lockbox ships in the cstore and made them account bound all the while doing nothing to make those who invested lots of time and money to get them whole.

    People flying around in lockbox ships like to be special. They like to be different than all the rest. They have earned the right to do so and we, as long term subscribers do too. That's the crux of the issue at hand, imo.
  • cormorancormoran Member Posts: 440 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    tali9999 wrote: »
    One thing. If it lasts another 400 days, then buying a lifetime sub is no more expensive than keeping a Gold sub. And you get bonus stuff!

    So, will it last 400 more days you think? I gambled yes and i bought Lifetime sub. Let's see what happens.
    It might, it might not. I've been here from day one so I get the 1000 day vet reward come tonights patch anyways. It's more than paid for itself.

    I don't mind that people get it right now, but the implication that STO's days are numbered is kinda scary considering the time i've put into it.

    Oh well, here's hoping Neverwinter bombs bad and they have to rely on STO to make money, that should mean more resources for us and hopefully a longer lifespan for STO.
  • gespensterjaegergespensterjaeger Member Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I think this is a great move.
    i been a lifer for 600 days and to me when we lost vice admiral tokens it was a kick in the face.

    now we get all veteran rewards thats just good stuff.

    we payed for life aka we arent going anywhere so this is just good stuff.

    although lockboxes need to be improved aloot and also the loot drops from elite stfs need to be higher. prototype armor on one of my 6 toons has taken well over 200 runs. while 5 other toons got it on the 10th run something is wrong there.

    but ye i approve of this.
    If only they fix Cloaking bugg :( *new message BOOM decloacked.
  • captainjgeecaptainjgee Member Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    What an insult this is to loyal player. :mad: I'm nearly at the 1000 days, and now this. What a kick in the teeth. I guess loyalty means nothing to Cryptic. Well if that this the case, when you know what goes F2P I'll be switching sides.:P Doesn't seem any reason to stay loyal to STO any more. I thought Cryptic said the long term players was the best hope for the game, another falsehood. Now I see why the 1000 day vet reward is so rubbish, a four letter word would be more appropriate. We had to put up with Cryptic for 1000 days and are now treated like this, well thanks for nothing. You will never ever get a single penny out of me every again. Cryptic you have blown it big time. I would never play another Cryptic or PWE game ever. Thanks again for making me feel like a real idiot. :(
  • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Original Players took a risk 3 years ago to try STO, many said the game would not last a year, and here we are...now a new generation of players will take their own risk, if they choose to buy a LTS now.

    This game and her history will shortly become the care of another crew. To them and their posterity will we commit our future. They will continue the voyages we have begun, and journey to all the undiscovered countries, boldly going where no man... where no *one* has gone before.
  • adabisiadabisi Member Posts: 260 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    So much for the prestidge that comes with the founding of a game....

    PWE and Cryptic have said the dollar is far more importand to them over a few meager rewards reserved for the few....and then the rest of the lifers (in time)

    Not much else i can say except there is a feeling of extreme dissapointment
    Today we fight the GAULS......monstrous and HAIRY beyond reason.
  • wrraithewrraithe Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I personally think its brilliant!!!! all the Lifers complaining are missing the fact that they get the rewards earlier than 1000 days. Now for all the people out there that are not Lifers well now is the chance to spend the extra money and have cool toys to play with like all the lifers who spent their extra money. Now the real question is will this new influx of cash into the developers wallet actually do something for the game or will it just be one of those things where u go damn i wasted 200 bucks. Maybe if they get a few hundred new Lifers then they can actually complete some of the plans they say they have in the works (cough {KDF missions} cough). I mean hell you still hold the title of Lifer either way whether u were here at beta or not. But being a Lifer doesn't exactly make you GodMode in this game i see more fail lifers than i do noobs. Just my 2 cents worth. And yes i do realize this will get flamed but cmon lets face the facts ITS A GAME GET OVER YOUR EPEEN AND ITS 1000 DAYS. We all get epeens now lol.
  • captainrevo1captainrevo1 Member Posts: 3,948 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    thinking about this, i personally have no problem with lifers all now on even footing. i dont care if someone has been a lifer for 999 days or 1. it really does not concern me at all. if you have bought lifetime then its all the same to me when you get the rewards.

    its absolutely no skin off my nose if someone get something the same time as me, regardless of their days played as they have paid at one time or another. ive had my fun for 1000 days, and gotten my enjoyment out of these items. im happy to see others can enjoy these benefits without having to wait 100's of days.

    i do have some sympathy for subbers who are say on 900 days and now see people who have payed less go sailing past them. they have not had all the facts and may have chosen differently if they knew. my criticism would be that they should have made lifers have this from the very start so that people can make an informed choice of how they wanted to pay from day 1.

    changing it is fine but it needed to have been ages ago. at the last minute is probably not such a great idea even if its personally shaved a few days off my reward and made me happy.
  • yakumosmithyakumosmith Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I love how all the vets are saying Johnny newbie is buying the LTS.

    I'll wager it's more likely to be Johnny 6 months who is buying...the guy who went Gold for a month at the suggestion of all the vets because "the vet rewards aren't worth it" and "you'd be mad to subscribe after a month grinding your characters up now it's F2P".

    I am sympathetic to those who stuck through the tough times when the game was mince (in my optinion people who went LTS during the first year need a unique reward for that), but what do you want? Do you want Vet rewards that new players will never get (be honest, this isn't Eve Online, it won't be here in 3 more years) or do you want an influx of players and money that might keep the game going longer?

    Give the vets a new title "STO" and give the new LTS people "STO:NG". Status works both ways, I'd hate people to think I was a bitter Vet just because I was in a "1000 day" ship.
  • jam062307jam062307 Member Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I'm truly disappointed in this move. Veteran rewards are something earned through time. Those of us who have been here since the game was in beta should have something to set us apart from the rest. We've been here the longest, most of us have put in more than just our 1000 days of subscription. We've tested new stuff, gone extended periods of time with nothing new, endured new EPs, new owners, new players, new directions of the game. And we are still here. Giving all that sets us apart away for a few $ is complete disrespect to those of us that have endured. Veteran rewards are just that, rewards for veterans, for those who have stayed, persevered and contributed, they are not supposed to be a cheap handout for anyone willing to spend. You want to add additional life-timer perks, go right ahead, add a new ship as a life-timer perk, but don't take away our veteran rewards and make them lifer perks! Through everything Cryptic has done, I think this is probably the most disrespected I have ever felt as a veteran player.
    tacofangs wrote: »
    We planned on doing it next weekend, but then we saw your post and were like, "Dude, we should totally move that up a week! Tee Hee!"
  • kingdoxykingdoxy Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    cormoran wrote: »
    This new benefit tells me one thing;

    Cryptic World don't expect STO to last another 1000 days.

    Oh no We're DOOM Everyone!!!!

    I was wondering why it took so long for the doom sayers to show up. All we need now is a T5 Connie post and we can meet our STO quota for over used topic posts.

    Of course we're doomed that's why Dan is talking about stuff we'll see in Season 9 and beyond.
  • koppenflakkoppenflak Member Posts: 191 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    (600-something days here, LTS...)

    This could have been an excellent differentiator between the standard subscribers and life timers. Sadly, it's only been introduced at the very end of the road, making it sting a heck of a lot for those who have faithfully been here since day one.

    Good move, but waaaaay too late. I can understand why some people feel cheated, and I'm honestly surprised this wasn't considered when the LTS was first offered. It made little sense to ask someone to pony up that much money with the promise of a reward at some point, and the caveat "Oh, you'll definitely get it... you just have to wait 1000 days to access the big kahuna!"

    Fantastic for some, and little for others. All in all, still a net gain, so...

    +1 Karma, Cryptic. I just hope more tangible benefits are coming now that the 1000 day program has effectively come to an end.
  • zenzenarimasenzenzenarimasen Member Posts: 181 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I think this is an awesome new benefit for the lifetimer program.

    Here's the thing thing... This isn't a complaint, more of a musing...

    I've had a lifetime account for 999 days. This patch means I get my 1000 day vet reward a full day early... Woo?

    ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → Ⓑ Ⓐ
  • walt04walt04 Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I have been playing sto for a long while and i will personally will not benifit from this vetran reward deal so I feel comfortable in saying this. I think this will help. With the reliese of the new WoW expansion pack, Sales and game usage has dropped. have seen this reflected in not only in my fleet but others. I will agree its somwhat a kneejerk reaction, it will help in at least drawing back some lost players for a while. hopfully Cryptic will have somthing put together to keep them involved. My second reason is the fact that "Vets" Pretty much dominate the gameplay, especially in pvp arenas which tend to discurage newcomers to the game. ( Just watch the Zone chat for a while and see what i mean.) I think with the Lifetime subscription bonuses this will help level the playing field a little and make it a little more chalanging. I personally think it will solve some of the extreme gaps in the " Too many big fish eating all the little fish so no fish come around no more." dinamic to the game.
  • xsharpexxsharpex Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    walt04 wrote: »
    I have been playing sto for a long while and i will personally will not benifit from this vetran reward deal so I feel comfortable in saying this. I think this will help. With the reliese of the new WoW expansion pack, Sales and game usage has dropped. have seen this reflected in not only in my fleet but others. I will agree its somwhat a kneejerk reaction, it will help in at least drawing back some lost players for a while. hopfully Cryptic will have somthing put together to keep them involved. My second reason is the fact that "Vets" Pretty much dominate the gameplay, especially in pvp arenas which tend to discurage newcomers to the game. ( Just watch the Zone chat for a while and see what i mean.) I think with the Lifetime subscription bonuses this will help level the playing field a little and make it a little more chalanging. I personally think it will solve some of the extreme gaps in the " Too many big fish eating all the little fish so no fish come around no more." dinamic to the game.

    what? having a lifetime subscription does not inherently make you better at this game. what am i going to beat you with? my captain's yacht? how about i sic my non-combat mugato at you?
  • baracura28baracura28 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    walt04 wrote: »
    I have been playing sto for a long while and i will personally will not benifit from this vetran reward deal so I feel comfortable in saying this. I think this will help. With the reliese of the new WoW expansion pack, Sales and game usage has dropped. have seen this reflected in not only in my fleet but others. I will agree its somwhat a kneejerk reaction, it will help in at least drawing back some lost players for a while. hopfully Cryptic will have somthing put together to keep them involved. My second reason is the fact that "Vets" Pretty much dominate the gameplay, especially in pvp arenas which tend to discurage newcomers to the game. ( Just watch the Zone chat for a while and see what i mean.) I think with the Lifetime subscription bonuses this will help level the playing field a little and make it a little more chalanging. I personally think it will solve some of the extreme gaps in the " Too many big fish eating all the little fish so no fish come around no more." dinamic to the game.

    LOL more i am not typing just LOL
    Talking to my self, asking stuff to my self, definitely not understanding my self. Such is the life of an overworked Starfleet admiral.
  • joxertm2joxertm2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    While current vets like above will type LOL, I will not.
    It's simply true, free respecs rule in STO pvp. That means what? That means my foot won't go pvp.
    And seems it's going to change.

    I can understand everyone who played the game for 1000 days and expected this new vet ship now also accessible for LTS newcommers, but really is it so bad move from Cryptic?
    Think about the game, more LTS means more money and more money means more content and a better game - for everyone.

    I'm not LTS, yet I've bought 100$ ZEN so far. This offer looks juicy and I'll probably go LTS.
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    There are 2 ways of looking at this:

    1) It's a bit of a low blow to lure people in with the promise of getting a unique, 1,000 days veteran-exclusive ship at the end of the term, only to take away said exclusion a few days prior to delivery, and to now offer it to everyone (sans the 1,000 days wait) who did nothing more than get an upgrade to lifetime today.

    2) YAY!! Little 90-days ol' me is getting a kick-*ss vet ship!

    Bazinga! :) Seriously, though, I will probably take the deal, for reasons outlined under 2), but I can't help but recall the words of an old Ferengi merchant I once encountered. Cryptic would do well to take heed:

    "You can TRIBBLE all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot TRIBBLE all the people all the time."
  • wraithshadow13wraithshadow13 Member Posts: 1,728 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    joxertm2 wrote: »
    Think about the game, more LTS means more money and more money means more content and a better game - for everyone.

    To be honest that's kind of a terrible argument seeing how the game itself just seems to be getting worse. Rushed content, unpopular decisions, quick cash grabs instead of quality content, lying to the fans and long term players, adding more grind and more currencies without much content after they promised to streamline both and add new content. To say it's putting money back into the game is a bit of a joke because Cryptic has been given a bigger budget and more staff and yet here we are with nothing to show for it but lotto boxes and grinding. It's become all about the money to such a degree they should start putting the monopoly guy in a starfleet uniform as their Mascot.
  • baracura28baracura28 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    joxertm2 wrote: »
    While current vets like above will type LOL, I will not.
    It's simply true, free respecs rule in STO pvp. That means what? That means my foot won't go pvp.
    And seems it's going to change.

    I can understand everyone who played the game for 1000 days and expected this new vet ship now also accessible for LTS newcommers, but really is it so bad move from Cryptic?
    Think about the game, more LTS means more money and more money means more content and a better game - for everyone.

    I'm not LTS, yet I've bought 100$ ZEN so far. This offer looks juicy and I'll probably go LTS.

    Did u look at what i made red? I Lol'd at the fact he basicly is saying vets are P2W.. And that is animal poo.. And the game didnt have much REAL content, other than grind fest stuff. So i doubt we will see any real content any time soon!

    So yeah even to u i say LOL cause ur also saying cause vet's that got the free respecs is P2W, and thats just silly..
    Talking to my self, asking stuff to my self, definitely not understanding my self. Such is the life of an overworked Starfleet admiral.
  • meeheemeehee Member Posts: 85
    edited October 2012
    I really have to laugh, Cryptic cant even let the lifers and subbers who have reached 1000 days have their moment without adding a P2W cashgrab that ruins the whole thing....

    If cryptic had any decency whatsoever they really should have let the 1000 day vets have the ship exclusive for a month or so before introducing this new cash grab. (and i say this as a 964 day vet) !!!!
  • xsharpexxsharpex Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I am utterly disgusted at this community and this company. I wrote a very insightful post as to why many veterans feel the way they do. Having PWE bury it here speaks volumes. There's nothing left for an old vet like me to do, but to conform to how the community views us. Selfish, petty entitled jerks who do nothing but flaunt their "e-peen".

    Forget the countless people I've taught how to STF. Or the very many optionals and missions that I helped them get through. Or the many, many people I've offered help and advice to. I say the hell to all that. I'm going to be a self-serving TRIBBLE that hovers around in his 1000 day free ship.

    Have fun in the queues. You guys make me sick.
  • kuwayuokuwayuo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I did the link bfore my 600 day and hope get good benefits. But my account on tribble yet to recieve rewards for the alternate since i bought ship and tribbledeck may long over due for it but day count and lack of checking gms will be needto correct all server I am on. ash
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Only in your opinion. IMO it is far better now than it has ever been. The mechanisms have been put in place to raise the revenue the company needs. The staff have been hired and they are getting ready to go with Season 7, 8 and 9. You will see the content, reputation system and further holdings with additional maps, PvP and sector space areas in the next 6 months. But they could do none of that without the financial means to do it. This year has been about placing those mechanisms into the game since it went F2P and now I believe they are ready to deliver.

    If nothing has improved this time next year my opinion will have changed!

    Well season 7 is just a revamp of endgame rewards, which means we'll get only:
    - a few more items
    - one new social map
    - Maybe 3-4 new farming mission.

    I'm sorry but that's not wondrous at all. Again, more system uptdates and repetitive meaningless content.

    The rest of the game is good though, otherwise I wouldn't be a LTS now. Hopefully we'll get real content improvements with season 8. Something which gives us different goals, ie not playing it for the sake of getting new gear.

    I only hope that they find a stable, reliable and acceptable way to earn money, because this LTS sale looks like a despaired move to keep the game afloat with the last lockbox ship (4 ships to buy...).
    Lenny Barre, lvl 60 DC. 18k.
    God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
  • khayuungkhayuung Member Posts: 1,876 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    MMOs have terrible public communities. That's a given.

    Just listen to those people that you can click with, and save a few blood vessels.

    I do not doubt for one moment the contribution of everyone who bought LTS, or even Gold.

    I doubt those who buy keys with zen and kept the whole lockbox scandal afloat some time back, but that's my own bias.

    What I do definitely doubt is that somehow giving the game more lifelines, when things are getting better and more accommodating to casual players (because that's the only way a game not EVE is going to survive), is taking something away from the Lifers?

    200 dollars ain't cheap bro. 300 hell isn't either. A Silver is very unlikely to ever get one, so that alone is a barrier to title spam.

    Non-custom titles mean nothing to me, so there's another bias there.

    The "True Lifers" have 1 year, 2-year achievements that no one else has. That's your achievement, and I salute you for that.

    But for things like ships, things that can affect in-game balance, those better not be locked away.

    "Last Engage! Magical Girl Origami-san" is in print! Now with three times more rainbows.

    Support the "Armored Unicorn" vehicle initiative today!

    Thanks for Harajuku. Now let's get a real "Magical Girl" costume!
  • yreodredyreodred Member Posts: 3,527 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    200$ for a ship in a (star Trek) game that spurns Star Trek ships in general?

    Sorry, my sense of humor has certain limits.
    The devs should do a lot more in order to make this game a Star Trek game before i spend 200 bucks for it.
    "...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--" - (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie

    A tale of two Picards
    (also applies to Star Trek in general)
  • wraithshadow13wraithshadow13 Member Posts: 1,728 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Only in your opinion. IMO it is far better now than it has ever been. The mechanisms have been put in place to raise the revenue the company needs. The staff have been hired and they are getting ready to go with Season 7, 8 and 9. You will see the content, reputation system and further holdings with additional maps, PvP and sector space areas in the next 6 months. But they could do none of that without the financial means to do it. This year has been about placing those mechanisms into the game since it went F2P and now I believe they are ready to deliver.

    If nothing has improved this time next year my opinion will have changed!

    I've been here since beta, i've been promised a lot of things in terms of content, pvp, and new features coming with in the next six months a lot of which never happened. Not saying some of it won't, but Cryptic has a bad habit of making statements they can't back up which DStahl recent blamed on former employees in the ask cryptic.

    There are so many better ways to get money as well as add more long term players and fans, that this really does seem like just a cheap tactic to make money in a short amount of time.

    as for
    The real reason a few people here are so pissed off is that their epeen has just been castrated, they will no longer be able to sit in Sol in their exclusive 1000 day ship and strut their peacock feathers to an admiring pack of noobs - ffs grow up.

    If you're using phrases like noob and epeen you really shouldn't be telling people to grow up. It has nothing to do with what you said, but it's more about Cryptic sticking to their word, it's about how disrespectful it is, it's about being fair to the gold members that aren't lifers, or how it's not okay to just put a price tag on something after so many people have earned it. Don't make things weird by talking about your imaginary bits and the castration there of, that's just odd.
  • theolopboytheolopboy Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I don't have any problem with new LTS getting all the rewards at the same time as there is no question the will be 'subbed' for that time. I do feel the titles should remain time based just to keep the achievement side of things, going to hold off using the veteran title for another 13 days personally.

    Also at 1100 days gold subs should get the lib borg as a reward, fair play they've paid far more than I have.
    Correct forum join and LTS subscriber from date : 27/01/2010
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