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Disturbing Turn-Offs of the C-Store...



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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    r2data wrote: »
    The developers have been stressing that the C-store items are funded by the C-store alone and that if there was no C-store, the content would not be there. See Zinc's interview. Thinking that they're seperate teams is conjecture admittedly, but a logical conclusion. All C-store critisicm has been funneled into the C-store section of the forums for the C-store team to look at, mentioned many times by the various GMs. dStahl, the executive producer, has no control over the prices of the items put on the C-store, nor can he decide to add the ability to obtain the C-store items in-game arbitrarily. He stated that he had to push for it. This all says to me that the C-store team is a seperate team with it's own decision making process and developers.

    You say CapnLogan worked on the Nebula and Excelsior. Where is this stated? The impression I got is that he was working on the other ships, he did not state that he was working on these. The Excelsior is, especially missing his touch. There are niggling details that do not seem absolutely right, which would not happen had CapnLogan designed the ship. Perhaps he had some input into the ship design but I doubt he was actually working on it.

    We're getting lots of free stuff. Don't tell me a Galaxy w/ saucer sep, an Intrepid w/ ablative armor, a Defiant w/ cloak would not make tons of money were they added to the C-store? People would complain but people would still buy, yet we're getting all those as a free update. People were clamouring for ship interiors for ages and now they're coming out. Are they making us buy every deck? Or each piece of furniture to decorate our ready room?

    They could've released the Klingon PvE and the diplomacy mechanic as Season 2 with all the other sundry bits added on as C-store purchases should they choose and if the two teams were really one, dividing content as they saw fit. Instead we're getting lots and lots of free stuff, with the option to buy a couple more. Why are we complaining?

    you know i m not going to argue with you, as i don t want this thread to be locked...however your rational is based on what some people trying to sell you something said or implied....not very objective
    i don t believe the C store team is a totally different team and the STO executive producer (who is in charge of this project) has no control over it. it does not make sense to me from a business point of view and would be bad management and poor use of resources.
    if you were to sell something...would you present unpopular decisions openly? or would you try to make them look like you have no power over them... but will reconsider them...(think about your prime minister announcing a tax increase and after strikes and riots said she would rethink about it with the finance minister if there is something he can do....)

    don t get me wrong, i agree we are getting some free stuff...well it s not very difficult since we did not start with much anyway...(basic psychology 101)
    My grief like many others said is about charging us for anything like if the game was running full steam..while offering f2p contents. on top of this charging for 2 additional ships slots per character is a bit cheap IMO...

    If the game had great contents and was not just a shot them up in the star trek universe i would not care less what they are trying to sell me in the c store...but it s not the case.
    From my point of view all star trek related items should be in game...anything cryptic design from scratch can be added in the C store but they would not sell as well...

    Now if you are happy with the Cryptic politic fair enough....i m not and i m entitled to express myself but just ask yourself....why most of euro guys in general have twice as much paid annual leave and more benefits than their north American counter parts? cause they fought for it...(i think the French are the best...they are on strike every year just for the sake of it...:D) I m telling you... you don get anything by being quiet... now thinking about my very first time...nope she did not knock at my door ;)

    alright i got to get ready for work... have a great day everyone
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    C-store is just a cash cow and I for one will not spend one penny on anything in there.
    This game is really a shadow of what it should be and I strongly urge people not to buy items from the c-store as only Quality content will ensure a decent player base and ensure the longevity of the game.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Everyone likes to keep saying how bad it will be for the game when they leave over the useless things in the C-store. The one problem I see with that is no one leaves, they just keep paying the sub and crying about it, some of these people even buy the stuff from the store after posting rants about how it's not fair.

    There is nothing for sale that's worth anything, I'll take all the free content in season 2 any day over the TRIBBLE in the store. The TRIBBLE store sells fluff you don't need , and that doesn't help anyone in anyway.

    If you really hate the store enough to quit the game, please do so already, I'm tired of seeing 25 new threads a day about this, if you are going to spend months complaining about it and still buy things from the store anyway, the Devs, can only come to one conclusion.

    Empty threat is empty.

    (P.S) Drop the sense of entitlement!
    Ya, I went there, and solely to for the sake of upsetting you.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    VVargazm wrote:
    (P.S) Drop the sense of entitlement!
    Ya, I went there, and solely to for the sake of upsetting you.

    So you are sdmitting that your whole point of posting is to harass and instigate (violates TOS) and to troll other players (violates TOS) ?

    If you don't like it sir, STOP reading the threads. They have a word for people that do what you are doing and that is called TROLL. Please quit trolling and either contribute to the discussion (in either manner) but do not post simply for the sake of trying to "upset" someone. Maybe you need to have some one on one time with a GM or moderator.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Cryptic Studios Forum Usage Guidelines ~GM Tiyshen
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Now with that unpleasantness behind us, It should be clear the C-Store is not going away and will not be changing formats. They are making to much money off of it to give it up. For every one person who says they will leave the game over micro transactions they more then make up for the lost sub with C-Store income. Also for everyone person who says they are quitting the game over this, I'm pretty sure half of them don't since I see a lot of the same names makes the same threats.

    These things in the store are as they have always been useless fluff. If you want to quit in protest, please do so. Just stop pretending this subject is more important then people who want stuff for free that others have paid for in good faith.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    VVargazm wrote:
    It's not my fault if a person on here does not like to see one word. And when that is the case, it's a bad idea to tell people what it is. Now I'm sure you didn't know what you were talking about before you got on your high horse and I doubt this cleared anything up for you. So I will move on.

    I did contribute to the discussion, and saved my snide remark for the end. My point you so gracefully missed is that this thread has been made a hundred times, if you people crying have the right to keep having tantrums, I have the right to call you on it.

    They have a word people who try and quote TOS to get people to be shut up is called THREE YEAR OLDS
    grow up, if the word entitlement hurts your feelings so bad seek some mental help.

    Also I'd watch out trying to get people censored over hurt feelings, one day they may just censor you because you aren't supporting Cryptic.

    The first FAIL of Monday. Have a nice week sir! :rolleyes:
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    MarkStone wrote: »
    The first FAIL of Monday. Have a nice week sir! :rolleyes:

    People using the word Fail in that context make me wish this game was rated M to weed out the kids.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    VVargazm wrote:
    People using the word Fail in that context make me wish this game was rated M to weed out the kids.

    No doubt, because we all know that everyone 18 and older act mature all the time.

    Oh, wait, that's wrong; that's just stereotyping, just like you did.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    No doubt, because we all know that everyone 18 and older act mature all the time.

    Oh, wait, that's wrong; that's just stereotyping, just like you did.

    Hey! I see what you did there. Very cleaver.
    While I understand that the game being rated M wouldn't really have any kind of effect on the type of people you see making comments, my statement was intended to point out the fact that the FAIL fad is a dead horse. And the quoted comment just came off as someone being trendy yet two years behind the times. You didn't see what I did there so maybe you're not as cleaver as I first thought.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    VVargazm wrote:
    Hey! I see what you did there. Very cleaver.
    While I understand that the game being rated M wouldn't really have any kind of effect on the type of people you see making comments, my statement was intended to point out the fact that the FAIL fad is a dead horse. And the quoted comment just came off as someone being trendy yet two years behind the times. You didn't see what I did there so maybe you're not as cleaver as I first thought.

    Wait, now I'm confused. What does the topic have to do with me not being a chopping implement? :confused:

    Ohhh, you mean clever. For a second there, I was wondering why I was being compared to a butcher's instrument. As for using dead fads, your post with the line about 'empty threat post is empty' has to be a pretty old one, too, not to mention redundant.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Wait, now I'm confused. What does the topic have to do with me not being a chopping implement? :confused:

    Ohhh, you mean clever. For a second there, I was wondering why I was being compared to a butcher's instrument. .......

    maybe he thought you were "The Butcher" from Diablo.

    he had a big-ole' cleaver :):D
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    I just thought of something really funny. You think people are mad about the store now? Just wait until 6 months or a year down the road, when they make everything that is on the store today free to all as a way to keep people playing and make room for the new content as it rolls in. There is no way they will expect new players starting up a year after launch to buy all the stuff that is in the store. I would imagine there will be some kind of long term rotation I think.

    Also for some quick math, alot of people keep talking about play WoW for five years and never having to pay for anything extra. I'll skip the part about how you DON'T have to pay for any extras in STO for now, and just consider cost off Subs. 15 bucks a month for 5 years, that's 900 dollars. Life time sub to STO 300 dollars, to me that sounds like you could spend $600 in the C-store and still break even.

    I'm pretty sure WoW doesn't offer LTSs, but I could be wrong. If that is the case I will accept my 1000 flames for not hitting up my friend Google to check before opening my mouth.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Wait, now I'm confused. What does the topic have to do with me not being a chopping implement? :confused:

    Ohhh, you mean clever. For a second there, I was wondering why I was being compared to a butcher's instrument. As for using dead fads, your post with the line about 'empty threat post is empty' has to be a pretty old one, too, not to mention redundant.

    You my good man(?), ARE very clever! :D
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    VVargazm wrote:
    If that is the case I will accept my 1000 flames for not hitting up my friend Google to check before opening my mouth.

    Well, good for you; that's a start. ;)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Wait, now I'm confused. What does the topic have to do with me not being a chopping implement? :confused:

    Ohhh, you mean clever. For a second there, I was wondering why I was being compared to a butcher's instrument. As for using dead fads, your post with the line about 'empty threat post is empty' has to be a pretty old one, too, not to mention redundant.

    I can't believe I let a great burn implode over a typo.
    Now I can't pretend like it didn't happen or will be brought up again I'm sure.
    I can't go back and edit cause that's just cheap.
    So bravo, I hope your one-upmanship victory is just as hollow as it would have been for me.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Well, good for you; that's a start. ;)

    No way! WoW offers LTSs? I could have sworn I heard people complaining that they didn't.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    MarkStone wrote: »
    You my good man(?), ARE very clever! :D

    Yep, I'm a guy, and thanks for the compliment. :)
    VVargazm wrote:
    I can't believe I let a great burn implode over a typo.
    Now I can't pretend like it didn't happen or will be brought up again I'm sure.
    I can't go back and edit cause that's just cheap.
    So bravo, I hope you one-upmanship victory is just as hollow as it would have been for me.

    Hey, buddy, it's okay. Just make sure, the next time you try antagonizing people on the internet, that you don't make little mistakes like that. It would save us all from these little embarrassing moments. ;)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    VVargazm wrote:
    No way! WoW offers LTSs? I could have sworn I heard people complaining that they didn't.

    I guess one double post deserves another, heh.

    I'm confused again. I don't see where anything about WoW in your sentence I quoted. :confused:

    I was referring to you checking Google, as the sentence I quoted stated.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    I guess one double post deserves another, heh.

    I'm confused again. I don't see where anything about WoW in your sentence I quoted. :confused:

    I was referring to you checking Google, as the sentence I quoted stated.

    I figured you would only be pointing that out if I was wrong about the the LTSs.
    My bad for assuming you weren't just trying to antagonize me.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    I guess one double post deserves another, heh.

    I'm confused again. I don't see where anything about WoW in your sentence I quoted. :confused:

    I was referring to you checking Google, as the sentence I quoted stated.

    Hehehe... OMG, please quit feeding him, your killing me! :D

    I used ignore after the first blast, if I want to hear a bunch of saneless barking, I'll go kick the neighbors fence and rille his dog. At least then nieghbor will bring me a beer, not a bore... ;)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    a beer is ALWAYS a good diplomatic move. :)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    VVargazm wrote:
    I figured you would only be pointing that out if I was wrong about the the LTSs.
    My bad for assuming you weren't just trying to antagonize me.

    Oh, I wasn't trying to antagonize you. It was a reading comprehension fail on my part, and for that I'm sorry. I missed the "If that is the case" part the first time reading it. I was hoping you were going to use Google before you compare others to kitchen instruments, heh. My bad. :o
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Oh, I wasn't trying to antagonize you. It was a reading comprehension fail on my part, and for that I'm sorry. I missed the "If that is the case" part the first time reading it. I was hoping you were going to use Google before you compare others to kitchen instruments, heh. My bad. :o

    Well now you're just being cleaver. Or is it Clover?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Venatici wrote:
    you know i m not going to argue with you, as i don t want this thread to be locked...however your rational is based on what some people trying to sell you something said or implied....not very objective
    i don t believe the C store team is a totally different team and the STO executive producer (who is in charge of this project) has no control over it. it does not make sense to me from a business point of view and would be bad management and poor use of resources.
    if you were to sell something...would you present unpopular decisions openly? or would you try to make them look like you have no power over them... but will reconsider them...(think about your prime minister announcing a tax increase and after strikes and riots said she would rethink about it with the finance minister if there is something he can do....)

    don t get me wrong, i agree we are getting some free stuff...well it s not very difficult since we did not start with much anyway...(basic psychology 101)
    My grief like many others said is about charging us for anything like if the game was running full steam..while offering f2p contents. on top of this charging for 2 additional ships slots per character is a bit cheap IMO...

    If the game had great contents and was not just a shot them up in the star trek universe i would not care less what they are trying to sell me in the c store...but it s not the case.
    From my point of view all star trek related items should be in game...anything cryptic design from scratch can be added in the C store but they would not sell as well...

    Now if you are happy with the Cryptic politic fair enough....i m not and i m entitled to express myself but just ask yourself....why most of euro guys in general have twice as much paid annual leave and more benefits than their north American counter parts? cause they fought for it...(i think the French are the best...they are on strike every year just for the sake of it...:D) I m telling you... you don get anything by being quiet... now thinking about my very first time...nope she did not knock at my door ;)

    alright i got to get ready for work... have a great day everyone

    Of course you're entitled to express yourself. No one said shut up or told you that only supporting points would be considered. No, you have to fight for better. I understand. The trick is to pick your battles. And not spoil the sheep for a 'happorth of tar.

    How is what they're trying to sell in the C-store going to magically make the game any different though? The game is what it is. You've bought it and you're playing it and you're continuing to support the gameplay style with your subsciption. Would adding the Nebula or Excelsior into the game free of charge somehow make the game less shoot-them-up like? The game will not change based upon what is offered in the C-store. The game is changing, based on input, and for no extra cost other than our continuing subscription - the $15/month you pay. They're adding diplomacy mechanics and so on as part of the free Season 2 update. Now if they were charging for elements of that or any other game-changing function/item then I can understand your point of view. Simply put, they're not. They're charging for an optional extra that has taken them additional work to create, and that enhances but does not change the game. I wouldn't be happy with them charging for game-changing abilities too.

    You said it yourself. Your grief is that they're charging for anything, while saying that you get free stuff. Interesting isn't it, how much you want. Everything and anything should be free. There is no content that's being added that they're charging for. Anything they charge for can be experienced in-game currently. To quote myself, the game will not change were you to play a Nebula instead of a Galaxy. It would still be the same game, with the same mechanics, with the same features. All that's different is the vessel you use and perhaps some of the abilities, just like you do when you choose between the Galaxy, Defiant and Intrepid class and decide what bridge officers to put on your ship.

    If we were to all be so cynical and immediately disbelieve everything that Cryptic has said, despite the numerous times they have listened and pandered to this community's sometimes outrageous demands, then how can we trust them? Why are you still playing a game they made? If they're the enemy, you shouldn't be supporting them. A negotiation works both ways, both sides have to compromise and I think they've come up with some balance despite the numerous statements to the contrary. They're not charging us any extra for anything important. Just fluff that has taken effort to come out sooner rather than later. There's nothing stopping you from not buying it. The fact is that you want something for nothing and that's what the many threads on this issue is really about. Adult children showing their colours and throwing tantrums to get their way.

    P.S. If a prime minister ever had to negotiate with their finance minister to change policy, or even giving the impression of such, I'll be willing to bet they'd be outsted or new elections would be called within a week. There's a reason they're in charge, to make decisions, not to parlay with their underlings. No populace would see that as a sign that their leader is working in their favour, instead they would take it as the prime minister being weak-willed, in thrall of the very people he put into place and cannot be counted on to lead.

    P.P.S. Sometimes I think I'm just going round in circles, saying the same thing over and over again, albeit to different people, who presumably have not bothered to read the arguments presented before and to build on that but to rehash the same statements, like recycled newsprint.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    r2data wrote: »
    Of course you're entitled to express yourself. No one said shut up or told you that only supporting points would be considered. No, you have to fight for better. I understand. The trick is to pick your battles. And not spoil the sheep for a 'happorth of tar.

    How is what they're trying to sell in the C-store going to magically make the game any different though? The game is what it is. You've bought it and you're playing it and you're continuing to support the gameplay style with your subsciption. Would adding the Nebula or Excelsior into the game free of charge somehow make the game less shoot-them-up like? The game will not change based upon what is offered in the C-store. The game is changing, based on input, and for no extra cost other than our continuing subscription - the $15/month you pay. They're adding diplomacy mechanics and so on as part of the free Season 2 update. Now if they were charging for elements of that or any other game-changing function/item then I can understand your point of view. Simply put, they're not. They're charging for an optional extra that has taken them additional work to create, and that enhances but does not change the game. I wouldn't be happy with them charging for game-changing abilities too.

    You said it yourself. Your grief is that they're charging for anything, while saying that you get free stuff. Interesting isn't it, how much you want. Everything and anything should be free. There is no content that's being added that they're charging for. Anything they charge for can be experienced in-game currently. To quote myself, the game will not change were you to play a Nebula instead of a Galaxy. It would still be the same game, with the same mechanics, with the same features. All that's different is the vessel you use and perhaps some of the abilities, just like you do when you choose between the Galaxy, Defiant and Intrepid class and decide what bridge officers to put on your ship.

    If we were to all be so cynical and immediately disbelieve everything that Cryptic has said, despite the numerous times they have listened and pandered to this community's sometimes outrageous demands, then how can we trust them? Why are you still playing a game they made? If they're the enemy, you shouldn't be supporting them. A negotiation works both ways, both sides have to compromise and I think they've come up with some balance despite the numerous statements to the contrary. They're not charging us any extra for anything important. Just fluff that has taken effort to come out sooner rather than later. There's nothing stopping you from not buying it. The fact is that you want something for nothing and that's what the many threads on this issue is really about. Adult children showing their colours and throwing tantrums to get their way.

    P.S. If a prime minister ever had to negotiate with their finance minister to change policy, or even giving the impression of such, I'll be willing to bet they'd be outsted or new elections would be called within a week. There's a reason they're in charge, to make decisions, not to parlay with their underlings. No populace would see that as a sign that their leader is working in their favour, instead they would take it as the prime minister being weak-willed, in thrall of the very people he put into place and cannot be counted on to lead.

    P.P.S. Sometimes I think I'm just going round in circles, saying the same thing over and over again, albeit to different people, who presumably have not bothered to read the arguments presented before and to build on that but to rehash the same statements, like recycled newsprint.

    Sorry, but some of us feel that we are going 'round in circles as well due to your continued use of the same stale rebuttal to the concerns we have raised. At this juncture, there is a difference of opinion that you obviously are not going to change. Now would you really rather that we quit posting, or quit paying/playing?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    MarkStone wrote: »
    Sorry, but some of us feel that we are going 'round in circles as well due to your continued use of the same stale rebuttal to the concerns we have raised. At this juncture, there is a difference of opinion that you obviously are not going to change. Now would you really rather that we quit posting, or quit paying/playing?

    I can't speak for anyone else, but since you asked, Cryptic will not opt to lose that income over some forum complaints. The only thing that has a chance of changing policy would be people voting with their wallets. When you complain about this and keep playing then they might know you are ticked off, but you're still forking over cash every month. That leaves us with people like you complaining over and over, and new items hitting the C-Store on a regular basis, no progress just more of this. So to answer your question, quit posting or quit playing? I don't care, but pick one.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    MarkStone wrote: »
    Sorry, but some of us feel that we are going 'round in circles as well due to your continued use of the same stale rebuttal to the concerns we have raised. At this juncture, there is a difference of opinion that you obviously are not going to change. Now would you really rather that we quit posting, or quit paying/playing?

    Of course I would not rather that people quit posting or playing. It's just that people need to get off their high horse and consider what's fair. It's easy to paint Cryptic as being maliciously money-hungry and evil, but I doubt they are. They're trying to make a game, making some money in the process, but they're trying to do right by people. When people want something for nothing. That's what gets my goat. That people want everything they want in the game, at no cost to them and it doesn't matter what Cryptic has to do or spend to get it for them. They just want it.

    While the concept of paying for something additional in game may not sit well with some people, is it really the cause to lower yourselves to raging and ranting and threatening to quit? These are all very childlike behaviours especially as what is being offered is just being offered. It's not compulsory, it's not game-changning in any way. People have their choices and are free to make them, as with their own opinions, but throwing tantrums? If you don't like it, don't do it. It's as simple as that. There is no coercion. What it is is people like to have a sense of control, even as they give control away. It's "I'm being forced to do this, even though you give me a choice, and I will do it, but I do so under heavy protest because I want my voice to be heard and yet I'm doing it of my own free will." They want to be mollified, and appeased and to have their ego stroked, instead of considering what's right and what's due.

    I use the same old arguments because it's the same old points I'm replying to. It's always some variation of, a) It's iconic Star Trek so it has to be in STO for free, b) I've paid my subscription so Cryptic are slaves and must do everything short of world peace to bring me my vision of Star Trek to life at no additional cost, c) the world will end if I do not get something shiny that I've got my eye on that will not affect my game experience but is a new bauble for me to play with until I lose interest and chuck it away.

    My opinion here is that this is not the battle worth fighting. That there is no substance to the points of all the angry posts whining and raging away against the tyranny of the C-store. If and when Cryptic decides to include game changing elements into the store. That would be the day to rise up in arms. Sadly, by then most everyone would have lost their credibility, fighting tooth and nail against a small point, all the while supporting the move by purchasing the items in question.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    r2data wrote: »
    Of course I would not rather that people quit posting or playing. It's just that people need to get off their high horse and consider what's fair. It's easy to paint Cryptic as being maliciously money-hungry and evil, but I doubt they are. They're trying to make a game, making some money in the process, but they're trying to do right by people. When people want something for nothing. That's what gets my goat. That people want everything they want in the game, at no cost to them and it doesn't matter what Cryptic has to do or spend to get it for them. They just want it.

    There is no high horse here from any one side more than the other. You've already agreed that people should voice concerns and that is the way to affect change. The continual spouting of people wanting something for nothing is a misnomer. The whole point of paying a continual subscription is paying to play something that you continually want to play. Despite Stormshade listing the 'favours' that have been done for the playerbase for 'no extra charge', the fact is, that since the initial purchase of the game, every month is an extra charge to pay to play something you already paid for, unless content is added in relation to the subscription. If not, it may as well have been a single player game for the one off box fee, then offer DLC of all these C store items.
    The point is, seasonal updates are not a gift, they are required for the game to continue to keep people paying. The latest C store announcements may be ancillary to that, but with season 2 on the verge, there is no reason to be using ships as a stealth tax against those that are here for IP related gameplay rather than including them in the seasonal update in the first place. Particularly since the game is content light in the first place.
    While the concept of paying for something additional in game may not sit well with some people, is it really the cause to lower yourselves to raging and ranting and threatening to quit? These are all very childlike behaviours especially as what is being offered is just being offered. It's not compulsory, it's not game-changning in any way. People have their choices and are free to make them, as with their own opinions, but throwing tantrums? If you don't like it, don't do it. It's as simple as that. There is no coercion. What it is is people like to have a sense of control, even as they give control away. It's "I'm being forced to do this, even though you give me a choice, and I will do it, but I do so under heavy protest because I want my voice to be heard and yet I'm doing it of my own free will." They want to be mollified, and appeased and to have their ego stroked, instead of considering what's right and what's due.

    You're ignoring that there is coercion. How many people have stated in almost all of these threads that they really do enjoy the game itself? Now how many say they came to this game because of the Star Trek IP?
    The coercion begins at the title; even more so for those that took the plunge on a LTS and then find the game they're playing has little bearing to the Star Trek they know. Then comes the insult to injury when canon specific items are subsciption exclusive. If it was the opposite way round, and the canon bits were in the updates, but the Cryptic designed stuff was C store, most of the complaints wouldn't be here.
    I use the same old arguments because it's the same old points I'm replying to. It's always some variation of, a) It's iconic Star Trek so it has to be in STO for free, b) I've paid my subscription so Cryptic are slaves and must do everything short of world peace to bring me my vision of Star Trek to life at no additional cost, c) the world will end if I do not get something shiny that I've got my eye on that will not affect my game experience but is a new bauble for me to play with until I lose interest and chuck it away.

    The above paragraph in its entirety is hyperbole and a waste of typing.
    My opinion here is that this is not the battle worth fighting. That there is no substance to the points of all the angry posts whining and raging away against the tyranny of the C-store. If and when Cryptic decides to include game changing elements into the store. That would be the day to rise up in arms. Sadly, by then most everyone would have lost their credibility, fighting tooth and nail against a small point, all the while supporting the move by purchasing the items in question.

    Exactly right. It is your opinion only. Some are not worried about the game changing elements. You could say that is a strawman to draw attention to the fact people need a reason to make Cryptic rethink the store, but the complaints over canon items still stand.
    For the reord, I am not one of those people. I won't buy any of the ships anyway; not just on principle of the extra cost, but because I'm also one of the people that's currently enjoying the game for what it is.
    But think on this:
    With the way the game is right now, it could easily have been something else and no one would know the difference.
    Stargate worlds died a death. Cryptic might as well have aquired that licence instead, change spacedock for Cheyenne mountain, drop a gate inside and when you go through, you get your instance loading screen and on the other side you do a little pew pew just like we have now, and go back home. Mission done.
    Unlock space combat by buying a Prometheus or Daedalus on the C store and game complete.
    The game we're playing is more Stargate than Star Trek is what I'm saying.
    But anyway, that's a facetious argument and the simple fact is, the game does not live up to the 'true to canon' words of Jack Emmert in the original announcement for the game, and it's salt in the wounds to then put beloved Star Trek items in the C store.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    VVargazm wrote:
    I can't speak for anyone else, but since you asked, Cryptic will not opt to lose that income over some forum complaints. The only thing that has a chance of changing policy would be people voting with their wallets. When you complain about this and keep playing then they might know you are ticked off, but you're still forking over cash every month. That leaves us with people like you complaining over and over, and new items hitting the C-Store on a regular basis, no progress just more of this. So to answer your question, quit posting or quit playing? I don't care, but pick one.

    That's pretty much the bottom line. It's harsh but true.
    I'm not bored of the game yet, and with season 2 coming, I'll continue to subscribe for now. I have no intention of offering up cash for ships, but it doesn't stop me seeing that it's a bad move. For all you know, some may actually quit the game over these practices, but we'll never know, other than if sector space suddenly becomes very very empty.
    If subsciptions fall far enough, the income from C store will fall right alongside it, and then if that revenue is indeed a subsidy of the developement cost, the game still becomes unsustainable.
    It appears to me the chief reason why the slots were added as 'per character'. If they're per account, it's a one off purchase. Once everyone who will, has made their purchase, that revenue has gone.
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