Ok... read the second half my statement, regardless.
I did do that, and I do appreciate the information very very much.
Really, I stated my position on the matter. I am going to wait to see what happens, if the only way to get the cloak is the RAF then I will buy 5 accounts give them to my friends (as gifts) Then, when they get bored with the game (which I know my friends, and they will (which is why I have yet to recommend it to them)) I will cancel the accounts, and enjoy using my cloak.
If they add it to the rest of the game, or remove it all together. Then I will not get 5 accounts, until something worthy (my opinion of worthy) makes me feel the desire.
Like I said, give them the ship. Give them that nice weapon. But don't give them the cloak, well them only. That is just plain ouch.
Lastly, all my opinion. And all I was doing was trying to offer a fresh (I think) perspective on this tired issue. They are going to whine, either way. (whiners) But, as it stands, their whine is valid. (In my opinion)
the one thing I tend to get bent on isnt the X itself - believe me, I don't want that ugly thing. I do agree that if it is the *only* fed cloak,its too much.
My focus is simply that there remain a policy with Cryptic to create and maintain *exclusive* rewards in their promotions.
I would be quite happy to see something else make it to the Referral system. So long as it is unique, exclusive forever, and appropriate reward for the effort involved.
I am also a fan of the Gold-medal vrs Bronze-medal system, where a similar, but not as unique, item is available to the masses. Tribbles are my favorite example of this, there remains a unique, exclusive pre-order bonus tribble that is in some ways better, and quite different, than those you can make in the game. The Borg BOffs are becoming this as well - the KA BOff is the Bronze to the pre-order Gold medal. I'm hopeful similar approaches come in for MU unis, Lib. Borg Captains, etc. - simmilar, but not as good, but good enough, while the others remain exclusive.
TCT however suggests that there will be a point at which exclusivity expires... I'm not pleased with this, but I'm not going to throw a tantrum about it.
My answer is NO, this ship should be available somehow without the referall program. Weather its via c-store, mission reward, or vet promotion.......this ship should be available. C-store would be my vote. But nothing should be given for referalls except for a deal on your subscription......or maybe an increase in vet reward status.
gotta love the sense of entitlement people have nowadays i don't want to do the work so let me get it another way
I'm amused by your eagerness to do the job of Cryptic's marketing department for them. However, I'm not at all amused by people supporting the granting of extra powers (rather than just something shiny) to people who are getting Cryptic more money.
gotta love the sense of entitlement people have nowadays i don't want to do the work so let me get it another way
Maybe you forgot, but we're not Cyptic's children, we're their customers. We're the reason they have a paycheck. That being the case, we ARE entitled to tell them what we want from the product we're paying for. If we werent paying, then you MIGHT have a point. But since we are, you dont.
Why would Starfleet go to the trouble of designing, testing and building a cloak and then not roll it out across the entire fleet. Why only on one class?
Its a shameful marketing ploy/knee jerk reaction to get more numbers. And its part of the reason why I left, along with all the negativity on the boards. I'm already regretting resubbing.
There just needs to be an alternative to the reffer a friend. I would say make the Galaxy X class purchase able but for an expensive price.
We should still have the refer afriend but for those that can not get those people to play they should beable to at least purchase it for a price that is equal to the challenge of refer a friend. Something that would benifit STO as much as refer a friend just in a different way.
How's $225 sound thats the equivelant of 5 accounts plus the game
It sounds ludicrous. More like $25, and the people who dont want to spend cash on an in game item(there are plety of those) can do a little extra work to get it for free.
I'm amused by your eagerness to do the job of Cryptic's marketing department for them. However, I'm not at all amused by people supporting the granting of extra powers (rather than just something shiny) to people who are getting Cryptic more money.
This is not meant to cause offense, but thats how it works in gaming. Go to any gaming store and you'll see people playing. People dont buy into a game (rpg, miniatures, ccg/tcg) if nobody is playing it. Word of mouth is the best marketing tool available to games (computer or otherwise). And Bounty Hunters/Game Demoers/Ambassadors get rewarded for bringing people into a game.
I, personally, am not amused that stuff doesn't remain exclusive. I killed me a lot of Manimals trying to get the Bear Head costume piece only to have it in the C-Store 2 monthes later.
I dont have a problem with the C-store, nor exclusives, nor perk rewards, or anything of the sort. IT gives me, the player, something to strive for.
You claim you are "... not at all amused by people supporting the granting of extra powers (rather than just something shiny)...". For every person like you theres another who wants some meat on the bone they are bein tossed. Getting 5 people to sign up is real work and requires a real reward. Sure you can buy it but dadgum I want a job where I can shell out a few hundred for a ship and some costumes.
People complain stuff is too easy... This is no different.
You want the ship go get 5 people.
I could less care less about the ship. I think its fugly. I do want me a holo tribble and the holo BO. So I'm working on bringing a friend into this. And I'l lbe ****ed as hell if I ever see it in the C-Store.
**** it. I give up. Apparently, people actually WANT this to turn into a pay-for-power + subscription game and get ripped off. Fine. I have my LTS, I'll just be around here and gimped forever because I refuse to go there.
**** it. I give up. Apparently, people actually WANT this to turn into a pay-for-power + subscription game and get ripped off. Fine. I have my LTS, I'll just be around here and gimped forever because I refuse to go there.
I'm not seeing it. Pay-for-power?? Again, I want that kind of job. I'm a DINK and I don't that kind of disposable income where I can spend a few hundred dollars for a ship (and costumes). Me, I've got better things to do with my cash and it doesn't include that kind of outlay. It's only a rip-off if you buy 5 copies and 5 subs for a ship.
I think we can hold out on the 'gimped forever' talk until PvP is overrun with Galaxy-X ships.
Right now, I ain't seein it... I doubt we will (barring any future measures that might ease the availability of this ship).
With that kind of requirement for acquisition, it'll be just as rare in-game as it was in-series. As it should be.
In truth, I like the idea of having the Galxy-X exclusive to the refferal program.......for now. Eventually though, the reqard will not be sufficent for the efforts needed to bring people to the game. The sales of this game cam as follows.
Die hard Trek Fans that play MMOs
Die hard Trek fans that have never played an MMO
Die Hard MMO players looking for a new game.
Trek fans reluctant to purchase right our
MMO Players reluctant to play a Cryptic MMO
MMO Players that are looking for a new game
Trek Fans that hear about the game
Right now, I believe we have already progressed through to the MMO players reluctant to play a Cryptic game. As the different types of markets are run through.....the harder ans more distant new subscriptions will be.
The rewad as it sit right now is good for the efforts it requires. As for the future..........recruiting new players will become more difficult, and a reward with such limited value......is just plain not worth it.
I would not be opposed to seeing this ship in the C-Store for around 800CP......I think that is a fair price for the true Canon and nastalgia of the ship.
In truth, I like the idea of having the Galxy-X exclusive to the refferal program.......for now. Eventually though, the reqard will not be sufficent for the efforts needed to bring people to the game. The sales of this game cam as follows.
Die hard Trek Fans that play MMOs
Die hard Trek fans that have never played an MMO
Die Hard MMO players looking for a new game.
Trek fans reluctant to purchase right our
MMO Players reluctant to play a Cryptic MMO
MMO Players that are looking for a new game
Trek Fans that hear about the game
Right now, I believe we have already progressed through to the MMO players reluctant to play a Cryptic game. As the different types of markets are run through.....the harder ans more distant new subscriptions will be.
The rewad as it sit right now is good for the efforts it requires. As for the future..........recruiting new players will become more difficult, and a reward with such limited value......is just plain not worth it.
I would not be opposed to seeing this ship in the C-Store for around 800CP......I think that is a fair price for the true Canon and nastalgia of the ship.
are you kidding? 800 cp thats like 7 dollars versus those of us who went out and got cryptic 225 to get the ship get real
All these polls for items to be placed on the C-store.
Crptic already stated that they went to Atari and they declined them to use the Galaxy X in any other way than the promotion. I can't remember which dev said it, but I know you can find it.
All this OCD need to have everything....
This one isn't even Cryptic's decision to make.... but have a poll for all the good it will do.
I voted NO. I think that the idea of recruiting friends and family to play an MMO is a good one, and one that I can understand the idea of offering a reward for it.
However, I would like to suggest... in the interests of trying to make as many people as possible "happy," keep the program... but rotate the rewards for it.
For example:
Cryptic is already known for offering "exclusive" perks, only to have them made available at a later date
The Galaxy-X is something many, many people want... that will not be able to access it through the referral program (some due to the fact that they have already done 5+ referrals already, before the program was offered.)
IF STO can make a successful, long-term game... the "perk" is going to get old... outdated... boring
I propose that after a given time, the perk will move into the C-Store, and a new "shiny" will take it's place as the perk for the program.
This would also illicit the continuation of having people try to bring more friends into STO.
To me, this would be a win-win situation. People that cannot, or will not recruit can access the Ship (but not other bonuses) that are offered. People that DO recruit get the ship, and included bonuses.. and also have the knowledge that after a time, they can do it all over and get another perk/bonus.
Is it going to matter? Are there going to be "secret stipulations" to this item too? Look at the Liberated Borg Human, they are still giving those out to new LT members. Then they claim that those members qualified, when they told us the only qualification was that one had to pre-order the LT membership.
So, I thought about my vote, and I want to retract it. The paper could be better used to wipe away some Klingons, apparently.
I voted no. This has been one of my favorite ships since the last episode of TNG aired, and I don't think I could bribe 5 friends into subbing for one month (after the 30 days free).
Crptic already stated that they went to Atari and they declined them to use the Galaxy X in any other way than the promotion. I can't remember which dev said it, but I know you can find it.
Maybe you forgot, but we're not Cyptic's children, we're their customers. We're the reason they have a paycheck. That being the case, we ARE entitled to tell them what we want from the product we're paying for. If we werent paying, then you MIGHT have a point. But since we are, you dont.
I guess I would then ask, as customers, WHAT ARE we entitled to? It seems, to me anyways, that Cryptic comes out with these "rewards" , that EVERYONE wants, merely as exclusives.
When is just the average player, staying loyal, renewing their subscription in bad economic times, putting up with bugs, entitled to some IN GAME content WE WANT too? AT NO ADDITIONAL COST?
It just seems to me, that they devote a great deal of resources into developing something else to sell us, or get us to do for them, rather than keep us happy or interested with the product we're already paying for.
I did do that, and I do appreciate the information very very much.
Really, I stated my position on the matter. I am going to wait to see what happens, if the only way to get the cloak is the RAF then I will buy 5 accounts give them to my friends (as gifts) Then, when they get bored with the game (which I know my friends, and they will (which is why I have yet to recommend it to them)) I will cancel the accounts, and enjoy using my cloak.
If they add it to the rest of the game, or remove it all together. Then I will not get 5 accounts, until something worthy (my opinion of worthy) makes me feel the desire.
Like I said, give them the ship. Give them that nice weapon. But don't give them the cloak, well them only. That is just plain ouch.
Lastly, all my opinion. And all I was doing was trying to offer a fresh (I think) perspective on this tired issue. They are going to whine, either way. (whiners) But, as it stands, their whine is valid. (In my opinion)
My focus is simply that there remain a policy with Cryptic to create and maintain *exclusive* rewards in their promotions.
I would be quite happy to see something else make it to the Referral system. So long as it is unique, exclusive forever, and appropriate reward for the effort involved.
I am also a fan of the Gold-medal vrs Bronze-medal system, where a similar, but not as unique, item is available to the masses. Tribbles are my favorite example of this, there remains a unique, exclusive pre-order bonus tribble that is in some ways better, and quite different, than those you can make in the game. The Borg BOffs are becoming this as well - the KA BOff is the Bronze to the pre-order Gold medal. I'm hopeful similar approaches come in for MU unis, Lib. Borg Captains, etc. - simmilar, but not as good, but good enough, while the others remain exclusive.
TCT however suggests that there will be a point at which exclusivity expires... I'm not pleased with this, but I'm not going to throw a tantrum about it.
A well typed, well thought out, and precisely perfect post. (In my opinion of course,
Yeah, I got nothing else to add to that one. Perfection, the Borg need look no further than that post.
I'm amused by your eagerness to do the job of Cryptic's marketing department for them. However, I'm not at all amused by people supporting the granting of extra powers (rather than just something shiny) to people who are getting Cryptic more money.
It must be a game breaker!
I am so looking forward to giving the Klingons a good taste of their cowardice so they can see how Feds have it.
Imagine a FLEET of galaxy X's decloaking in perfect position to cannon spam Klingon ships!
Ahhhhhh satisfaction.
here here :eek:
Maybe you forgot, but we're not Cyptic's children, we're their customers. We're the reason they have a paycheck. That being the case, we ARE entitled to tell them what we want from the product we're paying for. If we werent paying, then you MIGHT have a point. But since we are, you dont.
Its a shameful marketing ploy/knee jerk reaction to get more numbers. And its part of the reason why I left, along with all the negativity on the boards. I'm already regretting resubbing.
We should still have the refer afriend but for those that can not get those people to play they should beable to at least purchase it for a price that is equal to the challenge of refer a friend. Something that would benifit STO as much as refer a friend just in a different way.
It sounds ludicrous. More like $25, and the people who dont want to spend cash on an in game item(there are plety of those) can do a little extra work to get it for free.
Here, Here....
This is not meant to cause offense, but thats how it works in gaming. Go to any gaming store and you'll see people playing. People dont buy into a game (rpg, miniatures, ccg/tcg) if nobody is playing it. Word of mouth is the best marketing tool available to games (computer or otherwise). And Bounty Hunters/Game Demoers/Ambassadors get rewarded for bringing people into a game.
I, personally, am not amused that stuff doesn't remain exclusive. I killed me a lot of Manimals trying to get the Bear Head costume piece only to have it in the C-Store 2 monthes later.
I dont have a problem with the C-store, nor exclusives, nor perk rewards, or anything of the sort. IT gives me, the player, something to strive for.
You claim you are "... not at all amused by people supporting the granting of extra powers (rather than just something shiny)...". For every person like you theres another who wants some meat on the bone they are bein tossed. Getting 5 people to sign up is real work and requires a real reward. Sure you can buy it but dadgum I want a job where I can shell out a few hundred for a ship and some costumes.
People complain stuff is too easy... This is no different.
You want the ship go get 5 people.
I could less care less about the ship. I think its fugly. I do want me a holo tribble and the holo BO. So I'm working on bringing a friend into this. And I'l lbe ****ed as hell if I ever see it in the C-Store.
I think we can hold out on the 'gimped forever' talk until PvP is overrun with Galaxy-X ships.
Right now, I ain't seein it... I doubt we will (barring any future measures that might ease the availability of this ship).
With that kind of requirement for acquisition, it'll be just as rare in-game as it was in-series. As it should be.
Die hard Trek Fans that play MMOs
Die hard Trek fans that have never played an MMO
Die Hard MMO players looking for a new game.
Trek fans reluctant to purchase right our
MMO Players reluctant to play a Cryptic MMO
MMO Players that are looking for a new game
Trek Fans that hear about the game
Right now, I believe we have already progressed through to the MMO players reluctant to play a Cryptic game. As the different types of markets are run through.....the harder ans more distant new subscriptions will be.
The rewad as it sit right now is good for the efforts it requires. As for the future..........recruiting new players will become more difficult, and a reward with such limited value......is just plain not worth it.
I would not be opposed to seeing this ship in the C-Store for around 800CP......I think that is a fair price for the true Canon and nastalgia of the ship.
are you kidding? 800 cp thats like 7 dollars versus those of us who went out and got cryptic 225 to get the ship get real
Crptic already stated that they went to Atari and they declined them to use the Galaxy X in any other way than the promotion. I can't remember which dev said it, but I know you can find it.
All this OCD need to have everything....
This one isn't even Cryptic's decision to make.... but have a poll for all the good it will do.
However, I would like to suggest... in the interests of trying to make as many people as possible "happy," keep the program... but rotate the rewards for it.
For example:
I propose that after a given time, the perk will move into the C-Store, and a new "shiny" will take it's place as the perk for the program.
This would also illicit the continuation of having people try to bring more friends into STO.
To me, this would be a win-win situation. People that cannot, or will not recruit can access the Ship (but not other bonuses) that are offered. People that DO recruit get the ship, and included bonuses.. and also have the knowledge that after a time, they can do it all over and get another perk/bonus.
So, I thought about my vote, and I want to retract it. The paper could be better used to wipe away some Klingons, apparently.
(Proof to claims is last link in sig)
A new galaxy, intrepid and Defiant class are coming at some point in the future. Possibly S2 since thats when the new rank increase is.
Sorry, but no one ever said that.
I guess I would then ask, as customers, WHAT ARE we entitled to? It seems, to me anyways, that Cryptic comes out with these "rewards" , that EVERYONE wants, merely as exclusives.
When is just the average player, staying loyal, renewing their subscription in bad economic times, putting up with bugs, entitled to some IN GAME content WE WANT too? AT NO ADDITIONAL COST?
It just seems to me, that they devote a great deal of resources into developing something else to sell us, or get us to do for them, rather than keep us happy or interested with the product we're already paying for.