over 20k views, over 750 replies (if they didn't already) and over 76 and msot people seem to be (in my eyes justfully) unhappy with it. I think that would be a clear signal isnt it.
But at the same time you say that Cryptic is failing because they are not going to make a very unique ship available to just anybody? That's umm.......that's just great there man........
Sorry if that is hard to understand for you. I guess, you don't know much about Star Wars Continuity.
In the Star Wars Timeline of SWG there were no Jedi running around. They were rare and hidden.
In the Star Trek Timeline of STO the Galaxy-X is nothing "rare" or "hidden" by canon. It fits perfectly into the game.
It was shown in the series final of TNG, approved by Berman and showes a version of a Galaxy Refit, how it would look like in the 25th century if this shipclass was still in duty. It's a ship many (not all) TNG-fans really wanted in the game. It would not break the atmosphere of STO having 150 or 500 or 10000 of them flying around. But this ship has more "Star Trek" in it than every strange Cryptic-design like the so-called "Star Cruisers".
No offense, but I hope I could make this a little clearer to you.
over 20k views, over 750 replies (if they didn't already) and over 76 and msot people seem to be (in my eyes justfully) unhappy with it. I think that would be a clear signal isnt it.
Well said sir.
Cryptic said they are going to add T5 versions of the Defiant, Galaxy, etc. The Galaxy X is an incentive to recruit people. What about the people who actually do recruit 5 people? They do not deserve a nice reward for their efforts?
Give it to everyone to appease the masses temporarily. Then Cryptic will annonce a new reward for the RAF. And then we get another handful of people complaining we all should have that too. Where does it end? No rewards for any promotions and everything is free?
We've reached the point in the "debate" where it's just a toxic bed of fissile material, spewing angry neutrons at each other trying to cause a reaction. Take a breather, step outside, listen to some Credence Clearwater, and qa'chill the khest out.
Seriously. Sisyphus called, he wants his gday't stone back.
There are some people on both sides who are being rational and presenting their cases calmly and coolly. I think healthy rational debate can be a good thing on this topic but this is not what I'd call "healthy," "rational," OR "debate." At least break the problem into component parts and say what parts you're talking about. We might be able to get somewhere that way.
Argh. Profane-bleeping-crud, just please realize that the sniping isn't helping and maybe we'll get outt of this without having to go onto blood pressure meds.
Zinc? Care to comment? Help give perspective? You're either reading or being given feedback by the moderators.
The RAF is marketing 101. No big deal.
The proposed implementation, however, is highlighting how best of intentions left cryptic contributes to needless polarization of the community.
In this case the RAF program, as currently outlined, is alienating a percentage of the most vocal. The very same subscribers whose participation, proactive or at least benign, would contribute to the success of the program. At this point, this percentage of the most vocal appear to be more inclined to reinforce the glass is half empty.
I am guessing, hoping?, this was all announced on Monday to give Cryptic a week of current subscriber feedback to factor into the conversion potential and help fine tune the program.
I think an official clarification would help.
asking a dev to comment on anything in this forum is like asking jesus to comment on the bible =/
you've got WWWAAAAYYYY high hopes of that ever happening... with that being said the dev corner a little further down on the forum does get replys from devs occasionally if you wanted to ask there.
over 20k views, over 750 replies (if they didn't already) and over 76 and msot people seem to be (in my eyes justfully) unhappy with it. I think that would be a clear signal isnt it.
i'm happy with the way the way things are, the people viewing it could be just looking for a laugh, since they aren't posting that means they don't care enough to post. and people are posting multiple times =/
No offense, but I hope I could make this a little clearer to you.
None taken, we're all players in the same game and I don't mean anything hateful towards my fellow players, now that said please allow me to be equally direct:
In the Star Wars Timeline of SWG there were no Jedi running around. They were rare and hidden.
In the Star Trek Timeline of STO the Galaxy-X is nothing "rare" or "hidden" by canon. It fits perfectly into the game.
You're right, the ship was not hidden by canon, instead it was created (and existed) in an alternate time-line and that time-line no longer exists, therefore making the ship a unique one. If Cryptic wanted the ship to be an alternate to the Galaxy then the ship would have been included in the PT:2409 and made either an alternate to the Galaxy at the T4 level, or made an independent T5 ship.
i'm happy with the way the way things are, the people viewing it could be just looking for a laugh, since they aren't posting that means they don't care enough to post. and people are posting multiple times =/
I've actually come to view this whole debacle as a perpetual train wreck. Both sides ramming into each other at full force and yet neither side is backing down, and getting uglier by the second. I know it is something horrible and would be better off not watching it, but there is something about this whole situation that just keeps drawing me back in just to watch the whole thing unfold.
*prepares his uber flame gear*
*puts everything on* ok...
i find it really humerous that everyone is getting soooo upset over the entire thing. Iam not saying people dont have friends...not at all, but I mean I tryed to get some of my friends to join before launch. 2 of them tryed it and didnt really like it, but they come on here and there to play with me which is coo. Now I have another 5 actually 6 friends that are willing to try it out. Maybe even sub. I basically sat down one drunk night and said look..your playing STO and your going to sub ok...and they nodded lol.
I mean some people know people some people just moved and dont know to many people, Iam not sure what everyones problem is. Go out, find a few people if they dont wanna try it they dont wanna try it plain and simple. Try even co workers...i did, my boss may even try it out...hes plays WoW *shutters*. But I mean really I find that this game has more carebears than any other game I have ever played...and Ive played a few mmo's now. I just lauph about this and all the threads about the moaning over the Galaxy X.
Hows this, when I get myn ill take yah for a ride
*defends his position with his uber flame gear on*
Sorry if that is hard to understand for you. I guess, you don't know much about Star Wars Continuity.
In the Star Wars Timeline of SWG there were no Jedi running around. They were rare and hidden.
In the Star Trek Timeline of STO the Galaxy-X is nothing "rare" or "hidden" by canon. It fits perfectly into the game.
It was shown in the series final of TNG, approved by Berman and showes a version of a Galaxy Refit, how it would look like in the 25th century if this shipclass was still in duty. It's a ship many (not all) TNG-fans really wanted in the game. It would not break the atmosphere of STO having 150 or 500 or 10000 of them flying around. But this ship has more "Star Trek" in it than every strange Cryptic-design like the so-called "Star Cruisers".
No offense, but I hope I could make this a little clearer to you.
the galaxy-x does not fit perfectly into the game, it was in 1 episode, that portrayed an alternate ttimeline/dimension, that was created by Q and destroyed by picard, the ship was also a 1 of a kind ship, that was pretty much the enterprise-d from the current time line that didn't crash and was instead refitted with a whole bunch of new stuff because riker, the current captain refused to have it decomission.
the fact it was to be decomissioned means most galaxy classes would be decommision, not everybody flying a galaxy ship, is an admiral and has the ability to over rule a decomission order. it would NOT fit into the game to have 10000 of them flying around, the less of them the better since it is what it currently is, a super rare, 1 of a kind, exclusive ship that can't even be confirmed it exists since it comes from an alternate dimension/time line to begin with.
to put it in prospective, i could say that a big fuzzy panda shaped space ship is canon and should be in the game in thousands because i had a dream about a possible future in which i was piloting this ship. oh, and the panda had a big pink bow and shot torpedos from it's eyes...
I've actually come to view this whole debacle as a perpetual train wreck. Both sides ramming into each other at full force and yet neither side is backing down, and getting uglier by the second. I know it is something horrible and would be better off not watching it, but there is something about this whole situation that just keeps drawing me back in just to watch the whole thing unfold.
it helps too when you keep reminding what each side is arguing about -offers popcorn- would you like some popcorn? =3
If so, you should hope the new "recruited" customers compensate the losses. For me and my fleet, we will leave once this Referral Program goes live and the first Galaxy-X is seen ingame. We made this decision after a long discussion about it in Vent yesterday. Although I am a LTS and Cryptic wouldn't care much about me, there are at least five active subscription they lose within our fleet.
But maybe there are enough rich freaks to buy the retails and 1-months-subs so Cryptic will not care about the loss of a dozen loyal fans.
Oh yeah? Well if they don't do it, I know *TEN* people who are going to quit. They told me about it at McDonald's last night.
I've actually come to view this whole debacle as a perpetual train wreck. Both sides ramming into each other at full force and yet neither side is backing down, and getting uglier by the second. I know it is something horrible and would be better off not watching it, but there is something about this whole situation that just keeps drawing me back in just to watch the whole thing unfold.
Neither side will back down because both sides are convinced that they're right.
People are/will vilify Cryptic for making decisions like this, but in reality we have an extremely polarized community that is intensely defensive of our individual perception of Star Trek and how a Star Trek game should be. There are some things that it's better off that they just make the decision to do, because the community will never agree on what to do on certain issues.
The fun part is where one side posts "have your stinking Galaxy-X damn thing is ugly and inappropriate anyway, but keep some acceptable exclusive reward for that kind of effort" and the vocal minority pipes up with "you're elitist for wanting anything exclusive at all! and I hate you!"
Odd, I see nothing resembling an 'overwhelming majority' could you back that up with some facts please?
It is available to everyone (again, with the possible exception of places with bad/silly laws). Whether or not you have people you can recruit does not change it's availability. The lottery is available to everyone in my state (for example)... but I don't buy tickets... should I complain to the lottery people until they 'make it fair' and 'available to everyone'?
I know you are probably going to counter that by saying that its not an official poll and the only people who are inclined to submit answers are ones already against the exclusivity of the Galaxy X. That poll is in addition to the threads I've been reading. The evidence is all around. So many people want this ship to be available by other means and so few people are advocating that everyone is lazy and just doesn't want to put in the work.
Because I do not have access to people I recruit means the availability is changed. If this item were to be added to the C-Store as well as something like a reward for completing STF story arcs, then I would be wrong. I would have access to the STF and would just have to do them. I have a job and access to money and would just have to pay for it.
This isn't the lottery and the metaphor doesn't make sense. Cryptic has always said that they will listen to player feedback and if that means jumping on the boards and complaining, then yes, that is what will happen.
Odd... I didnt see a link to that poll anywhere here... Let me see if I can find it...
Ah, got it. I did see that earlier, forgot to vote.
I stand by the statement I made in its thread: The question is miss-worded. The point isnt the Galaxy, its the exclusivity, at least thats what I keep being told. Have the damn ship, but make sure something is in there in its place that holds the same weight.
You know you can spoof IPs and vote on these things multiple times, right?
Not to mention 188 votes wouldn't mean squat even if someone naively believed it represented 188 people, since it'd be 188 people who cared to read a thread about this issue instead of snorting and moving on.
The fun part is where one side posts "have your stinking Galaxy-X damn thing is ugly and inappropriate anyway, but keep some acceptable exclusive reward for that kind of effort" and the vocal minority pipes up with "you're elitist for wanting anything exclusive at all! and I hate you!"
I hope so. They need to take the genius who is marketing this game and pull him/her into a corner office and read him/her the riot act and maybe use some lumber to knock some sense into him/her, because the current marketing team or marketing "Idea" person is stuck on stupid.
I hope so. They need to take the genius who is marketing this game and pull him/her into a corner office and read him/her the riot act and maybe use some lumber to knock some sense into him/her, because the current marketing team or marketing "Idea" person is stuck on stupid.
Thats what happens when you employ "marketing dudes" instead of "marketing professionals".
I know you are probably going to counter that by saying that its not an official poll and the only people who are inclined to submit answers are ones already against the exclusivity of the Galaxy X. That poll is in addition to the threads I've been reading. The evidence is all around. So many people want this ship to be available by other means and so few people are advocating that everyone is lazy and just doesn't want to put in the work.
Nah I wasn't going to say it's unofficial, but I was going to say that so far that poll represents less then .01% of the known player-base currently (100,000+ subscriptions), hardly the massive number of people that are claimed to be upset about this.
the unfortunate fact is that these forums consist of only a couple hundred active posters, some of whom are vocal malcontents. That was the idea behind the Advisory Council, to give voice to those that weren't on the forums that much, but it's on hold now.
Nothing about the Galaxy-X being offered in the RAF program is game-breaking or massively upsetting to the general population.
ok there is only 1 way to solve this once and for all, someone (or even a bunch of people ) need to go down to cryptic studios, and talk to the developer directly and say "give me(us) the galaxy-x for free"... i garantee they'll do it, since you took the effort/time, and depending where in the world you are, exspenses, to actually go there and ask for it.
why don't you do it Dx WHY!?! WWWHHHYYY!?! because it cost to much, and you're too lazy that's why
why don't you get 5 friends to join!?! WHY? WWWWHHHYYYYYYY!?! because it cost to much effort and you're too lazy, thats why....
So whos gonna cruise with me when I grab my Galaxy X...we should make a parade. I should have my 5 buddys joined up by this weekend seeing as friday is the official start of the promotion.
Parade will have to wait till end of the month since the ship gets launched then :P
I still wonder what the deal is where people don't have enough faith in the game to recommend it, but they get riled up about a ship... if you have the passion for the game enough to go for the ship, how jaded and cynical must you be to be unable to express that passion to others enough so they might try it.
Is it fear of them hating it? In fact, heck, send me your friend's emails, I'll refer them and take the flack if they hate it. (No refunds)
I have no idea. last time i checked I had over 10 friends and thats not even including co workers...is it that hard to find people to play a game?? DANG
wait i just grabbed 5-6 of my friends and maybe my boss...ohh shucks :P
Sorry if that is hard to understand for you. I guess, you don't know much about Star Wars Continuity.
In the Star Wars Timeline of SWG there were no Jedi running around. They were rare and hidden.
In the Star Trek Timeline of STO the Galaxy-X is nothing "rare" or "hidden" by canon. It fits perfectly into the game.
It was shown in the series final of TNG, approved by Berman and showes a version of a Galaxy Refit, how it would look like in the 25th century if this shipclass was still in duty. It's a ship many (not all) TNG-fans really wanted in the game. It would not break the atmosphere of STO having 150 or 500 or 10000 of them flying around. But this ship has more "Star Trek" in it than every strange Cryptic-design like the so-called "Star Cruisers".
No offense, but I hope I could make this a little clearer to you.
Well said sir.
Cryptic said they are going to add T5 versions of the Defiant, Galaxy, etc. The Galaxy X is an incentive to recruit people. What about the people who actually do recruit 5 people? They do not deserve a nice reward for their efforts?
Give it to everyone to appease the masses temporarily. Then Cryptic will annonce a new reward for the RAF. And then we get another handful of people complaining we all should have that too. Where does it end? No rewards for any promotions and everything is free?
Stop. Just, stop.
We've reached the point in the "debate" where it's just a toxic bed of fissile material, spewing angry neutrons at each other trying to cause a reaction. Take a breather, step outside, listen to some Credence Clearwater, and qa'chill the khest out.
Seriously. Sisyphus called, he wants his gday't stone back.
There are some people on both sides who are being rational and presenting their cases calmly and coolly. I think healthy rational debate can be a good thing on this topic but this is not what I'd call "healthy," "rational," OR "debate." At least break the problem into component parts and say what parts you're talking about. We might be able to get somewhere that way.
Argh. Profane-bleeping-crud, just please realize that the sniping isn't helping and maybe we'll get outt of this without having to go onto blood pressure meds.
I gather you didn't get my sarcasm in my post.
asking a dev to comment on anything in this forum is like asking jesus to comment on the bible =/
you've got WWWAAAAYYYY high hopes of that ever happening... with that being said the dev corner a little further down on the forum does get replys from devs occasionally if you wanted to ask there.
i'm happy with the way the way things are, the people viewing it could be just looking for a laugh, since they aren't posting that means they don't care enough to post. and people are posting multiple times =/
None taken, we're all players in the same game and I don't mean anything hateful towards my fellow players, now that said please allow me to be equally direct:
You're right, the ship was not hidden by canon, instead it was created (and existed) in an alternate time-line and that time-line no longer exists, therefore making the ship a unique one. If Cryptic wanted the ship to be an alternate to the Galaxy then the ship would have been included in the PT:2409 and made either an alternate to the Galaxy at the T4 level, or made an independent T5 ship.
I've actually come to view this whole debacle as a perpetual train wreck. Both sides ramming into each other at full force and yet neither side is backing down, and getting uglier by the second. I know it is something horrible and would be better off not watching it, but there is something about this whole situation that just keeps drawing me back in just to watch the whole thing unfold.
*puts everything on* ok...
i find it really humerous that everyone is getting soooo upset over the entire thing. Iam not saying people dont have friends...not at all, but I mean I tryed to get some of my friends to join before launch. 2 of them tryed it and didnt really like it, but they come on here and there to play with me which is coo. Now I have another 5 actually 6 friends that are willing to try it out. Maybe even sub. I basically sat down one drunk night and said look..your playing STO and your going to sub ok...and they nodded lol.
I mean some people know people some people just moved and dont know to many people, Iam not sure what everyones problem is. Go out, find a few people if they dont wanna try it they dont wanna try it plain and simple. Try even co workers...i did, my boss may even try it out...hes plays WoW *shutters*. But I mean really I find that this game has more carebears than any other game I have ever played...and Ive played a few mmo's now. I just lauph about this and all the threads about the moaning over the Galaxy X.
Hows this, when I get myn ill take yah for a ride
*defends his position with his uber flame gear on*
the galaxy-x does not fit perfectly into the game, it was in 1 episode, that portrayed an alternate ttimeline/dimension, that was created by Q and destroyed by picard, the ship was also a 1 of a kind ship, that was pretty much the enterprise-d from the current time line that didn't crash and was instead refitted with a whole bunch of new stuff because riker, the current captain refused to have it decomission.
the fact it was to be decomissioned means most galaxy classes would be decommision, not everybody flying a galaxy ship, is an admiral and has the ability to over rule a decomission order. it would NOT fit into the game to have 10000 of them flying around, the less of them the better since it is what it currently is, a super rare, 1 of a kind, exclusive ship that can't even be confirmed it exists since it comes from an alternate dimension/time line to begin with.
to put it in prospective, i could say that a big fuzzy panda shaped space ship is canon and should be in the game in thousands because i had a dream about a possible future in which i was piloting this ship. oh, and the panda had a big pink bow and shot torpedos from it's eyes...
it helps too when you keep reminding what each side is arguing about -offers popcorn- would you like some popcorn? =3
Oh yeah? Well if they don't do it, I know *TEN* people who are going to quit. They told me about it at McDonald's last night.
Neither side will back down because both sides are convinced that they're right.
People are/will vilify Cryptic for making decisions like this, but in reality we have an extremely polarized community that is intensely defensive of our individual perception of Star Trek and how a Star Trek game should be. There are some things that it's better off that they just make the decision to do, because the community will never agree on what to do on certain issues.
PS- back from a late lunch.. what I miss? Recap?
I know you are probably going to counter that by saying that its not an official poll and the only people who are inclined to submit answers are ones already against the exclusivity of the Galaxy X. That poll is in addition to the threads I've been reading. The evidence is all around. So many people want this ship to be available by other means and so few people are advocating that everyone is lazy and just doesn't want to put in the work.
Because I do not have access to people I recruit means the availability is changed. If this item were to be added to the C-Store as well as something like a reward for completing STF story arcs, then I would be wrong. I would have access to the STF and would just have to do them. I have a job and access to money and would just have to pay for it.
This isn't the lottery and the metaphor doesn't make sense. Cryptic has always said that they will listen to player feedback and if that means jumping on the boards and complaining, then yes, that is what will happen.
Ah, got it. I did see that earlier, forgot to vote.
I stand by the statement I made in its thread: The question is miss-worded. The point isnt the Galaxy, its the exclusivity, at least thats what I keep being told. Have the damn ship, but make sure something is in there in its place that holds the same weight.
You know you can spoof IPs and vote on these things multiple times, right?
Not to mention 188 votes wouldn't mean squat even if someone naively believed it represented 188 people, since it'd be 188 people who cared to read a thread about this issue instead of snorting and moving on.
Regardless of either, I'm not about to back down because less than 200 people voted something about a 100k subscriber game.
-offers popcorn- =3
I hope so. They need to take the genius who is marketing this game and pull him/her into a corner office and read him/her the riot act and maybe use some lumber to knock some sense into him/her, because the current marketing team or marketing "Idea" person is stuck on stupid.
Thats what happens when you employ "marketing dudes" instead of "marketing professionals".
Nah I wasn't going to say it's unofficial, but I was going to say that so far that poll represents less then .01% of the known player-base currently (100,000+ subscriptions), hardly the massive number of people that are claimed to be upset about this.
the unfortunate fact is that these forums consist of only a couple hundred active posters, some of whom are vocal malcontents. That was the idea behind the Advisory Council, to give voice to those that weren't on the forums that much, but it's on hold now.
Nothing about the Galaxy-X being offered in the RAF program is game-breaking or massively upsetting to the general population.
why don't you do it Dx WHY!?! WWWHHHYYY!?! because it cost to much, and you're too lazy that's why
why don't you get 5 friends to join!?! WHY? WWWWHHHYYYYYYY!?! because it cost to much effort and you're too lazy, thats why....
end of discussion.
Parade will have to wait till end of the month since the ship gets launched then :P
I still wonder what the deal is where people don't have enough faith in the game to recommend it, but they get riled up about a ship... if you have the passion for the game enough to go for the ship, how jaded and cynical must you be to be unable to express that passion to others enough so they might try it.
Is it fear of them hating it? In fact, heck, send me your friend's emails, I'll refer them and take the flack if they hate it. (No refunds)
wait i just grabbed 5-6 of my friends and maybe my boss...ohh shucks :P
But they're so cool...