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Patch cancelled, account cancelled



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    STO has had more than 1 million sales between physical and digital distribution methods.

    This is what was creatively dubbed in another thread as "buttstats."
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Ok, last time. I've not confused anything. I mentioned the dates of the half year reports up to March 31st and made it clear that the second half reports are after that and will include most of STO's revenue. I also repeated Atari's statement that in this second part of the year they expect to make a loss. Again, not my fault if you can't understand it.
    Don't presume to think what I may or may not be confused by is a means to bait me into an argument because you don't have the cerebral fortitude for it.

    Why would I want to challenge you to a game fight. What would that prove? I'd much rather, were it feasible, challenge you to an actual fight, like men have, in the real world. But that would be fruitless.

    Who said i quit playing? I quit paying. Is that a confusing notion for you?

    Anyway, enough. You are clearly baiting and as I'm not one to whine to mods about the behaviour of others I'll just add you to the ignore list and let you continue to tilt at windmills. (that's something that will likely be over your head)

    When I was a kid back in La Mancha, esoteric references actually meant something.

    Anyway, you still haven't demonstrated how your conclusions follow. And questioning your math and reasoning isn't exactly baiting. It's questioning. You keep interchanging fiscal years and calendar years, which is sort of wtf. But, seriously, and from the bottom of my heart, el-oh-el on the real world fight challenge. That's some classy stuff there.

    Since you already put me on ignore due to the fact that you couldn't punch me in the face IRL, lol again Mr. Durden, you won't even see this, so I'll just assume you conceded the point.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Cryptic and the STO community, episode 1: "One Community, One Voice":

    Cryptic: "Here it is guys, finally released, enjoy!"
    Community: "What the hell, how dare you release that?! Take it back and refine it for another x months, we are cancelling!"
    Cryptic: "Ok guys, we are not quite releasing the next thing just yet. We want it to be really cool and are refining it further."
    Community: "What the hell, how dare you not release it?!" Give it to us immediately, we are cancelling!"

    Cryptic and the STO community, episode 2: "Talk to the Community and be Rewarded":

    Community: "*OMGWTFFSSBBQPWNSAUCE* Why the hell is there never any dev around telling us what is going on?! We are customers, we deserve communication! It doesn't have to be much info, just tell us why/what is going on."
    Dev: "Ok guys there is this issue and that other thing, due to that we are taken certain actions. I will keep you updated but keep it civil and don't flame!"
    Community: "*ZOMGZORUBERWTFBBQPWNNERDRAGE* Who the hell do you think you are talking to us like that?! *more nerdrage*"
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Cryptic and the STO community, episode 1: "One Community, One Voice":

    Cryptic: "Here it is guys, finally released, enjoy!"
    Community: "What the hell, how dare you release that?! Take it back and refine it for another x months, we are cancelling!"
    Cryptic: "Ok guys, we are not quite releasing the next thing just yet. We want it to be really cool and are refining it further."
    Community: "What the hell, how dare you not release it?!" Give it to us immediately, we are cancelling!"

    Cryptic and the STO community, episode 2: "Talk to the Community and be Rewarded":

    Community: "*OMGWTFFSSBBQPWNSAUCE* Why the hell is there never any dev around telling us what is going on?! We are customers, we deserve communication! It doesn't have to be much info, just tell us why/what is going on."
    Dev: "Ok guys there is this issue and that other thing, due to that we are taken certain actions. I will keep you updated but keep it civil and don't flame!"
    Community: "*ZOMGZORUBERWTFBBQPWNNERDRAGE* Who the hell do you think you are talking to us like that?! *more nerdrage*"

    25 pages of posts, condensed to a 2 act play with 10 lines of text.

    It was pretty accurate.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I can be even more accurate and sum up this entire forum in 2 words.

    STO sucks.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Fire wrote: »
    I can be even more accurate and sum up this entire forum in 2 words.

    STO sucks.

    your absoultely riet mang
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I demand more content :p

    Only time I, considered cancelling my game account was cause of the Feb 19th patch which I, was having trouble downloading til some Non Cryptic Employee helped point me in the right dirrection of downloading the patch.

    They still get an F in customer service from me.

    I'll keep playing this game till either something better comes along or there entertainment becomes more of a spectal that will keep my attention here.

    They've done great in the past but it seem's there either working really hard on something new and great or there slipping in putting out new content.....

    Something tell's me there gonna have to introduce those holonovels sooner or later.... In my Opinion better sooner then later.

    The Npc's in this game should be more interactive then just wandering around the galaxy aimlessely. Though it seem's alot of game's have this problem.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    So all the whiners who /ragequit and cancel won't be around to post their TRIBBLE after next week, right? Because anyone who threatens to quit but is still posting after their 30 days is up is a complete and total loser. I should start keeping a list of names.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    is there anything comeing soon like tonight
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    MMO developers seem to have one thing in common these days... releasing a product that is not ready for release yet.

    I personally would have been glad to wait a few extra months for the game to go through proper beta testing before it was put on the shelves. Instead, all subscribers are now beta testers paying for the privelege to beta test.

    Every online game is released with bugs. That is inevitible. However MMO developers these days seem to take that fact to heart and release games with too many bugs. Minor and quirky bugs, such as having a weapon reward at commander level that is flagged for captain only, or having one planet in 100 cause NPCs to fall through the world, etc... that's fine.

    Having what amounts to a high percentage of basic character abilities bugged or not working at all at release (and when you only have a handful of abilities to begin with, having even 2 or 3 bugged is a high percentage) is unacceptable.

    Traditionally MMOs released with high end content not finished. That is tradition from back in the days of games like EverQuest, where it took weeks to months for even a small amount of the population to reach maximum level. Even for expansions it would take time on the order of months for even the top level guilds in EQ to hit the top tiers of the expanson. When some people are maximum level in the first few days, followed by a growing population in the first few weeks, it is no longer acceptable to have almost no content ready.

    I personally am holding out for a little bit with this game in hopes that Cryptic can turn things around. But I will say one thing to those who think Cryptic is talking to the community - BS talk is not better than no talk, and is almost worse. All Cryptic tends to say is something along the lines of these things are expected when a game releases and we are working on it.

    It reminds me of another recent MMO - Warhammer Online. Mythic was very open in the same sense, even admitted to mistakes. Upon release they had very similar problems - massive number of bugs, little to no end game content, wild game imbalances. They told us over and over it is being worked on, we are looking at it, etc.

    One year later, there were few changes, still tons of bugs, and almost no players left. Heck, there was one Archmage ability that was released with the game that didn't work until about 10 months after the game was released.

    There are a lot of similarities between the release of STO and the release of WAR. I just hope Cryptic can learn from Mythic's mistakes.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    The Tabula Rasa forums didn't sound this upset before it crashed and burned.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Otalp wrote: »
    The Tabula Rasa forums didn't sound this upset before it crashed and burned.

    But that game had potential ;)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I wouldnt be surprised that the day before people are going to have to start paying for the game month to month or something like that there is going to be a mass exidus from the game then cryptic will be in real trouble that is probably going to happen
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Oh no.. the patch had a couple bugs that needed to be worked out so they delayed it a little.

    Better they pushed it and you whined and cried there were bugs?

    They can't win with you people. Step back and LOOK AT YOURSELVES. Do you think game code just magically falls out of their asses? You're being unreasonable.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010

    They promise content they even put a date on it and then go and retract i am sorry when you put a hard date on something that means it is ready which most people believe. We all here know what is going to happen in a week or two when peoples 30 day free comes up there going to quit because they feel that there riped off and not give cryptic/atari the oppertunity to gain more money. The facts are clear cryptic didnt listen to us they listened to the bottom line there were presured by CBS to get it out. They should of said its not ready and we need another six months or more but they didnt so the blame comes to there feet. Like former president truman said the buck stops here and the buck stops at cryptic
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Shayde wrote: »
    Oh no.. the patch had a couple bugs that needed to be worked out so they delayed it a little.

    Better they pushed it and you whined and cried there were bugs?

    They can't win with you people. Step back and LOOK AT YOURSELVES. Do you think game code just magically falls out of their asses? You're being unreasonable.

    It's not unreasonable to have expectations when we are paying for the game.

    If they weren't ready, they shouldn't have released.

    The delay of a single patch because they find some bugs is not the problem. That happens.

    It's that coupled with the problems that have existed in the game already.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010

    They promise content they even put a date on it and then go and retract i am sorry when you put a hard date on something that means it is ready which most people believe. We all here know what is going to happen in a week or two when peoples 30 day free comes up there going to quit because they feel that there riped off and not give cryptic/atari the oppertunity to gain more money. The facts are clear cryptic didnt listen to us they listened to the bottom line there were presured by CBS to get it out. They should of said its not ready and we need another six months or more but they didnt so the blame comes to there feet. Like former president truman said the buck stops here and the buck stops at cryptic

    Cryptic isn't the "buck-stops-here" entity. CBS and Atari are the ones. Obviously, you dont see the bigger picture. The publisher(CBS and Atari) wanted the game out at this time regardless of "picture perfect" quality. And yes, they are looking for the bottom dollar.

    Every company is looking for the almighty dollar. If they sat around and waited for the "perfect" games, most game publishers would be out of business, especially the publicly traded ones. Why? The share holders want to see profits growing, and when there is no product being sold or produced, it stagnants their market shares. So, as a result, Cryptic would not say no. They would risk losing revenue from the game, OR worse.

    Face it, the video game industry is all about profits and market shares.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    i know that but cryptic i am trying to point out should of said the game is not ready to CBS and Atari and should of asked for more time and they didnt so my original point is valid that the buck stops with them because they didnt have the guts to say something and they just did what they were told
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    hunaxor wrote: »
    Yep, just that easy. I can live with some problems, no endgame or anything. But right now we should be playing some new endgame for one week. And surprise, we wont be playing it this week too!!
    My hope/trust is over. Only reason for me to subscribe next month is that 45 day patch (clear money grab). But how I can sub now? They are not able to do what they promise. One week, ok. But next week and still nothing?........
    I will not pay for words.

    I wanna go to Mount Splashmore.
    Take me take me take me right now!
    Now now now now now!

    Impatient impudent pups need to be neutered.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    How many people, when the almighty WoW came out, that after the first 3-4 weeks of WoW, people left the game? Since WoW didn't have end-game content at all and laced with bugs galore. The first was Mara (if Im not mistaken) and that was several weeks after launch.

    Oh who am I kidding! We live in the world of fast food and fast self-gratification! Forget waiting...patience is a virtue lost. If I cant have it now, FORGET!! lol

    Gotta love our society.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Yea, not very good idea considering some people are sticking around on faith in Cryptic and its ability to improve the game.

    go read the dev post on the patch and why it was canceled.

    they are in the process of deploying it to the test shard to test it so it doesn't take down live shard...if that were the case why did they say "2/25/10" ?

    typical Cryptic
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    the thing is i am patient but i was willing to wait a few more months for the game if they said that we have to push the date back a few months to fix the game look at bioshock 2 it was suppose to be out last novemtber and two or three weeks before its original release date they said we need to push back to febuary so we can flush a few things out sure i havent gotten it yet but its probably going to be good that is what Cryptic should of said we need to push back the game to flush a few things out but them pushing out a game that is obviously not done is a bad move then push back content that can make it better again a bad move
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Durgan37 wrote: »
    How many people, when the almighty WoW came out, that after the first 3-4 weeks of WoW, people left the game? Since WoW didn't have end-game content at all and laced with bugs galore. The first was Mara (if Im not mistaken) and that was several weeks after launch.

    Oh who am I kidding! We live in the world of fast food and fast self-gratification! Forget waiting...patience is a virtue lost. If I cant have it now, FORGET!! lol

    Gotta love our society.

    Actually Durgan you kind of have it sideways.

    The problem is more people accept incomplete shoddy work that in the past would have never been acceptable except for free. And the people who stand up to say it's not right are made fun of and critized. Thats the problem with society.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    i already cancled my sub "faith in cryptic" is like having faith in the transport not hitting you when its 10 feet away going at 90 mph.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Durgan37 wrote: »
    How many people, when the almighty WoW came out, that after the first 3-4 weeks of WoW, people left the game? Since WoW didn't have end-game content at all and laced with bugs galore. The first was Mara (if Im not mistaken) and that was several weeks after launch.

    Oh who am I kidding! We live in the world of fast food and fast self-gratification! Forget waiting...patience is a virtue lost. If I cant have it now, FORGET!! lol

    Gotta love our society.

    love when people talk out their TRIBBLE. wow had endgame on launch no one saw it was it took people a month to get to cap.

    have fun with the link.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    If that is the case, then why so many single player games both console and PC have problems. And the problems have happened all the way back to the Kings Quest series of games. The games crashed because of bad coding, and there was nothing you could do about it.

    Just curious =)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    and i just watched the video again and guess what it still says 2.25.10. Cryptic still has not taken the video down
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    i bought the game and played it ohhh for three days / cancelled. Its an absolute piece of dated garbage. why would anyone want to pay a monthly fee for a beta, unfinished and buggy.Simply put it's just not a good game at all...its just boring and aweful.....awww when are these DEV'S and investors gonna learn...In today's MMO market yu have to release a good ...relatively bug free polished game with full of content and tons and tons of stuff to do /cry
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    hunaxor wrote: »
    Yep, just that easy. I can live with some problems, no endgame or anything. But right now we should be playing some new endgame for one week. And surprise, we wont be playing it this week too!!
    My hope/trust is over. Only reason for me to subscribe next month is that 45 day patch (clear money grab). But how I can sub now? They are not able to do what they promise. One week, ok. But next week and still nothing?........
    I will not pay for words.

    agreed on so many levels
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    hunaxor wrote: »
    Yep, just that easy. I can live with some problems, no endgame or anything. But right now we should be playing some new endgame for one week. And surprise, we wont be playing it this week too!!
    My hope/trust is over. Only reason for me to subscribe next month is that 45 day patch (clear money grab). But how I can sub now? They are not able to do what they promise. One week, ok. But next week and still nothing?........
    I will not pay for words.

    Shouldn't have rushed to get to endgame then.
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