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Patch cancelled, account cancelled



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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I have changed my mind and will be renewing my sub. I could care less that a patch has been pushed back, at least they are working on thing people want in game.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Otalp wrote: »
    The Tabula Rasa forums didn't sound this upset before it crashed and burned.

    That's because there were only twelve people there... ;)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    lol this topic is amazing.


    *after being told that the devs need to fix a big issue with the patch:*


    so you people want a patch that's broken just so you can complain about it? is 70 percent of the community really that childish?

    ah well. it'll be fun when their 30 days are up.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    yamato23 wrote: »
    so you people want a patch that's broken just so you can complain about it? is 70 percent of the community really that childish?

    It's only a handful of people, but they're very vocal.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Durgan37 wrote: »
    Cryptic isn't the "buck-stops-here" entity. CBS and Atari are the ones. Obviously, you dont see the bigger picture. The publisher(CBS and Atari) wanted the game out at this time regardless of "picture perfect" quality. And yes, they are looking for the bottom dollar.

    Every company is looking for the almighty dollar. If they sat around and waited for the "perfect" games, most game publishers would be out of business, especially the publicly traded ones. Why? The share holders want to see profits growing, and when there is no product being sold or produced, it stagnants their market shares. So, as a result, Cryptic would not say no. They would risk losing revenue from the game, OR worse.

    Face it, the video game industry is all about profits and market shares.

    Again with this? CBS are not the publisher. They are the rights holder. They transferred a licence they had already sold to a bankrupt company to Cryptic which allowed Cryptic the use of intellectual property belonging to CBS.

    Then Atari wholly bought out Cryptic who then became the sole in house development team for Atari.SA and employees.

    CBS did not make or contract to be made, this game. They sold a license and they could sell another 2 this week unless the deal cryptic inherited was an exclusive one.
    Cryptic have not been forced to so anything. Cryptic made it's release schecule itself and it did it before Atari bought them out. Atari told shareholders that it expected an April 2010 release for STO. Cryptic studios. no longer a company but a division of Atari, kept to their original schedule and put this game out when they convinced their bosses it was ready.

    The only revenue Cryptic stand to lose is the $20million bonus that Atari have promised to the former owners of Cryptic if the sales and subscriptions of Star Trek online and Champions Online exceed a pre-agreed amount as part of the buyout deal.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010

    That is not what we are saying they put out a video that said the content would be out on 2.25.10 which is today then yesterday not five minutes after the video was put out the dev came out and said well its not done and we have to push it back till next week that is why people are mad because a promise was made go to http://pc.ign.com/dor/objects/14270158/star-trek-online/videos/startrekonline_trl_theinfectedtrailer_22310.html watch it and it does say at the end the date that is why we are mad
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Otalp wrote:
    The Tabula Rasa forums didn't sound this upset before it crashed and burned.

    Maybe cause people wasn't that worried about the game and wanted so badly to be a success?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Ok for all the QQ whiners out here chill out.
    You all are acting like ten year old kids that didn't get a cookie in thier happy meal..

    The patch will be out sooner or later, if not this week then next week or next month.
    For all those already at the lvl cap. Whine on your'e the ones that rushed to level as fast as possible, and that not anyones fault but your own.

    The sad thing is that those at lvl cap knew that the first major content update wasn't going to be out until at least 45 days after launch. And if they didn't they should have read the forum post about it (and no I'm not looking it up for you)

    For those that want to quit and cancel their subs because a patch got delayed a few days.....Whine on!
    REALY Go ahead and cancel your sub the rest of us will keep playing..
    And truthfully if you're going to whine about the patch being delayed that just shows your lack of maturity to everyone posting here go back to playing something else on your console you got for Christmas last year...

    My sig says all I need to say...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Cynics wrote:
    love when people talk out their TRIBBLE. wow had endgame on launch no one saw it was it took people a month to get to cap.

    have fun with the link.


    I read that link. And that first "patch" was 1.02. The release date was 12-18-2004. Now, the release date of WoW was 11-23-2004. So, roughly 25 days before the first major patch and first major dungeon for people to play.

    And with STO we are looking at an official release date of 2-2-2010. So, STO first big patch was schedule for 2-25-2010. Today is the 25th of February. Well, thats only 23 days after launch. Not bad considering all the problems.

    But, then what do I know. I just read the information and made sound conclusions.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010

    That is not what we are saying they put out a video that said the content would be out on 2.25.10 which is today then yesterday not five minutes after the video was put out the dev came out and said well its not done and we have to push it back till next week that is why people are mad because a promise was made go to http://pc.ign.com/dor/objects/14270158/star-trek-online/videos/startrekonline_trl_theinfectedtrailer_22310.html watch it and it does say at the end the date that is why we are mad

    yeah, i've seen that in another topic. and in that topic, a dev mentioned that the date was the result of a miscommunication between cryptic and one of the marketing PRs or something like that, which is understandable. those things happen.

    secondly, who cares if they pushed it back until next week? that's not forever, and personally i'd rather them work on it some more instead of being COMPLETELY UNPLAYABLE. it's the same thing with other games, with release dates. movies as well. they set a date, and then for whatever reason, they push the date back or forward (this is what happened with the champions online launch). and to be honest, i've seen a lot less complaining about a simple date change when it comes to other things like that.

    lastly, no one was promised anything in that trailer. all it said was the date, there was nothing like "2.25.10 (we promise)". why didn't they promise? because things change, and see the second paragraph above.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I still think people should learn to enjoy the voyage for the voyage itself instead of looking to the end of the way.

    But that's only my point of view ^_^
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    miscommunication my butt cryptic needs to be more responsible for what they put out
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    This entire thread is nothing but a big stinking pile of internet refuse......enjoy....
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    hunaxor wrote: »
    Yep, just that easy. I can live with some problems, no endgame or anything. But right now we should be playing some new endgame for one week. And surprise, we wont be playing it this week too!!
    My hope/trust is over. Only reason for me to subscribe next month is that 45 day patch (clear money grab). But how I can sub now? They are not able to do what they promise. One week, ok. But next week and still nothing?........
    I will not pay for words.
    We found a showstopping bug at that very last minute that forced us to cancel the patch.

    I figured everyone would be excited about there being no downtime, I didn't think why there was no downtime would be relevant. That is entirely my fault. That is what happens when your old pal Indigofyre is forced to make judgment calls all by his lonesome. You guys have all the right in the world to be mad at me, I deserve it.

    While I do not have an ETA on when we will get the new patch up we will notify you all when it is ready.

    I will update the maintenance thread to reflect this.

    they found a game breaking bug, so question is. do you want it now, and be broken, and mite even mess up you're character, or do you want it when the game breaking bug is fixed.

    you don't have to be such a drama queen. :rolleyes: :D
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    sure i want it to be running right. I just dont want a release date on it it should of said comming soon and this thread would of just been of how awsome the new content looks instead what we have now
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    omg i have to wait a whole week, i need a tissue *sniff* ima go rage quit my account now. mommy always gave me things right away and i was the center of her world, why wont everyone else in the world treat me the way i deserve regardless or reality or common sense *stomps feet and runs away crying*
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Durgan37 wrote: »
    I read that link. And that first "patch" was 1.02. The release date was 12-18-2004. Now, the release date of WoW was 11-23-2004. So, roughly 25 days before the first major patch and first major dungeon for people to play.

    And with STO we are looking at an official release date of 2-2-2010. So, STO first big patch was schedule for 2-25-2010. Today is the 25th of February. Well, thats only 23 days after launch. Not bad considering all the problems.

    But, then what do I know. I just read the information and made sound conclusions.

    As an addendum to this, Molten Core was in the game the whole time. It didn't have a dedicated entrance but you could go through BRD and enter it. So upon day 1 release WoW had 1 raid. 1 is still more than 0. The reason people have selective memory about it being in the game at launch is because it took closer to 60-80 days before 40 people had run the current end game normal dungeons (Of which there was 4. Still more than 0) To get gear to be succesful in MC.

    So to recap. WoW at launch had enough content to last a hardcore player about 80 days before MC raid, which then lasted months. 1 raid, 4 end game dungeons, 1 semi-raid with UBRS which was run with 10-15 people at the time of launch.

    STO had enough content to last a hardcore player about 4 days, and a semi-hardcore player about 3 weeks. I'm a full time college student, i don't wake up, play, and then sleep. I use to, and even then MMOs lasted much longer. Right now I play maybe 5 hours a day. This is about average for an enthusiast. Not casual, but inbetween hardcore and casual. I have an RA5 and an RA2 at the moment. I couldn't decide which officer I wanted to... so I did both at once. I now have 1 at the cap and another within hours of the cap. In less than a month, and there is nothing to do. Literally, at the cap, all there is left to do is log on for 10 minutes and do the daily. Crafting is pointless and nonstructred so you can't spend a couple days doing that. There's just... nothing.

    This content is needed immediently, the game is and will continue bleeding players at an astonishing rate until it's added. There has to be some reason to log onto the game at RA5 besides a single daily quest that takes no time. And with basicly no fleet actions above LC (CE is essentially broken and The Big Dig is literally broken) you can't even do that.

    I watched this happen to Aion, for basicly the same reason. There was just no content. All grind and no content. if you don't believe it can happen to STO in as little as a month... just go look up some Aion stats. Huge launch, 18 hour ques on every server. Now there's not a single server listed as anything other than "Recommended" at all times. Meaning low population.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I was a smuggler on SWG with repeated promises to fix it...waited and waited; and as far as I know it was never fixed, and you think waiting another week is a problem? Lol, too funny. Have a little patience, the game is only a month old.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    miscommunication my butt cryptic needs to be more responsible for what they put out

    oh boy, i hope you don't plan to get the pitchforks out too! :rolleyes:
    sure i want it to be running right. I just dont want a release date on it it should of said comming soon and this thread would of just been of how awsome the new content looks instead what we have now

    we'd have the exact same thread if the content was released too early. a thread full of complaints and quitters.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    What do you think, maybe another month or two before all these impatient early adopters duck out and we're left with a stable, mostly adult player population?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Um, since when are we not getting the 45 day patch?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    So where does it say it will only be a week? As far as I have seen (and granted I only looked through the dev tracker and first couple pages) it doesnt say when the patch will be ready. It is worrying me that the first time they have a date set for a patch they miss it. I paid for a year because it would save me money. If things keep up like they are now I will not be able to play for a year.

    Also the dev threatening to stop communicating with the player-base if they get upset with any delays of promised content is a loser plain and simple. How dare he come in here after failing to meet his deadline and act like somehow it is the player's fault he cannot do his job. this "gamestopper" should have been found before the date. Cryptic a little hint try and get your devs to act more professionally and stop threatening people on here for being upset.

    Also cryptic next time unless you can actually meet your date do not announce it. It only causes problems when you miss the date you set.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Baci wrote:
    Soooo.... In this case you would rather have a patch that is not ready yet? Its a total lose/lose situation for Cryptic. They release a patch that only breaks things further, people cancel. They don't release the patch people quit.

    I know its disappointing..... I am hoping for more than working on an alt. But, personally I would rather wait a week longer.

    LOL, why not give us a patch that isn't ready? I mean they went ahead and released a game that isn't ready! We received an incomplete product, for our what, 50-80$ depending on the version we bought? I spent my money expecting a complete product. I was obviously not given that.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Kuber wrote:
    What do you think, maybe another month or two before all these impatient early adopters duck out and we're left with a stable, mostly adult player population?

    That or they all leave and cryptic closes the game because your "mostly adult" player-base is not enough to sustain the IP license fees.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    LOL, why not give us a patch that isn't ready? I mean they went ahead and released a game that isn't ready! We received an incomplete product, for our what, 50-80$ depending on the version we bought? I spent my money expecting a complete product. I was obviously not given that.

    Because you complained about it, and they listened. Now they're doing it right. See how that works?

    Now you're complaining about how they listened to you and changed their procedures. See how you work?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    JamesH2010 wrote:
    That or they all leave and cryptic closes the game because your "mostly adult" player-base is not enough to sustain the IP license fees.

    Your odds are probably better trying to win the lottery, or get struck by lightning. The game will be around for a while to come... please don't lose any sleep over it.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Kuber wrote:
    What do you think, maybe another month or two before all these impatient early adopters duck out and we're left with a stable, mostly adult player population?

    March 3rd is going to be a High Holy Day from now on, the day the non-sub whiners get locked out of the game and the forums!

    6 more days, I can't wait, it is like Winter-een-mas all over again!

    To all those who are going to leave: Can we have your stuff?!

    Yours in Forward-looking Plasma,
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Kuber wrote:
    Your odds are probably better trying to win the lottery, or get struck by lightning. The game will be around for a while to come... please don't lose any sleep over it.

    I got news for ya google tabula rasa etc everyone said the same things. They got all arrogant and told people to leave if they did not like it. Now the game is closed. So how do you know this game will be around so long? Just wishful thinking? They are refunding most of the lifers money and I do not see very many people going for the bait/switch 45 day patch when the other patch is not ready yet. I somehow doubt the 45 day patch will be at 45 days probably more like 90 days minimimum.

    People will continue to leave and with all the bad press/word of mouth I do not see this game lasting a year at this rate. Something better change drastically down at Cryptic and soon.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Kuber wrote:
    What do you think, maybe another month or two before all these impatient early adopters duck out and we're left with a stable, mostly adult player population?

    I hope you are correct because I am sick and tired of it. I let my temper get the better of me a couple of times and earned infractions fighting with some of the doom trolls. I can't wait till its just the people who want to be here, and there are more than enough of us to keep the game stable for years.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Salexander wrote:
    I hope you are correct because I am sick and tired of it. I let my temper get the better of me a couple of times and earned infractions fighting with some of the doom trolls. I can't wait till its just the people who want to be here, and there are more than enough of us to keep the game stable for years.

    you know whats funny. I think the people on here whine almost as much if not more then the NOOBs on Xbox live. you would think that a bug of star trek fans would have higher intelligence level, but after spending time in theses forums I'm thinking about going back to halo. That is the sad part.
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