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Patch cancelled, account cancelled



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    JamesH2010 wrote:
    I got news for ya google tabula rasa etc everyone said the same things. They got all arrogant and told people to leave if they did not like it. Now the game is closed. So how do you know this game will be around so long? Just wishful thinking? They are refunding most of the lifers money and I do not see very many people going for the bait/switch 45 day patch when the other patch is not ready yet. I somehow doubt the 45 day patch will be at 45 days probably more like 90 days minimimum.

    People will continue to leave and with all the bad press/word of mouth I do not see this game lasting a year at this rate. Something better change drastically down at Cryptic and soon.

    Tabula Rasa is not STO and its loss of players had nothing to do with a few being told to leave.

    1) Tabula Rasa had very poor sales. STO had amazing sales.
    2) Tabula Rasa tried to capture the PvP market segment of MMOs, a very small market. STO tries to grab the PvE market and back that with PvP, a very large segment.
    3) Tabula Rasa had a failed technology model, STO has a working technology model that expanded, with few hiccups, to handle hundreds of thousands of players.
    4) The Tabula Rasa IP was non-existent. The STO IP is vibrant and strong.

    Now, since you are wrong about Tabula Rasa - STO comparison, it is important to show how wrong you are about everything else you say.

    They (Cryptic) are not refunding most of the lifers. There is no evidence in any trade that this has happened. A few lifers who are quitting by posting QQ posts on an open forum is not most of the lifers. First, the posters may not be lifers (many do not have in game accounts, making it unlikely they are lifers). Next, even if they are. there are tens of thousands of lifers, and only a few stating they are quitting. So your assertion lifers are quitting = incorrect.

    Your not seeing many people going for some bait and switch on the 45 days patch you claim happened is not based in fact. You are doing no research on the game, providing no server numbers, so what we have is your own incorrect opinion paraded as fact.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I just hope it lasts a year because thats what I paid for. Anything after that I do not care. If it improves I will pay another year. If it doesnt improve it will not be around in a year. So one way I am good and one way I made a gamble that did not pay off.

    Got news for you lack of polish + lack of content = lack of revenue. Plain and simple. I somehow doubt this game will be around for years the way it is going right now. I like it but I find myself not caring if I make that next level or not. There is no content its the same 4 missions over and over again. Then the polishing is horrible with tons of typos and graphical glitches etc.

    This game needed another year of development minimum. It was rushed out and shows it. Then you have people here who seem to think 20-30k subs can pay the bills. If they lose 75% of the people who bought boxes the first month how is this a good thing for the 25% left? I think you guys need to get your head out of your rear personally.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Battleunit wrote: »
    Your not seeing many people going for some bait and switch on the 45 days patch you claim happened is not based in fact. You are doing no research on the game, providing no server numbers, so what we have is your own incorrect opinion paraded as fact.

    Sorry but your entire post was opinion. It is VERY obvious you never played the game. Also your little fact about the sales of TR is wrong. TR was on top of the sales list at gamestop (something that STO never accomplished). TR failed because it was released too early, had little content and was buggy/down all the time. Same exact situation we have here.

    I played TR from beta and bought the box etc. We had the same losers like you on there running around with "facts" telling people if they do not like it they can leave. We see where that gets us dont we? Also I have seen tons of people in-game and on the forums asking about refunds for lifer subscriptions. Once people found out they could get a refund I bet the phones were jammed with customers.

    Now they miss the first patch date and I guarantee they will miss the 45 day patch date too. Then what?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    JamesH2010 wrote:
    Sorry but your entire post was opinion. It is VERY obvious you never played the game. Also your little fact about the sales of TR is wrong. TR was on top of the sales list at gamestop (something that STO never accomplished). TR failed because it was released too early, had little content and was buggy/down all the time. Same exact situation we have here.

    I played TR from beta and bought the box etc. We had the same losers like you on there running around with "facts" telling people if they do not like it they can leave. We see where that gets us dont we? Also I have seen tons of people in-game and on the forums asking about refunds for lifer subscriptions. Once people found out they could get a refund I bet the phones were jammed with customers.

    Now they miss the first patch date and I guarantee they will miss the 45 day patch date too. Then what?
    Do you behave this way (calling people losers because they simply disagree) with all companies you do business with or just game companies? Would you call people names for disagreeing with you about what grocery store you shop at?

    Why is it that people think they have more of a right to be abrasive when it's a game they are licensing? I think this tells me something about the demographic that plays MMOs nowadays...

    Bottom line is -- services like games are not some special exception. The sooner some of you learn this, the sooner you can get on the road to being happier.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I cancelled my subscription cycle as well. I'm still good through March 5th, but I hit RA5 too quickly and repeating the same defend/explore quests over and over again while waiting for group content or even a decent instance/raid (other than grouping up for defend/explore) is getting boring. Albeit this game shows TONS of potential and the platform is excellent, but the lack of content is a real show-stopper here.

    I knew it was bad news when I saw the "invite a friend" promo at the top of the launcher so soon after the release. Then seeing the 500 bonus points ads on the homepage trying to encourage people with "perks" over substance just had "uh oh" all over it. If you can't tell how a game producer is doing from forum posts and press released, check out their ads and marketing - a prime example of "bad" would be Evony.

    I'll probably come back when they start rolling new stuff out, but for now I can't financially justify resubbing on just faith alone with the proverbial Soon™.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010

    this is a new MMO for god sake quit the freaking game already. if your not happy LEAVE stop trolling the forums with boo hoo this and boo hoo that. you people are the main problem with the forums for MMO's. you complain and complain but you still hang around to what wait for it complain. ive dealt with people like you WOW,STG,EVE,AND LOTR. here is a website that you can go to so you can stop clogging up the forum with all this whinner baby TRIBBLE.


    you can give people up to the minute on all your crying :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Can I have your stuff?

    I'll rowshambow you for it.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    This apparently needs to be reiterated, particularly since it's the reason that was given in the launcher for the delay. Their network provider's maintenance apparently affected their ability to do their own maintenance and deploy the patches that were slated for last night, so they didn't.

    Did the OB theory that CO and STO are running on the same server ever get disproven?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I don't think any true fans of the game are excited to see players leaving, for the most part.

    The players leaving that would bother me are the ones that quit playing the online game and cancel their subscription and disappear, not those who come and post a trolling "I'm Quitting" thread where they try to accuse Cryptic of any number of illegalities or criminal acts or conspiratorial collusions or God knows what.

    Certainly players leaving would concern Cryptic, but they're the ones that can see the true numbers. Out here in Forumland, it's just idle speculation. And forum members LOOOOOVE some idle speculation.

    And to be sure, some of the players that have posted quit threads have done so for legitimate reasons, such as a few that have been unable to even log into the game for one reason or another.

    But there is always going to be a group of customers that will be upset and won't like whatever was done and they'll eventually leave in a huff. It's not like these people can be saved as customers without competely ruining the game-as-it-is to compensate.

    I would think that most of the people who pop up in forum posts saying "ok bai" or "can I have your stuff?" or "cool story" are those who believe that the ones posting about quitting are a slim minority of the player base.

    I don't think any of them are celebrating as if there's going to be one giant party once there's only 50 people left in the game and everyone can fit in one instance.

    Cryptic is doing what it is supposed to do. And they are listening with ears open. There have been decisions made previously where the Devs said, "No that will never happen" that have now changed to "We're discussing how to make it work due to the feedback". There have been plenty of things people were complaining about that have been fixed so far.

    There is no evidence whatsoever that they are simply sitting back to rake in cash while they ignore the players. They haven't stopped developing, and if you're looking backward, you're behind them already.

    With the resilience of the Star Trek brand, as long as Cryptic doesn't pull some kind of Lucasartsian NGE, they should have a nice long run, gauging by their dedication so far and their projections for future additions and their proven record of listening to what the players want.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    code2know wrote: »

    Originally Posted by Cryptic_Gozer

    This is what happens in game development, it's the reason why we use "Soon" a bunch. I spent a little extra time making it extra cool, so its running a little late... When the video was made, that was the target date.

    I'm giving you a update now so you know whats going on. If the thread turns into hate and bile, it will definately be the last time I give you a update on stuff I'm working on

    If this is the attitude this guy has I think Ill bring my money elsewhere. ....

    Nice PR you joker.

    Yeah I laughed when I seen that. I think the big point he missed was " It will be last stuff he works on" .
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Stelakh wrote: »
    Too right. We now have three different explanations. Maybe it's a combination of all three. Who knows?

    Unfortunately, when you have one problem and three different people post three different reasons for it at different times, it starts to feel like "spin" and damage control.


    I know Im gonna get flamed for this but w/e..
    Hybrid: "This has all happened before. It will happen again"
    Then why was the game launched in the state it was if its about putting out quality content? Or is that just only if it fits cryptics agenda? THis whole deal smells like CO all over again.

    Im sorry and very very sad cause this all reminds me of FSS and Hellgate
    (yes, Im a one trick pony - plus I just got home from work)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    JKirk513 wrote:

    this is a new MMO for god sake quit the freaking game already. if your not happy LEAVE stop trolling the forums with boo hoo this and boo hoo that. you people are the main problem with the forums for MMO's. you complain and complain but you still hang around to what wait for it complain. ive dealt with people like you WOW,STG,EVE,AND LOTR. here is a website that you can go to so you can stop clogging up the forum with all this whinner baby TRIBBLE.


    you can give people up to the minute on all your crying :D

    OMG MATE!!! Look on the bright side the trolls and yourself won't be on the forums in 12 months because the game won't be here either!

    I for one have never seen so many cancel threads in a MMO. Think about how many people are leaving without even posting at all. March 5th will be a very good stat.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    The answer to this is easy - on the initial box release date, they had Atari and CBS riding them to get a product out now. Now that a visible, tangible, basically functional product is out, Cryptic get to take their time and do things right. Atari/CBS aren't riding them to get X patch out by Y date, like they were with the initial release - the ball was originally in their court, now it's in Cryptic's. Pretty straightforward, honestly.

    Also, QA standards have changed because of the above. Now they're concerned about creating quality content, where before they were only concerned about creating a working product.

    Right. All they have to worry about now is can they create that product and still have a customer base at the end?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    OMG MATE!!! Look on the bright side the trolls and yourself won't be on the forums in 12 months because the game won't be here either!

    OMG he is a psychic... what am I thinking?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I know Im gonna get flamed for this but w/e..
    Hybrid: "This has all happened before. It will happen again"

    haha I was thinking the same thing when I took a walk down memory lane the other day.

    Memory lane = Champions Online forums and seeing the same complaints and problems Cryptic had weeks to months after releasing Champions Online that STO is having now. Which was less then 6 months ago and things aren't looking the best over there in my opinion.
    Hybrid: "This has all happened before. It will happen again"
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Blodveard wrote: »
    What is your definition of "end game"?

    Have you leveled all 9 Federation combinations to RA 5?

    Have you leveled a Klingon character to RA 5? As well as its variations.

    Have you researched your way through all of the research tiers?

    Dude are you honestly trying to say theres end game here? With a straight face?
    Im tempted to report this as trolling

    *note: Im reading up the thread and responding as I go. Sorry if I double post
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    lothic wrote: »
    Software developers being held to the same standards as other industries?

    Yes because an industry with NO standards is so much better
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Yea, not very good idea considering some people are sticking around on faith in Cryptic and its ability to improve the game.

    It's kind of why I'm still around. I'm staying positive that Cryptic is gonig to fix the bugs and get content done in a timely manner.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    lothic wrote: »
    Spitting into the wind has a certain amount of "logic" to support that activity as well. ;)

    THIS I dont understand... I dont see the logic
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Zodi-emish wrote:
    OMG he is a psychic... what am I thinking?

    I look on the forums day after day and I see no reason why this title would be staying around. The amount of time needed to polish this game with end game content or just basic admiral content fullstop would take years.

    Then when the content gets released you see the same size planet with different colors and ring around it. At the end of the day people want to see something totally different if you want to draw them back again.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    jdb2008 wrote: »
    It's kind of why I'm still around. I'm staying positive that Cryptic is gonig to fix the bugs and get content done in a timely manner.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I look on the forums day after day and I see no reason why this title would be staying around. The amount of time needed to polish this game with end game content or just basic content fullstop would take years.

    Then when the content gets released you see the same size planet with different colors and ring around it. At the end of the day people want to see something totally different if you want to draw them back again.

    and yet vanguard is still around, and they had a lot more problems then we have.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Dryan wrote:
    Just to add, the 1 million active accounts was stated in a press release just prior to EU launch.

    I've no idea where the 7 million figure came from, but it will be greater than 1 by a reasonable margin.

    1 million active FORUM accounts. You dont have to buy forum accounts
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Still not bringing your "A" game to troll the forums?

    Maybe you will never learn the art.:(

    Not likely due to the ban
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Zodi-emish wrote:
    and yet vanguard is still around, and they had a lot more problems then we have.

    I'm sorry what? Vanguard had more different texture concepts in the stating areas than this game has in the whole game. At the end of the day Sony is supporting the game and not the community , and last time I check Cryptic don't have that kind of money.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Zodi-emish wrote:
    and yet vanguard is still around, and they had a lot more problems then we have.

    No offense to you Zodi but I would not compare STO to Vanguard. The server to Vanguard may be up but the game itself is dead because there is no population. SOE has the resources to keep these games running whether they are making money or not. I would say that VG is probably around breaking even because they have a skeleton crew staff but the game is dead.

    Not to mention SOE offers a station pass that allows you access to all they're MMO's at a pretty cheap rate. So for those people... one MMO pays for another MMO. Not to mention that Vanguard was highly more ambitious about its content then I believe STO ever will be.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I'm just saying, a MMO is not dead until it's server shuts down.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    maybe thats the problem maybe they need to link the forum account to the game accout so if you dont have a active game account you cant post that would SILENCE THE CRY BABIES
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I take that back. Vanguard forums still have people posting about it. http://forums.station.sony.com/vg/forums/list.m

    fact is the game is not going to go away because you think it is, now sing the death death song and be happy.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Zodi-emish wrote:
    I'm just saying, a MMO is not dead until it's server shuts down.

    This is correct. But I think what some are trying to point out is we don't want it to turn into another "vanguard".

    I checked out Vanguard about 6 months ago, to say the servers were dead would be an understatement. There is still a thriving community there, but it has turned into a niche market with no future chance for major developments.

    And to me that is kind of sad, the game was pretty good actually when I tried it. Great graphics, great sound, huge open worlds! Player housing! It was hard to find an empty slot, but each place still looked like a ghost town and I usually play peak US hours. I enjoyed the dimplomacy card game a lot too. Much to like about that game, but even though it is still running, it is sadly not deemed a success.

    We don't want STO to just succeed, we want STO to thrive and swell up with content/gaming that keeps people coming back for years! This doesn't make us haters, but think of us as concerned customers and really really really small time long term investors.
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