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Patch cancelled, account cancelled



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Zodi-emish wrote:
    I'm just saying, a MMO is not dead until it's server shuts down.

    Your blind.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    code2know wrote: »

    Originally Posted by Cryptic_Gozer

    This is what happens in game development, it's the reason why we use "Soon" a bunch. I spent a little extra time making it extra cool, so its running a little late... When the video was made, that was the target date.

    I'm giving you a update now so you know whats going on. If the thread turns into hate and bile, it will definately be the last time I give you a update on stuff I'm working on

    If this is the attitude this guy has I think Ill bring my money elsewhere. ....

    Nice PR you joker.

    Yet another example of "why they shouldnt talk to us"
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    and let you continue to tilt at windmills. (that's something that will likely be over your head)

    yay Don Quixotie... Don ... damn it...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    NinetyNine wrote:
    Since you already put me on ignore due to the fact that you couldn't punch me in the face IRL, lol again Mr. Durden, you won't even see this, so I'll just assume you conceded the point.

    lol you cant see me so Im right... thats funny
    Salexander wrote:
    You don't even have an active sub to cancel. Who do you think you are fooling?

    How do you tell this?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    This is correct. But I think what some are trying to point out is we don't want it to turn into another "vanguard".

    I checked out Vanguard about 6 months ago, to say the servers were dead would be an understatement. There is still a thriving community there, but it has turned into a niche market with no future chance for major developments.

    And to me that is kind of sad, the game was pretty good actually when I tried it. Great graphics, great sound, huge open worlds! Player housing! It was hard to find an empty slot, but each place still looked like a ghost town and I usually play peak US hours. I enjoyed the dimplomacy card game a lot too. Much to like about that game, but even though it is still running, it is sadly not deemed a success.

    We don't want STO to just succeed, we want STO to thrive and swell up with content/gaming that keeps people coming back for years! This doesn't make us haters, but think of us as concerned customers and really really really small time long term investors.

    I agree with that, I don;t want it to turn in to that ether, but an MMO is not truly dead until it shuts down.

    Your blind.

    you can do better then that. here read this, about the re-review of vanguard.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Zodi-emish wrote:
    I agree with that, I don;t want it to turn in to that ether, but an MMO is not truly dead until it shuts down.

    you can do better then that. here read this, about the re-review of vanguard.

    Lack of end game raids
    Performance issues
    Poor launch makes it hard to look past
    Small community / player base

    Far out that's STO all over, other than the community.

    People have been waiting for a online ST game for ages and when it finally gets released it's nothing but a Concept art clone, a java Application creates more complex images.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010

    Last night's scheduled update was moved to tonight due to the fact that QA found a showstopper in the build that would have broken bridge officers. We tracked it down and we're pushing the new update tonight instead.

    Tonight's update is focused on fixing many of the broken items in the game. This is not the Borg Special Task Force Update. That build is going up on the new Public Test Shard which is hopefully going live early next week if not sooner.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010

    People have been waiting for a online ST game for ages and when it finally gets released it's nothing but a Concept art clone, a java Application creates more complex images.

    I have a feeling that you haven't even played the game, because there is a lot more then concept art, in fact the graphics are some of the best in an MMO, but if you computer is not up to snuff then it looks bad. I'm not sure where you coming from with this statement about STO, but you really don;t know what you're talking about.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    dstahl wrote: »

    Last night's scheduled update was moved to tonight due to the fact that QA found a showstopper in the build that would have broken bridge officers. We tracked it down and we're pushing the new update tonight instead.

    Tonight's update is focused on fixing many of the broken items in the game. This is not the Borg Special Task Force Update. That build is going up on the new Public Test Shard which is hopefully going live early next week if not sooner.

    Thank you, for all you're hard work. don;t let the Doomers get to you.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Agreed. Thank you for finding the show stopper BEFORE the patch. Can you imagine the outrage if the patch actually went out. Whoever in cryptic that found that bug deserves a reward / pat on a back and some form of recognition.

    Zodi-emish wrote:
    Thank you, for all you're hard work. don;t let the Doomers get to you.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I must admit they appear to have a active and listening team working with the community. If anyone said they weren't listening they would be wrong in my opinion.

    Your company deserves a vacation and the bonus for the work done I think! Just take your developer tools with you to the beach :p
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Zodi-emish wrote:
    I have a feeling that you haven't even played the game, because there is a lot more then concept art, in fact the graphics are some of the best in an MMO, but if you computer is not up to snuff then it looks bad. I'm not sure where you coming from with this statement about STO, but you really don;t know what you're talking about.

    I'm Rear Admiral 5 , I run 2 Dark Knight Asus 4870's. I can maxed at 1920x1200.

    So I don't know what I talking about right? So you are ok with the 40-50 planets they have being the same size, but with different colors, and lets not forget the rings either.

    Secondly the ground combat is just awful, in some ground mission you DON'T EVEN ENTER COMBAT!!!!

    Thirdly running around accessing these stupid consoles every second Exporation mission is just ****IN BORING .

    Fourthly the only mission I enjoyed out of the whole game was Bria Patch because at least it was abit different.

    All this is coming from a big trekkie fan, I got all the movies and tv series and even a few TOS Uniforms.

    I'm sorry mate but you love this game over others than you are a complete and utter moron.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I must admit they appear to have a active and listening team working with the community. If anyone said they weren't listening they would be wrong in my opinion.

    Your company deserves a vacation and the bonus for the work done I think! Just take your developer tools with you to the beach :p

    You're scaring me, man. Did they send you to reeducation camp during your imposed hiatus?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Pasquatic wrote:
    So all the whiners who /ragequit and cancel won't be around to post their TRIBBLE after next week, right? Because anyone who threatens to quit but is still posting after their 30 days is up is a complete and total loser. I should start keeping a list of names.

    That'll be neat cause you might be the only one left lol
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I still have lots to do! Im going to play for another month or two aT LEAST. tHIS GAME IS KINDA FUN!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I'm Rear Admiral 5 , I run 2 Dark Knight Asus 4870's. I can maxed at 1920x1200.

    So I don't know what I talking about right? So you are ok with the 40-50 planets they have being the same size, but with different colors, and lets not forget the rings either.

    Secondly the ground combat is just awful, in some ground mission you DON'T EVEN ENTER COMBAT!!!!

    Thirdly running around accessing these stupid consoles every second Exporation mission is just ****IN BORING .

    Fourthly the only mission I enjoyed out of the whole game was Bria Patch because at least it was abit different.

    I'm sorry mate but you love this game over others than you are a complete and utter moron.

    you still didn't explain how it is a a bunch of concept art?

    and you're sentence didn't make any sense.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Anidien wrote: »
    It's not unreasonable to have expectations when we are paying for the game.

    If they weren't ready, they shouldn't have released.

    The delay of a single patch because they find some bugs is not the problem. That happens.

    It's that coupled with the problems that have existed in the game already.

    Cause apparently 2 factions being ready is unreasonable

    Reason I didnt touch CO was cause they hired Bil Roper. I SHOULD have known better that to trust these morons when they hire sushi man RIGHT after he crashed and burned FSS.

    Cause the CEO has no fault when a company goes under right...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Zodi-emish wrote:
    you still didn't explain how it is a a bunch of concept art?

    and you're sentence didn't make any sense.

    You ****in slow coach, You need Concept art to vision how the game will be.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    You ****in slow coach, You need Concept art to vision how the game will be.

    you couldn't be more wrong. this is all I need to see what's coming to the game. ( because reading is fun, and means I don't have to look at the pictures. )

    Welcome, you noble purveyors of Federation policy and fierce warlords of the Empire! Welcome one and all!

    Wait now... Let's just take a moment to de-cloak, disarm and drop our shields, shall we? This State of the Game is of interest to you all.

    So very, very much has happened over the last few weeks! It feels like every single time I began to write a new State of the Game, we'd have to quickly douse live shard fires, juggle major play tests and push critical late night patches. By the time the dousing, juggling and pushing was done, the outline of my State of the Game would be hopelessly out of date.

    Given how tirelessly we've been working, if some ethereal, omnipotent resident from the Denorios belt hadn't stepped in and considerately put the breaks on space-time with a bit of temporal wizardry, I might have found myself eternally rewriting this single State of the Game.

    Thanks to you, oh great wormhole-y one!

    We. Are. Live. And so, supporting you -- yes, you, specifically -- is an effort that consumes us night and day.

    Ask any bedraggled MMO developer about launch and they will inevitably assure you that it never, ever gets any easier. Crunch all you like, friend, it only gets harder after the game actually ships. STO is certainly no exception. Supporting a user base as large as ours requires dedication -- no, devotion! Our crew is, thankfully, more than up to the task. We are pushing the workplace warp core to maximum in an effort to better address any and every bug and issue that comes up in-game.

    Our objective: Implement as many of the stability and gameplay adjustments you asked for as soon as humanoidly possible (as safe practices allow, of course). To this end, Community has put more effort into moderating the boards and CS has recently staffed up in order to get through your tickets quicker. The idea being, "we can hardly fix what we can't see."

    We've also thrown a metric ton of hardware and man hours at getting the server capacity up. Our Network Operations crew has been performing admirably, to say the least. I won't begin to count the times I've heard, "Sorry, Captain! I'm giving it all she's got," come out of their work area, only to be quickly followed by a confident, Scotty-like, "It's done." Beautiful. Almost makes me want to demand them to, "fly her apart, then!" I might just because I know those boys and girls will hold it together in the end, whatever I say.

    Bottom line: When -- if -- you see Queues, they should be much shorter and stability will be much better.
    Game Adjustments:

    Now that the game is out and in your loving hands, we're taking long, hard looks at everything each and every one of you is interested in seeing changed. Cruiser turn rates? Death penalties? More open auto-fire? All those topics and more are being scrutinized by the all-seeing eye of... um, us!

    Some of the few things on the way:

    * Respec
    * Death Penalty
    * Difficulty Slider
    * More open auto-fire
    * Replayable missions
    * Improving Memory Alpha
    * Fixing those Commodity missions

    And there are a bunch more. We’ve heard you and are working on all these issues, but we want to make sure that they come out clean and finished. We hate rushing out features – it inevitably leads to us accidentally breaking things we didn’t have time to test. I dunno – like the Red Matter Capacitor or something…
    Tribble Coming

    In order to better accommodate our players during the Head Start weekend, we merged the physical machines dedicated to our Public Test Shard (Tribble) into the live Shard (Holodeck). It has since been difficult to find viable hardware to test new patches on before pushing them out to you.

    Well, we've got more hardware now and Tribble will be up pretty soon. Problem solved.

    Once Tribble’s up and running (insert whatever tribble joke you’d like to here) – we’ll be able to start releasing those core game adjustments to you guys for deeper testing and feedback.
    Special Task Force: Infected

    We're in the final stages of testing the first STF (the five-man raids we internally referred to as "Raidisodes"). STF: Infected is just about ready to release.

    You know, I might actually record one of our internal play sessions. The excited cries for more shielding and healing get the blood pumping. Although, once our testers reach the end room and the action really heats up... Well, it's not exactly "family friendly" in there. Definitely going to be an exciting, thrilling mission for our players, though.

    After Infected, we'll roll out more STFs. "The Cure", "The Khitomer Accord" and "Into the Hive" are all coming along nicely. We look forward to regularly releasing these and seeing what everyone thinks.
    Update 1: Classy Marketable Name Coming Soon

    The first major update is receiving a final coat of paint, too.

    There's quite a lot of genuinely cool stuff in Update 1: Classy Marketable Name Coming Soon. Expect to see it pushed to the newly revived Tribble Public Test Shard over the next couple weeks.

    New Klingon ships? Oh, my yes. And they look...awesome. Re-specs are also coming, of course. All of Cryptic can't wait to see that particular feature out the door. New PvP maps and Fleet Actions are rather nice, too.
    Beyond Update 1?

    Right now, we're planning it. We haven't set the future of STO's content into stone because so much of it will be determined by you, but we're laying out what we'd like to focus on for the next 6 to 12 months.

    * Who are the Undine and what drives them?
    * How can we better exploit the Genesis System to create even more compelling content?
    * Where can we boldly go next? Where shall we take exploratory missions, as there's so much potential there?
    * Which faction should be playable next? Romulan? Cardassian? Pakled? Dominion? Horta? Okay, not so much the Pakleds.

    And that’s not even the start of it! Ship interiors, more bridges, crew quarters, First Officers, Fleet advancement... You have subscribed to a service that delivers a universe unending, and we shall see that universe populated with compelling content or, by the Prophets, we will die trying.

    Some people get that. Some people don't. We're here for those that do.

    Throughout development, we guessed Star Trek Online might be polarizing. Some people don't get it and some people simply don't like it... But, others fall in love with their ships and captains and bridge officers. Those are the ones who can't live without beaming down to strange, new planets and participating in lively stories.

    We guessed this and still we made a conscious decision to not water things down and go "mass market". Frankly, I think that's perfectly OK. Because, no matter what, there will be one single thing, now and forever, that drives everything we do: you.

    We have a very healthy -- and healthily testy -- core community that gets it. And there's nothing we look forward to more than working together to make STO better.

    Sad part is, you may not even know it. Far as I can tell, there're no hidden cameras and mics scattered about Cryptic's office. So, how would you know that we refer to our community almost as if it were an absent developer?

    "Well, The Users think that we need to do more non-combat."

    "Guys, I'm sorry to interrupt, but The Players really want ground auto-attack back. Drop what we're doing."

    "We already know what you think about a death penalty, Craig – but The Community really thinks it's a good idea and their opinion is more valid than yours because they probably don't own goats."

    It’s a little unnerving -- sometimes feels like we work with a giant multi-headed feedback monster that simultaneously loves and hates us. It whips even as it hugs! It rages even as it cries! And it fumes even when it's happy. It's unnerving, yes, but pretty freakin' rad, too.

    What you guys post and say and do in-game and on the forums is the biggest factor we consider when making our decisions.

    I am sorry if it ever appears that we're not listening to you or trying to make the game better. Because that is pretty much all we ever do.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Zodi-emish wrote:
    you couldn't be more wrong. this is all I need to see what's coming to the game. ( because reading is fun, and means I don't have to look at the pictures. )

    Welcome, you noble purveyors of Federation policy and fierce warlords of the Empire! Welcome one and all!

    Wait now... Let's just take a moment to de-cloak, disarm and drop our shields, shall we? This State of the Game is of interest to you all.

    So very, very much has happened over the last few weeks! It feels like every single time I began to write a new State of the Game, we'd have to quickly douse live shard fires, juggle major play tests and push critical late night patches. By the time the dousing, juggling and pushing was done, the outline of my State of the Game would be hopelessly out of date.

    Given how tirelessly we've been working, if some ethereal, omnipotent resident from the Denorios belt hadn't stepped in and considerately put the breaks on space-time with a bit of temporal wizardry, I might have found myself eternally rewriting this single State of the Game.

    Thanks to you, oh great wormhole-y one!

    We. Are. Live. And so, supporting you -- yes, you, specifically -- is an effort that consumes us night and day.

    Ask any bedraggled MMO developer about launch and they will inevitably assure you that it never, ever gets any easier. Crunch all you like, friend, it only gets harder after the game actually ships. STO is certainly no exception. Supporting a user base as large as ours requires dedication -- no, devotion! Our crew is, thankfully, more than up to the task. We are pushing the workplace warp core to maximum in an effort to better address any and every bug and issue that comes up in-game.

    Our objective: Implement as many of the stability and gameplay adjustments you asked for as soon as humanoidly possible (as safe practices allow, of course). To this end, Community has put more effort into moderating the boards and CS has recently staffed up in order to get through your tickets quicker. The idea being, "we can hardly fix what we can't see."

    We've also thrown a metric ton of hardware and man hours at getting the server capacity up. Our Network Operations crew has been performing admirably, to say the least. I won't begin to count the times I've heard, "Sorry, Captain! I'm giving it all she's got," come out of their work area, only to be quickly followed by a confident, Scotty-like, "It's done." Beautiful. Almost makes me want to demand them to, "fly her apart, then!" I might just because I know those boys and girls will hold it together in the end, whatever I say.

    Bottom line: When -- if -- you see Queues, they should be much shorter and stability will be much better.
    Game Adjustments:

    Now that the game is out and in your loving hands, we're taking long, hard looks at everything each and every one of you is interested in seeing changed. Cruiser turn rates? Death penalties? More open auto-fire? All those topics and more are being scrutinized by the all-seeing eye of... um, us!

    Some of the few things on the way:

    * Respec
    * Death Penalty
    * Difficulty Slider
    * More open auto-fire
    * Replayable missions
    * Improving Memory Alpha
    * Fixing those Commodity missions

    And there are a bunch more. We’ve heard you and are working on all these issues, but we want to make sure that they come out clean and finished. We hate rushing out features – it inevitably leads to us accidentally breaking things we didn’t have time to test. I dunno – like the Red Matter Capacitor or something…
    Tribble Coming

    In order to better accommodate our players during the Head Start weekend, we merged the physical machines dedicated to our Public Test Shard (Tribble) into the live Shard (Holodeck). It has since been difficult to find viable hardware to test new patches on before pushing them out to you.

    Well, we've got more hardware now and Tribble will be up pretty soon. Problem solved.

    Once Tribble’s up and running (insert whatever tribble joke you’d like to here) – we’ll be able to start releasing those core game adjustments to you guys for deeper testing and feedback.
    Special Task Force: Infected

    We're in the final stages of testing the first STF (the five-man raids we internally referred to as "Raidisodes"). STF: Infected is just about ready to release.

    You know, I might actually record one of our internal play sessions. The excited cries for more shielding and healing get the blood pumping. Although, once our testers reach the end room and the action really heats up... Well, it's not exactly "family friendly" in there. Definitely going to be an exciting, thrilling mission for our players, though.

    After Infected, we'll roll out more STFs. "The Cure", "The Khitomer Accord" and "Into the Hive" are all coming along nicely. We look forward to regularly releasing these and seeing what everyone thinks.
    Update 1: Classy Marketable Name Coming Soon

    The first major update is receiving a final coat of paint, too.

    There's quite a lot of genuinely cool stuff in Update 1: Classy Marketable Name Coming Soon. Expect to see it pushed to the newly revived Tribble Public Test Shard over the next couple weeks.

    New Klingon ships? Oh, my yes. And they look...awesome. Re-specs are also coming, of course. All of Cryptic can't wait to see that particular feature out the door. New PvP maps and Fleet Actions are rather nice, too.
    Beyond Update 1?

    Right now, we're planning it. We haven't set the future of STO's content into stone because so much of it will be determined by you, but we're laying out what we'd like to focus on for the next 6 to 12 months.

    * Who are the Undine and what drives them?
    * How can we better exploit the Genesis System to create even more compelling content?
    * Where can we boldly go next? Where shall we take exploratory missions, as there's so much potential there?
    * Which faction should be playable next? Romulan? Cardassian? Pakled? Dominion? Horta? Okay, not so much the Pakleds.

    And that’s not even the start of it! Ship interiors, more bridges, crew quarters, First Officers, Fleet advancement... You have subscribed to a service that delivers a universe unending, and we shall see that universe populated with compelling content or, by the Prophets, we will die trying.

    Some people get that. Some people don't. We're here for those that do.

    Throughout development, we guessed Star Trek Online might be polarizing. Some people don't get it and some people simply don't like it... But, others fall in love with their ships and captains and bridge officers. Those are the ones who can't live without beaming down to strange, new planets and participating in lively stories.

    We guessed this and still we made a conscious decision to not water things down and go "mass market". Frankly, I think that's perfectly OK. Because, no matter what, there will be one single thing, now and forever, that drives everything we do: you.

    We have a very healthy -- and healthily testy -- core community that gets it. And there's nothing we look forward to more than working together to make STO better.

    Sad part is, you may not even know it. Far as I can tell, there're no hidden cameras and mics scattered about Cryptic's office. So, how would you know that we refer to our community almost as if it were an absent developer?

    "Well, The Users think that we need to do more non-combat."

    "Guys, I'm sorry to interrupt, but The Players really want ground auto-attack back. Drop what we're doing."

    "We already know what you think about a death penalty, Craig – but The Community really thinks it's a good idea and their opinion is more valid than yours because they probably don't own goats."

    It’s a little unnerving -- sometimes feels like we work with a giant multi-headed feedback monster that simultaneously loves and hates us. It whips even as it hugs! It rages even as it cries! And it fumes even when it's happy. It's unnerving, yes, but pretty freakin' rad, too.

    What you guys post and say and do in-game and on the forums is the biggest factor we consider when making our decisions.

    I am sorry if it ever appears that we're not listening to you or trying to make the game better. Because that is pretty much all we ever do.


    Or you can just watch stoked mate.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Or you can just watch stoked mate.

    or you can do both!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek::eek::eek::eek:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Zodi-emish wrote:
    or you can do both!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek::eek::eek::eek:

    I did both, you point?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    i am not going to except what they say because they missed stuff in the past i am skeptical about all this you guys need to do the same be skeptical ask questions dont fall into old patterns
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I did both, you point?

    just saying, you know knowledge is power. the more knowledge you have the more power you can get.

    now I will be back in 10, 15 30 minutes.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Zodi-emish wrote:
    I take that back. Vanguard forums still have people posting about it. http://forums.station.sony.com/vg/forums/list.m

    fact is the game is not going to go away because you think it is, now sing the death death song and be happy.

    If youre referring to my post... I dont think VG or STO are going away at all. Im just stating that just because the servers are open does not make the game alive. I dont know if you ever played Vanguard but its a very massive/huge open world. If you were to make an account today... it would appear very dead to you.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I don't care that I'm 30 pages deep in the thread. OP, grow up.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Durgan37 wrote: »
    How many people, when the almighty WoW came out, that after the first 3-4 weeks of WoW, people left the game? Since WoW didn't have end-game content at all and laced with bugs galore. The first was Mara (if Im not mistaken) and that was several weeks after launch.

    Oh who am I kidding! We live in the world of fast food and fast self-gratification! Forget waiting...patience is a virtue lost. If I cant have it now, FORGET!! lol

    Gotta love our society.

    I could be wrong, but MC and ONY, UBRS, LBRS, Sholo, and Strat, were all in the game at launch and WERE end game
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    and i just watched the video again and guess what it still says 2.25.10. Cryptic still has not taken the video down

    THAT is funny lol
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Durgan37 wrote: »
    I read that link. And that first "patch" was 1.02. The release date was 12-18-2004. Now, the release date of WoW was 11-23-2004. So, roughly 25 days before the first major patch and first major dungeon for people to play.

    Ah, I see, you werent there, so you dont actually KNOW what you are talking about. Try researching before you post.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Secondly the ground combat is just awful, in some ground mission you DON'T EVEN ENTER COMBAT!!!!
    Yes, and we have people complaining that there are not enough non-combat missions.
    Are you beginning to see the dilemmas a dev team faces when trying to please everyone?
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