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POLL: Death Penalty



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    my bad sometimes i skip a word. and i focused on the added NOT instead of re reading the whole sentence.

    i swear the internet is making me dyslexic.

    Happens to everyone, even me ;)

    As for the mechanics for any DP, I still think DP would be a poor thing to use as a money sink.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    sibbwolf wrote:
    Though one would hope that seeing one way to not die is to work as a team, those people would realise that... guess I just like wishful thinking.

    No doubt there will be those who will work together as a team. However, going by my own personal experience in MMOs, most will still play the way they want to, regardless if they are teamed or not and will help themselves before helping someone else.

    I'm just saying I believe using "better teamplay" as an example for implementing a DP is a foolish and unrealistic one.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    sibbwolf wrote:
    No, accusing me of attacking the poll (which I'm not) because "I'm pro-DP" is ad-hom.
    but you did that exactly.
    Because this issue was only raised several pages ago.
    you are the one who raised it.
    Then why did you actually make the claim? You didn't even have to respond.
    you do know that a sample can be taken as representative of a larger population within a certain margin of error right?
    And got it wrong.
    i suggest you take five minutes to research how polls are made.

    Odd, since I'm not the one accusing the other of bias.
    you started making falacious claims with me when you claimed you no scoped in cs with scores as high as 7 kills per one death, if not before. then you claimed that someone claimed that the poll was repesentative of the ENTIRE playerbase, purely manufactured by you. you also took issue with the poll not on teh first page, not in teh first ten pages or the first 100 pages, not the first time the results were tabulated, or teh second time or even the fifth time, but the most recent time and not only made false claims about the result(anyone can count the votes for themselves, and it's about as scientific as polls get), but did so after stating your position on teh issue. if you really did follow this thread from day one as you claimed, you should've made your issue witht he poll clear from day one. when you wait until the results are clearly not in your favour to complain about it you show bias.
    And you claim you're not participating in an attack on me? Interesting. Again, read the OP, since the OP already made the point that the thread/poll was not going to be accurate.
    the closest i've come to an ad hominmem towards you is when i called you a newb for using the autosniper/claiming you no scoped sniper rifles in cs. let me remind you that accuracy on sniper rifles while unscoped was so low that you could not hit someone within five meters of you noscoped. player tested mechanic. in teh patch notes even.
    Learn CONTEXT and come back to me:
    what context. he reported the results and said "take note cryptic" you had every opportunity to compile the result yourself. i think your use of the word context is off here, but i'm not sure.
    At this point, I reminded people that the poll was actually not as useful as Unos appaeared to believe (by pointing out, in a similar style to Unos, that the results could not be verified for the whole community). This response:

    Pointed out that no actual polling had taken place - Reviewers were the source of the "Majority want DP" Cryptic used. Of course, made the point of saying that in the context of forum browsers, it is valid/verifiable.
    My responses from this point on made the clear distinction between the two.
    style similar to unos? he said "take note cryptic" after reporting his result of the poll so far. i'm not even sure what you're trying to say with the second paragraph here. maybe you should quote your posts in which you "clarify" the distinction? because i just reread the last several pages of this thread and missed it completely.

    so you want a poll that non subscribers have input in because they increase the forum views, but fail to realize or take into account polls that were on the public sections fell off the first page quickly even with bumping from interested parties.
    The issues relating to how useful this poll is are started.

    Alecto, I'm Pro-DP. But I feel it needs to be implemented to address a gameplay issue, and not implemented just to have one (thus creating a huge divide between myself and quite a few of the most vocal pro-DP).

    That's called a compromise in the case of not harsh enough, and is what I'm hopeful for in a way. The main things would have to be:

    - the DP fits in with a casual game. No loss of items.
    - Needs to actually address an issue. The issue can't be big, but can be, for example, team awareness.
    - Will have to be small, and assuming incremental, has a 'maximum' value.

    However, I don't think the status-quo is enough.

    what gameplay issue? "zerging"? called trying again and never seen anyone complain about it in any of teh mmo's in which it exists outside of raids.

    an increase DP of any magnitude is not going to fix what you want it to. i've played games with harsh DPs where people fell asleep grinding despite harsh DPs or drank heavily during grind sessions causing massive exp loss for all involved. the DP didn't stop them there. i've had people focus entirely on the mob grind itself instead of looking around them in the middle of a hardcore full scale pk war.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I say yes all the way
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    but you did that exactly.

    I'm not even going to try explaining it all again.

    Glad to see your reading. :rolleyes: Your post shows so many assumptions on your own part.

    And notice I try taking the whole thing off this TRIBBLE and you drag it right back on, thanks for that.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    sibbwolf wrote:
    I'm not even going to try explaining it all again.

    Glad to see your reading. :rolleyes: Your post shows so many assumptions on your own part.

    assumptions? where am i making assumptions? lol? i even double checked back the last several pages to 140 to make sure.

    my posts are opinions and facts only. i don't always make the distinction between fact and opinion, but really who does?

    why would you repeat yourself again? you keep repeating yourself for the most part and making false statements and claims.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    assumptions? where am i making assumptions?

    That I only used the SRs and unscoped at that?

    That I'm attacking the poll?

    That my reasoning for this attack is because I'm pro-dp?

    Since I wasn't attacking the poll, just pointing out why it does not represent the entire STO player-base you must have made that assumption.
    my posts are opinions and facts only.

    So does this mean you might actually be wrong about me?
    why would you repeat yourself again? you keep repeating yourself for the most part and making false statements and claims.

    Ad hom.

    Yes, I repeat myself. Because there's someone who can't separate out the poll, and my (possible) misinterpretation of someone's (Unos) intentions.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    sibbwolf, i cant help but notice that on just about every thread i've seen today you seem to have to be disagreeable.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    sibbwolf, i cant help but notice that on just about every thread i've seen today you seem to have to be disagreeable.

    Is now a good time to point out I feel disagreeable?

    And depressed. That might not be connected though.

    I still don't get how pointing out that the poll does not represent the actual total community for STO is an attack on the poll itself. Nor why dirtyklingon feels the need to lie to everyone about the assumptions he's been making.

    And no, I don't care if I get reported, banned or whatever. This forum has far too many people willing to take the high-ground because they 'can't be wrong'.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    sibbwolf wrote:
    That I only used the SRs and unscoped at that?
    and i told you, sniper rifles are so inaccurate unscoped that you can't hit someone within five meters of you with them.
    That I'm attacking the poll?
    are you claiming that you didn't attack the poll now? LOL!
    That my reasoning for this attack is because I'm pro-dp?
    an easy inference backed up by your admittted pro DP stance before questioning the poll's validity.
    Since I wasn't attacking the poll, just pointing out why it does not represent the entire STO player-base you must have made that assumption.
    you didn't do that until much later, and you then went back and reread the OP who disclaimed that it was to find out what the forum thinks.
    So does this mean you might actually be wrong about me?
    being a critical thinker i admit i may be wrong about anything, but i am convinced about what i am stating beyond a reasonable doubt based on your own posts in this thread.
    Ad hom.

    Yes, I repeat myself. Because there's someone who can't separate out the poll, and my (possible) misinterpretation of someone's (Unos) intentions.

    i have shown you are making false statements based on your own posts. so no it is not an ad hom at all.

    you admit to repeating yourself on this sub issue. so again not an ad hominme. tbqh i've repeated myself countless times in DP threads.

    as for your possible misinterpretation of uno's motives, i'm not sure how you can infer his motives beyond possibly being biased for the status quo in his analysis of the results, which you could've taken the time to actually refute by counting the votes yourself, if you really felt that was the issue. but this is the only second post in which you take issue with the poll counter's counting and/or his added line for cryptic to take note. instead you tried to attack the poll itself, saying that it was unscientific etc then you said it wasn't broad enough or reached the right audience, now it's possibly your misinterpretation of the counter's intentions...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    ...[more pointlessness]

    You don't get it, do you?

    The OP started off saying the poll was not going to be accurate. Read the thread, he later changed the meaning. If you call that scientific, than I'll point you to the dictionary.

    If you think that a minority that's not representative of the whole (the minority in this case being forum-browsers) can be used to represent the whole, then go for it. Even the OP did not believe that (and I think you don't either).

    Yes, I may have made a single assumption/misinterpretation from Unos post, but you've made so many more.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    sibbwolf wrote:
    Is now a good time to point out I feel disagreeable?

    And depressed. That might not be connected though.

    I still don't get how pointing out that the poll does not represent the actual total community for STO is an attack on the poll itself. Nor why dirtyklingon feels the need to lie to everyone about the assumptions he's been making.

    And no, I don't care if I get reported, banned or whatever. This forum has far too many people willing to take the high-ground because they 'can't be wrong'.

    not lying or making any assumptions. anyone can read back to around page 140 or so just before i noticed you start posting in this thread.

    you made false claims about how you played counter strike in a way which would not lead to getting any kills let alone 1.5-2.0 ratio or even 7:1 ratio at all. you aslo claimed that my explaining certain things about cs and people being called newbs for using easymode weapons such as the auto shotty or auto sniper proved your point about gear=skill in cs.

    you made false claims about the poll perhaps out of ignorance of what the OP disclaimed initially, or out of ignorance of how polls work, or something else. which you backed yourself into a corner with.

    you claimed you were in this thread from the beginning, but apparently never posted until pg 140 or so. never took teh opportunity to point out what's stated in the OP until after you were called for attacking the poll, after attacking the poll itself. above and beyond what the OP disclaimed.

    you've repeatedly accused me of using ad hominem attacks against you, when for the most part except when i called you a newb for your claims about cs, i've stuck to attacking your arguments.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Could I humbly ask a favor in that the arguments over who said what where and about whom regarding forum polls and what not be taken to PMs? This is detracting from the overall DP discussion here.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    sibbwolf wrote:
    This forum has far too many people willing to take the high-ground because they 'can't be wrong'.

    truly, i think you know what you're talking about on that one...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    truly, i think you know what you're talking about on that one...

    If you mean me, then I guess you'd best report me for trolling/spamming and save more people.

    Dirtyklingon, I'm tired of pointing out your own mistakes to you, welcome to ignore.

    I'll post a few points:

    - Yes, I admitted to using (sometimes unscoped) certain weapons on CS(S). But I never said I only used those weapons.
    - Yes, I'm critical of how this poll may be used, and of what meanings people are drawing from the poll.
    - Yes, I'm ****ing pro-dp. But that does not affect my critics of this, or any other poll on the subject.
    - Yes, I may have misinterpreted a certain post. That does not make any of my points regarding the usefulness of the poll any less valid.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    sibbwolf wrote:
    Yes. I didn't attack the poll itself. I attacked the potential use of the results (misrepresentation ;) ).
    shoudl i requote you again? you stated that the poll is unscientific etc. you said nothing about the use of the result until today.
    It's still an assumption.
    omg. please learn the definition of the word "infer"
    Since my point was that this poll can only be used to find out what the forum thinks, and as I pointed out before I quoted the OP, I had made the assumption (oh dear, an assumption) that everyone would have actually read it.
    no that was not your initial point at all. you also demonstrated in several posts that you may not have read the OP yourself until today.
    Well, you're wrong.

    because you MUST be right? LOL!
    You mean, the SR thing? Nope, you made an assumption that I was only ever using it unscoped.
    you said you played unscoped. no assumption there. if you meant you sometimes went no scoped you should've said so, either way there's no way you made anything but rare kills unscoped, due to the mechanics of the game as i've stated. anyone can feel free to goggle "counter strike no scope" and see what the results are.
    How about the whole thing with the poll? Well, you're assuming I'm against the poll just because I'm pro-dp. You haven't been able to show any proof of this, however.
    again no assumptions. a matter of missed opprotunity(you failed to point out objection to the poll in the first few pages and before results were counted, which you could've done if you were as you claimed, here from teh beginning.) and obvious bias. if your first post in this thread was to attack the poll i might've let this slide, but a person can nnot reasonable conclude that your stance on the issue of DP didn't colour your very late objection to the poll and it's results.
    So either it's ad-hom based on ignorance, or.. what? You're automatically right?
    no ad hominems here. just attacking your arguments like any good debater should.
    "Take note, cryptic". Considering the very assumption you've made of me, I'd have thought you could understand an assumption being made here that someone might misrepresent.
    in context i'd say he was expressing that 60% of the forum going community that cares about DP is against it, contrary to cryptic's stated beliefs on the matter.
    Because the poll was not at fault. :rolleyes:

    so you have no issue with the numbers, and have backed off the statement you intially made in response to teh posting of those numbers? should i quote that post again?
    It's one poll, and as OTHERS which I quoted pointed out, and you yourself pointed out, the results are not easily replicated. Thus it's not scientific.
    so when a polling firm irl makes a poll and doesn't poll the same potential group multiple times it's unscientific? please again, do some research on how polls are made. in teh real world, polls from different companies often have different results.
    It dosen't. But again, that's not an attack on the poll itself, if you take time to read what the OP says in later posts.

    so what were you attacking with the "poll is unverifable, unscientific, etc statement?
    You love misrepresentation. Keep at it, run for gvt.
    lol what? that's almost exactly what you yourself said. are you going to contradict yourself even more?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Could I humbly ask a favor in that the arguments over who said what where and about whom regarding forum polls and what not be taken to PMs? This is detracting from the overall DP discussion here.

    I agree with this statement.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Could I humbly ask a favor in that the arguments over who said what where and about whom regarding forum polls and what not be taken to PMs? This is detracting from the overall DP discussion here.

    the question of the validity of the poll and what the accuser's intent and meaning are relevant to this discussion.

    there are lots of threads, some of which aren't far from teh first page, discussing the issue of DP. although i agree that DP is the most relevant issue.

    however, you're right this has gone off topic.
    sibbwolf wrote:
    If you mean me, then I guess you'd best report me for trolling/spamming and save more people.

    Dirtyklingon, I'm tired of pointing out your own mistakes to you, welcome to ignore.

    I'll post a few points:

    - Yes, I admitted to using (sometimes unscoped) certain weapons on CS(S). But I never said I only used those weapons.
    - Yes, I'm critical of how this poll may be used, and of what meanings people are drawing from the poll.
    - Yes, I'm ****ing pro-dp. But that does not affect my critics of this, or any other poll on the subject.
    - Yes, I may have misinterpreted a certain post. That does not make any of my points regarding the usefulness of the poll any less valid.

    just to reiterate, your claim about being successful in cs with no scope SRs is ludicrous at best.

    what meaning can be drawn from this poll except that ~60% of respondents do not want an increased DP? no on claimed any different.

    unfortunately, we can't take your word for it. opportunity missed.

    taken together your points against this poll are contradictory at best. again opportunity missed.

    and can't attack my arguments so ignoring me eh? well you are entitled to do w/e you wish, but if you continue to post in this thread i will still argue against you in any case, if i find grounds to argue against what you say.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Yes to DP

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    What do these things have in common?

    •Bridge officers no longer attack invited players of hostile factions while aboard the bridge.
    •Fleet Action: Breaking the Planet – Changed timers on the generator bombs and added a prompt to RUN After setting a bomb.
    •DeepSpace: Moved some of the Fleet Commander spawns so that they don’t run over and own players who have just warped into the map.

    Not saying it is 100% fact they are going the WoW/Eve damage/destroy/repair/replace route for a DP, but I have a strong feeling it is.

    What do these things have in common? They were broken?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Alecto wrote: »

    You make many good points, my point in my mind, is that the more realistic the game is to the Star Trek Tv Series and Movies, the happier I am.

    So unless you're Spock and your corpse is dumped on a Genesis planet when you die you die?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    sibbwolf, i cant help but notice that on just about every thread i've seen today you seem to have to be disagreeable.

    Read her sig.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Goodwind wrote:
    Read her sig.

    i just read it lol...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    See thats the thing, I think that a DP does add to the gameplay experience imo...firstly it makes you think about the consequences of your actions.

    Secondly, if Science officers and crafters were able to make consumables to remove and penalty from death, that would also add to their game experience...I cannot think of any MMORPG without a DP and its a constant wonder to me why there is such a resistence to it in this game.

    Whilst I used to be a hardcore MMORPG player, these days I am deffo a casual as wife / kids / job prevent me from spending more than a couple of nights a week gaming....I would still rather have a DP than not.

    Heck even single player games have a DP, such as loss of progress or being reset to the last checkpoint / save or whatver....


    Trouble with this theory is that the people who don't care now, will still not care or at best maybe play seriously, but all the people who think about consequenes now, play the game seriously right now will face a tougher game and a penalty and they are already doing thier part, they are already playing seriously.

    So all your doing is no change to the vast majority of players screaming for a DP nothing will change for them cause the real issue they think a DP solves wasn't solved content. Frustrate a large portion of the community who already play seriously and now have to tolerate this or leave, and a small portion of a small portion of the target group for a DP will decide to play more seriously while the rest will still not care.

    after over a decade of gaming here is how I see it, I don't claim these number accurate but I do believe them to be true

    10% Will not be affected
    67% Will play but be frustrated and tolerate the game for now
    10% will be too frustrated and leave over a DP
    3% will learn from a DP
    10% Will not change tactics or will find new exploits

    I really feel all we are doing is pleasing 10% and teaching 3% and ****ing off 77%, its not worth it.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    sibbwolf wrote:
    Great, but we still need a real money-sink first.

    fine port tax or crafting improvements, I don't need either I spend at least 60% of my cash every ten levels for equipment upgrades but it needs to be something EVERYONE has to do, or that EVERYONE needs, I am tired of poor taxes, monetary DPs only affect people who do not grind for money, and usually thats casual players. Of course money sink is just halarious cause once again the people who complain we need one are people who grind so much money, play so long thats almost no money sink will matter.

    I advocate docking fees along with serious redesign of crafting.

    10% Admiral
    6% Captain
    4% Commander
    0% LT nd LT Commander

    Everytime you dock.

    And how about charging for more bank space thats a great way to spend money? The money sink thoeroy is a poor excuse for a DP there are some many better solutions.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    slarus wrote: »
    fine port tax or crafting improvements, I don't need either I spend at least 60% of my cash every ten levels for equipment upgrades but it needs to be something EVERYONE has to do, or that EVERYONE needs, I am tired of poor taxes, monetary DPs only affect people who do not grind for money, and usually thats casual players. Of course money sink is just halarious cause once again the people who complain we need one are people who grind so much money, play so long thats almost no money sink will matter.

    I advocate docking fees along with serious redesign of crafting.

    10% Admiral
    6% Captain
    4% Commander
    0% LT nd LT Commander

    Everytime you dock.

    And how about charging for more bank space thats a great way to spend money? The money sink thoeroy is a poor excuse for a DP there are some many better solutions.

    i would pay for more bank space :) but i dont make a lot of credits along the way. i tend to agree with you. the people wanting a money sink are the ones who have craploads of it. the people who in the main want a DP wont be affected by it chances are good. and it seems a fair few proDP for challenge folk want the skill cap removed as well...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Goodwind wrote:
    Alecto wrote: »
    You make many good points, my point in my mind, is that the more realistic the game is to the Star Trek Tv Series and Movies, the happier I am.

    So unless you're Spock and your corpse is dumped on a Genesis planet when you die you die?

    Hey Goodwind, how you doing man? Keeping everyone on their toes I see. :p

    Yeah I would be happy if the game was that realistic, if it was we would have all of the options open to us that the people in Star Trek have open to them, so we would find many ways to avoid death, but then yeah we might just die for like ever, but then STO is only a game.

    Anyway peace, my girl friend is getting angry cause I'm on the PC at half 3 in the morning and she thinks I should be in bed. :rolleyes:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Yes, with an IF...... If the Dp uses a debt system similar to CoH, CoV, where debt is accrued and is capped at a maximum of 3 deaths worth. As points gained would go half to paying off debt the other half towards progression. However this would mean they would have to remove the cap on being able to earn XP.

    If it were a debt system, then Yes!

    However anything else, my vote would be NO!

This discussion has been closed.