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An Admiral Speaks: No Endgame Content.... At All (Spoiler Alert)



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Star Trek is a multi-BILLION-dollar IP, my friend. You think that CBS is going to let some other company make money off the IP without charging a sizable chunk of change?... And on top of that, royalty fees are likely applied, which means a percentage of the revenue goes to CBS before any other allocations.

    A great many game developers use an existing engine to make their games. Look at all the games that use engines like Source, Unreal, Quake4/Doom3, Gamebryo, among others. On average, the development company of the engine charges a quarter of a million dollar license fee. And if the game is based on a copyrighted and trade-marked IP like Star Trek, Star Wars, etc, then they have to pay a license for that as well.

    Granted, Cryptic us using their own proprietary engine, so no license fee there. But they cannot indefinately go without paying a sizable chunk to CBS to renew the Trek license. And you can bet that when CBS originally licensed the Trek IP to Perpetual, it was for enough time to develop the game and be out generating revenue. Probably about five years. Maybe six. Perpetual had it for at least two years before folding. Cryptic has had it for about 2 years. That leaves one, maybe two years before they have to renew. And there is a very good bet that a license for an IP as big as that of Str Trek runes at least a couple million and change.

    Why do you think that Star Trek titles are only developed by companies with massive corporate financial backing? If it were not massively expensive, then any development company could afford it.

    interplay used to pound out star trek games about once a year in the 90s. ofc they did go out a business early in the last decade, but they had alot of bad games that didn't sell well enough for their dev costs.

    devs keep making star trek games so they must be profitable, even though many are considered bad as games.

    otherwise no star trek games would ever be made if the license was so expensive as that the devs couldn't make a profit from it.

    and you don't always need to pay up front for a license. usually the cost is done through royalties, a set amount per copy sold. it may be that the license only costs a set amount per box sold,. or each month or w/e price might include the price of royalties.

    ofc CBS is going to make a profit from STO. why wouldn't they? but their fees aren't going to be so expensive as to make STO unprofitable for everyone else in the mix, or there would be no STO. or any star trek games ever.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    EDIT: Over the past few hours of this rivaling a downtime thread, I've looked closer at some info coming from the Devs and listened to some constructive comments from the posters. While a lot of this post may sound discouraging, bear in mind a LOT of these issues will be addressed in the next couple weeks, not just in the 45 day patch. This post was ONLY made because I love the game and want to, at times, be vocal in my feedback and the ways to improve it. While there are still some issues that need to be addressed, I am optimistic as to the upcoming endgame content and do not want players still leveling to feel there is nothing to look forward to. Take your time to level up and enjoy the game. I'm re-rolling to do just that in the meantime.

    (original thread edited due to information received or mistakes I made in my research)



    Well just hit Admiral 5 and, to my dismay, there is absolutely NO endgame content in place. None. In fact after you rank up to Admiral, the quests just stop coming. There's no "way to go" there's no serious loot. There's nothing. Sure some of you will want to say "well you hit Admiral too fast" but that's not the point. The point is there is NOTHING at all to do at 45. Not a single thing except maybe pvp once the Klingons get Admiral. It's so blatantly neglected that it's almost offensive.

    And when I say nothing I mean NOTHING. No more Missons to do. No Fleet actions. No crafting. No PvP yet. No exploration (unless you count the randomly generated generic Genesis missions). Literally nothing at all. And I outfitted my ship in green MK X almost completely in one day. I really have no goals at all anymore.

    Might as well just start showing credits once we hit 45 because the game is literally over at that point.

    EDIT: Fixed due to the fact that Memory Alpha apparently works now

    Now let's talk about the fact that there is NO WAY to form a raid, or get your fleet together and do a fleet action. In fact, there's no fleet actions after the Crystalline Entity. So all of us who are commander and above have nothing at all to do together. And even if we did, we'd have to hopefully all hop into the same instance to work together.

    Oh, and the skill distribution. Letting us max out only one at tier 5 and put another 7 points elsewhere? Even if the eventual cap will be 50 this is just so dumb for a release.

    EDIT: Fixed due to upcoming content

    On a final note, spare me the "It's a new MMO and shouldn't have endgame yet" because those are the words of a blind sheep and have no real bearing in logical discussion. Anyone with any business sense would have noticed from other MMOs how fast people level up and want endgame content. The amount of broken/incomplete content is astounding and really discouraging. I see this and think "even if they follow through with all the hot air they've been spewing, when, if ever, can we expect it?" I just can't believe that they have much in the works for the 45 day patch. No mention yet from anyone on crafting or anything else major. Really finding it harder and harder to believe in this game after seeing all there is to see (literally) in a span of 5 days.

    PROVE ME WRONG, CRYPTIC! I really want to play this game for a while but you repeatedly let us down on every point. Show me you actually care and make this game what you claimed it would be in all the interviews and dev chats.

    I have one word........ Moron........get a life, who gets Admral 5 in a week then says there is nothing else to do. Here is something for you to do GET A LIFE. Start with a job and move on from there. I am really sick of all these Cryptic bashing posts. You bought the game Cryptic did not make you, dont like the game then dont play. NEWES FLASH THE GAME IS A WEEK OLD SO YOU BEAT IT, GOOD FOR YOU, SO NOW GO BACK TO YOUR CAVE AND PLAY CHECKERS.................Just saying
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Gelmar wrote: »
    I have one word........ Moron........get a life, who gets Admral 5 in a week then says there is nothing else to do. Here is something for you to do GET A LIFE. Start with a job and move on from there. I am really sick of all these Cryptic bashing posts. You bought the game Cryptic did not make you, dont like the game then dont play. NEWES FLASH THE GAME IS A WEEK OLD SO YOU BEAT IT, GOOD FOR YOU, SO NOW GO BACK TO YOUR CAVE AND PLAY CHECKERS.................Just saying

    see you in 1-2 weeks again, when you cry about the lack of content in this thread.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    zerosoul wrote: »
    see you in 1-2 weeks again, when you cry about the lack of content in this thread.

    This is true. There is quite a bit of lack of content in this thread.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I have to admit, I've played maybe 4-5 hours a day since launch. I was in the head start, so I've been playing for a week now. I'm already at Commander 6. The last time I was at Sol was when I hit Commander and updated my ship. I'm using only looted weapons in the tier V - IV range and only looted equipment. I haven't spent hardly any ground points training BOs as they don't seem to need anything but whatever the most current looted armor, shields and weapons are to win every battle. I'm not grinding defense missions, but playing the plot and I'm about half way through the Romulan story now.

    With all this in mind there are some things that concern me.

    1. I seem to be leveling way too fast. Everyone mocks the OP for grinding Admiral in a week. I don't consider myself hardcore and I'm not grinding. But I should get Admiral next week at this rate regardless.

    2. There's no downtime between missions. As soon as I complete a mission, I can just head out to the next one. I never need to refit or upgrade. I never need to craft. All the NPCs I need to interact with I can get vial 'Hail Starfleet.' Since all the missions in a chapter are grouped together, there's no real reason to trek out of my way to Memory Alpha or Sol, or even really do an exploration mission. If I want to take a break and do PvP, I just click on the queue and I don't have to leave the mission area.

    3. There's no need to group. Missions that require more than one person (defense, fleet actions) automatically get team members. All other missions don't require grouping. That's cool for solo play, but there are no rewards for being a social gamer.

    4. The 'story' is not immersive. The story requires reading blocks of text. After a while, it becomes tedious and even someone like me just clicks through. There's a difference between telling a story and reading a story.

    Reading this post makes me wonder when I'm going to run out of content too. It doesn't seem that far in the future. We all appreciate the power gamers for tripping over the bugs and issues before we get there. I think the OP should be thanked for pointing this out to the community now instead of two or three weeks when the normal active gamers hit the same wall.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    RyanW wrote:
    This is true. There is quite a bit of lack of content in this thread.

    That was a thing of beauty. :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Another lesson is don't underestimate your player base and put out enough content to last only a week.

    Dude do you have really no life at all or what? ENJOY the game first don't rush into it just to get to the end no one looks up to people that do that now days. Were you looking for something special to come here and brag about you got maxed and there is no endgame??? Well I for one am so sick and tired of hearing people like you who don't even know how hard it is for companies to put out a game just for dummies like you who come and try to mess it up. Hey i got ideal why don't u hop back to WoW since they have endgame (oh wait their endgame is repeating itself with no strait to it) so suck it up pal no one cares what you think at the moment people are really trying to enjoy this game without tards like you.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Dude are you serious? Show me one MMO that didn't have at least some instance or raid to do at endgame. WoW at least had some 5 man stuff to do. Now show me another MMO where people didn't rush to max level. Go ahead... I"ll wait while you try to think of one. Don't hate on me because I made time to play over the weekend and level up. I pay just like you and expect at least something to do once the work is done.

    For the first month after release DAoC had little mid tier and no higher level quests or zones complete for 2 of the realms. Their push was for release and the add to the game as they went. Seeing the longevity of it and a host of bad choices that still did not manage to kill it off completely and the fact it is still around should lead a person like you to shut their mouth.

    Power gamers that have to push that e-pen around and say theirs is bigger always are the first to jump to the forums whining about no end game. Has happened to every single MMO since UO and will always happen.

    My advice is to start playing FPS's or to start reading books and stop playing games or wait a few months after a game is released to play.

    BTW WoW was in development for 5 years. There were only 2 end game raids upon release. It took them 5 years to do that.

    If you do not see the problem, you just need to hit the power button on your comp and rage quit.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Castor wrote: »
    For the first month after release DAoC had little mid tier and no higher level quests or zones complete for 2 of the realms. Their push was for release and the add to the game as they went. Seeing the longevity of it and a host of bad choices that still did not manage to kill it off completely and the fact it is still around should lead a person like you to shut their mouth.

    Power gamers that have to push that e-pen around and say theirs is bigger always are the first to jump to the forums whining about no end game. Has happened to every single MMO since UO and will always happen.

    My advice is to start playing FPS's or to start reading books and stop playing games or wait a few months after a game is released to play.

    BTW WoW was in development for 5 years. There were only 2 end game raids upon release. It took them 5 years to do that.

    If you do not see the problem, you just need to hit the power button on your comp and rage quit.

    I gotta agree. If anyone hits max level in 6 days or less, they need to STFU about endgame content. I can't imagine having that much free time....I mean, geez, 6 days? I wish I didn't have to work or anything (like sleep).
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    How did you get admiral in 4 days? Dude you need a job or some hobbies or something.

    Endgame content is coming, Start an alt or get a job.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I do believe they do this on purpose to discourage people from actually just going from 1-45 in a week or buying a service to level them out at the start. So that people who actually play from day to day and dont rush can play for quite a long time because by the time they get to where you are they will be able to group and raid and stuff like that. I have every MMO that has come out in the last 10 years that has been a major release because I try out and find the ones I will stick with for a couple years til technology advances and I move on and in everyone of those MMO's there are the people who rush to the end and this exact same thing is said LOL it is no different and in a couple of months stuff will start coming out and people can enjoy it and those that love the game like yourself will stick around but for the most part the *****ers and complainers and fast levelers will be gone in a couple of months thank god................
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Star Trek is a multi-BILLION-dollar IP, my friend. You think that CBS is going to let some other company make money off the IP without charging a sizable chunk of change?... And on top of that, royalty fees are likely applied, which means a percentage of the revenue goes to CBS before any other allocations.

    A great many game developers use an existing engine to make their games. Look at all the games that use engines like Source, Unreal, Quake4/Doom3, Gamebryo, among others. On average, the development company of the engine charges a quarter of a million dollar license fee. And if the game is based on a copyrighted and trade-marked IP like Star Trek, Star Wars, etc, then they have to pay a license for that as well.

    Granted, Cryptic us using their own proprietary engine, so no license fee there. But they cannot indefinately go without paying a sizable chunk to CBS to renew the Trek license. And you can bet that when CBS originally licensed the Trek IP to Perpetual, it was for enough time to develop the game and be out generating revenue. Probably about five years. Maybe six. Perpetual had it for at least two years before folding. Cryptic has had it for about 2 years. That leaves one, maybe two years before they have to renew. And there is a very good bet that a license for an IP as big as that of Str Trek runes at least a couple million and change.

    Why do you think that Star Trek titles are only developed by companies with massive corporate financial backing? If it were not massively expensive, then any development company could afford it.

    Feel entitiled to your opinion but if you think monthly fees dont cover development time then you are wrong.

    It was stated in an article that this game cost $15 million to make. To give a comparison... Vanguard cost upwards of $50 million to make. So yeah I think the box costs will cover what was already spent by a long shot. $15 bucks a month goes towards sever access and future development of the free content. If you dont think so and dont want to believe that then please send me an extra 5 bucks everytime a new patch comes out.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    WE all knew that there were gonna be hardcores that would max level in a few days. Either they actually played hard or they used an exploit that hasnt been fixed yet. Either way they are there. And aside from all the "you shouldnt have rushed" who are you to tell a guy he cant play the game the way/speed he wants? Exactly, yet another person making excuses for Cryptics shoddy work. There should be at least 1-2 things thta the guy can do endgame even if they are repetitive in nature- like earning high level badges. This guy can now cancel his sub because he basically "beat the game" which shouldnt happen in a MMO. He will have to cancel his sub now for 6+ months and hope when he comes back the endgmae is in place. I have a feeling that during the design meetings the Cryptic devs told each other "oh well only the hardcore will max out quick, therre wont be many of them though so lets just make endgame content later so we can rush this thing out so we can get our $20 mil bonus"
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    n0vhpaa wrote: »
    And youre missing the point. You rushed and got burnt. That happens with every MMO. Even WoW had no real endgame content 6 days after launch.

    Kudos for maxing out in 6 days and having nothing to do. You deserve it.

    Dam thats just raw and you are wrong to post it. Now crawl back under the bridge troll.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Ragerx wrote:
    WE all knew that there were gonna be hardcores that would max level in a few days. Either they actually played hard or they used an exploit that hasnt been fixed yet. Either way they are there. And aside from all the "you shouldnt have rushed" who are you to tell a guy he cant play the game the way/speed he wants? Exactly, yet another person making excuses for Cryptics shoddy work. There should be at least 1-2 things thta the guy can do endgame even if they are repetitive in nature- like earning high level badges. This guy can now cancel his sub because he basically "beat the game" which shouldnt happen in a MMO. He will have to cancel his sub now for 6+ months and hope when he comes back the endgmae is in place. I have a feeling that during the design meetings the Cryptic devs told each other "oh well only the hardcore will max out quick, therre wont be many of them though so lets just make endgame content later so we can rush this thing out so we can get our $20 mil bonus"

    Actually, their $20 million bonus comes from meeting a subscription quota set by atari. Probably why the patch is at 45 days ... to keep enough to pay atleast 1 sub.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    n0vhpaa wrote: »
    Let this be a lesson. Dont rush through the game.

    ignorant answer... or are you just pro fanboi?

    The point the OP is making is that there is no end content. It is one more indication that the game was rushed out the door. The OP is clearly trying to light a fire under Cryptic so that they create end content. MMOs *should* have something to do when you reach the level cap. Further, it should be something that can sustain the player base for quite some time, until content expansions can be released.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    No risk
    All reward

    Therein lies the problem.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    ignorant answer... or are you just pro fanboi?

    The point the OP is making is that there is no end content. It is one more indication that the game was rushed out the door. The OP is clearly trying to light a fire under Cryptic so that they create end content. MMOs *should* have something to do when you reach the level cap. Further, it should be something that can sustain the player base for quite some time, until content expansions can be released.

    The point is, they didn't focus on end-game content, because the majority of players will not be Admirals within the first week of launch, thus its a moot time investment.

    I would hope that end-game content is patched in, within the first 3 - 4 weeks.
    Until then, it's not an issue for the majority of their subscriber base.

    And yes, I am aware that it should be there for those that do reach max level so fast. if you think about WoW however (the worlds most successful) they didn't have end-game raids for months after release (iirc).
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Max level in six days, did you eat, shower, sleep? Come on, what no job? lol Well time to move on then:)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Calhoun05 wrote:
    Max level in six days, did you eat, shower, sleep? Come on, what no job? lol Well time to move on then:)

    Can only talk for me, but there is this terrible educational gap every student has to face twice a year, which is called 'Semester Break'.Your friends are on vacation and you do not have anything else to do than spending sleepless nights playing STO :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Seru1 wrote: »
    Dude you need some hobbies or something.

    PC gaming is no longer a hobby? Guess I should email Cryptic, MY paycheck is late =)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Sulda wrote: »
    You reach max level in 5 days and gripe about content!!!!

    Oh, the irony. You apparently have seen everything there is to see in the game in 5 days time. More likely, you found an XP hotspot and camped it 24 hours a day until you capped and then were dissapointed. The problem here isn't the Devs, it's you trying to be an elitist.

    Thats not ironic ! :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    If you can do that, awesome.

    If you can't, then keep your mouth shut. Either play the game or don't play it. But unless you can do better in the same amount of time, you have no grounds to pass judgment on Cryptic the way you are doing

    I seeeee, so what you are saying is an end user or customer has no right to comment, pass any kind of judgement or have personal opinion on a product unless they are capable of producing it themselves.

    So the fact I know pretty much jack about say something like washing machines means I cannot complain or say anything bad if I dislike a particular one, or if I think its not performing.

    Thanks for pointing out that extremely important fact, In future if I am not happy with something, think something is a rip off or not worth the money it costs, I will instead just choose to make up a pack of lies and spout how wonderful and amazing everything is.

    Tell me, which country in the world do you exactly come from, is it in the East or the West, because the last time I checked there was such a thing as free speech and being able to voice your opinion where I grew up.

    If people are not happy then they have just as much right to post negative comments as those who post positive comments. And if these forums are going to be a place where people are only allowed to say nice things about the product, and say how wonderful pink and bubbly everything is then perhaps they should move the server to North Korea.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    EDIT: Over the past few hours of this rivaling a downtime thread, I've looked closer at some info coming from the Devs and listened to some constructive comments from the posters. While a lot of this post may sound discouraging, bear in mind a LOT of these issues will be addressed in the next couple weeks, not just in the 45 day patch. This post was ONLY made because I love the game and want to, at times, be vocal in my feedback and the ways to improve it. While there are still some issues that need to be addressed, I am optimistic as to the upcoming endgame content and do not want players still leveling to feel there is nothing to look forward to. Take your time to level up and enjoy the game. I'm re-rolling to do just that in the meantime.

    (original thread edited due to information received or mistakes I made in my research)



    Well just hit Admiral 5 and, to my dismay, there is absolutely NO endgame content in place. None. In fact after you rank up to Admiral, the quests just stop coming. There's no "way to go" there's no serious loot. There's nothing. Sure some of you will want to say "well you hit Admiral too fast" but that's not the point. The point is there is NOTHING at all to do at 45. Not a single thing except maybe pvp once the Klingons get Admiral. It's so blatantly neglected that it's almost offensive.

    And when I say nothing I mean NOTHING. No more Missons to do. No Fleet actions. No crafting. No PvP yet. No exploration (unless you count the randomly generated generic Genesis missions). Literally nothing at all. And I outfitted my ship in green MK X almost completely in one day. I really have no goals at all anymore.

    Might as well just start showing credits once we hit 45 because the game is literally over at that point.

    EDIT: Fixed due to the fact that Memory Alpha apparently works now

    Now let's talk about the fact that there is NO WAY to form a raid, or get your fleet together and do a fleet action. In fact, there's no fleet actions after the Crystalline Entity. So all of us who are commander and above have nothing at all to do together. And even if we did, we'd have to hopefully all hop into the same instance to work together.

    Oh, and the skill distribution. Letting us max out only one at tier 5 and put another 7 points elsewhere? Even if the eventual cap will be 50 this is just so dumb for a release.

    EDIT: Fixed due to upcoming content

    On a final note, spare me the "It's a new MMO and shouldn't have endgame yet" because those are the words of a blind sheep and have no real bearing in logical discussion. Anyone with any business sense would have noticed from other MMOs how fast people level up and want endgame content. The amount of broken/incomplete content is astounding and really discouraging. I see this and think "even if they follow through with all the hot air they've been spewing, when, if ever, can we expect it?" I just can't believe that they have much in the works for the 45 day patch. No mention yet from anyone on crafting or anything else major. Really finding it harder and harder to believe in this game after seeing all there is to see (literally) in a span of 5 days.

    PROVE ME WRONG, CRYPTIC! I really want to play this game for a while but you repeatedly let us down on every point. Show me you actually care and make this game what you claimed it would be in all the interviews and dev chats.

    above needs a life lol I am leveling slow and keeping at only doing things my level.. why you ask.. so this doesnt happen to me.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Complaining about lack of content 6 days after launch only tells me that you could care less about content than actual end play. So, if they released a batch of content today, you'd be done with it by Monday morning and in here wondering why there isn't more content.

    There really is no solution to your problem if you don't give them time to create the content. There's always a point where players reach the end of the line and the devs have to give us something new, but 6 days???

    I'm guessing they figured the average player might take a few weeks to months before screaming for more. What a crazy thought?!? :confused:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    On a final note, spare me the "It's a new MMO and shouldn't have endgame yet" because those are the words of a blind sheep and have no real bearing in logical discussion. Anyone with any business sense....

    No endgame in the first week? Just not an issue for the majority of players...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    BSM-Kkalta wrote:
    I seeeee, so what you are saying is an end user or customer has no right to comment, pass any kind of judgement or have personal opinion on a product unless they are capable of producing it themselves.

    So the fact I know pretty much jack about say something like washing machines means I cannot complain or say anything bad if I dislike a particular one, or if I think its not performing.

    Thanks for pointing out that extremely important fact, In future if I am not happy with something, think something is a rip off or not worth the money it costs, I will instead just choose to make up a pack of lies and spout how wonderful and amazing everything is.

    Tell me, which country in the world do you exactly come from, is it in the East or the West, because the last time I checked there was such a thing as free speech and being able to voice your opinion where I grew up.

    If people are not happy then they have just as much right to post negative comments as those who post positive comments. And if these forums are going to be a place where people are only allowed to say nice things about the product, and say how wonderful pink and bubbly everything is then perhaps they should move the server to North Korea.

    I'd agree with you unless you took your clothes out of the dryer 5 minutes after starting it then called the company complaining how the dryer was defective because you expected your clothes to be dry.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    QE2 wrote:
    as much as I dont like to level fast like this guy. many of you are being unfair..whether to agree with him or not is one thing. But while he has tried to keep composure and a level of grace. All I keep seeing are people calling him and idiot for playinh the game the way he wanted.YES he should have known about no end game yet, but that gives (some) of you the right to tell him how to play HIS game that HE paid for?

    whether we think he levelled to fast for his own good or not, it's not our business to judge someone placing a game at a high priority. it's no different than planning any other kind of "activity" so again why the insults regarding his priorities toward a game AND the speed of progress he makes! Unreal and yet you can all gang up on one person feeling rightous when all he did was be honest about how he felt at the time.

    sad gang mentality. I am one of those players that like to take his time and smell the roses, some people think I am an idiot for that. BUT IT'S MY bill. same for everyone here...you pay you choose simple

    Well said.

    The point is there is no end game content when there should be. The game is obviously unfinished. I quit Champions Online for the same reason. Cryptic, add content or let the game die.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Ragerx wrote:
    WE all knew that there were gonna be hardcores that would max level in a few days. Either they actually played hard or they used an exploit that hasnt been fixed yet. Either way they are there. And aside from all the "you shouldnt have rushed" who are you to tell a guy he cant play the game the way/speed he wants? Exactly, yet another person making excuses for Cryptics shoddy work. There should be at least 1-2 things thta the guy can do endgame even if they are repetitive in nature- like earning high level badges. This guy can now cancel his sub because he basically "beat the game" which shouldnt happen in a MMO. He will have to cancel his sub now for 6+ months and hope when he comes back the endgmae is in place. I have a feeling that during the design meetings the Cryptic devs told each other "oh well only the hardcore will max out quick, therre wont be many of them though so lets just make endgame content later so we can rush this thing out so we can get our $20 mil bonus"

    Ya god forbid some one wanted to make some money on a project they worked on........tell me do you work for free?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    GlobalTaxi wrote: »
    I'd agree with you unless you took your clothes out of the dryer 5 minutes after starting it then called the company complaining how the dryer was defective because you expected your clothes to be dry.

    lmao nice referance
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