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An Admiral Speaks: No Endgame Content.... At All (Spoiler Alert)



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    How to address this....................Because he is right, just as much as he is insane. I believe people like this should be diagnosed with AAD (acute attention disorder). My god can you imagine the hours upon hours of just not moving from a chair to be able to accomplish such a feet.

    But heres the thing folks, games end...... well games like this end. They are a road that goes to no where. I would like to see mmo's come to there senses and realize the simple fix to the "I dont have any content" arguement.

    Heres a hint E.V.E. - Not an E.V.E fanboi just like one little thing

    give the players the dynamic of actual competition through PVP and development of mining structures and Starbases. Make the community feel coherent. Then Mr. 1 week Admiral would have plenty to do pushin the klingons back to Q'nos.

    It is a great filler that helps Devs carry from one update to the other. Of course you cant just be mining all day, seriously mining alll day that is why I dont play E.V.E. lmao.

    But seriously man a week or less after launch and your complaining. You know better anybody that dedicated has been around the mmo block once or twice or one hundred times. The industry is lacking and they have been allowed to get away with alot of BS. But again you know that going in, so in the mmo world right or wrong what you are dealing with is just par for the course.

    Note to Cryptic: You knew it was going to happen, and you should take it as a compliment. But at the same time you better get scotty to give it a little more if not you are going to have alot of admirals undermining your players base by exposing your short falls.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Ozymandius wrote: »
    Both Molten Core and Onyxia were available on November 23, 2004 of the launch of World of Warcraft. Also there was Upper Black Rock Spire a 10 man dungeon (at the time it was 10 man), Lower Black Rock Spire, and Black Rock Depths.

    Now I am not saying this to be a fan boy or dismiss anything that Cryptic has done. Just trying to set the record straight. Anyone who says that WoW had no endgame when launched simply has not clue what they are talking about. .

    Umm.... just to set the record STRAIGHT. UBRS was not a 10 man dungeon on release. It could be done as a 40 man raid... just like everything else could be done at launch. Blizzard didn't put locks on what could be raided and what couldn't be until much later in the game.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    siamko wrote: »
    But heres the thing folks, games end...... well games like this end. They are a road that goes to no where. I would like to see mmo's come to there senses and realize the simple fix to the "I dont have any content" arguement.

    I guess that is why WOW, EQ2, EVE and many others games are still THRIVING with their end game content.

    Hmm lets look at STO's max level.....NOTHING..... Other games..... years of enjoyment after max level.

    You do the math.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Dude , every MMO is rushed now a days , so how could you expect there to be an endgame ? , most players don't PL, guys like you have to remember that new MMO's are geared towards the casually player , this is not the days of UO when you had to be a serious player to get anywhere , or you need to almost live a second life to play the game and be successfully at it , since WoW all of that has changed , so your stuck waiting for the majority of players to catch up that's when they will get serious about adding high end game constant.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I can only say - and wonder -...

    Do you have a RL at all?
    Or were you glued on your seat next to your keyboard for the last week?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Ok lets take a look at some of the older MMOs shall me. Yes of course its World Of Warcraft. When it was first released i was there and i was playing. I got to 60 quickly (well what was considered quick back then) and what did i discover yes a few isntances but only a hand full of epics and not that many raids. So of course the fact you got there so quick you will have to wait.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Amrut wrote:
    Ok lets take a look at some of the older MMOs shall me. Yes of course its World Of Warcraft. When it was first released i was there and i was playing. I got to 60 quickly (well what was considered quick back then) and what did i discover yes a few isntances but only a hand full of epics and not that many raids. So of course the fact you got there so quick you will have to wait.


    just checked... there are around 400+ admirals right now, growing exponential
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Well others have said it too and you can call me a sheep for saying it but Im sorry complaining about the lack of endgame 6 days in is just silly. Frankly I cant understand the apeal of power leveling like that anyway, in every MMO I've played, no matter HOW good the endgame I've always enjoyed the journey far more than the destination.

    Folks who rush through the game rather than taking the time to enjoy it kill it for themselves.

    Now there SHOULD be endgame content and I'll be VERY dissapointed if there isnt by the time most 'sensible' folks get to that point but as it stands I'm content to give the developers a chance!

    Oh and one comment in particular with regards to the first post. I may not agree with it but I can at least UNDERSTAND where your coming from with alot of it but winging that theres NO PVP above level 45 is just massively TRIBBLE to the point where I dont know whether to laugh or cry.

    Not many folks will rush to that level and when I say not many I mean hardly any at all. Thats like spending millions of dollars deveoping a formula 1 car to compete in a go cart race with a bunch of kids then complaining theres no challenge in the race! If you go nuts and zoom ahead of everyone else dont complain when your stading off in the distance on your own....

    There bloody well BETTER be endgame in the long run but if there isnt much endgame less than a week after release (hell less than a DAY after release in europe!) while theyre still trying to hammer out bugs and the like in the existing content then this should not come as a surprise. Now I cant comment on whether this is par for the course or not as quite frankly I've never power levelled a character for a new game in my life as I find it boring pointless. Oh dont get me wrong I've power levelled alts later on in games like WoW hwen I was an old hand at the game but when the game is new with lots of missions/quests to explore and lots of interesting stories to play through I savour all of it, read the mission text, stop to check out npcs, admire the scenery etc etc.

    To do otherwise is to short change yourself in my eyes and in the end you'll only lose out (as youre discovering by the sounds of it!)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Well others have said it too and you can call me a sheep for saying it but Im sorry complaining about the lack of endgame 6 days in is just silly. Frankly I cant understand the apeal of power leveling like that anyway, in every MMO I've played, no matter HOW good the endgame I've always enjoyed the journey far more than the destination.

    Folks who rush through the game rather than taking the time to enjoy it kill it for themselves.

    Now there SHOULD be endgame content and I'll be VERY dissapointed if there isnt by the time most 'sensible' folks get to that point but as it stands I'm content to give the developers a chance!

    Oh and one comment in particular with regards to the first post. I may not agree with it but I can at least UNDERSTAND where your coming from with alot of it but winging that theres NO PVP above level 45 is just massively TRIBBLE to the point where I dont know whether to laugh or cry.

    Not many folks will rush to that level and when I say not many I mean hardly any at all. Thats like spending millions of dollars deveoping a formula 1 car to compete in a go cart race with a bunch of kids then complaining theres no challenge in the race! If you go nuts and zoom ahead of everyone else dont complain when your stading off in the distance on your own....

    There bloody well BETTER be endgame in the long run but if there isnt much endgame less than a week after release (hell less than a DAY after release in europe!) while theyre still trying to hammer out bugs and the like in the existing content then this should not come as a surprise. Now I cant comment on whether this is par for the course or not as quite frankly I've never power levelled a character for a new game in my life as I find it boring pointless. Oh dont get me wrong I've power levelled alts later on in games like WoW hwen I was an old hand at the game but when the game is new with lots of missions/quests to explore and lots of interesting stories to play through I savour all of it, read the mission text, stop to check out npcs, admire the scenery etc etc.

    To do otherwise is to short change yourself in my eyes and in the end you'll only lose out (as youre discovering by the sounds of it!)

    what exactly do you think closed and open betas are for ?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Amrut wrote:
    Ok lets take a look at some of the older MMOs shall me. Yes of course its World Of Warcraft. When it was first released i was there and i was playing. I got to 60 quickly (well what was considered quick back then) and what did i discover yes a few isntances but only a hand full of epics and not that many raids. So of course the fact you got there so quick you will have to wait.

    That is kinda BS, unless you were on the bleeding edge of content. It took most many months to get all the stuff they needed from Molten Core and Onyxia.

    As I said before I really hope Cryptic does a good job on their endgame, its just obvious that unlike most MMO's that have ever come out. Cryptic went with the idea that they would patch it in after the game shipped. Rather than have at least a few things to do when the game launched.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    a classic example of what happens when people rush through a game.

    i wonder does the op even recall any story lines from the missions or was leveling purely done through patrols and pvp. as i thinks if one were to go thru and enjoy every mission the op wouldn't be an admiral yet. or perhaps he paid a gold farmer to power level his toon 24/7?

    either way i bet the op obliviously didn't enjoy the content the us are.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Ozymandius wrote: »
    That is kinda BS, unless you were on the bleeding edge of content. It took most many months to get all the stuff they needed from Molten Core and Onyxia.

    No he is correct. Original MC dropped only a few epics and the rest of the stuff wasn't that great. The reason scrubs farmed it for month after month was because they were scrubs. Epics were originally supposed to be RARE. Now you can't raid until you are fully epic kitted.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    hobieone wrote:
    a classic example of what happens when people rush through a game.

    i wonder does the op even recall any story lines from the missions or was leveling purely done through patrols and pvp. as i thinks if one were to go thru and enjoy every mission the op wouldn't be an admiral yet. or perhaps he paid a gold farmer to power level his toon 24/7?

    either way i bet the op obliviously didn't enjoy the content the us are.

    The guy is still right though. This game only has enough contnet to get you to 45, after that there is nothing. Not a good way to start a new MMO.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Ozymandius wrote: »
    That is kinda BS, unless you were on the bleeding edge of content. It took most many months to get all the stuff they needed from Molten Core and Onyxia.

    As I said before I really hope Cryptic does a good job on their endgame, its just obvious that unlike most MMO's that have ever come out. Cryptic went with the idea that they would patch it in after the game shipped. Rather than have at least a few things to do when the game launched.

    And also WoW didnt have these instances when it first launched.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Tum wrote: »
    And also WoW didnt have these instances when it first launched.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Tum wrote: »
    And also WoW didnt have these instances when it first launched.

    Huh? All the dungeons were instanced.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Goodwind wrote:
    Huh? All the dungeons were instanced.

    ?? he meant MC and onyxia were not implemented on WoW release, but in fact they were.
    that said, you needed at least 2 weeks of powerleveling to get to 60 back then AND you had at least mc+ony, multiply that with the 9 classes and you really had a lot to do until they added more stuff.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010

    Have you maxed out a Klingon?

    Have you made characters of the other two specialties?

    Have you gone back and purchased the other types of ships and outfitted them to max?

    Have you checked and made sure you completed every possible quest and gotten every possible accolade?

    Sounds like you have some stuff left to do.

    The sad thing is, if we had a couple repeatable quests at the high end game, and say a fleet action and ground action, you know what would be happening right now?

    Someone would be posting about how there wasn't enough endgame content and they were bored with the missions they had, because they'd done them all multiple times already.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    BSM-Kkalta wrote:
    I agree, when did they post this up by the way ???? Seems like Cryptic are trying to repair the damage caused by the very spartan beta.
    It perhaps should read like this.........

    "Just because we completely ****ed up when we decided to take to the drivers seat for this MMO doesn't mean we don't have some mediocre updates ready for you in the coming weeks. From endgame raid Episodes, to more PvP maps, to more Klingon content, no matter what you expected from STO we've got something that'll leave you wishing you bought Hello Kitty instead. Here's a taste what we have planned over the next two months. And just in case you were wondering, everything listed here is rushed, pretty pointless and still doesn't meet the criteria of what was originally promised for this game, but at least it will keep a few people occupied and bring in some money to us for a little while longer.

    Once again, When CBS agreed to allow the license to pass to Cryptic when Perpetual folded, there were only two years left on it. If cryptic was to take the full license period, they would have to pay the full license fee. And I don't think they would have been able to afford it. They were confident that they could, using their existing engine, develop and release the game prior to the expiration of the license. But since all they had was the license from Perpetual, everything else had to be developed from scratch. Plus, they were already working on Champions. In order to be able to meet their STO deadline, as soon as Champions launched, they pooled everyone into STO and went into crunch mode. And the reason why Beta was so short for STO is because they worked all the way up to last minute in the alpha stage. There was just enough time remaining for a few weeks of beta before they had to launch, so they could start gaining revenue prior to the license expiration that they could afford to renew and leagally be able to charge for a product with the Star Trek name...

    What they managed to pull off in two years while working on another project through most of it is actually more than I expected. Being able to obtain the Trek license at such a low cost was an opportunity that they would have been fools to pass up. If they did, then it is quite likely that we would not be playing a Trek MMO at all. Well, they made their deadlines. And in all honesty, when Jack said at the official announcement of the game that it would have all those features, he did not, at any point, guarantee that they would all be in at launch. He revealed Cryptic's vision of the game. A vision which can still be made reality. No MMO is complete at launch. There is always material added constantly throughout the life of the MMO.

    STO launched with a working core game, with enough content to get you to max level. Going forward from here, all they have to do is keep at least one free content patch per month containing at least one mission series for each PvE game type, and a new ground and space PvP battle instance. If they can do that, then there will always be something to look forward to each month, for all players.

    Access to optional gameplay content should be made available on the C-store as regularly as possible.

    Like I said, they made their deadlines and we have our Trek MMO. The trade-off is that due to the atypically short development, there wasn't time to get everything they (and we) would have wanted finished in time. Now that the pressure of the launch deadline is over, forward going development will allow them to catch up. And we'll get our forward-going content.

    And like I said, if anyone thinks they could do better, then scrounge up the millions of dollard needed to obtain the license, hire a competant dev team, purchase all the equipment, and pay for a facility to house it and the team. Not to mention the industrial-grade broadband solutions toy'll need, and the legal retainers to cover your butt. As well as paying for what it will take to market the game. Scrounge up all the money you'll need for all that, and then knock yourself out... Oh, and do it all within just two years.

    If you can do that, awesome.

    If you can't, then keep your mouth shut. Either play the game or don't play it. But unless you can do better in the same amount of time, you have no grounds to pass judgment on Cryptic the way you are doing. When you've got an MMO or two under your belt, and yours launched smoother than STO (or ANY other MMO out there for that matter,) then you will be qualified to speak as if you know what you are talking about...

    And yes, some of you judges out there have worked in software development. But how many of you have worked on an AAA MMO in an authoritative position before? Because it's like comparing apples to oranges. Everything in non-MMO software development is quantifyable. With MMOs there are a many unknowns in the process. Most of them cannot be addressed until the game is exposed to the full masses who will be playing it. All one can do pre-launch is make educated guesses. And it's all different from one MMO to the next.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Vincit wrote: »

    Have you maxed out a Klingon?

    Have you made characters of the other two specialties?

    Have you gone back and purchased the other types of ships and outfitted them to max?

    Have you checked and made sure you completed every possible quest and gotten every possible accolade?

    Sounds like you have some stuff left to do.

    The sad thing is, if we had a couple repeatable quests at the high end game, and say a fleet action and ground action, you know what would be happening right now?

    Someone would be posting about how there wasn't enough endgame content and they were bored with the missions they had, because they'd done them all multiple times already.

    Which just goes to show how badly this game has been designed for the long run.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010

    Access to optional gameplay content should be made available on the C-store as regularly as possible.

    i am definitely not going to pay subscription fees for developing an unfinished game AND buy the content that is missing in the first place. and i guess thats what the big majority thinks. sure if you want to have another "50k population at best hardcore fanboy sheep game" then wait a few months and this is it.

    if you are silently accepting to do this then... sorry, you are not very smart.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    n0vhpaa wrote: »
    Let this be a lesson. Dont rush through the game.

    OMG at the posts like this... WTF guys ?!?!?!?!

    Who cares if it took him 5 days or 5 months to get there if at the end there is nothing to do ?????

    Im Captain rank 7 so not far to to go, have paid a lifetime sub.. I havent rushed through the game, just played at my pace.. so in a couple of days when I hit admiral what then ? sit around and wait to do PVP ? sorry, dont like PVP guess im screwed and wasted over $200 and have to come back in a few months ??

    Bah !
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Darkness01 wrote:
    OMG at the posts like this... WTF guys ?!?!?!?!

    Who cares if it took him 5 days or 5 months to get there if at the end there is nothing to do ?????

    Im Captain rank 7 so not far to to go, have paid a lifetime sub.. I havent rushed through the game, just played at my pace.. so in a couple of days when I hit admiral what then ? sit around and wait to do PVP ? sorry, dont like PVP guess im screwed and wasted over $200 and have to come back in a few months ??

    Bah !

    i feel sorry for you, but its even worse.. there is no pvp , because the klingons, thanks to lacking content, need a lot more time to get to admiral.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Torgrim wrote: »
    Still haven't answered my question.

    Because some people enjoy the raid scene more then they enjoy the easy peasy level up scene. Some people enjoy being with all their buds in huge conflicts. Some people enjoy taking on the biggest baddest encounter the devs can throw at them. All your friends in huge battles. The added challenge. You can usually only find this at end game.

    I answered yours.

    Now you answer mine.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Vincit wrote: »

    Have you maxed out a Klingon?

    Who would want to ?
    Vincit wrote: »
    Have you made characters of the other two specialties?

    See above ? to repeat everything ?
    Vincit wrote: »
    Have you gone back and purchased the other types of ships and outfitted them to max?

    Again, see above, whats the point, unless you made a new char each time you dont have enough SP's to get the most from each class
    Vincit wrote: »
    Sounds like you have some stuff left to do.

    bahahahaha yea ok :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    zerosoul wrote: »
    i feel sorry for you, but its even worse.. there is no pvp , because the klingons, thanks to lacking content, need a lot more time to get to admiral.

    Yea I tried the Klingon side in beta.. after a couple of hours I was bored to death... not been back... grinding the same missions over and over.. yay fun !! not.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Why are you paying a lifetime sub? Seriously.

    Personally, I dont have a problem with their model. They will probably have end-game content eventually, if it is not in the works already. It wont matter to me since I am not racing to the endgame anyway.

    Been playing Champions since launch. Highest level character is 28. Slow down and relax.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Why are you paying a lifetime sub? Seriously.

    Personally, I dont have a problem with their model. They will probably have end-game content eventually, if it is not in the works already. It wont matter to me since I am not racing to the endgame anyway.

    Been playing Champions since launch. Highest level character is 28. Slow down and relax.

    well if it fits your playstyle.. fine.... but the average mmo player that has some experience and knows what you could expect from an mmo ( usually the ones who played WoW as well) are not going to stay very long without content. that leaves the game to a 50k hardcore fanboy/carebear section, which usually means the death to any mmo in no time.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Hello McFly..??

    I got about 9 pages through this thread, then called the doctor for a Celexa prescription.

    C'mon people.

    We are flying a starships in the Trek universe. I'm like a L9. I'm having a great time.

    Why bring everyone down with a thread like this? It's so un-Trek like. Kirk would blast all of you, Picard would give you all a back massage, Spock would reason with you, Worf would just get back to fighting.

    I hesitate to bring up the Prime Directive.... but why interfere with the devs?

    This entire thread fails to Trek at all.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Why are you paying a lifetime sub? Seriously.

    Personally, I dont have a problem with their model. They will probably have end-game content eventually, if it is not in the works already. It wont matter to me since I am not racing to the endgame anyway.

    Been playing Champions since launch. Highest level character is 28. Slow down and relax.

    Problem is though that the only content in this game is designed to get you to level up. Its basicaly just like halo only with a different story and a massive co-op mode...
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