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An Admiral Speaks: No Endgame Content.... At All (Spoiler Alert)



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    EDIT: Over the past few hours of this rivaling a downtime thread, I've looked closer at some info coming from the Devs and listened to some constructive comments from the posters. While a lot of this post may sound discouraging, bear in mind a LOT of these issues will be addressed in the next couple weeks, not just in the 45 day patch. This post was ONLY made because I love the game and want to, at times, be vocal in my feedback and the ways to improve it. While there are still some issues that need to be addressed, I am optimistic as to the upcoming endgame content and do not want players still leveling to feel there is nothing to look forward to. Take your time to level up and enjoy the game. I'm re-rolling to do just that in the meantime.

    (original thread edited due to information received or mistakes I made in my research)



    Well just hit Admiral 5 and, to my dismay, there is absolutely NO endgame content in place. None. In fact after you rank up to Admiral, the quests just stop coming. There's no "way to go" there's no serious loot. There's nothing. Sure some of you will want to say "well you hit Admiral too fast" but that's not the point. The point is there is NOTHING at all to do at 45. Not a single thing except maybe pvp once the Klingons get Admiral. It's so blatantly neglected that it's almost offensive.

    And when I say nothing I mean NOTHING. No more Missons to do. No Fleet actions. No crafting. No PvP yet. No exploration (unless you count the randomly generated generic Genesis missions). Literally nothing at all. And I outfitted my ship in green MK X almost completely in one day. I really have no goals at all anymore.

    Might as well just start showing credits once we hit 45 because the game is literally over at that point.

    EDIT: Fixed due to the fact that Memory Alpha apparently works now

    Now let's talk about the fact that there is NO WAY to form a raid, or get your fleet together and do a fleet action. In fact, there's no fleet actions after the Crystalline Entity. So all of us who are commander and above have nothing at all to do together. And even if we did, we'd have to hopefully all hop into the same instance to work together.

    Oh, and the skill distribution. Letting us max out only one at tier 5 and put another 7 points elsewhere? Even if the eventual cap will be 50 this is just so dumb for a release.

    EDIT: Fixed due to upcoming content

    On a final note, spare me the "It's a new MMO and shouldn't have endgame yet" because those are the words of a blind sheep and have no real bearing in logical discussion. Anyone with any business sense would have noticed from other MMOs how fast people level up and want endgame content. The amount of broken/incomplete content is astounding and really discouraging. I see this and think "even if they follow through with all the hot air they've been spewing, when, if ever, can we expect it?" I just can't believe that they have much in the works for the 45 day patch. No mention yet from anyone on crafting or anything else major. Really finding it harder and harder to believe in this game after seeing all there is to see (literally) in a span of 5 days.

    PROVE ME WRONG, CRYPTIC! I really want to play this game for a while but you repeatedly let us down on every point. Show me you actually care and make this game what you claimed it would be in all the interviews and dev chats.

    thats why admirals have a better live than soldiers...

    they gettin fat and lazy...thats life..

    ;) realistic to me so :D

    i feel sorry for someone who play so fast...no need to make good grapics..storys etc..
    those persons just wanna be on top and moan than :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    GlobalTaxi wrote: »
    I'd agree with you unless you took your clothes out of the dryer 5 minutes after starting it then called the company complaining how the dryer was defective because you expected your clothes to be dry.

    Yeah well this is just gonna go around and around in circles forever.

    The bottom line is another developer (namely Perpetual) announced a ground breaking and innovative idea for a new MMO a number of years ago, it fell through and Cryptic have developed a completely different and extremely lame MMO in comparison to the original concept that simply carries the same name and theme.

    If your so excited with it, think its such a feat of design and oh so ground breaking then as far as I am concerned your very easily pleased, end of story.

    As I have mentioned before, take away the trek theme from this game and you are left with what ?????
    Nothing special thats for sure, I think far too many people just cant see the wood for the trees.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I just found this on mmorpg.com... read this and maybe you'll understand my point behind rushing past content...

    There is a disconnect between some people who play MMORPGs and the people who develop them. Actually, there are a lot of disconnects in that area, but this is the one I’ve decided to focus on for today.

    It seems that there are a large number of players out there who believe that end-game is where the real game begins in terms of MMORPGs. As a result, they rush as quickly as possible toward whatever the level cap of the game happens to be, and then are inevitably disappointed once they get there. Today, I actually read a post from someone who implied that the rest of the game is there simply as a tutorial for the superawesomefuntimeohmygodIneedanewpairofpants that is and must be the endgame.

    In every single recent MMORPG launch, I’ve read about players who feel that the game has let them down because two days after launch, they’ve hit the level cap and find that a) it’s not populated and B) that the developers haven’t really put much there for them to do. I mean, if the “real game” starts at level cap, then why isn’t there anything to do?

    The answer to that question is that the developers don’t intend for the game to start at endgame. They don’t spend millions and millions of dollars on that part of the game right out of the gate because to them, and to the vast majority of people who don’t post on forums, the whole part from level one to the cap IS the game, endgame is about retention, sure, and every MMO needs to have something for players to do at cap, otherwise they’re going to get bored and leave.

    That’s where the disconnect happens, I think. Developers, rightly or wrongly, believe that they’ve (theoretically) put all of the time and effort into constructing a certain number of levels into their game. They’ve created content, interweaving stories, NPCs, points of interest and other aspects of the game and so that should probably entertain folks at least until the free month that comes with the damned game is over.

    Time and energy won’t (and probably shouldn’t) be spent on endgame until such time as a significant portion of the player base is actually there. Put another way: They’re not going to spend a whole bunch of time and cash to make sure that a portion of the game is juicy and robust for the very small number of people who rush to get there. They’re going to divert energy and resources where the most people are going to get the most benefit out of them.

    Why is WoW’s endgame so robust? Because the game is old enough that a very large percentage of their player base is at cap. Why don’t new MMOs launch with 100% end game content intact? Because most people are still playing “the game.”

    Here’s my rule of thumb: When you buy a subscription based MMO, your box purchase is going toward the development of the game from tutorial to cap. In essence, if this was a single player game, once you hit cap you’ve “beaten it.” Your subscription dollars are what goes toward continued and robust endgame content, so don’t expect a lot of time to be spent on endgame before everyone’s paid their first subscription fee.

    But that’s just my opinion. I’m more of a “take your time and enjoy the content” kind of gamer myself.


    See the paragraph in bold? Devs put time in effort into the leveling areas of the game... do yourself a favor and enjoy it.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Well just hit Admiral 5


    I would have hit Lt. Cmdr yesterday, but the server is always down. I gotta ask: HOW DID YOU DO IT!?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Seriously, you leveled up in 5 days, you need to go breath some serious real world air and give the devs time to flesh out the game. You are in the top 2% of people who will ever level up that fast and you want to cry about it and tell the devs to hurry up. Go play wow, they have 5 years of content.

    For you to have leveled up in 5 days you must have played none stop for 12+ hour a day, thats just quite unatural for the 95% of the people who will play this game. Im sorry but I CANNOT have any sympathy for your plight. You need to give the devs time to make this game something at end game, this was the same thing for wow and other mmorg's at launch so dont cut the devs down for no endgame content. Its a major task putting a game this size together and having it working good enough on 90% of the computers out there that you can play through to the end in a respectable time to not have people like you blow through it and then complain cause their still hungry.

    Just like food you need to moderate your eating habits.

    Flame away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Boy you fanbois love to hear yourselves talk, don't you? This discussion ended 50 pages ago, yet you still find this on page one from you all chiming in. And don't you find it a bit arrogant to assume that YOUR way of leveling is the RIGHT way and people who level faster are wrong? Fact is, it's Cryptic's fault for underestimating how long it would take some people to level and also for not having any sort of content past 41. Period. That being said, it's coming soon and crafting is (finally) working. I've already edited this and explored both sides of the issue. Let it go.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    StormShade wrote:
    Look here. The stuff you're looking for now will be coming very soon.

    Congrats on reaching Admiral!

    And why wasn't this ready at launch?

    I just completely disagree with the current "push it out to the stores and fix it later" business model, and obviously so do a lot of your customers. Yes, I know the fanbois will jump in here, and I did pre-order and start playing right at launch but shouldn't at least basic end game content be available at launch?

    I would really like to know from Cryptic why something so basic to any MMO (like something to do once you reach the level cap) wasn't ready at launch? I know the answer. We all do. I just wonder if Cryptic would possibly be the first game producer to have enough balls to say, "yes, we pushed it out the door unfinished because we needed it to start generating positive cash flow sooner rather than later."
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Brand new game, rushed to end, of course there is no content, I have never seen a new mmo with end game content at launch, over the next couple of months, we will have the start of end game.. The journey is always the best part of any mmo, at least thats what I read some where... :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    EvE = Pwn STO. Yep.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Boy you fanbois love to hear yourselves talk, don't you? This discussion ended 50 pages ago, yet you still find this on page one from you all chiming in. And don't you find it a bit arrogant to assume that YOUR way of leveling is the RIGHT way and people who level faster are wrong? Fact is, it's Cryptic's fault for underestimating how long it would take some people to level and also for not having any sort of content past 41. Period. That being said, it's coming soon and crafting is (finally) working. I've already edited this and explored both sides of the issue. Let it go.

    Didn't you hear, the server's down. Again. Amazingly enough, at least a few other people haven't hit Admiral yet and are still actually interested in STO.

    Congratulations, sir, you have won this game. You may proceed to the next one.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    EDIT: Over the past few hours of this rivaling a downtime thread, I've looked closer at some info coming from the Devs and listened to some constructive comments from the posters. While a lot of this post may sound discouraging, bear in mind a LOT of these issues will be addressed in the next couple weeks, not just in the 45 day patch. This post was ONLY made because I love the game and want to, at times, be vocal in my feedback and the ways to improve it. While there are still some issues that need to be addressed, I am optimistic as to the upcoming endgame content and do not want players still leveling to feel there is nothing to look forward to. Take your time to level up and enjoy the game. I'm re-rolling to do just that in the meantime.

    (original thread edited due to information received or mistakes I made in my research)



    Well just hit Admiral 5 and, to my dismay, there is absolutely NO endgame content in place. None. In fact after you rank up to Admiral, the quests just stop coming. There's no "way to go" there's no serious loot. There's nothing. Sure some of you will want to say "well you hit Admiral too fast" but that's not the point. The point is there is NOTHING at all to do at 45. Not a single thing except maybe pvp once the Klingons get Admiral. It's so blatantly neglected that it's almost offensive.

    And when I say nothing I mean NOTHING. No more Missons to do. No Fleet actions. No crafting. No PvP yet. No exploration (unless you count the randomly generated generic Genesis missions). Literally nothing at all. And I outfitted my ship in green MK X almost completely in one day. I really have no goals at all anymore.

    Might as well just start showing credits once we hit 45 because the game is literally over at that point.

    EDIT: Fixed due to the fact that Memory Alpha apparently works now

    Now let's talk about the fact that there is NO WAY to form a raid, or get your fleet together and do a fleet action. In fact, there's no fleet actions after the Crystalline Entity. So all of us who are commander and above have nothing at all to do together. And even if we did, we'd have to hopefully all hop into the same instance to work together.

    Oh, and the skill distribution. Letting us max out only one at tier 5 and put another 7 points elsewhere? Even if the eventual cap will be 50 this is just so dumb for a release.

    EDIT: Fixed due to upcoming content

    On a final note, spare me the "It's a new MMO and shouldn't have endgame yet" because those are the words of a blind sheep and have no real bearing in logical discussion. Anyone with any business sense would have noticed from other MMOs how fast people level up and want endgame content. The amount of broken/incomplete content is astounding and really discouraging. I see this and think "even if they follow through with all the hot air they've been spewing, when, if ever, can we expect it?" I just can't believe that they have much in the works for the 45 day patch. No mention yet from anyone on crafting or anything else major. Really finding it harder and harder to believe in this game after seeing all there is to see (literally) in a span of 5 days.

    PROVE ME WRONG, CRYPTIC! I really want to play this game for a while but you repeatedly let us down on every point. Show me you actually care and make this game what you claimed it would be in all the interviews and dev chats.

    Wow dude you have no life. Check into rehab Admiral.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I like the comment about how an MMO will not have end game content until like a month after release. That so makes sense. Though I can tell you...after playing this for 6 days, this game is quite definately not finished. Ground combat needs a lot of work here. I know MMO's are FAR behind the likes of other ground combat games but a little more can be put into it. Make me think instead of mashing buttons.

    I'm sure it will all come together over the next couple of months.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    BSM-Kkalta wrote:
    Yeah well this is just gonna go around and around in circles forever.

    The bottom line is another developer (namely Perpetual) announced a ground breaking and innovative idea for a new MMO a number of years ago, it fell through and Cryptic have developed a completely different and extremely lame MMO in comparison to the original concept that simply carries the same name and theme.

    If your so excited with it, think its such a feat of design and oh so ground breaking then as far as I am concerned your very easily pleased, end of story.

    As I have mentioned before, take away the trek theme from this game and you are left with what ?????
    Nothing special thats for sure, I think far too many people just cant see the wood for the trees.

    If Perpetual was so great then why is it bankrupt and all of its employees canned?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    EDIT: Over the past few hours of this rivaling a downtime thread, I've looked closer at some info coming from the Devs and listened to some constructive comments from the posters. While a lot of this post may sound discouraging, bear in mind a LOT of these issues will be addressed in the next couple weeks, not just in the 45 day patch. This post was ONLY made because I love the game and want to, at times, be vocal in my feedback and the ways to improve it. While there are still some issues that need to be addressed, I am optimistic as to the upcoming endgame content and do not want players still leveling to feel there is nothing to look forward to. Take your time to level up and enjoy the game. I'm re-rolling to do just that in the meantime.

    (original thread edited due to information received or mistakes I made in my research)



    Well just hit Admiral 5 and, to my dismay, there is absolutely NO endgame content in place. None. In fact after you rank up to Admiral, the quests just stop coming. There's no "way to go" there's no serious loot. There's nothing. Sure some of you will want to say "well you hit Admiral too fast" but that's not the point. The point is there is NOTHING at all to do at 45. Not a single thing except maybe pvp once the Klingons get Admiral. It's so blatantly neglected that it's almost offensive.

    And when I say nothing I mean NOTHING. No more Missons to do. No Fleet actions. No crafting. No PvP yet. No exploration (unless you count the randomly generated generic Genesis missions). Literally nothing at all. And I outfitted my ship in green MK X almost completely in one day. I really have no goals at all anymore.

    Might as well just start showing credits once we hit 45 because the game is literally over at that point.

    EDIT: Fixed due to the fact that Memory Alpha apparently works now

    Now let's talk about the fact that there is NO WAY to form a raid, or get your fleet together and do a fleet action. In fact, there's no fleet actions after the Crystalline Entity. So all of us who are commander and above have nothing at all to do together. And even if we did, we'd have to hopefully all hop into the same instance to work together.

    Oh, and the skill distribution. Letting us max out only one at tier 5 and put another 7 points elsewhere? Even if the eventual cap will be 50 this is just so dumb for a release.

    EDIT: Fixed due to upcoming content

    On a final note, spare me the "It's a new MMO and shouldn't have endgame yet" because those are the words of a blind sheep and have no real bearing in logical discussion. Anyone with any business sense would have noticed from other MMOs how fast people level up and want endgame content. The amount of broken/incomplete content is astounding and really discouraging. I see this and think "even if they follow through with all the hot air they've been spewing, when, if ever, can we expect it?" I just can't believe that they have much in the works for the 45 day patch. No mention yet from anyone on crafting or anything else major. Really finding it harder and harder to believe in this game after seeing all there is to see (literally) in a span of 5 days.

    PROVE ME WRONG, CRYPTIC! I really want to play this game for a while but you repeatedly let us down on every point. Show me you actually care and make this game what you claimed it would be in all the interviews and dev chats.

    And now you know why captians consider getting promoted "getting kicked up stairs" you are an Admiral. You job is to sign paper work, sit at your desk and watch younger Capts do fun stuff. This is why Kirk had no problem getting demoted.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    On a final note, spare me the "It's a new MMO and shouldn't have endgame yet" because those are the words of a blind sheep and have no real bearing in logical discussion. Anyone with any business sense would have noticed from other MMOs how fast people level up and want endgame content. The amount of broken/incomplete content is astounding and really discouraging. I see this and think "even if they follow through with all the hot air they've been spewing, when, if ever, can we expect it?" I just can't believe that they have much in the works for the 45 day patch. No mention yet from anyone on crafting or anything else major. Really finding it harder and harder to believe in this game after seeing all there is to see (literally) in a span of 5 days...

    *Deep Sigh... You refer to "logic" but you have None of your own. I simply cannot see how you really covered every mission in the game, when many of them don't work consistently. And, from what I've heard - and we have an Admiral in our Fleet who is open about it - the best way to max out your level is to constantly do Deep Space Encounters and Explore missions. So I Honestly don't believe you when you say 'you've done it all".

    At least you've decided to 'reroll". Now you just need something to do besides play this game for 18+ hours a day. But then I don't really know you, or your circumstances...

    What I do know is that I'm taking my time. Cryptic helped me out by not letting me roll a "Joined Trill" (or even the Borg) at the beginning of the Early start. So I have 3 characters. One I'm holding back to play with a friend. But I will never be in a rush to get to Admiral. And when I do get a Character that high, I'll just switch to another character. I'm just more concerned about who I'm playing with... and that I'm having fun. Than I am about what level I am.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    the demands of the 2% of have no lifers always amazes me. These kinds of games are made for the general populace and to think otherwise is being haughty! Yes you will get your content but their goal is to satisfy the average gamer because that is where the money is and yes they are in it to make money. Even to pander to the self important cry babies a bit.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    EDIT: Over the past few hours of this rivaling a downtime thread, I've looked closer at some info coming from the Devs and listened to some constructive comments from the posters. While a lot of this post may sound discouraging, bear in mind a LOT of these issues will be addressed in the next couple weeks, not just in the 45 day patch. This post was ONLY made because I love the game and want to, at times, be vocal in my feedback and the ways to improve it. While there are still some issues that need to be addressed, I am optimistic as to the upcoming endgame content and do not want players still leveling to feel there is nothing to look forward to. Take your time to level up and enjoy the game. I'm re-rolling to do just that in the meantime.

    (original thread edited due to information received or mistakes I made in my research)



    Well just hit Admiral 5 and, to my dismay, there is absolutely NO endgame content in place. None. In fact after you rank up to Admiral, the quests just stop coming. There's no "way to go" there's no serious loot. There's nothing. Sure some of you will want to say "well you hit Admiral too fast" but that's not the point. The point is there is NOTHING at all to do at 45. Not a single thing except maybe pvp once the Klingons get Admiral. It's so blatantly neglected that it's almost offensive.

    And when I say nothing I mean NOTHING. No more Missons to do. No Fleet actions. No crafting. No PvP yet. No exploration (unless you count the randomly generated generic Genesis missions). Literally nothing at all. And I outfitted my ship in green MK X almost completely in one day. I really have no goals at all anymore.

    Might as well just start showing credits once we hit 45 because the game is literally over at that point.

    EDIT: Fixed due to the fact that Memory Alpha apparently works now

    Now let's talk about the fact that there is NO WAY to form a raid, or get your fleet together and do a fleet action. In fact, there's no fleet actions after the Crystalline Entity. So all of us who are commander and above have nothing at all to do together. And even if we did, we'd have to hopefully all hop into the same instance to work together.

    Oh, and the skill distribution. Letting us max out only one at tier 5 and put another 7 points elsewhere? Even if the eventual cap will be 50 this is just so dumb for a release.

    EDIT: Fixed due to upcoming content

    On a final note, spare me the "It's a new MMO and shouldn't have endgame yet" because those are the words of a blind sheep and have no real bearing in logical discussion. Anyone with any business sense would have noticed from other MMOs how fast people level up and want endgame content. The amount of broken/incomplete content is astounding and really discouraging. I see this and think "even if they follow through with all the hot air they've been spewing, when, if ever, can we expect it?" I just can't believe that they have much in the works for the 45 day patch. No mention yet from anyone on crafting or anything else major. Really finding it harder and harder to believe in this game after seeing all there is to see (literally) in a span of 5 days.

    PROVE ME WRONG, CRYPTIC! I really want to play this game for a while but you repeatedly let us down on every point. Show me you actually care and make this game what you claimed it would be in all the interviews and dev chats.

    have you gone out on a date? you should try it out some time
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I am also concerned about endgame content. It seems to me that there should be a way for one side or the other to be a clear winner or looser at some point. I understand there is some funky sort of occupying space; however this still feels like scrimmaging to me. In the end folks will simply become bored if there is nothing more to the game than scrimmaging with and against folks. PVP is meaningless unless you can take ground or space, hold it, and have it impact the opposition. PvE is all fine and good as a skill builder and 'zone out' sort of thing but, again eventually folks will loose interest.

    Senior toons need something meaningful to do and this IMHO is the best way to keep them engaged. Yes, I am Eve 0.0 space pvper, but am trying this as a change of pace and respect the fact that there are folks who never want to experience that kind of intensity and struggle on a personal or startegic scale; however, based on my experience going back to when games like this were play by mail. You have to have struggle and achievement for everyone, explorers merchants, peacemakers and warriors if the game will be viable over the long term.

    More content can solve some of the problems of maintaining interest; but, there has to be a high stakes component to the game to keep folks engaged over time. Please no go back to eve flames . Just tossing thoughts out as I wait for the server to come up.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    If Perpetual was so great then why is it bankrupt and all of its employees canned?

    I never said the company was great though did I........

    Perpetual were poor at business, but business and great ideas don't go hand in hand. Take a look at Factory Records - Manchester for the prime example of people who had amazing ideas and concepts with no business skills or sense whatsoever.

    I actually said the original concept for STO was great, which it was. The actual game that has come into fruition is nothing like what was originally conceived or planned and is lame by comparison.
    It simply carries the same name, theme and is an MMO, the vast majority of what would have made this game great has simply not happened, be it due to time, finances or whatever, the end result remains the same....

    A great concept ruined, many people deflated and disappointed and just "another" MMO to add to the ever growing list of mediocracy.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Ive been playing since start of headstart and Im still level 15, Lieutenant commander 5. In same time you became Admiral 5. 30 levels past me. I think you rushed it.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    BSM-Kkalta wrote:
    I never said the company was great though did I........

    Perpetual were poor at business, but business and great ideas don't go hand in hand. Take a look at Factory Records - Manchester for the prime example of people who had amazing ideas and concepts with no business skills or sense whatsoever.

    I actually said the original concept for STO was great, which it was. The actual game that has come into fruition is nothing like what was originally conceived or planned and is lame by comparison.
    It simply carries the same name, theme and is an MMO, the vast majority of what would have made this game great has simply not happened, be it due to time, finances or whatever, the end result remains the same....

    A great concept ruined, many people deflated and disappointed and just "another" MMO to add to the ever growing list of mediocracy.

    I think a lot of you people are putting on the rose-tinted glasses when thinking about Perpetual's original idea for STO.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    perpetual's sto:
    big talk and a few cgi concept shots.

    cryptic's sto:
    actual game with no leveling content gaps and a realistic approach to game play.

    perpetual had the IP for how many years before passing it on to cryptic? and they had zero work done on the game.

    if it wasn't for cryptic there would be no STO.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    They really need to release an MMO called "End Game" where everyone starts at the level cap and the enitre game is end game content to satisfy these losers.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Let me introduce to you a friend of mine. Its called a bell curve.


    What is this mystical bell, well I shall tell you my friend. Its a graph that represents where the average people reside and how much and where it starts to slip off into the zero percentile people.

    What does all this mean? Well it means that anytime you create a product you shoot for the middle of the bell curve. The “average person” if you will. So when a person who is so far off the bell curve that he is actually on a pie chart 3 pages over (some one who levels to 45 in 6 days). Then no one really cares about that person because anything they say is obviously the ramblings of a mad man who does not conform to the rest of society.

    This game is made for the “average” person. If you want to say there is no end game content, fine, but complain about it 3 months from now when MOST people will be getting there. Not an Über Trekky or some crazed basement dweller that has nothing to do but eat donuts and play games all day.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Guess you missed the part about being a sheep. The point is there is NO endgame at ALL. So even if I took, say, a month to level.. then what? Wait? Endgame content is a hard lesson many devs have learned and here we go again...

    Amazing how fast you leveled. You must be very competitive.
    I personally dont care about endgame.
    Pretend that character chokes on some gorbagian pudding and dies or retires.
    I also enjoy writing in my mission logs and doing a few supplementals.
    I also try to use my immagination and have fun with it.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010

    What do you want a big sign that flashes acrossed the screen that says you are better than Kirk, Picard, and Sisko combined.

    if the game had an end, there would be no need for subscritpions.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    They really need to release an MMO called "End Game" where everyone starts at the level cap and the enitre game is end game content to satisfy these losers.

    i would play it
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    50 levels in less then a week.... and complains about lack of content....


    While I'm kinda on the same mindset - as I take things slow in any mmorpg - if someone blew through all the content in a week it not only says things about them (which is where you are probably going with your comment), but it also says things about the lack of content in the game (which is where the poster is going).

    I'm tending to land on the side of what the OP is saying. Without really putting any effort into the game (I did pre-order and get an early start), I've put maybe 3 to 4 hrs a day (the most was 6 hrs on a day off, I get 2 days off a week on a 40hr job) and have just now gotten Commander. And that's with exploring every mission or opportunity I could and not rushing through it.

    So I'm already halfway done with leveling?? Seriously? That's pretty insane without putting any real time or effort into it.

    So I even went as far as going back to old explore missions and visiting places I haven't before, and devoting a lot of time in unlocking the "mysteries" behind Alpha Memory.

    What I found? Really nothing beyond the missions I already taken. I'm not sure why Alpha Memory is even there. Once I unlocked the Tier 2 and Tier 3 "vendors" in Memory Alpha, I found that the devices I could create were already worse than (for the most part they sucked) or equal to what I got in missions or could buy via exploration badges and the like via vendors in other locations. There was simply no reason to bother with the area. Whatever the purpose of Memory Alpha was, along with the gathering of all the data samples, it was a total failure in terms of adding game content.

    So looking at the fact that I only have two more "levels" to gain, and even taking things slow, that I will probably gain the top level in another month, I'm left wondering what kind of content there is left in the game, as I'm already seeking a lack of it at a Lt. Commander and Commander level.

    I'm the type of person to drop a mmorpg at the first sight of trouble, so I'm already debating on whether to continue bothering with STO despite how much I like the initial concept.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    The thing is that a game is a bit like an all you can eat dinner. So while the opener does have the right to play as he wants in that case all eat what he wants he is complaining about that he is in the end still hungry since he did eat only one thing from the big table because he dislikes the rest of the stuff or even not considers to taste it in the first place.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Selphares wrote: »
    The thing is that a game is a bit like an all you can eat dinner. So while the opener does have the right to play as he wants in that case all eat what he wants he is complaining about that he is in the end still hungry since he did eat only one thing from the big table because he dislikes the rest of the stuff or even not considers to taste it in the first place.

    dude, there is no all you can eat dinner, there is just a game with a lack of content once you hit admiral 1 (no quests whatsoever) if you did EVERY quest before.
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