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An Admiral Speaks: No Endgame Content.... At All (Spoiler Alert)



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    aww you sure not get the analogy, sad for you :P
    MAybe it betetr fits that you have a fix amount of meal and you just decide to eat the beans and toss the rest in the tarsh and complaining all the time and being picky and even make bad talking to other guests, I guess in normal cases people like that would be already be tossed out of the restaurant.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Selphares wrote: »
    aww you sure not get the analogy, sad for you :P
    MAybe it betetr fits that you have a fix amount of meal and you just decide to eat the beans and toss the rest in the tarsh and complaining all the time and being picky and even make bad talking to other guests, I guess in normal cases people like that would be already be tossed out of the restaurant.

    you still dont get it, there is no content to choose from in the first place.. its only the beans.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Than I wonder what I currently play? You know it is fun to read sometimes actually the episodes you ae doing and not only make fleet encounters and well I not bother about endcontent still I am not there it is like to complain about not layed eggs.

    You know like: I am not allowed to like the game currently because when I reach the end content there is nothing there. Actually endcontent is a lot of personal ego.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Selphares wrote: »
    Than I wonder what I currently play? You know it is fun to read sometimes actually the episodes you ae doing and not only make fleet encounters and well I not bother about endcontent still I am not there it is like to complain about not layed eggs.

    You know like: I am not allowed to like the game currently because when I reach the end content there is nothing there. Actually endcontent is a lot of personal ego.

    you can play as you please, but that still doesnt change the fact that there is a serious lack of content once you hit admiral 1, and its not like there are only 5-10 hardcore players that got there already. its more like 500+, expect 2k+ until sunday evening since its more like an exponential growth.
    and why do you think it would be fleet actions only, i said already if you do every quest in the game, not skipping anything, its actual not more than 50 hours GAMING content.

    you just hit a wall with admiral 1 where there should not be one. there is not even a fleet action at that bracket. not a single quest. only thing you can do is the zenas exploration and deep encounter, the same one you did already as a captain.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Your bought a unfinished game, I wouldn't even say its 30% done, and that's with out the expansions.

    its like you walk into a store to buy a table and chairs, you take it home and open the box and the only thing that comes out is a TRIBBLE, your like WTF so you call the store up and say hey i want to sit at my table where is it. so they start to have meetings and such and say to each other, F#ck we got a guy already wanting to sit down what do we do. so they call you back and say, hey in 45 days you will have a chair "A Chair" wow Cryptic is just amazing huh? LOL fun times, glad i got my cash back for this game.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    wow admiral? Do you know how to enjoy a game rather than rushing towards the end? Do you read the last chapter of a book first as well? The game was just released. They have stated that new content is coming for end game, working on borg queen encounters and what-not. They are still addressing issues at beginning and mid-game.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    tel_jaeden wrote: »
    wow admiral? Do you know how to enjoy a game rather than rushing towards the end? Do you read the last chapter of a book first as well? The game was just released. They have stated that new content is coming for end game, working on borg queen encounters and what-not. They are still addressing issues at beginning and mid-game.

    yes, they are doing things right now that betas are for and expect us to pay for a sub so they can finish what should have been there in the first place.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    You know, it's mine and partners first ever MMO experience, and we both kinda thought the point to an MMO is that it was impossible to run out of content.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Eyetrip wrote: »
    You know, it's mine and partners first ever MMO experience, and we both kinda thought the point to an MMO is that it was impossible to run out of content.

    well the current winning mmo formula is to have at least around 150-200 hours of mostly bug free, server stable fun leveling up different class toons to be ready for the real challenges you expect at the max lvl... currently sto just gives you around 50 hours of... well, what you currently see in the game with zero endgame, if its up running.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Nope. But you might be a poser for pretending to be all high and mighty yet here you are playing the same game just at a slower pace. You try and dissect my remarks to be witty and get a gang up going. I didn't post this to get a pat on the back or whatever. I totally expected sandy little toads to come out of the woodwork and flame just like you did.

    This entire thread was posted because MMOs have been out for what, going on 15 years now? Did ANYONE learn ANYTHING in that time about player trends and content? You think it's coincidence that WoW raids require forever to complete unless you're in Ensidia? Endgame content should be a STAPLE of a game, nit something that's "coming soon". There's no endgame because Cryptic was concerned about their OWN financial success, not the success of the game as a whole.

    At first I told myself I was just going to read through this thread for a bit while I still had popcorn left, but this post made me speak out.

    Raids in WoW - I'm talking Pre-BC/BC raids, not the WotLK fairy dances - could easily be cleared quickly by anyone with half a brain and listening skills. As soon as everyone in the raid knew what they needed to do and everyone had the tactics down they were not hard. The only reason Nihilum and SK gaming were able to do it as quickly as they did was because they didn't raid with the GM's girlfriend and the one officer's handicapped friend, they brought people who knew how to play.

    And yes, in a true debate you're supposed to pick the other person's argument apart and make them look flawed, it's your job to bat the 'toads' away and strengthen your argument, not call everyone posers.

    I'm sure Cryptic was well aware of the fact that people rush to max level - I'm sure many of them rush to max level on other MMOs, the fact is that putting a game together takes a lot of work, and after finally completing the leveling content they can't burn themselves out by working hardcore on the endgame. It's true that's a staple of the game, however the majority of players will be content with leveling slower, so that's who they'll cater to.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    wow..this is still going on..Im impressed.

    No not really but it sounded good at the time.

    Carry on!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    im sorry but i have to agree, you all seem to take the original post and go in all kinds of directions with it. For one thing he is right , there is no content, i love star trek and i think this game should have been a lot different. for one thing the lvl cap is stupid, you can easly get to 50 in a week no problem. and you cant say all MMO's are like that,that is a lie, Age of conan takes a lot longer to get to a lvl that high and they have massive content from launch. actualy cryptic should turn this game over to a company that is better than them as they are making this game a mockery.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    im sorry but i have to agree, you all seem to take the original post and go in all kinds of directions with it. For one thing he is right , there is no content, i love star trek and i think this game should have been a lot different. for one thing the lvl cap is stupid, you can easly get to 50 in a week no problem. and you cant say all MMO's are like that,that is a lie, Age of conan takes a lot longer to get to a lvl that high and they have massive content from launch. actualy cryptic should turn this game over to a company that is better than them as they are making this game a mockery.

    there were max level players in aoc inside a week, even with the big level content gaps in that game after 40. and no there was no endgame content in aoc, let alone massive content at launch.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    im sorry but i have to agree, you all seem to take the original post and go in all kinds of directions with it. For one thing he is right , there is no content, i love star trek and i think this game should have been a lot different. for one thing the lvl cap is stupid, you can easly get to 50 in a week no problem. and you cant say all MMO's are like that,that is a lie, Age of conan takes a lot longer to get to a lvl that high and they have massive content from launch. actualy cryptic should turn this game over to a company that is better than them as they are making this game a mockery.

    Ok even the mention of Age Of Conan which was a horrible game tells me you have no idea what your talking about. As far as Cryptic turning the game over no way. Cryptic is a great company and when they picked up the reigns to this game when it was stalled people applauded because of the task at hand. Then the game was delayed and people *****ed so now we have a game which is in fact very good atm but in the months and years ahead is only going to get better. Why are they not responding to every silly complaint on the forums? Because they are working on the game is idiots like yourself would understand this then you will start to understand MMO's but to mention AoC just makes me roflqq
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Kibaken wrote:
    At first I told myself I was just going to read through this thread for a bit while I still had popcorn left, but this post made me speak out.

    Raids in WoW - I'm talking Pre-BC/BC raids, not the WotLK fairy dances - could easily be cleared quickly by anyone with half a brain and listening skills. As soon as everyone in the raid knew what they needed to do and everyone had the tactics down they were not hard. The only reason Nihilum and SK gaming were able to do it as quickly as they did was because they didn't raid with the GM's girlfriend and the one officer's handicapped friend, they brought people who knew how to play.

    And yes, in a true debate you're supposed to pick the other person's argument apart and make them look flawed, it's your job to bat the 'toads' away and strengthen your argument, not call everyone posers.

    I'm sure Cryptic was well aware of the fact that people rush to max level - I'm sure many of them rush to max level on other MMOs, the fact is that putting a game together takes a lot of work, and after finally completing the leveling content they can't burn themselves out by working hardcore on the endgame. It's true that's a staple of the game, however the majority of players will be content with leveling slower, so that's who they'll cater to.

    If your version of slower means that the majority of people will be maxxed in month, that is still WAY too easy for no end game content.

    And if you direct people to that pitiful upgrade a dev linked that is just laughable amount of content. I have played many MMO's and complaining happens on launch.... about bugs, server stability, crashes ect.

    However it is just plain unacceptable that people are complaining about NO FLIPPING CONTENT mere days after a release I don't care how little life they might have.

    In any other business the BBB or state attorney general would be handling complaints, but because this is a game nothing will happen unless people speak out and say this is TRIBBLE.

    So you can defend what ever it is you are trying to defend, but people who have been in this industry for any length of time know what a poor attempt this is from a major company. It shouldn't be tolerated.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    For the love of god let this thread die already damn.............
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Well, at least that's one less player waiting in que :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    They really need to release an MMO called "End Game" where everyone starts at the level cap and the enitre game is end game content to satisfy these losers.

    Guild Wars
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Zap-Robo wrote: »
    I've never understood this opinion - maybe one of you lot obssessed with it can answer this. Why is "endgame" content more appealing or valid than content to do as you level?

    Why force yourself up to the maximum level, where there WILL be less content in a newly released game possibly bypassing all the lower level content, and then complain about the fact you've got nothing to do!

    Have you got a full compliment of BOffs? Not just for your ship, but for your rank? Do you have one of each type of ship? Have you been breeding Tribbles yet? Have you rolled up a new character to do the content you may have missed last time?

    Why do you have to be maximum level to enjoy the game?

    Just this. This is my entire view on MMOs, and I feel sorry for the people missing out on their race to hit the level cap to just do the same repeatable quests and instances over and over.

    I just don't get it.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    rocdoglol wrote:
    There should be something to do for max level players at release. It's the hardcore players who set the pace for an MMO

    Actually, you'd be surprised. Casual players are in fact the greatest source of income for an MMO, and are the ones to truely "set the pace" (the hardcore players, statistically, are outliers).

    Therefore means that, financially speaking, catering to casual players over "hardcore" players is the way to go.

    So getting to the level cap and then expecting there to be end-game content within the first week? You'll get no sympathy from the majority, or from the devs. I think this thread has proven that.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Sevok wrote: »
    Have you never played an MMO at release before? This is ALWAYS WHAT HAPPENS to people who pick up an MMO at release and rush to max level. They find nothing waiting for them. It is never any different. WoW at release. People rushed to cap. Found nothing. EQ1...EQ2...LOTRO... The list just goes on.

    Why do people insist on bringing up **** they have no frickin' idea about? When WoW came out it had instances for people to group with and farm gear, even at the low levels when you started doing Wailing Caverns, Stockades, Shadowfang Keep, etc. Granted it was blue gear, and not epic for the most part, but it was way better than having absolutely nothing. Upon hitting 58-60, you had Strath Live/Dead, Scholo, LBRS, UBRS, and before that just lower blackrock mountain in the low to mid 50's. Blackrock mountain by itself would be more group content than this entire game has combined. Not to mention the chance at getting ridiculously awesome items such as Iron Foe or Hand of Justice, which for a Rogue, Enhancment Shaman, or Warrior would ensure many TRIBBLE kickings to be delivered swiftly when encountering other players in open PVP.

    That place had like 20+ bosses, and was huge your first time going through. Just because you ran these instances didn't mean you'd get what you went for. You had to hope you won the roll on the drops. So it did require time investment. It gave people something to look forward to and strive for. Not to mention saving gold for the rare BOE world drop epics like Hand of Edward the Odd (A ridiculously OP item for Shamans back then.)

    It took awhile, but then came MC, and that's when things took off. Before MC even became pure farm status, BWL was out too. Then came the BGs, and High Warlord/Grand Marshal PVP grind. All things that lead to the game's addictive success, but we're talking about the very beginning, right? Well, my first paragraph proved it was still better. What do you have to say about that?

    Nevermind the fact that even if there weren't instances, we're still talking about an open world, one server carries all with two factions and a open PVP environment. None of this TRIBBLE shard nonsense that seperates people in a game that's supposed to be a submerserive "Massive Multiplayer" experience. You could just comb the lands looking for people to **** up, and find fights guaranteed, sometimes more than you bargained for. You could level a new character that plays totally different from your last one, i.e. Making a Mage instead of a Warrior, and experience combat through that. Hell, even going to a Rogue from a Warrior was a totally different experience, and exciting. That's not possible in this game though, so replay value is pretty much zero here.

    What do you get if you re-roll in STO? A new captain? 4 different skills from the last ones you had? Whoop-dee-doo. That'll be wicked fun, I'm sure. You don't even need to re-roll to try out a different ship class, cause you can pilot any ship as any type of captain. Skill builds aren't even intricate, or of significance, because they force you to spend enough points to get everything you'd need anyway before you can even spend points on the next rank of skills. Then when you get to Admiral, you can't even max two skills. Lol. So cool.

    Seriously, learn something before you move your fingers, or just stfu all together. And that goes for everyone like you, not just you. Seeing fools defend even bigger fools with nonsense just gives sensible, intelligent people a headache.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    So you can't get the random generated Sulu missions anymore? (or who ever gives the level appropriate quests)

    I ask because even WOW didn't have end game content when it launched. It had a couple of repeatable dungeons but even the gear was placeholder.

    There was no Diremaul, no Onyxia, no WSG or AV, No Blackwing Lair.... all were patched in after launch.

    Sure there were some dungeons you could do, but you were grinding the same old same old. As long as you can take a random mission, you have content. It might not be the most entertaining content, but it is something to do.

    But if you can't even patrol or defend a high end sector, then yeah, something is wrong.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    What do you kill after level 41?

    I can't find anything that is above -2 to me. Is there a defend mission for a sector i am not seeing?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    chronykle wrote: »
    Ok even the mention of Age Of Conan which was a horrible game tells me you have no idea what your talking about. As far as Cryptic turning the game over no way. Cryptic is a great company and when they picked up the reigns to this game when it was stalled people applauded because of the task at hand. Then the game was delayed and people *****ed so now we have a game which is in fact very good atm but in the months and years ahead is only going to get better. Why are they not responding to every silly complaint on the forums? Because they are working on the game is idiots like yourself would understand this then you will start to understand MMO's but to mention AoC just makes me roflqq

    no they didn't have max players, i was there for beta and launch. and AoC is far better then this game as cryptic has ruined it. but you seem so die hard cryptic fan, oh my god they took STO and they did this and they did that ,they are the best, go work for them and stay out of stuff you dont know anything about cryptic sucks end of story. heck The BBB even gives them a F. get a life.STO could have been a great game. but thanks to brain dead fans like you us real players get a crapy game
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    perpetual's sto:
    big talk and a few cgi concept shots.

    cryptic's sto:
    actual game with no leveling content gaps and a realistic approach to game play.

    perpetual had the IP for how many years before passing it on to cryptic? and they had zero work done on the game.

    if it wasn't for cryptic there would be no STO.

    Given what a complete joke STO has turned out to be, Id rather there not be an STO, at least that would leave the door open for another developer to possibly release something innovative, instead of a spartan and almost single player game with a few multiplayer functions.

    As for the other persons comment about wearing rose tinted glasses when it comes to Perpetuals idea for STO.....

    No way!!!! My expectations and ideas were purely formulated from the concept shots and FAQ as to what the game would be. That is not putting on rose tinted glasses, thats building an opinion from the available information.

    Again - A great concept and idea for a game, bodged up.

    Oh and by the way, have you noticed how far down the list STO has dropped in the last few weeks on many sites, look at MMORPG for example, STO was in the high 7/8's now its dropped to the low 6's and I am sure that wont be the end of how far it will slide either. Those figures are end user votes not the sites own opinion on the game either. It all speaks for itself.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    StormShade wrote:
    Look here. The stuff you're looking for now will be coming very soon.

    Just that very soon is very late if players are admiral already :rolleyes:

    Airing an unfinished game with a server grid that cant bear the load of users... thats what I call cochones..
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Just that very soon is very late if players are admiral already :rolleyes:

    Airing an unfinished game with a server grid that cant bear the load of users... thats what I call cochones..

    Server grid?

    WTF is a server grid?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Server grid?

    WTF is a server grid?

    it's like the matrix.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I have to chime in here..
    If you are a power gamer and you rush through the content to simply say there is no end game content you are simply flawed in general.
    NO GAME has end game for one person
    NO GAME has launched perfectly
    ALL GAMES get repetative, sorry but name an MMO that doesn't have some sort of grind in it, the go kill 10 boars found in every fantasy MMO is the same as what i here with a differnet skin on it.
    The PVP is fun here sorry if you don't llike it but it is fun, can it use improvements? YES but all games can use some improvement.
    facts are the game is very much alove and thriving, the community minus a few butthurt whiners (which is expected) is nice, the graphics are beautiful (former science teacher and I love them!) the PVE content is solid.
    The space comabt is fresh (for me I can see why osme EVE players might not be so hyped for it) the ground combat is solid as hell (playing fantasy MMO's for years its good)
    The fact that the company has commited to releasing more content as fast as they have is impressive.
    The responsiveness ofthe company to acknowledge that there are issues is refreshing (after seeing many many other companies give thier players the finger whent hey complain over issues)
    facts are facts if you do not like the game leave its really not like the million or so players will miss you ( yess i said million, they said they anticiapted roughly 200 thousand players and got over 5 times that amount)
    Ohh ya and By the way I am an Admiral as well and still liking the game.
    so do the world a favor and head to WOW and don't the turbolife hit you where the good replicator split you.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Many MMOs had end game on release. Stop bringing this up.

    The guy is just saying there is NOTHING to do at all in the end. Nothing. You can sit and wait for PvP missions or go to Zenas Expanse.

    That is it. Thats the end game, exploration quest every 30 minutes or a PvP match every 3 hours. (The PvP Queue will get better though)

    So the end game is Zenas Expanse...over and... over.. and over...

    No missions to do. No end game like instances(dungeons or raids). No fleet actions past the Crystilline Entity.

    People should thank this guy for making it an issue before they hit Admiral. Not attack him for leveling up too fast. It will hopefully get Cryptic's gears moving for the new content. Unfotunately, it will have to be a lot of content, because as the original post stated there is 0 content otherwise.

    Its like if they accidently deleted all content lower than captain and someone came in here laughing at you telling you its not Cryptic's fault for you having nothing to do, but your own fault for not leveling fast enough.

    Getting Admiral in this game is like getting level 30 in Vanilla WoW. It does not take much time or effort at the moment. So stop attackign the guy for having "no life" and with comparisons to other MMOs that you may or may have not even played.
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