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The Order of the Teacup



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    *mumbles to Krent* Does he know it's a few hundred miles away? Maybe he should take a TeaHopper? :eek:

    Naw, he could use the exercise.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    A little while later, the KIng is in the Hangar bay, boarding the Royal Airship, it's jewel encrusted hull reflecting light in pretty colours all around the Hangar.

    The Holy Teacup is in it's glass case, being wheeled on board, to go with the King, as well as Prince Bogglesworth, a squad of Teaguards and the pair of TeaMarines who follow the Teacup around.

    *boards the aircraft*

    Alright, checklist....

    Crown.... *feels* Check.
    Prince Bogglesworth *pets* Check.
    The Holy Teacup... *stares* Check.
    Ice Cream.... *Tastes* Double Check.

    Alright, let's get out of here.

    *nods to the captain, who takes the airship up out of the hangar and away over the Shallow Sea towards Freedom Islands, the Home of the King, where nobody but the King and his entourage are allowed to set foot*

    *Meanwhile, a blow up doll of the King is sat on the throne, with a note stuck to it's face*


    Dear Princess Teska, or whoever is reading this,

    You are in charge until I get back, if you are not a peer, you should give this note to the highest ranking one you can find as the deed to Castle Teacup and the master control Key is stuck to the back.

    I have gone to Freedom Island for a few days with the Holy Teacup as it needed a vacation. I shall possibly stay in contact via video link, unless I forget.

    Please note, Doris, the cleaning lady is due and will need paying, the window cleaners are also due and will need paying their yearly fee. I have not left any money, as I forgot, I'm sure you can compensate them out of petty cash, I left a petty cash tin under the throne, behind my copy of Locutus' paper.

    Be good, Keep an eye on Mizarone, I don't trust him. He is waiting for my back to be turned to develop super weapons, away from the law of pillow launching super cannons only. I also think he has poisoned K'raqs mine against the Teacup and the forces of good.... Who knows!

    P.S - The Antagonist is naughty, don't let him get this note or he could assume ultimate power in my absence and you would have to obey him!

    P.P.S Arrest King Mocha if you can find him, that naughty little sausage is an enemy of the state, we have been at war with him since as long as I can remember, granted, not very far, but still... :eek:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Krent wrote: »
    *as Mizarone looks away to view his surveillance, krent's clone accidentally drops something very important looking which cracks on the floor and instantly vaporizes. As Mizarone returns his attention to training, Krent acts like nothing happened.*

    my tea glass!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    A little while later, the KIng is in the Hangar bay, boarding the Royal Airship, it's jewel encrusted hull reflecting light in pretty colours all around the Hangar.

    The Holy Teacup is in it's glass case, being wheeled on board, to go with the King, as well as Prince Bogglesworth, a squad of Teaguards and the pair of TeaMarines who follow the Teacup around.

    *boards the aircraft*

    Alright, checklist....

    Crown.... *feels* Check.
    Prince Bogglesworth *pets* Check.
    The Holy Teacup... *stares* Check.
    Ice Cream.... *Tastes* Double Check.

    Alright, let's get out of here.

    *nods to the captain, who takes the airship up out of the hangar and away over the Shallow Sea towards Freedom Islands, the Home of the King, where nobody but the King and his entourage are allowed to set foot*

    *Meanwhile, a blow up doll of the King is sat on the throne, with a note stuck to it's face*


    Dear Princess Teska, or whoever is reading this,

    You are in charge until I get back, if you are not a peer, you should give this note to the highest ranking one you can find as the deed to Castle Teacup and the master control Key is stuck to the back.

    I have gone to Freedom Island for a few days with the Holy Teacup as it needed a vacation. I shall possibly stay in contact via video link, unless I forget.

    Please note, Doris, the cleaning lady is due and will need paying, the window cleaners are also due and will need paying their yearly fee. I have not left any money, as I forgot, I'm sure you can compensate them out of petty cash, I left a petty cash tin under the throne, behind my copy of Locutus' paper.

    Be good, Keep an eye on Mizarone, I don't trust him. He is waiting for my back to be turned to develop super weapons, away from the law of pillow launching super cannons only. I also think he has poisoned K'raqs mine against the Teacup and the forces of good.... Who knows!

    P.S - The Antagonist is naughty, don't let him get this note or he could assume ultimate power in my absence and you would have to obey him!

    P.P.S Arrest King Mocha if you can find him, that naughty little sausage is an enemy of the state, we have been at war with him since as long as I can remember, granted, not very far, but still... :eek:

    *reads the King's note and finds the cash tin under the throne, then posts the note on the bulletin board in Castle Teacup (after taking the deed and the key off the back and locking them in the TeaSafe in her room with the cash tin)*
    I'm going to go take a nap now, I hope he has a nice vacation :rolleyes:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    [cutscene to forest]

    *MGDawson runs in to a clearing, panting*

    I haven't run this far in ages. Time for a quick drink!

    *Gets out his camping tea set and brews a cup of tea*

    Ahh, so refreshing!

    *admires the scenery*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010

    Be good, Keep an eye on Mizarone, I don't trust him. He is waiting for my back to be turned to develop super weapons, away from the law of pillow launching super cannons only. I also think he has poisoned K'raqs mine against the Teacup and the forces of good.... Who knows!

    Sorry about that, I didn't know what I was doing was illegal. All illegal plans have been destroyed and all illegal weapons have been dismantled and recycled. Steps have been taken to ensure that any development of defensive systems will follow the letter of the law

    Also, part of the weapons factory has been to making tea sets and toys for orphans.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    *As K'raq follows King Mocha and the Antagonist to the silo, he reads the letter through a flycam. He is appalled that the King would think such things of him. He shakes his head, and continues on*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    this orders purpose and daily happenings confuse me.
    do we just sit around sipping tea and talking about random stuffies?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    *packs up tea set*

    Time to get off

    *puts backpack back on*

    *starts warming up*

    *re-starts running towards the silo*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    MGDawson wrote: »
    *packs up tea set*

    Time to get off

    *puts backpack back on*

    *starts warming up*

    *re-starts running towards the silo*

    *teleports infront of dawson* You know about the teleport feature on your teaPhone, correct?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    mizarone wrote: »
    *teleports infront of dawson* You know about the teleport feature on your teaPhone, correct?

    *screetches to a halt, road runenr style*

    No! More to the point, where did you get a teaphone?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    MGDawson wrote: »
    *screetches to a halt, road runenr style*

    No! More to the point, where did you get a teaphone?

    *hands a teaphone to dawson* Here you go. I make these to help support my research. I don't charge for the phones or the service itself. The only I charge is the apps available for the phone.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    mizarone wrote: »
    *hands a teaphone to dawson* Here you go. I make these to help support my research. I don't charge for the phones or the service itself. The only I charge is the apps available for the phone.

    Ohh, this'll be much easier! Thanks!

    *keys in location, presses the teleport button, and ends up near the Silo*

    Time to get brewin', and I ain't talking tea!

    *gets out some used tea leaves and rubs them on like war paint*

    *roots around in backpack and pulls out hand-held disruptor*

    *enters the Silo....*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Kraq999 wrote: »
    *As K'raq follows King Mocha and the Antagonist to the silo, he reads the letter through a flycam. He is appalled that the King would think such things of him. He shakes his head, and continues on*

    *Reads the letter over K'raq's shoulder as they travel through the maze-like interior of the old Silo, and is appalled that the King would think that he would want actual responsibility, instead of just robbing the treasury or causing chaos and confusion as a cover for an ingenious scheme of some sort*

    Antagonist- "Hey mocha, you're an official enemy of the state!(King Mocha - "Hmph").....and the letter says that i'm "Naughty"...what kind of description is that?"

    *Activates the Holographic intercom system, and a little hologram of Minioneer appears*

    Antagonist- "Hey, Minioneer, do you think that "Naughty" is really the best way to describe me?"

    Minioneer- "Sir...I think that "Naughty" Is a bit of an understatement for you...perhaps "Mad", or "Unpredictable" or "scheming", maybe "Dangerously quirky", or perhaps–"

    Antagonist- "Ya, ya, i get the idea....maybe you could suggest to Trebort something a little less....silly? Maybe he could change the description to "Dashingly roguish" or an "Ingenious tactician"? You have pretty good standing with him"

    Minioneer- "......really? Is it that much of a bruise to your ego to be called "naughty"? ....sigh, Ill see what I can do, sir, but no guarantees; Trebort may have the heart of a child, but he has the mind of a madman...Might have better luck talking to Teska, to be honest"

    *Hologram disappears, and they continue, not noticing MG Dawson following them.....*
    Ohh, this'll be much easier! Thanks!

    *keys in location, presses the teleport button, and ends up near the Silo*

    Time to get brewin', and I ain't talking tea!

    *gets out some used tea leaves and rubs them on like war paint*

    *roots around in backpack and pulls out hand-held disruptor*

    *enters the Silo....*
    *Meanwhile, outside....*

    General 1- "Gragh....who was that?"

    General 2- "I didn't recognize him....looks like a man with a mission though, judging by that tea-pun one liner....think we should warn the boss?"

    General 1- "Bah, he doesnt look like a threat, no need...errgh....they'll probably shoot him no problem, they're gonna be on edge fighting the K'lones anyway! Ha, that weird fellow doesnt stand a chance!"

    General 2- "Good point. plus, K'raq mentioned that there might be some help coming soon, so even if this man does pose a threat, They'll be able do deal with this newcomer; nothing could possibly go wrong!"
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    MGDawson wrote: »
    [cutscene to forest]

    *MGDawson runs in to a clearing, panting*

    I haven't run this far in ages. Time for a quick drink!

    *Gets out his camping tea set and brews a cup of tea*

    Ahh, so refreshing!

    *admires the scenery*

    *A TeaPanda wanders past him, trying to steal his Tea*
    this orders purpose and daily happenings confuse me.
    do we just sit around sipping tea and talking about random stuffies?

    (Well... yes, to be honest it is...)

    *The King has arrived on his little island fortress, enjoying his much needed rest*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    *Having finished with most of the daily operations training, Mizarone starts training Krent's clone (Now called Steve) in the proper care and handling of hypnotribbles.*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    *The King, bored of his little island, is on his Royal Sail Boat, sailing back to Teacup Land* :D

    *Him and his Teaguards and the Tea Marines guarding the Teacup are dressed as pirates and are singing*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    *The King, bored of his little island, is on his Royal Sail Boat, sailing back to Teacup Land* :D

    *Him and his Teaguards and the Tea Marines guarding the Teacup are dressed as pirates and are singing*

    *organizes a fancy tea party in the royal garden for when the king returns and sends out invitations to everyone*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    mizarone wrote: »
    *organizes a fancy tea party in the royal garden for when the king returns and sends out invitations to everyone*

    *The King is back at the castle, sat in the gardens*

    This is wonderful! Thanks Mizarone!... Did we give you a position or a peerage here yet? I can't remember....
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    *The King is back at the castle, sat in the gardens*

    This is wonderful! Thanks Mizarone!... Did we give you a position or a peerage here yet? I can't remember....

    *Takes a sip of tea* I think one was offered but never officially given.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Excellent, excellent... You should also have a Silver Teabag Award for you're Full English. Continue your good service to the Teacup and you shall be made a peer!

    *boing... boing... boing*

    *The King bounces past the door on his indoor Tea Hopper, as he passes the door, the paper mysteriously vanishes. Unknown to anyone watching the footage, Prince Bogglesworth, running along side the Tea Hopper snatched up the paper in his fearsome little teeth and continued to follow the King*

    *later that day, the King is sat on his Throne reading the copy of Teacup Today, commenting on the unusually hard Sudoku* :eek: It's a 5... no wait... 2? Ohhhhhh.... a 4? :cool:

    *wakes up after this lengthy sleep* *stretches, yawns, itches* *slowly opens his eyes*


    *gets up slowly and heads for his door* *opens his door and reaches down without looking* *trys to grab his paper like it was there perfectly* *touches the ground..*

    HUH! WHAT! *starts to jump and down on the spot and stomping and cursing*

    *runs back to the video tape and hits the rewind button*

    *plays the footage*


    *notices the king going by on his trusty tea hopper* uhh huh..

    *then as the king gets half way through the scene, a big black out happens*

    *starts to slam his desk and curse really loudly*


    *yells at the top of his lungs*

    "Ill get you whom ever you are!! ONE DAY ILL GET YOUUUUUUUU!*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Antagonist wrote: »
    *Meanwhile, outside....*

    General 1- "Gragh....who was that?"

    General 2- "I didn't recognize him....looks like a man with a mission though, judging by that tea-pun one liner....think we should warn the boss?"

    General 1- "Bah, he doesnt look like a threat, no need...errgh....they'll probably shoot him no problem, they're gonna be on edge fighting the K'lones anyway! Ha, that weird fellow doesnt stand a chance!"

    General 2- "Good point. plus, K'raq mentioned that there might be some help coming soon, so even if this man does pose a threat, They'll be able do deal with this newcomer; nothing could possibly go wrong!"

    *loud thuds, cries of injury and weapons fire is heard*

    haha! take that!

    *several K'lones run out of the silo terrified*

    *MGDawson runs out*

    Come back here, cowards!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    mizarone wrote: »
    *organizes a fancy tea party in the royal garden for when the king returns and sends out invitations to everyone*

    *receives mizarone's invitation and decides to take time from her studying to attend*
    It's nice to take a break every now and then, I've been so busy with studying I haven't stopped for tea time in at least two weeks!! :eek:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    mizarone wrote: »
    *Takes a sip of tea* I think one was offered but never officially given.

    Ooo, well then! *pulls out a sword and knights him* You can be Sir Mizarone, The Royal Inventor! :cool:
    Teska wrote: »
    *receives mizarone's invitation and decides to take time from her studying to attend*
    It's nice to take a break every now and then, I've been so busy with studying I haven't stopped for tea time in at least two weeks!! :eek:

    Good god! :eek:

    I thought you ran the Royal University, I did not know you studied there too!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    *wakes up after this lengthy sleep* *stretches, yawns, itches* *slowly opens his eyes*


    *gets up slowly and heads for his door* *opens his door and reaches down without looking* *trys to grab his paper like it was there perfectly* *touches the ground..*

    HUH! WHAT! *starts to jump and down on the spot and stomping and cursing*

    *runs back to the video tape and hits the rewind button*

    *plays the footage*


    *notices the king going by on his trusty tea hopper* uhh huh..

    *then as the king gets half way through the scene, a big black out happens*

    Romublonde(Watching from the rafters)- "Dang it! I must have edited today's footage instead of yesterdays.....Ill have to use a decoy to distract his attention...."
    *Drops in a piece of paper labled "Distraction" and attempts to lower herself towards the computer, hoping that Locutus takes the bait....*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    mizarone wrote: »
    *organizes a fancy tea party in the royal garden for when the king returns and sends out invitations to everyone*

    *takes a break from looking through the telescope and heads for the party*
    Ooo, well then! *pulls out a sword and knights him* You can be Sir Mizarone, The Royal Inventor! :cool:

    Good god! :eek:

    I thought you ran the Royal University, I did not know you studied there too!

    She probably gets a discount on tuition for being head of the institution.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Krent wrote: »
    *takes a break from looking through the telescope and heads for the party*


    She probably gets a discount on tuition for being head of the institution.

    Way to play the system Princess Teska! *hi fives* :eek:

    Soooooo.... what's everyone up to? Does anyone have any suggestions for Teacup Land?

    *goes off to play on the Bouncy Castle with Prince Bogglesworth while they think*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Way to play the system Princess Teska! *hi fives* :eek:

    Soooooo.... what's everyone up to? Does anyone have any suggestions for Teacup Land?

    *goes off to play on the Bouncy Castle with Prince Bogglesworth while they think*

    I was thinking of starting a teaturtle breeding program using cloned teaturtles to help prop up the population.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    <.<....>.>...-sneaks in unobserved, and makes some bamboo tea (from the flowers and leaves of the bamboo plant) then sits in comfy reading chair next to fire place and watches the daily going ons of the rest of the thread while sipping bamboo tea and nomming on some bannik (it's like a scottish crumpet )
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    *In the silo, K'raq slices down several K'lones. After the room is clear, he stops, and thinks. He turns to the Antagonist and King Mocha*
    "Remind me again why we're here?"
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