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The Order of the Teacup



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Hmmm... *issues order to his troops on the Chai by Royal Walkie Talkie Headset*

    Arrest the Antagonist and return him to Castle Teacup Medical Wing so he can get better!

    Yes Sir.

    *Krent cuffs the unconscious Antagonist, and the unknown soldier as well, and puts them into the brig on the HMS Chai. The others he puts in the guest quarters until they awaken*

    The explosion from the Botany Bay seems to have shaken the Honorless Dawgs and Anti Teacup Extremists, I don't think they will be making any further moves today. Helm! set a course back to Castle Teacup. I'd like to get there before Antagonist awakens.

    *the HMS Chai deploys its OverThrusters in an overly elaborate fashion which then ignite propelling the airship on a course that involves a lot of loop-de-loops, cork-screws, and barrel-rolls. They pass the Devalon 9 on their way and everyone on the Chai waves*

    Gee I hope Hoody is ok, the Devalon hasn't moved since it got dislodged from that portal.
    *whistles by everyone to the castles washroom, slams door and stays in there for abit*

    That tea goes right through him. One of the down sides to being a borg I guess.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Krent wrote: »
    Yes Sir.

    *Krent cuffs the unconscious Antagonist, and the unknown soldier as well, and puts them into the brig on the HMS Chai. The others he puts in the guest quarters until they awaken*

    The explosion from the Botany Bay seems to have shaken the Honorless Dawgs and Anti Teacup Extremists, I don't think they will be making any further moves today. Helm! set a course back to Castle Teacup. I'd like to get there before Antagonist awakens.

    *the HMS Chai deploys its OverThrusters in an overly elaborate fashion which then ignite propelling the airship on a course that involves a lot of loop-de-loops, cork-screws, and barrel-rolls. They pass the Devalon 9 on their way and everyone on the Chai waves*

    Gee I hope Hoody is ok, the Devalon hasn't moved since it got dislodged from that portal.

    That tea goes right through him. One of the down sides to being a borg I guess.

    *slowly walks out from the washroom with a long gasp* Krent...I didnt see you there. How are you old friend? Yes indeed. Ive found that new Tea the chef has started to broil up not very good with my borg insides. Been a really hectic few days.

    *looks around*

    soo, hows things in the castle these days? I have heard lots of noice while ive been in the sick bed in my room. Iam curious to find out the news of tea land. Seeing as the teapapernews dosnt arrive at my door anymore...I blame the king...I think he uses his in his fireplace and then steals my paper to read... *glares*

    but never the less whats new?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    *slowly walks out from the washroom with a long gasp* Krent...I didnt see you there. How are you old friend? Yes indeed. Ive found that new Tea the chef has started to broil up not very good with my borg insides. Been a really hectic few days.

    *looks around*

    soo, hows things in the castle these days? I have heard lots of noice while ive been in the sick bed in my room. Iam curious to find out the news of tea land. Seeing as the teapapernews dosnt arrive at my door anymore...I blame the king...I think he uses his in his fireplace and then steals my paper to read... *glares*

    but never the less whats new?

    *overhearing this, the King puts his Teacup Land Newspaper away quickly, not wanting people to know he is infact using somebody elses copy*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    *slowly walks out from the washroom with a long gasp* Krent...I didnt see you there. How are you old friend? Yes indeed. Ive found that new Tea the chef has started to broil up not very good with my borg insides. Been a really hectic few days.

    *looks around*

    soo, hows things in the castle these days? I have heard lots of noice while ive been in the sick bed in my room. Iam curious to find out the news of tea land. Seeing as the teapapernews dosnt arrive at my door anymore...I blame the king...I think he uses his in his fireplace and then steals my paper to read... *glares*

    but never the less whats new?

    Lessee...After Antagonist showed up we explored some catacombs under the castle, then a portal opened up and the Devalon got stuck in it, we went up to see what was happening and found a big demon thing that was after Antagonist, I went loopy and ran into the forest, my sanity was resorted by melding with a hypno-tribble, The king was banned from the land by the Cryptic Gods but was returned safely to us, Antagonist started a new plot to get all the sushi he wanted but was interrupted by Hernandez's Anti Teacup Extremists and the Honorless Dawgs as well as a new unknown assailant we are still figuring out, oh and Mr. Dawson joined the ranks of the Holy Order of the Teacup. I think some other things happened too but those are the highlights.

    Now, I need to escort Antagonist here into the dungeon, he still hasn't woken up from that emergency spell he used to escape his exploding ship.

    *dumps Antagonist into the cell next to the one that used to hold the first Teaborg, and the Unknown Soldier into the one across the from it. K'raq and Mizarone are taken to their suites in the castle to rest up*

    Now I am going to join the King and the Princess up by the pool, I need to work on my tan. Hmm, I wonder what happened to Enemia and Shell?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Krent wrote: »
    Lessee...After Antagonist showed up we explored some catacombs under the castle, then a portal opened up and the Devalon got stuck in it, we went up to see what was happening and found a big demon thing that was after Antagonist, I went loopy and ran into the forest, my sanity was resorted by melding with a hypno-tribble, The king was banned from the land by the Cryptic Gods but was returned safely to us, Antagonist started a new plot to get all the sushi he wanted but was interrupted by Hernandez's Anti Teacup Extremists and the Honorless Dawgs as well as a new unknown assailant we are still figuring out, oh and Mr. Dawson joined the ranks of the Holy Order of the Teacup. I think some other things happened too but those are the highlights.

    Now, I need to escort Antagonist here into the dungeon, he still hasn't woken up from that emergency spell he used to escape his exploding ship.

    *dumps Antagonist into the cell next to the one that used to hold the first Teaborg, and the Unknown Soldier into the one across the from it. K'raq and Mizarone are taken to their suites in the castle to rest up*

    Now I am going to join the King and the Princess up by the pool, I need to work on my tan. Hmm, I wonder what happened to Enemia and Shell?

    *Meanwhile, in the tea river lair, in a room filled with empty teawine bottles and trash*
    Enemia(sprawled out on the floor)- "Man....that was one heck of a party....(Enemia's teaphone vibrates) Eh? Oh, its from Minioneer....he's, like, funny, cause he, you know, is like, sarcastic, and a good guy, and stuff....oh, hey, its about the Antagonist(Reads)....Shell, Sober me up! We need to hurry down to the...the...place......to do, uh, something, i think.....uhh...ya.

    *Shell uses his claw to poor a pot of hot coffee on Enemia's face. the two get in the Antago-Glyder and head towards castle teacup*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    *wakes up not long after being placed in a suite by Krent* Man, did anyone get the license plate of the semi that hit me? I have such a headache!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Antagonist wrote: »
    *Meanwhile, in the tea river lair, in a room filled with empty teawine bottles and trash*
    Enemia(sprawled out on the floor)- "Man....that was one heck of a party....(Enemia's teaphone vibrates) Eh? Oh, its from Minioneer....he's, like, funny, cause he, you know, is like, sarcastic, and a good guy, and stuff....oh, hey, its about the Antagonist(Reads)....Shell, Sober me up! We need to hurry down to the...the...place......to do, uh, something, i think.....uhh...ya.

    *Shell uses his claw to poor a pot of hot coffee on Enemia's face. the two get in the Antago-Glyder and head towards castle teacup*

    *watching from the Castle Teacup Roof* Good Grief, what do those two want?!

    Guards! Escort them to the throne room right away! *watches as his Tea Guards take to the skies in brightly coloured Tea Gliders to escort the Antago-Glyder in to the Main Hanger of Castle Teacup's New 5th floor Glider Deck*

    Krent! Mizarone! K'raq!? Arrest them and throw them in a cell with the Antagonist!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    *watching from the Castle Teacup Roof* Good Grief, what do those two want?!

    Guards! Escort them to the throne room right away! *watches as his Tea Guards take to the skies in brightly coloured Tea Gliders to escort the Antago-Glyder in to the Main Hanger of Castle Teacup's New 5th floor Glider Deck*

    Krent! Mizarone! K'raq!? Arrest them and throw them in a cell with the Antagonist!

    I recommend putting them in a separate cell. If they are together in the same cell, they night escape.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    mizarone wrote: »
    I recommend putting them in a separate cell. If they are together in the same cell, they night escape.

    They always escape!

    Just make sure the Antagonist has nothing pointy he can use as a magic wand, and they will be safe in the cell.

    Also, somebody check the TeaBorg is ok in that hole outside. :eek:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    They always escape!

    Just make sure the Antagonist has nothing pointy he can use as a magic wand, and they will be safe in the cell.

    Also, somebody check the TeaBorg is ok in that hole outside. :eek:

    Antagonist's cell is completely padded with no sharp corners and surfaces. The only thing he can possibly use is a very nasty one-year-old toothbrush.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    mizarone wrote: »
    Antagonist's cell is completely padded with no sharp corners and surfaces. The only thing he can possibly use is a very nasty one-year-old toothbrush.

    That's the perfect magic wand, make sure it's removed!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    That's the perfect magic wand, make sure it's removed!

    I had one of the guards removed the toothbrush.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Also, somebody check the TeaBorg is ok in that hole outside. :eek:

    He seems to be, Majesty. But maybe we should bring him inside, he feels a little cold
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    MGDawson wrote: »
    He seems to be, Majesty. But maybe we should bring him inside, he feels a little cold


    He is dangerous. We stuck him in that hole because with him growing so HUGE, he was dangerous and a massive hole in the ground was the only way to contain him.

    He must never be let out.... (unless the guy playing him comes back, then he shall be put on a weightloss program and returned to work)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010

    He is dangerous. We stuck him in that hole because with him growing so HUGE, he was dangerous and a massive hole in the ground was the only way to contain him.

    He must never be let out.... (unless the guy playing him comes back, then he shall be put on a weightloss program and returned to work)

    Well, we could put a circus tent over him so he can stay warm.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    No. Just, no.

    You Order of the Teacup people CANNOT have Lizlet! I won't allow her precious teacup to be used by you people! LIZLET SHALL NOT BE THE MASCOT OF YOUR ORDER!

    Her teacup shall be ever pristine!

    (For those not knowing who Lizlet is, shame on you! Here's a reference - the ONLY teacup with a hot maid body!)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Callasan wrote: »
    No. Just, no.

    You Order of the Teacup people CANNOT have Lizlet! I won't allow her precious teacup to be used by you people! LIZLET SHALL NOT BE THE MASCOT OF YOUR ORDER!

    Her teacup shall be ever pristine!

    (For those not knowing who Lizlet is, shame on you! Here's a reference - the ONLY teacup with a hot maid body!)

    The teacup is not a mascot it is a priceless relic of a bygo9ne era. Also, I think you have your teacups mixed up. This is the teacup we speak of.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    mizarone wrote: »
    The teacup is not a mascot it is a priceless relic of a bygo9ne era. Also, I think you have your teacups mixed up. This is the teacup we speak of.

    I still prefer Lizlet - thanks for the reference though.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Seems a good day today. Not much to do. I'll go off flying my kite.

    *heads out to Teacup Castle's garden, and starts flying a kite with "For the Teacup, For Trebort" written on it*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    mizarone wrote: »
    Well, we could put a circus tent over him so he can stay warm.

    That's an excellent idea! Can it have red and white stripes?
    Callasan wrote: »
    No. Just, no.

    You Order of the Teacup people CANNOT have Lizlet! I won't allow her precious teacup to be used by you people! LIZLET SHALL NOT BE THE MASCOT OF YOUR ORDER!

    Her teacup shall be ever pristine!

    (For those not knowing who Lizlet is, shame on you! Here's a reference - the ONLY teacup with a hot maid body!)

    mizarone wrote: »
    The teacup is not a mascot it is a priceless relic of a bygo9ne era. Also, I think you have your teacups mixed up. This is the teacup we speak of.

    :DTeacup Land Website (That needs updaing)
    Callasan wrote: »
    I still prefer Lizlet - thanks for the reference though.

    :mad: He denounces the Teacup! Either throw him in the dungeons or dead him! Guards!!
    MGDawson wrote: »
    Seems a good day today. Not much to do. I'll go off flying my kite.

    *heads out to Teacup Castle's garden, and starts flying a kite with "For the Teacup, For Trebort" written on it*

    Excellent idea. Nice kite too! *flies his own with Prince Bogglesworth's picture on it*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    That's an excellent idea! Can it have red and white stripes?

    We can have any many colors as you'd like. I will start with those two colors and add more as needed.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I think I saw a blank white circus tent in the castle stores...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    MGDawson wrote: »
    I think I saw a blank white circus tent in the castle stores...

    OK, we can use that. Just paint red stripes and a picture of Prince Bogglesworth on it
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Excellent idea. Nice kite too! *flies his own with Prince Bogglesworth's picture on it*

    Hello Majesty *bows*
    mizarone wrote: »
    OK, we can use that. Just paint red stripes and a picture of Prince Bogglesworth on it

    I don't think we have any red paint. I'll buy some when I visit farmers in the Tea Valley this afternoon, sire, as they have reported trouble with insects.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Callasan wrote: »
    No. Just, no.

    You Order of the Teacup people CANNOT have Lizlet! I won't allow her precious teacup to be used by you people! LIZLET SHALL NOT BE THE MASCOT OF YOUR ORDER!

    Her teacup shall be ever pristine!

    (For those not knowing who Lizlet is, shame on you! Here's a reference - the ONLY teacup with a hot maid body!)

    She may not be The One True Teacup, but she can come visit us any time. ;)
    mizarone wrote: »
    OK, we can use that. Just paint red stripes and a picture of Prince Bogglesworth on it

    That sounds perfect!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    mizarone wrote: »
    I had one of the guards removed the toothbrush.

    *Wakes up, Next to the mysterious armored soldier, also coming to*

    Antagonist- "ow....my head...what happened? last thing i remember is passing out on the HMS Chai.....(Notices The soldier next to him getting up) Uh oh....we didnt't...you know...did we?

    Minioneer(Standing outside the cell)- "You and your TRIBBLE jokes...."

    Antagonist- "Ah, Minioneer....You Always said i would wake up in a padded cell....But i did say you'd visit me! ha-HA!"

    Minioneer- "Sigh.....look, do you have any idea what happened? how bad it was?"

    Antagonist(Looking over at the soldier, who is still groggy)- "...I was wondering the same thing"

    Minioneer- "No, I mean on board the Botony Bay! Who were those soldiers? how were they so skilled with Bat'leths? And where's Enemia"

    Enemia(Who was in the cell across from them with Shell the entire time, much to their surprise)- "ohhh.....my head....that was still some party....(looks at Minioneer and the Antagonist) Oh, hello!"

    Antagonist- "Well, that answers one question, but as for the identity of that mysterious figure and his minions, maybe we had better ask my cell mate"

    *Turns around, to see the soldier about to attack him. The Antagonist dodges the blow, and kicks over the already wounded soldier, knocking him once again unconscious*

    Antagonist- "Oh...right, we were going to question him....hmmm, lets see what's behind the helmet! (Begins to take it off) That might make things a bit less--(removes the helmet, and is immediately shocked, along with
    Enemia, Minioneer, and Shell)--...complicated...."

    Enemia- "uh, Boss? I think you might've spoken too soon...."

    Minioneer- "for once, Enemia, I agree with you. We need to find K'raq; If anyone will have any idea what you just got us all into, it'll be him"

    Antagonist- "That sweaty ol' ridge head had better know something about this; cause, quite frankly, one of him is enough"

    *The four look down on the unconscious soldier, all silently agreeing with the Antagonist, as they look upon a soldier who is, in every way, identical to K'raq*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Antagonist wrote: »
    *Wakes up, Next to the mysterious armored soldier, also coming to*

    Antagonist- "ow....my head...what happened? last thing i remember is passing out on the HMS Chai.....(Notices The soldier next to him getting up) Uh oh....we didnt't...you know...did we?

    Minioneer(Standing outside the cell)- "You and your TRIBBLE jokes...."

    Antagonist- "Ah, Minioneer....You Always said i would wake up in a padded cell....But i did say you'd visit me! ha-HA!"

    Minioneer- "Sigh.....look, do you have any idea what happened? how bad it was?"

    Antagonist(Looking over at the soldier, who is still groggy)- "...I was wondering the same thing"

    Minioneer- "No, I mean on board the Botony Bay! Who were those soldiers? how were they so skilled with Bat'leths? And where's Enemia"

    Enemia(Who was in the cell across from them with Shell the entire time, much to their surprise)- "ohhh.....my head....that was still some party....(looks at Minioneer and the Antagonist) Oh, hello!"

    Antagonist- "Well, that answers one question, but as for the identity of that mysterious figure and his minions, maybe we had better ask my cell mate"

    *Turns around, to see the soldier about to attack him. The Antagonist dodges the blow, and kicks over the already wounded soldier, knocking him once again unconscious*

    Antagonist- "Oh...right, we were going to question him....hmmm, lets see what's behind the helmet! (Begins to take it off) That might make things a bit less--(removes the helmet, and is immediately shocked, along with
    Enemia, Minioneer, and Shell)--...complicated...."

    Enemia- "uh, Boss? I think you might've spoken too soon...."

    Minioneer- "for once, Enemia, I agree with you. We need to find K'raq; If anyone will have any idea what you just got us all into, it'll be him"

    Antagonist- "That sweaty ol' ridge head had better know something about this; cause, quite frankly, one of him is enough"

    *The four look down on the unconscious soldier, all silently agreeing with the Antagonist, as they look upon a soldier who is, in every way, identical to K'raq*

    *walks by the the Antagonist's cell on the way to check some monitoring equipment in the catacombs* Hey, nice clone, where did you get that?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    MGDawson wrote: »
    I think I saw a blank white circus tent in the castle stores...
    mizarone wrote: »
    OK, we can use that. Just paint red stripes and a picture of Prince Bogglesworth on it
    MGDawson wrote: »
    Hello Majesty *bows*

    I don't think we have any red paint. I'll buy some when I visit farmers in the Tea Valley this afternoon, sire, as they have reported trouble with insects.

    This is all a brilliant idea. We can have a wonderful hole covering tent and protect the environment by reusing an old tent.

    I'm every so thrilled. *wanders off to continue exploring a floor upstairs he misplaced* I had no idea we had a spa! :rolleyes:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I've got the paint! 4 whole tins! and it looks like it's another sunny day, sire!

    The insect problems seems to be with their new blend, called "sweet Chait Green", but a few Carola flowers should solve that problem.

    *starts stirring the paint ready for painting*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    MGDawson wrote: »
    I've got the paint! 4 whole tins! and it looks like it's another sunny day, sire!

    The insect problems seems to be with their new blend, called "sweet Chait Green", but a few Carola flowers should solve that problem.

    *starts stirring the paint ready for painting*

    *sets up a sunbed to supervise the painting from the sidelines, with Prince Bogglesworth sat next to him a giant Teacup Shaped Throne Doggy Bed*

    Wonderful day! :cool:
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