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System Requirements



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Aeterno wrote:

    The GTX 260 is on RMA and won't be back until tuesday (mailed it out Tuesday, so I haven't tried it on ST:O), then this GTS 250 is going into the Dell and the 8600GTS is retiring to permanent physx... then I can see how it works out.

    Back to GTX 260 w/ physx 8600GTS now... Max detail, 8x AA 16x AF, 60FPS everwhere except fleet action around 45-50fps. Unfortunately, I can verify that my physx card sits at 0% GPU usage and about 5% VRAM usage. ST:O does NOT use physx for anything. It's sad, but there's not really too many applications in-game for it so not very surprising.

    The Dell, which is a Windows 7 x32, Pentium D (P4 3.0x2), 3GB RAM (2x1GB, 2x512MB), GTS 250 512mb, 1680x1050 resolution is getting 45FPS at "recommended" detail now, and about 30 in fleet actions. I tweaked stuff a little, turned AA down to 2x and turned the ranges all up to 100%. That system was high end hardware when it was new, except the processor, but with said processor that's really very surprising performance.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Aeterno wrote:
    Soft shadows off too. And stop recommending 190.62, 191.07 is better :P
    I tried 191.07 it's gave me a rubberband effect and I started running it to walls again.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I tried 191.07 it's gave me a rubberband effect and I started running it to walls again.

    I've always attributed rubberbanding to straight up lag... Every MMO i've ever played gets it. I very rarely get it on STO unless I'm torrenting ;)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    just wanna say that the game runs fine on my video card: Radeon x1600 even though it's below the requirements
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Have been thinking of upgrading my system for a long time, and STO has been the final push into making me do so. Thinking of upgrading to the DELL Inspiron 570, due to budget constraints. Will this run STO? Or will there again be large amounts of lag and extremely low detail?

    AMD Athlon II X2 240 (2.8 GHz, 2MB Cache)
    Windows 7 - 64 bit
    ATI Radeon HD4200 Graphics Card
    2GB RAM
    320 GB HDD
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Have been thinking of upgrading my system for a long time, and STO has been the final push into making me do so. Thinking of upgrading to the DELL Inspiron 570, due to budget constraints. Will this run STO? Or will there again be large amounts of lag and extremely low detail?

    AMD Athlon II X2 240 (2.8 GHz, 2MB Cache)
    Windows 7 - 64 bit
    ATI Radeon HD4200 Graphics Card
    2GB RAM
    320 GB HDD

    The 4200 is not a gaming card. STO will run on it about at low settings and resolution. What is your budget?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Aeterno wrote:
    I've always attributed rubberbanding to straight up lag... Every MMO i've ever played gets it. I very rarely get it on STO unless I'm torrenting ;)

    Several things can cause banding. Sync the refresh rate from your monitor and the settings in game. Do not set to auto, set it manually. Use triple buffering if available. Here is a link to a post on the LOTRO Tech Support forums about the problem in that game. All the advice may not apply, but it may give you a starting point to tweek your settings.

    How To Guide: Improving Video Hitching, Glitching, Stuttering
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    im below some of those specs but everything runs perfectly fine, if with a bunch of people fighting in one area up close i was fine
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    The 4200 is not a gaming card. STO will run on it about at low settings and resolution. What is your budget?

    around £400, and looking to buy a desktop not a laptop.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    the min. req. is a intel core 2 duo 1.8 ghz does that mean that a intel pentium 4 3.2 ghz cpu will not be powerful enuff to play the game?

    I've got an Intel Pent 4 3.2 as well, with a NVidia 7800 GS and I can run it relatively ok. It gets sticky when a lot is happening, but its playiable.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Im gonna be upgrading my system to the following this week. Think this will be acceptable to play STO at a decent level??? Or should i think about changing it slightly?

    Intel Celeron CPU E1400 2.0GHz
    Windows Vista
    Nvidia GeForce 9800GT 1GB
    2GB RAM
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Are you guys jokeing about the Minimum System Requirements? I have a CPU that is beter than the AMD Athlon™ X2 3800+ and everythng else beter than the Recommended System Requirements, and yet I cannot get my game to work unless I run it at the lowest setings and even then I am runing my pc hoter than I should to be safe,

    Plus in the last three days it has crashed my pc a number of times and altered something twice that has prevented me from rebooting my pc corectly and even geting into windows, last time my farther(the part time second hand PC builder) tempireraily atached a third hard disc an some how that got me back into windows,
    and then last night it went wong again,

    So I ask you guy's if I am havng this many problems with my almost Recommended System Requirements, how the heck can even the Minimum System Requirements work?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Don't know what is going on with your computer Vor, but something ain't right. I have a computer that is WAY below even minimum requirements. Four year old computer with an outdated, on-board graphics card and crappy sound card. BUT, I can run the game on half graphics with zero problems.

    Building my computer that is going to meet and surpass recommended as we speak, but if I can run it on old crappy then no one should be having those sorts of problems.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    My vidcard is a little above spec (8800 GT) and my proc is way below (5 yr old AMD) and I can run it just fine even with the graphics cranked up. Odd thing is, I can't zone if my graphics are turned up. I haven't gone in to figure exactly which setting is causing the issue, but I do know if I run "minimum" or "low" I can zone and if I run "recommended" or "maximum" I can't. Like I said, it still PLAYS fine in any mode, so I like to crank up the options on the longer missions and squee at the pretty.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    mac173 wrote: »
    Several things can cause banding. Sync the refresh rate from your monitor and the settings in game. Do not set to auto, set it manually. Use triple buffering if available. Here is a link to a post on the LOTRO Tech Support forums about the problem in that game. All the advice may not apply, but it may give you a starting point to tweek your settings.

    How To Guide: Improving Video Hitching, Glitching, Stuttering

    Nothing in that describes anything like what I'm thinking of. Maybe I'm misinterpreting "rubber banding", but I think of it as when you lag and keep controlling, then the game says "oh you weren't connected" and snaps you back to where it thinks you were like a rubber band.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Vor_Eve wrote:
    Are you guys jokeing about the Minimum System Requirements? I have a CPU that is beter than the AMD Athlon™ X2 3800+ and everythng else beter than the Recommended System Requirements, and yet I cannot get my game to work unless I run it at the lowest setings and even then I am runing my pc hoter than I should to be safe,

    Plus in the last three days it has crashed my pc a number of times and altered something twice that has prevented me from rebooting my pc corectly and even geting into windows, last time my farther(the part time second hand PC builder) tempireraily atached a third hard disc an some how that got me back into windows,
    and then last night it went wong again,

    So I ask you guy's if I am havng this many problems with my almost Recommended System Requirements, how the heck can even the Minimum System Requirements work?

    Sounds like something seriously wrong if you are at least running within spec or over the specs. What kind of crash are you experienceing? Crash to desktop or crash that causes you to reboot or shutdown. Crash that causes reboot or shutdown would most likely mean one of two things. System is overheating, or powersupply cant keep up with demand. Could be going bad.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Deutsch wrote:
    Im gonna be upgrading my system to the following this week. Think this will be acceptable to play STO at a decent level??? Or should i think about changing it slightly?

    Intel Celeron CPU E1400 2.0GHz
    Windows Vista
    Nvidia GeForce 9800GT 1GB
    2GB RAM

    That's a very very low end processor. If possibly get a Pentium Dual Core or a Core 2 Duo (C2D is better). The higher the number on the processor the better (like E7200 vs E5200). Aim for at least a E5x00, best to be at least E7x00.

    The other components are probably fine, that's a pretty solid video card. 2GB RAM isn't real high end, but it will do what you need.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Vor_Eve wrote:
    Are you guys jokeing about the Minimum System Requirements? I have a CPU that is beter than the AMD Athlon™ X2 3800+ and everythng else beter than the Recommended System Requirements, and yet I cannot get my game to work unless I run it at the lowest setings and even then I am runing my pc hoter than I should to be safe,

    Plus in the last three days it has crashed my pc a number of times and altered something twice that has prevented me from rebooting my pc corectly and even geting into windows, last time my farther(the part time second hand PC builder) tempireraily atached a third hard disc an some how that got me back into windows,
    and then last night it went wong again,

    So I ask you guy's if I am havng this many problems with my almost Recommended System Requirements, how the heck can even the Minimum System Requirements work?

    We need more information to help you. We need your operating system (e.g. windows xp), your video card model, and your video driver. For the video driver and model, right click on "My Computer" and click "Manage" (windows XP), or start > right click "Computer" and click Manage (Windows Vista/7). Click to Device Manager under "System Tools" and click the + or > by "Display Adapters". Right click the one that says something like "Intel GMA", "Radeon","GeForce", or "GT/GTS/GTX" (that's your model) and click properties. Click to the driver tab, and tell us the "Driver Version". The last 5 digits are your version.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Shutdown then an odd reboot problem as stated,
    I just spoken with my farther and he said I may need a new CPU and motherbord, as one of the main problems I have been having the last few months has been with over heating my PC,

    Windows XP SP3, my new videocard is a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260,
    but right now I cannot even get in to my PC I am posting this with my farther's old PC, as he is trying to fix mine,
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Vor_Eve wrote:
    Shutdown then an odd reboot problem as stated,
    I just spoken with my farther and he said I may need a new CPU and motherbord, as one of the main problems I have been having the last few months has been with over heating my PC,

    Windows XP SP3, my new videocard is a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260,
    but right now I cannot even get in to my PC I am posting this with my farther's old PC, as he is trying to fix mine,

    With the GTX 260, you may have a driver compatibility issue. Load either 191.07 or 190.62, both are available at www.guru3d.com. Get the WHQL version. Also check the running temperature of the video card, use a program like Rivatuner, or eVGA Precision. The GTX 260 runs hot, but it shouldn't be getting above 80C. I had issues with that (Idle 75C, load 92C, I peaked out at over 100C once lol. Should have made tea on it...) and ended up getting my GTX 260 RMA'd. Hooray for them sending back a newer model than I sent them.

    It sounds like your dad knows what he's doing, but before you do anything drastic like replacing parts I would suggest buying some canned air and blowing the dust out (You can't get it all with just blowing on it). Can't hurt.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    For all of you notebook players, just a quick FYI. I recently bought an HP dv8t with the Intel Core i7 Q820 and 8GB of memory. The memory card is the Nvidia GeForce GT 230m. Clearly the video card is the weak link of the system but you wouldn't know it by playing the game. I'm very impressed with the graphics! I spent a long time tweaking the settings but settled on the Recommended option then tweaked up the terrain and character details and the shadows. It looks amazing and gets good framerates.

    For anyone else debating a laptop purchase this card is really impressive. Like I said, I'm surprised because it's not a high end card.

    Enjoy the game!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    fatTribble wrote:
    I recently bought an HP dv8t with the Intel Core i7 Q820 and 8GB of memory.

    That, sir, is a beast of a laptop. Blows mine away. How much did it cost you?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Vor_Eve wrote:
    Shutdown then an odd reboot problem as stated,
    I just spoken with my farther and he said I may need a new CPU and motherbord, as one of the main problems I have been having the last few months has been with over heating my PC,

    Windows XP SP3, my new videocard is a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260,
    but right now I cannot even get in to my PC I am posting this with my farther's old PC, as he is trying to fix mine,

    If you have been having overheating issues, that most likely is the bulk of the problem. When it crashes, and it does a direct power shutoff without shutting windows down properly, XP is known to lose or corrupt the windows startup file. Not all the time it will lose or corrupt the startup file, but it has happened to me on several occasions. After you get Windows running again, one good way to test to see if you have a heating problem without buying fans or what not is to pull the covers off the case and run the system. Startup Star Trek and play a couple hours. If it seems to be running smooth, and not powering down, then you have improper cooling or circulation in the case. I then would advise putting more fans in the tower.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Falcomith wrote: »
    If you have been having overheating issues, that most likely is the bulk of the problem. When it crashes, and it does a direct power shutoff without shutting windows down properly, XP is known to lose or corrupt the windows startup file. Not all the time it will lose or corrupt the startup file, but it has happened to me on several occasions. After you get Windows running again, one good way to test to see if you have a heating problem without buying fans or what not is to pull the covers off the case and run the system. Startup Star Trek and play a couple hours. If it seems to be running smooth, and not powering down, then you have improper cooling or circulation in the case. I then would advise putting more fans in the tower.

    No, no no no and no. Modern cases are designed to be closed. If you run it with the case open, you completely ruin the flow patterns that were set up by whoever designed your case. If your air intakes aren't clogged, your case should never be opened.

    The only exception to this is if you've been pulling metal parts out of your case for some weird reason, but in his case with a GTX 260, he's got even better flow OUT of the case than would normally be intended. A better option would to be to set the fan speeds to manual 100% (BIOS for CPU fan if it's not a dell/hp/gateway/etc), and Rivatuner or something similar for the video card. It'll be noisy but it may do the trick.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Hey everyone im wondering if someone can help me, im a computed dunce lol and want to know if i could play the game on these specs
    AMD Phenom X3 8550
    (2.2GHz, 2MB Cache)
    Genuine Windows 7 Home Premium
    2GB memory
    320GB hard drive
    512MB NVIDIA GeForce GT210
    DVD Rewriter
    6x USB ports

    The main thing im worrying abouts the graphics card tbh.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    sean91 wrote: »
    Hey everyone im wondering if someone can help me, im a computed dunce lol and want to know if i could play the game on these specs
    AMD Phenom X3 8550
    (2.2GHz, 2MB Cache)
    Genuine Windows 7 Home Premium
    2GB memory
    320GB hard drive
    512MB NVIDIA GeForce GT210
    DVD Rewriter
    6x USB ports

    The main thing im worrying abouts the graphics card tbh.

    That should be fine. If it's got like a 128 mb interface with your motherboard.

    It's not the ram of the card, it's the interface with the motherboard you're really worried about.

    I've got a Nvidia GE Force 9800MGTS with one gig of DDR3 dedicated video ram. There's very few games out that I've found nowadays that'll use the entire gig of video ram.

    From what I've found in my research, the better the interface with the motherboard, the better the performance. Like the card I have has a 256 mb interface, instead of the 128, some of the older cards have a 64 mb interface and that makes them horribly slow, even with plenty of ram.

    Addendum: That card will be slow as death. I just looked up the interface width...and oh boy...it's only a 64. :(

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    shael1792 wrote: »
    That should be fine. If it's got like a 128 mb interface with your motherboard.

    It's not the ram of the card, it's the interface with the motherboard you're really worried about.

    I've got a Nvidia GE Force 9800MGTS with one gig of DDR3 dedicated video ram. There's very few games out that I've found nowadays that'll use the entire gig of video ram.

    Addendum: That card will be slow as death. I just looked up the interface width...and oh boy...it's only a 64. :(


    It's not so much that. GT210 is equivalent to a 9400GT, which was $40 when it was new. It's a low end card. The interface doesn't matter so much when the hardware of the card isn't very good.

    To the person asking, yes you can play it on that, but you will have to drop the video quality down a good bit. It would be worth it get at least a GTS 240 (unless you already have this system, then just install the game and try it instead of taking our word for it)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    moving to seperate thread
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Rekhan wrote:
    We just updated the FAQ, but wanted to call it out here, as well. Star Trek Online's system requirements are as follows:
    System Requirements
    OS: Windows XP SP2 / Windows Vista / Windows 7 (32 or 64-bit) CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 1.8 Ghz or AMD Athlon X2 3800+ Memory: 1GB RAM Video: NVIDIA GeForce 7950 / ATI Radeon X1800 / Intel HD Graphics Sound: DirectX 9.0c Compatible Soundcard DirectX: Version 9.0c or Higher HDD: 8GB Free Disk Space Network: Internet Broadband Connection Required Disc: 6X DVD-ROM Recommended System Configuration
    OS: Windows XP SP2 / Windows Vista / Windows 7 (32 or 64-bit) CPU: Intel E8400 Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon X2 5600+ Memory: 2GB RAM+ Video: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 / ATI Radeon HD 3850+ Sound: DirectX 9.0c Compatible Soundcard DirectX: Version 9.0c or Higher HDD: 8GB Free Disk Space Network: Internet Broadband Connection Required Disc: 6X DVD-ROM

    Link to the news article.

    I think minimum could be low at last for other components than video cards.
    My notebook is Intel Core 2 Duo - 1.5GHz, 2 GB RAM, GeForce 8400m - 256 MB RAM. Windows Server 2003 SP2 test build with full media acceleration.
    (Mention OS build because of much better optimization in work with dual CPU, managing memory and HDD treads - it's better than Windows XP SP3 with about 25% on same notebook.)
    So about game, I have no CPU overload - about 75% total CPU loaded during play, no overheating, no HDD latency, no video crashes.
    I could say that I have no issues with playing, only big open spaces during ground mission cause time to time some video slowing.

    But not tried large fleets combat or PvP (I test it in solo PvE mode during now) large groups in other MMOs, causes more CPU & memory load, when try will update.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Vor_Eve wrote:
    Are you guys jokeing about the Minimum System Requirements? I have a CPU that is beter than the AMD Athlon™ X2 3800+ and everythng else beter than the Recommended System Requirements, and yet I cannot get my game to work unless I run it at the lowest setings and even then I am runing my pc hoter than I should to be safe,

    Plus in the last three days it has crashed my pc a number of times and altered something twice that has prevented me from rebooting my pc corectly and even geting into windows, last time my farther(the part time second hand PC builder) tempireraily atached a third hard disc an some how that got me back into windows,
    and then last night it went wong again,

    So I ask you guy's if I am havng this many problems with my almost Recommended System Requirements, how the heck can even the Minimum System Requirements work?

    I had a simular problem with my xfx gtx 260.
    I had the card upa and running for a 30 days and then the pc would lock up and some times resatr itstelf till finally on the last few days I would strange artifacts during boot up couldn/t read the screen windows wouldn't run properlyalways wanted to go to safe mode. So ii run in safe and still got hung up onwidows splash screen. I thought win 7 got corupted some how so I asked a friend to look at it.

    Well as he booted it up and saw all the artifacting he told me my video card craped out and to prove it he installed a card from my old sytem a Nvidid 7900gs and low and behold my comp is now working correctly.
    So you might want to swap out your card. Try it you got nothing to loose.

    By the way that 7900 gs is working great in sto running on recomended settings and not a problem at all.

    Anyways good luck with your system.
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