I'd like to see an Elite Recruitment Event, open to any faction, with characters starting at high level like (like Jems), but who can only do single player content on elite difficulty. Preferably with rewards scaled to match, this could provide a decent challenge to most players, and hopefully wouldn't require too much mucking around from the devs.
I see too many problems with that. Not only that, forcing people to only do Elite content? Frankly I see that as a non starter. You need top end gear and skills to play Elite. They're not gonna give that to you right off the bat.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
If not a playable Borg Faction then why not a Borg recruitment event, the LTS Borg races don't really pique my interests, Borg Humans are very generic, Borg Klingons are meh and Borg Romulans are somewhat interesting, I wish there was more variety when it came to lib Borgs.
Delta / Gamma / Temporal Recruits should be a perm feature, IMO.... Just leave them on so everyone making a new character can select archetype of recruit they like and enjoy these recruits
At the very least, rotate them A LOT more often than the devs do now....
Or they should make the bonuses obtainable in some other way.
I'm thinking of the automatic-Mk13 UR quality for reputation gear bonus especially. They could just add that as an account unlock once a character (any character) reaches T6 in all reputations. It's a lot more work actually to reach T6 in all the reputations we have today, than just reaching T5 in the ones that were there when the event was running for the first time.
Especially considering how many marks you could get as part of all the other bonuses.
Most of the tasks weren't that complicated or demanding - in fact, they could well be more demanding if they allowed them to be unlocked by existing characters in a slightly tweaked way. It would save players the effort of creating and levelling an entirely new character though.
Delta / Gamma / Temporal Recruits should be a perm feature, IMO.... Just leave them on so everyone making a new character can select archetype of recruit they like and enjoy these recruits
At the very least, rotate them A LOT more often than the devs do now....
Or they should make the bonuses obtainable in some other way.
I'm thinking of the automatic-Mk13 UR quality for reputation gear bonus especially. They could just add that as an account unlock once a character (any character) reaches T6 in all reputations. It's a lot more work actually to reach T6 in all the reputations we have today, than just reaching T5 in the ones that were there when the event was running for the first time.
Especially considering how many marks you could get as part of all the other bonuses.
Most of the tasks weren't that complicated or demanding - in fact, they could well be more demanding if they allowed them to be unlocked by existing characters in a slightly tweaked way. It would save players the effort of creating and levelling an entirely new character though.
The thing is, the main reason for those recruitment events is to get new characters into the game and shake the longer term players out of a rut of getting their BiS gear then sticking with it and not buying anything else and not replaying any of the episode content, by enticing them to make new alt characters that can access the new goodies and pass on some good things to the others on the account.
Delta / Gamma / Temporal Recruits should be a perm feature, IMO.... Just leave them on so everyone making a new character can select archetype of recruit they like and enjoy these recruits
At the very least, rotate them A LOT more often than the devs do now....
Or they should make the bonuses obtainable in some other way.
I'm thinking of the automatic-Mk13 UR quality for reputation gear bonus especially. They could just add that as an account unlock once a character (any character) reaches T6 in all reputations. It's a lot more work actually to reach T6 in all the reputations we have today, than just reaching T5 in the ones that were there when the event was running for the first time.
Especially considering how many marks you could get as part of all the other bonuses.
Most of the tasks weren't that complicated or demanding - in fact, they could well be more demanding if they allowed them to be unlocked by existing characters in a slightly tweaked way. It would save players the effort of creating and levelling an entirely new character though.
The thing is, the main reason for those recruitment events is to get new characters into the game and shake the longer term players out of a rut of getting their BiS gear then sticking with it and not buying anything else and not replaying any of the episode content, by enticing them to make new alt characters that can access the new goodies and pass on some good things to the others on the account.
Yeah I get that, but I wonder how effective the recruitment events are for that.
I think it's more likely that players will experiment with something new if they have a solid base they can fall back on (say, swapping regular antiproton weapons for Ba'ul ones without having to change or obtain all the other gear necessary for those weapons - not to mention obtaining traits, spec points, stuff like engines, Boffs and manuals etc.) than if they have to start from scratch.
Most of the time they'll simply be spending time to get to level 50/65 first, get Admiralty and R&D going, start collecting spec points etc. before they're even concerned with obtaining gear. Obtaining that gear will take a lot of time anyway for most players, like when collecting Fleet Spire tactical consoles.
If trying out new stuff is the objective, I'd argue that it'd make more sense to try and make that an objective on version of the recruitment stuff that is added to existing characters.
The first time the Temporal recruitment event ran, I just created some random Vulcan that I never bothered to play much.
I was never that interested in the faction and its archaic visual effects (I was born in the 1990's). I'd run the daily tasks but I never did much with the character.
That was, until I decided to make a dedicated drain build/toon. Which was literally years later. But even then I renamed him (I based the character on the former first officer of another toon who got a new ship), got him and his crew into more modern uniforms and appearances than the basic TOS shirt, and I got him modern weapons and boff skills instead of the 23rd century ones.
Yes, I created a new toon for the recruitment event. But not because I was willing to level and equip an entirely new character. I only did that when I actually wanted to do it. Before that, I'd simply use whatever I had laying around or what I would pick up while doing missions. The recruitment event itself was never much of a motivator for me, regarding the use of a new build.
the galor has been in the game for the past 8 years now, and the keldon for the past...2 years? the only remaining cardassian ship from DS9 that hasn't been added yet is the hideki...and the freighter, but does anyone actually want that?
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch." "We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
Passion and Serenity are one.
I gain power by understanding both.
In the chaos of their battle, I bring order.
I am a shadow, darkness born from light.
The Force is united within me.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,799Community Moderator
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
> @shadowfang240 said: > the galor has been in the game for the past 8 years now, and the keldon for the past...2 years? the only remaining cardassian ship from DS9 that hasn't been added yet is the hideki...and the freighter, but does anyone actually want that? I don't see it anywhere. I just see a bunch of bland, boring ships that look nothing like a galor ship. The yellow ship that was always attacking people in DS9 ? Where in the game is it ?
> @"paradox#7391" said: > (Quote) > You can get the red uniforms from wrath of Khan on ps4 if you're a PS Plus member, not sure if it's the same on Xbox.
Dang. I play on PS4. Oh, well. It's not like I have a fun time with this game. The tholian recluse kicks my backside and I don't see any way to beat him. It's those Widows flying around that do it. Without them, the tholian would be super easy, barely an inconvenience. I tried for 3 hours with a Sovereign ship with a couple of mine launchers and tons of phaser and plasma arrays. I've tried the mine launchers and disruptors. After three hours, I got a romulan warbird and fitted it out as best I could. I got so mad at the mission, I aborted it. I'll try the romulan ship the next time I encounter the mission, but I don't know what it's called so who knows when that will be. Nothing I do seems to help.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,799Community Moderator
I don't see it anywhere. I just see a bunch of bland, boring ships that look nothing like a galor ship. The yellow ship that was always attacking people in DS9 ? Where in the game is it ?
It was the first lockbox ship.
Currently the T5 Galor is only available in the big ViL pack. You can get the T6 Keldon more easily from Infinity Boxes or the Exchange right now, and you can customize it to be either a Keldon or Galor.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
I would add species-specific KDF content. It's one thing for all the Fed characters to be working for the same values and goals, since that's what the Federation is about. But why would Orion pirates, or Nausicaan and Lethean mercenaries be all about "rah rah, honor!"? And The Path to 2409 had Orion women clearly installed to be puppets behind the Klingon throne, but that hasn't been followed up on, as far as I know. The game takes pains to show how the and why the Gorn are all about Klingon values and ideal (through their ambassador, and it makes sense in game and with The Path to 2409), but either convince us that other species are somehow on the same page, or give us missions that reflect the appropriate differences in ideology and motivation!
I would add species-specific KDF content. It's one thing for all the Fed characters to be working for the same values and goals, since that's what the Federation is about. But why would Orion pirates, or Nausicaan and Lethean mercenaries be all about "rah rah, honor!"? And The Path to 2409 had Orion women clearly installed to be puppets behind the Klingon throne, but that hasn't been followed up on, as far as I know. The game takes pains to show how the and why the Gorn are all about Klingon values and ideal (through their ambassador, and it makes sense in game and with The Path to 2409), but either convince us that other species are somehow on the same page, or give us missions that reflect the appropriate differences in ideology and motivation!
I totally get that, to my knowledge only the Orions and Ferasans/Kzinti are vessal states, the Nausicaans got conquered alongside the Gorn, Letheans are somewhere inbetween the conquered races and the vessal state races. It is weird hearing non-Klingons talk about honor.
> @rattler2 said: > (Quote) > > It was the first lockbox ship. > Currently the T5 Galor is only available in the big ViL pack. You can get the T6 Keldon more easily from Infinity Boxes or the Exchange right now, and you can customize it to be either a Keldon or Galor.
Maybe you can help. I'm currently running a romulan warbird, the kind seen in TNG. When I first got it, I was able to release a plasma cloud out behind the ship, but the ability seems to be gone now. Was it a limited thing ?
> @rattler2 said:
> (Quote)
> It was the first lockbox ship.
> Currently the T5 Galor is only available in the big ViL pack. You can get the T6 Keldon more easily from Infinity Boxes or the Exchange right now, and you can customize it to be either a Keldon or Galor.
Maybe you can help. I'm currently running a romulan warbird, the kind seen in TNG. When I first got it, I was able to release a plasma cloud out behind the ship, but the ability seems to be gone now. Was it a limited thing ?
I may be wrong but that sounds like eject warp plasma and its a BOff ability.
> @rattler2 said: > (Quote) > > Uh... Shadow... > (Image) > > > The Tuffli is pretty much the Cardi Freighter. Only difference is they filled in the fork. > (Quote) > > Wouldn't that be the B'rel?
> @alonar said: > (Quote) > > I may be wrong but that sounds like eject warp plasma and its a BOff ability.
So, does it run out after a while ? I noticed I had it for a while, then the next day, it seemed to be gone. Is it from a specific kind of terminal or core or something ? How do you get it ? Did I just not notice I got rid of it by changing a warp core ? I DO tend to change stuff on the ships around a lot.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,799Community Moderator
Eject Warp Plasma shouldn't be a limited thing as its a BOff ability. Its possible that your BOff somehow switched abilities if they have more than one for that particular slot. Try looking at your BOff abilities and see if you can switch back to Eject Warp Plasma.
If it changed because of a warp core... were you running the FULL Breen set, including the Winter Event core? Because the 4 set bonus is Eject Cryoplasma ability, which is a variant of Warp Plasma.
There's several abilities that vent a gas or something behind the ship. However since you described it as PLASMA, that narrows it dow a bit to the Cryoplasma ability from the Breen set and the Warp Plasma BOff power. Without knowing the build on your D'Deridex, I can only speculate.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
> @rattler2 said: > Eject Warp Plasma shouldn't be a limited thing as its a BOff ability. Its possible that your BOff somehow switched abilities if they have more than one for that particular slot. Try looking at your BOff abilities and see if you can switch back to Eject Warp Plasma. > > If it changed because of a warp core... were you running the FULL Breen set, including the Winter Event core? Because the 4 set bonus is Eject Cryoplasma ability, which is a variant of Warp Plasma. > > There's several abilities that vent a gas or something behind the ship. However since you described it as PLASMA, that narrows it dow a bit to the Cryoplasma ability from the Breen set and the Warp Plasma BOff power. Without knowing the build on your D'Deridex, I can only speculate.
"Try looking at your BOff abilities and see if you can switch back to Eject Warp Plasma." How would I do that exactly? I've only been playing for a couple of weeks. Don't know about any Breen set or winter event. I just noticed that I could vent plasma when I got the warbird. I must have changed something that stops it from happening.
> @rattler2 said: > Eject Warp Plasma shouldn't be a limited thing as its a BOff ability. Its possible that your BOff somehow switched abilities if they have more than one for that particular slot. Try looking at your BOff abilities and see if you can switch back to Eject Warp Plasma. > > If it changed because of a warp core... were you running the FULL Breen set, including the Winter Event core? Because the 4 set bonus is Eject Cryoplasma ability, which is a variant of Warp Plasma. > > There's several abilities that vent a gas or something behind the ship. However since you described it as PLASMA, that narrows it dow a bit to the Cryoplasma ability from the Breen set and the Warp Plasma BOff power. Without knowing the build on your D'Deridex, I can only speculate.
Also, I was playing a mission at New Khitomer and it kept freezing, jerking, and stuttering. Don't know why. The mission was almost impossible to play. Maybe a lot of people were on at the same time I was ? It's a brand new PS4, if that helps.
I'd really like there to be a screenshot mode for console, just some way to freely rotate the camera around and remove the ui. Also I did have an idea for a ground tfo, basically everyone would start in seperate rooms but they wouldn't be alone because bridge officers would be available in this tfo and then once they get to the second room they'd link up with another player then once at the final room everyone would be there with all their bride officers to fight some bit epic boss.
So many things I would love to see in the game has already been said here. Maybe a little more love for the Jem'Hadar and Romulans. Disco-era Klingons would be interesting, although I suspect a nightmare to actually do. Since there is no real "player housing" component to STO, a system where we could have more customization options on our various ships (interiors).
And of course a bunch of what everyone else is wanting, as well. LOL
> @rattler2 said:
> Eject Warp Plasma shouldn't be a limited thing as its a BOff ability. Its possible that your BOff somehow switched abilities if they have more than one for that particular slot. Try looking at your BOff abilities and see if you can switch back to Eject Warp Plasma.
> If it changed because of a warp core... were you running the FULL Breen set, including the Winter Event core? Because the 4 set bonus is Eject Cryoplasma ability, which is a variant of Warp Plasma.
> There's several abilities that vent a gas or something behind the ship. However since you described it as PLASMA, that narrows it dow a bit to the Cryoplasma ability from the Breen set and the Warp Plasma BOff power. Without knowing the build on your D'Deridex, I can only speculate.
"Try looking at your BOff abilities and see if you can switch back to Eject Warp Plasma."
How would I do that exactly? I've only been playing for a couple of weeks. Don't know about any Breen set or winter event. I just noticed that I could vent plasma when I got the warbird. I must have changed something that stops it from happening.
check the "skills" on your Engineer bridge officers. Venting warp plasma is a engineer officer skill.
You probably changed to another ship that had different officer seating, so the officer with the warp plasma skill no longer has it accessible or is no longer on the bridge, or you changed the skill in that slot to something else.
An old bug is back too, so batteries and other gear sometimes fall out of the ships into main inventory and hotbar items get scrambled around. I recently had one of my tac boffs suddenly have nothing but beam overload in all of his hotbar slots (he had three or four things available for each level for flexibility, and BO is the top thing in each column in the selection display in the stations tab when you click each one) without my changing it instead of the mix I had the day before for instance, and the "redistribute shields" I had in the first captain hotbar slot was missing entirely and "chains of fire" that I had in the slot above it was dropped down into that first slot instead.
It has gotten so that at the start of TFOs and missions I have to check and make sure everything is still in place.
Just check all of your engineers, one of them probably has "eject warp plasma" skill somewhere.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,799Community Moderator
Also, I was playing a mission at New Khitomer and it kept freezing, jerking, and stuttering. Don't know why. The mission was almost impossible to play. Maybe a lot of people were on at the same time I was ? It's a brand new PS4, if that helps.
Ah... I'm on PC so there are a few differences in how you'd do it.
As for the Lag... it could be a lot of people online because of the Summer Event going on now, and the usual stuff between you and Cryptic's servers causing some lag. PC gets lag to varying degrees too because of one thing or another, usually nodes between us and Cryptic's servers running Akami to protect from malicious activity... which sometimes flags normal MMO activity because of volume.
Anyways... open your Character Screen, go to where you can select which BOffs go in which seats, and check your engineers for Eject Warp Plasma. Should either be a Lt. Commander or Commander ability.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Over in Neverwinter they are in the midst of a discussion with the Devs on Quality of Life issues in the game. Submissions need to be in a form that states what is needed and the ups and downs of it. Top three will then move forward.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Over in Neverwinter they are in the midst of a discussion with the Devs on Quality of Life issues in the game. Submissions need to be in a form that states what is needed and the ups and downs of it. Top three will then move forward.
We definitely need something like that for Star Trek Online, but then again, the devs don't even spend any time on this forum interacting and reading what the community of players posts.
I see too many problems with that. Not only that, forcing people to only do Elite content? Frankly I see that as a non starter. You need top end gear and skills to play Elite. They're not gonna give that to you right off the bat.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Or they should make the bonuses obtainable in some other way.
I'm thinking of the automatic-Mk13 UR quality for reputation gear bonus especially. They could just add that as an account unlock once a character (any character) reaches T6 in all reputations. It's a lot more work actually to reach T6 in all the reputations we have today, than just reaching T5 in the ones that were there when the event was running for the first time.
Especially considering how many marks you could get as part of all the other bonuses.
Most of the tasks weren't that complicated or demanding - in fact, they could well be more demanding if they allowed them to be unlocked by existing characters in a slightly tweaked way. It would save players the effort of creating and levelling an entirely new character though.
The thing is, the main reason for those recruitment events is to get new characters into the game and shake the longer term players out of a rut of getting their BiS gear then sticking with it and not buying anything else and not replaying any of the episode content, by enticing them to make new alt characters that can access the new goodies and pass on some good things to the others on the account.
Yeah I get that, but I wonder how effective the recruitment events are for that.
I think it's more likely that players will experiment with something new if they have a solid base they can fall back on (say, swapping regular antiproton weapons for Ba'ul ones without having to change or obtain all the other gear necessary for those weapons - not to mention obtaining traits, spec points, stuff like engines, Boffs and manuals etc.) than if they have to start from scratch.
Most of the time they'll simply be spending time to get to level 50/65 first, get Admiralty and R&D going, start collecting spec points etc. before they're even concerned with obtaining gear. Obtaining that gear will take a lot of time anyway for most players, like when collecting Fleet Spire tactical consoles.
If trying out new stuff is the objective, I'd argue that it'd make more sense to try and make that an objective on version of the recruitment stuff that is added to existing characters.
I was never that interested in the faction and its archaic visual effects (I was born in the 1990's). I'd run the daily tasks but I never did much with the character.
That was, until I decided to make a dedicated drain build/toon. Which was literally years later. But even then I renamed him (I based the character on the former first officer of another toon who got a new ship), got him and his crew into more modern uniforms and appearances than the basic TOS shirt, and I got him modern weapons and boff skills instead of the 23rd century ones.
Yes, I created a new toon for the recruitment event. But not because I was willing to level and equip an entirely new character. I only did that when I actually wanted to do it. Before that, I'd simply use whatever I had laying around or what I would pick up while doing missions. The recruitment event itself was never much of a motivator for me, regarding the use of a new build.
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch."
"We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
Uh... Shadow...
The Tuffli is pretty much the Cardi Freighter. Only difference is they filled in the fork.
Wouldn't that be the B'rel?
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
> the galor has been in the game for the past 8 years now, and the keldon for the past...2 years? the only remaining cardassian ship from DS9 that hasn't been added yet is the hideki...and the freighter, but does anyone actually want that?
I don't see it anywhere. I just see a bunch of bland, boring ships that look nothing like a galor ship. The yellow ship that was always attacking people in DS9 ? Where in the game is it ?
> (Quote)
> You can get the red uniforms from wrath of Khan on ps4 if you're a PS Plus member, not sure if it's the same on Xbox.
Dang. I play on PS4. Oh, well. It's not like I have a fun time with this game. The tholian recluse kicks my backside and I don't see any way to beat him. It's those Widows flying around that do it. Without them, the tholian would be super easy, barely an inconvenience. I tried for 3 hours with a Sovereign ship with a couple of mine launchers and tons of phaser and plasma arrays. I've tried the mine launchers and disruptors. After three hours, I got a romulan warbird and fitted it out as best I could. I got so mad at the mission, I aborted it. I'll try the romulan ship the next time I encounter the mission, but I don't know what it's called so who knows when that will be. Nothing I do seems to help.
It was the first lockbox ship.
Currently the T5 Galor is only available in the big ViL pack. You can get the T6 Keldon more easily from Infinity Boxes or the Exchange right now, and you can customize it to be either a Keldon or Galor.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
I totally get that, to my knowledge only the Orions and Ferasans/Kzinti are vessal states, the Nausicaans got conquered alongside the Gorn, Letheans are somewhere inbetween the conquered races and the vessal state races. It is weird hearing non-Klingons talk about honor.
> (Quote)
> It was the first lockbox ship.
> Currently the T5 Galor is only available in the big ViL pack. You can get the T6 Keldon more easily from Infinity Boxes or the Exchange right now, and you can customize it to be either a Keldon or Galor.
Maybe you can help. I'm currently running a romulan warbird, the kind seen in TNG. When I first got it, I was able to release a plasma cloud out behind the ship, but the ability seems to be gone now. Was it a limited thing ?
I may be wrong but that sounds like eject warp plasma and its a BOff ability.
> (Quote)
> Uh... Shadow...
> (Image)
> The Tuffli is pretty much the Cardi Freighter. Only difference is they filled in the fork.
> (Quote)
> Wouldn't that be the B'rel?
> (Quote)
> I may be wrong but that sounds like eject warp plasma and its a BOff ability.
So, does it run out after a while ? I noticed I had it for a while, then the next day, it seemed to be gone. Is it from a specific kind of terminal or core or something ? How do you get it ? Did I just not notice I got rid of it by changing a warp core ? I DO tend to change stuff on the ships around a lot.
If it changed because of a warp core... were you running the FULL Breen set, including the Winter Event core? Because the 4 set bonus is Eject Cryoplasma ability, which is a variant of Warp Plasma.
There's several abilities that vent a gas or something behind the ship. However since you described it as PLASMA, that narrows it dow a bit to the Cryoplasma ability from the Breen set and the Warp Plasma BOff power. Without knowing the build on your D'Deridex, I can only speculate.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
> Eject Warp Plasma shouldn't be a limited thing as its a BOff ability. Its possible that your BOff somehow switched abilities if they have more than one for that particular slot. Try looking at your BOff abilities and see if you can switch back to Eject Warp Plasma.
> If it changed because of a warp core... were you running the FULL Breen set, including the Winter Event core? Because the 4 set bonus is Eject Cryoplasma ability, which is a variant of Warp Plasma.
> There's several abilities that vent a gas or something behind the ship. However since you described it as PLASMA, that narrows it dow a bit to the Cryoplasma ability from the Breen set and the Warp Plasma BOff power. Without knowing the build on your D'Deridex, I can only speculate.
"Try looking at your BOff abilities and see if you can switch back to Eject Warp Plasma."
How would I do that exactly? I've only been playing for a couple of weeks. Don't know about any Breen set or winter event. I just noticed that I could vent plasma when I got the warbird. I must have changed something that stops it from happening.
> Eject Warp Plasma shouldn't be a limited thing as its a BOff ability. Its possible that your BOff somehow switched abilities if they have more than one for that particular slot. Try looking at your BOff abilities and see if you can switch back to Eject Warp Plasma.
> If it changed because of a warp core... were you running the FULL Breen set, including the Winter Event core? Because the 4 set bonus is Eject Cryoplasma ability, which is a variant of Warp Plasma.
> There's several abilities that vent a gas or something behind the ship. However since you described it as PLASMA, that narrows it dow a bit to the Cryoplasma ability from the Breen set and the Warp Plasma BOff power. Without knowing the build on your D'Deridex, I can only speculate.
Also, I was playing a mission at New Khitomer and it kept freezing, jerking, and stuttering. Don't know why. The mission was almost impossible to play. Maybe a lot of people were on at the same time I was ? It's a brand new PS4, if that helps.
And of course a bunch of what everyone else is wanting, as well. LOL
An old bug is back too, so batteries and other gear sometimes fall out of the ships into main inventory and hotbar items get scrambled around. I recently had one of my tac boffs suddenly have nothing but beam overload in all of his hotbar slots (he had three or four things available for each level for flexibility, and BO is the top thing in each column in the selection display in the stations tab when you click each one) without my changing it instead of the mix I had the day before for instance, and the "redistribute shields" I had in the first captain hotbar slot was missing entirely and "chains of fire" that I had in the slot above it was dropped down into that first slot instead.
It has gotten so that at the start of TFOs and missions I have to check and make sure everything is still in place.
Just check all of your engineers, one of them probably has "eject warp plasma" skill somewhere.
Ah... I'm on PC so there are a few differences in how you'd do it.
As for the Lag... it could be a lot of people online because of the Summer Event going on now, and the usual stuff between you and Cryptic's servers causing some lag. PC gets lag to varying degrees too because of one thing or another, usually nodes between us and Cryptic's servers running Akami to protect from malicious activity... which sometimes flags normal MMO activity because of volume.
Anyways... open your Character Screen, go to where you can select which BOffs go in which seats, and check your engineers for Eject Warp Plasma. Should either be a Lt. Commander or Commander ability.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
We definitely need something like that for Star Trek Online, but then again, the devs don't even spend any time on this forum interacting and reading what the community of players posts.