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What would YOU add to Star Trek Online



  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    spiritborn wrote: »
    and we all know that Envoy isn't the real Future Guy.
    Except he is, and they even got the guy who did the voice of Future guy in the show to redub over Noyes lines.
    They might have the same VA but the facts don't add up, Noye is from the 25th century while FG is from the 28th century, there's also the fact that they have different motivations FG wanted to ensure his own existence while Noye wanted to bring his wife and unborn child back into existence.
    Honestly I wouldn't take anything Future Guy (or the Suliban) say about his motivations for granted and that's assuming it was said in ENT to begin with.
    Also given that we really don't know anything about him it's not clear if Daniels knew anything. One thing that got brought up in Ent about the temporal cold war is that the parties were being sneaky. Daniels didn't know who all of them were even. IIRC the statement about when he was from is based on Daniels trying to trace his temporal transmissions.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • fleetcaptain5#1134 fleetcaptain5 Member Posts: 5,051 Arc User
    edited July 2020
    What I would like to have seen is the ability to play the game in different time periods.

    With everything in the game taking place in the same few years, it is sometimes difficult to really add some uniqueness to characters. Every single one of them has fought the Borg, every character graduated in 2409, every one of them became captain after his own captain was killed and we're all serving in Starfleet during the Iconian wars, the pointless conflicts with the Klingons and so on.

    If we could, for instance, have a captain from the time of Kirk (and really keep him there, in an entirely separated part of the game) and from other periods, then it would be possible to have characters that are children of other ones, much like how there are multiple generations of the Paris and Sulu families serving in Starfleet. Characters' bio's could refer to other ones, they'd have experienced their own unique events and so on.

    Right now, it's all too much of the same when you create a new character that is supposed to have his own unique story.

    Sure, the biography feature can alleviate some of the shortcomings, but the game itself doesn't really allow for some of this uniqueness (something players on here have also noted when proposing unique background episodes for new mini-factions for example). And of course, there are some mini-factions, but as also pointed out after their release: the diversity regarding species is very, very limited. The features setting them apart are also of a very... temporal nature.

    Now, this will of course never be implemented because it may be very demanding and it would require reworking the entire game and basically maintaining several partially separated game-spanning instances. It would have been nice though, to have an entire STO set in the era of Enterprise, Discovery-TOS, and TNG-DS9-Voyager and perhaps even Picard and future Discovery. Each with their unique TFO's, reputations, episodes, events, uniforms, galactic powers and so on. It would have allowed players to have their characters take on roles and participating in each of the TV series. We could refer to our own heroes of earlier periods in much the same way that Janeway talked about the time of Sulu for example. It would make the in-game events so much more real when you can have a timeline like that that's much more spread out, allowing for cross-references and so on.
  • fleetcaptain5#1134 fleetcaptain5 Member Posts: 5,051 Arc User
    edited July 2020
    A more practical thing that I'd like to see, is the ability to adapt our ships more.

    Shield visuals are nice, but when I can't adapt the arc of the nacelles on the Vengeance for example, I'm still not going to like the ship when viewed from certain angles.

    I have no idea how feasible this is, but if it were possible, some options to change the size of different components of ships, their basic shapes or their position relative to the rest of the ship, would be a great addition.

    Something that may be more feasible and a little related to that: it would be nice to have more components that can be added, like the Borg reputation gear. There was a picture of an Odyssey with a deflector add-on that was shaped like a Mercedes-sign IIRC. Apparently it was supposed to have been a visual effect for the Competetive reputation deflector. It would be great if we could have more of such clearly visible add-on options.

    I never cared much for the Borg ones because I don't like the idea of the Borg apparently having succeeded in assimilating half my ship - but they seem to be fairly popular. Something similar but more natural looking (i.e., looking more like regular Starfleet tech or some mix of, for instance, Starfleet and Dyson tech) could be a great way of adding variety to ship looks.

    Edit: found the picture of the deflector I'm talking about.
  • paradox#7391 paradox Member Posts: 1,800 Arc User
    edited July 2020
    What I would like to have seen is the ability to play the game in different time periods.

    With everything in the game taking place in the same few years, it is sometimes difficult to really add some uniqueness to characters. Every single one of them has fought the Borg, every character graduated in 2409, every one of them became captain after his own captain was killed and we're all serving in Starfleet during the Iconian wars, the pointless conflicts with the Klingons and so on.

    If we could, for instance, have a captain from the time of Kirk (and really keep him there, in an entirely separated part of the game) and from other periods, then it would be possible to have characters that are children of other ones, much like how there are multiple generations of the Paris and Sulu families serving in Starfleet. Characters' bio's could refer to other ones, they'd have experienced their own unique events and so on.

    Right now, it's all too much of the same when you create a new character that is supposed to have his own unique story.

    Sure, the biography feature can alleviate some of the shortcomings, but the game itself doesn't really allow for some of this uniqueness (something players on here have also noted when proposing unique background episodes for new mini-factions for example). And of course, there are some mini-factions, but as also pointed out after their release: the diversity regarding species is very, very limited. The features setting them apart are also of a very... temporal nature.

    Now, this will of course never be implemented because it may be very demanding and it would require reworking the entire game and basically maintaining several partially separated game-spanning instances. It would have been nice though, to have an entire STO set in the era of Enterprise, Discovery-TOS, and TNG-DS9-Voyager and perhaps even Picard and future Discovery. Each with their unique TFO's, reputations, episodes, events, uniforms, galactic powers and so on. It would have allowed players to have their characters take on roles and participating in each of the TV series. We could refer to our own heroes of earlier periods in much the same way that Janeway talked about the time of Sulu for example. It would make the in-game events so much more real when you can have a timeline like that that's much more spread out, allowing for cross-references and so on.

    I wonder what happened to the 2409 versions of TOS Vulcans, Spock himself was still around before Hobus blew up, so I expect that pureblooded Vulcans have longer lifespans, I guess the moment our vulcans got sent to the future the older 2409 admiral version of us and our vulcan descendants blinked out of existence.
    Post edited by paradox#7391 on
  • fleetcaptain5#1134 fleetcaptain5 Member Posts: 5,051 Arc User
    What I would like to have seen is the ability to play the game in different time periods.

    With everything in the game taking place in the same few years, it is sometimes difficult to really add some uniqueness to characters. Every single one of them has fought the Borg, every character graduated in 2409, every one of them became captain after his own captain was killed and we're all serving in Starfleet during the Iconian wars, the pointless conflicts with the Klingons and so on.

    If we could, for instance, have a captain from the time of Kirk (and really keep him there, in an entirely separated part of the game) and from other periods, then it would be possible to have characters that are children of other ones, much like how there are multiple generations of the Paris and Sulu families serving in Starfleet. Characters' bio's could refer to other ones, they'd have experienced their own unique events and so on.

    Right now, it's all too much of the same when you create a new character that is supposed to have his own unique story.

    Sure, the biography feature can alleviate some of the shortcomings, but the game itself doesn't really allow for some of this uniqueness (something players on here have also noted when proposing unique background episodes for new mini-factions for example). And of course, there are some mini-factions, but as also pointed out after their release: the diversity regarding species is very, very limited. The features setting them apart are also of a very... temporal nature.

    Now, this will of course never be implemented because it may be very demanding and it would require reworking the entire game and basically maintaining several partially separated game-spanning instances. It would have been nice though, to have an entire STO set in the era of Enterprise, Discovery-TOS, and TNG-DS9-Voyager and perhaps even Picard and future Discovery. Each with their unique TFO's, reputations, episodes, events, uniforms, galactic powers and so on. It would have allowed players to have their characters take on roles and participating in each of the TV series. We could refer to our own heroes of earlier periods in much the same way that Janeway talked about the time of Sulu for example. It would make the in-game events so much more real when you can have a timeline like that that's much more spread out, allowing for cross-references and so on.

    I wonder what happened to the 2409 versions of TOS Vulcans, Spock himself was still around before Hobus blew up, so I expect that pureblooded Vulcans have a longer lifespans, I guess the moment our vulcans got sent to the future the older 2409 admiral version of us and our vulcan descendants blinked out of existence.

    Maybe. Or they're part of different timelines. No one really knows how this stuff works. ;)

    You do point out an interesting additional feature though - the option to have some of our characters meet other ones in the game. We could basically have cross-overs with our own characters, like how Riker met Janeway or McCoy talking to Data.
  • psytce0002psytce0002 Member Posts: 157 Arc User
    I'm only looking for 1 item .... Inventory for pets, there are so many different pets that you have to take up so many inventory slot to get the different pets.... And now with the summer event coming back guess what ... There is a new pet !!!

    We need to have a separate inventory for pets. They did it for crafting, kinda, so they can do it for pets!!!!
  • phoenixc#0738 phoenixc Member Posts: 5,950 Arc User
    edited July 2020
    What I would like to have seen is the ability to play the game in different time periods.

    With everything in the game taking place in the same few years, it is sometimes difficult to really add some uniqueness to characters. Every single one of them has fought the Borg, every character graduated in 2409, every one of them became captain after his own captain was killed and we're all serving in Starfleet during the Iconian wars, the pointless conflicts with the Klingons and so on.

    If we could, for instance, have a captain from the time of Kirk (and really keep him there, in an entirely separated part of the game) and from other periods, then it would be possible to have characters that are children of other ones, much like how there are multiple generations of the Paris and Sulu families serving in Starfleet. Characters' bio's could refer to other ones, they'd have experienced their own unique events and so on.

    Right now, it's all too much of the same when you create a new character that is supposed to have his own unique story.

    Sure, the biography feature can alleviate some of the shortcomings, but the game itself doesn't really allow for some of this uniqueness (something players on here have also noted when proposing unique background episodes for new mini-factions for example). And of course, there are some mini-factions, but as also pointed out after their release: the diversity regarding species is very, very limited. The features setting them apart are also of a very... temporal nature.

    Now, this will of course never be implemented because it may be very demanding and it would require reworking the entire game and basically maintaining several partially separated game-spanning instances. It would have been nice though, to have an entire STO set in the era of Enterprise, Discovery-TOS, and TNG-DS9-Voyager and perhaps even Picard and future Discovery. Each with their unique TFO's, reputations, episodes, events, uniforms, galactic powers and so on. It would have allowed players to have their characters take on roles and participating in each of the TV series. We could refer to our own heroes of earlier periods in much the same way that Janeway talked about the time of Sulu for example. It would make the in-game events so much more real when you can have a timeline like that that's much more spread out, allowing for cross-references and so on.

    I wonder what happened to the 2409 versions of TOS Vulcans, Spock himself was still around before Hobus blew up, so I expect that pureblooded Vulcans have longer lifespans, I guess the moment our vulcans got sent to the future the older 2409 admiral version of us and our vulcan descendants blinked out of existence.

    Of course there may not have been any "future us" to have blinked out of existence, we may have been fated to skip forward in time from the start. Everyone who has met future versions of themselves by travelling to the future have returned to their own time in the show so far. Also, it is possible that they travelled laterally as well as forward and back and the person they met could be from a parallel timeline.

    Character backgrounds don't have to match the starting scenarios. Some do of course, but for the modern ones that don't you can just skip the tutorial if doing an alt, then in the game take a different path since most of the episodes/arcs can be done out of order.

    Using the background story part of the character sheet I have some unusual ones like a TOS Klingon recruited by Daniels the same way he grabbed the TOS Federation captains in the game, an Orion who is a Starfleet Intelligence officer sent to infiltrate the KDF, several captains from alternate universes (mostly the FASA Star Trek one), a Kobali exchange officer, several Vortas, and others who do not match the tutorial scenario backgrounds for instance.
  • paradox#7391 paradox Member Posts: 1,800 Arc User
    Character backgrounds don't have to match the starting scenarios. Some do of course, but for the modern ones that don't you can just skip the tutorial if doing an alt, then in the game take a different path since most of the episodes/arcs can be done out of order.

    Using the background story part of the character sheet I have some unusual ones like a TOS Klingon recruited by Daniels the same way he grabbed the TOS Federation captains in the game, an Orion who is a Starfleet Intelligence officer sent to infiltrate the KDF, several captains from alternate universes (mostly the FASA Star Trek one), a Kobali exchange officer, several Vortas, and others who do not match the tutorial scenario backgrounds for instance.
    Imagine TOS Klingon Captain America fighting J'Ula, maybe I should call him Captain Qo'noS instead.

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  • alonaralonar Member Posts: 280 Arc User
    Okay... Here we are 9 pages in and I finally want to get around to my own "What I would do" statement.

    First, I would institute the first "Alliance Holding" which would become a new social hub on a neutral world. It would become a headquarters of a sorts where the UFP and the KDF truly cooperate where the joint efforts truly are intended to bring about what both factions are optimistic could become a true Galactic Union, given time and effort. This hub of alliance cooperation would not just be a base, a city or even a planet and the facilities in orbit, but would in fact span an entire star system. The growth of this hub's facilities and role in cosmic affairs would constantly be built upon. But we would get to be instrumental in its foundations, Glances ahead in Enterprise introduced the idea that the Federation was not the end all and be all of humanity's manifest destiny, but rather a part of something bigger and even greater that would ultimately owe its existence to the Federation, among other galactic powers, some of which we don't even know about yet.

    Even as the Federation and the Klingon Empire continue to strive for individual progress, events concerning this new diplomatic venture will ultimately tie both galactic powers together in ways that neither can initially comprehend.

    Mechanically speaking, the new Alliance Command, for want of a better name, would work like a fleet holding, but be open to all players regardless of whether or not they are part of a fleet. As the new hub grows, new UFP and KDF NPCs would be introduced and would serve as the new command structure for all players who have achieved max level. The idea is to give everyone who participates the feeling of contributing to something that they can actually see growing around them.

    Beyond that, this new hub would become the start point of all forward-going content, as well as additional expansion opportunities to continue growing the hub. We would essentially be the founding fathers of future events reaching at least into the 31st century. The game may systemically be force to see things in red and blue, but with all forward-going content seemingly wrapped around the notion of eventual unity, A centralized hub of cooperative activity that we can actually work together to build feels very appealing. At least to me.

    Now THIS is something I can get behind, it fits with the current narrative and may actually be good AND possible for them to impliment, plus it could help them out with a new dil sink if kept reasonable.
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  • legendarylycan#5411 legendarylycan Member Posts: 37,284 Arc User
    edited July 2020
    it would need to be way, WAY more than hundreds of thousands of minerals if it's open to everyone, because there is a not-insignificant portion of the remaining player population who have millions in stock - only hundreds of thousands would mean getting filled almost instantly​​
    Like special weapons from other Star Trek games? Wondering if they can be replicated in STO even a little bit? Check this out: https://forum.arcgames.com/startrekonline/discussion/1262277/a-mostly-comprehensive-guide-to-star-trek-videogame-special-weapons-and-their-sto-equivalents


    A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
    An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
    A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
    A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"

    "It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch."
    "We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
    Passion and Serenity are one.
    I gain power by understanding both.
    In the chaos of their battle, I bring order.
    I am a shadow, darkness born from light.
    The Force is united within me.
  • This content has been removed.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    What I would like to have seen is the ability to play the game in different time periods.

    With everything in the game taking place in the same few years, it is sometimes difficult to really add some uniqueness to characters. Every single one of them has fought the Borg, every character graduated in 2409, every one of them became captain after his own captain was killed and we're all serving in Starfleet during the Iconian wars, the pointless conflicts with the Klingons and so on.

    If we could, for instance, have a captain from the time of Kirk (and really keep him there, in an entirely separated part of the game) and from other periods, then it would be possible to have characters that are children of other ones, much like how there are multiple generations of the Paris and Sulu families serving in Starfleet. Characters' bio's could refer to other ones, they'd have experienced their own unique events and so on.

    Right now, it's all too much of the same when you create a new character that is supposed to have his own unique story.

    Sure, the biography feature can alleviate some of the shortcomings, but the game itself doesn't really allow for some of this uniqueness (something players on here have also noted when proposing unique background episodes for new mini-factions for example). And of course, there are some mini-factions, but as also pointed out after their release: the diversity regarding species is very, very limited. The features setting them apart are also of a very... temporal nature.

    Now, this will of course never be implemented because it may be very demanding and it would require reworking the entire game and basically maintaining several partially separated game-spanning instances. It would have been nice though, to have an entire STO set in the era of Enterprise, Discovery-TOS, and TNG-DS9-Voyager and perhaps even Picard and future Discovery. Each with their unique TFO's, reputations, episodes, events, uniforms, galactic powers and so on. It would have allowed players to have their characters take on roles and participating in each of the TV series. We could refer to our own heroes of earlier periods in much the same way that Janeway talked about the time of Sulu for example. It would make the in-game events so much more real when you can have a timeline like that that's much more spread out, allowing for cross-references and so on.
    I wonder what happened to the 2409 versions of TOS Vulcans, Spock himself was still around before Hobus blew up, so I expect that pureblooded Vulcans have a longer lifespans, I guess the moment our vulcans got sent to the future the older 2409 admiral version of us and our vulcan descendants blinked out of existence.
    Maybe. Or they're part of different timelines. No one really knows how this stuff works. ;)

    You do point out an interesting additional feature though - the option to have some of our characters meet other ones in the game. We could basically have cross-overs with our own characters, like how Riker met Janeway or McCoy talking to Data.
    Yeah, but Cryptic can't write that, especially not when you have players like me who come up with... exceptionally creative character backstories.
    Melati Kusuma: Orion/Kriosian hybrid whose parents decided to run from the chaos when Jm'pok went to war with the Gorn.
    Beltran: Orion who does his best to take care of Syndicate business while acting as a KDF officer.
    Meghan Eridian: Mirror Universe genetic experiment with cloning Vorta. One oddity of the experiments is that she has a tiny bit of super human strength, is telepathic and can't actually see the normal visible light spectrum. Instead she can see UV and microwave bands.
    Chuft: descendant of a Kzinti warrior who tried to capture part of the crew of the NCC-1701. His people ended up fighting the Klingons during the Klingon/Gorn war and went that went badly for them he saw joining Starfleet as the only way to continue the fight.
    Drexela Tilo: Lib-Borg Joined Trill How does that work? good question. :D
    7 of 13: A Liberated Borg created from a cyborg of uncertain origin. What is a Terminator? And why does it think it came from Earth?
    Carnlan Rixx: He's actually rather normal, just a Bolian in Starfleet.
    Monica Rappaccini: Human who experimented with nanotech to make herself into a cyborg.
    Sekkoth: Vulcan/Romulan hybrid.
    Diaula: Romulan woman who, like Nero, didn't take the destruction of Romulus well.
    Emani: TOS era Romulan who got assimilated long ago. "Emani" isn't her real name. Like Picard she acquired a new name after being assimilated... but kept using it afterwards. Unlike Picard she sees her knowledge of Borg tech as a useful weapon.
    Soheth: a weird purple alien with psionic powers from a planet that's not canon and never will be :p Also no, it's not the planet of purple people that the "Purple People Eater" hunts.
    Slarg: he's a Gorn. Not a whole lot else, though his crew doesn't wear KDF uniforms much.
    Zdakek: Reman who fits in with Obisek's crew a bit too well.
    Naxaia: Talaxian who's a bit crazy so she got exiled to Starfleet because she likes blowing stuff up.
    Fanlaf-Du: TOS Tellarite
    Varan-ika: Jem-hadar who dresses like a Yautja.
    Daystustoo: weird green alien who was in Disco era Starfleet.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • alonaralonar Member Posts: 280 Arc User
    Hmm, maybe you could trade Dill for "Alliance" themed gear/outfits.
  • spiritbornspiritborn Member Posts: 4,418 Arc User
    What I would like to have seen is the ability to play the game in different time periods.

    With everything in the game taking place in the same few years, it is sometimes difficult to really add some uniqueness to characters. Every single one of them has fought the Borg, every character graduated in 2409, every one of them became captain after his own captain was killed and we're all serving in Starfleet during the Iconian wars, the pointless conflicts with the Klingons and so on.

    If we could, for instance, have a captain from the time of Kirk (and really keep him there, in an entirely separated part of the game) and from other periods, then it would be possible to have characters that are children of other ones, much like how there are multiple generations of the Paris and Sulu families serving in Starfleet. Characters' bio's could refer to other ones, they'd have experienced their own unique events and so on.

    Right now, it's all too much of the same when you create a new character that is supposed to have his own unique story.

    Sure, the biography feature can alleviate some of the shortcomings, but the game itself doesn't really allow for some of this uniqueness (something players on here have also noted when proposing unique background episodes for new mini-factions for example). And of course, there are some mini-factions, but as also pointed out after their release: the diversity regarding species is very, very limited. The features setting them apart are also of a very... temporal nature.

    Now, this will of course never be implemented because it may be very demanding and it would require reworking the entire game and basically maintaining several partially separated game-spanning instances. It would have been nice though, to have an entire STO set in the era of Enterprise, Discovery-TOS, and TNG-DS9-Voyager and perhaps even Picard and future Discovery. Each with their unique TFO's, reputations, episodes, events, uniforms, galactic powers and so on. It would have allowed players to have their characters take on roles and participating in each of the TV series. We could refer to our own heroes of earlier periods in much the same way that Janeway talked about the time of Sulu for example. It would make the in-game events so much more real when you can have a timeline like that that's much more spread out, allowing for cross-references and so on.
    I wonder what happened to the 2409 versions of TOS Vulcans, Spock himself was still around before Hobus blew up, so I expect that pureblooded Vulcans have a longer lifespans, I guess the moment our vulcans got sent to the future the older 2409 admiral version of us and our vulcan descendants blinked out of existence.
    Maybe. Or they're part of different timelines. No one really knows how this stuff works. ;)

    You do point out an interesting additional feature though - the option to have some of our characters meet other ones in the game. We could basically have cross-overs with our own characters, like how Riker met Janeway or McCoy talking to Data.
    Yeah, but Cryptic can't write that, especially not when you have players like me who come up with... exceptionally creative character backstories.
    Melati Kusuma: Orion/Kriosian hybrid whose parents decided to run from the chaos when Jm'pok went to war with the Gorn.
    Beltran: Orion who does his best to take care of Syndicate business while acting as a KDF officer.
    Meghan Eridian: Mirror Universe genetic experiment with cloning Vorta. One oddity of the experiments is that she has a tiny bit of super human strength, is telepathic and can't actually see the normal visible light spectrum. Instead she can see UV and microwave bands.
    Chuft: descendant of a Kzinti warrior who tried to capture part of the crew of the NCC-1701. His people ended up fighting the Klingons during the Klingon/Gorn war and went that went badly for them he saw joining Starfleet as the only way to continue the fight.
    Drexela Tilo: Lib-Borg Joined Trill How does that work? good question. :D
    7 of 13: A Liberated Borg created from a cyborg of uncertain origin. What is a Terminator? And why does it think it came from Earth?
    Carnlan Rixx: He's actually rather normal, just a Bolian in Starfleet.
    Monica Rappaccini: Human who experimented with nanotech to make herself into a cyborg.
    Sekkoth: Vulcan/Romulan hybrid.
    Diaula: Romulan woman who, like Nero, didn't take the destruction of Romulus well.
    Emani: TOS era Romulan who got assimilated long ago. "Emani" isn't her real name. Like Picard she acquired a new name after being assimilated... but kept using it afterwards. Unlike Picard she sees her knowledge of Borg tech as a useful weapon.
    Soheth: a weird purple alien with psionic powers from a planet that's not canon and never will be :p Also no, it's not the planet of purple people that the "Purple People Eater" hunts.
    Slarg: he's a Gorn. Not a whole lot else, though his crew doesn't wear KDF uniforms much.
    Zdakek: Reman who fits in with Obisek's crew a bit too well.
    Naxaia: Talaxian who's a bit crazy so she got exiled to Starfleet because she likes blowing stuff up.
    Fanlaf-Du: TOS Tellarite
    Varan-ika: Jem-hadar who dresses like a Yautja.
    Daystustoo: weird green alien who was in Disco era Starfleet.

    Honestly even Mirwast my current main would be an issue, seeing as she's related to the royality in her homeworld (distantly sure (as in she's from a junior branch, of a junior branch, of a junior branch and thru her mother as well so she doesn't even share family name with the current monarch) but still), even if otherwise she's fairly typical starfleet officer.
  • warpcore#6887 warpcore Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    Delta / Gamma / Temporal Recruits should be a perm feature, IMO.... Just leave them on so everyone making a new character can select archetype of recruit they like and enjoy these recruits

    At the very least, rotate them A LOT more often than the devs do now....
    "One of the advantages of being a Captain is being able to ask for advice without necessarily having to take it."....... James T. Kirk
  • rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,800 Community Moderator
    Temporal won't come back yet until they can figure out how to be more inclusive of Klingons.
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
    normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
    colored text = mod mode
  • wraithshadow13wraithshadow13 Member Posts: 1,728 Arc User
    Hypothetically speaking, if YOU were the one calling the shots, what systems and/or features would you add to STO? I'm not going to get on any soapboxes in this thread. My own thoughts on the matter are well documented elsewhere. Right now, I am interested in what other people have to say...



    This game is already good with it but i would have loved to see MORE of it.

    More emphasis and addition to the character creator, like Borg prosthetics and skins, more cybernetic parts for non-borg characters (i.e. the kind of stuff in the newer trek shows). More hair styles, more universal parts in the tailor (specifically the armors and EV suit looks).

    Customizing ship interiors. Not just in regards to the foundry but like a specialization system. Imagine Picking and Choosing rooms and areas for your ship to help fine tune your build. Armories, labs, Maco quarters, various different rooms that would fill up the locked doors on the interiors but also have a functionality on space combat.

    Weapon customizations. With all the different weapons and visuals and modifiers, it would have been great to get customizations for our weapons, both form and function. With how it currently is, there are way too many weapons and they're either "not a great look for what i want", "look cool but the wrong X", or etc. I would love to just be able to get the options to use all of the weapons we get to just MAKE ones that work better for my characters and crew.
  • phoenixc#0738 phoenixc Member Posts: 5,950 Arc User
    edited August 2020
    rattler2 wrote: »
    Temporal won't come back yet until they can figure out how to be more inclusive of Klingons.

    It would be really great if they could do the Klingon side of the existing AoY story. They could be snatched from the jaws of death by Daniels exactly like the Fed side or they could be some of the Klingons from K-13 (though the Daniels one would be better overall I think, and it could even be used to foreshadow something to come in the modern age).

    It would even allow Romulans easily by just adding a short cutscene at the front that sets them up as spies on the Federation side masquerading as Vulcan, and as exchange officers on the KDF side during their short alliance when they exchanged some of their technology.

    There are two possible caveats though. The first could be CBS not allowing Romulan characters access to the TOS uniforms such a ruse would take, though I suppose they could get around something like that by only allowing them to use it in the tutorial while they are "faction 0" status.

    The second could be the fact that in order for that to work they might have to have the final faction pre-chosen before the tutorial starts which may be trivial or a major pain depending on how the code works. They could possibly set it up like they were two races or something in the character generator, with the "race" selection being used for selecting Federation or KDF aligned Romulans. Alternatively, they could just run all Romulan characters though the KDF version of AoY and allow them to choose between the two factions after being dropped off at the Republic Flotilla (though that has the same potential problem as the TOS Starfleet uniform except for it being the ship instead).

    Jem'Hadar, as an endgame-starting race would have to be left out in the cold for AoY, but if they ever expanded the Dominion faction out to leveling races like Vorta, Dosi, and Yaderan they could do the same spy trick with the player character posing as an immigrant from the far frontier (they could even call it Kurill Prime like Eris did since Starfleet would have no idea it was way out in gamma quadrant). For that matter, Dosi (without the face paint) and Yaderan could easily pass as human, and with a little reversible cosmetic surgery could pass as TOS Klingons.
  • paradox#7391 paradox Member Posts: 1,800 Arc User
    rattler2 wrote: »
    Temporal won't come back yet until they can figure out how to be more inclusive of Klingons.

    It would be really great if they could do the Klingon side of the existing AoY story. They could be snatched from the jaws of death by Daniels exactly like the Fed side or they could be some of the Klingons from K-13 (though the Daniels one would be better overall I think, and it could even be used to foreshadow something to come in the modern age).

    It would even allow Romulans easily by just adding a short cutscene at the front that sets them up as spies on the Federation side masquerading as Vulcan, and as exchange officers on the KDF side during their short alliance when they exchanged some of their technology.

    There are two possible caveats though. The first could be CBS not allowing Romulan characters access to the TOS uniforms such a ruse would take, though I suppose they could get around something like that by only allowing them to use it in the tutorial while they are "faction 0" status.

    The second could be the fact that in order for that to work they might have to have the final faction pre-chosen before the tutorial starts which may be trivial or a major pain depending on how the code works. They could possibly set it up like they were two races or something in the character generator, with the "race" selection being used for selecting Federation or KDF aligned Romulans. Alternatively, they could just run all Romulan characters though the KDF version of AoY and allow them to choose between the two factions after being dropped off at the Republic Flotilla (though that has the same potential problem as the TOS Starfleet uniform except for it being the ship instead).

    Jem'Hadar, as an endgame-starting race would have to be left out in the cold for AoY, but if they ever expanded the Dominion faction out to leveling races like Vorta, Dosi, and Yaderan they could do the same spy trick with the player character posing as an immigrant from the far frontier (they could even call it Kurill Prime like Eris did since Starfleet would have no idea it was way out in gamma quadrant). For that matter, Dosi (without the face paint) and Yaderan could easily pass as human, and with a little reversible cosmetic surgery could pass as TOS Klingons.

    This is great AOY Klingons could also be part of the Klingon landing party on Taurus II as part of their tutorial as a way to Mirror AOY Feds.
  • rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,800 Community Moderator
    Would be interesting make a TOS era Klingon for AoY. The main issue I see though is Daniels being accepted due to him being human and affiliated with the Federation. But it could open the door to a couple of those TOS era ships that were designed for AoY like the Raptor. And I don't remember if they had a BoP.

    Romulans I don't really see working out as well. On the other hand we already can look like TOS Romulans from the get go, and even start with a T'liss.

    As there's absolutely nothing on the Dominion prior to DS9... yea they're kinda non starters on an AoY arc, but they do have their own with the Gamma Recruit.
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
    normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
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  • duasynduasyn Member Posts: 492 Arc User
    I'd add a subscription. I feel that the quantity of content we get has really taken a nosedive when the game went F2P and all they seemed to care about after that is cranking out things to sell.
  • paradox#7391 paradox Member Posts: 1,800 Arc User
    duasyn wrote: »
    I'd add a subscription. I feel that the quantity of content we get has really taken a nosedive when the game went F2P and all they seemed to care about after that is cranking out things to sell.

    They already have a subscription, free weekly dil, plus the Borg and Talaxians, the extra uniforms, the T6 ships, what more can you ask for seems to me that the LTS Players are living it up, what's next Kelpians and Denobulans as LTS exclusive races.
  • jcswwjcsww Member Posts: 6,839 Arc User
    A complete and same color palette with 3 tabs for all factions. Each tab would have the complete color palette but tab 1 would be matte, tab 2 would be shiny, and tab 3 would be metallic.
  • rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,800 Community Moderator
    duasyn wrote: »
    I'd add a subscription. I feel that the quantity of content we get has really taken a nosedive when the game went F2P and all they seemed to care about after that is cranking out things to sell.

    Eh... I don't know. We had a few stinkers like Of Bajor.
    Honestly I feel we've gotten some very good stories since F2P because they haven't had to worry as much.
    Its not a black and white situation. Yes they do need to make things to sell since they're in a F2P model, but on the other hand they've actually improved the quality of many things in game as well. Hell... they've been able to hire a lot of Trek actors AND got a motion capture suit to help with animating cutscenes!

    On top of that, a traditional sub system is probably a problem when you have to also negotiate with Microsoft and Sony as well when they want their cut from the players on their respective systems.
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
    normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
    colored text = mod mode
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  • paradox#7391 paradox Member Posts: 1,800 Arc User
    I'll add the Zhat Vash as another enemy Romulan faction similar to the Tal Shiar and the Imperial Navy, 2399 Romulan Zhat Vash/Tal Shiar uniforms and some more Tal Shiar pieces like the wrist, boots and cape that Hakeev and Sela wear, playable Soong Type androids mini faction for both KDF and Feds, they seem like a neutral party to the alliance, the 2380 starfleet uniforms and Hugh 2399 outfit, this is just the Picard content I would like to add to the game, maybe add playable Aenar to Feds as well as Disco and TOS variants.
  • flatulencius#6400 flatulencius Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    I'd like to see an Elite Recruitment Event, open to any faction, with characters starting at high level like (like Jems), but who can only do single player content on elite difficulty. Preferably with rewards scaled to match, this could provide a decent challenge to most players, and hopefully wouldn't require too much mucking around from the devs.
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