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kemocite nerf and what it means for a spike build built around kemo and neutronic torp



  • kamiyama317kamiyama317 Member Posts: 1,295 Arc User
    edited November 2015

    I've never had lag while using KLW. I've also been in groups where multiple people have been using it (CCA for example) and not had any lag. But I have a nice PC with a nice graphics card.

    I suspect the lag is caused by your graphics card not being able to handle all the extra particle effects. That's your problem, not mine. If you want to game get a better gaming PC. Consideration has nothing to do with game lag. Do you blame others for being inconsiderate when they drive a nice car down your street?

    This ability was sold to us. It was one of the big lockbox prizes and it helped bring them more sales. Nerfing it now that Xindi lockbox sales are dropping off and all the big spenders have it is bait and switch.

    You arrogantly assume that simply because you personally don't/didn't lag that everyone else just has a crappy computer or should just have to deal with it so you can rack up high numbers. I'm running a GTX 750 video card and before that it was a MSI 6870 Hawk. the video cards I've used and currently using are not cheap. Nor is it a ram issue as I'm running 16gigs of ram nor is it a cpu problem as I'm running an 8 core processor. There's no legitimate reason for one single ability to lag this rig unless it's extremely broken/bugged as kemocite was.

    I'm going to give you a brief lowdown of why this needed to be fixed. One major reason above was because of the lag it causes to other people. I and other people should not have to worry about our game crashing just because you activated an ability. Another reason is the double procs that it's getting. This was not an intended thing and you shouldn't have been surprised that this would eventually get fixed.

    The big glaring thing however was the fact that kemocite NEVER stopped procing after the first initial activation, even long after the power had expired. You can't honestly believe that they were going to let that stay the way it was when you were benefiting from the ability after it had expired. It was not intended to be a permanent always active buff.

    Also another reason that it got fixed as quickly as it did was a bug that was in the tribble build just before New Dawn went live. In the Terran Reputation system there is an ability called Secondary Torpedoes. When you activate Secondary torps each time your torps would detonate you would launch a similar torp for free. On Tribble that ability was effected by the same bug that kemocite was. If you activated torp spread and fired it off, then the torp spreads never stopped firing even after the ability had expired. the torps only stopped firing once the target(s) were destroyed or you went out of weapons range. Picture torp spread iii constantly firing like that along with constant kemocite iii procs. you would have to be crazy to think they would ever let something like that happen.

    Fixing a bugged ability is not bait and switch, that's correcting an error or maintaining the server. Also if an ability is found to be too powerful it's nerfed. EVERY mmo or multiplayer game out there does this and it shouldn't be a surprise to you that this game does it as well. You may not like the changes and are certainly free to voice your disagreement with those changes, but at the end of the day if it's bugged or too op it'll get fixed/changed, that's how mmos work. you've not been hit by a bait and switch, you're getting a broken ability fixed.

    It's not arrogance, it's an educated guess. The servers running the game don't have good GPU's in them, if they have GPU's in them at all. You can't run a modern game on most server boards because the focus is on CPU and RAM, not graphics.

    When KLW goes off, all that happens on the servers is a handful of math calculations. It applies a resistance debuff to all the enemies in range. The server processing the enemies, your ship, and the KLW explosion aren't even shown on a screen that the devs can look at. All the server sees is some math.

    The ships and explosions you see on your screen are all processed primarily by your graphics card, and also by your CPU. It's not efficient to send this eye candy over the internet to your PC, so all that's sent from the server to your PC is the math. Your PC is responsible for the eye candy.

    As an example look at IBM bladecenters. I don't know if STO uses bladecenters, but most server hardware is pretty much the same: a board with several CPU sockets, lots of RAM slots, and one or more RAID arrays.



    (2012) Features:

    One or Two Intel Xeon E5-2400
    12 Dimm slots, up to 1600mhz
    2 hot-swappable HDDs (SATA/SAS) or SSDs
    Dual Gigabit Ethernet onboard ports with TOE
    Requires Advanced Management Module

    That's the typical hardware you would find in a server. Note the lack of a GPU. The focus is on CPU, RAM, hard drive space, and network ports. Most servers are going to be like this.

    My educated guess is that KLW lag is a result of poor gaming PC's, not server lag. Of course the devs would know better than me about this.
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    kyrrok wrote: »
    And your overreliance on the Kemo-spread is your problem not mine.

    It's not about over-reliance. It's about KLW being a paid for ability. Cryptic has ample time to test lockbox items before releasing them - changing it after selling it to thousands of players is bait and switch. This is illegal.

    They sold it to us, now they should commit to it.
    And it fracking doesn't matter if or what you paid for it. Real world money, EC, Dilithium, Zen, your grandmother, or your immortal soul.

    Fixes, nerfs, buffs - all that will happen, and it will happen again, and your payment for it doesn't enter the decision whether it will be changed or not. Your money gives you no right over the details of the implementation of the power. You should get used to it. You don't need to bring the cost of an item into the argument here. It's neither a valid moral nor legal argument here.

    If you want to make an argument, it should be about how the fix is imbalanced, or broken in some manner, e.g. doesn't work or fails to achieve the intended result. But at this point, you cannot even begin to make a compelling argument, because we only have an outline of how the fix will look like, not the final result.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • kamiyama317kamiyama317 Member Posts: 1,295 Arc User
    kyrrok wrote: »
    And your overreliance on the Kemo-spread is your problem not mine.

    It's not about over-reliance. It's about KLW being a paid for ability. Cryptic has ample time to test lockbox items before releasing them - changing it after selling it to thousands of players is bait and switch. This is illegal.

    They sold it to us, now they should commit to it.
    And it fracking doesn't matter if or what you paid for it. Real world money, EC, Dilithium, Zen, your grandmother, or your immortal soul.

    Fixes, nerfs, buffs - all that will happen, and it will happen again, and your payment for it doesn't enter the decision whether it will be changed or not. Your money gives you no right over the details of the implementation of the power. You should get used to it. You don't need to bring the cost of an item into the argument here. It's neither a valid moral nor legal argument here.

    If you want to make an argument, it should be about how the fix is imbalanced, or broken in some manner, e.g. doesn't work or fails to achieve the intended result. But at this point, you cannot even begin to make a compelling argument, because we only have an outline of how the fix will look like, not the final result.

    It's immoral and illegal to sell an ability that works well to drive up sales, and then once you've made the money change it so it doesn't work well anymore.

    I can survive without KLW, but I'm not going to continue to pay money into a company that engages in illegal and immoral business practices to drive up demand for a gambling mechanic. Neither should anyone else. This isn't healthy for the game or the community.

    We should be able to keep the ability we paid for, and they should be balanced before they are released - not months afterwards when they aren't making as much money off of it anymore.

    If you bought a new 2014 Dodge Viper (about $100,000) and enjoyed driving it for months, but when you went to take it in for servicing the dealer said "Wait, this car was too nice for you, so we are replacing it with a 2003 Dodge Avenger instead. I hope you understand." what would you do? You would throw a fit right? You would want your $100,000 car back? This is the same principle.

    They sold us something nice, and now it's being replaced with TRIBBLE. This is wrong, people.
  • This content has been removed.
  • e30erneste30ernest Member Posts: 1,794 Arc User
    I wouldn't be angry if they fixed it. The problem was double-proc: each torp in a torp spread was proccing multiple times on each target. The fix for this would be to make each torp proc a single time on each target.

    The double-procd was the bug, but it wasn't the only contributor to the lag. When you have an ability such as KLW fired with a Neutronic TS3 for example, you have 20 torps flying out, each with its own AOE hit from KLW and each with its own dran and radiation AOE from Neutronic. What you end up with is a lot of hits for the server and the client to communicate with each other, which creates lag for some. That's just 1 person, if you have more than 1 person firing a TS3+KLW combo at the same time, it gets worse.

    It gets even worse with the QPT since it has an AOE shield drain (which hits all 4 sides in an AOE blast) and from what I've heard, it also procs the command spec tree.

    I think the changes make sense. I'm a torp user, and I do use KLW in some of my builds and I welcome the change.
  • kamiyama317kamiyama317 Member Posts: 1,295 Arc User
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    Wah Wah. The ability WAS BUGGED. IT WAS KNOWN TO BE BUGGED for a LONG time now. YOU took advantage of a bug while it lasted. If anything else, YOU are the immoral one here (and illegal to since using exploits is against the contract you signed with PWE). Yeah they do have some shady buisness stuff...but this...this ain't one of them.

    I'm going to quote myself now, because apparently you didn't read what I said earlier.

    "It's not a fix, it's a nerf.

    I wouldn't be angry if they fixed it. The problem was double-proc: each torp in a torp spread was proccing multiple times on each target. The fix for this would be to make each torp proc a single time on each target.

    Instead they are nerfing it - by making each torp proc a single time on the main target - the one you have selected. This means all the torps in the torp spread that hit other targets won't even proc!

    This is a nerf, not a fix. This is why I'm angry.

    I don't even use torp spread with KLW but this doesn't bode well for my BFAW build. A 10% chance to proc on only my selected target? KLW would become pure, utter garbage. Not even worth a BOff slot. It wouldn't be worth 10 credits, let alone 100 million. "

    I wouldn't be angry if they fixed the double-proc bug. I'm angry because they are proposing to fundamentally change the ability so it only procs on your main target, and not every enemy you hit with torp spread (or potentially BFAW though they haven't mentioned it yet).
  • fiberteksyfirfiberteksyfir Member Posts: 1,207 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    Im not sure why people are still calling this a nerf.. It wasnt working the way it was originally designed to. Theyre just making it do what it was originally supposed to do (and what it says it does.. To the person complaining about the illegal bait and switch). If it was being nerfed, it wouldve said KLW is being changed to do something less than what we said it did. Disclaimer:I use KLW myself and it quite obviously was not doing what it says on the tin. The TS proc ok is a minor grey area because it didnt explicitly say either way what happens with TS iirc
  • kamiyama317kamiyama317 Member Posts: 1,295 Arc User
    Again to quote crypticrock:

    We're making a similar change to Kemocite-Laced Weaponry, where Torpedo: Spread will only trigger one Kemocite Explosion for each torpedo which hits the main target. The spread-based Kemocite Explosions will also deal increased damage compared to the Kemocite Explosion from a standard torpedo.

    "Spread will only trigger one Kemocite Explosion for each torpedo which hits the main target."

    That's not a fix, that's a fundamental change to how the ability works.

    Will the same thing happen to BFAW? A 10% chance to proc on only your main target would be useless.
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    kyrrok wrote: »
    And your overreliance on the Kemo-spread is your problem not mine.

    It's not about over-reliance. It's about KLW being a paid for ability. Cryptic has ample time to test lockbox items before releasing them - changing it after selling it to thousands of players is bait and switch. This is illegal.

    They sold it to us, now they should commit to it.
    And it fracking doesn't matter if or what you paid for it. Real world money, EC, Dilithium, Zen, your grandmother, or your immortal soul.

    Fixes, nerfs, buffs - all that will happen, and it will happen again, and your payment for it doesn't enter the decision whether it will be changed or not. Your money gives you no right over the details of the implementation of the power. You should get used to it. You don't need to bring the cost of an item into the argument here. It's neither a valid moral nor legal argument here.

    If you want to make an argument, it should be about how the fix is imbalanced, or broken in some manner, e.g. doesn't work or fails to achieve the intended result. But at this point, you cannot even begin to make a compelling argument, because we only have an outline of how the fix will look like, not the final result.

    It's immoral and illegal to sell an ability that works well to drive up sales, and then once you've made the money change it so it doesn't work well anymore.
    No, it's not. Cryptic always says. "all stats are subject to change". And you didn't buy the Kemocite from Cryptic. The only things you can buy for STO is Zen, or a subscription. Neither of that includes Kemocite on the bill.

    What you did might have been playing a virtual lottery game with virtual currency. Or maybe you just earned virtual currency in game from trading with other players. Who knows, it doesn't matter.

    Also, you're describing a motive to the creation of an incidentally bugged power that you can hardly prove, and cannot even assume. You know how long bugs can last in STO, right?
    And if the Kemocite bug really is driving up sales, what is motivation for Cryptic to ever fix it? They're making money on it, you claim (even though they don't sell Kemocite)?
    Or maybe they aren't, because a lot of people suffering from the lag have stopped playing and paying, because they don't enjoy the game anymore?

    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • scarlingscarling Member Posts: 708 Arc User
    ha, its everyone else's problem. brilliant. No but seriously.... I don't keep the parse up that much and notice this lag for a couple of seconds. Now I know I dont have a 3 monitor, crossfire uber rig that you only salivate over. But I'm running a 270x 1100/1400 4gb, 6 cores @ 4.2, 8gb ddr3 @ 1866, 990FX chipset crosshair v f z, on a 200mb connection, even with nighthawk router... modest gaming rig, beats most recommended specs. And the only time I experience lag anywhere in this game or any other is during those couple seconds of kemo spread.. or maybe also when I turn on the most intensive AA ever invented. But hey, please tell me I need a crossfired 390x rig to play this game.

    Quick note, you don't own anything on this game. They can stop the game today with all that money spent and it wouldn't matter what you complain about.
  • nikephorusnikephorus Member Posts: 2,744 Arc User
    So much QQ!
  • nandospcnandospc Member Posts: 1,260 Arc User
    @OP evolve, try other possibilities, STO has a lot of builds opportunities ;)
  • kamiyama317kamiyama317 Member Posts: 1,295 Arc User
    No, it's not. Cryptic always says. "all stats are subject to change". And you didn't buy the Kemocite from Cryptic. The only things you can buy for STO is Zen, or a subscription. Neither of that includes Kemocite on the bill.

    What you did might have been playing a virtual lottery game with virtual currency. Or maybe you just earned virtual currency in game from trading with other players. Who knows, it doesn't matter.

    Also, you're describing a motive to the creation of an incidentally bugged power that you can hardly prove, and cannot even assume. You know how long bugs can last in STO, right?
    And if the Kemocite bug really is driving up sales, what is motivation for Cryptic to ever fix it? They're making money on it, you claim (even though they don't sell Kemocite)?
    Or maybe they aren't, because a lot of people suffering from the lag have stopped playing and paying, because they don't enjoy the game anymore?

    Every copy of kemocite is purchased from Cryptic. It doesn't matter if you bought your copy off the exchange, or if you bought your keys off the exchange.

    Every key is purchased by a player, which means they are paid items. Every copy of Kemocite is from a lockbox opened by a key. Every copy of kemocite in the game is a paid item, purchased from Cryptic.

    Changing it now is bait and switch.

    KLW did drive up sales - look at the prices of the Xindi-Terrestrial lockboxes on the exchange. They are more expensive than the other lockboxes for a reason. Before the multi-lockbox event Xinti-T lockboxes were selling for over 100k each! They are climbing up in price again right now. But I expect the demand will drop after a nerf like this.

    I already posted about the lag. I strongly suspect it's client side.

  • kyrrokkyrrok Member Posts: 1,352 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    Yes, yes, yes, I get it. "I don't give a sht about everyone else' lagging and crashing, I blame everyone else for getting inferior computers. I paid for my well earned exploit, now I WANT MY KEMO-SPREAD BACK, NAOWWW!!!"

    You had your fun, with the Kemo-exploit. Now it's time for the rest of us to have fun instead of putting up with getting frozen or thrown out of the game with our inferior...

    You arrogantly assume that simply because you personally don't/didn't lag that everyone else just has a crappy computer or should just have to deal with it so you can rack up high numbers. I'm running a GTX 750 video card and before that it was a MSI 6870 Hawk. the video cards I've used and currently using are not cheap. Nor is it a ram issue as I'm running 16gigs of ram nor is it a cpu problem as I'm running an 8 core processor. There's no legitimate reason for one single ability to lag this rig unless it's extremely broken/bugged as kemocite was.

    What? If the Kemo Spread Mega-proccing can adversely affect even his game experience, even with that computer, it gotz ta go.
  • This content has been removed.
  • nebfabnebfab Member Posts: 672 Arc User
    They sold us something nice, and now it's being replaced with TRIBBLE. This is wrong, people.
    You see... If Cryptic intended kemo to be this great all along to drive up sales, and it really had no consequences beyond happy fun times for those who can afford it, then why the heck would they nerf it? Forget immorality, it would be stupid, with only possible motivation being "For Teh EVULLLZZZ!"

    Which either means that a lot of Cryptic/PWE staff suddenly grew evil goatees and twirlable moustache this week, or that they never intended kemocite to work as it does, and/or that letting it stand as it is actually hurts their sales.

    Never mind that Cryptic never ever gave a single hint that the current behaviour is WAI or won't be changed, they said exactly the opposite, long ago and repeatedly. They didn't advertise "Open lockboxes for KEMO!", didn't hide their intention to change it.

    All in all, accusing them of bait-and-switch tactics is somewhat... illogical, as Vulcans would have said.
  • taylor1701dtaylor1701d Member Posts: 3,099 Arc User
    No, it's not. Cryptic always says. "all stats are subject to change". And you didn't buy the Kemocite from Cryptic. The only things you can buy for STO is Zen, or a subscription. Neither of that includes Kemocite on the bill.

    What you did might have been playing a virtual lottery game with virtual currency. Or maybe you just earned virtual currency in game from trading with other players. Who knows, it doesn't matter.

    Also, you're describing a motive to the creation of an incidentally bugged power that you can hardly prove, and cannot even assume. You know how long bugs can last in STO, right?
    And if the Kemocite bug really is driving up sales, what is motivation for Cryptic to ever fix it? They're making money on it, you claim (even though they don't sell Kemocite)?
    Or maybe they aren't, because a lot of people suffering from the lag have stopped playing and paying, because they don't enjoy the game anymore?

    Every copy of kemocite is purchased from Cryptic. It doesn't matter if you bought your copy off the exchange, or if you bought your keys off the exchange.

    Every key is purchased by a player, which means they are paid items. Every copy of Kemocite is from a lockbox opened by a key. Every copy of kemocite in the game is a paid item, purchased from Cryptic.

    Changing it now is bait and switch.

    KLW did drive up sales - look at the prices of the Xindi-Terrestrial lockboxes on the exchange. They are more expensive than the other lockboxes for a reason. Before the multi-lockbox event Xinti-T lockboxes were selling for over 100k each! They are climbing up in price again right now. But I expect the demand will drop after a nerf like this.

    I already posted about the lag. I strongly suspect it's client side.

    You realize, you don't have a leg to stand on right now ? right ?
    You signed over any rights you had when agreeing to the games ToS.
    They could change BFAW to shoot unicorns and pink ponies and there's not a damn thing you or I, can say or do about it.
    (Sure we can whine and cry all over the forums about it, but that won't accomplish anything !)

    If you really want to make an impact, call the "Better Business Bureau" and file an official complaint. (Even though they'll laugh your formal complaint all the way over to the paper shredder, you can at least try, if this bothers you of so much).

    The fact is "You signed away all consumer rights when you agreed to the games ToS." They can change anything they want, or discontinue any item or any ship at any time they choose.
    Just get over it.
    You're looking rather desperate atm.

  • ryugasiriusryugasirius Member Posts: 283 Arc User
    I wouldn't be angry if they fixed the double-proc bug. I'm angry because they are proposing to fundamentally change the ability so it only procs on your main target, and not every enemy you hit with torp spread (or potentially BFAW though they haven't mentioned it yet).

    They didn't actually change KLW, they changed how TS works with some AoE powers.
  • kamiyama317kamiyama317 Member Posts: 1,295 Arc User
    I wouldn't be angry if they fixed the double-proc bug. I'm angry because they are proposing to fundamentally change the ability so it only procs on your main target, and not every enemy you hit with torp spread (or potentially BFAW though they haven't mentioned it yet).

    They didn't actually change KLW, they changed how TS works with some AoE powers.

    If they are changing it so it doesn't proc on each torpedo hit, it IS a change to how KLW works.
  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,259 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    It was intended to hit all targets and proc on all shots and no longer does that. That to me sounds like its not been reset to do what it was intended in the first place. Cryptic are resetting it to make improvements but I see no evidence they are resetting it to do what it was intended to do.
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  • lucho80lucho80 Member Posts: 6,600 Bug Hunter
    edited November 2015
    If the devs are reading this I ask that you please go easy on the nerfs. This type of thing only drives customers away.

    On the contrary, Kemocite drove me away from playing more since I loved to PvP for hours. Fixing it would drive me back in.
  • darkknightucfdarkknightucf Member Posts: 1,546 Media Corps
    id0licious wrote: »
    Welcome to MMOs.

    Things change.

    Also, it helps not to build around an extremely broken and OP ability. Those almost always get changed, sooner or later.

    @Odenknight | U.S.S. Challenger | "Remember The Seven"
    Fleet Defiant Kinetic Heavy Fire Support | Fleet Manticore Kinetic Strike Ship | Tactical Command Kinetic Siege Refit | Fleet Defiant Quantum Phase Escort | Fleet Valiant Kinetic Heavy Fire Support
    Turning the Galaxy-X into a Torpedo Dreadnought & torpedo tutorial, with written torpedo guide.
    "A good weapon and a great strategy will win you many battles." - Marshall
    I knew using Kinetics would be playing the game on hard mode, but what I didn't realize was how bad the deck is stacked against Kinetics.
  • breadandcircusesbreadandcircuses Member Posts: 2,355 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    id0licious wrote: »
    Welcome to MMOs.

    Things change.

    Also, it helps not to build around an extremely broken and OP ability. Those almost always get changed, sooner or later.


    Weren't there more bugs with Kemocite than just Spread procs? I swear you and yours posted something after doing a bunch of testing that made me lol...
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    I do not like Geko ether.
    iconians wrote: »
    With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.​​
  • darkknightucfdarkknightucf Member Posts: 1,546 Media Corps
    edited November 2015
    kyrrok wrote: »
    kyrrok wrote: »
    And your overreliance on the Kemo-spread is your problem not mine.

    It's not about over-reliance. It's about KLW being a paid for ability. Cryptic has ample time to test lockbox items before releasing them - changing it after selling it to thousands of players is bait and switch. This is illegal.

    They sold it to us, now they should commit to it.

    You expect me to be concerned over you having paid for some ability? You get to destroy every ship in short order. With not just indifference to the bad server performance it causes for others but disdain for them such as that you have displayed for me. And then you think I shoud now have sympathy for you now because you paid for it? I have zero sympathy for you.

    I think that both of you should have a nice cup of tea and relax for a minute. There's more to this situation that you may or may not know about, but hasn't been expressed in this thread on the first page.

    Client-side issues have much less to do with the type of graphic card that you use and more with the client waiting for and 'parsing' the combat values from the server. This is irrelevant to whether KLW was working as intended for FaW and TS (for the record, KLW was not working as intended in multiple areas).

    EDIT: These KLW and Quantum Phase issues are probably a blessing in disguise. Maybe the Devs & Engineers can look at the client and network communications to see about improving performance in order to handle lots of combat values being delivered from server to client, and to have the client deal with that surge of data with minimal impact to game play.

    This is not to say that the ability shouldn't exist; it should. It fills a slot much looked at as useless for many builds, and it enhances a weapon type that has been plagued with a multitude of performance & development issues prior to S11.

    Relax. It's getting fixed, and, imho, it's getting fixed in a controlled and logical manner - something that is sorely needed in this game is happening.

    @Odenknight | U.S.S. Challenger | "Remember The Seven"
    Fleet Defiant Kinetic Heavy Fire Support | Fleet Manticore Kinetic Strike Ship | Tactical Command Kinetic Siege Refit | Fleet Defiant Quantum Phase Escort | Fleet Valiant Kinetic Heavy Fire Support
    Turning the Galaxy-X into a Torpedo Dreadnought & torpedo tutorial, with written torpedo guide.
    "A good weapon and a great strategy will win you many battles." - Marshall
    I knew using Kinetics would be playing the game on hard mode, but what I didn't realize was how bad the deck is stacked against Kinetics.
  • darkknightucfdarkknightucf Member Posts: 1,546 Media Corps
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    Wah Wah. The ability WAS BUGGED. IT WAS KNOWN TO BE BUGGED for a LONG time now. YOU took advantage of a bug while it lasted. If anything else, YOU are the immoral one here (and illegal to since using exploits is against the contract you signed with PWE). Yeah they do have some shady buisness stuff...but this...this ain't one of them.

    I'm going to quote myself now, because apparently you didn't read what I said earlier.

    "It's not a fix, it's a nerf.

    I wouldn't be angry if they fixed it. The problem was double-proc: each torp in a torp spread was proccing multiple times on each target. The fix for this would be to make each torp proc a single time on each target.

    Instead they are nerfing it - by making each torp proc a single time on the main target - the one you have selected. This means all the torps in the torp spread that hit other targets won't even proc!

    This is a nerf, not a fix. This is why I'm angry.

    I don't even use torp spread with KLW but this doesn't bode well for my BFAW build. A 10% chance to proc on only my selected target? KLW would become pure, utter garbage. Not even worth a BOff slot. It wouldn't be worth 10 credits, let alone 100 million. "

    I wouldn't be angry if they fixed the double-proc bug. I'm angry because they are proposing to fundamentally change the ability so it only procs on your main target, and not every enemy you hit with torp spread (or potentially BFAW though they haven't mentioned it yet).

    No one said FaW would receive the same treatment. I said FaW SHOULD receive the same treatment for plasma explosions.
    @Odenknight | U.S.S. Challenger | "Remember The Seven"
    Fleet Defiant Kinetic Heavy Fire Support | Fleet Manticore Kinetic Strike Ship | Tactical Command Kinetic Siege Refit | Fleet Defiant Quantum Phase Escort | Fleet Valiant Kinetic Heavy Fire Support
    Turning the Galaxy-X into a Torpedo Dreadnought & torpedo tutorial, with written torpedo guide.
    "A good weapon and a great strategy will win you many battles." - Marshall
    I knew using Kinetics would be playing the game on hard mode, but what I didn't realize was how bad the deck is stacked against Kinetics.
  • darkknightucfdarkknightucf Member Posts: 1,546 Media Corps
    edited November 2015
    reyan01 wrote: »
    I wouldn't be angry if they fixed the double-proc bug. I'm angry because they are proposing to fundamentally change the ability so it only procs on your main target, and not every enemy you hit with torp spread (or potentially BFAW though they haven't mentioned it yet).

    They didn't actually change KLW, they changed how TS works with some AoE powers.

    If they are changing it so it doesn't proc on each torpedo hit, it IS a change to how KLW works.

    Despite your frequent claims that others don't understand, it seems that it is YOU who is lacking understanding. KLW does something that it was never intended to do. Cryptic are 'resetting' it so that it does what it was intended to do in the first place.

    Your statement is incorrect. They ARE changing it from its initial intention to address performance issues. I suspect it's to buy time to address the performance issues.

    EDIT: For clarity, It was NOT supposed to proc twice (once on launch and once on impact). It was to proc for each torpedo for each target.
    @Odenknight | U.S.S. Challenger | "Remember The Seven"
    Fleet Defiant Kinetic Heavy Fire Support | Fleet Manticore Kinetic Strike Ship | Tactical Command Kinetic Siege Refit | Fleet Defiant Quantum Phase Escort | Fleet Valiant Kinetic Heavy Fire Support
    Turning the Galaxy-X into a Torpedo Dreadnought & torpedo tutorial, with written torpedo guide.
    "A good weapon and a great strategy will win you many battles." - Marshall
    I knew using Kinetics would be playing the game on hard mode, but what I didn't realize was how bad the deck is stacked against Kinetics.
  • alexraptorralexraptorr Member Posts: 1,192 Arc User
    Have to say I am really unhappy about the Kemocite Nerf.

    I'm perfectly fine that they finally fixed the exploitability of it, But I am not OK with that they changed its function and heavily nerfed it into the ground.

    Fixed multiproc bug = good
    Made it useless for torpedo spreads = bad.
    "If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross. But it's not for the timid." - Q
  • darkknightucfdarkknightucf Member Posts: 1,546 Media Corps
    id0licious wrote: »
    Welcome to MMOs.

    Things change.

    Also, it helps not to build around an extremely broken and OP ability. Those almost always get changed, sooner or later.


    Weren't there more bugs with Kemocite than just Spread procs? I swear you and yours posted something after doing a bunch of testing that made me lol...

    Yes. Snipey and I ran tests on various firing modes when KLW was first released (including his funny intro to the vid).

    We noticed the double-proc on TS, but initially, it was so minute because KLW wasn't being buffed by ANYTHING, including +radDMG boosts. It was much more noticeable later on when +radDMG boosts affected it. Based on @sarcasmdetector KLW is CURRENTLY not being boosted by APA and the like (and we suspect that it never was).

    Initially, destructible torps did not benefit from KLW debuff. That was reported as fixed about a month ago.

    We did a multitude of tests w/ FaW, CSV, and TS w/ the DPS After Dark crew, and showed that ALL eligible KLW slotted on your ship would proc. If one proc'd, all proc'd. This was independently verified by Alfie and SoB.

    We're still waiting for our QA check ;)
    @Odenknight | U.S.S. Challenger | "Remember The Seven"
    Fleet Defiant Kinetic Heavy Fire Support | Fleet Manticore Kinetic Strike Ship | Tactical Command Kinetic Siege Refit | Fleet Defiant Quantum Phase Escort | Fleet Valiant Kinetic Heavy Fire Support
    Turning the Galaxy-X into a Torpedo Dreadnought & torpedo tutorial, with written torpedo guide.
    "A good weapon and a great strategy will win you many battles." - Marshall
    I knew using Kinetics would be playing the game on hard mode, but what I didn't realize was how bad the deck is stacked against Kinetics.
  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    It's about KLW being a paid for ability. Cryptic has ample time to test lockbox items before releasing them - changing it after selling it to thousands of players is bait and switch. This is illegal.

    It is not illegal.

    Lockboxes as well as the keys to open them are available through in game resources and cost nothing to obtain.

    You opted to pay money instead in order to save time, that's your choice, but it doesn't make it illegal and it doesn't entitle you to any type of guarantee since you opted to use money instead of Dilithim -> Zen or EC.
    A 10% chance to proc on only my selected target? KLW would become pure, utter garbage. Not even worth a BOff slot. It wouldn't be worth 10 credits, let alone 100 million.

    It would still be extremely powerful, especially with FAW builds. By contrast, Embassy Consoles only offer a 2.5% chance on your single target and in FAW builds they raise DPS 4-6k each just by slotting one (at epic.) Kemo under the conditions you mentioned would still be a very powerful ability, especially Kemo 1 which you can slot in an Ensign slot.
    Insert witty signature line here.
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