Wow you guys need to stop drinking the feminist cool aid that male sexual is bad and wrong and predatory, its natural and healthy.
You can't sexual harrass pixels, its fantasy and people are entitled to said fantasy with out put downs, just as those who prefer the opposite have the same right.
Too this isn't a midevil game, you have personal shields protecting your body and they largely invisible except when hit, which does far more then any amount of useless fabric against a phaser, disuptor, ect... or even melee weapons, so there is no reason for you can look fashionable in battle if you choose.
Next there are sexy outfits for Males in this game too, look at the costumes for male Orions, often shirtless with rippling green muscles, my primary character is dressed like that. Not to mention the sex appeal of the kahn outfit ect...
As for TOS Uhura was not a secartary, not that secartary's deserve the destain you heap upon them, without secartaries the entire business communities, schools, ect... would be flung into choas. Anyways Uhura was a communications officer, now what that meant wasn't always properly conveyed, but communicions are so important in the military that communications has in own grouping in the Canadian Armed Forces along side groups like the Navy, Airforce, and Army.
Uhura did things like repairing communication systems, translating documents, gaining a better understanding about aliens species based on thier language (the universal translator might allow communication, but it wouldn't really be able to tell you what the significance of langauge differences says about different cultures world views, language can tells us about peoples world views).
So Uhura's job is vitally important.
And the new Uhura is better then the old Uhura in some ways, like Uhura wouldn't already know Klingon and have to read it from a manuel given the importance of the Klingon empire.
And the whole point, one which some people missed entirely, was that the Mirror Universe is about indulgence, not being evil, not about everything being opposite, because its not, its about creating a space for the writers where they can get as crazy with characters as they want without ruining the prime universe and thier plot lines there.
Its the place where they can explore themes that are more controversial, like homosexuality (remember this was the 90’s where homosexuality/lesbianism was just entering tv, it was still new and TRIBBLE kisses were still controversal in a way it really isn't anymore), human sexuality, power and how it corrupts, darker themes (which for DS9 is saying something), the nature of brutality, dystopian future instead of the usual startrek utopia, and even simply weird stuff like Vic Fontain being human instead of a hologram and a nice moral Brunt. It was the space where writers can go wild.
Its why I'd love to the mirror universe to have its own tv series.
I'd say Dax more then Kira (exception the intendant), Dax despite the BS speech she gave to Bashir about being more evovled then obsessing over sex, was the single most sexual major character in star trek, she commented how she enjoy the attention her stunningly gorgeous host got for her, she bragged about the naughty adventures of her previous male host Curzon Dax, the TRIBBLE kiss with Lenara Kahn, the spots and the question of how far the spots run down her body, giving oo-mox to Qaurk to get him to agree to do stuff, rough violent Klingon sex with Worf, her odd taste in men from Morn, to Captain Boday, to Ferengi Boycriends (mentioned by Kira), her love of Risa.
Seven of Nine, T'pol had tight outfits, but there character were very mechanical in there approach to sexuality, that is when they indugled in it at all.
There are plenty of uniforms and armours in game that are not sexualized in game, no far more then are sexualized in fact, the vast majority of female uniforms are not sexual.
For female sexualized uniforms there is the Orion Uniform (that only Onion females get), the Mirror Universe Uniforms, the Seven, Trio, and T'pol uniforms that are avialable fed side only, a variant to the main uniforms that shows a bit more skin, but that barely counts and its not a whole uniform. None of the armour visuals are sexual at all.
And all these sexuality=Sexism is TRIBBLE, feminist lies and indoctorination (trust me I was a self hating male feminist for years, till I opened my eyes and learned to accept myself for who I am, I make no apologies for my sexuality, none).
My point is that based on historical context of the mirror universe it makes zero sense for a female senior officer of the Imperial Starfleet to be dressed like that: if they managed to get to flag rank in a combatant command role despite the Terrans having apparently fallen back on their old habits, then they're obviously well past having to fight over the post of CO's personal prostitute. (It also makes zero sense for a BAJORAN to be a senior officer of the Imperial Starfleet given the Terran Empire occupied the role of the Prime Cardassians, but that's another discussion.)
"Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
— Sabaton, "Great War"
@lordgyor : Honestly I took Jadzia's comment to Julian as nothing more than a white lie: she was just letting him down gently because she wasn't interested in him that way. Can't say I blame her, TBH, because let's face it: Julian Bashir was kind of a jackass for the first dozen episodes.)
I actually like that Jadzia was as comfortable with her sexuality as she evidently was.
"Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
— Sabaton, "Great War"
I would like to see this mirror uniform added to the tailor! Does anyone think that we will get to see this as a player costume?
There is a open top costume in the game that has the zipper partially undone on the top that looks similar, but it doesn't have that paneled texture. They don't show us the lower part in that picture though. I wonder is she is wearing pants or hot pants? Combat hot pants with a gun holster would be ridiculous enough for me to buy it.
@gulberat - 100% agree. yep, me too. even some stances should be removed (cute and seductive). cute is the worse, <- the female object (i hate this stance)
Those two stances...I get the creeps from the cute one and not in any kind of good way. And the pigtails? STO is not a shoujo manga; I don't know why that stuff is there other than to give such an impression. I can't even stand to have my toon looking that way when I see that.
In place of the pigtails, I would like to see more hairstyles for women with wavy/curly hair. We've got "tight curls" that look good and some styles with a very minimal wave that are almost straight but not a lot in between those. Granted some of that MIGHT be a graphics limitation that can't be overcome, but I would love such an addition if it were possible. Not all women straighten their hair after all, even if it is popular to do.
Not sure what I'd replace the stances with...I'll have to brainstorm on that for a while.
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-) Proudly F2P.Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by
#1, Quark ran a casino. As a businessman and a Ferengi, he did everything he could to maximize profits, and one of the ways you do that is marketing. Like it or not, those outfits attract a certain demographic.
#2, let's not mince words: Quark's a TRIBBLE. If you'll recall, The Sisko had to explicitly ban Quark from contractually obligating his female employees to have sex with him, and he was still sexually harassing them as late as season 6: "Profit and Lace" opens with him threatening a dabo girl with termination unless she gives him the Ferengi equivalent of a handjob. The only in-universe reasons I can think of for how he wasn't sued into oblivion are, either the complexity of legal standing from being a Ferengi citizen operating on a Bajoran-owned station run by Starfleet were too complicated, or the one dabo girl in season 1 was the only one brave enough to complain.
"Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
— Sabaton, "Great War"
I hope we woman can access the male version of that uniform.. and not only have to have cropped top versions available.
Having that said,.. I love both versions. So, how are these going to be available?
I'd also hope the men can get the female version.
Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though. JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.
'...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
'...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
'...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek
As for the uniforms shown in the pic, HELLSYEAH!!! Gimmie. Now, the Mirror Romulan uniforms better look as baddazz as the Mirror KDF and Empire uniforms.
And the whole point, one which some people missed entirely, was that the Mirror Universe is about indulgence, not being evil, not about everything being opposite, because its not, its about creating a space for the writers where they can get as crazy with characters as they want without ruining the prime universe and thier plot lines there.
Pretty much this. The Terrans in the MU have always been portrayed as a people that give in to their impulses and desires. Lust, power, greed, cruelty, etc, they are completely uninhibited in every way imaginable.
And honestly, I think it makes perfect sense for female Terran Empire officers to continue to dress in such a manner.
As they climb the ranks they do it to appear desirable to their male superiors and use their sexuality to help them advance their careers by latching on to and manipulating powerful men.
But once they achieve seniority or even become flag officers, the same advantage can be flipped around to make themselves desirable to their male subordinates and secure their loyalty.
"If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross. But it's not for the timid." - Q
Do I seriously need a reason for disliking the skimpy outfits?
In other words you have no reason to dislike it
I'm not Jan, so I'm obviously just speaking for myself, and I'm not opposed to NPCs getting thematically appropriate uniforms that happen to be skimpy (which is the case with the Terran Empire, based on Mirror, Mirror), but I have a hard time putting objectifying uniforms on BOffs who are supposed to be professional members of a military and exploratory force. I am a man, but that doesn't mean I need to treat the women under my command like objects. And since we're not talking about real women, that shouldn't be taken as an indictment of players who choose differently; it just spoils my immersion to do so.
And they're completely impractical for military service of any kind. Even Starfleet pajamas provide more protection.
People focus on the "hotness" of Terran female uniforms and forget the context that the female servicemembers in the Imperial Starfleet were expected to sexually service their male crewmates. I believe it was said (maybe in "Mirror Mirror", maybe in "In a Mirror, Darkly") that female personnel actually fought over the post of "captain's woman", i.e. the commanding officer's personal f*cktoy, because it meant comparatively better treatment. That and casual '60s sexism on the part of the TOS producers is the only risible excuse for the Terran Empire's idea of a uniform.
We do not need this. the the whole thing happened in the Mirror Universe may be true in ENT and TOS.....but I don't remember them ever dressing skimpy in DS9...not even Leeta dressed skimpy.
Hunh, they never did say what M'Pella's(the one on the left) race was did they? It sounds almost like a Vulcan name...
The novels claim she was Bajoran and had a rare genetic quirk that caused her to lack nose ridges..... Meh... I don't think she acted Vulcan though. Aside from the name she appears to be human.
@alexraptorr : Which makes her a bad CO and means that the Terrans have severe discipline problems, as one might expect from a society where you're expected to frag your CO to advance. At least the Prime Klingons have rules about it.
I don't find it surprising in the slightest that the Cardassians beat the Terrans.
"Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Those two stances...I get the creeps from the cute one and not in any kind of good way. And the pigtails? STO is not a shoujo manga; I don't know why that stuff is there other than to give such an impression. I can't even stand to have my toon looking that way when I see that.
In place of the pigtails, I would like to see more hairstyles for women with wavy/curly hair. We've got "tight curls" that look good and some styles with a very minimal wave that are almost straight but not a lot in between those. Granted some of that MIGHT be a graphics limitation that can't be overcome, but I would love such an addition if it were possible. Not all women straighten their hair after all, even if it is popular to do.
Not sure what I'd replace the stances with...I'll have to brainstorm on that for a while.
What have you got against pigtails? They look good with certain outfits and certain head shapes. They have little to do with shoujo manga, unless they had crazy lengths, which we don't have in STO. Granted, it's not a very common hairstyle, but it's quite nice sometimes, I prefer ponytails myself!
As for the stances, I don't really remember the cute one, but I think it's the position of the arms that is the odd bit. As for seductive, that is my personal favourite stance! I don't see it used all that often and there's nothing really wrong with it, hips go out to be, well, seductive, name says it all!
Let's not take the style of STO to the Victorian era!
I don't find it surprising in the slightest that the Cardassians beat the Terrans.
Actually they got beat becuase mirror Spock tried to make them more like the federation and probably made them too much like the TNG version one of its naive idiot days.
@hartzilla : Yes, I know that's the official explanation (from mirror Kira, so take it with a grain of salt). But the Terrans' propensity towards coups and fragging the lieutenant probably didn't help matters. It wouldn't surprise me if somebody overthrew Spock mid-war thinking they had to go back to the old style to win, but instead they just disrupted command and control and gave the more disciplined Cardies an extra advantage.
"Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
— Sabaton, "Great War"
gave the more disciplined Cardies an extra advantage.
You're talking about the people who lost one of their bases to a barely organized bunch of rebels, never were able to take it back, then lost the leader of their alliance to said rebels, and in this game couldn't stop said rebels from reforming their empire and probably enslaving them with future tech.
Besides the Cardassians have never been that impressive, lets not forget that the prime universe version were introduced getting the asses handed to them by one science vessel, and the Mirror version didn't seem to be that different.
@lordgyor : Honestly I took Jadzia's comment to Julian as nothing more than a white lie: she was just letting him down gently because she wasn't interested in him that way. Can't say I blame her, TBH, because let's face it: Julian Bashir was kind of a jackass for the first dozen episodes.)
I actually like that Jadzia was as comfortable with her sexuality as she evidently was.
I had an alternate theory there--that at some point in the show, Curzon's personality overwhelmed the symbiosis (possibly triggered by the zhian'tara incident with Odo?). No wonder poor Ezri was so scared...she had Joran AND Curzon to contend with.
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-) Proudly F2P.Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by
gave the more disciplined Cardies an extra advantage.
You're talking about the people who lost one of their bases to a barely organized bunch of rebels, never were able to take it back, then lost the leader of their alliance to said rebels, and in this game couldn't stop said rebels from reforming their empire and probably enslaving them with future tech.
Besides the Cardassians have never been that impressive, lets not forget that the prime universe version were introduced getting the asses handed to them by one science vessel, and the Mirror version didn't seem to be that different.
To be fair, a Nebula class starship is just as much a Science Vessel as the intrepid, I.E Not at all. It is a multi-role starship built to be configured for a variety of different mission parameters. And like the Galaxy Class, it was used for long range exploration missions.
FFS they sent a Nebula Class starship after the Prometheus... a pure warship! I honestly don't think they would send a mere science ship to retrieve a warship.
"If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross. But it's not for the timid." - Q
gave the more disciplined Cardies an extra advantage.
You're talking about the people who lost one of their bases to a barely organized bunch of rebels, never were able to take it back, then lost the leader of their alliance to said rebels, and in this game couldn't stop said rebels from reforming their empire and probably enslaving them with future tech.
Besides the Cardassians have never been that impressive, lets not forget that the prime universe version were introduced getting the asses handed to them by one science vessel, and the Mirror version didn't seem to be that different.
To be fair, a Nebula class starship is just as much a Science Vessel as the intrepid, I.E Not at all. It is a multi-role starship built to be configured for a variety of different mission parameters. And like the Galaxy Class, it was used for long range exploration missions.
FFS they sent a Nebula Class starship after the Prometheus... a pure warship! I honestly don't think they would send a mere science ship to retrieve a warship.
1: Nebulas are awesome.
2: Clearly the Nebula would have won if not for the Doctor.
gave the more disciplined Cardies an extra advantage.
You're talking about the people who lost one of their bases to a barely organized bunch of rebels, never were able to take it back, then lost the leader of their alliance to said rebels, and in this game couldn't stop said rebels from reforming their empire and probably enslaving them with future tech.
Besides the Cardassians have never been that impressive, lets not forget that the prime universe version were introduced getting the asses handed to them by one science vessel, and the Mirror version didn't seem to be that different.
To be fair, a Nebula class starship is just as much a Science Vessel as the intrepid, I.E Not at all. It is a multi-role starship built to be configured for a variety of different mission parameters. And like the Galaxy Class, it was used for long range exploration missions.
FFS they sent a Nebula Class starship after the Prometheus... a pure warship! I honestly don't think they would send a mere science ship to retrieve a warship.
But they did, though.
Dunno what Starfleet Command was thinking on that one. A Prometheus class starship severely outguns a Nebula class, even a refit and modified one. Maybe they assumed since the Prometheus barely had any workable crew on it, that they wouldn't be able to get the thing to function at any kind of optimal capacity? I guess they forgot they had the darn thing programmed with automated combat maneuvers.
What have you got against pigtails? They look good with certain outfits and certain head shapes. They have little to do with shoujo manga, unless they had crazy lengths, which we don't have in STO. Granted, it's not a very common hairstyle, but it's quite nice sometimes, I prefer ponytails myself!
They don't look mature to me, like anything a grown woman would wear, which is why my first thought is shoujo manga. Even more so with said stances (the "cute" most of all). It seems out of step for STO, where there are regs about the level of maturity one needs to graduate the Academy or to enlist. (Yes, some species may mature faster than humans but as we have seen, a mature Klingon looks no different from a mature human even though they haven't had as many birthdays.)
As for the stances, I don't really remember the cute one, but I think it's the position of the arms that is the odd bit.
In addition to how unnerving I find it, I have to agree with the positioning looking utterly unrealistic. No one is going to balance their weight that way in real life.
As for seductive, that is my personal favourite stance! I don't see it used all that often and there's nothing really wrong with it, hips go out to be, well, seductive, name says it all!
"Seductive" doesn't bother me as much as the "cute" one, though I still don't use it. It doesn't fit the professional image I aim for with my crews. I have got to think there are more possible stances that could be put into the game that would work for a professional look...
About the Cardassians, in terms of their military technology, I do consider them less advanced than the Feds in that area, although to my reading of it, they have a tendency to upgrade the same spaceframe under the hood many times over. There are indications, based on bridge layouts (you can see it on Ex Astris Scientia, I believe, if you want to look it up), that there are several versions of the Galor class out there. Yes, we see the weak ones in "The Wounded" (and I bet Maxwell knew just where to look to find those!), but we see others in the Dominion War that can hold their own in battle much better, though IMO it DOES still require tactical and scientific smarts on the part of their guls to give them the edge they need.
If you want an IRL comparison to what I think is happening with the Galor, I think of it as the C-130 of the starship world. The C-130 Hercules (the Herky-bird! ) came into service in the 1950s. Size-wise it doesn't stack up to larger aircraft like the C-5 or C-17 (and certainly not the B-52!). Yet it is still in production with updated models, because we got the basic airframe right the first time. In fact, with 65 years in service and new ones still coming off the production line, it is now the longest-standing model of military aircraft that there is, beating out even the B-52 Stratofortress and KC-135 Stratotanker. Additionally, the C-130 gets a LOT of custom jobs compared to the more specialized aircraft, enabling it to serve functions from cargo craft (seen more than any other model in forward-deployed situations), aerial gunboat, airdrop (both cargo and troops), medivac, hurricane hunter (it's one of the few aircraft trusted to go into the most dangerous parts of a hurricane), aerial firefighter, SAR ops, sub hunting/maritime patrol, even scientific research.
This to me is exactly what the Cardassians have done to the Galor. It fits their mindset, too: if you've got a spaceframe that's working, it's not taking up a huge amount of resources with each one launched, you're not constantly doing major retooling the production line or your industrial replicator patterns, and you can continue to improve the same basic, successful warship, why not? It might not be as advanced as the Federation or Empire, but from what I see (and hear alluded to in the show as to why Klingons keep their guard up when tangling with Cardassians), it's the training and strategy of their guls that makes up the difference.
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-) Proudly F2P.Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by
What have you got against pigtails? They look good with certain outfits and certain head shapes. They have little to do with shoujo manga, unless they had crazy lengths, which we don't have in STO. Granted, it's not a very common hairstyle, but it's quite nice sometimes, I prefer ponytails myself!
They don't look mature to me, like anything a grown woman would wear, which is why my first thought is shoujo manga. Even more so with said stances (the "cute" most of all). It seems out of step for STO, where there are regs about the level of maturity one needs to graduate the Academy or to enlist. (Yes, some species may mature faster than humans but as we have seen, a mature Klingon looks no different from a mature human even though they haven't had as many birthdays.)
I am a mature woman and I wear them IRL. I prefer them to ponytails, because my hair doesn't get messy in wind.
If they're good enough for RL, they're good enough for a game.
I have to say while I accept the "skimpy mirrorverse" as it's supposed to look deviant and "naughty" (you know, that's all evil), the short-shorts version is just ridiculous. And I adore the original TOS uniforms and skirts to a degree, as I have posted in another matter already - it's all a matter of taste and style. And that thing in the promo picture has neither, I'm sorry - the debate of "appropriate" uniform and protection is, sadly, moot in video games that are not The Elder Scrolls or Warhammer based. It's still made for teenage boys...
^ Memory is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
You can't sexual harrass pixels, its fantasy and people are entitled to said fantasy with out put downs, just as those who prefer the opposite have the same right.
Too this isn't a midevil game, you have personal shields protecting your body and they largely invisible except when hit, which does far more then any amount of useless fabric against a phaser, disuptor, ect... or even melee weapons, so there is no reason for you can look fashionable in battle if you choose.
Next there are sexy outfits for Males in this game too, look at the costumes for male Orions, often shirtless with rippling green muscles, my primary character is dressed like that. Not to mention the sex appeal of the kahn outfit ect...
As for TOS Uhura was not a secartary, not that secartary's deserve the destain you heap upon them, without secartaries the entire business communities, schools, ect... would be flung into choas. Anyways Uhura was a communications officer, now what that meant wasn't always properly conveyed, but communicions are so important in the military that communications has in own grouping in the Canadian Armed Forces along side groups like the Navy, Airforce, and Army.
Uhura did things like repairing communication systems, translating documents, gaining a better understanding about aliens species based on thier language (the universal translator might allow communication, but it wouldn't really be able to tell you what the significance of langauge differences says about different cultures world views, language can tells us about peoples world views).
So Uhura's job is vitally important.
And the new Uhura is better then the old Uhura in some ways, like Uhura wouldn't already know Klingon and have to read it from a manuel given the importance of the Klingon empire.
And the whole point, one which some people missed entirely, was that the Mirror Universe is about indulgence, not being evil, not about everything being opposite, because its not, its about creating a space for the writers where they can get as crazy with characters as they want without ruining the prime universe and thier plot lines there.
Its the place where they can explore themes that are more controversial, like homosexuality (remember this was the 90’s where homosexuality/lesbianism was just entering tv, it was still new and TRIBBLE kisses were still controversal in a way it really isn't anymore), human sexuality, power and how it corrupts, darker themes (which for DS9 is saying something), the nature of brutality, dystopian future instead of the usual startrek utopia, and even simply weird stuff like Vic Fontain being human instead of a hologram and a nice moral Brunt. It was the space where writers can go wild.
Its why I'd love to the mirror universe to have its own tv series.
Seven of Nine, T'pol had tight outfits, but there character were very mechanical in there approach to sexuality, that is when they indugled in it at all.
For female sexualized uniforms there is the Orion Uniform (that only Onion females get), the Mirror Universe Uniforms, the Seven, Trio, and T'pol uniforms that are avialable fed side only, a variant to the main uniforms that shows a bit more skin, but that barely counts and its not a whole uniform. None of the armour visuals are sexual at all.
And all these sexuality=Sexism is TRIBBLE, feminist lies and indoctorination (trust me I was a self hating male feminist for years, till I opened my eyes and learned to accept myself for who I am, I make no apologies for my sexuality, none).
And as far as sex appeal? Speaking as a straight guy (yes, I tend to play female characters given the chance), I actually find a tough, professional, unsexualized woman in uniform way sexier than some bimbo in a skin-tight outfit with her TRIBBLE half falling out of her shirt. This:
... is far more appealing than this:
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Check out
I actually like that Jadzia was as comfortable with her sexuality as she evidently was.
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Check out
There is a open top costume in the game that has the zipper partially undone on the top that looks similar, but it doesn't have that paneled texture. They don't show us the lower part in that picture though. I wonder is she is wearing pants or hot pants? Combat hot pants with a gun holster would be ridiculous enough for me to buy it.
Those two stances...I get the creeps from the cute one and not in any kind of good way.
In place of the pigtails, I would like to see more hairstyles for women with wavy/curly hair. We've got "tight curls" that look good and some styles with a very minimal wave that are almost straight but not a lot in between those. Granted some of that MIGHT be a graphics limitation that can't be overcome, but I would love such an addition if it were possible. Not all women straighten their hair after all, even if it is popular to do.
Not sure what I'd replace the stances with...I'll have to brainstorm on that for a while.
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-)
Proudly F2P. Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by
#1, Quark ran a casino. As a businessman and a Ferengi, he did everything he could to maximize profits, and one of the ways you do that is marketing. Like it or not, those outfits attract a certain demographic.
#2, let's not mince words: Quark's a TRIBBLE. If you'll recall, The Sisko had to explicitly ban Quark from contractually obligating his female employees to have sex with him, and he was still sexually harassing them as late as season 6: "Profit and Lace" opens with him threatening a dabo girl with termination unless she gives him the Ferengi equivalent of a handjob. The only in-universe reasons I can think of for how he wasn't sued into oblivion are, either the complexity of legal standing from being a Ferengi citizen operating on a Bajoran-owned station run by Starfleet were too complicated, or the one dabo girl in season 1 was the only one brave enough to complain.
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Check out
Having that said,.. I love both versions. So, how are these going to be available?
I'd also hope the men can get the female version.
Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though.
JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.
'...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
'...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
'...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek
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Why not.. its Star Trek after all.. if men can wear skirts in 23rd century why not showing the belly.
Pretty much this. The Terrans in the MU have always been portrayed as a people that give in to their impulses and desires. Lust, power, greed, cruelty, etc, they are completely uninhibited in every way imaginable.
And honestly, I think it makes perfect sense for female Terran Empire officers to continue to dress in such a manner.
As they climb the ranks they do it to appear desirable to their male superiors and use their sexuality to help them advance their careers by latching on to and manipulating powerful men.
But once they achieve seniority or even become flag officers, the same advantage can be flipped around to make themselves desirable to their male subordinates and secure their loyalty.
No they didn't they just didn't want Roddenberry to cast his mistress in the role.
The novels claim she was Bajoran and had a rare genetic quirk that caused her to lack nose ridges..... Meh... I don't think she acted Vulcan though. Aside from the name she appears to be human.
My character Tsin'xing
I don't find it surprising in the slightest that the Cardassians beat the Terrans.
— Sabaton, "Great War"
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What have you got against pigtails? They look good with certain outfits and certain head shapes. They have little to do with shoujo manga, unless they had crazy lengths, which we don't have in STO. Granted, it's not a very common hairstyle, but it's quite nice sometimes, I prefer ponytails myself!
As for the stances, I don't really remember the cute one, but I think it's the position of the arms that is the odd bit. As for seductive, that is my personal favourite stance! I don't see it used all that often and there's nothing really wrong with it, hips go out to be, well, seductive, name says it all!
Let's not take the style of STO to the Victorian era!
I agree, objectify everyone, equally!
Actually they got beat becuase mirror Spock tried to make them more like the federation and probably made them too much like the TNG version one of its naive idiot days.
— Sabaton, "Great War"
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You're talking about the people who lost one of their bases to a barely organized bunch of rebels, never were able to take it back, then lost the leader of their alliance to said rebels, and in this game couldn't stop said rebels from reforming their empire and probably enslaving them with future tech.
Besides the Cardassians have never been that impressive, lets not forget that the prime universe version were introduced getting the asses handed to them by one science vessel, and the Mirror version didn't seem to be that different.
I had an alternate theory there--that at some point in the show, Curzon's personality overwhelmed the symbiosis (possibly triggered by the zhian'tara incident with Odo?). No wonder poor Ezri was so scared...she had Joran AND Curzon to contend with.
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To be fair, a Nebula class starship is just as much a Science Vessel as the intrepid, I.E Not at all. It is a multi-role starship built to be configured for a variety of different mission parameters. And like the Galaxy Class, it was used for long range exploration missions.
FFS they sent a Nebula Class starship after the Prometheus... a pure warship! I honestly don't think they would send a mere science ship to retrieve a warship.
2: Clearly the Nebula would have won if not for the Doctor.
My character Tsin'xing
But they did, though.
Dunno what Starfleet Command was thinking on that one. A Prometheus class starship severely outguns a Nebula class, even a refit and modified one. Maybe they assumed since the Prometheus barely had any workable crew on it, that they wouldn't be able to get the thing to function at any kind of optimal capacity? I guess they forgot they had the darn thing programmed with automated combat maneuvers.
They don't look mature to me, like anything a grown woman would wear, which is why my first thought is shoujo manga. Even more so with said stances (the "cute" most of all). It seems out of step for STO, where there are regs about the level of maturity one needs to graduate the Academy or to enlist. (Yes, some species may mature faster than humans but as we have seen, a mature Klingon looks no different from a mature human even though they haven't had as many birthdays.)
In addition to how unnerving I find it, I have to agree with the positioning looking utterly unrealistic. No one is going to balance their weight that way in real life.
"Seductive" doesn't bother me as much as the "cute" one, though I still don't use it. It doesn't fit the professional image I aim for with my crews. I have got to think there are more possible stances that could be put into the game that would work for a professional look...
About the Cardassians, in terms of their military technology, I do consider them less advanced than the Feds in that area, although to my reading of it, they have a tendency to upgrade the same spaceframe under the hood many times over. There are indications, based on bridge layouts (you can see it on Ex Astris Scientia, I believe, if you want to look it up), that there are several versions of the Galor class out there. Yes, we see the weak ones in "The Wounded" (and I bet Maxwell knew just where to look to find those!), but we see others in the Dominion War that can hold their own in battle much better, though IMO it DOES still require tactical and scientific smarts on the part of their guls to give them the edge they need.
If you want an IRL comparison to what I think is happening with the Galor, I think of it as the C-130 of the starship world. The C-130 Hercules (the Herky-bird!
This to me is exactly what the Cardassians have done to the Galor. It fits their mindset, too: if you've got a spaceframe that's working, it's not taking up a huge amount of resources with each one launched, you're not constantly doing major retooling the production line or your industrial replicator patterns, and you can continue to improve the same basic, successful warship, why not? It might not be as advanced as the Federation or Empire, but from what I see (and hear alluded to in the show as to why Klingons keep their guard up when tangling with Cardassians), it's the training and strategy of their guls that makes up the difference.
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-)
Proudly F2P. Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by
I am a mature woman and I wear them IRL. I prefer them to ponytails, because my hair doesn't get messy in wind.
If they're good enough for RL, they're good enough for a game.
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