Any ideas or hints what will happen to those Delta Recruits who have not yet ENTERED the Cardassian storyline, and who are still too far away to finish it by October 27th? Will they be able to still collect all 41 (I think the count was) of the Delta Recruit rewards?
They've already said so and it is has been on the Tribble test server for a while now. Delta Recruits have nothing to worry about.
2410 mirror uniforms are looking good from the drawings, of course if we get them im sure there will be some kind of clipping issues, missing arms that sort of thing for a few weeks.
Hopefully the devs and coders will have learned from the experiences with the Iconian outfit and a few others. If you're curious as to what they actually look like ingame, I would direct your attention here; there're a couple of galleries linked therein.
I'm not sure if people have mentioned it yet, but the "new" MU uniforms actually look to be recolors of the old "Open Jacket"-style of Sierra uniforms, with the sleeves cut off and (on the female characters) midriffs showing. And, of course, the Terran Empire iconography. I guess the Empire never designed an Odyssey-style uniform?
Edit: And the armor that Klingon is wearing in the blog.
The armor the Klingon is wearing comes from the upcoming Terran Empire Taskforce reputation.
"There will never be enough blood to wash away my need for vengeance! A single world...I could destroy a million worlds and it would not be enough! Your existence is an insult to the memory of my people! I will continue my fight, even if I must fight alone!"
New tribble build that gives more info about the episode launching with Season 11.
It features the blue star shown in the trailer (and in the new character selection, replacing the Iconian Sphere), as well as Kipleigh Brown as a VA. She was previously featured in ENT as one of the 18 doomed redshirts from the Battle of Azati Prime, as well as playing a character from an episode of the fan-made Star Trek Continues.
2410 mirror uniforms are looking good from the drawings, of course if we get them im sure there will be some kind of clipping issues, missing arms that sort of thing for a few weeks.
Hopefully the devs and coders will have learned from the experiences with the Iconian outfit and a few others. If you're curious as to what they actually look like ingame, I would direct your attention here; there're a couple of galleries linked therein.
I'm not sure if people have mentioned it yet, but the "new" MU uniforms actually look to be recolors of the old "Open Jacket"-style of Sierra uniforms, with the sleeves cut off and (on the female characters) midriffs showing. And, of course, the Terran Empire iconography. I guess the Empire never designed an Odyssey-style uniform?
Edit: And the armor that Klingon is wearing in the blog.
The armor the Klingon is wearing comes from the upcoming Terran Empire Taskforce reputation.
Oh. LoL. OK then. Cool looking armor. I may have to work on getting that set just for the costume.
Also, like I said, someone posted they found a Odyssey mirror universe jacket for females in the foundry on the test server, apparently labeled as 'Terran Mirror - Modern' or something.
Also, like I said, someone posted they found a Odyssey mirror universe jacket for females in the foundry on the test server, apparently labeled as 'Terran Mirror - Modern' or something.
Hunh, so I guess Cryptic, at least, may have designed a MU version of the Odyssey uniforms, but decided to go with the modified Sierra-styled uniforms instead. I can't really blame them. I've always personally preferred the look of the Sierra uniforms to that of the Odyssey styled ones.
New tribble build that gives more info about the episode launching with Season 11.
It features the blue star shown in the trailer (and in the new character selection, replacing the Iconian Sphere), as well as Kipleigh Brown as a VA. She was previously featured in ENT as one of the 18 doomed redshirts from the Battle of Azati Prime, as well as playing a character from an episode of the fan-made Star Trek Continues.
Yeah, I noticed the change to the character selection screen when I logged into Tribble today. Seems to lag things a bit, but that might just be Tribble.
Also, while I'm pretty sure Ms. Brown won't be reprising the role of the ill-fated character from that episode, the fact that they did grab an actress from Enterpise, and specifically that story arc, seems to further imply there will be something to do with the Sphere Builders in the upcoming feature episode arc.
"There will never be enough blood to wash away my need for vengeance! A single world...I could destroy a million worlds and it would not be enough! Your existence is an insult to the memory of my people! I will continue my fight, even if I must fight alone!"
From the article:
" The system provides a strategic and tactical ship command experience, as well as significant rewards for your efforts..."
Errr....tactical HOW? lolwut?
You have a 'real' ship (tactical) that you then turn into a 'card' (strategic). 'nuff said? lol!
LOL But I find that whole part disingenuous at best, ignorant at worst - does he even play the game? I mean, he's describing a CARD game, ffs....there's nothing tactical about it! OR strategic, if you really want to split's just a way to get more stuffs.
Also... he started with playable Borg.... no. Not gonna happen except in a full expansion.
Well we have Liberated Borg as a playable race for LTS, but honestly the day we get actual Borg stuff for the players is the day I start believing the doom threads.
Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end of it.
ok i have not seen this question asked but if it has i appologise but will we ever get the 25th century mirror universe uniforms and will we ever get to use the knifes that the females get to carry as i think in close combat it would be cool if we could pull out the knife and literally stab the enemy in the back ROFLMAO
Going to be an interesting week gaming wise. I'll give both STO and TOR a look. Non stop horror movies for the next couple weeks. October it the greatest month of the year.
As I read thru the posts its very interesting how I can gauge the time between older players and newer players. The newer players their gripe mostly is why people are dissatisfied with the last few updates to the game season/expansion. Best way I can convey this to them is that as you play a game or anything in life you build a history. The history us veterans have is one where we are to expect a certain quality of new gaming with a new season or expansion. When it comes out and is nothing more than a copy of what is already in the game it just makes the game bloated and boring. Where the difference here is that to the newer player this is all new and fresh and makes me envious of the enjoyment a new player gets from the game because its been years since the game has done that for me.
This is just my opinion which I am sure it will be misconstrued as flaming but there comes a point in time after years of people voicing negativity because of how things are going and those voices just keep getting louder and louder. The face of this demon to speak is that what once worked for STO no longer works. The solution to this is pretty simple the special sauce stahl called it once has fizzled out and up until his departure it actually was looking up on the front of grind because we had the ability to make those rep tokens. So the direction went from making grind less to more. As you can see more grind makes you lose more players. So where as in the past Star Trek iconic ships in lockboxes it worked and then the vision or grasp on said collectives vision was held back by high powers the ship thing has run its course and the going to the next tier and increasing level cap on a gear treadmill its not working and players are frankly sick of that. So there needs to be a direction change on what makes the money and what will bring enjoyment to the players of this game.
So I'm not mad/raging/flaming I am just saying I love/loved the game and Star Trek but it just gets to the point that when you have people that were so loyal and committed to your game and now you're at the point where they are gone or about to be gone its time to do something different.
Gonna predict lots of lag and some buggy content for the first few days of the launch of season 11, but it looks like it will getting back toward exploration again.
ok i have not seen this question asked but if it has i appologise but will we ever get the 25th century mirror universe uniforms and will we ever get to use the knifes that the females get to carry as i think in close combat it would be cool if we could pull out the knife and literally stab the enemy in the back ROFLMAO
Echo the statement that we want the new mirror uniforms! YAY!
Seriously though, I'm looking forward to a fresh infusion of content even though 1 character is current on the storyline. All the others are at still before the Delta expansion, some are even still in the Voth conflict.
ok i have not seen this question asked but if it has i appologise but will we ever get the 25th century mirror universe uniforms and will we ever get to use the knifes that the females get to carry as i think in close combat it would be cool if we could pull out the knife and literally stab the enemy in the back ROFLMAO
Never bring a knife to a phaser fight. :P
And vice versa. Phasers don't work too well at close range.
ok i have not seen this question asked but if it has i appologise but will we ever get the 25th century mirror universe uniforms and will we ever get to use the knifes that the females get to carry as i think in close combat it would be cool if we could pull out the knife and literally stab the enemy in the back ROFLMAO
ok i have not seen this question asked but if it has i appologise but will we ever get the 25th century mirror universe uniforms and will we ever get to use the knifes that the females get to carry as i think in close combat it would be cool if we could pull out the knife and literally stab the enemy in the back ROFLMAO
Never bring a knife to a phaser fight. :P
And vice versa. Phasers don't work too well at close range.
I've been thinking about why is it that the TE in the MU beats the iconians and we almost got destroyed by them. Could it be that they got whatever it was that the Preserver was looking for before M'Tara killed him? We wernt able to, and I don't think that was ever fully explained. Just a thought.
I've been thinking about why is it that the TE in the MU beats the iconians and we almost got destroyed by them. Could it be that they got whatever it was that the Preserver was looking for before M'Tara killed him? We wernt able to, and I don't think that was ever fully explained. Just a thought.
My guess is that the Terrans first sent people into the MU-future (I think it's also mentioned somewhere [in an article maybe] -- anyway, more below), where:
the war was won (like in ours)
but at an even greater cost, with no diplomacy whatsoever
some factions (probably the Terran Empire too) survived the war and went on to develop (from a 2410 point of view) hyper-advanced technologies
Technology that these time travelers then stole, to give the Empire in the MU-present an edge over the Icos. Maybe they took it back into the MU-past, a few years earlier, so the tech could be properly studied, reverse-engineered and their fleets refitted and ready by the time the war started.
May not be the best expression for it but I call it a "temporal technology-feedback" X)
Thinking about it, I'm curious how many Iconians survived the Terrans' "purge" in the Mirror Universe. If her MU version somehow survived, the Prime Icos could get M'Tara back.
Post edited by kelettes on
"Ad astra audacter eamus in alis fidelium."
"To boldly go to the stars on the wings of the faithful."
Idk, Mark, but Cryptic, I have a request to make...DO NOT NERF ANY S11 STUFF PLEASE! As it stands on Tribble now, it has a layer of challenge that is not only not in the game right now (especially on the ground mission as Leeta has the power of the Pah Wraiths within her and thus is INVINCIBLE until you stun her, which requires thinking on your feet, before you can wear down her 35k health bar-and that's only on the NORMAL queue), but gives the mission that Trek feel to it. Honestly, I love it as is. PLEASE DO NOT NERF IT!!!
I need this Terran Uniform. In both Male and Female options. Both with midriff-baring or non-midriff-baring form-fitted jacket variants. Because surely some Terran males want to show off their abs and how much more they lift than others. Both with open (male and female), windowed (female), and closed jacket options as well.
I seriously want them. C-Store? I'll pay for it.
Also, Cryptic should do Mirror T6s, which change around seating and Specializations from their non-Mirror counterparts, as well as Mirror T5s of ships that don't already have an obtainable Mirror form like the Mirror Odyssey. Either as Lockbox ships or as part of a bundle.
With a T6 b'rel sighting I would have to say even if its just a rumor a sighting for a KDF player is like years of design passed by. With track record with the KDF actually seeing a new KDF ship goes beyond the expectancy that we in KDF have had in the past.
If they can be reasonable with the whole xping of specializations, ship masteries, and somewhat reputations (only because of everything piled on top of a system that became friendly to alts feels troublesome). Heck why don't they just let us use our gobble loads of expertise xp and maybe some dilithium or fleet credits on being able to buy a mastery unlock for alts to get this done. So if they do something with season 11 that brings a lovable T6 bop and relieve the stress of wanting to play alts I could see myself returning to an active basis again.
I will have a stroke laughing myself to death if I go say Cryptic doesn't care about canon and get in a T6 B'rel and see the ship flash red or whatever color the torp is being way closer to canon than the T5 version ever was. When I saw that badlands was coming out I was like damn I wish they would have a T6 bop in there which I always did love those bop and defiant scenes especially when they were together.
Well not really a rumor as in seen the screen shots from a reputable source that also showed the Hestia, and the Yamato before their announcements. I just didn't want to have my post deleted.
I'm glad that as always, Cryptic's attention to details--or lack thereof--is consistent. Tell me, how did Leeta manage not to age in the last 40 years?
Stolen Future Technology?
Maybe their "Insurrection" Event lead to a different outcome than ours and now the youth fountain radiation of that nebula is available to the rich and powerful?
And it seems Bajorans in general age well - the arbiter that handled the case of Curzon Dax apparent betrayal was 100 years and looked like a 60 year old human woman or something like that.
I'd forgotten about that, but that is true that the Bajoran lifespan may be longer than the human one. We humans seem to be pretty lowly in that regard in the Trek universe.
Humans aren't lowly, Our candles burn brighter although shorter. Humans have the highest teamwork capability in the galaxy it seems.
The federation was born from the events caused by one human who was willing to attempt what everyone told him was impossible, get 3 warring species to work together for a common cause.
They were specifically referring to our shorter lifespans, nothing else.
I think Andorians may have shorter lifespans than we do. Something about their higher metabolisms. They burn out faster.
From now on, I'm going to call Season 11: Copy/Paste, because that's literally what we are getting.
Mirror Universe Reputation: Exactly the same as the last couple of reputations, nothing adding to the story.
Badland Battlezone: If you're not crashing, you will quickly notice it's exactly the same as the Undine Battlezone, except with a new skin. (I am NOT joking or exagerating on this, it is literally the same).
Admiraltiy: DOFFs with Ships - SOFFing if you will. Nothing new except - SHIPS!
Queued Events: Revamp of Mirror Universe or the original DS9 Fleet Action.
Only thing I could give some credit that it's not a copy/paste is the Cardassian Revamp. Then again, some of the zones are literal copy / paste jobs so....
And that is why I'm calling S11: Copy / Paste than "New" Dawn.
You know....that actually makes sense. The Undine and the Terran Empire are both pissed off factions from another dimension.
They woudl have the same technical challenges to overcome to invade a parallel space time continuum.
2410 mirror uniforms are looking good from the drawings, of course if we get them im sure there will be some kind of clipping issues, missing arms that sort of thing for a few weeks.
Hopefully the devs and coders will have learned from the experiences with the Iconian outfit and a few others. If you're curious as to what they actually look like ingame, I would direct your attention here; there're a couple of galleries linked therein.
I'm not sure if people have mentioned it yet, but the "new" MU uniforms actually look to be recolors of the old "Open Jacket"-style of Sierra uniforms, with the sleeves cut off and (on the female characters) midriffs showing. And, of course, the Terran Empire iconography. I guess the Empire never designed an Odyssey-style uniform?
I thought it was fairly obvious. I'm glad they're reusing it though, they're pretty good looking as is.
ok i have not seen this question asked but if it has i appologise but will we ever get the 25th century mirror universe uniforms and will we ever get to use the knifes that the females get to carry as i think in close combat it would be cool if we could pull out the knife and literally stab the enemy in the back ROFLMAO
Never bring a knife to a phaser fight. :P
Bringing a knife is the Klingon way.
Putting that knife in the back is the Terran Empire way.
I've been thinking about why is it that the TE in the MU beats the iconians and we almost got destroyed by them. Could it be that they got whatever it was that the Preserver was looking for before M'Tara killed him? We wernt able to, and I don't think that was ever fully explained. Just a thought.
That's a possibility.
It is easier to win a war with no ethics. They may have allied with the Vaadwaur, stolen their technology and then exterminated them. Who knows what happened with the Voth and the Turei.
I thought of that in the prime universe. ..if all their genetic knowledge is in the world heart, can't they just clone M'tara?
Probably because their brains are chroniton based, once and Iconian dies, they just can't be cloned. Also even cloning her there's no guarantee that the new M'Tara will be like the old M'Tara. On other hand that could be just as well, a M'Tara who is unscarred by the 200 millennia of anger and pain. A return to the Iconians of old. I wouldn't mind seeing M'Tara again, but considering the problems of Iconian reproduction I don't think we'll see another in the time frame of this game.
"Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many they are few"
The introduction of the Admiralty System will also give players the opportunity to not only put players in charge of a fleet and truly feel like an admiral, but to also make use of all the ships they have in their inventory.
Maybe he meant "give players the opportunity to not only put characters in charge of a fleet"? I only take a look at the forums when there's interesting news or I need to research an issue, but I assume this is what we have been waiting years for. Letting our extra BOffs captain their own ships so when we need Fleet Support an old ship or two can warp in. Right?
People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect. But actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey ... stuff. --the Doctor, "Blink"
The introduction of the Admiralty System will also give players the opportunity to not only put players in charge of a fleet and truly feel like an admiral, but to also make use of all the ships they have in their inventory.
Maybe he meant "give players the opportunity to not only put characters in charge of a fleet"? I only take a look at the forums when there's interesting news or I need to research an issue, but I assume this is what we have been waiting years for. Letting our extra BOffs captain their own ships so when we need Fleet Support an old ship or two can warp in. Right?
Not going into details but no this is not what is going to happen. Read the feedback thread a bit more to see more info.
First time poster, long time listener here. I play on a Mac so I'm new to STO in that the mac platform has been around not even a full calendar year yet. But that doesn't mean I'm new to Trek or MMOs so I don't want folks to think that I'm super new and just happy to be here.
I really like this game and although I don't have/use alts (personal gaming choice) and this level-curving being done to the Delta Rising storyline doesn't affect me because I'm already at level 60, I think this is a pretty cool move on the part of the game developers to get players up to speed before the big new launch. I'm not here to kiss corporate bum, nor am I brown-nosing. And to be fair, I have some legitimate gripes about this game, in particular how the game keeps calling me Admiral when I want noting more than to just be the Captain of my ship, the crafting and upgrading system is weird, time inefficient and stupid costly trying to get to Epic, and no Cardassian stuff like a playable toon or BOFF. But these are just gripes and don't necessarily take away from my overall enjoyment of the game. Though to be honest getting to Epic on some of the really cool things, like my Type 2 Fed Phaser Pistol or Retrofit Phaser Beams, is beyond gruelling or even fair. Almost hurts because I like the blue phasers. But like I said, in the grand scheme of things just gripes.
And I am super excited to see Season 11 come down the pipeline too. I am excited for that new universal console and adding it to my ship. Decisions, decisions which console to get rid of. But one of the things I'd be most interested in seeing and experiencing before the launch of Season 11 is a re-run of some of the old Featured Episodes where I could be rewarded with the Reman or Breen BOFF or some of the older, unique rewards from back in the day. Some of those things would be really cool too and add to the gaming experience as we get ready for the launch of Season 11. If the Alpha and Beta Quadrants are united in this post-Midnight galaxy (I actually really liked the episode, laggy dialogue and all), I'd love the chance to add these officers to my crew rotation. I don't know how "easy" it would be to switch these back on, but man that would be a really cool thing to do for some of us newer players who never got a chance to experience some of those fun rewards from the game's early years.
My overall experience has been a positive one thus far, and I'm keen on seeing what's in Store for Season 11 and beyond. I'm interested in seeing an expanded Alpha Quadrant and the Mirror Universe stuff (though some of that stuff from the old Cardassian Arc seems almost tailor made for this Season 11 MU storyline). I'm also interested in seeing the exploration mechanic in action. I have a feeling it will set up nicely for post Season 11 because we barely touched the Delta Quadrant AND there's the entire Gamma Quadrant to get to! So while I'm excited to see what's next, I'm equally interested in seeing if the game developers could throw us an extra bone. Thanks, see you around the galaxy and don't forget your towel!
I'm also interested in seeing the exploration mechanic in action. I have a feeling it will set up nicely for post Season 11 because we barely touched the Delta Quadrant AND there's the entire Gamma Quadrant to get to!
Take a good hard look at the galaxy map Although I'm not 100% certain that the sector blocks 1:1 represent all of known/explored space, I'm willing to bet that even in 2410, most of the Alpha and Beta quadrants also remain unexplored.
"Helm, take us out!"
"Uh... course, Captain?"
"There's enough to go around... Let's start easy: dead ahead, warp factor 7! Notify me when we leave charted space. Number One, you have the bridge!"
*Vulcan XO's eyebrows fly off*
Post edited by kelettes on
"Ad astra audacter eamus in alis fidelium."
"To boldly go to the stars on the wings of the faithful."
The introduction of the Admiralty System will also give players the opportunity to not only put players in charge of a fleet and truly feel like an admiral, but to also make use of all the ships they have in their inventory.
Maybe he meant "give players the opportunity to not only put characters in charge of a fleet"? I only take a look at the forums when there's interesting news or I need to research an issue, but I assume this is what we have been waiting years for. Letting our extra BOffs captain their own ships so when we need Fleet Support an old ship or two can warp in. Right?
Well, peeps like me have so many ships that the Admiralty system is about the only way to use them all. Seriously... I can't imagine what a mission would be like if I could summon my entire armada as NPC ships.
Cottage map next ?
I'm not sure if people have mentioned it yet, but the "new" MU uniforms actually look to be recolors of the old "Open Jacket"-style of Sierra uniforms, with the sleeves cut off and (on the female characters) midriffs showing. And, of course, the Terran Empire iconography. I guess the Empire never designed an Odyssey-style uniform?
The armor the Klingon is wearing comes from the upcoming Terran Empire Taskforce reputation.
It features the blue star shown in the trailer (and in the new character selection, replacing the Iconian Sphere), as well as Kipleigh Brown as a VA. She was previously featured in ENT as one of the 18 doomed redshirts from the Battle of Azati Prime, as well as playing a character from an episode of the fan-made Star Trek Continues.
Oh. LoL. OK then. Cool looking armor. I may have to work on getting that set just for the costume.
Also, like I said, someone posted they found a Odyssey mirror universe jacket for females in the foundry on the test server, apparently labeled as 'Terran Mirror - Modern' or something.
Hunh, so I guess Cryptic, at least, may have designed a MU version of the Odyssey uniforms, but decided to go with the modified Sierra-styled uniforms instead. I can't really blame them. I've always personally preferred the look of the Sierra uniforms to that of the Odyssey styled ones.
Yeah, I noticed the change to the character selection screen when I logged into Tribble today. Seems to lag things a bit, but that might just be Tribble.
Also, while I'm pretty sure Ms. Brown won't be reprising the role of the ill-fated character from that episode, the fact that they did grab an actress from Enterpise, and specifically that story arc, seems to further imply there will be something to do with the Sphere Builders in the upcoming feature episode arc.
LOL But I find that whole part disingenuous at best, ignorant at worst - does he even play the game? I mean, he's describing a CARD game, ffs....there's nothing tactical about it! OR strategic, if you really want to split's just a way to get more stuffs.
Well we have Liberated Borg as a playable race for LTS, but honestly the day we get actual Borg stuff for the players is the day I start believing the doom threads.
This is just my opinion which I am sure it will be misconstrued as flaming but there comes a point in time after years of people voicing negativity because of how things are going and those voices just keep getting louder and louder. The face of this demon to speak is that what once worked for STO no longer works. The solution to this is pretty simple the special sauce stahl called it once has fizzled out and up until his departure it actually was looking up on the front of grind because we had the ability to make those rep tokens. So the direction went from making grind less to more. As you can see more grind makes you lose more players. So where as in the past Star Trek iconic ships in lockboxes it worked and then the vision or grasp on said collectives vision was held back by high powers the ship thing has run its course and the going to the next tier and increasing level cap on a gear treadmill its not working and players are frankly sick of that. So there needs to be a direction change on what makes the money and what will bring enjoyment to the players of this game.
So I'm not mad/raging/flaming I am just saying I love/loved the game and Star Trek but it just gets to the point that when you have people that were so loyal and committed to your game and now you're at the point where they are gone or about to be gone its time to do something different.
Never bring a knife to a phaser fight. :P
Seriously though, I'm looking forward to a fresh infusion of content even though 1 character is current on the storyline. All the others are at still before the Delta expansion, some are even still in the Voth conflict.
My character Tsin'xing
so glad you 3 said these puns as i was getting worried i would have to say one of them
My guess is that the Terrans first sent people into the MU-future (I think it's also mentioned somewhere [in an article maybe] -- anyway, more below), where:
Technology that these time travelers then stole, to give the Empire in the MU-present an edge over the Icos. Maybe they took it back into the MU-past, a few years earlier, so the tech could be properly studied, reverse-engineered and their fleets refitted and ready by the time the war started.
May not be the best expression for it but I call it a "temporal technology-feedback" X)
Thinking about it, I'm curious how many Iconians survived the Terrans' "purge" in the Mirror Universe. If her MU version somehow survived, the Prime Icos could get M'Tara back.
"To boldly go to the stars on the wings of the faithful."
And the males get TACO MEAT!!!
Well not really a rumor as in seen the screen shots from a reputable source that also showed the Hestia, and the Yamato before their announcements. I just didn't want to have my post deleted.
They were specifically referring to our shorter lifespans, nothing else.
I think Andorians may have shorter lifespans than we do. Something about their higher metabolisms. They burn out faster.
You know....that actually makes sense. The Undine and the Terran Empire are both pissed off factions from another dimension.
They woudl have the same technical challenges to overcome to invade a parallel space time continuum.
I thought it was fairly obvious. I'm glad they're reusing it though, they're pretty good looking as is. Bringing a knife is the Klingon way.
Putting that knife in the back is the Terran Empire way. That's a possibility.
It is easier to win a war with no ethics. They may have allied with the Vaadwaur, stolen their technology and then exterminated them. Who knows what happened with the Voth and the Turei.
Probably because their brains are chroniton based, once and Iconian dies, they just can't be cloned. Also even cloning her there's no guarantee that the new M'Tara will be like the old M'Tara. On other hand that could be just as well, a M'Tara who is unscarred by the 200 millennia of anger and pain. A return to the Iconians of old. I wouldn't mind seeing M'Tara again, but considering the problems of Iconian reproduction I don't think we'll see another in the time frame of this game.
Maybe he meant "give players the opportunity to not only put characters in charge of a fleet"? I only take a look at the forums when there's interesting news or I need to research an issue, but I assume this is what we have been waiting years for. Letting our extra BOffs captain their own ships so when we need Fleet Support an old ship or two can warp in. Right?
Not going into details but no this is not what is going to happen. Read the feedback thread a bit more to see more info.
Still waiting to be able to use forum titles
I really like this game and although I don't have/use alts (personal gaming choice) and this level-curving being done to the Delta Rising storyline doesn't affect me because I'm already at level 60, I think this is a pretty cool move on the part of the game developers to get players up to speed before the big new launch. I'm not here to kiss corporate bum, nor am I brown-nosing. And to be fair, I have some legitimate gripes about this game, in particular how the game keeps calling me Admiral when I want noting more than to just be the Captain of my ship, the crafting and upgrading system is weird, time inefficient and stupid costly trying to get to Epic, and no Cardassian stuff like a playable toon or BOFF. But these are just gripes and don't necessarily take away from my overall enjoyment of the game. Though to be honest getting to Epic on some of the really cool things, like my Type 2 Fed Phaser Pistol or Retrofit Phaser Beams, is beyond gruelling or even fair. Almost hurts because I like the blue phasers. But like I said, in the grand scheme of things just gripes.
And I am super excited to see Season 11 come down the pipeline too. I am excited for that new universal console and adding it to my ship. Decisions, decisions which console to get rid of. But one of the things I'd be most interested in seeing and experiencing before the launch of Season 11 is a re-run of some of the old Featured Episodes where I could be rewarded with the Reman or Breen BOFF or some of the older, unique rewards from back in the day. Some of those things would be really cool too and add to the gaming experience as we get ready for the launch of Season 11. If the Alpha and Beta Quadrants are united in this post-Midnight galaxy (I actually really liked the episode, laggy dialogue and all), I'd love the chance to add these officers to my crew rotation. I don't know how "easy" it would be to switch these back on, but man that would be a really cool thing to do for some of us newer players who never got a chance to experience some of those fun rewards from the game's early years.
My overall experience has been a positive one thus far, and I'm keen on seeing what's in Store for Season 11 and beyond. I'm interested in seeing an expanded Alpha Quadrant and the Mirror Universe stuff (though some of that stuff from the old Cardassian Arc seems almost tailor made for this Season 11 MU storyline). I'm also interested in seeing the exploration mechanic in action. I have a feeling it will set up nicely for post Season 11 because we barely touched the Delta Quadrant AND there's the entire Gamma Quadrant to get to! So while I'm excited to see what's next, I'm equally interested in seeing if the game developers could throw us an extra bone. Thanks, see you around the galaxy and don't forget your towel!
Take a good hard look at the galaxy map
"Helm, take us out!"
"Uh... course, Captain?"
"There's enough to go around... Let's start easy: dead ahead, warp factor 7! Notify me when we leave charted space. Number One, you have the bridge!"
*Vulcan XO's eyebrows fly off*
"To boldly go to the stars on the wings of the faithful."
My character Tsin'xing