While this new system seems nice, I'm not sure what the rewards it offers are. Why do we need to play the admiralty system basically.
And I'm fairly certain KDF and ROM are going to be at a distinct disadvantage. Not only less ships but the number of science ships available to each can be counted on one hand.
Well, the question is actually more about their eng/tac/sci stat ratings. This seems to be related to the stats of the ship, both boff seats and consoles. Hestia has 16/68/24. The T6 Gal-X has 61/25/22.
The requirement is to put in ships whose stats add up to certain numbers, with more improving results. For this example:
You need ships whose stats add up to at least 90/35/35. For this the average of the three ships only needs 30/12/12 or better. So you don't even need ships focused on Eng. The dreadnaught cruiser has over 60, so it's got 2/3 of the requirement by itself. So you don't need 3 cruisers for this assignment even though it's an eng focused assignment.
Not looking forward, as DOFFing across alts for XP is a grind already, this will add another 8 selection choices per character meaning 28 selections times however many characters you have, plus R&D, plus reputation. I'd rather go download and try other games that offer, you know, 3D gameplay with other people and with PVP from start to finish.
What would have been great is some RTS (Real time strategy) or turn-based environment which involves other people on a map where you decide where to position your ships, what systems to explore, discover profitable trade routes, allocate all ships account-wide without toon-hopping to defend/attack areas, and make the warp travel last days for each ship so it is epic, doesn't interfere with normal gameplay, and progress can be checked wherever. Of course that would be asking for a whole new simple game, which would detract from profits that I bet don't get reinvested into the game to expand its appeal.
I agree, many people were thinking or hoping we would have our ships in space not unlike our BOFFs on the ground. The idea of promoting our first officer to another Captain for one of our ships was also a big one.
On the other hand what they have is ALSO something that has been requested, and the idea of these campaigns is very similar to something I came up with as an extension of DOFFing for revamped exploration so I'm actually rather excited. And we never know what's coming down the pipeline.
Another copy/paste game function, sadly. I feel bad for new players, since the Admiralty system is additional layers of complexity that really has nothing to do with Trek-like space action. Where is the exploration system that Cryptic's own poll revealed to be the most-desired STO feature??
And it's just sloth on Cryptic's part not to include a Romulan campaign from the start. IMO, the Romulan campaign would be the most interesting, since it would naturally involve subterfuge, deception, and scheming to increase their influence...
Well while it isn't strictly Star Trek action, it is also Star Trek behind the action. There has always been an admiral dispatching ships on missions, we're used to watching the characters who are dispatched, not the perspective of those doing the dispatching.
And while Exploration is the most requested feature currently, this feature is something that has been requested for a long time. It seems Cryptic is answering these player requests in chronological order instead of by popularity. That too is logical though.
We wouldn't want them to rush. If they're doing exploration, then I want it done right. Frankly it's worthy of an expansion pack in that case.
One of the big questions I had before this post was whether sending our ships on Admiralty missions would lock us out from switching to the ships that are sent until the mission is over. But since the cards don't have the names we give them, just ship types, it looks like that won't matter. (I guess, chose not to switch to those sent ships, if you want to role play.)
Will both the Federation and Klingon campaigns be unlocked automatically for all characters upon reaching the proper rank, or will the opposite faction be locked out until the player has gotten to the point in the story where peace is achieved? In general, are you thinking of releasing future Campaigns automatically or requiring, in some cases, story-related missions to be completed before opening them up?
A neat thing in the future would be to have super short mini-missions be accessible after completing a Campaign or Tour of Duty, something limited to one map like the old First Contact missions. I do miss First Contact. A simple logic puzzle in the Federation/KDF/Romulan conference room or at most something as long as "Hearts in Minds," though even that might be too long to be worth making. Having a set conference room map might make such things manageable. (Maybe ZeroniousRex could get a mini-mission at the end of a Delta Quadrant chain where you get a Janeway/Paris descended salamander pet, like she's always dreamed.) It would even be neat, in the future, to have certain Admiralty missions unlock related Doff missions, too.
Agreed. I love the idea of these side missions and leading to actual missions for us. Like the outcome of a mission requires us the admirals to intervene personally to pull our subordinate's fat out of the fryer or something. That was my favorite part about the Romulan Reputation, unlockable story missions.
I really do like this. I love doffing and ship doffing is really cool and I think it's good, unironically. You guys have a cool thing with this and I'm happy!
-Now the next part. Some people might think its tr0le but it's not, it's a real thing and it's funny, but it's not meant to cast aspersions or be snarky. The new system is called what it's called, and we can't just let the pitch go by...-
The people behind DOFFJOBS have established a new channel devoted to the Admiralty Ship System.
It's called Admiralty System Ship JOBS. Join today for the latest speculation, and once it goes live, the best analysis and the best info, in the tradition of DOFFJOBS. Admins are DOFFJOBS luminaries like @dukedom, @ruinthefun and @tacticalrook.
Wow, 5k xp for 45 minutes, it seems a good way to break the level 56 to 60 xp wall.
Also, federation blockading a planet? wtf!
Yes, I noticed that, that's outstanding. If the rewards are that substantial this will be heavily worth investing in.
Why wouldn't the Federation blockade a planet? The blockade is a perfectly viable military tactic. The Federation practices quarantines of planets for various reasons. It's not like it's a war crime.
"Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many they are few"
ugh, so um, ah, another way to get us to buy new expensive ships and more ship slots?
Exactly this. Ships aren't selling well, so they had to come up with a new inducement for players to spend more cash money. While I appreciate the fact that MU ships will now have at least a minimal use (since they are barred from upgrading), it appears that the rarity of the ships will be directly indexed to how much of which currency was spent on each.
I haven't seen any comments (as of page 5 of this thread) on the rarity outcomes, here is my call on rarity:
Common - storyline rank ships ( for leveling a 'toon)
Uncommon - MU lockbox ships & T5+ lockbox ships
Rare - shipyard purchases (FC's, dilithium) & event ships
Very Rare - Lobi & <T5 Z-store ships
Ultra Rare - T6 Z-store ships
Actually, I'm probably being optimistic even with this scale....
Expendables Fleet: Andrew - Bajoran Fed Engineer Ken'taura - Rom/Fed Scientist Gwyllim - Human Fed Delta Tac Savik - Vulcan Fed Temporal Sci Dahar Masters Fleet: Alphal'Fa - Alien KDF Engineer Qun'pau - Rom/KDF Engineer D'nesh - Orion KDF Scientist Ghen'khan - Liberated KDF Tac Welcome to StarBug Online - to boldly Bug where no bug has been before!
STO player since November 2013
How exactly are those admirality ships claimed? Do we have to claim all the playable C-Store ships we own one by one to our ship roster to get the admirality ship card, or will those be available to us automatically?
Because I can't imagine claiming and discharging all the C-Store ships I own on all my alts just to get the cards...
Are the admirality ships claimable per character, or per account? For example, if I own a Fleet, Mirror, or Lockbox ship on one character, will I be able to get the admirality ship on another?
Will admirality ship cards be trade'able? Or, are there plans to release admirality ship cards that are not tied with a playable ship (like the Tier 10 Epic reward)?
Are ships assigned automatically to any given assignment, like doffs, or do we have to assign them individually ourselves?
Will shuttles have an admirality card?
Are T5 and T5U considered to be the same admirality ship? What about Bundle ships (like, Eng Vesta and Tac Vesta)?
Will Romulans have access to T1-T4 admirality ships of their allies?
KDF and ROM are clearly at a disadvantage when it comes to the number of T6 ships, when compared to the FEDs. This is especially the case when it comes to Science ships. Can we hope this will be addressed in the future so that the factions will have similar chances at different assignments?
How will the system is planned to be monetized, aside from the ships themselves?
Excellent questions I was beaten to the punch in asking.
I will also reiterate that as a primary rom player and occasional KDF player the outlined admirality system to me feels like it is a slap to both factions compared to the federation. No balance no consideration toward any faction past the Feddie bears. This system is failing the sniff test based on what has been outlined. It just looks and reads like a second doff system but only now were using ships instead of personal. More ways to grind. Any one remember when we used to be explorers ? This admirality system feels like my ships and doffs get to be doing that. while the Player sits and clicks buttons.
Yes I get that the two none Fed factions have a lower player base, but at least try to balance it for everyone. That's all were asking. We are not seeking the moon or reinventing the wheel. But when you have one faction with all the shinnies and two factions with less then half the number of ships that the feds get. Math does not add up to any form of balance or equality here.
maybe you need to go reread the blog again but the KDF has a campaign along with the feds it was only the roms who didn't have one and it was said that more would be release after this goes live prolly to make sure there are not too many bugs at first launch geez people give it some time and we will see more go to it after it goes live.
and just incase you missed it here read it again
Campaigns represent major political factions within the galaxy, with your progression representing a measure of the efforts you’ve undertaken on their behalf, as an acting Admiral. With the launch of Season 11, two Campaigns will be available immediately:
So now I get to click on something and then select a ship by clicking on it and then....oooohhh! aaaaahhh!....the best part!
I get to click on a Begin Button and simply wait out a Timer until - Ding! - Reward's Done!
Potential new player: So, how do I tell the difference between Farmville and STO?
Cryptic Development Team: Well now! That's easy! Y'see, Farmville is on Facebook. STO is better! It is on ARC!
What are you guys doing? Trying to pad your resume to land that cushy Lead Designer slot over at Zynga?
Doing a fiine job of it, too.
You have the rights to the most successful science fiction franchise in history. The one which started it all. Which has a built in fanbase. You've got some of the best talent in the whole MMO field working for you. Yet somehow, all you can come up with for expanding this franchise is Train Station in Space? C'Mon, Man!
Please understand I like STO. But dammit, Jim, I'm a gamer! Not a button pusher!
A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
ugh, so um, ah, another way to get us to buy new expensive ships and more ship slots?
Exactly this. Ships aren't selling well, so they had to come up with a new inducement for players to spend more cash money. While I appreciate the fact that MU ships will now have at least a minimal use (since they are barred from upgrading), it appears that the rarity of the ships will be directly indexed to how much of which currency was spent on each.
I haven't seen any comments (as of page 5 of this thread) on the rarity outcomes, here is my call on rarity:
Common - storyline rank ships ( for leveling a 'toon)
Uncommon - MU lockbox ships & T5+ lockbox ships
Rare - shipyard purchases (FC's, dilithium) & event ships
Very Rare - Lobi & <T5 Z-store ships
Ultra Rare - T6 Z-store ships
Actually, I'm probably being optimistic even with this scale....
Actually.... look at the picture again... T6 zstore are BLUE.
I welcome the opportunity to send my minions to get me more stuff, but....
To get a full roster of ships I need to claim like 40-50 ships on each character ?! Not looking forward to that. Is there no way the game could just scan what I have unlocked in the c-store at least, please ?
For what it's worth, my honest reaction to this is just...meh.
I'd hoped for much better, but it's truthfully about what I expected.
Textbook trading card game - with numerous digital cards being priced well over $20 each
Most expensive cards (gamble ships & Lobi) need to be purchased per character - try getting even 2 or 3 Annoraxes
Strong push to buy high-end ships, even if you hate them, just to unlock a more valuable card
Stand alone cards that will no doubt become the blueprint for another random chance/expansion card pack, or at least get added to existing chance devices
Time-gated advancement with some promised reward at the end (won't know the real value until you get there)
On ship maintenance (cool down) someone obviously missed the rest experience lesson, so skip to 3:20 here for a quick refresher - think instead if they flipped it so that letting a ship rest for maintenance improved its stats (a reward) instead of locking it out (a punishment) automatically
Basically, just seems like the Reputation, R&D, Specialization, and so on systems all over again - if it's convenient and rewards decently, I might do some of it with whatever I've got lying around, but definitely won't be chasing after it.
I fully expect that, if this does get adopted, in the future you'll see new ships in card-only form for direct purchase (maybe even Borg cubes, cross-faction "rentals," and other nonsense), card packs with random chance of X ship, likely even cards for existing ships made available for purchase without the ship well down the road (after enough time has passed for the hardcores to buy the full-price ships).
Feels like just another time and money suck without adding real substance to the game. I truly hope I'm wrong there, but not seeing much reason to keep hoping.
When we have ships commissioned in our line up, does the equipment they have on affect their stats or chances of success?
If I remember correctly from previous posts / news / blogs, gear equipped on your ships have no influence on the outcome whatsoever. Basically you can send your shippies out "naked" if you want to.
Just think of the grindfest you'd have to pull off if some of the missions could only be done with a SPECIFIC rep gear set... no, that would be just too much.
Still waiting to find out what these "epic-quality admiralty ships" are!
"Ad astra audacter eamus in alis fidelium."
"To boldly go to the stars on the wings of the faithful."
And I'm fairly certain KDF and ROM are going to be at a distinct disadvantage. Not only less ships but the number of science ships available to each can be counted on one hand.
Unfortunately, I wouldn't be at all surprised if this were the case. It'd be par for course, actually.
If I remember correctly from previous posts / news / blogs, gear equipped on your ships have no influence on the outcome whatsoever. Basically you can send your shippies out "naked" if you want to.
Just think of the grindfest you'd have to pull off if some of the missions could only be done with a SPECIFIC rep gear set... no, that would be just too much.
Still waiting to find out what these "epic-quality admiralty ships" are!
So if I have a Constitution in my line up, I get a generic "Contitution" card that has none of the character of my actual ship, and then I get to send this generic "Contitution Card" out to do DOFF missions - but, in fact, it's not actually my Connie, which still sits right there where I left it.
Somewhat disappointing. Doesn't really address the ships sitting in my ship slots not doing anything.
I mean if you could clone the ship into a "USS Foo" Card that had mildly different stats for equipment on board, then I could at least pretend it was my ship.
But it's not, really. by making so generic, it actually defeats the idea of making these mothballed ships do something useful.
While this new system seems nice, I'm not sure what the rewards it offers are. Why do we need to play the admiralty system basically.
And I'm fairly certain KDF and ROM are going to be at a distinct disadvantage. Not only less ships but the number of science ships available to each can be counted on one hand.
Well, the question is actually more about their eng/tac/sci stat ratings. This seems to be related to the stats of the ship, both boff seats and consoles. Hestia has 16/68/24. The T6 Gal-X has 61/25/22.
The requirement is to put in ships whose stats add up to certain numbers, with more improving results. For this example:
You need ships whose stats add up to at least 90/35/35. For this the average of the three ships only needs 30/12/12 or better. So you don't even need ships focused on Eng. The dreadnaught cruiser has over 60, so it's got 2/3 of the requirement by itself. So you don't need 3 cruisers for this assignment even though it's an eng focused assignment.
The thing is, check out the stats in that assignment:
It's an Engineering assignment, requiring 90 Eng/35 Tac/35 Sci.
The primary attribute of the T6 Rare ships ranges from 61-68.
The secondary attribute of the T6 Rare ships ranges from 24-25.
The Critical Success chance is exactly triple the excess Engineering stat on an Engineering assignment, while it's 4.8611 times the total excess, hinting at Engineering being the pertinent stat for determining the outcome.
Only the Engineering stat gets the little red icon, also hinting at Engineering being the pertinent stat for determining the outcome.
Now, flip it to a Science assignment with comparable stat arrays and a faction with a grand total of zero T6 C-Store Science Ships... potentially leaving a 90 Science requirement and a set of 3 ships where the secondary Science attribute is 24-25. At present, leaked information (from that image ) indicates the "Lance" set being offered with New Dawn, we're working on a Federation Carrier design special event with no confirmation of a KDF/Rom equivalent being offered (assuming it ends up as a Science Carrier rather than a Dreadnought Carrier), and there is still no hint of a T6 Science Ship being made available to KDF/Rom captains. That sounds... troublesome.
Thus my earlier question as to whether this had been taken into account when making the Klingon (and any potential Romulan) Campaigns...
With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.
So it's just Doffing with ships. How Lame, not worth the wait. I've got not idea why it took so long to get it into the game, surely it would just be a simple port. Just Cryptic trying to get us to spend more money to buy ships. What next? Doffing with Bridge Officers?
The only concern I have is the prices of cheapie ships once this hits. I suppose Mirror vessels and T5 lockbox ships will sell like hot cakes now there is actually a use for them?
While this new system seems nice, I'm not sure what the rewards it offers are. Why do we need to play the admiralty system basically.
And I'm fairly certain KDF and ROM are going to be at a distinct disadvantage. Not only less ships but the number of science ships available to each can be counted on one hand.
Well, the question is actually more about their eng/tac/sci stat ratings. This seems to be related to the stats of the ship, both boff seats and consoles. Hestia has 16/68/24. The T6 Gal-X has 61/25/22.
The requirement is to put in ships whose stats add up to certain numbers, with more improving results. For this example:
You need ships whose stats add up to at least 90/35/35. For this the average of the three ships only needs 30/12/12 or better. So you don't even need ships focused on Eng. The dreadnaught cruiser has over 60, so it's got 2/3 of the requirement by itself. So you don't need 3 cruisers for this assignment even though it's an eng focused assignment.
The thing is, check out the stats in that assignment:
It's an Engineering assignment, requiring 90 Eng/35 Tac/35 Sci.
The primary attribute of the T6 Rare ships range from 61-68.
The secondary attribute of the T6 Rare ships range from 24-25.
The Critical Success chance is exactly triple the excess Engineering stat on an Engineering assignment, while it's 4.8611 times the total excess, hinting at Engineering being the pertinent stat for determining the outcome.
Only Engineering gets the little icon, also hinting at Engineering being the pertinent stat for determining the outcome.
Now, flip it to a Science assignment with comparable stat arrays and a faction with a grand total of zero T6 C-Store Science ships... potentially leaving a 90 Science requirement and a set of 3 ships where the secondary Science attribute is 24-25. That sounds... troublesome. Especially when the leaked information indicates the "Lance" set being offered with New Dawn, we're working on a Federation Carrier design special event with no confirmation of a KDF/Rom equivalent being offered (assuming it ends up as a Science Carrier rather than a Dreadnought Carrier), and still no hint of a T6 Science Ship being made available to the KDF/Rom captains.
Thus my earlier question as to whether this had been taken into account when making the Klingon (and any potential Romulan) Campaigns... hint hint...
Ah, but, as I said, the eng/tac/sci stats are determined by the actual ship stats. Thus I would expect the T5 BoP to have rather balanced stats. The examples we've seen have extreme stats. Also the examples we've seen have a stat total of 108. 108/3=36
So for the Nandi, it has 4/10/9 when you combine it's boff seats and console slots. so this ship would probably have a pretty high score for science, and a crappy one for Eng. Obviously it's top score would be tac though. rough guess: 20/48/40
for fleet Qin, 6/10/5, so this would be more like 30/50/28.
the fleet HoH'sus would probably be something like 35/38/35
and just for the lols... the Malon trash ship, 10/4/6, so that would be something like 50/23/35.
The only concern I have is the prices of cheapie ships once this hits. I suppose Mirror vessels and T5 lockbox ships will sell like hot cakes now there is actually a use for them?
It's already happened. Mirror T'Varo jumped from 650K to 5M in the Exchange after the Admiralty announcement. I imagine lots of cheapish ships suffered a similar fate.
Does the game remember ships that I dismissed years ago, levelling up?
Also: "establish trade blockade on un-allied planet"?
The Federation is taking notes from another Federation in a galaxy far, far away.
I saw that and was disturbed by it, as the language, the use of blockade in particular, is especially strong and heavy handed without establishing that a state of war existed.
I could see a Federation blockade during hostilities. Otherwise an embargo would be established to say, uphold the Prime Directive, or prevent a genocide if one occurring, had been established, and a decision to act had been made, but not much else I can think of right now.
Alternative language to use:
Establish a wartime trade blockade.
Establish trade protocols to uphold the Prime Directive.
Establish a no-trade policy to prevent genocide on non-member planet.
Enforce a no-trade policy (embargo) against an aggressive non-member planet.
Enforce a no-trade policy (embargo) as part of the military initiative.
Uphold diplomatic initiatives: Establish a trade embargo.
Uphold diplomatic initiatives: Establish a trade embargo to prevent genocide.
Poor Fed players who never got to visit the T'Ong Nebula and see their own people involved in aggressively infringing on Klingon territory, attacking Klingon and KDF-allied Romulan vessels without provocation, and even extorting tribute from native peoples in exchange for "protection."
Poor writing's fault. I can point out the rather stupid decsion to open the gateway on New Romulus an an example or Romulan stupidity, (Nearly destroyed New Romulus) but I blame it on the same.
"He shall be my finest warrior, this generic man who was forced upon me.
Like a badass I shall make him look, and in the furnace of war I shall forge him.
he shall be of iron will and steely sinew.
In great armour I shall clad him and with the mightiest weapons he shall be armed.
He will be untouched by plague or disease; no sickness shall blight him.
He shall have such tactics, strategies and machines that no foe will best him in battle.
He is my answer to cryptic logic, he is the Defender of my Romulan Crew.
He is Tovan Khev... and he shall know no fear."
An expansion to DOFFing? Sorry but that is a big let down! This it is just another reason to move on to other games. I want to explore, I want to see more varied space stories/battles that use your ships in the 3D space. Not this spreadsheet click then wait mess that just eats up time with no real joy!
Does the game remember ships that I dismissed years ago, levelling up?
Also: "establish trade blockade on un-allied planet"?
The Federation is taking notes from another Federation in a galaxy far, far away.
I saw that and was disturbed by it, as the language, the use of blockade in particular, is especially strong and heavy handed without establishing that a state of war existed.
I could see a Federation blockade during hostilities. Otherwise an embargo would be established to say, uphold the Prime Directive, or prevent a genocide if one occurring, had been established, and a decision to act had been made, but not much else I can think of right now.
Alternative language to use:
Establish a wartime trade blockade.
Establish trade protocols to uphold the Prime Directive.
Establish a no-trade policy to prevent genocide on non-member planet.
Enforce a no-trade policy (embargo) against an aggressive non-member planet.
Enforce a no-trade policy (embargo) as part of the military initiative.
Uphold diplomatic initiatives: Establish a trade embargo.
Uphold diplomatic initiatives: Establish a trade embargo to prevent genocide.
Poor Fed players who never got to visit the T'Ong Nebula and see their own people involved in aggressively infringing on Klingon territory, attacking Klingon and KDF-allied Romulan vessels without provocation, and even extorting tribute from native peoples in exchange for "protection."
Poor writing's fault. I can point out the rather stupid decsion to open the gateway on New Romulus an an example or Romulan stupidity, (Nearly destroyed New Romulus) but I blame it on the same.
Not so much poor writing as no writing. The exploration cluster missions were randomly generated from a few generic templates. All the enemies acted the same way in them. The Federation wasn't the only or even the most out-of-character faction there. Borg, Undine, etc...all ran the exact same scripts.
The only concern I have is the prices of cheapie ships once this hits. I suppose Mirror vessels and T5 lockbox ships will sell like hot cakes now there is actually a use for them?
It's already happened. Mirror T'Varo jumped from 650K to 5M in the Exchange after the Admiralty announcement. I imagine lots of cheapish ships suffered a similar fate.
I find this highly amusing, considering that you don´t need specific ships to use that new system. But I guess it´s a case of "Catch them all !".
The only concern I have is the prices of cheapie ships once this hits. I suppose Mirror vessels and T5 lockbox ships will sell like hot cakes now there is actually a use for them?
It's already happened. Mirror T'Varo jumped from 650K to 5M in the Exchange after the Admiralty announcement. I imagine lots of cheapish ships suffered a similar fate.
I find this highly amusing, considering that you don´t need specific ships to use that new system. But I guess it´s a case of "Catch them all !".
Indeed. Here's hoping the prices would come back down once the novelty of the system wears off. I can't help but think this system is counter intuitive for new players, but I suppose that is the point.
Get their wallets open so they buy a 'proper' endgame ship instead.
So now I get to click on something and then select a ship by clicking on it and then....oooohhh! aaaaahhh!....the best part!
I get to click on a Begin Button and simply wait out a Timer until - Ding! - Reward's Done!
Potential new player: So, how do I tell the difference between Farmville and STO?
Cryptic Development Team: Well now! That's easy! Y'see, Farmville is on Facebook. STO is better! It is on ARC!
What are you guys doing? Trying to pad your resume to land that cushy Lead Designer slot over at Zynga?
Doing a fiine job of it, too.
You have the rights to the most successful science fiction franchise in history. The one which started it all. Which has a built in fanbase. You've got some of the best talent in the whole MMO field working for you. Yet somehow, all you can come up with for expanding this franchise is Train Station in Space? C'Mon, Man!
Please understand I like STO. But dammit, Jim, I'm a gamer! Not a button pusher!
^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
And I'm fairly certain KDF and ROM are going to be at a distinct disadvantage. Not only less ships but the number of science ships available to each can be counted on one hand.
That i my concern too, fed-roms have access to a lot of lowlevel c-store and dilitium science ships, but what about KDF and KDF-rom's?
Simply adding more sci skill to BoP's and Warbirds won't help, as it a)will reduce the remaining stat's and b)will still not make it into the equivalent of a science vessel, so it seems the Rom/KDF Player is forced to use more ships for the task, hereby reducing it's already limited pool of ships further (see also: a) ).
Beta, LTA, CE, Multiple preorder Versions, all Addon Packs except AoY, nearly all KDF/Rom and ~50% of all Fedships, over 25 LockboxShips, Endurer of Atari's "Year of Hell", but...
Time for the KDF and the romulan republic to prepare for a conversion and a hard cap of some kind.
The statement will go something like this... There is a new player base coming that will be new to the whole game so all your specializations, reps, fleet starbases, and ships will be hard capped into tier 1 or white items so that it will be a fair and level playing field as well tier 7 ships will be available shortly after the winter break is over.
Will it matter if the ships sent on these missions have any gear on them? Or can they be even empty? Judging by the fact that they mentioned you could even use ships you deleted, I'd say you don't need any gear on them, right?
Will it matter if the ships sent on these missions have any gear on them? Or can they be even empty?
Judging by the fact that they mentioned you could even use ships you deleted, I'd say you don't need any gear on them, right?
Very much looks like it. Only thing which matters is that at some point since level 52 the ship has been commissioned by you at one point. Equipment really has no bearing on anything in the Admiralty system.
The requirement is to put in ships whose stats add up to certain numbers, with more improving results. For this example:
You need ships whose stats add up to at least 90/35/35. For this the average of the three ships only needs 30/12/12 or better. So you don't even need ships focused on Eng. The dreadnaught cruiser has over 60, so it's got 2/3 of the requirement by itself. So you don't need 3 cruisers for this assignment even though it's an eng focused assignment.
My character Tsin'xing
I agree, many people were thinking or hoping we would have our ships in space not unlike our BOFFs on the ground. The idea of promoting our first officer to another Captain for one of our ships was also a big one.
On the other hand what they have is ALSO something that has been requested, and the idea of these campaigns is very similar to something I came up with as an extension of DOFFing for revamped exploration so I'm actually rather excited. And we never know what's coming down the pipeline.
Well while it isn't strictly Star Trek action, it is also Star Trek behind the action. There has always been an admiral dispatching ships on missions, we're used to watching the characters who are dispatched, not the perspective of those doing the dispatching.
And while Exploration is the most requested feature currently, this feature is something that has been requested for a long time. It seems Cryptic is answering these player requests in chronological order instead of by popularity. That too is logical though.
We wouldn't want them to rush. If they're doing exploration, then I want it done right. Frankly it's worthy of an expansion pack in that case.
Agreed. I love the idea of these side missions and leading to actual missions for us. Like the outcome of a mission requires us the admirals to intervene personally to pull our subordinate's fat out of the fryer or something. That was my favorite part about the Romulan Reputation, unlockable story missions.
Bro are you serious?
Yes, I noticed that, that's outstanding. If the rewards are that substantial this will be heavily worth investing in.
Why wouldn't the Federation blockade a planet? The blockade is a perfectly viable military tactic. The Federation practices quarantines of planets for various reasons. It's not like it's a war crime.
Exactly this. Ships aren't selling well, so they had to come up with a new inducement for players to spend more cash money. While I appreciate the fact that MU ships will now have at least a minimal use (since they are barred from upgrading), it appears that the rarity of the ships will be directly indexed to how much of which currency was spent on each.
I haven't seen any comments (as of page 5 of this thread) on the rarity outcomes, here is my call on rarity:
Common - storyline rank ships ( for leveling a 'toon)
Uncommon - MU lockbox ships & T5+ lockbox ships
Rare - shipyard purchases (FC's, dilithium) & event ships
Very Rare - Lobi & <T5 Z-store ships
Ultra Rare - T6 Z-store ships
Actually, I'm probably being optimistic even with this scale....
Savik - Vulcan Fed Temporal Sci
Dahar Masters Fleet: Alphal'Fa - Alien KDF Engineer Qun'pau - Rom/KDF Engineer D'nesh - Orion KDF Scientist Ghen'khan - Liberated KDF Tac
Welcome to StarBug Online - to boldly Bug where no bug has been before!
STO player since November 2013
maybe you need to go reread the blog again but the KDF has a campaign along with the feds it was only the roms who didn't have one and it was said that more would be release after this goes live prolly to make sure there are not too many bugs at first launch geez people give it some time and we will see more go to it after it goes live.
and just incase you missed it here read it again
But wait! It's with ships!
So now I get to click on something and then select a ship by clicking on it and then....oooohhh! aaaaahhh!....the best part!
I get to click on a Begin Button and simply wait out a Timer until - Ding! - Reward's Done!
Potential new player: So, how do I tell the difference between Farmville and STO?
Cryptic Development Team: Well now! That's easy! Y'see, Farmville is on Facebook. STO is better! It is on ARC!
What are you guys doing? Trying to pad your resume to land that cushy Lead Designer slot over at Zynga?
Doing a fiine job of it, too.
You have the rights to the most successful science fiction franchise in history. The one which started it all. Which has a built in fanbase. You've got some of the best talent in the whole MMO field working for you. Yet somehow, all you can come up with for expanding this franchise is Train Station in Space? C'Mon, Man!
Please understand I like STO. But dammit, Jim, I'm a gamer! Not a button pusher!
My character Tsin'xing
To get a full roster of ships I need to claim like 40-50 ships on each character ?! Not looking forward to that. Is there no way the game could just scan what I have unlocked in the c-store at least, please ?
I'd hoped for much better, but it's truthfully about what I expected.
Basically, just seems like the Reputation, R&D, Specialization, and so on systems all over again - if it's convenient and rewards decently, I might do some of it with whatever I've got lying around, but definitely won't be chasing after it.
I fully expect that, if this does get adopted, in the future you'll see new ships in card-only form for direct purchase (maybe even Borg cubes, cross-faction "rentals," and other nonsense), card packs with random chance of X ship, likely even cards for existing ships made available for purchase without the ship well down the road (after enough time has passed for the hardcores to buy the full-price ships).
Feels like just another time and money suck without adding real substance to the game. I truly hope I'm wrong there, but not seeing much reason to keep hoping.
If I remember correctly from previous posts / news / blogs, gear equipped on your ships have no influence on the outcome whatsoever. Basically you can send your shippies out "naked" if you want to.
Just think of the grindfest you'd have to pull off if some of the missions could only be done with a SPECIFIC rep gear set... no, that would be just too much.
Still waiting to find out what these "epic-quality admiralty ships" are!
"To boldly go to the stars on the wings of the faithful."
Unfortunately, I wouldn't be at all surprised if this were the case. It'd be par for course, actually.
So if I have a Constitution in my line up, I get a generic "Contitution" card that has none of the character of my actual ship, and then I get to send this generic "Contitution Card" out to do DOFF missions - but, in fact, it's not actually my Connie, which still sits right there where I left it.
Somewhat disappointing. Doesn't really address the ships sitting in my ship slots not doing anything.
I mean if you could clone the ship into a "USS Foo" Card that had mildly different stats for equipment on board, then I could at least pretend it was my ship.
But it's not, really. by making so generic, it actually defeats the idea of making these mothballed ships do something useful.
The thing is, check out the stats in that assignment:
Now, flip it to a Science assignment with comparable stat arrays and a faction with a grand total of zero T6 C-Store Science Ships... potentially leaving a 90 Science requirement and a set of 3 ships where the secondary Science attribute is 24-25. At present, leaked information (from that image
Thus my earlier question as to whether this had been taken into account when making the Klingon (and any potential Romulan) Campaigns...
So for the Nandi, it has 4/10/9 when you combine it's boff seats and console slots. so this ship would probably have a pretty high score for science, and a crappy one for Eng. Obviously it's top score would be tac though. rough guess: 20/48/40
for fleet Qin, 6/10/5, so this would be more like 30/50/28.
the fleet HoH'sus would probably be something like 35/38/35
and just for the lols... the Malon trash ship, 10/4/6, so that would be something like 50/23/35.
My character Tsin'xing
It's already happened. Mirror T'Varo jumped from 650K to 5M in the Exchange after the Admiralty announcement. I imagine lots of cheapish ships suffered a similar fate.
Poor writing's fault. I can point out the rather stupid decsion to open the gateway on New Romulus an an example or Romulan stupidity, (Nearly destroyed New Romulus) but I blame it on the same.
"He shall be my finest warrior, this generic man who was forced upon me.
Like a badass I shall make him look, and in the furnace of war I shall forge him.
he shall be of iron will and steely sinew.
In great armour I shall clad him and with the mightiest weapons he shall be armed.
He will be untouched by plague or disease; no sickness shall blight him.
He shall have such tactics, strategies and machines that no foe will best him in battle.
He is my answer to cryptic logic, he is the Defender of my Romulan Crew.
He is Tovan Khev... and he shall know no fear."
Not so much poor writing as no writing. The exploration cluster missions were randomly generated from a few generic templates. All the enemies acted the same way in them. The Federation wasn't the only or even the most out-of-character faction there. Borg, Undine, etc...all ran the exact same scripts.
I find this highly amusing, considering that you don´t need specific ships to use that new system. But I guess it´s a case of "Catch them all !".
Indeed. Here's hoping the prices would come back down once the novelty of the system wears off. I can't help but think this system is counter intuitive for new players, but I suppose that is the point.
Get their wallets open so they buy a 'proper' endgame ship instead.
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That i my concern too, fed-roms have access to a lot of lowlevel c-store and dilitium science ships, but what about KDF and KDF-rom's?
Simply adding more sci skill to BoP's and Warbirds won't help, as it a)will reduce the remaining stat's and b)will still not make it into the equivalent of a science vessel, so it seems the Rom/KDF Player is forced to use more ships for the task, hereby reducing it's already limited pool of ships further (see also: a) ).
The statement will go something like this... There is a new player base coming that will be new to the whole game so all your specializations, reps, fleet starbases, and ships will be hard capped into tier 1 or white items so that it will be a fair and level playing field as well tier 7 ships will be available shortly after the winter break is over.
Judging by the fact that they mentioned you could even use ships you deleted, I'd say you don't need any gear on them, right?
Very much looks like it. Only thing which matters is that at some point since level 52 the ship has been commissioned by you at one point. Equipment really has no bearing on anything in the Admiralty system.
Still waiting to be able to use forum titles