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Engineer class - useless



  • talonxvtalonxv Member Posts: 4,257 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    List them, right now.

    The difference is that a tac doesn't need to do what an engineer can do.
    Survivability does not come from engi innates.
    Sustained DPS does not come from engi innates.
    Read that again 100 times over.

    But in this DPS centric game, the opposite is very true.

    You are so blind in this regard I'm done trying to explain it to you.
    Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!

  • smokeybacon90smokeybacon90 Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    talonxv wrote: »
    You are so blind in this regard I'm done trying to explain it to you.

    More like done trying to come up with any actual facts and figures to back up all the wild claims you make. I do sympathize with you though, this game's mechanics and intricacies can be difficult to fully comprehend. ;)
  • neos472neos472 Member Posts: 580 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    as one who has walked all the classes engineer can hold its own under almost any circumstance

    and sometimes even wall the opponents until help arrives i myself have not achieved spectacualr

    numbers with cruisers dpswise (but that is due to actually lack of focusing on bringing the dps up)

    i myself prefer tac as a preference but i do enjoy surviving longer thanks to that engineer next to

    me soakin up all the fire that my squishy ship would have been dealt. ENG i believe is the most well

    rounded class in the game and you should never leave your ship without one or have one in your

    manipulator of time and long time space traveler
  • woodwhitywoodwhity Member Posts: 2,636 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    If ground were as important as space, we wouldnt need to have this discussion, both considered, tac and eng are pretty much equal. Space tac wins, ground eng wins (big time).
  • ghyudtghyudt Member Posts: 1,112 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    With what? This sounds like yet more metaphorical rubbish.

    EPSPT? For the same amount of time a tac will be running APA and FOMM for significantly higher sustained DPS?

    Nadion Inversion? When we can achieve the same with Marion, Bounty Hunter's Friend, Spire cores, and general good power management, without needing a 3 minute cooldown?

    Or is this "sustained DPS" which is somehow magically higher than a tac's only down to the pittance of extra power gotten from EptX through EPS manifold efficiency?

    Stop this fantasy dialogue and speak in real terms please.

    inb4 "Hurr durr MW best tank power in game".

    OK, I'll use smaller words so you can understand this. An escort, no matter what it is, only has one thing going for it, and that's spike damage. If you can't get through the shields and hull of your target, you can't win. A single tac escort simply can't win against a single decent eng cruiser. At that point, the eng cruiser will whittle down your shields, then your hull, until you either retreat or blow up, because between multiple eptx skills, nadeon inversion, and EPS transfer, the eng cruiser will keep it's weapon power, shield power, engine power, and aux power higher, for longer, than the tac escort is capable of doing. The fact that you have to rely on the same cookie cutter build that's all over the forums, with Marion/DEM etc etc, also makes it easier to beat, because its been around for so long its become predictable and easy to counter.
  • ghyudtghyudt Member Posts: 1,112 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    List them, right now.

    The difference is that a tac doesn't need to do what an engineer can do.
    Survivability does not come from engi innates.
    Sustained DPS does not come from engi innates.
    Read that again 100 times over.

    But in this DPS centric game, the opposite is very true.

    Are you kidding me? Do you even know what the eng innate abilities are? Or what they do?

    Miracle Worker; massive instant heal to both hull and shields. Combined with the trait Grace Under Fire, allows for multiple uses without waiting through a cooldown.

    Rotate Shield Frequency; Hardens shields against all incoming damage.

    EPS Transfer; Increases all power levels, leading to higher aux and shield power, meaning heals and resists are that much more effective.

    Nadeon Inversion; Reduces drain on power levels, weather from use or from outside drain. Same outcome as EPS Transfer.

    Each one is a Eng only ability, and each one leads directly to higher survivability. And I don't burn a single boff ability to use these, unlike a tac captain.
  • ghyudtghyudt Member Posts: 1,112 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I tried the Sci Cpt. My self, didn't work out, wasn't my play style neither. Tac, I did alright on, didn't mind it much. :)

    I've found that sci doesnt really fit me either. Relies too much on high aux power to do any real damage. My first character was a Tac, as I'm sure most others were. I got bored one day and decided to try an eng, and I immediately noticed a huge difference in survivability and staying power. I dropped my Tac captain as my primary and haven't really used it since.
  • ghyudtghyudt Member Posts: 1,112 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Rarely have I ever seen anyone fill the third role. Which is why I chose to fill it myself :)

    Same here. I always seem to be the one keeping 1 or 2 ships alive in CE, and more often than not, they're tactical heavy. That's when the old playstyle of the game seems to come through. Sci ships are using GW to keep the fragments stuck near the entity, escorts are battering it down, and that one eng cruiser is keeping at least 1 or 2 of them alive so they can do their job. As boring as it is sometimes, CE is where the most pug teamwork seems to stay.
  • ghyudtghyudt Member Posts: 1,112 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I'll try explaining this a different way. As a Tac captain, in any ship, your role is to do damage and destroy your target. That's it. Destroy a target, and move on. As an Eng captain, your role is to stay alive, and to help keep other ships alive, while providing supporting fire. That's it.

    Here's a scenario; you're in a 1v1, eng cruiser vs tac escort. Eng captain vs Tac captain. The tac captain, though he puts out very high dps, and comes very close to doing so, fails to actually destroy the eng captains ship, though doesn't die himself. Who succeeded in their role, and who failed? The tac captain failed in his role, since he was unable to do the one thing he was supposed to do, and thats destroy his target. The eng captain, though he did not destroy the escort, succeeded in his role of surviving an attack and fighting back.

    Another one; 5 on 5 PvP. 2 similar groups, similar builds, but with group A having slightly weaker dps ships. Group A defeats group B. In this case, the eng cruisers of group B failed in their role. They did not manage to keep their teammates alive and/or they themselves were destroyed. In this case, the eng cruisers of group B were trying to spec into dps rather than speccing into damage resistance and healing. The eng cruisers of group A, on the other hand, did exactly what they were supposed to do. Having specced into proper skills, and building their ships according to those skills, they provided the damage resistance and healing that their escorts needed to stay alive and outlast the superior dps of group Bs escorts.

    Both of these scenarios are from my own first hand experience, and though I very rarely PvP, I've done it enough to notice this trend. Dps may be an important part of the game, but its not the end all be all of it. Without supporting ships, all the dps in the world won't help you in some cases if its the only thing you've got going for you. Case and point; hive onslaught. I haven't played it recently, but before DR, I used to watch those big bad DPScorts get vaped by the unimatrixes lances. Every time they charged in, 1 would instapop. I could survive the lance hits. For whatever reason, my eng cruiser always survived with 2 or 3% hull, and that allowed the escorts to get in and take out the unimatrixes quickly, and I was able to provide support while they did.
  • icsairgunsicsairguns Member Posts: 1,504 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    talonxv wrote: »
    Iconians just said it for me. You are now wasting 3-4 space DOFF slots an engineering captain can do naturally.

    what they said. LOL

    i read the ops post and the other post where hes ranting about jembug ships killing him.

    i have to admit the jem bug ship can be a real tuff not to crack for me at least. but i dont think it had anything to do with a tac captain. its jsut too damn fast. but i change to my B'rel and it becomes a stalemate. which pops like a balloon to any other ship that looks at it the wrong way so go figure.
    Trophies for killing FEDS ahh those were the days. Ch'ar%20POST%20LoR.JPG

  • adzcriz1adzcriz1 Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    ive played an Engie since launch, in a 1-1 pvp scenario they are quite viable, its about using it correctly.

    Raw DPS is a Tac's job, the Engineer can out last just about anything, when i pvp i fight using a method called Attrition. i can soak anything you can throw at me and retaliate quite painfully.

    Charging in and going all out dps and an engineer wont win, its about suing your brain and pacing yourself. your heals and energy levels allow you to out endure a target.

    An engie in an escort is played differently from a tac, youre consistant dps rather than spike (though they can spike with the right setup)
    Fleet: http://www.unrepentantgaming.com

  • killelr123killelr123 Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Aside from pure DPS builds, for STFs engies are best imao. Just use skill points to buff up your weapons (or sci traits if you want to go that direction).

    Of course, I fly mostly escorts, where a lack of tac abilities is made up for by all the tac BOFF abilities.

    If you're a typical player using beams, then, yep, engies are worthless. You have plenty of engineering abilities in your cruisers BOFF seats. Although you can make an tank that way.
  • sthe91sthe91 Member Posts: 5,861 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    While I do not have an Engineering character in STO,. I do know of a player who has a good Engineering character his nickname is The Doctor and he has a Youtube channel. He has a good setup for ground and space. So if you train up your engineer correctly, it is not useless. If it is useless, the problem is on your end. Just my two cents.
    Where there is a Will, there is a Way.
  • dam999dam999 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    That sounds very elegant and romantic but is pretty far from the truth.

    "Hurr durr Engis can tank better than tacs, dead deeps = no deeps bla bla"

    The only thing Engineers have a 1-up tanking-wise on over tacs is MW with the trait, which over a long fight will parse significantly less than things like ET, radiant nanite cloud, borg heal, Agent Nerul. There is also RSF which pales in comparison to a doffed RSP. EPSPT and NI came from an age where power management was still an issue. Now it is not.

    "There is no tac captain out there that could of pulled that stunt and lived."

    What is this, some cheap Engi sales pitch? Take a close look at the specializations, traits, starship traits and several consoles that tacs can pitch now, and rethink what you said.

    Engis are flat-out TRIBBLE in space compared to tacs, they have nothing worthwhile to set them apart. If aggro worked well in this game, then they could come with powerful AoE enmity generating powers, along with actually useful hull and shield tanking powers. Or perhaps the ability to summon powerful turrets and space healing platforms. Instead you are, perhaps unknowingly, handicapping your toon by going yellow. I have respect for good engi pilots who can even slightly keep up with the damage of tacs, but it is by no means an optimal way to play the game.


    MW with the trait, that's all the advantage an engie has..in terms of survavibility of course. Other than that I'd venture to say that tacs are on par with engies in every other aspect of the game..unfortunately.

    It is ships that offer survavibility, DOFFs and BOFF skills, hull, shield etc. Not RSF..and especially not NI lol..
  • dam999dam999 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    ghyudt wrote: »
    OP, I wanna end this discussion, right now. I want you to message me in game so we can put this to rest. My Eng captain in my Galaxy vs whatever you bring to the table. Trowa@floridabrn2009. If you're so sure the eng class is TRIBBLE, in space in a 1v1, then prove it.

    As previously stated, I do not have a tac toon, except for a rather weak lvl 23ish romulan tac one which leaves much to be desired in a regular pvp match.

    Although, you CAN contact a guy called @Husanak in the game. And I tell you what, if you beat him just once, lets say one win in 10 consecutive games, I will tell to the entire forum that I was wrong, more so that I am a lousy pilot and a pretentious n00b who has a lot to learn yet before making statements such as the one stated in the topic.

    However, if you lose all the games against him, YOU will come to this very same thread, admit you were wrong, that engie is cr@p in the space and that you had no clue what you were talking about whatsoever when you commented my thoughts about engies lack of space capabilities.
  • synthiasuicidesynthiasuicide Member Posts: 458 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    hmm, interesting thread.
    Ok, I actually agree, Engies kinda blow and they made some of their class skills not special when it comes to power.
    I have 2 tacs, 2 Engies. My tacs rock in whatever I do with them. Sci carrier Atrox to Escort to Cruiser, etc.

    I spent way to much trying to get a thrill outta my engies, Only thing that I see that makes them useful is sticking them in a carrier. The Kar'fi is Engineer Boff starved, so most slots are all offense, and that is the best fit. Most boff skills offense, 2 hanger bays. Fed side, best I found was the JHDC, altough I see the Narcine would be better now. I keep taking that toon outta the carrier to try to find a joy in another ship. But keeps going back to it.

    they need to redue skills like Nadion Inversion. EPS, etc.
  • stardestroyer001stardestroyer001 Member Posts: 2,615 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    dam999 wrote: »
    As previously stated, I do not have a tac toon, except for a rather weak lvl 23ish romulan tac one which leaves much to be desired in a regular pvp match.

    Although, you CAN contact a guy called @Husanak in the game. And I tell you what, if you beat him just once, lets say one win in 10 consecutive games, I will tell to the entire forum that I was wrong, more so that I am a lousy pilot and a pretentious n00b who has a lot to learn yet before making statements such as the one stated in the topic.

    However, if you lose all the games against him, YOU will come to this very same thread, admit you were wrong, that engie is cr@p in the space and that you had no clue what you were talking about whatsoever when you commented my thoughts about engies lack of space capabilities.


    In PvP, engis are useful for a few things: teamhealing, tanking, pressure damage, or specialized builds (engi drain is one I've seen work VERY effectively).

    So the definition of beating another player using an engi varies with the intended role. If it's teamhealing, beating the other player is outhealing them. If it's tanking, simply not blowing up is a victory. Pressure damage is simply blowing up the opponent, similar to the drain build.

    ghyudt said he'd take you (NOT your friend) on in a Galaxy. Teamhealing and drain are out, and pressure damage is difficult to do (not impossible, but difficult). He's probably tanking. Good luck pulling off a victory in killing him, as he wins just by staying alive.
    stardestroyer001, Admiral, Explorers Fury PvE/PvP Fleet | Retired PvP Player
    Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
    My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
  • darkjeffdarkjeff Member Posts: 2,590 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    How is this thread still alive?

    It'd be like me saying one class sucks in TF2, when the truth is I have no clue how to be good at TF2.
    dam999 wrote: »
    Not RSF..and especially not NI lol..

    NI and EPS are easy ways to stay at 125 Weapon Power while firing FAW3. The latter particularly guarantees +75 in all systems, for [AMP].
  • cbrjwrrcbrjwrr Member Posts: 2,782 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    dam999 wrote: »
    As previously stated, I do not have a tac toon, except for a rather weak lvl 23ish romulan tac one which leaves much to be desired in a regular pvp match.

    Although, you CAN contact a guy called @Husanak in the game. And I tell you what, if you beat him just once, lets say one win in 10 consecutive games, I will tell to the entire forum that I was wrong, more so that I am a lousy pilot and a pretentious n00b who has a lot to learn yet before making statements such as the one stated in the topic.

    However, if you lose all the games against him, YOU will come to this very same thread, admit you were wrong, that engie is cr@p in the space and that you had no clue what you were talking about whatsoever when you commented my thoughts about engies lack of space capabilities.

    This guy?

    16k DPS ISA parse, so not very good at PvE, and his results are well below 9 wins in every 10 games.

    And anyway, YOU made the claim, YOU back it up. Don't fall back on someone who isn't as good as you think they are.
  • dam999dam999 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    cbrjwrr wrote: »
    This guy?

    16k DPS ISA parse, so not very good at PvE, and his results are well below 9 wins in every 10 games.

    And anyway, YOU made the claim, YOU back it up. Don't fall back on someone who isn't as good as you think they are.

    As I said to that engie, beat him with an eng toon one on one, ship to ship in 10 consecutive attempts and then come back to post your results. I can understand evasive techniques when it comes to facing the man with an eng toon knowing that you will lose, but still you can prove us otherwise. No one is calling you a coward, but you talk too much with nothing to support your claims, but nag. I don't have a lvl 50+ tac toon, only one I tried romulan updates with. So if you lack the courage of your convictions don't project it on to this thread. You talk the talk, but do you walk the walk?
  • cbrjwrrcbrjwrr Member Posts: 2,782 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    dam999 wrote: »
    As I said to that engie, beat him with an eng toon one on one, ship to ship in 10 consecutive attempts and then come back to post your results. I can understand evasive techniques when it comes to facing the man with an eng toon knowing that you will lose, but still you can prove us otherwise. No one is calling you a coward, but you talk too much with nothing to support your claims, but nag. I don't have a lvl 50+ tac toon, only one I tried romulan updates with. So if you lack the courage of your convictions don't project it on to this thread. You talk the talk, but do you walk the walk?

    No, you made the claim, you back it up. I am quoting Combat Log Reader and Hilbert's PvP rankings.
  • dam999dam999 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    cbrjwrr wrote: »
    No, you made the claim, you back it up. I am quoting Combat Log Reader and Hilbert's PvP rankings.

    You can quote all you want, but it won't change a fact that you can't beat a tac toon 1vs1 with an engineer class. Will you continue to lament about charts, statistics and boards or man up and contact Husanak for a friendly 1vs1 pvp? Naturally, with an eng toon. That goes for the rest of those supporting claims that an eng can win against tac in 1vs1 environment.

    Everything else is just a pathetic attempt of digression from the issue at hand.

    P.S. If you claim that Husanak is not as good as I think it is, even better for you since it will be easier for you to beat him with your engie toon.
  • priestofsin420priestofsin420 Member Posts: 419
    edited November 2014
    Can't do DPS?

    Sardak (Science Officer): Captain of a 23k DPS R'Mor Temporal Science Vessel, R.R.W. Vathos
    Odan Brota (Science Officer): Captain of a 28k DPS Scryer Intel Science Vessel, U.S.S. Kepler
    Patiently waiting for a Romulan Science Vessel
  • eristhevortaeristhevorta Member Posts: 1,049 Bug Hunter
    edited November 2014
    Meow ... the tracking orbital strike is a great improvement, and so are the new engineering kit meowdules from the rep systems. On ground, the engineer can do easily as much DPS (with all the petspam) as a tactical captain. In space, the engineer is and has always been the hull healer and the tank. Additionally, on ground and in space, they can also be a great shield healer if needed and correctly equipped or skilled.
    "Everything about the Jham'Hadar is lethal!" - Eris
    Original Join Date: January 30th, 2010
  • xxxseadog117xxxxxxseadog117xxx Member Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Oh the humanity.

    Look, no one can change anyone's view without literal proof.

    Seriously, if anything Sci officers are op.

    *secret rallying post enabled*

    EDIT: Congrats OP. You made me waste my 100th post on something as small as this
    Kurland Here Kurland Here This is Kurland Kurland Kurland Here Kurland, Do you copy?

    chiyoumiku wrote: »
    Here's a Tissue for your Issue.
  • cbrjwrrcbrjwrr Member Posts: 2,782 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    dam999 wrote: »
    You can quote all you want, but it won't change a fact that you can't beat a tac toon 1vs1 with an engineer class. Will you continue to lament about charts, statistics and boards or man up and contact Husanak for a friendly 1vs1 pvp? Naturally, with an eng toon. That goes for the rest of those supporting claims that an eng can win against tac in 1vs1 environment.

    Everything else is just a pathetic attempt of digression from the issue at hand.

    P.S. If you claim that Husanak is not as good as I think it is, even better for you since it will be easier for you to beat him with your engie toon.

    My Engie is a level 10 Reman. That would be inadvisable.

    You claim Engies are useless, and when someone invites you to a 1 vs 1 (against a Galaxy, so basically guaranteed a win) you chicken out and hide behind someone else. That is a pathetic digression, you should stand up for your position not hide behind another player.
  • gerwalk0769gerwalk0769 Member Posts: 1,095 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Defera, Self Destruction, and Bug Hunt Elite to name three of many missions. Engineers are essential for many many many missions. Last night an Engie saved my life, with a few mines and helped kill a few alarm bugs in the process.

    And away went trouble down the drain...

    But I'll let an Engie stand-in speak truth to power.
    Joined STO in September 2010.
  • organicmanfredorganicmanfred Member Posts: 3,236 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    For god's sake, create a Tactical Character, buff him up, buy the Bug Ship from the Exchange and fill it up with Antiproton Cannons and Booster Consoles with 3 RCS consoles.

    you have at least made 3 threads about this subject and no matter what people say, you are not interested and you only show how little you know about the Game mechanic here.

    I tried to be nice in the last posts but I am filled up.

    I have no idea why it is so important for you to beat Husanak, one of the best PVP guys out there, but with that attitude it will only take longer for you to archieve your goals.

    Short: create a Tac character und leave us alone with your narrow mind.
  • dam999dam999 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    cbrjwrr wrote: »
    My Engie is a level 10 Reman. That would be inadvisable.

    You claim Engies are useless, and when someone invites you to a 1 vs 1 (against a Galaxy, so basically guaranteed a win) you chicken out and hide behind someone else. That is a pathetic digression, you should stand up for your position not hide behind another player.

    My tac is lvl 23ish Romulan so it would be inadvisable to go against lvl 50+, possibly 60 eng.

    The guy with the loud mouth who challenged a tac toon to pvp his mega engie toon got his response. Since I don't have a tac toon to fight with he (or you) is free to pvp against Husanak, who is not so good in the first place (according to your charts) so you have absolutely nothing to worry about. Infact, you will be more than glad to prove your point.

    In the civilised world it is those that accuse someone that have to back their statements with some proof and not vice versa. The guy who accused me of talking rubish has to prove that indeed it was rubish that I was talking about and since you are sharing his opinion regarding that matter you either prove it or back of and apologize with a neetly done courtsey.

    Your call champ.

    Btw, any of your engie enthusiasts out there who claim that can beat (actually destroy) a tac toon in ship to ship combat, 1vs1 to be exact, you are free to contact Husanak and show him your skills. Perhaps teach him a trick or two out of your abundant experience from pvping extensively for years.
  • dam999dam999 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014

    I have no idea why it is so important for you to beat Husanak, one of the best PVP guys out there, but with that attitude it will only take longer for you to archieve your goals.

    Short: create a Tac character und leave us alone with your narrow mind.

    1. Somehow you missed a point of the person who said that Husanak is not such a good player judging from some online charts, read above what was written. The same person who claims to know this game upside down said it.

    2. I have no intention to beat Husanak because it was he who gave me advices on how to build a ship that can stand any chance against a tac toon in 1vs1 space scenario. Notably DOFFs I should be having, skills, keyboard shortcuts etc. I took him as an example of a skilled tac pilot since I saw what he can do. Now there are people claiming that an eng toon can parry a tac one so they are still free to contact Husanak ingame and try to defeat him.

    3. Honest tac pilots will always say that an engie stands no chance against a skilled tac pilot. No bs, just honesty.

    It is hypocricy that we are trying to disclose here, but people are stubbornly claiming that an eng is a great in space combat, etc. Instead, they should call things for what they are and no harm done. An eng needs an offense boost in the space, that's all this thread is about.

    Enough said.
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