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Tier 6 Ships Details



  • iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    That's a bad plan. It only perpetuates more mudslinging.

    I think when the inevitable result of whatever they do or don't do results in mudslinging, this plan is more along the lines of, "Okay, so we'll fearmonger a little. What do we have to lose? Nothing! They're going to complain anyway!"

    I find it extremely unlikely they didn't have at least one meeting where someone said, "Players are going to be kind of pissed if their past T5 ship purchases, or T5.5 fleet ships, or lockbox ships will be rendered obsolete. If we're going to have good intentions with the introduction of T6 ships, we should address what they've already purchased first before heading in the direction of what ships they want to purchase in the future."

    And that person would have been right.
    Or maybe some of us will start roleplaying wikileaks and go datamine it and publish it elsewhere.

    Who says some of us aren't doing that already?
  • daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    orangeitis wrote: »
    Can you actually put up an argument instead of ad hominems? I'm more than willing to change my mind if sufficient evidence is presented to me.

    I'm not operating on 'hope' with my posts. I'm just trying to take the most rational position here. If I have enough reason to change my position, I will.

    The most "rational position" to take with STO, is to remember It's Just A Game...

    And that the Dev's, more often than not, TRIBBLE off the player-base on a semi-monthly basis.

    Beyond that, it's all cool.

    STO Member since February 2009.
    I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
    Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
  • carlosbflycarlosbfly Member Posts: 682 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    iconians wrote: »

    I find it extremely unlikely they didn't have at least one meeting where someone said, "Players are going to be kind of pissed if their past T5 ship purchases, or T5.5 fleet ships, or lockbox ships will be rendered obsolete. If we're going to have good intentions with the introduction of T6 ships, we should address what they've already purchased first before heading in the direction of what ships they want to purchase in the future."

    And that person would have been right.

    I only hope so. It goes to show you that despite that blog being actually very good, well written/presented and interesting, 90% of this thread is basically ignoring that content and discussing back to the topic of T5 ships in relation to T6.

    It is still the only issue most players care about with this new expansion. Cryptic, nearly a month on, just don't seem to get it.
  • daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    We've seen 3 images of the ship in question.

    - Isometric view from STLV 2014

    - Plan view from the blog

    - Profile view from the blog

    I think we have a pretty good idea what the final product looks like.

    ... a genetically challenged sperm with a quadruple tail.

    STO Member since February 2009.
    I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
    Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
  • iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    carlosbfly wrote: »
    I only hope so. It goes to show you that despite that blog being actually very good, well written/presented and interesting, 90% of this thread is basically ignoring that content and discussing back to the topic of T5 ships in relation to T6.

    It is still the only issue most players care about with this new expansion. Cryptic, nearly a month on, just don't seem to get it.

    It's been (arguably) the single-most discussed topic. I've seen it in fleet chat, in local chat, on the forums, in private messages. People care more about what they've already purchased or earned. Cryptic knows this too. Otherwise they would have had no reason to drop that little tidbit in the JHAS promo that it'd get upgraded to T6.

    They know players are going to hold off on buying ships, fleet modules, keys, whatever. They know this is going to be discussed with lots of speculation, conjecture, and no small amount of cynicism and panic-mode.

    They know that if they want players to actually discuss the topics (like this blog) for what it is, then they should have taken the initiative to put the discussion of the 'competitive' nature of T5/T5.5 ships and T6 ships to rest.

    With full details, a blog, and specific information tailored to get the point across that there's no reason for players to panic, and that they should continue to buy ships while waiting for Delta Rising to launch.

    There have been a few devs who have tried to douse the fires of outrage with reassurances that we'll be 'taken care of' and that our current ships will still be 'competitive'. But that simply can't replace a dev blog or other official communication with specific details over why we shouldn't be sharpening the pitchforks and lighting torches.

    They know all of this. So either they have questionable priorities in terms of dev blog release (in other words, they really don't get it).

    Or it's completely intentional because they want to rile the players up and watch them foam at the mouth just for the lulz until the dev blog is released that eventually shows them (and everyone) there was no reason to get riled up to begin with.

    Alternatively, the third option is it really is horrible and gruesome and the sky really is falling and it's Cryptic's NGE Waterloo Wounded Knee Custer's Last Stand. And they're holding off on releasing information on it simply because they don't want to TRIBBLE us off to the point we don't want to read any future dev blogs about Delta Rising.
  • stomperx99stomperx99 Member Posts: 863 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Just my 2 ¢.

    I became a Trek fan when I first played a Trek game called Star Trek Armada. (It's a shame that not many Systems can run it anymore :() Not that I'm saying I'm not a fan of the shows my two favorites are Voyager and DS9. What I'm really for is flying ships of any kind, I really like flying rare/unique ships that you don't see very often. which is why I have a disregard for Canon I guess... I'm not really sure if anyone else is like this....

    I'm sorry to people who I, in the past, insulted, annoyed, etc.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    carlosbfly wrote: »
    I only hope so. It goes to show you that despite that blog being actually very good, well written/presented and interesting, 90% of this thread is basically ignoring that content and discussing back to the topic of T5 ships in relation to T6.

    It is still the only issue most players care about with this new expansion. Cryptic, nearly a month on, just don't seem to get it.

    Well, I wouldn't say they don't get it. Geko talks about it in that UGC#166 podcast...the 180 or so T5 boats vs. the perhaps a dozen T6 boats. Question comes up ~46 minutes into the podcast.

    I'd say it's more along the lines of them thinking that folks just need to chill until the info comes...that all of the speculation, worrying, etc doesn't change anything. Heh, there will be plenty of time to rage once the info is made available...sort of thing.

    But yeah, it would be nifty to know - know where things will stand until there are more T6 ships available. Nine toons, each flying a different ship - the odds of there being 7 KDF T6 ships and 2 Rom T6 ships that I want to fly right off the back...yeah...so there's definitely the concern about where the T5 ships are going to stand.

    But they've given us plenty to complain about with the T6 info without us having to continue complaining about the T5 stuff every chance we get...
  • legacyofdarknesslegacyofdarkness Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    All T5 or T5.5 should be given the possibility to be upgraded by spending 500 - 1000 Zen (overall cost should be 3 000 Zen for any given ship )
    It will still be cheaper to get the T6 ships, but will not make the existing ships useless.
  • daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    It's Star Trek Online.

    It's not ENT Online.
    It's not TOS Online.
    It's not TNG Online.
    It's not DS9 Online.
    It's not VOY Online.

    It's now 2410...was 2409.

    This has never been a hidden fact...

    ...then you would have quit playing long ago.

    The only problem with that line of thinking, is that the Refurbished Intrepid will most likely be a T-6.

    STO Member since February 2009.
    I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
    Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
  • dragonsbrethrendragonsbrethren Member Posts: 1,854 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    worgaus wrote: »
    Yeah, I know, you want us to get all excited about the new shiny T6s, but I just what to know what's going to be done about the existing T5 ships I've spent way too much money on that are supposedly not becoming obsolete. Because this whole extra Boff seat and extra console slot that those no longer new shiny T5s don't get isn't exactly filling me with confidence.

    Assuming you're talking about PVE, even if they do nothing, you'll be fine. Try a t4 in endgame content sometime. I actually passed on getting a t5 Defiant because I bought the t4 Sao Paulo for the cannons and it does just fine in the PVEs. Built for looks at that.

    I just bought the Vesta today. I have no concerns about it becoming obsolete. At worst, it'll stay exactly as good as it is now.
  • admrenlarreckadmrenlarreck Member Posts: 2,041 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Just a piece advice in marketing to apprehensive but passionate crowd. Release the information that would settle their anxiety. Before showing them new shiny that they should be excited about. Because it's like telling a patent that just under gone a procedure to make their life better. That they will be released and out of bed in a few days and they will learn if the procedure is successful then... While in real life depending on the operation that may be the case. It certainly doesn't put our minds at ease enough to be excited...

    This is the best advice I have seen for the people in Cryptic/PWE.

    For a while now a lot of players have been trying to get information about the upgrades for our ships. You say "Don't worry you will be taken care of." How many times have we heard that and it turned out to be bogus. The last time was with the Crafting revamp, we were told the exact same thing and all we got was a purple doff that for the majority will be useless to us for about a year from now. Had you just come out and said sorry but you'll need to start over and we might give you a DOFF. I could have accepted it because that was believable.

    Now we get the same line, said in response to our concerns about our ships being able to upgrade to be competitive. No new information except here is a teaser and to get what you want you will have to stay tuned. I'm sorry to say but you guys don't have credibility to me. I am fully expecting to see a blog that states that Upgrading current T5/5.5 ships is just to much work so you will have to spend more money on the new t6 ships if you want to have any chance of continuing to play this game.

    I have played a couple of other games in the past, they have two goals.

    One, Gain new players that don't know better, and are willing to spend lots of money to get the new shiny.

    Two, make the older players, who have already bought the stuff and are less likely to spend more money Leave so that the server is opened up for New players.

    The more I see of this game the more I feel like this is Cryptics/PWE stance as well. I also feel like the PTB NOT the Devs but the bosses of the Devs, have their heads buried in the sand. I know these decisions are NOT in the DEVs hands, but the people ABOVE them and they are who I am criticizing.

    If I turn out to be wrong on this I will happily re up my subscription, and write an apology here in the forums. Until then I'll keep logging in for a couple of minutes now and again Like I have been doing since this announcement came out. See you guys in game.

    Fleet leader Nova Elite

    Fleet Leader House of Nova elite
  • monkeybone13monkeybone13 Member Posts: 4,640 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    "Your T5 ships and Mk XII gear won't become obsolete. We'll take care of you." So, instead of giving us info about our T5 ships and Mk XII equipment you guys just hype up interest on T6 ships.
    A new feature of Tier 6 ships is that their hit points increase as the captain levels up........This feature allows Tier 6 starships to be available at level 50 without making them have more hit points than Tier 5 ships do at that level.
    Tier 6 starships start at level 0 and progress to level 5 as the captain plays the game normally. At each level (up to level 4), the starship gains a new passive ability that provides a sizeable boost to a stat like damage resistance, critical hit chance, or hit points.

    Basically this is similar to what players had requested for all ships - the ships level up with player level and gain extra weapon and console slots so they can keep using their lower tier ship all the way to end game. (except the blog only mentions hit points and passive abilities and only pertains to the new T6 ships) But the problem with that is we've been told repeatedly that CBS won't allow certain ships to be end game level.

    But I'm hoping at the very least our T5 ships will be able to scale with player level as a way of "upgrading" them free of cost.

    I'm worried you're gonna charge us zen to upgrade each ship on each character. If that's the case, what happens if we discharge a c-store ship and reclaim it? Would we have to purchase an upgrade token again?

    With the release of Star Trek Online: Delta Rising, this starship (either from this run of the promotion or from previous runs) will be upgradeable to Tier 6 starship capabilities at no cost.

    That could be interpreted that you may charge us something to upgrade other ships to T6. The JHAC (bug ship) so far is the only ship mentioned to be upgradeable, and at "no cost".
  • daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    arnthebard wrote: »
    Here we go again... The Company Line is to nerf what we have and make us buy new shiny stuff.

    T-5 out T-6 in...Okay but what about lockbox ships?

    ALL BOFFS out "New" dual class Boffs in.. [remember Efficient Saurian BOFF +5 to power levels?]

    If you are a lifer is there any reward for spending the $300.00 anymore other than a 500 zen a month stipend?

    Does this mean there will be another godawful grind on our starbases to raise them to T-6?

    Will this "Starship Mastery" be retro-active seeing as to how I have flown the same ship for years?

    Can someone please tell the powers to be to take out lower half admiral and replace it with "COMMODORE" That way it makes sense and follows star trek lore.

    How about this for a lockbox...it has the ability to unlock a bound item and re-seal it so that it can be traded or sold on the exchange.[Now that would make some money for you]

    I mentioned this recently in another thread about the Commodore rank...

    According to the former-guy-in-charge (Dstahl), it was decided from the outset of the game that the "Commodore" rank would not be used.

    Their reasoning was that every time a character was shown with that rank, he/she was in command of a Starbase, not a Starship.
    He told us this a few times back before the game went F2P and it seems that They are pretty much sticking to that line of thought at this point.

    STO Member since February 2009.
    I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
    Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Hrmm, the following lines from the blog are somewhat interesting...
    Another interesting aspect of Tier 6 ships is the new Starship Mastery system.

    ...so we get the Mastery from the T6 ships.
    Upon reaching Starship Mastery level 5 a Starship Trait will be unlocked.

    ...which leads to the Starship Traits.
    Since Starship Traits can be slotted, they can be used while flying any starship you own even if they are not Tier 6.

    ...which raises the question of why would you want to fly a T5, right?

    So you'd have to fly the T6 to get the traits...but you can then use them on a T5, right? So again, that speaks to something of what will happen with the T5, no?

    Gets more into that wait and see, eh? But they're getting more explicit about what is T6 and what is not T6...etc, etc, etc.
  • admrenlarreckadmrenlarreck Member Posts: 2,041 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    All T5 or T5.5 should be given the possibility to be upgraded by spending 500 - 1000 Zen (overall cost should be 3 000 Zen for any given ship )
    It will still be cheaper to get the T6 ships, but will not make the existing ships useless.

    Over all cost 3000 zen? I can agree to that.

    Cost of a t5 ship from z store 2500 zen
    Cost of a fleet module 500 zen
    cost of my fleet Regent 3000 zen

    to bad its not going to happen.

    Fleet leader Nova Elite

    Fleet Leader House of Nova elite
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Course, with what I just said...raises the question of will we need to buy four or more different T6 ships to get the four traits, eh?
  • orangeitisorangeitis Member Posts: 5,222 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    daveyny wrote: »
    The most "rational position" to take with STO, is to remember It's Just A Game...

    And that the Dev's, more often than not, TRIBBLE off the player-base on a semi-monthly basis.

    Beyond that, it's all cool.

    No kidding. :P
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    iconians wrote: »
    I think when the inevitable result of whatever they do or don't do results in mudslinging, this plan is more along the lines of, "Okay, so we'll fearmonger a little. What do we have to lose? Nothing! They're going to complain anyway!"

    Yeah, I see what you're saying. I still think this forum is getting a bad rap as it's far more positive than other gaming forums I've been involved with. So I don't know. I really don't know anymore.
    Who says some of us aren't doing that already?

    Heh. Good point.

    EDIT: And if I were to offer some POSITIVE feedback, the new BOFF seems pretty interesting and cool so far. I, of course, would like more info. But what I read in the post seems nifty.
  • chiefbrexchiefbrex Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Interesting concept. Two things:

    1) Will this still be true when Delta Rising actually launches, or will there be changes to how Tier 6 ships work?

    2) Will there be Ship Costumes that will let us redress these hideous designs to look like our favorite Fed/Klink/Rom ships? Because that's about the only way I'll buy/get/use a Tier 6 ship. I would rather be a crappy STO player, flying an obsolete (and yes, they will be obsolete based on what you've revealed in this blog already - don't deny it any longer) T5.5/5.9 ships that I find aesthetically pleasing, and true to Star Trek ship designs, than flying a ship I hate out right.

    You people need to learn to cater to everyone that plays STO. Not to mention, you need to learn how to design ships and models. I still think you're better off with the Star Trek art department designing your ships, while you design the mechanics of them. But, that's probably hoping for too much from you guys.
  • knuhteb5knuhteb5 Member Posts: 1,831 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    mikoto123a wrote: »
    OK a few worries here -

    How are the Lobi and Lockbox ship upgraded to tier 6 ?
    How are my two fleet ship (Mogh and Avenger Upgrades) to tier 6 ?
    How is the Sciimitar Upgraded to tier 6 ?

    And how the Space Sets, Ground Sets, etc we ground for months for upgraded ?

    Agreed. We need info on exactly how the t5 stuff will be upgraded. This blog gets me excited but at the same time it's a disappointment.
  • rickeyredshirtrickeyredshirt Member Posts: 1,059 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    The whole thing with REDACTED...it's like they are too nerdy for their own good. It was cute once and worked but now, like the socially aloof nerd, they continue to repeat the behavior thinking they will get the same reaction again but the target audience just finds it annoying. At least there are other game developers out there who can be very technical and still make 'cool' video games.

    Also, dev blogs are supposed to be informative. There isn't much information posted in these blogs, most of if not all of this information has been posted on other websites already.
  • ddesjardinsddesjardins Member Posts: 3,056 Media Corps
    edited August 2014
    Course, with what I just said...raises the question of will we need to buy four or more different T6 ships to get the four traits, eh?

    Interesting *shudder* - Cryptic wouldn't do THAT. </sarcasm>

    I'm budgeting 3K in zen per ship, per faction and class. If it's any more than that, or god-forbid 10K zen for sets I would strongly reconsider buying more than 1 of any faction.

    Historically speaking sets are for the completists. I've gone that route a dew times and have never been impressed enough to keep the full sets active. Other than trying the set bonuses for a few STF's, I have (and most people I play with) drop everything and do a custom build.

    And lets be honest, beyond the few consoles which turn out to be OP (AA, PL, Romy Shield console), very few last with new builds.

    Given everything I have seen in the past 3 years, I may just wait until december before buying any of the new ships. I'll let others explore, compare and give feedback before I waste.. I mean invest in new ships.

    I don't feel the need to be first anymore, the first-adopter. I've been burned.. wasted zen on things I never have used more than a few time.

    Until then, I'll keep saving my dilithium.

    My Two Bits

    Admiral Thrax
  • orangeitisorangeitis Member Posts: 5,222 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    The whole thing with REDACTED...it's like they are too nerdy for their own good. It was cute once and worked but now, like the socially aloof nerd, they continue to repeat the behavior thinking they will get the same reaction again but the target audience just finds it annoying. At least there are other game developers out there who can be very technical and still make 'cool' video games.
    I don't think they're trying for any maintained response from that. It just fits is all.

    And for what it's worth, the target audience is pretty nerdy too.
  • ddesjardinsddesjardins Member Posts: 3,056 Media Corps
    edited August 2014
    The whole thing with REDACTED...it's like they are too nerdy for their own good. It was cute once and worked but now, like the socially aloof nerd, they continue to repeat the behavior thinking they will get the same reaction again but the target audience just finds it annoying. At least there are other game developers out there who can be very technical and still make 'cool' video games.

    Also, dev blogs are supposed to be informative. There isn't much information posted in these blogs, most of if not all of this information has been posted on other website already.

    The redacted part has value to Cryptic, with good reason. Some players datamine, the results if posted here would not only be a violation of the community guidelines, it might ruin the experience for lessor-addicted players.

    So my attitude is until Crytic spills the beans, I won't' mention the beans comes in multiple styles and flavours.
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    orangeitis wrote: »
    And for what it's worth, the target audience is pretty nerdy too.

    Yeah, but the word isn't exactly a trek word, so it's shelf life is shorter.
  • venkouvenkou Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    iconians wrote: »
    It's been (arguably) the single-most discussed topic...
    I agree with allot of your points.

    At the heart of the overall issue, the main problem is all about 'trust'. Cryptic has given us some great upgrades; however, the positive game additions also came with questionable twists.

    Players have spent allot of money on 'Star Trek: Online'. Cryptic really needs a slap of reality. Once they finally admit that the T5, T5.5, Lockbox, and Lobi ships are underpowered, compared to the T6 ships, I am packing my stuff and heading for the proverbial door. Its that simple.

    On a similar note, I just read the 'Tier 6 Ships' article. I walked away with the impression that the ships are reputation systems. Even though people will spend money on the ships, the players will have to unlock them through obsessive grinding. Within addition to the c-store price, players may have to also pay a dilithium and ec cost. I am also betting on timegates (game pauses). I could be drastically wrong.

    Finally, once you put money down on new T6 ships, what is to stop Cryptic from making those ships obsolete? If Cryptic can make T5, 5.5, Lockbox, and Lobi ships obsolete, the chances of them making T6 ships obsolete is astronomical. Why would anyone want to buy 'endgame' ships, which do not maintain their overall value?

    I think its time for CBS to find another developer.
  • rickeyredshirtrickeyredshirt Member Posts: 1,059 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    orangeitis wrote: »
    I don't think they're trying for any maintained response from that. It just fits is all.

    And for what it's worth, the target audience is pretty nerdy too.

    It fit once but my opinion is they've gone to well one too many times with it. True, the Star Trek audience is nerdy indeed, but just because you are a nerd doesn't mean you can't be an effective communicator.
    The redacted part has value to Cryptic, with good reason. Some players datamine, the results if posted here would not only be a violation of the community guidelines, it might ruin the experience for lessor-addicted players.

    So my attitude is until Crytic spills the beans, I won't' mention the beans comes in multiple styles and flavours.

    To echo what Iconians has said, who says this info hasn't been datamined already? There isn't much info here that we didn't already know yet they are holding back their info as if it's going to be some big surprise.
  • capnmanxcapnmanx Member Posts: 1,452 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    That Fed ship is starting to grow on me. It looks very much like a heavy cruiser, which I like. Also, judging by the trailer, it actually looks at its best when seen from above and behind (an unfortunately rare thing in STO, given that that's the position we most commonly see our ships from).

    I just wish it wasn't so angular and... blue.
  • khan5000khan5000 Member Posts: 3,008 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    daveyny wrote: »
    The only problem with that line of thinking, is that the Refurbished Intrepid will most likely be a T-6.


    This is why I believe some of the other T6 ships will be canon ships.
    Your pain runs deep.
    Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.
  • monkeybone13monkeybone13 Member Posts: 4,640 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    The whole thing with REDACTED...it's like they are too nerdy for their own good. It was cute once and worked but now, like the socially aloof nerd, they continue to repeat the behavior thinking they will get the same reaction again but the target audience just finds it annoying. At least there are other game developers out there who can be very technical and still make 'cool' video games.

    Also, dev blogs are supposed to be informative. There isn't much information posted in these blogs, most of if not all of this information has been posted on other websites already.

    Because of all the [REDACTED] TRIBBLE in the past I created a Ferasan months ago named 'Redacted' in (dis)honor of Cryptic's dev blogs. :P
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