Sure, it may not have the exact mods I want, but if I'm that invested in my weapon selection I'm not going to settle for MK XI in the first place.
I settle for Mk XI with the mods I want over paying the prices for Mk XII with the mods I want. The difference in price can be extreme...and since Mk XI to Mk XII is only 10% damage strength, meaning that I might be losing anywhere from 4.5 to 17.4 damage before weapon power, 11.25 to 43.5 at 125 weapon power, and then work in various buffs from there...well, it's nowhere near the value, imho, to justify some of the prices folks charge.
It's along the lines of why I'd never buy VR Mk XII consoles - the cost for that +1.9% was ridiculous.
It gets into the...I can spend X to get one item or I can spend X to get 3-4 items. Unless I'm in the DPS channels or doing premade PvP; I know what I'm going with...
Even if the game was 100% free, people would still be unhappy.
Cryptic could send every player a stack of $20 bills in the mail and players would complain the serial numbers on the bills weren't sequential.
Also agreed.
STO's forum goers (as well as CO and NW) are some of the most HOSTILE posters I have ever seen in a MMO. Period. It's frankly insane how bad it is. And yes, I realize what's in my sig and what I'm saying. LOL
And for all of you who are complaining about the Dil costs... Season 9.5 doesn't launch for (about) a month and a half. You can make quite a bit of Dil between now and then. Get working. Stop complaining.
True... the more they make you want to spend money for their time currency the more stupid you are....
Correct. This is the key point when it comes to pay4convenience f2p games. Cryptic is counting on ignorance, stupidity, and impatience to get those Zen dollars rolling in.
And I can't say I blame them. I do the same thing when I sell merchandise on the exchange. Cryptic is in the right for how they are approaching this particular aspect.
And for all of you who are complaining about the Dil costs... Season 9.5 doesn't launch for (about) a month and a half. You can make quite a bit of Dil between now and then. Get working. Stop complaining.
And here again is the ignorant thinking that the "complaints" are all about not enough Dilithium.....
My issue has been quite the opposite for some time... I have STACKS of raw Dil that only keeps getting higher.... and only 8.5k a day that gets ground away.....
We don't want what the Feds have. We want the equivalent. We want fairer treatment. Concern, desire, greed to some extent, and passionate belief that the enough people would buy KDF items to make it worth Cryptic's while.
The Good: Woo! Free crafting inventory slots! (still curious if this is per character and if/how there is anything like an account bank.)
The Bad: Elite Queues are the only way to get the 'end game' materials. (What's the point of alternative playstyles if you have to play the same stuff for that alternative playstyle? Already have a suggestion in mind, but I'll leave it for tribble forums when it lands there.)
The Murky: Dilithium Sinks - We'll have to see how desirable, and available, the crafted stuff is compared to what players are currently willing to spend Dilithium on.
The Awesome: Jeff, for wading through these comments and trying to answer questions. Thank you, sir!
I really don't get the balking at Dil being used to get crafted items in the new system. Did you REALLY think that suddenly a Free to Play game was going to put a new system in place to earn your choice of new end game equipment and divorce that system from the existing equity system? You must be confused about the place where your characters live and the one where you live. Either that or you need to up your meds, because they aren't doing their job of keeping your from being delusional anymore.
I think maybe some people are playing the wrong game and they need to find the Star Trek MMO that costs no money at all, gives away all the stuff in it for free with no work, but still gives you content updates every three months. That game is awesome, and as soon as it exists will put every one of these ones that need to make money to keep running out of business!
Nah, they...uh...yeah, we're not allowed to discuss what they did.
But I noticed the shift in post count/post location. Wasn't sure what caused it, but that post and the replies would have covered the real estate lost.
Nothing in those posts warranted deletion. They were just discussing what will happen to the doff missions in and transwarps to exploration clusters.
Umm, yes, I replied to Jheinig's post. He was saying clusters become interactible points like systems in a given sectors. Calling upon them is then supposed to offer appropriated doff assignements.
My guess is that someone merged two threads, and some posts were lost in the merge. Cryptic or PWE should look into this. Several posts, including one by a dev, have disappeared. In addition, the previous version of the thread below has disappeared.
I think it's viable to say that this is an improvement over the current system even in dilithium costs as VirusDancer demonstrated. It's not an ultimate solution especially to the overall dilithium problem in this game. But it will be better than what we've got.
I doubt we're going to turn Cryptic away from any dilithium cost here, but they have already stated that they're open to making adjustments and that will have to play out on Tribble I suppose.
For me, it depends on the items being crafted. Is this crafted gear sufficiently different that it will turn me away from my Advanced Fleet Phasers, my Fleet Mine RCS console, My MACO Resilient Shields and Transwarp Engine, my Fleet Core. On the balance is the time to hunt down resources, earn dilithium, and level up in the new system worth swapping out my items for the new gear? Will their be a market to purchase the gear that I'm going to build?
Currently MKXII gear is either drops from an STF, Fleet, or Bound Rep system gear. ALL Exchange Mk XII gear is either elite drops or something made from a Powered Alien Artifact. Mk XII+ crafted gear is going to completely alter that market.
So the differences are going to have to be stark and useful, but useful in a way that they work in different builds but are useless in others.
I'm interested in how that balance pans out.
"Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many they are few"
We've changed how Clusters work in 9.5 - they're now locations on the Sector Space map that was adjacent to them. There aren't any material harvesting interacts at these locations, but Doffing at them should now be much more convenient.
We're removing these missions in 9.5. To be honest, they were universally not up to the standard of quality that we want missions to be in the game, and they were also often where new players would go shortly after the tutorial and get lost.
Without giving exact numbers, I can say that you will be obtaining Uncommon and Rare materials on a regular basis while playing through content or doing Duty Officer missions. You will obtain Very Rare materials on a regular basis if you participate in elite queued content. No materials are tuned to be impossible or out of reach goals.
If the Exploration Clusters are going, so what is going to happen to the accolades associated with them?
Nothing in those posts warranted deletion. They were just discussing what will happen to the doff missions in and transwarps to exploration clusters.
Might have simply been something for a future blog post, so they didn't want the info early - something like that. Basically a "leak" sort of thing they wanted to kill so the info would be there for something else? It's the only reason I could have seen for removing it...
Thing is, it did come up as part of the blog sure why it would have been removed. Didn't check, mind you, did the original blog get changed as well?
Think the Blog#24 thing was either an oopsie or a fake oopsie to deal with all the TRIBBLE that was there...easier to oopsie it than moderate it.
At this point, I think no one will be happy until the game is 100% free.
Some of us pay subscriptions and are still restricted by this dilithium madness.
And for those of us who were around before the awful dilithium tax was introduced in every facet of the game, it is extremely frustrating.
After having waded through this entire thread up to the point where this post sits (and it was like wading through sewage-infused quicksand at times ), I have one thing to ask of those people who are curious about, asking questions of, and even kvetching about the new system ... No, I am pleading for them to do one thing:
When 9.5 lands on Tribble, TEST IT. And by test, I don't mean walk in, take a cursory glance at the system, declare that it sucks, then walk away and slam the door behind you. I mean actually test it. Work with it for an extended period of time. See not only if there are bugs with it, but how it functions in general. Then, after you've tested it, go to the feedback thread for crafting and provide CONSTRUCTIVE feedback about what you think works, what you don't think works, and how it might be improved. Just don't think something like the wholesale removal of dilithium for mk XI and XII items will happen; with a launch date of late July, it's really only the magnitude of things which can be shifted now.
Compromise is not a dirty word. The developers are not out to get you. You are just being paranoid.
I hope that we'll be able to farm samples in the voth ground battlezone. I'll probably be spending more time there slaving away at the grind to pay for the wonderful dilithium tax.
Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
It's a fair critique on its face - the key difference is that the market demand for a good and the creator's personal demand for a good are divorced in crafting, while not divorced in reputation. Since crafted stuff is BoE, crafters are able to determine more dynamically if there is a need for a given quality of good (like Mk XI gear) and will fill the niche if and only if the demand outweighs the creation cost (the "price floor").
Basically, the crafting system can serve gear for players of any level of investment in the game, while players committed enough to participate in Reputation were functionally not interested in Mk X or XI gear at the time we removed it from the system.
I think you have the yellow part backwards. Is that a typo?
Might have simply been something for a future blog post, so they didn't want the info early - something like that. Basically a "leak" sort of thing they wanted to kill so the info would be there for something else? It's the only reason I could have seen for removing it...
What information did they not want leaked? What's happening to the exploration clusters? I doubt they would delete posts over something like that. I know they usually delete threads that contain exploits. I didn't see any exploits in those posts.
We've changed how Clusters work in 9.5 - they're now locations on the Sector Space map that was adjacent to them. There aren't any material harvesting interacts at these locations, but Doffing at them should now be much more convenient.
We're removing these missions in 9.5. To be honest, they were universally not up to the standard of quality that we want missions to be in the game, and they were also often where new players would go shortly after the tutorial and get lost.
Without giving exact numbers, I can say that you will be obtaining Uncommon and Rare materials on a regular basis while playing through content or doing Duty Officer missions. You will obtain Very Rare materials on a regular basis if you participate in elite queued content. No materials are tuned to be impossible or out of reach goals.
You've made Tufflis and Suliban Cell Ships useless with this change.
Delta Rising is the best expansion ever and the players love it! No, seriously! ...Why are you laughing so hard?
What information did they not want leaked? What's happening to the exploration clusters? I doubt they would delete posts over something like that. I know they usually delete threads that contain exploits. I didn't see any exploits in those posts.
They probably don't want things to get too far off course in this thread when there's an exceedingly good chance that the exploration cluster changes will be discussed in another blog entry with its own forum thread.
When 9.5 lands on Tribble, TEST IT. And by test, I don't mean walk in, take a cursory glance at the system, declare that it sucks, then walk away and slam the door behind you. I mean actually test it. Work with it for an extended period of time. See not only if there are bugs with it, but how it functions in general. Then, after you've tested it, go to the feedback thread for crafting and provide CONSTRUCTIVE feedback about what you think works, what you don't think works, and how it might be improved. Just don't think something like the wholesale removal of dilithium for mk XI and XII items will happen; with a launch date of late July, it's really only the magnitude of things which can be shifted now.
Then after you test it, submit bug reports with precise step-by-step instructions on how to reproduce it, have personal conversations with QA who affirm these bugs exist and are documented...
... then you get to deal with Cryptic board meetings deciding what bugs can be 'tolerated' and what bugs can not. The real horrible compromise I've dealt with in terms of testing things on Tribble is that the Producers are so dead-set on releasing builds as soon as humanly possible, that they simply do not care that massive bugs are in it, no matter how many are reported, verified, and documented.
To the Producers of STO, they really do not care if you are inconvenienced or frustrated on patch day due to bugs they are already aware of, and were already made aware of when it was on Tribble. They just want it out there, and they want you and me and everybody else to 'suck it up' if things are broken, up until the developers get around to fixing it.
If they get around to fixing it.
That's the 'compromise' that's a dirty word. It isn't that there are bugs in the game, it's that the gatekeepers of STO tolerate far too many blatant and vulgar bugs for the sake of launching the build asap.
What information did they not want leaked? What's happening to the exploration clusters? I doubt they would delete posts over something like that. I know they usually delete threads that contain exploits. I didn't see any exploits in those posts.
Wasn't it a case of deleting Jesse's post and the posts that quoted Jesse's post? Thus the issue was with Jesse's post?
We're removing these missions in 9.5. To be honest, they were universally not up to the standard of quality that we want missions to be in the game, and they were also often where new players would go shortly after the tutorial and get lost.
While I understand the reasoning and I certainly agree that the exploration missions reflect badly on the rest of the game, this still makes me very sad. There is something very... well, very Star Trek about flying in uncharted space never quite knowing what you'll find. Even though I now know all the mission formulas by heart, and even though the brokenness of the missions can be frustrating, I still just enjoy the fact that I'm facing something different each time I enter an unknown system. Even now, sometimes, when I'm in the right mood/mindset, I can still suspend my disbelief, and lose myself in the voyage.
I'm gonna miss that.
I hope that y'all at Cryptic are still planning that exploration revamp. I'm sure you can make something that's way better than the current system, and I look forward to seeing it. Just... please, don't just cut the premise of "exploring strange new worlds" out of the game completely.
They probably don't want things to get too far off course in this thread when there's an exceedingly good chance that the exploration cluster changes will be discussed in another blog entry with its own forum thread.
Maybe, but I've never seen them delete posts for such a reason before.
My one hope for this system was to either not have a Dilithium cost, or to not have them absurd.
Hopes dashed, as usual. Not ONLY still there, but near DOUBLE the cost of most of Reputation Di Store gear. And look, exclusive stuff that can only be gotten by sinking tons of Dilithium into it. "Give us money or wait days on end."
I remember, pre-Season 5, STOked got a Dev on (I think it was Geko, but I could be wrong). The dev said that the refining cap was to help artificially control inflation by limiting supply. Well guess what? YOU HAVE FAILED. You wanted to limit inflation. I've taken Macro-Economics, so let me explain some Econ-technobabble here:
Increasing demand without increasing supply causes currency value to go up. People want more, but they can't have it. Know what happens? Consumer interest drops. Demand drops. Your economy collapses. Unless supply and demand can keep up with each other, your market destabilizes.
You released Dilithium shortly before Season 5. That was two and a half years ago. Let's look at what you've released since that costs Dilithium:
Dilithium Store (end-game items costing nearly 20k and not being worth half that)
Fleet Projects (Embassy TIER 1 requires 300k, and some projects cost MILLIONS)
Fleet Store (up to and including 60k Di items)
Crafting (Dilithium was added to the system when it was introduced, making the lakluster Aegis set cost 58k Di and having most other end-game utems cost 20-25k while being beaten by Rep items)
Duty Officers (most Recruitment projects cost Dilithium - up to a thousand refined a pop)
FIVE different Reputations, all with high Di costs for Set gear (with costs ranging from 9k to 40k)
Reputation Stores (with ground costs at 12k and Space costs at 29k)
Add onto THAT the Dilithium Exchange and ZEN demand... and you get a system with massive demand and an artificially capped supply that you seem unwilling to raise to even a reasonable level to accommodate that demand, with the only other ways to do it giving an extra pittance per day (and with the Mine refiner being superior to the Vet one, which is insulting to Veterans). So PLEASE, Cryptic... It's about bloody time to raise the Refining cap.
I propose thus: Silvers get a 12k cap. Gold gets 14k, Lifers get 15k. Veteran Refiner becomes similar to the Mine refiner (No DOffs, 5 seconds instead of a Geo and a Tech taking two days), but doing 750 instead of 500. And, if you really wanna make money on it... Put Refining Cap increases in the C-Store with a max at about 20k. You make money, players can refine more, small fleets aren't choked as bad because of absurd Di costs. EVERYBODY wins. It provides incentive to subscribe, but isn't detrimental to Silvers (who would still get a 4k boost anyway). And, it allows people slightly easier access to the new shinies you add every season. Because every season, there's a new Rep. Most seasons, there's a new Holding. If you continue to add Dilithium sinks, Dilithium ceases to be a gameplay reward and becomes an extra grind and hassle. You are no longer rewarding players for playing the game, you're railroading them into certain content to be able to do ANYTHING. Frankly, the refining process makes no sense from a canon standpoint (the governments of three nations pay their officers in raw materials - would be as if the US Army paid its soldiers in various metal ores instead of the coins they're later minted into and expecting the officers to mint the coins themselves), but I understand it as a game mechanic. It's just not a terribly GOOD one.
My one hope for this system was to either not have a Dilithium cost, or to not have them absurd.
Hopes dashed, as usual. Not ONLY still there, but near DOUBLE the cost of most of Reputation Di Store gear.
Have they presented us with a complete list of the Dilithium costs? No? Okay then...
Did they present a comparison of costs between 20k vs. 30-40k? Yes? Okay then...
And here again is the ignorant thinking that the "complaints" are all about not enough Dilithium.....
My issue has been quite the opposite for some time... I have STACKS of raw Dil that only keeps getting higher.... and only 8.5k a day that gets ground away.....
I'd have this problem if I hadn't bought more character slots awhile back. Having a few alts to go tinker about with when one of my characters is filled with dilithium and necessary Rep Marks for a few days really helps with this issue. Plus, it improves the rate at which you can pick up doffs for your Fleet. That's how I dealt with the problem anyway; YMMV.
With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.
Have they presented us with a complete list of the Dilithium costs? No? Okay then...
Did they present a comparison of costs between 20k vs. 30-40k? Yes? Okay then...
Right now it costs 5k Dil to make a Mk XI item and 20k Dil to make a Mk XII item. Those prices are subject to change pending testing on Tribble - our goal is to make it much cheaper to buy a given piece via crafting than it would be to just buy it from the Dilithium Store, since crafting requires time and effort as well.
You were saying?
I am only thankful that prices are subject to change, because it needs to go DOWN. Spire Tac consoles cost at MAX about 9k. We'll be able to make Mk XII purple consoles like you see on the Exchange... for 20k. Twice the cost of a Fleet item, with LESS stats.
If I hadn't been in these forums since pre-beta I'd be surprised at the number of people lobbying to get Fleet/Rep equivalent gear at zero Dilithium cost, but much loonier things have happened in that time that basic goold old fashioned greed is hardly shocking.
I disagree with that assertion. Are you telling me you wouldn't pay 5k Dil for a piece of Mk XI gear on an alt you're gearing up or for a new build you wanted to try out? That's pretty easily earned by playing content in the game.
I think the 20k may be a bit high for a Mk XII, but compared to the 30-40k range for buying gear out of Reputations or the Dil Store, it still feels pretty reasonable to me. I won't say anything further, just leave you to your whining.
We've changed how Clusters work in 9.5 - they're now locations on the Sector Space map that was adjacent to them. There aren't any material harvesting interacts at these locations, but Doffing at them should now be much more convenient.
So, how does that affect the USS Doffmobile, aka the Tuffli Freighter? Part of the appeal of it was that it could transwarp to the various clusters. Is its transwarp changing?
<signature under reconstruction>
Want cheap commodities? Yeah you do. Commodity Cheat Sheet (includes food and data samples)
Want to make the game better? Might I suggest this form
Well, it's not so much as what I was saying - which was polite - but all the things the mods would hate for me to say...
I read that post from Adjucator on my tablet when he posted it. I got odd looks from people around me then I accidentally vocalized "the hell I would" in a room full of people playing Apples to Apples and weren't discussing anything the phrase would apply to. I wouldn't spend ANY Dilithium to gear an alt - ESPECIALLY on an experimental build, where the Di could very easily be a waste. I'm in a Fleet of... about 4 or 5 max active players. My FLEET needs my Dilithium. I'm not going to waste it gearing an alt when I can dump some EC on passable gear on the Exchange and get the alt to the point where he can get the really GOOD gear.
We've changed how Clusters work in 9.5 - they're now locations on the Sector Space map that was adjacent to them. There aren't any material harvesting interacts at these locations, but Doffing at them should now be much more convenient.
We're removing these missions in 9.5. To be honest, they were universally not up to the standard of quality that we want missions to be in the game, and they were also often where new players would go shortly after the tutorial and get lost.
Well, that sucketh mightily.
I just hope that you're introducing an exploration revamp as part of the expansion...
I settle for Mk XI with the mods I want over paying the prices for Mk XII with the mods I want. The difference in price can be extreme...and since Mk XI to Mk XII is only 10% damage strength, meaning that I might be losing anywhere from 4.5 to 17.4 damage before weapon power, 11.25 to 43.5 at 125 weapon power, and then work in various buffs from there...well, it's nowhere near the value, imho, to justify some of the prices folks charge.
It's along the lines of why I'd never buy VR Mk XII consoles - the cost for that +1.9% was ridiculous.
It gets into the...I can spend X to get one item or I can spend X to get 3-4 items. Unless I'm in the DPS channels or doing premade PvP; I know what I'm going with...
Also agreed.
STO's forum goers (as well as CO and NW) are some of the most HOSTILE posters I have ever seen in a MMO. Period. It's frankly insane how bad it is. And yes, I realize what's in my sig and what I'm saying. LOL
And for all of you who are complaining about the Dil costs... Season 9.5 doesn't launch for (about) a month and a half. You can make quite a bit of Dil between now and then. Get working. Stop complaining.
Razira's Primus Database Page
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Correct. This is the key point when it comes to pay4convenience f2p games. Cryptic is counting on ignorance, stupidity, and impatience to get those Zen dollars rolling in.
And I can't say I blame them. I do the same thing when I sell merchandise on the exchange. Cryptic is in the right for how they are approaching this particular aspect.
And here again is the ignorant thinking that the "complaints" are all about not enough Dilithium.....
My issue has been quite the opposite for some time... I have STACKS of raw Dil that only keeps getting higher.... and only 8.5k a day that gets ground away.....
The Bad: Elite Queues are the only way to get the 'end game' materials. (What's the point of alternative playstyles if you have to play the same stuff for that alternative playstyle? Already have a suggestion in mind, but I'll leave it for tribble forums when it lands there.)
The Murky: Dilithium Sinks - We'll have to see how desirable, and available, the crafted stuff is compared to what players are currently willing to spend Dilithium on.
The Awesome: Jeff, for wading through these comments and trying to answer questions. Thank you, sir!
I think maybe some people are playing the wrong game and they need to find the Star Trek MMO that costs no money at all, gives away all the stuff in it for free with no work, but still gives you content updates every three months. That game is awesome, and as soon as it exists will put every one of these ones that need to make money to keep running out of business!
Nothing in those posts warranted deletion. They were just discussing what will happen to the doff missions in and transwarps to exploration clusters.
My guess is that someone merged two threads, and some posts were lost in the merge. Cryptic or PWE should look into this. Several posts, including one by a dev, have disappeared. In addition, the previous version of the thread below has disappeared.
If there is a bug in the forum software, someone should fix it.
I doubt we're going to turn Cryptic away from any dilithium cost here, but they have already stated that they're open to making adjustments and that will have to play out on Tribble I suppose.
For me, it depends on the items being crafted. Is this crafted gear sufficiently different that it will turn me away from my Advanced Fleet Phasers, my Fleet Mine RCS console, My MACO Resilient Shields and Transwarp Engine, my Fleet Core. On the balance is the time to hunt down resources, earn dilithium, and level up in the new system worth swapping out my items for the new gear? Will their be a market to purchase the gear that I'm going to build?
Currently MKXII gear is either drops from an STF, Fleet, or Bound Rep system gear. ALL Exchange Mk XII gear is either elite drops or something made from a Powered Alien Artifact. Mk XII+ crafted gear is going to completely alter that market.
So the differences are going to have to be stark and useful, but useful in a way that they work in different builds but are useless in others.
I'm interested in how that balance pans out.
If the Exploration Clusters are going, so what is going to happen to the accolades associated with them?
Might have simply been something for a future blog post, so they didn't want the info early - something like that. Basically a "leak" sort of thing they wanted to kill so the info would be there for something else? It's the only reason I could have seen for removing it...
Thing is, it did come up as part of the blog sure why it would have been removed. Didn't check, mind you, did the original blog get changed as well?
Think the Blog#24 thing was either an oopsie or a fake oopsie to deal with all the TRIBBLE that was there...easier to oopsie it than moderate it.
Some of us pay subscriptions and are still restricted by this dilithium madness.
And for those of us who were around before the awful dilithium tax was introduced in every facet of the game, it is extremely frustrating.
When 9.5 lands on Tribble, TEST IT. And by test, I don't mean walk in, take a cursory glance at the system, declare that it sucks, then walk away and slam the door behind you. I mean actually test it. Work with it for an extended period of time. See not only if there are bugs with it, but how it functions in general. Then, after you've tested it, go to the feedback thread for crafting and provide CONSTRUCTIVE feedback about what you think works, what you don't think works, and how it might be improved. Just don't think something like the wholesale removal of dilithium for mk XI and XII items will happen; with a launch date of late July, it's really only the magnitude of things which can be shifted now.
Compromise is not a dirty word. The developers are not out to get you. You are just being paranoid.
Joined January 2009
I think you have the yellow part backwards. Is that a typo?
I think being able to choose our own modifiers is probably one of the most important features they can add to the crafting system.
What information did they not want leaked? What's happening to the exploration clusters? I doubt they would delete posts over something like that. I know they usually delete threads that contain exploits. I didn't see any exploits in those posts.
You've made Tufflis and Suliban Cell Ships useless with this change.
They probably don't want things to get too far off course in this thread when there's an exceedingly good chance that the exploration cluster changes will be discussed in another blog entry with its own forum thread.
Then after you test it, submit bug reports with precise step-by-step instructions on how to reproduce it, have personal conversations with QA who affirm these bugs exist and are documented...
... then you get to deal with Cryptic board meetings deciding what bugs can be 'tolerated' and what bugs can not. The real horrible compromise I've dealt with in terms of testing things on Tribble is that the Producers are so dead-set on releasing builds as soon as humanly possible, that they simply do not care that massive bugs are in it, no matter how many are reported, verified, and documented.
To the Producers of STO, they really do not care if you are inconvenienced or frustrated on patch day due to bugs they are already aware of, and were already made aware of when it was on Tribble. They just want it out there, and they want you and me and everybody else to 'suck it up' if things are broken, up until the developers get around to fixing it.
If they get around to fixing it.
That's the 'compromise' that's a dirty word. It isn't that there are bugs in the game, it's that the gatekeepers of STO tolerate far too many blatant and vulgar bugs for the sake of launching the build asap.
Wasn't it a case of deleting Jesse's post and the posts that quoted Jesse's post? Thus the issue was with Jesse's post?
While I understand the reasoning and I certainly agree that the exploration missions reflect badly on the rest of the game, this still makes me very sad. There is something very... well, very Star Trek about flying in uncharted space never quite knowing what you'll find. Even though I now know all the mission formulas by heart, and even though the brokenness of the missions can be frustrating, I still just enjoy the fact that I'm facing something different each time I enter an unknown system. Even now, sometimes, when I'm in the right mood/mindset, I can still suspend my disbelief, and lose myself in the voyage.
I'm gonna miss that.
I hope that y'all at Cryptic are still planning that exploration revamp. I'm sure you can make something that's way better than the current system, and I look forward to seeing it. Just... please, don't just cut the premise of "exploring strange new worlds" out of the game completely.
Maybe, but I've never seen them delete posts for such a reason before.
It's possible that Jesse deleted his own post, and the other posts referencing it were automatically deleted.
Hopes dashed, as usual. Not ONLY still there, but near DOUBLE the cost of most of Reputation Di Store gear. And look, exclusive stuff that can only be gotten by sinking tons of Dilithium into it. "Give us money or wait days on end."
I remember, pre-Season 5, STOked got a Dev on (I think it was Geko, but I could be wrong). The dev said that the refining cap was to help artificially control inflation by limiting supply. Well guess what? YOU HAVE FAILED. You wanted to limit inflation. I've taken Macro-Economics, so let me explain some Econ-technobabble here:
Increasing demand without increasing supply causes currency value to go up. People want more, but they can't have it. Know what happens? Consumer interest drops. Demand drops. Your economy collapses. Unless supply and demand can keep up with each other, your market destabilizes.
You released Dilithium shortly before Season 5. That was two and a half years ago. Let's look at what you've released since that costs Dilithium:
- Dilithium Store (end-game items costing nearly 20k and not being worth half that)
- Fleet Projects (Embassy TIER 1 requires 300k, and some projects cost MILLIONS)
- Fleet Store (up to and including 60k Di items)
- Crafting (Dilithium was added to the system when it was introduced, making the lakluster Aegis set cost 58k Di and having most other end-game utems cost 20-25k while being beaten by Rep items)
- Duty Officers (most Recruitment projects cost Dilithium - up to a thousand refined a pop)
- FIVE different Reputations, all with high Di costs for Set gear (with costs ranging from 9k to 40k)
- Reputation Stores (with ground costs at 12k and Space costs at 29k)
Add onto THAT the Dilithium Exchange and ZEN demand... and you get a system with massive demand and an artificially capped supply that you seem unwilling to raise to even a reasonable level to accommodate that demand, with the only other ways to do it giving an extra pittance per day (and with the Mine refiner being superior to the Vet one, which is insulting to Veterans). So PLEASE, Cryptic... It's about bloody time to raise the Refining cap.I propose thus: Silvers get a 12k cap. Gold gets 14k, Lifers get 15k. Veteran Refiner becomes similar to the Mine refiner (No DOffs, 5 seconds instead of a Geo and a Tech taking two days), but doing 750 instead of 500. And, if you really wanna make money on it... Put Refining Cap increases in the C-Store with a max at about 20k. You make money, players can refine more, small fleets aren't choked as bad because of absurd Di costs. EVERYBODY wins. It provides incentive to subscribe, but isn't detrimental to Silvers (who would still get a 4k boost anyway). And, it allows people slightly easier access to the new shinies you add every season. Because every season, there's a new Rep. Most seasons, there's a new Holding. If you continue to add Dilithium sinks, Dilithium ceases to be a gameplay reward and becomes an extra grind and hassle. You are no longer rewarding players for playing the game, you're railroading them into certain content to be able to do ANYTHING. Frankly, the refining process makes no sense from a canon standpoint (the governments of three nations pay their officers in raw materials - would be as if the US Army paid its soldiers in various metal ores instead of the coins they're later minted into and expecting the officers to mint the coins themselves), but I understand it as a game mechanic. It's just not a terribly GOOD one.
Have they presented us with a complete list of the Dilithium costs? No? Okay then...
Did they present a comparison of costs between 20k vs. 30-40k? Yes? Okay then...
I found it very funny that when I read this post your Post Count was 2345
I'd have this problem if I hadn't bought more character slots awhile back. Having a few alts to go tinker about with when one of my characters is filled with dilithium and necessary Rep Marks for a few days really helps with this issue. Plus, it improves the rate at which you can pick up doffs for your Fleet. That's how I dealt with the problem anyway; YMMV.
You were saying?
I am only thankful that prices are subject to change, because it needs to go DOWN. Spire Tac consoles cost at MAX about 9k. We'll be able to make Mk XII purple consoles like you see on the Exchange... for 20k. Twice the cost of a Fleet item, with LESS stats.
Well, it's not so much as what I was saying - which was polite - but all the things the mods would hate for me to say... I won't say anything further, just leave you to your whining.
Otherwise, I like this.
So, how does that affect the USS Doffmobile, aka the Tuffli Freighter? Part of the appeal of it was that it could transwarp to the various clusters. Is its transwarp changing?
Want cheap commodities? Yeah you do. Commodity Cheat Sheet (includes food and data samples)
Want to make the game better? Might I suggest this form
I read that post from Adjucator on my tablet when he posted it. I got odd looks from people around me then I accidentally vocalized "the hell I would" in a room full of people playing Apples to Apples and weren't discussing anything the phrase would apply to. I wouldn't spend ANY Dilithium to gear an alt - ESPECIALLY on an experimental build, where the Di could very easily be a waste. I'm in a Fleet of... about 4 or 5 max active players. My FLEET needs my Dilithium. I'm not going to waste it gearing an alt when I can dump some EC on passable gear on the Exchange and get the alt to the point where he can get the really GOOD gear.
I'm not whining. I'm proving a point.
I just hope that you're introducing an exploration revamp as part of the expansion...
This...could be interesting.