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Stargate Hail Ba'al Rambling



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    hoan113hoan113 Member Posts: 5,933 Arc User
    jorin: *nods* i'll see if hes ready. *he says walking over to freemans room and knocking on the door*


    valendria: *she lays her head on nexas lap softly purring as she gets comfortable*


    lythe: cooperation.... its a word i never hear between the species of my galaxy. they would sooner kill each other then ever suffer the thought of working together but if its possible here then it may not be as impossible as it seems back home. thoughts for later i suppose, as for now i find my self woefully lacking in knowledge of events in this universe and its inhabitants.....
    "The rains have ceased and we are graced with another beautiful day. but you are not here to see it."
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    rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,183 Community Moderator
    Krystal: *chuckles* You underestimate me. I think I caused a temporal paradox by attacking the Annorax' core.
    Gaia: Still weirded out by everything that happened with that ship huh?
    Krystal: I got a sister out of it, and ended up fighting a guy because of an event I technically didn't take part in. Which turned out to be a misunderstanding of the shielded logs anyways.
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
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    nickkyana#2794 nickkyana Member Posts: 16,185 Arc User
    Nick: Hey, you've got good siblings. *He smiles* the only living sibling I have is locked at the bottom of a well somewhere. He's only escaped once.. should be fine *he says jokingly?*


    Freeman: Come in.


    Briana: oh there's a few with samurai I like. There's one who fights demons with his little sister, one that fights robots, another that fights robots but sent into the far fling future... There... There are a lot of samurai ones


    Adam: where do you want to start seeking that knowledge? I'm happy to assist you.
    "We have no tomorrow, but there's still hope for the future. In our struggle to survive the present, we push the future farther away. Will I see it in my lifetime? Probably not. Which means there's no time to waste. Someday the world will no longer need us. No need for the gun, or the hand to pull the trigger." -Punished Snake
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    rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,183 Community Moderator
    Gaia: Well... if he causes problems... you got a wildcard to throw at him. *points at Krystal*
    Krystal: What's that supposed to mean?
    Gaia: Water Magic, Starfleet training... multiple lifetimes of knowledge and experience... and if absolutely necessary sharp teeth.
    Krystal: Yeeeaaaa... no.
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
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    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,247 Arc User
    Janri: *She comes over and gives Val a kiss on her forehead before deciding to cook something, going to the kitchen and beginning to prepare a meal she hopes will help*


    T'Lera: I assume that's because of where it all originated from? I've had more time to watch stuff since I'm not as active. I might like to check out some of those other shows.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
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    hoan113hoan113 Member Posts: 5,933 Arc User
    jorin: we have everything set to go. all you need to do is find your crystal where ever it may be.


    valendria: *makes a small "brr" noise as janri kisses her forhead. she gently purrs for a moment before looking up at nexa, her ears folded down as she stares up at her curiously* what is it you see in me that makes you want to pursue a relationship.... *her tone sounds insecure as she shifts her eyes away suddenly*


    lythe: im not quite sure its a broad area to cover.... perhaps start with this federation and its current state.
    "The rains have ceased and we are graced with another beautiful day. but you are not here to see it."
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    nickkyana#2794 nickkyana Member Posts: 16,185 Arc User
    Nick: Well let's hope he doesn't escape. *He smiles and continues to eat his slice of chocolate cheesecake* man is a bast*ard of the highest order.


    Freeman: alright. Where to then?


    Briana: I like the sound of that. *She smiles and nods* assuming you want company to watch with


    Adam: well right now we're defending from an insectoid species that seems to be on a mindless rampage after waking from a long hibernation, consuming whatever is in their wake. They're called the Hur'q... That's the most recent thing I can think of... Okay tell me which parts of the federation's current state you wanna hear because starting off with armed conflict isn't the best look.
    "We have no tomorrow, but there's still hope for the future. In our struggle to survive the present, we push the future farther away. Will I see it in my lifetime? Probably not. Which means there's no time to waste. Someday the world will no longer need us. No need for the gun, or the hand to pull the trigger." -Punished Snake
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    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,247 Arc User
    Nexa: Maybe it's the cute look in your eyes when you're excited, maybe it's how emotive you can be with your ears... maybe it's how beautiful you are, or the way you move when you kiss me. Or, maybe I just find you fascinating, beautiful, and feel a warmth in my heart when I'm around you. *she boops Valendria's nose playfully before petting her* I've been through a lot Val, I'm... different than I was before, I'm not disjointed or separated thanks to what I went through but... I still love you, no matter what.


    T'Lera: Of course! Why wouldn't I? *she smiles to Bri, leaning into her as the show continues*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
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    rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,183 Community Moderator
    Krystal: If he does... its the 25th Century. We got a LOT of options that he won't be ready for.
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
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    hoan113hoan113 Member Posts: 5,933 Arc User
    jorin: there are a few places but you'll have to hear it's call first, its a trial that all younglings go thru to craft their own lightsaber. first it begins with a meditation ritual to point you in the right direction.


    valendria: *starts to blush as she makes a cat like "mrrrp" sound when nexa pokes her nose after which her ears fold down bashfully and her purr sounding content* thank you..... you and janri mean a lot to me. for once in my life i feel like i finally have some one to rely on and share my life with..... i love you nexa. *slowly wrapping her arms around nexa she gazes into her eyes for a moment pulling her into a passionate kiss*


    lythe: why would it not be? i am a warrior after all, taking a life is as easy as breathing to me. you see where i come from pacifism is for the most part suicide. you either fight and survive or your carcass feeds the wild life there is no there option with what the eldar face in my galaxy. what i want to know is how this peace loving federation has not simply been stomped out by its betters? how is it that they can survive....
    "The rains have ceased and we are graced with another beautiful day. but you are not here to see it."
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    nickkyana#2794 nickkyana Member Posts: 16,185 Arc User
    Nick: last time he got out was..... The 18th century? Should be fine but I don't wanna check on him if I'm perfect honest. Too painful.


    Freeman: okay what do we do then


    Briana: then a marathon we shall have. Hopefully we'll have Kara with us for it


    Adam: I don't know about the whole betters part, all I know is that every time the federation existence is threatened, we always make it by. Take the iconian war. There is is an ancient civilization back from the dead. Can be anywhere they want instantly with their gates... You've seen them... Well one of them. We ended that war without having to destroy them all or being destroyed ourselves. We made peace with them right when things seemed bleakest.
    "We have no tomorrow, but there's still hope for the future. In our struggle to survive the present, we push the future farther away. Will I see it in my lifetime? Probably not. Which means there's no time to waste. Someday the world will no longer need us. No need for the gun, or the hand to pull the trigger." -Punished Snake
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    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,247 Arc User
    Nexa: *She's not too surprised by the kiss, holding Valendria tight and looking into her eyes as she enjoys the moment, glad that she was able to ease Val's mind*


    T'Lera: I'd like that. She'll probably be a while, so we've got this show to work on for now. *she smiles enjoying the action*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
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    rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,183 Community Moderator
    Gaia: Well... don't worry about it right now. Lets just get back so that we can plan our next move, and let Krystal get back to being a grouchy admiral who knows Cruisers.
    Krystal: Hey!
    Gaia: *laughs* Couldn't resist.
    Krystal: Resist. Please.
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
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    hoan113hoan113 Member Posts: 5,933 Arc User
    jorin: we sit down and meditate and hopefully you will hear the call of your crystal. *he takes off his helmet setting it next to him as he sits down on the ground in a meditative position* here sit with me.


    valendria: *stares up at nexa for a moment before her eyes start to close, her purring turns into a light snore as she falls asleep in nexa's lap*


    *in a large library dimly lit by torches alucard paces in contemplation*

    alucard: a family.... is it even possible for me to have had one.... *he stares at the darkness of the ceiling for a while before letting out a light giggle that slowly builds into a bellowing manacle laugh which ends as he sighs* of course not, this girl is not of my kin. i should put such foolish notions behind me.


    lythe: so coexistence is possible here with out the need for total annihilation of either one or both warring species..... interesting this universe is constantly challenging everything ive come to know as certain. there was never such a thing as peaceful coexistence. not with the warp or the imperium of mans fanatic xenophobia. logically the best chance for a future of any sort would be to set aside this fighting and focus on the threat that the orks, necrons, tyranids and warp spawns of chaos..... a small summery of where i came from is for all intents and purposes a free for all. there is no such thing as working together and peace has never truly been possible in over four thousand years, there is only war....
    "The rains have ceased and we are graced with another beautiful day. but you are not here to see it."
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    nickkyana#2794 nickkyana Member Posts: 16,185 Arc User
    Nick: Got her back to grouchy already, that's a record. *he chuckles*


    Freeman: *takes off his helmet and puts down his tools, sitting on the ground facing jorin, closing his eyes.*


    Briana: I've watched this a lot with Kara, so I don't think she'd mind missing out a slight bit.


    Adam: That sounds.... extremely dark and grim...
    "We have no tomorrow, but there's still hope for the future. In our struggle to survive the present, we push the future farther away. Will I see it in my lifetime? Probably not. Which means there's no time to waste. Someday the world will no longer need us. No need for the gun, or the hand to pull the trigger." -Punished Snake
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    rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,183 Community Moderator
    Gaia: Hey... Do you even remember how I came about? She's been responsible for her ship and crew and that's had an impact on her. Yea I have her memories up to a point, but I didn't have those responsibilities. And I happened to go down a more freewheeling path than her afterwords because my personality was less restricted by default.
    Krystal: You also tried to seduce Shadow, which failed miserably. Hell... I think you scared him.
    Gaia: Eh... hehe...
    Krystal: Although I'm pretty sure your lack of seduction skills did come from me. I suck at it.
    Gaia: And honestly they never did improve... but I still had time for a family, then we both lost that. At least you still have your kids.
    Krystal: And you gained parents and a sister. *sigh* I think this whole thing with the Hur'q is driving us all up a wall. And Ijoula's also been expressing concern over the lack of Klingon attention. And... I think she's right. Something odd is happening. The Klingons sitting out a war with their greatest enemy?
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
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    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,247 Arc User
    *Nexa strokes her hair as she rests, sighing contently. She watches the show she put on, Janri smiling softly as she gives Nexa some food, saving a portion for Val for later*


    T'Lera: I'm fine watching this until she gets back, we might be at this for a while but this show is fun so far.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
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    hoan113hoan113 Member Posts: 5,933 Arc User
    jorin: let the force guide you to the calling. *he says trying to help freeman focus*


    kara: *portals into her forge quickly dropping off the materials she's gathered before opening another portal and leaving*


    lythe: well yes. i do come from a dying race after all, we're long lived and have low birth rates. for every one eldar child born 10 are killed in battle.... its exactly the opposite of you humans with small life spans and high birth rates. you may be considered an adult but i am merely 200 years old. my age is more equivalent to a teenager or perhaps younger.
    "The rains have ceased and we are graced with another beautiful day. but you are not here to see it."
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    nickkyana#2794 nickkyana Member Posts: 16,185 Arc User
    Nick; that's why we have the sword of Kahless now. *He points to the Bat'leth he put near the couch* we're gonna make sure it ends up in the hands of someone who will use it to do the right thing.... Klingons aside. *He turns to Gaia, putting a hand on her cheek* I think your seduction skills are great and... I'm glad we're able to start a family together.... I know it won't bring them back or replace them. I'm hoping it'll help seal the wound to have a family again... I love you.


    Freeman: *meditates, focusing as he remains mostly silent*


    Briana: glad you're enjoying it


    Adam: I didn't realize. Hope that doesn't make all this weirder.... At least here it's peaceful. Maybe there is a way to get some of your people here where you don't have to worry about war like that. It's optimistic sure but... *He sighs*
    "We have no tomorrow, but there's still hope for the future. In our struggle to survive the present, we push the future farther away. Will I see it in my lifetime? Probably not. Which means there's no time to waste. Someday the world will no longer need us. No need for the gun, or the hand to pull the trigger." -Punished Snake
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    rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,183 Community Moderator
    Gaia: *nods*
    Krystal: J'mpok seems dead set on keeping the Empire out of it. But maybe General Martok, who still holds a lot of respect in the Empire...
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
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    hoan113hoan113 Member Posts: 5,933 Arc User
    *freeman has a vision of a frozen planet with a light that shines on its horizon, the light draws his focus in its direction*

    jorin: can you feel it?


    *a portal forms a few feet from briana with kara stepping out of it as she pulls a crude looking arrow out of her chest and throws it in to the portal before closing it*

    kara: well.... thats finally done. how long has it been? *she walks over with two arrows still stuck in her upper back and shoulder*


    lythe: im not sure the circumstances of my arrival can be replicated.... besides not every eldar is as agreeable as i. in fact they can be very much the opposite. it is for the best that they never leave.... lest this galaxy be brought to ruin by the denizens of my home.
    "The rains have ceased and we are graced with another beautiful day. but you are not here to see it."
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    nickkyana#2794 nickkyana Member Posts: 16,185 Arc User
    Nick: The General is an Honorable man. If anyone in the Klingon Empire could, its him. that's why I'm going to let Quark give the Sword to him.


    Freeman: I think so... I can see the snow... Feel the cold like it was on my skin... Where is this?


    Briana: Oh hey, you weren't gone all that long so far. *She stands up and walks over to Kara* want me to get the arrow removal stuff or are you just gonna yank it out?


    Adam: Noted. Do you plan on or even want to go back after seeing this place, knowing that it's so.... Unobtainable there? Or are you thinking the only of your race here thing? Cause we've had a few like that before. Sorry if I seem a bit... Overly casual with the discussion. It's just a lot to take in and treating it this way helps me cope with it.
    "We have no tomorrow, but there's still hope for the future. In our struggle to survive the present, we push the future farther away. Will I see it in my lifetime? Probably not. Which means there's no time to waste. Someday the world will no longer need us. No need for the gun, or the hand to pull the trigger." -Punished Snake
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    rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,183 Community Moderator
    Krystal: An elaborate, crazy plan that is working.
    Gaia: Hey... you don't have the monopoly on crazy plans you know.
    Krystal: I know.
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
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    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,247 Arc User
    T'Lera: *she looks surprised by the injuries, but raises an eyebrow* You look like you've had a bit of an adventure. *she comes over to look at the Arrows, wondering just where Kara wound up*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
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    hoan113hoan113 Member Posts: 5,933 Arc User
    jorin: hmm, there are few places that produce crystals but ive only heard stories of a frozen crystal cave.... i dont actually know what the planet is called or where it is. *he sighs* i suppose that would be something jaessa knows more on then i do.


    kara: i cant really reach the last two so just go ahead and pull them out. *upon closer inspection kara is actually wearing the garb of a dunedain ranger with a hooded cloak, the attire looks frayed and charred at the edges with slash marks in the tunic showing some sort of chainmail* i think its been three months for me... i dont remember fully tho. the beskar was the easy part of all this it was mythral that i took the longest. first off i had to find middle earth cause i cant really gate into a place ive never been too before with out doing a long ritual that places me randomly with in the area im trying to go. i ended up with a bunch of wood elves so i decided to blend in so i wouldnt attract to much attention.... but yeah i'll need help with these arrows....


    lythe: im not sure yet.... i wouldnt know how to return even if i wanted to. *she pauses for a moment* for now i suppose i will remain.
    "The rains have ceased and we are graced with another beautiful day. but you are not here to see it."
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    nickkyana#2794 nickkyana Member Posts: 16,185 Arc User
    Nick: I guess its time to get some sleep, or at least pretend to and end up doing other things really. You're welcome to stick around and watch a movie with us or something, Krystal. or keep talking. We should be at DS9 in a few hours.


    Freeman: If I could find my old group, one of the jedi from there could know too. maybe we could chase that lead.


    Briana: Do you want me to just yank them or do you want me to get the thing that makes them easier to get out? *she grabs the shaft of an arrow, waiting for a call*


    Adam: I know it must be a difficult and complicated decision to make... If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm willing to listen.
    "We have no tomorrow, but there's still hope for the future. In our struggle to survive the present, we push the future farther away. Will I see it in my lifetime? Probably not. Which means there's no time to waste. Someday the world will no longer need us. No need for the gun, or the hand to pull the trigger." -Punished Snake
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    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,247 Arc User
    T'Lera: *she comes over to help with the other arrow* Whats the thing that helps get these out? Has this happened before?
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
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    rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,183 Community Moderator
    Krystal: I should probably get some sleep.
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
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    hoan113hoan113 Member Posts: 5,933 Arc User
    jorin: do you know where there last known location was?


    kenzie: *finishes up buffing out a the dents on her helmet and armor* well that should do it... i wonder when we'll be heading out.


    kara: id be surprised if you've seen this kind of wound before. no its not a common occurance at all considering how ancient the weaponry is, humanity stopped using bows and arrows as their ranged tech a thousand or so years ago but dont worry about it, just go ahead and yank it out. i can take it.


    lythe: complicated yes, and difficult i suppose as i have no way of returning with out the proper knowledge of universal traversing.... if such a thing is even possible to replicate. or if such knowledge exists, i wouldnt know where to even begin so its only logical that i not worry over events beyond my control. while it may not be ideal.. i will find some way to adapt. *she looks down at him quizzically* you seem awfully invested in my well being for a stranger. do all humans of this galaxy possess this friendly disposition?
    "The rains have ceased and we are graced with another beautiful day. but you are not here to see it."
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    nickkyana#2794 nickkyana Member Posts: 16,185 Arc User
    Nick; Couch or spare room offer is still open. If not I sent the quarters info to your PADD in case you have trouble finding it. Goodnight.


    Freeman: I know they wanted to retire to Lothal.


    Briana: there's a tool observation teams assigned to primitive worlds use, or exploration vessels. Though you can replicate them easily. Seems we're not using them *she suddenly Yanks out the arrow* There!


    Adam: Not all but a significant amount. There are always going to be detractors. Those who want strife and chaos for the sake of strife and chaos. Or their own personal gain. But I uhh... I've never met a work of art such as you before.
    "We have no tomorrow, but there's still hope for the future. In our struggle to survive the present, we push the future farther away. Will I see it in my lifetime? Probably not. Which means there's no time to waste. Someday the world will no longer need us. No need for the gun, or the hand to pull the trigger." -Punished Snake
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