also, the fact KDF consoles in general are better than the FED ones says a lot(plasmonic leech being the main offender).
KDF may have some what "better" t1 to t4 consoles. T5? Feds take that. I wish a KDF side could pull off some of the Vesta's tricks. In one button press a good nebula flyer can ruin a KDF player day. And look at what the new escort can do. The bomb looks like a better scimitar blast. I could keep talking. Why? Cause Starfleet has a crapton of t5 ships with awesome consoles.
Giving aceton console to fed it would be like another nail in the kdf's coffin.
"There already is a Borg faction, its called the Federation. They assimilate everyone else's technology and remove any biological or technical distinctiveness and add it to their own."
I refuse to be content
Giving aceton console to fed it would be like another nail in the kdf's coffin.
Yeah but with basically everything ever released ever in the history of ever-ness has been yet another nail, there have to be more nails than wood at this point. DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Which is a retcont. that is based on the Orion Syndicate = All Orions BS.
Seriously are all Italians in the Mafia, are all Russians in the Russian Mob, or are all Japanese Yukuza members becuase that's the logic I'm getting from this.
The U.S.S Enterprise NCC-1701, in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
Except it isn't the Picard Maneuver, if anything Photonic Displacer is closer to the Picard Maneuver as it leaves something else to target...the Subspace Jump just teleports you from a to behind.
So what you're telling me is all Orions who aren't part of the Syndicate chose to remain on a depleted planet?
I think if Italy, Russia, or Japan was suddenly becoming depleted or unlivable I think all of them would get out of there...not just the criminal population.
Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
i think it should, if only to see the folks who take this game way too seriously explode in anger at the forums, doubly so because its a PvP console.
also, the fact KDF consoles in general are better than the FED ones says a lot(plasmonic leech being the main offender).
You have to remember the KDF started as a faction you could only start when you reached level 24 on a Fed character. Also there as not much content for them so it was PvP leveling or some seriously eye gouging grind. They had to give people incentives to create KDF toons and I think the consoles were one of them.
Even now they are still missing a decent level of content and ships. The problem is there aren't enough KDF player so they don't want to "waste" time or money making things for them, however a possible reason is the lack of content and ships. This is one of the situation where the saying "you've got to spend money to make money" is pretty apt.
You have to remember the KDF started as a faction you could only start when you reached level 24 on a Fed character. Also there as not much content for them so it was PvP leveling or some seriously eye gouging grind. They had to give people incentives to create KDF toons and I think the consoles were one of them.
Well in fact they started at level one just like Feds did. They had bonus daily missions (and still do) that involve killing Federation Players (not NPCs) as well as Klingon players. (Nvak and old KvK) Guess the klingon Captain killer is now easier to get.
The level 24 thing was them throwing there hands up come F2P and admitting they where not going to be creating a real Klingon leveling experience any time soon. They didn't want to scare people away when they rolled a klingon and saw a 2 year old game that was annoying to play for the first 30 or so levels.
Well in fact they started at level one just like Feds did. They had bonus daily missions (and still do) that involve killing Federation Players (not NPCs) as well as Klingon players. (Nvak and old KvK) Guess the klingon Captain killer is now easier to get.
The level 24 thing was them throwing there hands up come F2P and admitting they where not going to be creating a real Klingon leveling experience any time soon. They didn't want to scare people away when they rolled a klingon and saw a 2 year old game that was annoying to play for the first 30 or so levels.
Proving you have no idea what you're talking about. Klingons started at lieutenant going all the way back to 2010 which is when I began playing them. But by all means, continue sharing your facts with us...they're very entertaining.
Those daily missions were written by Cryptic's story writers that pretty much turned jem pok and company into baddies. It was bad story writing so don't blame it on kdf players.
To the op, nice fail logic. Because giving the feds aceton assimilator doesn't erode faction uniqueness more...rightttt...
Giving aceton console to fed it would be like another nail in the kdf's coffin.
But with them zombies you cannot have enough nails in the coffin. :P
This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
So erm - no
* AA should stay kdf only.
* I would support the KDF getting a few more of the fed toys - eg regent torp.
But...what did get me thinking was talk of a Picard Manuever console...
Think of it as a mix between a photonic displacer (when activated creates a targetable copy of your ship at the location that you were and which lasts for 10 secs and is invulnerable) and the subspace jump (only instead of jumping to a few km behind ur target you jump to 0.1km away straight in the direction you were approaching from.) It would also cloak you with sheilds still up for 10 secs and give you +9999 stealth and potentially +100% accuracy (as missing from point blank range is silly).
Also, the counters are things like tractor beam (or TBR) - like in the episode TNG The Battle...
if you have targetted the decoy with a TB it will 'catch' the real ship and deflect its fire.
It would be epic and could be put on the constellation retrofit that is due out soon...I would buy it (fed only ofc!!)
So erm - no
* AA should stay kdf only.
* I would support the KDF getting a few more of the fed toys - eg regent torp.
But...what did get me thinking was talk of a Picard Manuever console...
Think of it as a mix between a photonic displacer (when activated creates a targetable copy of your ship at the location that you were and which lasts for 10 secs and is invulnerable) and the subspace jump (only instead of jumping to a few km behind ur target you jump to 0.1km away straight in the direction you were approaching from.) It would also cloak you with sheilds still up for 10 secs and give you +9999 stealth and potentially +100% accuracy (as missing from point blank range is silly).
Also, the counters are things like tractor beam (or TBR) - like in the episode TNG The Battle...
if you have targetted the decoy with a TB it will 'catch' the real ship and deflect its fire.
It would be epic and could be put on the constellation retrofit that is due out soon...I would buy it (fed only ofc!!)
I would have no issue with the feds getting a Picard Manuever console, though I would think it would be better suited as a special veteran ability on a hero level Boff.
Once again somebody who is lazy that does not want to create more than 1 character and have everything at his fingertips.
Grow up and create another character on the KDF buddy. Not every faction needs the same tech. Already cookie cutter enough.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
So erm - no
* AA should stay kdf only.
* I would support the KDF getting a few more of the fed toys - eg regent torp.
But...what did get me thinking was talk of a Picard Manuever console...
Think of it as a mix between a photonic displacer (when activated creates a targetable copy of your ship at the location that you were and which lasts for 10 secs and is invulnerable) and the subspace jump (only instead of jumping to a few km behind ur target you jump to 0.1km away straight in the direction you were approaching from.) It would also cloak you with sheilds still up for 10 secs and give you +9999 stealth and potentially +100% accuracy (as missing from point blank range is silly).
Also, the counters are things like tractor beam (or TBR) - like in the episode TNG The Battle...
if you have targetted the decoy with a TB it will 'catch' the real ship and deflect its fire.
It would be epic and could be put on the constellation retrofit that is due out soon...I would buy it (fed only ofc!!)
I'm pretty sure a "Picard Maneuver" type console is comming for Feds with the Constellation Class soon, which we know is comming since the Constellation saucer section somehow leaked to the Heavy Cruisers on Holodeck a while ago.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
*chuckles* Another one eh? Well here's some stuff I'm sure folks like the OP will ignore:
1. So you said an AA was laid down and a Fed's pets starting shooting at it. Then the moron who was letting that happen should know better and keep a closer on on his/her pets. Also, why didn't you move?
you don't have that fine control of pets. if they are engaged even recall will not get then to break off.
The Feds getting the AA is ridiculous not because "feds deserve to have everything" but because it is not the kind of weapon they would ever use. It crazy that they already have access to the Theta Radiation Vents.
I mean the plasmonic leech is one thing but the Federation would NEVER use weapons like the AA or Vents as it goes against their whole philosophy. I mean I could see some captain in the pocket of Section 31 maybe using one, but that would be a very rare case.
I think the problem is how many acetons are able to drop in a select area for complete denial of larger ships, coupled with firing distance, the klinks enjoy hiding and baiting other players to get into their life draining trap which requires near to no effort to setup, and a nearly indestructible trap that is not easily disabled with focus fire in the heat of battle they act almost as a complete player without the dps. One of the biggest problems with them is their ability to target cloaked ships, which is also a gripe I have with the voth ship. If it cant see you, why can it hurt you? It requires very little skill to pull someone out of cloak with these, and there are plenty of bof abilities that offer anti-cloak.
They should either have mine level destructibility with all the perks, or have some sort of drain cap installed, as no one should be able to completely lock down areas in space. Seeing 3-6 of these placed in a high combat area is annoying.
In fact if the Klingons want this ability, the Federation should have its own spammable near invincible platforms too, they get the aoe pull similar to the undine ability, and while being pulled, your engines are disabled.
If the title of this thread is changed to : "KDF needs to get TDF", all the *rightgeous Klin-gone herores* in this thread will suddenly change their tune (I.e. To hell with faction uniqueness) and cry for the access to TDF.
If the title of this thread is changed to : "KDF needs to get TDF", all the *rightgeous Klin-gone herores* in this thread will suddenly change their tune (I.e. To hell with faction uniqueness) and cry for the access to TDF.
Hypocrisy at its best, *honor* Klin-gone style!
BS, I for one have no desire to get the TDF.
Lol, hypocrisy if the KDF desires something but "balance" when the feds act the same.
If the title of this thread is changed to : "KDF needs to get TDF", all the *rightgeous Klin-gone herores* in this thread will suddenly change their tune (I.e. To hell with faction uniqueness) and cry for the access to TDF.
Hypocrisy at its best, *honor* Klin-gone style!
Oh look, the guy that claims to have stopped playing STO months ago, still crying about the KDF! :rolleyes:
I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
Yet many see the Klingons as an all warrior chest thumping society. So why not take it on the word of the backstory written for STO that all Orions are the syndicate? It fits with the view of many of the races in the IP.
Plus if you are appealing to the IP then the Klingon faction would only let you play as a Klingon or a liberated Borg Klingon, no ifs ands or buts.
I think if Italy, Russia, or Japan was suddenly becoming depleted or unlivable I think all of them would get out of there...not just the criminal population.
Whereas I think they would move to another freaking area like they do in real life which would be considerably easier to do in the trek-verse.
also, the fact KDF consoles in general are better than the FED ones says a lot(plasmonic leech being the main offender).
KDF may have some what "better" t1 to t4 consoles. T5? Feds take that. I wish a KDF side could pull off some of the Vesta's tricks. In one button press a good nebula flyer can ruin a KDF player day. And look at what the new escort can do. The bomb looks like a better scimitar blast. I could keep talking. Why? Cause Starfleet has a crapton of t5 ships with awesome consoles.
I refuse to be content
Yeah but with basically everything ever released ever in the history of ever-ness has been yet another nail, there have to be more nails than wood at this point. DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
[muffled shrieks]
Except it isn't the Picard Maneuver, if anything Photonic Displacer is closer to the Picard Maneuver as it leaves something else to target...the Subspace Jump just teleports you from a to behind.
So what you're telling me is all Orions who aren't part of the Syndicate chose to remain on a depleted planet?
I think if Italy, Russia, or Japan was suddenly becoming depleted or unlivable I think all of them would get out of there...not just the criminal population.
Because seeing them get spammed in PvP would make my day.
The end of the silly faw cruiser. Couldn't happen soon enough.
I am also always happy to see a new revenue stream open up.
You have to remember the KDF started as a faction you could only start when you reached level 24 on a Fed character. Also there as not much content for them so it was PvP leveling or some seriously eye gouging grind. They had to give people incentives to create KDF toons and I think the consoles were one of them.
Even now they are still missing a decent level of content and ships. The problem is there aren't enough KDF player so they don't want to "waste" time or money making things for them, however a possible reason is the lack of content and ships. This is one of the situation where the saying "you've got to spend money to make money" is pretty apt.
Well in fact they started at level one just like Feds did. They had bonus daily missions (and still do) that involve killing Federation Players (not NPCs) as well as Klingon players. (Nvak and old KvK) Guess the klingon Captain killer is now easier to get.
The level 24 thing was them throwing there hands up come F2P and admitting they where not going to be creating a real Klingon leveling experience any time soon. They didn't want to scare people away when they rolled a klingon and saw a 2 year old game that was annoying to play for the first 30 or so levels.
Proving you have no idea what you're talking about. Klingons started at lieutenant going all the way back to 2010 which is when I began playing them. But by all means, continue sharing your facts with us...they're very entertaining.
Those daily missions were written by Cryptic's story writers that pretty much turned jem pok and company into baddies. It was bad story writing so don't blame it on kdf players.
To the op, nice fail logic. Because giving the feds aceton assimilator doesn't erode faction uniqueness more...rightttt...
But with them zombies you cannot have enough nails in the coffin. :P
* AA should stay kdf only.
* I would support the KDF getting a few more of the fed toys - eg regent torp.
But...what did get me thinking was talk of a Picard Manuever console...
Think of it as a mix between a photonic displacer (when activated creates a targetable copy of your ship at the location that you were and which lasts for 10 secs and is invulnerable) and the subspace jump (only instead of jumping to a few km behind ur target you jump to 0.1km away straight in the direction you were approaching from.) It would also cloak you with sheilds still up for 10 secs and give you +9999 stealth and potentially +100% accuracy (as missing from point blank range is silly).
Also, the counters are things like tractor beam (or TBR) - like in the episode TNG The Battle...
if you have targetted the decoy with a TB it will 'catch' the real ship and deflect its fire.
It would be epic and could be put on the constellation retrofit that is due out soon...I would buy it
*Season 9,5... - SPACEBAR keybind removed :eek:
I would have no issue with the feds getting a Picard Manuever console, though I would think it would be better suited as a special veteran ability on a hero level Boff.
Dude, check the game you are playing, because i think you are confused...
Grow up and create another character on the KDF buddy. Not every faction needs the same tech. Already cookie cutter enough.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
I'm pretty sure a "Picard Maneuver" type console is comming for Feds with the Constellation Class soon, which we know is comming since the Constellation saucer section somehow leaked to the Heavy Cruisers on Holodeck a while ago.
I think seems is the operative word there.
Ahhh. T'other thread makes sense now.
See there is a method to my madness. MUHAHAHAHA!
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
free jkname
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
you don't have that fine control of pets. if they are engaged even recall will not get then to break off.
I mean the plasmonic leech is one thing but the Federation would NEVER use weapons like the AA or Vents as it goes against their whole philosophy. I mean I could see some captain in the pocket of Section 31 maybe using one, but that would be a very rare case.
I loled good one
They should either have mine level destructibility with all the perks, or have some sort of drain cap installed, as no one should be able to completely lock down areas in space. Seeing 3-6 of these placed in a high combat area is annoying.
In fact if the Klingons want this ability, the Federation should have its own spammable near invincible platforms too, they get the aoe pull similar to the undine ability, and while being pulled, your engines are disabled.
Hypocrisy at its best, *honor* Klin-gone style!
BS, I for one have no desire to get the TDF.
Lol, hypocrisy if the KDF desires something but "balance" when the feds act the same.
Oh look, the guy that claims to have stopped playing STO months ago, still crying about the KDF! :rolleyes:
Fair enough, pets can be pretty stupid, I won't deny that.
Even so, why didn't the OP move away?
Plus if you are appealing to the IP then the Klingon faction would only let you play as a Klingon or a liberated Borg Klingon, no ifs ands or buts.
Whereas I think they would move to another freaking area like they do in real life which would be considerably easier to do in the trek-verse.
This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies. ~Askray