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To the PVE community, Why don't you PVP?



  • amalefactoramalefactor Member Posts: 511 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    jonsills wrote: »
    Okay, I went ahead and skipped to the end, and sure enough, the PvP crowd showed up in force to demonstrate exactly why I don't PvP. Toxicity, elitism, contempt for anyone having BadWrongFun by not killing each other all the time - the exact issues that have driven me away from PvP in every other MMO I've tried. (That's part of why EvE Online didn't even stay on my hard drive until the end of the trial period - it's almost nothing but PvP, which is kind of what "EvE" stands for.)

    I just don't enjoy hanging out with a bunch of Stop Having Fun Guys, is what it all boils down to.

    Incredibly, I think some of those guys, especially "Dontshoot", are so deluded with self-importance that they can't even see what they're doing, even in this thread, to repulse people.

    They are likely of a mindset of "how come these mere peasants dont appreciate their skilled superior overlords, they are so jelly".
  • amalefactoramalefactor Member Posts: 511 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    hippiejon wrote: »
    Hey look, if I am being honest here, the kind of posts you have been making are full of insults as well. In glass houses, stones should not be thrown. That's all I am pointing out.

    I still believe that there can be constructive discussion here regarding ways to make the PvP experience, both welcoming and fun for the more casual PvE community.

    There are no markable rewards for PvPing except a few bragging rights.
    There seems to be a concensus that the general attitude of the basic queues is , lacking.
    Many of us can't be bothered with crazy new gear and perfect builds, etc

    I propose someone start a "casual PvE/P" in game channel. People should be welcome, so long as they are understanding of the very casual nature of the people using the channel. Those who want to can have matches they agree on, Heck an all Shuttles, or all T2 and common gear fight. That kind of thing .

    To me that'd be the kind of place that a skilled PvPer who feels like it could come connect in a very casual way with the PvErs who have some mild interest in PvP.

    Whatever, I'm just throwing ideas into the air here, but lets get this thread back on the track of how do we make PvP more appealing?

    This thread WAS constructive, until the PVP guys had to come in and remind everyone exactly why so many of us don't pvp. If you can't see that here, you're part of the problem.

    It is much more likely to resume to be that way when the PVPers that wanted to come in here and be condescending figure out the point of the thread doesn't really require their input, instead the input of the PVEers pushed away by their antics.
  • hippiejonhippiejon Member Posts: 1,581 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    This thread WAS constructive, until the PVP guys had to come in ...

    And it can remain constructive.
    People simply need to ignore further insults. If someone insults you, in an internet forum (oh No! The world has ended!) , when you give them nothing to respond to, and just continue your conversation, eventually the "TRIBBLE and vinegar" crowd realize that for all their blustering, no one cares about someone who treats others that way.

    There are many great ideas, hidden in this thread.
    The rest of us, can simply move forward, and have real constructive discussion about ways to improve upon our PvP experience. None of us would have responded to the OPs question if we didn't at least have some casual interest in having more fun IF we decide to PvP.

    I just think we should all stop fighting and insulting each other, admit where we have, say "damn, I was a jerk right there, sorry" , and brainstorm actual ideas about improving player experience.

    I know that's never gonna happen.
    It's a dream.
    This is an internet forum :)

    EDIT to add:
    because I am sure someone took offense to some of my words.

    "Damn, I was jerk right there. Could have said that better or less angry. Sorry, Guys."
  • crusader2007crusader2007 Member Posts: 1,882 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    14070581 wrote:
    Oh Really ?

    This thread is about what are the reasons we (the PvE community) do not currently PvP. Yes, some of those reasons are going to be quite toxic, somewhat angry, but man, that's to be expected. If you are not one of the people being discussed, then you should have let it slide off your back.

    The second purpose of the thread, is to try and brainstorm ideas for ways in which we (the more casual PvE player base) can find PvP enjoyable. What things we might be looking for.

    NONE of the things you have contributed to the thread have done anything to advance these topics. Instead, with your every elitist, insulting word, you continue to prove one of the reasons most of us DON'T PvP. The attitude and "better than you" BS we have encountered in your elite PvP community that is so above our little "peasant" tier of play.

    The above is quite true. I used to love PvPs until I realized that there are a "few" groups of the "same" people doing the same pre-made or grouping with the same type of individuals. They don't seem to care about enjoying a "good" fight but be-littling other players and almost to the notion of hazing and harassing them away from the match. IT IS A SICK agenda that some fleets perpetuate. A good solution would be to RANDOMIZE PvP matches (as outline by some) or at least have a Q for random PvP and another for pre-mades/groups. This would help best with the "pack" mentality currently going on PvP matches. Not insulting anyone just being objective and stating IMO what I see the de-evolution of this great venue.

  • aloishammeraloishammer Member Posts: 3,294 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    my first post was a reaction to the insidious comments in this thread about pvp.

    Not to mention a rousing display of your true colors.

    Incredibly, I think some of those guys, especially "Dontshoot", are so deluded with self-importance that they can't even see what they're doing, even in this thread, to repulse people.
    hippiejon wrote: »
    You speak (whether you know it or not) from a mindset where you are somehow more elite than the poor PvE peasants who just don't understand the game. Your own quotes above bear this out.

    Precisely why I invoked the name Sheldon Cooper. Anyone who's paid attention to The Big Bang Theory will tell you that Sheldon is almost the definition of haughty, snobbish arrogance. With the punchline being that he's completely unaware of how overbearingly condescending he is, because from his perspective the problem is everyone else failing to see how unerringly correct he is.

    Sheldon comes off exactly the same way dontdrunkimshoot's posts do. But only one of them is a fictional sitcom character. The other seems to be the real deal- completely at a loss as to why all the "little people" can't happily follow His Enlightened Wisdom About The One True Way, His Way.
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    hippiejon wrote: »

    I propose someone start a "casual PvE/P" in game channel. People should be welcome, so long as they are understanding of the very casual nature of the people using the channel. Those who want to can have matches they agree on, Heck an all Shuttles, or all T2 and common gear fight. That kind of thing .

    To me that'd be the kind of place that a skilled PvPer who feels like it could come connect in a very casual way with the PvErs who have some mild interest in PvP.

    Whatever, I'm just throwing ideas into the air here, but lets get this thread back on the track of how do we make PvP more appealing?

    Not a bad idea, however the problem is this.......
    from the perspective that pvp is the hardest content, that requires you to use all your ships potential and all your skill, what pve trains you to do is a disservice in the pvp environment

    ....the mentality of some PvP players.

    They may not be the majority, problem is they think they're the experts so consequently will muscle in.

    PvE, PvP. Different beasties.

    However, the one is not better than the other. Merely differently attractive.

    While the discussion spirals down into a my-way-of-playing-the-game-is-intrinsically-better-than-yours TRIBBLE for tat, it merely confirms what too may people think of PvP.

    Any player that pontificates on how one mode is better than the other has already missed the point. Or how the players of one mode are better than the others. Or worse, for that matter.

    PvE fanboys, PvP fanboys.....a plague on both your houses.

    I just want to see STO become all it should be.

    PvE, PvE coop......we got those pretty good already. Now add in a much more functional PvP and we have a party.

    And this is the real point.

    If PvP becomes a choice for more players, if more than just a relatively narrow slice of the player base gets involved.......I do wonder how long those current top dogs in PvP will stay atop the pile. Especially if we start getting objective stats to measure our progress up the pile.

    I wonder how much that affects the tenor of some of the posts in this thread.......

    Seems to me the best PvP players now, with their homogenous builds and received wisdom, may find that a plurality of new approaches more challenging than they'd be comfortable with.
  • dylantrinidydylantrinidy Member Posts: 313 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~Bluegeek
  • g0h4n4g0h4n4 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Not to mention a rousing display of your true colors.

    Precisely why I invoked the name Sheldon Cooper. Anyone who's paid attention to The Big Bang Theory will tell you that Sheldon is almost the definition of haughty, snobbish arrogance. With the punchline being that he's completely unaware of how overbearingly condescending he is, because from his perspective the problem is everyone else failing to see how unerringly correct he is.

    Sheldon comes off exactly the same way dontdrunkimshoot's posts do. But only one of them is a fictional sitcom character. The other seems to be the real deal- completely at a loss as to why all the "little people" can't happily follow His Enlightened Wisdom About The One True Way, His Way.

    After reading DDI's post, I think unfortunately the truth hurts and some people don't want to admit it.

    Let me turn this thread around to you all PVErs

    Does PVE content prepare you for PVP?

    Don't blame solely the PVPer for stomping queues when Cryptic are the real bad guys.

    Where's your PVP tutorials? Where's your in game build advice or guru to go to.

    How do you know what your ship currently is suitable for PVP? Is a rainbow build with mixed torps, turrets up front suitable for PVP?

    As it stands we as older PVPers all learned the hard way and had to start from Scratch. Now a days you have help threads here, you have skill planner where you can give to people to critique and I have to Say that DDI has the best build thread on the PVP forum for those starting out in PVP.

    You can ask now for advice and actualyl get decent answers back, back in the old days, noone used to know and it was trial and error.

    It's really sad the number of rage replies here, constructive being one thing but outright also being snobish/ignorant, saying this is for PVer's only get out PVPer, when your not willing or rather refusing to think of this thread also in the PVP point of view, instead taking things one dimensionally and thinking the only person who is right is me, myself and I.

    Taking anecdotal experiance is also not the way to go, not everyone has a bad time in PVP. Take the Disorderly conducts a purely PVE fleet, these people were so bored with PVE they do STF's in under 5 mins in their spare time, why? because they could and worked hard to get where they were.

    When they first PVPed they were stomped like alot of you, they didn't QQ, they actually wanted to learn and we the PVP community showed them how and they in turn taught us a few new things as well.

    Now they have established themselves as a good PVP fleet given 2 of their members were in the winning team in the latest PVP tournament. A pretty good feat despite only starting PVP last few months.

    When you next explode, instead of asking yourself is he cheating, should I rage quit, WTF? "?$%"^"^"% PVPer, Ask yourself why did you die, what can I do to last longer, what can I do to kill my target, what can I do to help my teammates? It's 5vs 1 where's my P2W console? What's redistributing shields or tactical team? what are key binds?

    Kerrat is a good place to build up self preservation builds, if you can last there 1vs1, you should be competant in the PVP queues.

    I am sure not all of you share the same negativity of the others, perserve and be willing to accept defeat with the losses.

    In PVP nooone is guranteed to win, it takes alot of time and testing to get to a reasonable level. The PVP forums, especially the stickys is a wealth of the latest PVP information, builds, tactics and mechanics.

    For the Casual PVP who doesn't want to do all the rep, get the latest gear, don't expect the world when the Queues are not segreated to cater you, because it's not our fault, it's Cryptic for not giving you a ranking based system, instead you could be placed against veterans which is I agree whole heartedly unfair.

    We have been asking for balanced/ seperate queues for years and Cryptics has time and again refused, is that our fault?

    But to blame the PVPer for ALL of this is also unfair. You have to also remember some of the cheese (P2w) Consoles is used by both sides. While I don't use nor advocate the use of these, expect them to be used because there are no rules on the queues. So you can't really complain much. But it doesn't mean you should descend to their level with the attitude of he's using it there I should.

    I leave you with this...

    It's PVP... Someones got to die
    Now found frequenting MWO short term and then Star Citizen long term. Raged Quit PVP long ago
    - Gohan (House of Beautiful /Sad Pandas)
  • maxvitormaxvitor Member Posts: 2,213 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    And there you have it, that attitude, who the hell needs that.
    If something is not broken, don't fix it, if it is broken, don't leave it broken.
    Oh Hell NO to ARC
  • maxvitormaxvitor Member Posts: 2,213 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~Bluegeek
    And there you have it, that attitude, who the hell needs that.
    If something is not broken, don't fix it, if it is broken, don't leave it broken.
    Oh Hell NO to ARC
  • g0h4n4g0h4n4 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    BooHoo Waa "they call me a name" wawa "he hurt my feelings" :( "I'm not playing anymore"

    all you pve'ers who moan and cry about the so-called "toxic atmosphere" need to learn how to not let things hurt your little feelings and stop running away if somebody calls you a name! Learn it get better and beat them not run away complaining

    Unfortunately posts like this taint the PVP community, but bear in mind there are bad apples in both the PVP and PVE community.

    Don't be like them, be curious about PVP and be willing to learn and have lots of losses before it gets fun for the PVP starter
    Now found frequenting MWO short term and then Star Citizen long term. Raged Quit PVP long ago
    - Gohan (House of Beautiful /Sad Pandas)
  • hippiejonhippiejon Member Posts: 1,581 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~Bluegeek

    Or the other option. Just not put myself in situations where I have to deal with people for whom "name calling" and insults are how they feel good about themselves.

    Just to be clear, your solution to how to make the PvP experience for the casual PvE player with some interest is ... To start by insulting us, and say just don't whine and cry.

    Got it. I don't really think that is the kind of cooperative idea that will actually change anything, but it might have some merit. thanks for contributing.
  • aloishammeraloishammer Member Posts: 3,294 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    g0h4n4 wrote: »
    After reading DDI's post, I think unfortunately the truth hurts and some people don't want to admit it.

    You're right, Sheldon. The problem is indeed that we're not near as manly as you and thus we've settled for having fun wrong.

    @OP: Here's another example tendered up to answer your thread's title question.
  • dylantrinidydylantrinidy Member Posts: 313 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    hippiejon wrote: »
    Or the other option. Just not put myself in situations where I have to deal with people for whom "name calling" and insults are how they feel good about themselves.

    Just to be clear, your solution to how to make the PvP experience for the casual PvE player with some interest is ... To start by insulting us, and say just don't whine and cry.

    Got it. I don't really think that is the kind of cooperative idea that will actually change anything, but it might have some merit. thanks for contributing.

    When did I say I had a solution? What you think there are no insults in pve? man up and learn to use the ignore button
  • g0h4n4g0h4n4 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    When did I say I had a solution? What you think there are no insults in pve? man up and learn to use the ignore button

    Unfortunately we cannot ignore your posts in the forum, they are visible all the time on the forums with no ignore functionality.

    Instead of trolling, Don't let the door hit you on the way out
    Now found frequenting MWO short term and then Star Citizen long term. Raged Quit PVP long ago
    - Gohan (House of Beautiful /Sad Pandas)
  • g0h4n4g0h4n4 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    You're right, Sheldon. The problem is indeed that we're not near as manly as you and thus we've settled for having fun wrong.

    @OP: Here's another example tendered up to answer your thread's title question.

    There is nothing wrong with having some causual PVP fun, but is it our fault the queues are not segreated or based on factors such as kill/death ratio, gear, rep status, time played in Queues e.t.c

    Let me ask you a question, what is your ideal 'Casual' PVP experiance in the queues?

    Does this involve using the same build in PVE for PVP, did you improve doing PVP? or did you just quit after one bad experiance?
    Now found frequenting MWO short term and then Star Citizen long term. Raged Quit PVP long ago
    - Gohan (House of Beautiful /Sad Pandas)
  • dylantrinidydylantrinidy Member Posts: 313 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    g0h4n4 wrote: »
    Unfortunately we cannot ignore your posts in the forum, they are visible all the time on the forums with no ignore functionality.

    Instead of trolling, Don't let the door hit you on the way out

    Don't let the door hit you on the way out? very original
  • maxvitormaxvitor Member Posts: 2,213 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    And you think excelling in a video game makes you a man do you?

    Ah well this thread wasn't going anywhere anyway.
    If something is not broken, don't fix it, if it is broken, don't leave it broken.
    Oh Hell NO to ARC
  • g0h4n4g0h4n4 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Don't let the door hit you on the way out? very original

    So instead of contributing to the post you trolled it instead, how original

    See you on the battlefield
    Now found frequenting MWO short term and then Star Citizen long term. Raged Quit PVP long ago
    - Gohan (House of Beautiful /Sad Pandas)
  • hippiejonhippiejon Member Posts: 1,581 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    When did I say I had a solution? What you think there are no insults in pve? man up and learn to use the ignore button

    Thank you for your input.

    I still maintain that a channel for PvE/P where people whose only ideas are "man up" and "quit whining" are not welcome could work. A place where PvE players with a casual interest in PvP can chat, and set up their own matches.

    Long time PvP players who understand that it's a respectful, casual bunch, slowly learning about PvP would be more than welcome to hang out and share ideas and laughs.

    If I knew how to start a channel in game , heck, I'd do it.
  • dylantrinidydylantrinidy Member Posts: 313 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    maxvitor wrote: »
    And you think excelling in a video game makes you a man do you?

    Ah well this thread wasn't going anywhere anyway.

    show me where i said that
  • g0h4n4g0h4n4 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    show me where i said that

    Don't feed the troll and ignore his posts, he clearly has no intent on adding anything useful, he just wants his 2 seconds of fame before his mother tells him to go to bed
    Now found frequenting MWO short term and then Star Citizen long term. Raged Quit PVP long ago
    - Gohan (House of Beautiful /Sad Pandas)
  • dylantrinidydylantrinidy Member Posts: 313 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    hippiejon wrote: »
    Thank you for your input.

    I still maintain that a channel for PvE/P where people whose only ideas are "man up" and "quit whining" are not welcome could work. A place where PvE players with a casual interest in PvP can chat, and set up their own matches.

    Long time PvP players who understand that it's a respectful, casual bunch, slowly learning about PvP would be more than welcome to hang out and share ideas and laughs.

    If I knew how to start a channel in game , heck, I'd do it.

    yeah great idea why don't you e-mail cryptic
  • g0h4n4g0h4n4 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    hippiejon wrote: »
    Thank you for your input.

    I still maintain that a channel for PvE/P where people whose only ideas are "man up" and "quit whining" are not welcome could work. A place where PvE players with a casual interest in PvP can chat, and set up their own matches.

    Long time PvP players who understand that it's a respectful, casual bunch, slowly learning about PvP would be more than welcome to hang out and share ideas and laughs.

    If I knew how to start a channel in game , heck, I'd do it.

    There is a channel, called Tyler durden, search for it in your channels, the thread of this channel is the following:


    We balance the matches using our own community produced balancer tool taking previous matches into account. Whether your an old or new player, you will be placed on the same team as veterans not against them all.

    Hilbert produced this tool in his own time, no help from the Devs and certainly Cryptic are at fault here again, no balancing of sides.

    Recently it's been quiet as people are repping the voth rep system, but we are almost finished. Usually busiest during U.S time. I am usually on at 0800UTC with a couple of regulars such as Zenith and Hammel
    Now found frequenting MWO short term and then Star Citizen long term. Raged Quit PVP long ago
    - Gohan (House of Beautiful /Sad Pandas)
  • g0h4n4g0h4n4 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    yeah great idea why don't you e-mail cryptic

    I hear something but it sounds like a buzz, oh well, move on
    Now found frequenting MWO short term and then Star Citizen long term. Raged Quit PVP long ago
    - Gohan (House of Beautiful /Sad Pandas)
  • dylantrinidydylantrinidy Member Posts: 313 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    g0h4n4 wrote: »
    Don't feed the troll and ignore his posts, he clearly has no intent on adding anything useful, he just wants his 2 seconds of fame before his mother tells him to go to bed

    and now you personally insult me thanks for adding something useful
  • g0h4n4g0h4n4 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    and now you personally insult me thanks for adding something useful

    See you on the battlefield
    Now found frequenting MWO short term and then Star Citizen long term. Raged Quit PVP long ago
    - Gohan (House of Beautiful /Sad Pandas)
  • hippiejonhippiejon Member Posts: 1,581 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    g0h4n4 wrote: »
    Don't feed ...

    Hear Hear !

    I do want to note, that despite the fact that there is a (probably) unintentional insulting and "better than you" tone, to some posts here, it is obvious to me that what we have is people who DO care a great deal about PvP, and DO want to find ways to make it more appealing to the masses.

    Could I use to learn a thing or two about builds ? SURE
    Is it the PvPers Fault the way that ques are set up ? No
    Do I really think that the best of the PvPers want to drive me away ? No

    For the most part, we are all on the same page here. People just need to understand that NO ONE likes being talked down to. Folks like Gohan and DDiS obviously have a deep passion for PvP. My bet is that they would like to share it, and that there are others like them. All of us just need to find ways past this communication barrier.
  • hippiejonhippiejon Member Posts: 1,581 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    g0h4n4 wrote: »
    There is a channel, called Tyler durden, search for it in your channels, the thread of this channel is the following:


    I have a question about tyler D channel. Is it a good place for a total noob to come and learn some of the basics and get "lessons" and matches that are actually fun and able to be learned from?

    I'm talking for a player totally new to PvP.
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    g0h4n4 wrote: »
    For the Casual PVP who doesn't want to do all the rep, get the latest gear, don't expect the world when the Queues are not segreated to cater you, because it's not our fault, it's Cryptic for not giving you a ranking based system, instead you could be placed against veterans which is I agree whole heartedly unfair.

    No, thats not your fault.
    all you pve'ers who moan and cry about the so-called "toxic atmosphere" need to learn how to not let things hurt your little feelings and stop running away if somebody calls you a name! Learn it get better and beat them not run away complaining

    That is.

    That is the attitude that the PvP community have allowed to flourish.

    Cryptic certainly are responsible for the tools we use to PvP.

    However, the PvP community are responsible for how they choose to use and act on those tools.

    I leave you with this...

    It's PVP... Someones got to die

    Indeed, but absolutely nobody has to follow that up with a chat message saying 'you suk go back to farmville et al', wouldnt you say?

    Because its not the losing that bothers most of us who play Pve, would like to play PvP, but have been turned off PvP.

    It's the incredibly bad winning.

    I have a counter thought for you to ponder.

    How about the PvP community create a code of conduct. Why not find a way to police yourselves.

    Or is that cryptics fault too?
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