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To the PVE community, Why don't you PVP?



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    des101des101 Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    i wonder if any of you ever do any sort of pvp in any other game. FPS? RTS? anything? are you all anti pvp in all gaming, or just sto

    How to influence people and make friends eh with a comment like that :rolleyes:

    Anyhow, back on topic...

    During Beta & when this game went live, PvP was fun. There were hardly any "cheese" consoles, none of this "x" amount of damage bypasses your shields, no stupid rep system, no Doffs to complicate things.
    The community was active, vibrant, friendly and fun.

    Heck, my first char (fed as well), was pretty much levelled up through PvP.

    Fast forward to today.. and everyone knows, PvP, in this game, is seriously broken! People use mechanics which are blatantly broken yet all the trolls come out of the woodwork and scream "working as intended" if anyone dares comment on the forums!!! P2W mods are rampant in fits along with Fleet gear. If you don't have access to either, you're boned!

    Look at all the decent suggestions made in the PvP forum on how to get it back on track and fun again, though you'll have to sift through a lot of "Epeen" to find them.. Is it any wonder the Devs ignore 99% of the posts? Is it any wonder that the majority of STO players can't be bothered with PvP if they go to forums looking for advice and are faced with the drivel that is posted there??

    People play to have fun.. Getting blasted to smithereens in under 10 seconds, then re-spawning and the same thing happening over and over again is NOT fun.
    When the PvP community eventually decides to pull their heads from their rears and realise this and start coming up with some Realistic solutions, only then will the devs probably take notice and decide to do something.

    The Players created this mess, they can easily fix it.. That's if they want to..

    Until such time, myself, like a majority of others will probably do the daily 3 run and that's it.

    Beta player - forum knows jack as to when I started

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    blakes7tvseriesblakes7tvseries Member Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Give me shuttle PVP

    Give me a no UNIVERSAL console and a no DOFF PVP Queue.
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    rakija879rakija879 Member Posts: 646 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    What I don't like about pvp:
    - it's badly designed (like everything in it),
    - getting peanuts for pvp reward
    - always the same gangs playing it,
    - poor casual player ingame coordination,
    - broken (insignificant) abilities/consoles, or on the other hand super buffed godlike spam abilities (+must have consoles),
    - and there is no hope that anything will change. :)
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    mcduffie369mcduffie369 Member Posts: 787 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    rakija879 wrote: »
    What I don't like about pvp:
    - always the same gangs playing it,
    - poor casual player ingame coordination,
    - broken (insignificant) abilities/consoles, or on the other hand super buffed godlike spam abilities (+must have consoles)

    I am tired of knowing all of the ground players by name as well... I know what cheese to expect from each of them.
    des101 wrote: »
    The Players created this mess, they can easily fix it.. That's if they want to.
    very true, but I fear they are too caught up in the 'I'm actually winning at something!" freak out to care.
    Give me shuttle PVP

    Give me a no UNIVERSAL console and a no DOFF PVP Queue.

    Both very good ideas. There are so many doffs that create matches that amount to spam over load.
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    amalefactoramalefactor Member Posts: 511 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    i wonder if any of you ever do any sort of pvp in any other game. FPS? RTS? anything? are you all anti pvp in all gaming, or just sto

    Another pointless and presumptive attack, here. You're doing your group no favors posting here.

    To humor you with an answer, I play Planetside 2 regularly, which is exclusively PVP. I have years of experience PVPing in EVE Online, as well as PVP in Old Republic.

    All of the above do it better. Even Old Republic.

    Here, the PVP gameplay is so tipped in favor of min-maxing one-true-way templates and passive buff stacking that there's just about no entry floor for new people. Of course you may deny this all you like, yet even you have to accept that you're a dwindling minority in this game. There's a reason for that.
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    amalefactoramalefactor Member Posts: 511 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    agresiel2 wrote: »

    I don't see the point of this being posted here.

    Do you want a gold star?
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    redheadguyredheadguy Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    i wonder if any of you ever do any sort of pvp in any other game. FPS? RTS? anything? are you all anti pvp in all gaming, or just sto

    STO is the only game in-which PvP, (I think), feels so overwhelmingly unbalanced.

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    redheadguyredheadguy Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    The Q would not be so bad if it were not for the pvp fleets and pvp extremists running the general community away.

    ^^^^This! :(

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    bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Shuttle pvp did exist and was quite fun. Shuttle warz.
    Yet even then not many participated outside of the pvp crowd regulars and it still caught flak from a good bit of the anti pvp crowd.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

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    amalefactoramalefactor Member Posts: 511 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    Shuttle pvp did exist and was quite fun. Shuttle warz.
    Yet even then not many participated outside of the pvp crowd regulars and it still caught flak from a good bit of the anti pvp crowd.

    Highly skeptical about a shuttle PVP event that I never even heard about "catching flak". Link or the flak catching didn't happen.

    Unless it was posted about obnoxiously on the forums with the usual "ur all casual scrubz" format.
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    redheadguyredheadguy Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    hippiejon wrote: »
    What might be nice is some kind of "combat score" or "combat rating" based upon your gear, so that people of similar power were matched against each other.

    And to reply to your Question. I agree with AloisHammer. A big part of the issue is the attitude and rude, demeaning nature of the majority of PvP players towards those of us who want to try it casually.

    Doesn't matter if it's set up to be more fair power wise, team wise or whatever. So long as the perception of the PvP community remains that they are rude and unwelcoming, sometimes downright insulting and mean, you will not change the minds of many PvE players that PvP os worth it.

    I play a game to have fun with friends. I do not play a game to read abusive nonsense from others supposedly also playing for fun. If someone's idea of "fun" is trash talking their opponents in rude, belittling ways, I don't want to play with them.

    Would your idea of bypassing premades help ?

    Maybe a little bit. People tend to act more like ***holes when travelling in a pack, where otherwise they might not be such a rude ***.

    Sometimes? My PvP experience has been more like "most often". It's the main reason I avoid PvP, (ground and space), whenever possible!

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    reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I'm a little surprised people don't do an "Old School" PVP tournament, both for the vets sick of the cheese and to bring in some newbies who don't have all the fancy stuff. Maybe even make up teams on-the-spot mixing vets and newbies, limit it to 9-console ships, mission-drop gear, no universal consoles, no fleet or rep stuff, no doffs beyond the standard-ability ones, no Romulans. Just Qins shooting at Assault Cruisers and Patrol Escorts ripping up Vo'quvs. Probably be slightly less of a one-sided slaughter than when one guy has never seen an Aceton Assimilator before and the other is packing half a billion in stuff.
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    amalefactoramalefactor Member Posts: 511 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I'm a little surprised people don't do an "Old School" PVP tournament, both for the vets sick of the cheese and to bring in some newbies who don't have all the fancy stuff. Maybe even make up teams on-the-spot mixing vets and newbies, limit it to 9-console ships, mission-drop gear, no universal consoles, no fleet or rep stuff, no doffs beyond the standard-ability ones, no Romulans. Just Qins shooting at Assault Cruisers and Patrol Escorts ripping up Vo'quvs. Probably be slightly less of a one-sided slaughter than when one guy has never seen an Aceton Assimilator before and the other is packing half a billion in stuff.

    It would be very hard to enforce the rules. How can anyone be sure that someone didn't pinch in the passive buff consoles, as only one example?

    It's not a bad idea, but in this "winning is everything" toxic environment, it is very hard to get anyone involved who has already been repulsed.
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    redheadguyredheadguy Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I've always felt that magic has no place in Star Trek.

    The various Sci powers slotted in to fill the spell book of the STO mage class are completely wrong.

    If one could control gravity well enough to create an aimable gravity well, then they wouldn't even need a warp drive.

    Tractor beams on smaller craft would be torn from their mounts when used on larger starships, especially ones in motion.

    Too bad Cryptic couldn't have been progressive instead of following the tired old MMO trope of fighter, thief and mage.

    Maybe if they required emitters for all these magic powers and those emitters took up weapons slots.

    And what is with giving Sci ships all four Beam target Powers for free on top of everything else?

    Obviously when they were designing classes the dev who made up the Sci class waited until management was asleep to OP their favorite class.

    :rolleyes: the sci class has been nurfed into the ground so may frak'n times it's no fun to play anymore. What are you talking about? My Sci character is NOT over powered in anyway. If anything, he is totally underpowered.

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    dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    des101 wrote: »
    How to influence people and make friends eh with a comment like that :rolleyes:

    Another pointless and presumptive attack, here. You're doing your group no favors posting here.

    omfg, seriously. this says so much about the mindset in this thread, hyper negative instantly to all pvpers and pvp question. this was a question, a simple question, to see if this dislike of pvp was more of a general thing for people or only had to do with this game. i wasn't going to judge answers, i just wanted a beter feel for all of you, this was not some loaded question.
    redheadguy wrote: »
    STO is the only game in-which PvP, (I think), feels so overwhelmingly unbalanced.

    i dont think unbalanced is quite the right word, but i can understand why it can seem that way. a great many build types across all types of ships work to great effect. there is a high bar of entry, and a steep leaning curve coming in purely trial and error
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    hasukurobihasukurobi Member Posts: 1,421 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    questerius wrote: »
    Lousy community, abusive chat, and as close as P2W as you can get in this game.

    ^This coupled with how insanely difficult it is to find a reasonable challenge in PvP. Either my opponent is gilded to the teeth with Pay 2 Win and in a Premade with enough obvious Win Buttons to make victory impossible OR they are asleep at the helm running setups that make my head hurt trying to comprehend and are space dust in a few shots.

    Simply put... I generally find PvP a bit boring anymore in STO. The only PvP I generally go for is among those I know will be a challenge or super random in the Open PvP PvE zones.
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    raphaeldisantoraphaeldisanto Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    i wonder if any of you ever do any sort of pvp in any other game. FPS? RTS? anything? are you all anti pvp in all gaming, or just sto

    I did a little WvWvW in GW2, but not very much, and frankly, it felt kinda PvE-ish, a lot of the time.

    But generally I don't PvP because I don't find competitive atmospheres at all fun. From a purely philosophical standpoint, I prefer the spirit of cooperation, not the spirit of competition. This has nothing to do with whether or not PvP in STO is balanced at all. I simply don't PvP in any games. Not MMO, not RTS, not FPS. I don't do anything that invites competition.

    The only person I care to compete with is myself and my prior performance.

    As I recall - Picard said something similar to Wesley once, too.
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    maxvitormaxvitor Member Posts: 2,213 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Why don't you PVP? I'm going to answer that question with a question; Why should I? What's in it for me?
    I'm not a Cryptic employee, I'm not here to spend my time entertaining somebody else, I'm here for my own entertainment and I'm not likely to get that being ragged on by some arrogant twit in a PVP match, that's no fun so why would I do it?
    If something is not broken, don't fix it, if it is broken, don't leave it broken.
    Oh Hell NO to ARC
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    simeion1simeion1 Member Posts: 898 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Superdude here is part of a cheese flinging pvp fleet. This thread is not for the pvp minority but to gather the opinions on pvp from the pve community in hope of finding a way to make pvp more desirable for the majority of STO and not just a proving ground for the minority of players who have nearly destroyed the interest in pvp by the general community completely.

    Well I am getting tired of you throwing our fleet around. What cheese do we use. If you are calling a the biochemist cheese you are a sad man. The biochemist is a little OP and needs to be dealt with. It should not be allowed to stack as high as it does. I offered to take mine off and I did. I also said that if it was used against me it will be put back on. Also how is something over powered if it can be removed. All it takes is a advisor doff (preferably purple) and run either the squad leader or security protocol kits. Overwatch with this doff removes the debuff. This suggestion of this being cheese is absurd, the complaint is not valid , it is just as bad a tac complaining about SNB but refuses to carry science team to clear. This is the reason premades succeed, because they are equipped too. Don't go blaming your failures on premades. I have seen plenty of premade lose to good teams , so if premades were the issue a pug team would never win.

    Just to let most people know since you want to talk trash, I will let them know who they are talking to. Bi Shoonen used to be apart of our fleet and since I have known of him I can't count how many fleets he has been in. But the day our SB mine came available (meaning the consoles) he took all our provisions and ran to another fleet. He claims we never do anything, but for some reasons most of our toons have all the optionals on most PVE content, minus NWS. He also claims our fleet is under developed, our fleet is small maybe ten members, but we are done with our embassy, mine and tier four on our base, except military, all we have to do is the upgrade and half way done with the spire.
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    stark2kstark2k Member Posts: 1,467 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I use to PVP alot when the game first started but not anymore. I now hang over at Kerrat from time to time and run with a horde of BoP wolf pack.

    #4. There are way too many OP consoles and ships out there

    #3. Not many people que up (and for good reason/nothing to offer)

    #2. Ground PvP is plain awful

    #1. and the MAIN REASON - No real skill combination and structure. Its spam your keys - This is worst during Ground combat. It is safe to say that the skills are all uneven and unbalanced etc...
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    bombassdmbbombassdmb Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I have been playing since August, and I actually want to try PvP. I'm an avid Battlefield junkie, so I want to see what this game has to offer. I know from my Battlefield experience how PvPers can be. I just don't see an easy way to just jump in without running into a couple of... if you know what I mean, which is what is really keeping me from trying it. So not adverse to it, but not actually motivated either.
    SRS Fleet Recruiter
    Please feel free to contact me in game (@BombAssDMB) for information on the
    SPECIAL RECONNAISSANCE SQUADRON or visit our website: http://www.srs-fleet.net/
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    maxvitormaxvitor Member Posts: 2,213 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    This isn't battlefield where everyone starts off equal, your build and skills matter so you might want to bone up on what you need before you dive in, you might get lucky and find a good bunch of players.
    If something is not broken, don't fix it, if it is broken, don't leave it broken.
    Oh Hell NO to ARC
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    ccarmichael07ccarmichael07 Member Posts: 755 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I refuse to PvP in this game for two reasons:

    1. I fly cruisers, including some which are not recent additions to the game. I fly them for my enjoyment. If I take those ships into PvP, I'll spend the whole match getting eaten alive by "newer" cruisers and the hordes and hordes and hordes of escorts that everyone captains these days.

    2. Ground combat is NOT fun. AT ALL. I can barely stand it in PvE, so Im certainly not going to waste my time with it in PvP.

    Besides STO, I play DCUO. I do PvP in that game because they have "Legends" PvP, where the players enter the match with established, out of the box Legendary characters (Superman, Batman, Sinestro, etc) and you fight. The contest is ENTIRELY about skill, rather than gear or what ship you fly, or the pistol / rifle you use, etc.

    "You shoot him, I shoot you, I leave both your bodies here and go out for a late night snack.
    I'm thinking maybe pancakes." ~ John Casey
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    dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I did a little WvWvW in GW2, but not very much, and frankly, it felt kinda PvE-ish, a lot of the time.

    But generally I don't PvP because I don't find competitive atmospheres at all fun. From a purely philosophical standpoint, I prefer the spirit of cooperation, not the spirit of competition. This has nothing to do with whether or not PvP in STO is balanced at all. I simply don't PvP in any games. Not MMO, not RTS, not FPS. I don't do anything that invites competition.

    The only person I care to compete with is myself and my prior performance.

    As I recall - Picard said something similar to Wesley once, too.

    this is a totally fine answer, pvp isnt for everyone. it can be not a way you have fun. in most types of games im the same way, but theres something about good sto pvp i really like.

    if this isn't the real reason you dont like STO pvp, but you have been turned off for whatever reason, there are ways to get into it if you would like to. some good channels to join, some guides to get a general idea from, and the helpful people behind both are your best recurses to finding fun in pvp.
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    amalefactoramalefactor Member Posts: 511 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    omfg, seriously. this says so much about the mindset in this thread, hyper negative instantly to all pvpers and pvp question. this was a question, a simple question, to see if this dislike of pvp was more of a general thing for people or only had to do with this game. i wasn't going to judge answers, i just wanted a beter feel for all of you, this was not some loaded question.

    i dont think unbalanced is quite the right word, but i can understand why it can seem that way. a great many build types across all types of ships work to great effect. there is a high bar of entry, and a steep leaning curve coming in purely trial and error

    You're projecting again.

    Also, the burden is on you: you're the minority here, often seeking more attention from the developers and apparently wanting us lowly unskilled PVE peasants to queue for PVP. That is, if nothing comes of these discussions, you lose, more or less.

    So, considering you're highly guilty of the very same accusations you're throwing out of "negativity" considering your attitude toward PVE and PVEers in general, ultimately a deadlock results if it continues. A deadlock that leads to less interest in PVP and it staying that way.
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    bombassdmbbombassdmb Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    maxvitor wrote: »
    This isn't battlefield where everyone starts off equal, your build and skills matter so you might want to bone up on what you need before you dive in, you might get lucky and find a good bunch of players.

    I am actually, in fact, not a moron. People like this is why I am not motivated to play...
    SRS Fleet Recruiter
    Please feel free to contact me in game (@BombAssDMB) for information on the
    SPECIAL RECONNAISSANCE SQUADRON or visit our website: http://www.srs-fleet.net/
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    etchyboyetchyboy Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I know a lot of good reasons not to pvp, but I would like to hear yours.
    In space it is hard to defend against the hordes of players abusing g-well, faw, and sensor spam. Worse yet a full premade team of players who do that.
    On ground, the pvp players simply have more skill points and traits invested in ground. Worse yet, a 5 man team of players who are ground spec and still feel the need to exploit, run broken sci officers, and cloak gank players with half their skill points invested even though such extreme measures are not called for.
    A lone player who enters without a full team of seasoned pvp players is guaranteed a demoralizing and severe loss to a premade team. The chances of encountering these teams are far too high due to the limited number of pvp participants, but it is also the fault of these teams and fleets for running the pve majority out of the Q with their barbaric play style.
    Could it be that pvp in this game is not fun and only exists for the sake of existing or feeling hard core? What would it take to get you interested in pvp? I would like to add that players from the pvp minority are not welcome on this thread. It is not for you. This thread is to find the opinions of the casual, pve majority.

    If I want to PVP I would go back to EVE.. at least the grahics are better...
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    thunderfoot#5163 thunderfoot Member Posts: 4,541 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I used to PvP. I don't currently. Except within my fleet. And this is only on rare occasions.

    - Was in the US Army during the 1st Gulf War and after that did a tour in Bosnia.
    - Been married to the same woman for twenty six years.
    - Have two college age kids.

    So I really have no reason to measure my manhood against strangers on the Interwebs.
    A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
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    amalefactoramalefactor Member Posts: 511 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I used to PvP. I don't currently. Except within my fleet. And this is only on rare occasions.

    - Was in the US Army during the 1st Gulf War and after that did a tour in Bosnia.
    - Been married to the same woman for twenty six years.
    - Have two college age kids.

    So I really have no reason to measure my manhood against strangers on the Interwebs.

    You may be outmatched, or at least outnumbered, on this and many other game communities, where saying "glock" a lot makes you a weapons expert, and shooting zombies makes you a hardened warrior.
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    cidjackcidjack Member Posts: 2,017 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I don't PvP for the following reasons:

    1. I am currently spending my time grinding my various toons for rep marks for upgraded gear.

    2. I have been told my builds do not conform with PvP standards, so I have been told not to embarrass myself.

    3. I have been told a number of times not to PvP some players in certain fleets as I have not developed to their level.

    As such, I skip PVP entirely, though I do go into karrat from time to time to test my builds.
    Armada: Multiplying fleet projects in need of dilithium by 13."
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