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Everyone must buy the new KDF battlecruiser!!



  • marc8219marc8219 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ... Why? Whats so special about it (BESIDES being a KDF release which I admit is in itself pretty special)?

    The Avenger was special to the federation because from its stats its a KDF like battlecruiser. Copy/Pasting that to KDF is strange.

    How about a KDF (Klingon design) cruiser or battlecruiser..ish ship with 3 or 4 sci-consoles?

    I'd rather spend money on a pair of boots without spikes & a duras sisters dress.

    Its also special to the KDF in that it has 5 fore weapons and its unique console.

    You can get non spike boots from buying the Bortasqu uniform from the fleet starbase tailor
    Tala -KDF Tac- House of Beautiful Orions
  • gpgtxgpgtx Member Posts: 1,579 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    my zen stands at the ready

    a'gren has been flying the RA Negh'var for a a few years now time to upgrade
  • panserbjorne39panserbjorne39 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Well, from the one shot of it, I think it looks sweet. I'll be buying it for sure. Can't wait for more info. Thanks Cryptic.
  • edited December 2013
    This content has been removed.
  • macroniusmacronius Member Posts: 2,526
    edited December 2013
    I seriously considered buying the new ships ... and I have bought a decent amount from KDF including 2 fleet ships over the last 1+ years. The design though is hideous. I hated the Avenger design and I am not crazy about this one either. Since I spent something like $35 recently on KDF (last 2 months) I am not exactly feeling any guilt here.

    Besides, Cryptic shouldn't need to be bribed into making more KDF ships. KDF players buy more than enough ... maybe not buku bucks but a decent amount. Even if KDF is a loss leader it still makes sense to invest modestly (1 every 2-3 years is very modest) to keep the only other faction alive.

    Btw, ships are a veritable gold mine for Cryptic. Consider that this game may have something like 150 - 200K players. If only 1% of those players buy the latest and greatest ship that is 1.5 to 2K sales. So $15,000 to $20,000 @ $25 for C-store. That is about 3-4 man months in revenue assuming an average salary of 5-7K. I doubt it takes 3-4 man months to construct the artwork and write the code. But even if it does, it is not a very high threshold. Even with overhead from sales, management and other TRIBBLE it is still not that hard for them to profit and profit big.
    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

    - Judge Aaron Satie
  • thefoundrysucksthefoundrysucks Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    here is the fleet mogh battle cruiser: http://i.imgur.com/0B3c3xw.png
  • royalsovereignroyalsovereign Member Posts: 1,344 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ... I am finally going to be retiring the TorKaht when this releases.
    I kan haz ur Torkie then? :)
    "You Iconians just hung a vacancy sign on your asses and my foot's looking for a room!"
    --Red Annorax
  • commanderkorcommanderkor Member Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Count me in for getting one, in order to get cryptic to continue to put resources towards KDF we have to show that it is profitable for them to do so!
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Twice now Ive seen mention of its special console. Does anyone know what that console is yet?
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • newromulan1newromulan1 Member Posts: 2,229
    edited December 2013
    ... Why? Whats so special about it (BESIDES being a KDF release which I admit is in itself pretty special)?

    The Avenger was special to the federation because from its stats its a KDF like battlecruiser. Copy/Pasting that to KDF is strange.

    How about a KDF (Klingon design) cruiser or battlecruiser..ish ship with 3 or 4 sci-consoles?

    I'd rather spend money on a pair of boots without spikes & a duras sisters dress.

    It's a pretty safe bet that the future of any more kdf ships/costumes/content is probably riding on the success of this ship - so I would say that for kdf players - that makes it pretty special. Maybe it shouldn't be that way, but it is. If this ship does not sell well then spending another dime on the kdf is going to be hard to justify and will also be used to say - hey we gave you a brand new c-store ship but there was no market so why should we doing anything more for the kdf?? You know it's true.
  • odyssey47odyssey47 Member Posts: 524 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I will be supporting the Klingon Defense Force by not only purchasing the Zen version, but the Fleet version as well.
  • madmoparmadmopar Member Posts: 234 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Love the style of the mogh. Always hated the way the tor'kaht looked, and vorcha looks too flimsy to do any real fighting.
  • potasssiumpotasssium Member Posts: 1,226 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I have my Zen on hand ready and waiting, and will be buying the fleet version for 2 characters immediately.
    Thanks for the Advanced Light Cruiser, Allied Escort Bundles, Jem-Hadar Light Battlecruiser, and Mek'leth
    New Content Wishlist
    T6 updates for the Kamarag & Vor'Cha
    Heavy Cruiser & a Movie Era Style AoY Utility Cruiser
    Dahar Master Jacket

  • drkfrontiersdrkfrontiers Member Posts: 2,477 Arc User
    edited December 2013
  • unangbangkayunangbangkay Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I have to say, between the Raider tweaks and the Mogh, my plans for my KDF toons have been completely turned around (with associated spending accordingly).

    Now I have to get a Fleet Mogh (3000Z) for my Lvl 50 KDF Engineer, and I'm still planning to get a Raider for a new KDF Tactical toon I'm going to start JUST to be a Raider captain (0Z since I'll use my Vice Admiral token to pick up a B'rel Retrofit).

    And of course, to make the Raider as good as it can be (and to take advantage of flanking) I'll want to buy a Ki'Tang for Subspace Jump (1500z).

    Now it looks like my least-played faction may become my most-played for the next couple of months...

    You got me, Cryptic.
  • drkfrontiersdrkfrontiers Member Posts: 2,477 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    I doubt they will open that can, which is fine by me. I do wonder if it has a special console of some type though.

    I'm not not so sure why it should not have a battlecloak?

    Why not? All the Romulan ships have battlecloak, and its not entirely foreign to the KDF after all.

    Point at the Scimitar.

    At the very least it should have standard cloak. It would make up for the monstrosity cloak the Klingons slap onto the Bortasqu ;)

    But hey, great jobs Cryptic. I will happily folk out my noodle for this beauty. Ah, the joy of cruising the freight lanes in my new spiffy ship.

    And just in time for the start of STO Frontlines I might add. Ha-ha! The Klingon War drums, they are a playing my tune.
  • feiqafeiqa Member Posts: 2,410 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    here is the fleet mogh battle cruiser: http://i.imgur.com/0B3c3xw.png

    Why does that look like a cross between the vet destroyer and a raptor?

    Regardless, if they get it out before Christmas I will buy one if for no other reason than to support the KDF getting stuff.

    Originally Posted by pwlaughingtrendy
    Network engineers are not ship designers.
    Nor should they be. Their ships would look weird.
  • unangbangkayunangbangkay Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    feiqa wrote: »
    Why does that look like a cross between the vet destroyer and a raptor?

    Regardless, if they get it out before Christmas I will buy one if for no other reason than to support the KDF getting stuff.

    Looks more like a cross between the Bortasque and the vet destroyer to me, which makes sense since those two ships (and the Ho'sus) represent the most recent developments in KDF shipbuilding...before the mogh.
  • potasssiumpotasssium Member Posts: 1,226 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I think we should all start lining up on the Klingon Shipyard like it was the apple store and this ship is the new IPhone.

    But seriously, can I preorder?
    Thanks for the Advanced Light Cruiser, Allied Escort Bundles, Jem-Hadar Light Battlecruiser, and Mek'leth
    New Content Wishlist
    T6 updates for the Kamarag & Vor'Cha
    Heavy Cruiser & a Movie Era Style AoY Utility Cruiser
    Dahar Master Jacket

  • alopenalopen Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Wow another battlecruiser. Only this time its a cut and paste from fed one I bought a month ago. Sorry, I understand wanting to support KDF but I won't buy the same thing twice. If I want to play with this ship I'll pull out the Avenger. Atleast when I bought it the first time, it provided a unique playstyle to the federation faction. KDF do not need another BC, Cryptic could have given KDF a science ship or an escort that can keep up with federation ones. Even a cruiser would have been a nice change. But seriously, another flippin battlecruiser?! No wonder Cryptic can't make any money on the KDF, they put zero thought into what they provide to that side.
  • hawke89305092hawke89305092 Member Posts: 237 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I probably won't end up using this ship much since I love the look of the canon designs so much, but I will be buying this on the sheer principle of the matter!
  • tom61stotom61sto Member Posts: 3,692 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    Twice now Ive seen mention of its special console. Does anyone know what that console is yet?

    Considering how many people are likening it to the multi-mode Vet ship and that the Avenger's console is a multi-modal Torpedo, I would expect something based along those lines. I'm hoping that it's part of the ship and does some sort of animation for changing modes. If this is the same ship that was delayed, as it looks like a Negh'var in views other than the official and most of the leaked pics, IMO, I could see some sort animation hang-up having been the trouble that delayed it.
  • potasssiumpotasssium Member Posts: 1,226 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    alopen wrote: »
    Wow another battlecruiser. Only this time its a cut and paste from fed one I bought a month ago. Sorry, I understand wanting to support KDF but I won't buy the same thing twice. If I want to play with this ship I'll pull out the Avenger. Atleast when I bought it the first time, it provided a unique playstyle to the federation faction. KDF do not need another BC, Cryptic could have given KDF a science ship or an escort that can keep up with federation ones. Even a cruiser would have been a nice change. But seriously, another flippin battlecruiser?! No wonder Cryptic can't make any money on the KDF, they put zero thought into what they provide to that side.

    This is part of why I didn't buy the Avenger, if I wanted to fly a proper Battlecruiser, I would do so a member of the KDF.

    now they could have made a KDF 5/2 Destroyer, that would have been awesome sauce, but I cannot wait to buy this ship. But then Battlecruisers and Destroyers are my prefered ship classes.

    It's just going to be strange to not be using my Fleet Tor'kaht or Fleet Kamarang as much, I love both those ships.
    Thanks for the Advanced Light Cruiser, Allied Escort Bundles, Jem-Hadar Light Battlecruiser, and Mek'leth
    New Content Wishlist
    T6 updates for the Kamarag & Vor'Cha
    Heavy Cruiser & a Movie Era Style AoY Utility Cruiser
    Dahar Master Jacket

  • oakland4lifeoakland4life Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    odyssey47 wrote: »
    I will be supporting the Klingon Defense Force by not only purchasing the Zen version, but the Fleet version as well.

    ... As u have just seen, even Tom Paris wants to buy this KDF ship ^_^ ... maybe a possible present for B'elanna Torres perhaps?

    The KDF don't have overpowered ships, The KDF have overpowered PvP players - General Yanin Vismitananda
  • breadandcircusesbreadandcircuses Member Posts: 2,355 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    alopen wrote: »
    Wow another battlecruiser. Only this time its a cut and paste from fed one I bought a month ago. Sorry, I understand wanting to support KDF but I won't buy the same thing twice. If I want to play with this ship I'll pull out the Avenger. Atleast when I bought it the first time, it provided a unique playstyle to the federation faction. KDF do not need another BC, Cryptic could have given KDF a science ship or an escort that can keep up with federation ones. Even a cruiser would have been a nice change. But seriously, another flippin battlecruiser?! No wonder Cryptic can't make any money on the KDF, they put zero thought into what they provide to that side.

    You have a point, though I'll still probably pick this thing up. This is the first end-game KDF ship added to the C-Store since I started playing, so it's not like there are many options that are competitive in the current game environment. I'd have been more inclined to buy an Andorian Escort or Multi-Mission Science Vessel equivalent (NOTE: not asking for a copy/paste), but beggars, choosers, and whatnot. :P

    Seriously, though, if the litmus test for making ships for the KDF is copy/pasting a Federation ship (that has likely already hit profitability) and re-skinning it, something is very wrong in management. This is not a new ship for the KDF, this is a Starfleet ship being resold on the KDF side... assuming the leaked stats are accurate. That makes it far less impressive... but yeah, it's at least something.
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    I do not like Geko ether.
    iconians wrote: »
    With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.​​
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    potasssium wrote: »
    This is part of why I didn't buy the Avenger, if I wanted to fly a proper Battlecruiser, I would do so a member of the KDF.

    now they could have made a KDF 5/2 Destroyer, that would have been awesome sauce, but I cannot wait to buy this ship. But then Battlecruisers and Destroyers are my prefered ship classes.

    It's just going to be strange to not be using my Fleet Tor'kaht or Fleet Kamarang as much, I love both those ships.

    It's fine that there's a "KDF Avenger" now but it's a bit wasted.

    The new ship will be good... it *is* a copy & paste of the Avenger in a much less horrid looking ship. But even with the advent of the Avenger, the KDF Battlecruiser line wasn't completely outclassed, even as a whole.

    A good KDF BOP or Gorn/Nausicaan/Orion Destroyer along the lines you mentioned would have been great, most especially a Destroyer. The KDF Escort line has been very much obsolete since the Fleet Ship System was implemented.
  • badvaiobadvaio Member Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I will be buying one but I will still be disenchanted.
  • farmallmfarmallm Member Posts: 4,630 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I will wait until I see better views of it. Plus see the layout. So far the front of it looks bad. Until I see more views then I will decide.

    USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
    Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Realize that it was most likely done as a copy paste job of the Avenger because of outcry from thr KDF fanbase that the Avenger was a better KDF battle cruiser. The Devs even supported this when one mentioned that the new KDF ship was being redesigned to take its cues from the Avenger. It should not be a surprise.

    I like the ship and I have no issue that it is a copy paste to some degree. I am buying it anyway.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,354 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I'm gonna get it when it actually comes out as I currently have no KDF ships and this one would suit me nicely.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
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