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Why do Pve'ers fear a pvp revamp?



  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Funny that you of all people are saying that with the weird tangents you were going into earlier. At least I sort of tried to stay on topic except when making fun of your "me me me" pseudo-philosophy.

    your still not making sense?!? You mean my defending my point of view? Wow, who knew defending oneself is selfish? I made the same defense on the same two subjects over and over again. You didnt seem to be getting it. I have no idea what tangents you speak of.
    You may want to take a step back and breath before you burst a vessel.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • amalefactoramalefactor Member Posts: 511 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    zachverant wrote: »
    PvP could be AWESOME in this game with the Star Bases, Mines, Embassy's ect. There is ALOT of competition between Fleets in STO and some of them would like nothing better than to show their superiority over one another by putting an Enemy Fleet's base off line for 24 hours or so...maybe pillage a "PvP War Account" (ECs Fleets put into a battle account to win or lose depending on the battles). If you destroy a Com Array maybe it effect's that Fleets mini map or something, idk...All I know is with a little Dev imagination, PvP could be GREAT in STO....ie: Put up or shut up, settle all scores on the battle field.

    As a LTS member and Z-store supporter, I would like to see PvP "Enhanced"...it gets a little old beating on NPC's and then telling people you should fight at the Elite level before you start bragging about how nasty bad you are...THEN after that...Go do a PvP match and then maybe I will listen to you.

    Win or Lose I really don't care, PvP adds the "pucker factor" to an MMO and you are missing out if you don't at least give it a go a few times. Why NOT, there is nothing to lose in this game if you die, there is really no death penalty to speak of. However, PvP in STO is verrrry repetitive and gets boring and imho that is one of the reasons for the lack of interest in it.

    Anyway, that's my 2 ECs worth.

    The current state of PVP involves premades doing one-sided stomps against scattered groups of randomly assembled pick-up guys. And the premades often don't mind because winning is everything and all that.

    It's not very fun unless you're the kind of guy that can play GTA for hours just running over people and completely ignoring the rest of the game. Or watching a bug zapper do its work.

    It's definitely not fun to be on the receiving end of a pick-up-group stomp.
  • amalefactoramalefactor Member Posts: 511 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    your still not making sense?!? You mean my defending my point of view? Wow, who knew defending oneself is selfish?
    You may want to take a step back and breath before you burst a vessel.

    You could have simply said "u mad" and it would have been the same post, just as tired and predictable, and you'd save some effort typing it out to boot.

    Try again. Or better yet, don't.
  • mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    FINALLY caught up with all the posts. Zamorak above that took awhile.
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
  • amalefactoramalefactor Member Posts: 511 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    mimey2 wrote: »
    FINALLY caught up with all the posts. Zamorak above that took awhile.


    Unless I missed something, it's been a long drive off the rails for a while now, into a ditch, with most of the passengers in a circle screaming and pointing fingers at me. Which is weird because I wasn't driving it to begin with and fell asleep through a part of it.
  • centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    immudzen wrote: »
    I wonder if a idea from mario kart could be taken for PvP. One of the reasons that mario kart tends to be fun to play with family members is that even if you massively outclass one of your cousins, children, parents etc the game compensates. The worse you do the better the powerups you get in order to keep the game interesting.

    Maybe the PvP should be done the same way. The worse you do the more of a buff you get when you respawn. Those with the best builds would still get the most points but anyone would be competitive before the end of the match. I mean even the worst builds would eventually win if you gave them 10x weapons, shields, energy etc of course they would have to die a LOT to get that far.

    Since fighting opponents that are not a threat is not claimed to be not fun (although I have not seen evidence of this in game) this should make PvP a lot more fun. Since even if you win in the beginning eventually their ship would be competitive with yours no matter what tricks you have. Once they can kill you then you would reach a kind of parity.

    This is something that TF2 does with random crits.

    Another thing to do is have alternate modes that don't really involve direct combat. Like capturing areas, pushing a bomb to destroy an enemy base, blowing up an npc, destroying a generator, anyone can do stuff like that.
  • osiabunnyosiabunny Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Been playing since that head start for this game, I never feared PVP I found it annoying the limited options we had, the exploits. Mostly one sided victories made pvp as fun as pounding bamboo under my nails.

    I went immediately to KDF side instant I reached lvl 7 and played it till I had lvl'd two Klinks to lvl 50 on pvp alone. Lost interest in PVP lost interest in the limited content KDF had, and to a point still has. They added a lot of it from then to now. But their costumes still stink.

    If Cryptic decided to revist PVP and invest some proper fun maps and balance ot the game I would not mind that at all On PVE side.

    They won't do this though, F2P games focus on the cashshops usually and unless they find a way to make pvp profitable. It'll remain a ****hole.
  • roxbadroxbad Member Posts: 695
    edited December 2013
    immudzen wrote: »
    If PvP being dead indicates an MMO will soon die and is a gauge of the general health you might want to know about EQ1. That game had PvP, basically removed it and it is still has a stable subscriber base and that game came out almost 15 years ago now. There is also EQ2 which is about 10 years old now and it is also going pretty well and it has pretty much dead PvP also.

    I'm not surprised about EQ. They really didn't pay much attention to their PvP either. I wouldn't be surprised if their decision to remove it entirely was due to a population drop on their PvP servers resulting from that playerbase moving to games like Dark Age of Camelot and WoW, which were designed with PvP as an integral part of the game.
    I don't see how PvP is in any way a measure of the health of an MMO especially since it seems in many MMOs the PvP community is pretty much insignificant.

    It isn't really. PvP still needs a compelling environment in which to play. Aesthetics matter as much as mechanics.
  • roxbadroxbad Member Posts: 695
    edited December 2013
    I can give a somewhat historical example: Dungeons and Dragons Online. It added an entire pvp mechanic that was so unwelcome and pointless to the active, present community that the game floundered harder until it found its feet again.

    Of course this sounds like yet another "you can't objectively prove X to the arbitrary standards I have established, which of course do not apply to anything I said".

    I'm through engaging you in this forum.

    Come to talkrational.org if you have anything to say to me.
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    talzerotwo wrote: »
    It's Tyranny of the Masses my friend.

    This should explain it.


    Bravo, sir. BRAVO.

    As for this thread:

    PVP needs a serious revamp AND a boost. Power creep and newer ship stats have gotten ridiculous. The price to even "get on the field to PVP" has gotten higher, otherwise you will be way under the power curve. And that's not even counting skill for a brand new PVPer. I would HATE to be a new PVPer right now because it's so ridiculous.

    Anyways, I was going to get into one of my long replies, but the reason why PVP (and IMO the game in general) needs a revamp is this:

    Target a player and see the completely bewildering array of buffs that are active on that ship. And that's only the stuff you can see, because there are buffs like Reputation stuff that does not show up.

    This game has given way, way WAAAYYY too much power to players, and PVP is insane as a result.

    In PVE it's not a big deal with the power creep and everyone kicking that same NPC all the time. But against other players, it's ridiculous.
  • john98837john98837 Member Posts: 761 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    As a primarily PvE player I can tell you what worries me the most about PvP getting attention. Everytime PvPers get something they want it is at the expense of PvE. Recent major example of this would be the Subspace Integration Circuit console. When it first came out it was somewhat useful for PvE, but the PvPers threw a hissy fit because it was supposedly "OP" in PvP so it got nerfed and is now completely worthless trash in PvE. That is why so many of us are against anything PvP related being done in this game, because everytime its at the expense of the majority who don't care about PvP.

    Now if they were to truely revamp PvP properly and assign consoles, boff abilities, and weapons separate PvP stats I would be all for that. Then they could stop nerfing things to useless levels in PvE just because of PvPers. Actually add a PvP rep or change it to give reasonable rewards and hell I might even play some PvP.
  • centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Bravo, sir. BRAVO.

    As for this thread:

    PVP needs a serious revamp AND a boost. Power creep and newer ship stats have gotten ridiculous. The price to even "get on the field to PVP" has gotten higher, otherwise you will be way under the power curve. And that's not even counting skill for a brand new PVPer. I would HATE to be a new PVPer right now because it's so ridiculous.

    Anyways, I was going to get into one of my long replies, but the reason why PVP (and IMO the game in general) needs a revamp is this:

    Target a player and see the completely bewildering array of buffs that are active on that ship. And that's only the stuff you can see, because there are buffs like Reputation stuff that does not show up.

    This game has given way, way WAAAYYY too much power to players, and PVP is insane as a result.

    In PVE it's not a big deal with the power creep and everyone kicking that same NPC all the time. But against other players, it's ridiculous.

    Isn't this what I said like five pages ago? :P

    I jest, but it's still true~
  • badname834854badname834854 Member Posts: 1,186 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Sadly, the PvP forum gets special attention because it's the responsibility of some devs that use it as an ad-hoc QA team. A good portion of the nerfs (not always good) and some bug fixes (mostly good) are discovered by them.

    That said, we should just have a different set of gear/rules for PvP and be done with it. Changing weapons and builds because some minmaxer misuses it to pugstomp is silly.
  • centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Actually I think that the integration circuit was nerfed because of PvP.
  • john98837john98837 Member Posts: 761 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    patrickngo wrote: »
    um, excuse me, but every example you cite?

    was motivated by PVE players exploiting loopholes, untested items, and bad code. there's never been a time that PvP's gotten Dev attention that resulted in the community getting ANYTHING. (i.e. it's not OUR fault your 60 second STF record's history.)

    Um, you cite absolutely nothing yet know why things were nerfed, yeah I am going to listen to you.
  • centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    john98837 wrote: »
    Um, you site absolutely nothing yet know why things were nerfed, yeah I am going to listen to you.

    Now now now, let's be friends. We all want this game to be better right~?
  • dareaudareau Member Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    First off, after a casual perusal of the first 4 pages of this thread, I will post that, as a PvE-type, I do not "fear" PvP, nor am I apathetic about it.

    The "costs" involved? Hyper-expensive ships, full loadout of Mk XII elite fleet gear? etc? Only 100% necessary for "premade, PvP ace" combat. As would be expected, a well flown T5 Freebie can kill poorly-flown lockbox ships, heck, even the "dreaded" JHAS can die to an advanced escort...

    My PvP "loathing" stems from a number of sources.

    Keybinds: Defense doesn't rely on "timing" anymore, it relies on tying 2x TT and 2x EPtS to the spacebar set to go off as soon as the cooldown(s) end, then slapping R at the start of the fight to max out your speed-based defense rating. Players mistake. They goof. Enemy has no keybind and is 1/2 second early on your internal clock? I get a chance to hit your not-so-TT-reinforced shield for a second or two, and since the defense bonus from EPtS might be off as well my pathetic science ship's 3/3 loadout might actually at least dent your hull...

    Builds: A "generalist" PvE-oriented build does not function well in the hyper-min-maxxed world of PvP. Therefore, I need a steady supply of respec tokens or a special built toon to PvP "properly".

    Skill effects: GW and Tyken's both got bonuses recently, partially an attempt to restore them a little closer to their Pre-F2P "golden age of science" levels. Fine. However, why was it nerfed in the first place? PvP complaints that an unskilled Tac can kill with GW I with no hope of victim escape from the pre-F2P days? CPB, PSW, Tachyon Beam? All skills that were "nerfed" to play well in PvP, but then becomes worthless when you're not stripping a 30k shield facing, you're stripping 100k shields...

    Draconian Roles - as I science/science, I'm welcome for two things. Team heals, and my subnuc beam. If I don't provide both, I'm a schlub. I'd be loved if I swapped from Sci/Sci to Sci/scort, as I bring both the key reason for Sci over Tac (subnuc) and 80%+ of the Tac/scort DPS... Engie/whatever? Not loved at all (well, unless you're assembling a 5x BFaW DEM cruiser-monster that is called cheese by even the "PvP powerful", and even then, Tac/cruiser is more welcome)...
    Detecting big-time "anti-old-school" bias here. NX? Lobi. TOS/TMP Connie? Super-promotion-box. (aka the two hardest ways to get ships) Excelsior & all 3 TNG "big hero" ships? C-Store. Please Equalize...

    To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
  • otowiotowi Member Posts: 600 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    One reason I can immediatly think of is the fact that a new weapon or ship is released, and the PvP crowd cries that it's op.

    The devs fix or nerf it, wich makes the weapon/ship ok to use for the PvP crowd, but makes it lackluster for the PvE crowd.

    This has been a problem in most MMO games that has PvP. That is a fact, and not me trying to be nasty to those that like PvP.

    In SWG, they released a new Lightsaber, and it was really nice in PvE, since for once you felt like the Lightsaber had some ommph. Then the PvP crowd complained, the dependable Lightsaber got hit with the nerfbat, and you might aswell just use a polearm, since the Lightsaber was about as usefull as throwing rocks out an airlock would be...

    One solution is to have pure PvP weapons and armor and what not. Both sides would be happy, so win win....
  • jetwtfjetwtf Member Posts: 1,207
    edited December 2013
    roxbad wrote: »
    Point those posts out. Better yet, give us the ratio of those posts to the number of posts in the forum. Cite anything that supports this generalization of the PvP mindset.

    I think very few posts have been made that suggest PvP zones that a PvE player would have to enter. There have been many suggestions for PvP zones that a PvE player might want to enter (for a slightly better loot drop or a little more exp), but that's not quite the same thing, is it?

    The selfishness of some of the antiPvP posts in these forums boggles the mind.

    Response to red text:

    I wont do your search for you if you want to be lazy. Theres a post in this very thread wanting more mixed zones. And yes that is the same thing. That is you a PvP player wanting mixed zones so PvE players can enter to get loot so PvP players can kill them for fun. PvP and PvE should never mix and even the one map there is shouldnt have the PvE element.

    Response to orange:
    Where did I state I am against PvP? I said I quite enjoy PvP that is skill based rather than keybinds and gear. My favorite is capture the flag, sometimes as the flag runner and other times hunting the flag runner down, or defending my teams flag runner. I quite enjoy most any PvP except DM or TDM. Actualy I despise DM and TDM because it is mindless with no point to it. and all STO has is TDM. Even if STO had other match's aside from TDM there really is no skill so it would be boring for me and I dislike gear having any factor in who wins at all so PvP in an MMO is generaly out for me.

    But you know how "assume" goes.
    Join Date: Nobody cares.
    "I'm drunk, whats your excuse for being an idiot?" - Unknown drunk man. :eek:
  • timezargtimezarg Member Posts: 1,268
    edited December 2013
    otowi wrote: »
    One reason I can immediatly think of is the fact that a new weapon or ship is released, and the PvP crowd cries that it's op.

    The devs fix or nerf it, wich makes the weapon/ship ok to use for the PvP crowd, but makes it lackluster for the PvE crowd.

    This has been a problem in most MMO games that has PvP. That is a fact, and not me trying to be nasty to those that like PvP.

    In SWG, they released a new Lightsaber, and it was really nice in PvE, since for once you felt like the Lightsaber had some ommph. Then the PvP crowd complained, the dependable Lightsaber got hit with the nerfbat, and you might aswell just use a polearm, since the Lightsaber was about as usefull as throwing rocks out an airlock would be...

    One solution is to have pure PvP weapons and armor and what not. Both sides would be happy, so win win....

    Usually the reason PvPers cry 'that's OP' is because the object in question is not working as intended. Perhaps a better word would be 'broken'. And when something is broken towards the overpowered end of things, PvEers start abusing it in PvE. A classic example is the tricobalt mine bug, which led to unholy amounts of damage being done in both PvP and PvE. Some PvEers STILL complain about that being fixed.

    PvEers are much less likely to complain about broken additions because they're not feeling the effect. NPCs don't complain.
    tIqIpqu' 'ej nom tIqIp
  • mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Here's a thought to be ignored:

    PvP has always been a convenient scapegoat.

    People say many combat-related nerfs is always the 'evil PvPers' getting it nerfed. Yet when the nerf or fix is something non-combat, folks are left without their scapegoat. As an old example, it certainly wasn't PvPers who whined that 'the Foundry clickie' missions were 'OP and need to be nerfed'. It was an exploit, pure and simple, not something the devs intended.

    On that note, when something is broken, and I do mean broken, and NOT working as it is actually meant to be, any cries of 'nerfs', 'OP', or 'UP' go out the window, because it is broken. Only after it is fixed does it finally get treated like it should, and talking can go from there. Things in the past, despite people saying it was nerfed, were fixed, period.

    Question, and I hope people answer it honestly:

    How many of you actually use this new stuff that is released? I don't care in what. PvE, PvP, showing in ESD, whatever. Do you USE it? For sake of being recent, think about stuff outta the Voth lockbox.

    I'm sure a lot of folks will answer yes if they think only about say, ships. Both the Voth ships are rather nice, in particular, I myself am thinking about getting the Voth Palisade for one of my sci toons.

    What about the other stuff? Maybe the new console? I think it's rather nice. Does good damage in a more unique way, has fairly high bleed on it, so it's at least gonna do SOMETHING to an enemy with it's shields up. No real issues with it IMO.

    Or how about the new handful of DOFFs they released? The new Explosives Expert on the ground is fun for sci toons.

    Maybe the new traits? In this case, the ground ones over the space ones. Space ones, two of them only add HoTs, while the tac one is better. The ground ones each add unique changes to ground captain powers, which is interesting.

    I'm probably missing something. But my question stands: Do people actually use this stuff?
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
  • drake122svkdrake122svk Member Posts: 731 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    patrickngo wrote: »
    tell me this then: what did it do for you? I mean, as a PVE player.

    No Win Scenario Wave 10. It made that a breeze. Not that's it any harder now without it mind you. I just wasted EC to buy it for my toons and now it's useless...
  • capnshadow27capnshadow27 Member Posts: 1,731 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Fear leads to Hate, Hate leads to Anger, Anger leads to the Dark Side.

    We all know the Dark Side is PvP, so why are you PvP'ers complaining:D
    Inertia just means you can do Powerslides in you carrier!
    I am Il Shadow and i approve these Shennanigans!
  • kapla1755kapla1755 Member Posts: 1,249
    edited December 2013
    mimey2 wrote: »
    Question, and I hope people answer it honestly:

    How many of you actually use this new stuff that is released? I don't care in what. PvE, PvP, showing in ESD, whatever. Do you USE it? For sake of being recent, think about stuff outta the Voth lockbox.

    I'm sure a lot of folks will answer yes if they think only about say, ships. Both the Voth ships are rather nice, in particular, I myself am thinking about getting the Voth Palisade for one of my sci toons.

    What about the other stuff? Maybe the new console? I think it's rather nice. Does good damage in a more unique way, has fairly high bleed on it, so it's at least gonna do SOMETHING to an enemy with it's shields up. No real issues with it IMO.

    Or how about the new handful of DOFFs they released? The new Explosives Expert on the ground is fun for sci toons.

    Maybe the new traits? In this case, the ground ones over the space ones. Space ones, two of them only add HoTs, while the tac one is better. The ground ones each add unique changes to ground captain powers, which is interesting.

    I'm probably missing something. But my question stands: Do people actually use this stuff?

    Hmm, lets see so far using:

    Sensors Doff -20DR with Target optics use (very nice in the Battlezone)
    Orbital Destruction trait (much fun imo waay better than ordinary orbital strike)
    Dino pet (honestly still in box as can't decide who to give it to but he's cute)
    Voth Ground weapons (kinda nifty so far :D, but the Protonic weapons fron the Dyson rep are better in the zone + free damage on a crit)
    Voth shockwave cannon (meh is so-so, got one to test)

    and thats it so far honestly have too many ships atm to worry about the 2 new ones
  • tpalelenatpalelena Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I still recall the Valdore console nerf, and I'm still not happy about it, or the GDF nerf.

    AS somebody put it in before, PVP and PVE may need a separate set of skills, and a ranking ladder that puts people of roughly the same skills in the same pvp group. Curbstomps are only fun for half of the pvpers.

    And yes, balancing items between pvp and pve is a problem, that's why they should be separate, or why the items would have separate effects on npcs and players. Borg tactical cubes and players got a different health pool.

    Like how that Ice pulsewave got its effects nerfed against Playery, but not NPCs. That seems like a good idea.
    Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
  • saekiithsaekiith Member Posts: 534 Arc User
    edited December 2013

    What I've gathered so far of this thread:

    PvPers claim they are the misunderstood, underappreciated, red-headed stepchild that only have the good of the game in mind.

    To anybody that has answered to my post or similar ones:
    You are correct, not all PvPers are a**holes but quite frankly I neither have the time nor the patience to look for the two or three ugly ducklings in a house full of rabid raccoons.

    And no... more PvP will not make this game more attractive to others... and No it's not that "most Players" are just Closet-PvPers that don't like the current system but would spring in action if it got fixed...
    These are baseless assumptions, skewed by your own wishes and probably copious amounts of alcohol.

    Some if not most PvEers here are just apathetic about it and just don't want precious resources to be spent on it and No... I've seen the Argument about it... just because it appears to not produce "Starfleet Regulation"-Content you can't just take these resources and spent them on something even worse... it doesn't work that way... Resources are not infinite... splitting it up just means BOTH operations will suffer.

    No More... No less!

    Any notion of having new Hybrid Zones are quite frankly complete BS...
    It will NOT produce a more active PvP Scene and we all know that the PvP Community won't stop at "there are some PvE Rewards hidden there that you can also get somewhere else" and will demand deeper integration to force everyone wanting to see the new PvE Content to get involved in PvP despite their proclaimed aversion towards "Squishy Targets", which will be the only thing they will get in return to these endeavours.
    And No... people will NOT simply "get better" at PvP to see this new content... they will either just stop playing or play the old content until these new Hybrid Zone are deserted due to lack of targets.
    Selor Andaram Ephelion Kiith
  • fenr00kfenr00k Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I'll start with an apology, in that I am sorry but I just skipped 3 or 4 pages, the flaming and one upmanship just put me off reading any more, so I am sorry to any of you who made a post containing a valid argument that I have missed.

    Having read quite a bit though, my current thinking is that perhaps a compromise is in order? My thinking is, a 3rd PvP only faction that can't access PvE content. That way they'd have their own equipment, ships etc, all perfectly balanced for PvP. The Kazon perhaps, as they did like to fight amongst themselves in Voyager.. :D Before anybody points this out to me, I know full well that this will never ever happen. For one it'd just been one more group shouting out "We're been ignored, give us more!", not to mention that they'd cry out that they weren't a proper faction as they can't access PvE content and equipment etc etc. The best that we can perhaps hope for is that Cryptic double stat equipment, with 1 lot of stats active when in PvE and a different lot of stats active with in PvP, that way the PvE players can enjoy their equipment without the PvP crowd crying out for nerfs quite so loudly. Oh and just to give balance to this negativity towards PvP players, there would likely be just as many (perhaps even more ) from the PvE crowd calling foul and demanding that they get access to the new faction and it's equipment for PvE content. :rolleyes:

    The thing is, forum posters will still rant and rave and get upset whatever is done in whatever form, as that's why they post. We all know that there exists a small minority of people who have far more fun arguing on game forums than they actually have playing the games.

    As to the rest, it all comes down to person opinions, often shaped by personal experiences. Some people love bungee jumping, but that doesn't mean that everybody should have to do it. Some people hate bungee jumping, but that doesn't mean that nobody should do it. That's where the arguing in this thread has gone down the wrong road, in that the 2 sides of the argument are far too absolute. Between this, and the flaming and trolling so evident from BOTH sides of those arguing the issue, the thread has been rendered useless in my humble opinion. It has become far too difficult to actually find the sensible posts debating the question amongst all of the trolling, flaming and one upmanship (aka. forum wars/keyboard warrior posts). It's a shame, but c'est la vie I guess.

    Oh, and also an apology for those who feel insulted by my earier statement recounting my experiences regarding finding that PvP content tends to attract a small but vocally rabid minority of gamers that I prefer to avoid as much as possible. Maybe I just don't get the same during PvE content as I spent time learning how to do it well before joining pugs for it? Or, more likely, it could just be that NPCs don't engage in so called trash talk (I've yet to hear a borg cube yell at me that I am using "hax" when I blow it up, or tell me to "uninstall you noob loser! I pwned you..." when I get blown up by one. I've done the same for PvP in the past however, learning how to play my role correctly etc, and still found myself on the receiving end of trolling, flaming and so called trash talk (NPCs certainly don't mock you after blowing you up for example...). If you don't feel that you are a part of this rabid minority, then truly you don't need to feel insulted, as I am quite sure you are probably not one of them.

    Some call it trash talk, I call it rude, obnoxious and distinctly anti-social. THAT is the core of why I dislike PvP (getting killed just teaches me to try harder, where been mocked just teaches me that my oponent, or even team member, is an idiot).

    Hopefully that has clarified where I am coming from, and helps to cut through all of the retorts of "there are just as many rude people playing the PvE content". Sure there are, but in PvE it's considered to be unacceptable behaviour, where in PvP it's considered to be the norm.

  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    A slight attempt at balancing pvp would be restrict all consoles un-useable, same for doff's. This would create weapon damage based on captain skills/wp management/boff skills/mk# weapon alone. Also some of the reasons for people not being interested in pvp are, not interesting to them, always to busy with grinding, rewards not worth it to them, bad first time experience, to challenging.....the list can go on. Only the dedicated pvp's are the ones that keep it in use, and the numbers are not very big.

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I still think PvP is and will be good for STO.

    I have yet to notice any shortage of A**holes on either side of the debate. They are the one constant that runs through both parties.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • redz4twredz4tw Member Posts: 3
    edited December 2013
    I still don't understand the allure of PvE. As soon as I finish my Omega and Romulan rep trees, the only thing i'm gonna be running STF's for is fleet marks. Killing defenseless NPC's has no honor.
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