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Season 8 is a failure.



  • zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    We haven't even gotten to Tier 2 on the Dilithium Mine, and I'm seeing that all we need to donate Dilithium-wise is a little over 10k, though like I said, I suspect the price'll go up, which is not a good idea IMO.

    The thing I have to remember is to not become so attached to things like starbases and other holdings with all the games i've played that are like ghost towns with full this and that but otherwise useless to me now heh. They are nothing more to what is known by many to be the flavor of the month and what pays the bills for cryptic.
  • emacsheadroomemacsheadroom Member Posts: 994 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I love sparking threadnaughts.

    So I actually went back and read every single reply. If anybody has refuted even one point I made in my two initial posts, I haven't seen it. And the only counterpoint anybody has made is "Well the visuals are lovely", to which I agree. But nice graphics and beautiful landscapes are not enough to satisfy me. Even an aesthete will get bored of staring at "Starry Night" for 3 hours every day for a year. I must conclude that people haven't put forth any other compelling counter-arguments because they can't, because there are none.

    Please, somebody refute these:

    - Nothing players do actually makes a difference to territory control or brings our side closer to destroying all the Omega particles.
    - There is no plot being advanced.
    - There is no thinking of a solution or negotiating for a solution, there's only a firing solution.
    - Shoot to get rewards and nothing else.
    - Once you're done shooting the big dumb objects, go back and shoot the exact same big dumb objects again for another reward. That's all there is to do.

    A cutscene of a diplomatic delegation to the Voth being wiped out would have been nice. Hell, we actually had missions on the Undine front to open diplomatic relations with them. There was a time when Cryptic at least paid lip service to the idea that the Federation is not a gang of intergalactic criminals. A few little extras could have at least justified the sloppy lack of storytelling. I could have forgiven the whole damn season if they had put in that tiny bit of effort.

    And so many people who disagree with my argument have either called me a whiner or a Cryptic hater or said they just love the new expansion, so why don't I? To that I say: some people love movies produced by, directed by, and starring the Wayans brothers, but that doesn't make those movies good.
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Just fighting in the battlezone for an hour or two every day can give you a one from a daily, and five from a special project.

    You said you'd do it without special grinding, but that is special grinding. It takes away from what you'd have been doing those two hours.
    Since I'd totally be fighting dinosaurs in real life right now if I could, this is not a hard goal to meet.

    Some of us prefer Ninjak to Turok.
  • aloishammeraloishammer Member Posts: 3,294 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Perhaps it's because I am a lot older than most of you kids (49), but just the thrill of being inside a Dyson Sphere and taking in the awesome visualisation of what this place may actually look like was thrill enough for me.

    At 46, I consider eye candy to be icing on the cake.

    Problem is, Season 8 is just a thin layer of icing. On nothing. Not one crumb of cake. And I don't care how great the icing is, without the cake it lacks severely.

    Lots of eye candy, no substance, no story, no plot- just more of James T's infamous line from Star Trekkin': "We come in peace, shoot to kill, shoot to kill, shoot to kill...we come in peace, shoot to kill, men!"
  • iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    starswordc wrote: »
    Show me the proof.

    Voyager episode: Prime Factors

    KIM: I can't believe they're not going to help us. Some kind of hospitality.
    TORRES: Forty thousand light years. Even if that's as far as we could go, it would still knock about four decades off our trip.
    CHAKOTAY: And the possibility exists that we could reconfigure the matrix at that point to take us another thirty thousand light years, right into Federation space.
    TUVOK: Since they've already said no, this kind of thinking is only going to make you feel worse.
    JANEWAY: It's the first time we've been on the other side of the fence.
    PARIS: What fence?
    JANEWAY: The one that's made of binding principles. We have our own set of rules, which includes the Prime Directive. How many times have we been in the position of refusing to interfere when some kind of disaster threatened an alien culture. It's all very well to say we do it on the basis of an enlightened principle, but how does that feel to the aliens? I'm sure many of them think the Prime Directive is a lousy idea.
    PARIS: Even we think so sometimes.
    CHAKOTAY: I know of many times when Starfleet personnel have decided on strong ethical grounds to ignore it.
    KIM: Still, there's a reason why it's Starfleet's General order number one. On the whole, it does a lot more good than harm.
  • mrcaton1mrcaton1 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Personally, I like the sphere. I like the battlezone. I've liked the random missions in the allied zone. Adventure Zones work because they allow you to partcipate in the story without having to tell a story via a mission that you play once. The Deferi zone is well done. New Romulus was well done. This one seems to have less storytelling, but I'm still enjoying it.

    MMOs have to go with repeatable content or else no one would play. You'd log on, play a mission or featured episode and then what? How often do you go back and play old missions for no reason? (The lobi even right now, however, is awesome, and should definitely return) It's unreasonable to expect new voice-acted, detailed story missions to keep people logging on and playing.

    The "grind" is what it is: a reason to keep playing. I don't mind it because I like my ship and I like the combat. And there's enough vareity now that I don't have to run Borg STFs all day. I certainly hope they'll continue to release story missions--Temporal Ambassador and Sphere of Influence were both well done--but you've got to be honest and say that repeatable content is the model for getting people to continue to play. It kept Diablo II alive for more than a decade . . . .

    If only people would actually ROLEPLAY in a roleplaying game, the demand for new dev-created content would not be so high, but I know that's too much to ask.
  • dnaangel9dnaangel9 Member Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Quit trying to ruin it for the rest of us who haven't yet played any of it.

    Then why are you on a thread about it? Obviously it has spoilers..doh!
  • dnaangel9dnaangel9 Member Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    mrcaton1 wrote: »
    If only people would actually ROLEPLAY in a roleplaying game, the demand for new dev-created content would not be so high, but I know that's too much to ask.

    Just making a toon and doing what you will IS Roleplaying. You are "Filling the role" in which you want that character to be or do. It dosent matter if you are just after PvP or you have intricate RP groups setup to act out ST in a fantasy world. Its "Roleplaying" either way you look at it.

    I dont have to RP in a Fantasy concept to enjoy a RPG game.
  • mrkollinsmrkollins Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    My only complain it's the lack of challenge with this Season, everything it's too easy to be End Game content.

    The Battle Zone it's great, everything it's nicely done, buth the Voth, they are super easy. I can capture territories by my own, seriously. And when you have a full party it's something like "press fire to win".

    The queue missiones are okay.

    The Art, oh the Art!, it's great!.

    And the new rep, i don't mind grinding a new one, but give me a reason to do it!. I mean i can do all the End Game content with just the Omega rep, there's no need in doing the other ones, improve PvP at least so i can take advantage with all the reps, but for the moment there's no need to grind them all to do just PvE, it's too easy.

    For me this Season it's not a failure, but neither it's a success, more like a regular one.
    Division Hispana
  • macroniusmacronius Member Posts: 2,526
    edited November 2013
    Because season 8 is based on a line in a mike meyers comedy so everything else is just relevant

    +1 Internet

    Also Season 8 is a train wreck in slow motion. GG Devs.
    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

    - Judge Aaron Satie
  • pingas5pingas5 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    You?re lucky you?re even getting a Season 8. You should be thankful and stop whining. I'm tired of people like you whining your balls off who can't accept that we have the nicest admins who are trying their best to make these updates for you and all you do is ''WAAAH DIS IZ NUTHIN LIEK TEH SHUW ND CRIPTICZ IZ LIEK SO GREEDEH''. Cryptic?s admins could be spending their time with their family but the admins are nice enough to sit down and update the game for you. If you don't like the game anymore, then don't play it.
  • talonxvtalonxv Member Posts: 4,257 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    pingas5 wrote: »
    You?re lucky you?re even getting a Season 8. You should be thankful and stop whining. I'm tired of people like you whining your balls off who can't accept that we have the nicest admins who are trying their best to make these updates for you and all you do is ''WAAAH DIS IZ NUTHIN LIEK TEH SHUW ND CRIPTICZ IZ LIEK SO GREEDEH''. Cryptic?s admins could be spending their time with their family but the admins are nice enough to sit down and update the game for you. If you don't like the game anymore, then don't play it.

    On the flip side, it's their JOB to put out a quality product. Granted it's new and interesting, but there's no meat to the bones.

    I think that's the main issue for so many. It's got the ooo and ahhh factor then it's like "that's it?'
    Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!

  • gypsyinspacegypsyinspace Member Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Graphics=top notch
  • iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Cryptic's admins could be spending their time with their family

    Without a paycheck.

    It's Cryptic's job to create a quality product that people like to play, that generates revenue. It's prudent as part of their job to take player feedback in order to see what players like and enjoy, and what they do not like and enjoy. And to take constructive feedback under consideration.

    It's our job to provide constructive feedback on the forums, but many simply post negative feedback without A) Offering viable solutions or alternatives (I.E. Many people post unrealistic or unrational alternatives or solutions with respect to the game) B) Being objective and recognizing there's some give and take on both sides (the customer and business, no the customer is not always right and that hasn't been the case for decades in any business).

    Cryptic does read the feedback, and I'd like to think they pay more attention to constructive feedback made by an objective perspective, and not blatant whining. It's careful to consider then, that all feedback (whether positive or negative) does dictate the course the game goes into. Which affects us all.

    We decide the course the game goes into -- and Season 8 is one part artistic license by Cryptic, and one part feedback from the players.

    I think one part people do have legitimate complaints about, but it's important to understand that many things people complain about in STO are the result of being one of many things people complained about STO in the past. And we get the game "we" ask for.
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    pingas5 wrote: »
    You?re lucky you?re even getting a Season 8. You should be thankful and stop whining. I'm tired of people like you whining your balls off who can't accept that we have the nicest admins who are trying their best to make these updates for you and all you do is ''WAAAH DIS IZ NUTHIN LIEK TEH SHUW ND CRIPTICZ IZ LIEK SO GREEDEH''. Cryptic?s admins could be spending their time with their family but the admins are nice enough to sit down and update the game for you. If you don't like the game anymore, then don't play it.

    You know what? I also could be spending entire days with my family, but I gotta' do this thing....you know, go to work, earn some money...

    Oh wait, you thought that the devs. are doing this because they're milionaires bored to death with nothing better to do in their free time? :D

    I'm not saying the devs. aren't nice and all, cause they're cool, but at the end of the day making this game is their job. No Season 8 - no content. No content - no players. No players - no revenue. No revenue - no job.
    Then they could spend all the time in the world with their families, but are probably gonna' spend it worrying how to support their families without a job.
  • macroniusmacronius Member Posts: 2,526
    edited November 2013
    Challenge accepted

    1. No story
    2. No difficulty
    3. Missions are slow paced and enemies are not threatening
    4. Another pointless rep grid without cool missions to make it more palatable
    5. Plot is completely nonsensical ... Omega particle ... Voth ... sphere ... This is the season of Voyager because they threw in random elements.
    6. Another amazingly agonizing fleet holding for all those fleets struggling to progress
    7. Voth ... Who make a single appearance in Voyager ... are the star attraction
    8. Dinos with lasers on their heads
    9. Domesticated T'rex battling Klinks and Feds with battleths (sp)

    I could go on and on ...
    iconians wrote: »
    Without a paycheck.

    It's Cryptic's job to create a quality product that people like to play, that generates revenue. It's prudent as part of their job to take player feedback in order to see what players like and enjoy, and what they do not like and enjoy. And to take constructive feedback under consideration.

    It's our job to provide constructive feedback on the forums, but many simply post negative feedback without A) Offering viable solutions or alternatives (I.E. Many people post unrealistic or unrational alternatives or solutions with respect to the game) B) Being objective and recognizing there's some give and take on both sides (the customer and business, no the customer is not always right and that hasn't been the case for decades in any business).

    Cryptic does read the feedback, and I'd like to think they pay more attention to constructive feedback made by an objective perspective, and not blatant whining. It's careful to consider then, that all feedback (whether positive or negative) does dictate the course the game goes into. Which affects us all.

    We decide the course the game goes into -- and Season 8 is one part artistic license by Cryptic, and one part feedback from the players.

    I think one part people do have legitimate complaints about, but it's important to understand that many things people complain about in STO are the result of being one of many things people complained about STO in the past. And we get the game "we" ask for.
    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

    - Judge Aaron Satie
  • iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    macronius wrote: »
    Challenge accepted

    1. No story
    2. No difficulty
    3. Missions are slow paced and enemies are not threatening
    4. Another pointless rep grid without cool missions to make it more palatable
    5. Plot is completely nonsensical ... Omega particle ... Voth ... sphere ... This is the season of Voyager because they threw in random elements.
    6. Another amazingly agonizing fleet holding for all those fleets struggling to progress
    7. Voth ... Who make a single appearance in Voyager ... are the star attraction
    8. Dinos with lasers on their heads
    9. Domesticated T'rex battling Klinks and Feds with battleths (sp)

    I could go on and on ...

    See, that's a step in the right direction when it comes to feedback.
  • kirksplatkirksplat Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Just for the internet record, I have zero interest in anything season 8 related except for the Worf mission. I played it, and it was great.

    I haven't seen anything else that remotely resembles a story, but that is from browsing the forums, not playing the content. If anyone could direct me to the parts of season 8 besides the random new enemies to kill in some kind of storyless adventure zone of rinse and repeat, then I'll be happy to play that content.

    Something like a no win scenario or scanning rocks on New Romulus sparks zero interest in me. But, yeah, I'm playing a mmo simply because it's star trek when I hate everything about mmos, or at least this one, since I don't play any others.

    I don't care about buckets. I don't really care about any amazing artwork done to make random killing fun. So, if anyone can direct me to the parts of season 8 that I might enjoy, then please share. I'm just looking for an actual story.
  • macroniusmacronius Member Posts: 2,526
    edited November 2013
    kirksplat wrote: »
    Just for the internet record, I have zero interest in anything season 8 related except for the Worf mission. I played it, and it was great.

    I haven't seen anything else that remotely resembles a story, but that is from browsing the forums, not playing the content. If anyone could direct me to the parts of season 8 besides the random new enemies to kill in some kind of storyless adventure zone of rinse and repeat, then I'll be happy to play that content.

    Something like a no win scenario or scanning rocks on New Romulus sparks zero interest in me. But, yeah, I'm playing a mmo simply because it's star trek when I hate everything about mmos, or at least this one, since I don't play any others.

    I don't care about buckets. I don't really care about any amazing artwork done to make random killing fun. So, if anyone can direct me to the parts of season 8 that I might enjoy, then please share. I'm just looking for an actual story.

    Could not agree more with the sentiments expressed here. Grinds and repetitive gameplay are okay but I need some story carrot to go along with the grind stick.

    All grind and no play make Homer go something something ...
    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

    - Judge Aaron Satie
  • adverberoadverbero Member Posts: 2,045 Arc User
    edited November 2013

    Again on the ground, I was able to solo several of the capture points. Surely this means that the zone's general difficulty level needs to be given a second look?


    I'd agree with this, Doesn't really feel like i'm fighting a war with the voth, its more like Pest control, The combat isn't bad, its just that it could be a little more of a challenge in my opinion
    ( or is there an elite version of the instance i don't know of?)

    There are a huge amount of people whining on the forums, well nothing new there of course, but a large number of people, very creative people, have spent a lot of time building this entire adventure zone for us to explore and enjoy, it must be pretty demoralising for them to read the negative comments on this forum.

    As an old dude I offer some advice, slow down, look around, try to visualise yourself actually here, explore and read everything before you even begin to fight. If you rush through it all in a few hours then all you have to look forward to is Season 9, which no doubt will generate plenty more whining threads.

    Wait a second, this looks like a thought out and eloquent response, What are you doing on a Forum? Its reserved solely for Complaints and unreasonable requests!

    These are the Voyages on the STO forum, the final frontier. Our continuing mission: to explore Pretentious Posts, to seek out new Overreactions and Misinformation , to boldly experience Cynicism like no man has before.......
  • rheatitanrheatitan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    kirksplat wrote: »
    Just for the internet record, I have zero interest in anything season 8 related except for the Worf mission. I played it, and it was great.

    I haven't seen anything else that remotely resembles a story, but that is from browsing the forums, not playing the content. If anyone could direct me to the parts of season 8 besides the random new enemies to kill in some kind of storyless adventure zone of rinse and repeat, then I'll be happy to play that content.

    Something like a no win scenario or scanning rocks on New Romulus sparks zero interest in me. But, yeah, I'm playing a mmo simply because it's star trek when I hate everything about mmos, or at least this one, since I don't play any others.

    I don't care about buckets. I don't really care about any amazing artwork done to make random killing fun. So, if anyone can direct me to the parts of season 8 that I might enjoy, then please share. I'm just looking for an actual story.

    wasn't there meant to be a foundry season?

    To be honest if it wasn't for the foundry missions I would have stopped playing a long time ago. I dunno why they just invest in it more? Hell even if they put in blank maps that are just rooms and corridors instead of the maps that were taken from other missions would be a huge step forward!
  • rustiswordzrustiswordz Member Posts: 824 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Its all horses for courses isn't it.

    For me I'm an STF man. The Breach is very cool. (I like the fact beam weapons are the most effective weapon in this stf!) Elachi alert I like (but is a bit simple and lacks variation)

    The graphics are fantastic, but its so empty so far I haven seen many people to do the persistent battle zones, I presume that's more to do with time zones.

    The new lock box and Voth reputation is worthless to me. Nothing of value there to hold my interest.

    The sponsorship tokens, ace idea. I can really catch up with my toons now.

    However my opinion is my own.
    Monkey see, Monkey do. Monkey flings Feathered Monkey poo... :D
  • talonxvtalonxv Member Posts: 4,257 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    When they say SEASON, I am expecting a whole arc. I was expecting exploration, maybe some missions working with other factions.

    I was literally done with the "season" mission inside of an hour. It's not season worthy, not yet anyways. It's just another grind playground, that's it.
    Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!

  • marc8219marc8219 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I guess its a little premature for me to declare it a failure yet. I heard there is a bug that causes procs to activate on yourself so I am going to hold out on doing anything combat related until its fixed. All I have done since S8 launch is just do Spin the Wheel and a few doff missions before logging.
    Tala -KDF Tac- House of Beautiful Orions
  • noshufflenoshuffle Member Posts: 271 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Most dissapointing about Season 8 !!!

    It's about the Voth, same as with the Elachi, a species that only appeared once during one episode in the whole Star Trek series. Secondary, they weren't that violent, only doctrinated and willing to defend their ideas.
    OK, if I have to stay here for a while, your cieling ... looks idious.:D
  • macroniusmacronius Member Posts: 2,526
    edited November 2013
    noshuffle wrote: »
    Most dissapointing about Season 8 !!!

    It's about the Voth, same as with the Elachi, a species that only appeared once during one episode in the whole Star Trek series. Secondary, they weren't that violent, only doctrinated and willing to defend their ideas.

    Thank you. For a while I thought I was the only one making this argument.
    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

    - Judge Aaron Satie
  • kirksplatkirksplat Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    rheatitan wrote: »
    wasn't there meant to be a foundry season?

    To be honest if it wasn't for the foundry missions I would have stopped playing a long time ago. I dunno why they just invest in it more? Hell even if they put in blank maps that are just rooms and corridors instead of the maps that were taken from other missions would be a huge step forward!

    It's a system. When Cryptic puts in a system, it's half-baked and instantly abandoned for the next great half-baked system.

    They've been talking about Foundry improvements for a long time. A very long time. It's about 3 years into Beta. A few things here and there, but the Foundry has pretty much been abandoned.

    It's still beta. And it's pretty telling that the Foundry stuff feels more like Star Trek when the authors are literally handicapped by a toolset that makes them create maps that look like DOOM, because we can't get decent props, since the art team is making some big new shiny for some new system.

    It will be no different in S9. The devs seem most excited right now to port over some NW system features for the Foundry that barely work, rather than maybe giving authors a floor to go with a specific wall.
  • halfpint71kyhalfpint71ky Member Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    It doesn't match the "people can't play at all" issue because the game was not utterly packed when I played it. It looked like just another regular day in STO, outside the Dyson sphere as well as inside it. I'd say people couldn't connect due to some server side problem that has nothing to do with server load.

    No honestly the issue is that we can't even get into the game period and they know its graphics related, so you can imagine how wide spread that might be as the game is a graphics hog... Also judging by the posts and imagining that many didn't post the problem there were alot of regular players locked out by this issue. Hopefully we can all get in soon... but from what I am hearing it might not be that big of a miss... thanks for the heads up!
    Proud Member of the Order of persistence, Chief of Investigations"Persistent Officer"since 11/12/13...:P 600 strong and growing...all phages, vidians, other outcasts welcome, note: all new members BYOC (bring your own chair) please and thank you! Five time winner in 1st and 2nd annual last 500 tied for top 2000 @halfpint71ky
  • azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    macronius wrote: »
    Challenge accepted

    1. No story
    2. No difficulty
    3. Missions are slow paced and enemies are not threatening
    4. Another pointless rep grid without cool missions to make it more palatable
    5. Plot is completely nonsensical ... Omega particle ... Voth ... sphere ... This is the season of Voyager because they threw in random elements.
    6. Another amazingly agonizing fleet holding for all those fleets struggling to progress
    7. Voth ... Who make a single appearance in Voyager ... are the star attraction
    8. Dinos with lasers on their heads
    9. Domesticated T'rex battling Klinks and Feds with battleths (sp)

    I could go on and on ...


    Especially #6
    iconians wrote: »
    It's Cryptic's job to create a quality product that people like to play, that generates revenue. It's prudent as part of their job to take player feedback in order to see what players like and enjoy, and what they do not like and enjoy. And to take constructive feedback under consideration.

    It's our job to provide constructive feedback on the forums, but many simply post negative feedback without A) Offering viable solutions or alternatives (I.E. Many people post unrealistic or unrational alternatives or solutions with respect to the game) B) Being objective and recognizing there's some give and take on both sides (the customer and business, no the customer is not always right and that hasn't been the case for decades in any business).

    Cryptic does read the feedback, and I'd like to think they pay more attention to constructive feedback made by an objective perspective, and not blatant whining. It's careful to consider then, that all feedback (whether positive or negative) does dictate the course the game goes into. Which affects us all.

    We decide the course the game goes into -- and Season 8 is one part artistic license by Cryptic, and one part feedback from the players.

    I think one part people do have legitimate complaints about, but it's important to understand that many things people complain about in STO are the result of being one of many things people complained about STO in the past. And we get the game "we" ask for.

    Playing Devil's Advocate, Battlezone was indeed them responding to our feedback regarding Territory control. Unfortunately, it's not Territory Control but a PvE version of Cap and Hold. That's why it's not going to have staying power, because it's the same thing over and over again. In short, they took the easy way and expected it to pay off.

    What they really needed to do is make an actual battle front that actually moved and have events change depending on the situation of the front line. And not making it "rat ear" missions to make the war front move. And could easily see the storyline change depending on situation as well.
  • christianmacchristianmac Member Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    This season exists in this manner because of us. A while back they did a poll about what show we wanted content from, we voted voyager. the undine and the borg were in the game allready as well as the hirogen.......they didnt have many bad guys left. The voth have the potential to be big bad guys. The devs will buff them up then people will be complaining that they are too hard.
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