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Season 8 is a failure.



  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,276 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I'll say it,again the ground areas scale to the number of peoples around them up to 5 so OF COURSE THEYRE SOLOABLE.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • sparhawksparhawk Member Posts: 796 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    This season exists in this manner because of us. A while back they did a poll about what show we wanted content from, we voted voyager. the undine and the borg were in the game allready as well as the hirogen.......they didnt have many bad guys left. The voth have the potential to be big bad guys. The devs will buff them up then people will be complaining that they are too hard.

    Voyager did win, but the follow up race poll was won by the Krenim and not the Voth.
  • talonxvtalonxv Member Posts: 4,257 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    sparhawk wrote: »
    Voyager did win, but the follow up race poll was won by the Krenim and not the Voth.

    How bout we finally get the frakking Iconian war going. I mean jesus been hiding in the backround for how long now?

    Enough's enough. Bring the war!
    Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!

  • rustiswordzrustiswordz Member Posts: 824 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    The space adventure zones are just capture the flag isn't it?
    Monkey see, Monkey do. Monkey flings Feathered Monkey poo... :D
  • talonxvtalonxv Member Posts: 4,257 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    The space adventure zones are just capture the flag isn't it?

    pretty much this.
    Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!

  • gstamo01gstamo01 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    My problem with S8 is that is doesn't bring any new dynamic to the game. It is just more of the same old TRIBBLE, but in a shiny new wrapper.
    You know Cryptic has Jumped the Proverbial Shark when they introduced Tractor Pulling to Star Trek Online! :D
  • nicha0nicha0 Member Posts: 1,456 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I wouldn't say the players asked for this.. almost none of it

    Were people dying to fight the Voth? No
    Was the omega particle on any radar? Definitely not
    A new dyson sphere that is magically in the delta quadrant because .. they said it was?
    A new holding just like all the other ones? Definitely not
    A new rep because WE LOVE TO GRIND? NO

    People were asking for new useful ship interiors, which we didn't get
    People were asking for real changes to PvP, which didn't happen
    People were asking for crafting.. nothing
    People were asking for exploration, nope, not even in a dyson sphere
    People wanted territory control for pvp, got a grindy easy peasy pve version that can be soloed 95% of the time.
    Major long term bugs fixed? Not done
    People wanted challenging content? None to be found
    People want a fix to the insanity of power creep ruining the game. We got even more power creep.

    Not sure how cryptic thinks it can sustain building a game on a broken foundation, but they seem to insist on trying. Its not working
    Delirium Tremens
    Completed Starbase, Embassy, Mine, Spire and No Win Scenario
    Nothing to do anymore.
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  • halfpint71kyhalfpint71ky Member Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Perhaps it's because I am a lot older than most of you kids (49), but just the thrill of being inside a Dyson Sphere and taking in the awesome visualisation of what this place may actually look like was thrill enough for me.

    So many younger people nowadays seem to have a very short appreciation span, I see it with my own kids, show them something new or give them a new toy and they are bored with it within minutes or at most a few hours and then want the next shiny. When I was a kid I had to wait for Christmas or birthdays to get that new toy experience. This meant that I had to use my imagination with the toys I had, it's a valuable life skill and allows you to appreciate the details that are all around you which so many younger people simply do not even see.

    Season 8 has so many missions, so many tremendous artworks to take in, new areas for fleets, new weapons and systems to learn about, and a whole race of new (to STO) aliens to discover and conquer (at least at the moment, hoping for a relationship with them later) that a few hours is barely enough time to get more than just the flavour of it.

    There are a huge amount of people whining on the forums, well nothing new there of course, but a large number of people, very creative people, have spent a lot of time building this entire adventure zone for us to explore and enjoy, it must be pretty demoralising for them to read the negative comments on this forum.

    As an old dude I offer some advice, slow down, look around, try to visualise yourself actually here, explore and read everything before you even begin to fight. If you rush through it all in a few hours then all you have to look forward to is Season 9, which no doubt will generate plenty more whining threads.

    I agree so whole heartedly...and if this were facebook... i would give you a like lol!

    that being said people just look at this whole game its amazing even with bugs and patches and problems, just the art of creating this game is worthy of praise... if it failed to satisfy some appetites that is always the same world over. I haven't even been able to get into see what anyone is talking about and even though that is so frustrating I think its incredible the imaginations that created new content.... it is big and glorious to accomplish that anyone not satisfied ok i get it but back up and realize how huge this really is in a broader perspective of things!

    Sure maybe I can say this because like this op i'm a little older... and besides also I grew up watching TOS on an 18inch black and white set when the weather didn't move the antenae out of line. you can't imagine how we would have laughed to think anyone would ever create something like this game! To us back then it was about as likely to happen as for Gorn to land on earth and attack!

    So try to see a new perspective and sharpen the imagination its our only hope for the future!
    Proud Member of the Order of persistence, Chief of Investigations"Persistent Officer"since 11/12/13...:P 600 strong and growing...all phages, vidians, other outcasts welcome, note: all new members BYOC (bring your own chair) please and thank you! Five time winner in 1st and 2nd annual last 500 tied for top 2000 @halfpint71ky
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    You said you'd do it without special grinding, but that is special grinding. It takes away from what you'd have been doing those two hours.
    How is this in any way a bad thing? Other than you don't want to do it?
    My character Tsin'xing
  • kain9primekain9prime Member Posts: 739 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I would log in to try it out but, "There are too many users online. Please try again later."

    Lol - wut?

    The artist formally known as Romulus_Prime
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    This season exists in this manner because of us. A while back they did a poll about what show we wanted content from, we voted voyager. the undine and the borg were in the game allready as well as the hirogen.......they didnt have many bad guys left. The voth have the potential to be big bad guys. The devs will buff them up then people will be complaining that they are too hard.
    Actually, people already ARE complaining that they're too hard. :P
    My character Tsin'xing
  • starswordcstarswordc Member Posts: 10,963 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    iconians wrote: »
    KIM: Still, there's a reason why it's Starfleet's General order number one. On the whole, it does a lot more good than harm.

    That's not proof, that's a character's opinion with no evidence backing it. He cites no actual examples. (In fairness, neither does Chakotay, but he doesn't have to because instances of his point actually happened on screen.) Characters are eminently fallible. Show me an on-screen example of the Prime Directive actually doing something good instead of being used as an excuse.
    "Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
    — Sabaton, "Great War"

    Check out https://unitedfederationofpla.net/s/
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    kain9prime wrote: »
    I would log in to try it out but, "There are too many users online. Please try again later."

    Lol - wut?

    There's a cure for that(LTS). :D I guess that despite all the peeps whining and complaining, this season is as popular as the devs were hoping it'd be. :P
    My character Tsin'xing
  • voicesdarkvoicesdark Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    The sad, but cold hard truth is that sitting in the Star Citizen forums is more entertaining than anything Cryptic has don since the LOR Launch. "Sphere of Influence" had some interesting bits with the gateway hub room I'll give it that, but over all the rest of it just turned Worf into a whining *****, and very much felt like a recycled Elachi map.

    Let's face it, The engine they use can barely handle a 20v20 map let alone do a convincing Dyson's sphere, some dev has fond memories of watch/playing with their "Dinoriders" toys so they added them to the game, and added the Voth that no one really cares about either way.

    Having a poll on season 8 content blatantly contradicts their "we have the storyline all laid out seasons in advance..." constant rhetoric and as others have said it's just more of the same old **** people don't even like in the first place.

    Hell just from following the dev blogs there wasn't a single thing from this season that really stood out as interesting or must play to the point that I forgot season 8 was even releasing until I saw it on Facebook. Hell they didn't even bother insulting us by saying our feedback matters by having a test weekend this release.

    Cryptic proved they don't care about player feedback with all the outcry from players ovr the way they handled adding the Romulan "faction" to the game and they've proved it more everyday with season 8.

    Luckily there are games on the horizon where the devs actually ask for and use player feedback because the catch all draw of the name "Star Trek" isn't working anymore as they continue to get further away from what Star Trek is and more disconnected from the players.
  • velquavelqua Member Posts: 1,220 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I have to agree with most of you that Season 8 lacks in story. "Sphere of Influence" was not enough for this leap in the story. Two or three missions about what happened from then until would have helped the transition. Just throwing us into "Jurassic Park" to fight for loot isn't really my cup of tea. Don't get me wrong. I like running Defera, helping the Deferi fight the Borg. And I do like that there is such a zone, but I think it could have been implemented differently. Personally, I would have liked the zone to be dark like the subspace place we visited in "Sphere of Influence".

    As for "Star Wars" Luke's run on the Voth Star...yup...you heard me...that is somewhat a fun mission, but it really feels more like "The Vault Shuttle". If you are going to rip off that run from "Star Wars", you should have some fighters coming at us like in the Elachi atmosphere run, maybe added some suspense.

    If there is one thing I truly like out of Season 8, it is that, when you are at the Command Spire, you can make the flags move when you touch them. I find that to be cool and hope we see more of that.

    A lot of people have voiced what I feel towards Season 8, but I wanted to add those to the comments. I will say that I am still looking for "Barney". I do wish I could have my "Mighty Morphin' Power Ranger" toys to play with against the Voth, as well as have Dinobot from "Beast Wars" tag along with me. Oh well...

    Is Season 8 a failure?

    It's not as successful as Season 7, but time will tell if it breaks even.
  • lordagamemnonb5lordagamemnonb5 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Honestly, I don't have an issue with a more "militaristic" Starfleet. In fact, in light of the various wars that have taken place during the TNG-DS9 time frame, I would expect the Federation to realize that the rest of galaxy doesn't think like them and take the appropriate steps (not abandon their core principles, but be better prepared). But something like this needs to fit in with the story, which brings me to...

    My main issue is, as Stan Marsh put it, there seems to be a big gap in information. We go from hinting at Voth involvement with the Iconians and those subspace creatures from "Schisms" to being in a flat out war over Omega Particles in a Dyson Sphere. Technically, we all knew about the sphere but nothing was really hinted in Sphere of Influence that we were inside one (one unfamiliar with the development could just assume we were in that subspace realm seen in "Schisms").

    Even though I would expect a more miltaristic Starfleet, I would expect some diplomacy. Truth be told, the Federation could just show the Voth some fossils from Earth and probably end the whole war over night, declare the Voth to be long lost cousins, and hold hands and sing kumbaya.

    And for the love of all things sacred, please end the Klingon-Federation War. The Undine were exposed, the Borg are invading left and right, the poor attempt at getting the Jem'Hadar into game (the True Way) were just never convincing, and we have now what amounts to the reformation of the Dominion War's Federation Alliance. At this point, keeping that war going is just demonstrating Cryptic's apathy.
    How the Devs see Star Trek, apparently:
    Star Trek: The Original Grind
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    Star Trek: Deep Space Grind
    Star Trek: Voyage to the Grind
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    starswordc wrote: »
    That's not proof, that's a character's opinion with no evidence backing it. He cites no actual examples. (In fairness, neither does Chakotay, but he doesn't have to because instances of his point actually happened on screen.) Characters are eminently fallible. Show me an on-screen example of the Prime Directive actually doing something good instead of being used as an excuse.
    I suppose this is a bad way of looking at it, but TOS has a classic example.

    Let's start with Bread and Circuses. Someone uses advanced technology to take over a "primitive" planet.

    Sigma Iotia was a case of accidental cultural contamination so severe that the people of the planet took on a new identity.

    Landru enslaved a civilization because it could.

    Part of the purpose of the Prime Directive is to prevent the Federation from abusing less advanced civilizations. Truthfully.... reigning in expansionism is pretty much the only productive use it's been seen to have.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • jgardner1975jgardner1975 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Perhaps it's because I am a lot older than most of you kids (49), but just the thrill of being inside a Dyson Sphere and taking in the awesome visualisation of what this place may actually look like was thrill enough for me.

    So many younger people nowadays seem to have a very short appreciation span, I see it with my own kids, show them something new or give them a new toy and they are bored with it within minutes or at most a few hours and then want the next shiny. When I was a kid I had to wait for Christmas or birthdays to get that new toy experience. This meant that I had to use my imagination with the toys I had, it's a valuable life skill and allows you to appreciate the details that are all around you which so many younger people simply do not even see.

    Season 8 has so many missions, so many tremendous artworks to take in, new areas for fleets, new weapons and systems to learn about, and a whole race of new (to STO) aliens to discover and conquer (at least at the moment, hoping for a relationship with them later) that a few hours is barely enough time to get more than just the flavour of it.

    There are a huge amount of people whining on the forums, well nothing new there of course, but a large number of people, very creative people, have spent a lot of time building this entire adventure zone for us to explore and enjoy, it must be pretty demoralising for them to read the negative comments on this forum.

    As an old dude I offer some advice, slow down, look around, try to visualise yourself actually here, explore and read everything before you even begin to fight. If you rush through it all in a few hours then all you have to look forward to is Season 9, which no doubt will generate plenty more whining threads.

    I hear ya man. I guess i'm old too cause I get a kick out of playing the game in general. I guess when you've played atari when you're a kid, these online games almost seem like witchcraft:)
    Vice Admiral Gardner
    Federation Engineer
    Captain of the U.S.S. Bayou La Batre
  • astro2244astro2244 Member Posts: 623 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Why is the Federation so TRIBBLE?

    What happened to the diplomatic option? Have any peace delegations tried to open up talks with the Voth and say "please stop harvesting the particle that could ruin everything"? But no. The Federation is all about "Shoot first, don't even bother asking questions". Because the guys making the decisions at Cryptic know that "kill everything" is what sells, except that Trek is about the opposite of "kill everything".

    How arrogant is the Federation to go to the other side of the galaxy to impose its will on another sovereign power while having such limited knowledge of what we're dealing with? Maybe the Voth have millions of years of experience with harvesting and using Omega particles? They can build ships the size of small moons. They take centuries to perfect technology before using it. They don't take crazy risks. So maybe they know what the hell they're doing.

    Maybe we should ask them! They might be harvesting Omega to fight the Iconians. Maybe if Cryptic thought of creating gameplay other than "fly around and shoot the big dumb object and get a reward", this would feel like Star Trek and not "Generic space action MMO: now with space T-Rexes!".

    Yeah sure................ :rolleyes: this coming from the most Militaristic race in the quadrant and i'm not talking about Romulans...... not anymore that is.
  • iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    starswordc wrote: »
    That's not proof, that's a character's opinion with no evidence backing it. He cites no actual examples. (In fairness, neither does Chakotay, but he doesn't have to because instances of his point actually happened on screen.) Characters are eminently fallible. Show me an on-screen example of the Prime Directive actually doing something good instead of being used as an excuse.

    It's proof that what I said was real. It's not proof that the Prime Directive is this or that, simply that there are those in Starfleet who agree that despite the fact a civilization has to get wiped out every once in a while, overall the non-interference clause has done more good than harm.

    It's proof that it's an opinion shared by a few characters on the show. It's not proof that their opinions are right or wrong, simply that they hold those opinions.

    My original text was: But they even said so in Voyager on-screen that the Prime Directive has done more good than bad. That's not to say it's perfect. But in the whole grand scheme of probability and calculated risks... obedience to the Prime Directive wins out.

    I admit that 'they' was an extremely vague and unspecific number of people. But given that it was held onto by Picard and Archer (who said that despite the fact the Prime Directive doesn't exist yet, he had to make sure he wasn't playing God with the new life and civilizations he was trying to discover), I think it's safe to assume that the Prime Directive is popular enough with morally ethical characters in Starfleet as to be accepted as not perfect -- but "on the whole" has done more good than harm.

    To quote Picard: "The Prime Directive is not just a set of rules; it is a philosophy... and a very correct one. History has proven again and again that whenever mankind interferes with a less developed civilization, no matter how well intentioned that interference may be, the results are invariably disastrous."

    You save a pre-warp civilization which has a naturally self-destructive or warlike tendency, and you end up playing God. Starfleet isn't about playing God. Then that species goes on to meet the rest of the galaxy, but is still violent and warlike. Now you've just inadvertantly given the galaxy another headache in the form of a warlike species.

    Or in another case, a war between the Klingons and Romulans. Starfleet has to watch helplessly by because it's an 'internal affair' of another species. You help one side or the other, and you've just made another enemy. And who are you to decide which side is right or wrong when it's not your battle to fight?

    The Prime Directive is often bent or broken, and I have no problem admitting that it's an incredibly malleable plot device for Star Trek. But I don't think it's a dogma that should be unquestioned, just obeyed more often than not.
  • capnshadow27capnshadow27 Member Posts: 1,731 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    You guys realize there is a reason that the battlezones, both ship and ground have soloable enemies right?

    The ground Zone is CAPTURE AND HOLD. All three sections need to be held to start the end part which causes the zone to reset. So 3 sections, 5 players per with 8 subsections.

    So you have 15 people placed into 3 sections, subseqeuntly taking over and then running back to subsections to keep them in "good guy" control. Then those 5 players are supposed to converge on the V-Rex, with 3-4 fighting the V-Rex and 1-2 Keeping the scientists off of the Omega unit. Easy? yes, Soloable? yes. Made for One person to be able to do alone? no. You cannot take over 24 subsections and hold them alone, and then fight three V-Rex's ine different sections in the time given. A single person cannot even take a single section completely alone, i have gotten to 7 out of the 8 by myself. But couldn't get the eigth due to constantly running to stop the
    Voth from taking something back.

    Ship areas are the same, you have HUGE areas to traverse.

    Take a step back and really look at this thing they gave us. Its PvE sure. But it requires Tactics and teamwork. You cannot just facerool it unless there is a group working towards a goal. THATS the point, group with a goal.

    Try finding all the people in your section and making a team......
    Inertia just means you can do Powerslides in you carrier!
    I am Il Shadow and i approve these Shennanigans!
  • superherofansuperherofan Member Posts: 342 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I'm having a lot of fun with the ground adventure zone and the two space PVE queues so far. I haven't played around much flying around the Sphere yet.
  • hicks451hicks451 Member Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Well as most members have said everything my pennys worth is just a simple, FAIL!!!!! FAIL!!!! FAIL!!!!! Infact it's nothing but a rushed up peice of old TRIBBLE that had bits taken from every cheap TRIBBLE game that failed, Other franchises ( yea you all know what i mean) Man please the list can just go on and on. You should all be sacked at Cryptic and i really mean this and no wonder Paramount and the other bigwigs who run Star Trek won't let you touch anything that's really important with the Star Trek Universe because they just know you will TRIBBLE it all up. Infact i don't give this game another 2 years before it gets scrapped. It has been nothing but disapointment after disapointment and well to be quite frank it's BULL and defo not Star Trek in the slightest. Boys and girls at Cryptic you should be ashamed of yourselfs as you have become a laughing stock to the real Star Trek community that keeps this game alive!!! Go find a dark room and do one for such a sad sorry season with a sad sorry Voth. You have gone and killed the game with total nonsense!!! Morons!!!!! :eek: It's a game and i want dinosaurs with lazers on there heads!!! Man get a life!!! That will go down in history as one of the most dumbest things ever said and done with Star Trek i mean how the hell do you sleep at night PMSL Well i've had my rant but i still feel disapointed and it still doesnt change the fact that you killed season 8 and are defo killing STO with TRIBBLE!!!
  • contrarydecisioncontrarydecision Member Posts: 274 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    hicks451 wrote: »
    Well as most members have said everything my pennys worth is just a simple, FAIL!!!!! FAIL!!!! FAIL!!!!! Infact it's nothing but a rushed up peice of old TRIBBLE that had bits taken from every cheap TRIBBLE game that failed, Other franchises ( yea you all know what i mean) Man please the list can just go on and on. You should all be sacked at Cryptic and i really mean this and no wonder Paramount and the other bigwigs who run Star Trek won't let you touch anything that's really important with the Star Trek Universe because they just know you will TRIBBLE it all up. Infact i don't give this game another 2 years before it gets scrapped. It has been nothing but disapointment after disapointment and well to be quite frank it's BULL and defo not Star Trek in the slightest. Boys and girls at Cryptic you should be ashamed of yourselfs as you have become a laughing stock to the real Star Trek community that keeps this game alive!!! Go find a dark room and do one for such a sad sorry season with a sad sorry Voth. You have gone and killed the game with total nonsense!!! Morons!!!!! :eek: It's a game and i want dinosaurs with lazers on there heads!!! Man get a life!!! That will go down in history as one of the most dumbest things ever said and done with Star Trek i mean how the hell do you sleep at night PMSL Well i've had my rant but i still feel disapointed and it still doesnt change the fact that you killed season 8 and are defo killing STO with TRIBBLE!!!

    This is bad. Your opinion is bad. Your typing is bad. You should feel bad.

    Take the time to consider the life choices that led to you regurgitating this awful babbling and go do something else.
  • hicks451hicks451 Member Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    LOL I take it your another idiot who thinks this is all great. LOL I feel sorry for you bud. as for my typing and spelling your smoking or eating mushrooms brother!!! **** :D Infact you tell me whats good about season 8?
  • capnshadow27capnshadow27 Member Posts: 1,731 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    hicks451 wrote: »
    Well as most members have said everything my pennys worth is just a simple, FAIL!!!!! FAIL!!!! FAIL!!!!! Infact it's nothing but a rushed up peice of old TRIBBLE that had bits taken from every cheap TRIBBLE game that failed, Other franchises ( yea you all know what i mean) Man please the list can just go on and on. You should all be sacked at Cryptic and i really mean this and no wonder Paramount and the other bigwigs who run Star Trek won't let you touch anything that's really important with the Star Trek Universe because they just know you will TRIBBLE it all up. Infact i don't give this game another 2 years before it gets scrapped. It has been nothing but disapointment after disapointment and well to be quite frank it's BULL and defo not Star Trek in the slightest. Boys and girls at Cryptic you should be ashamed of yourselfs as you have become a laughing stock to the real Star Trek community that keeps this game alive!!! Go find a dark room and do one for such a sad sorry season with a sad sorry Voth. You have gone and killed the game with total nonsense!!! Morons!!!!! :eek: It's a game and i want dinosaurs with lazers on there heads!!! Man get a life!!! That will go down in history as one of the most dumbest things ever said and done with Star Trek i mean how the hell do you sleep at night PMSL Well i've had my rant but i still feel disapointed and it still doesnt change the fact that you killed season 8 and are defo killing STO with TRIBBLE!!!

    *Hands you giant chill pill*

    Relax dude. There is ONE part with a dino with lazer beams and thats the V-rex, and its less a monster killling machine boss, than it is a distraction from the Voth trying to use the Omega particale generator.

    Most are Voth with HANDHELD lazers, not voth with them attached to their heads. The other Traditionally styled "dinosaurs" are the supply runners. So i dont see why you focus on ONE thing that appears once in the three sections.

    Its various cap and hold, and rather entertaining. But your opinion is noted, and now mine is stated.

    Oh BTW the chill pill is a suppository, so you know where you can stick it :D
    Inertia just means you can do Powerslides in you carrier!
    I am Il Shadow and i approve these Shennanigans!
  • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    hicks451 wrote: »
    well As Most Members Have Said Everything My Pennys Worth Is Just A Simple, Fail!!!!! fail!!!! fail!!!!! infact It's Nothing But A Rushed Up Peice Of Old TRIBBLE That Had Bits Taken From Every Cheap TRIBBLE Game That Failed, Other Franchises ( Yea You All Know What I Mean) Man Please The List Can Just Go On And On. You Should All Be Sacked At Cryptic And I Really Mean This And No Wonder Paramount And The Other Bigwigs Who Run Star Trek Won't Let You Touch Anything That's Really Important With The Star Trek Universe Because They Just Know You Will TRIBBLE It All Up. Infact I Don't Give This Game Another 2 Years Before It Gets Scrapped. It Has Been Nothing But Disapointment After Disapointment And Well To Be Quite Frank It's bull And Defo Not Star Trek In The Slightest. Boys And Girls At Cryptic You Should Be Ashamed Of Yourselfs As You Have Become A Laughing Stock To The Real Star Trek Community That Keeps This Game Alive!!! Go Find A Dark Room And Do One For Such A Sad Sorry Season With A Sad Sorry Voth. You Have Gone And Killed The Game With Total Nonsense!!! Morons!!!!! :eek: It's A Game And I Want Dinosaurs With Lazers On There Heads!!! Man Get A Life!!! That Will Go Down In History As One Of The Most Dumbest Things Ever Said And Done With Star Trek I Mean How The Hell Do You Sleep At Night Pmsl Well I've Had My Rant But I Still Feel Disapointed And It Still Doesnt Change The Fact That You Killed Season 8 And Are Defo Killing Sto With TRIBBLE!!!


    Why can't I get a penny whenever someone screams the end... I WOULD BE RICH!!!!!
  • dnaangel9dnaangel9 Member Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    There are alot of good points from both sides of the fence.

    Sadly, I doubt the Devs even remotely skimmed through this. Judging by past actions.

    I do however, have to agree with most of you. I also think STO is going backwards in many areas. There are a lot of good ideas floating around that would really make this game worthwhile. A lot of good comes out of actually listening to your player-base and giving live feedback. Whats the point in holding Polls, if you are not going to follow though. The players spoke, you didn't deliver. If you already had it planned out to begin with, then why bother having it in the first place?

    Instead it seems as thought they are just grasping for straws with any idea that comes to mind to continue to milk a game that seems to be dying in a sense.

    Nothing wrong with new content, so long as its meaningful, in-depth, engaging and everlasting. Instead of the current every 6 months with lack-luster results. How about once a year and in that year create rich everlasting content that you had a full year to build, design and refine. STO is one of the most bug filled games I have ever played and I have seen some doosies. I have never seen a developer blatantly ignore glaring bugs for so long, or allow new content to be so filled with them. I submit tickets all the time, especially to glaring game debilitating errors. Most of which are still in the game..
  • hicks451hicks451 Member Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    PMSL. You obviously haven't got a clue about Star Trek then mate and if you are defending this pile of TRIBBLE then it looks like you have already had the chill pill as no normal descent person on this earth could see season 8 as nothing but a step back in turms of gaming, Graphics and Story lines and it's just utter rubbish which has nothing to do with Star Trek, oh and you obviosly are up the back sides of Cryptic!!! :D And in fact i haven't got a bloody clue why i'm even taking the time to reply back to you as your a D***. Anyway I have every right to say what i like as this is a forum for members to say there part in what they like or dislike in a game and im saying my point and dislikes and if it doesnt suite your liking you can go and do one in a dark room as well you muppet!!! LOL Oh no you cant say that about STO and cryptic, You moron it looks like you need to get a life!!! LOL
  • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    This thread just got interesting again

    *takes out popcorn* :cool:
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